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DEVs nerfbat hit Tau Dewa



  • heckgoblinheckgoblin Member Posts: 685
    edited October 2014
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    Start popping your small exp boosts, seems these are 'exploits' as well and are getting nerfed to 1/3 their boost.

    What small XP boosts? I'm not planning to buy any, or anything else from this cursed game, if it can be so arbitrarily changed.
    I AM WAR.
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    heckgoblin wrote: »
    What small XP boosts? I'm not planning to buy any, or anything else from this cursed game, if it can be so arbitrarily changed.

    see Tribble Patchnotes :
    -The Small XP Boost now grants 1,000 Bonus Skill Points instead of 3,000.
    -The price will remain the same at 200 ZEN.
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    heckgoblin wrote: »
    What small XP boosts? I'm not planning to buy any, or anything else from this cursed game, if it can be so arbitrarily changed.

    The 3K ones, I got a few from lockboxes and supposedly they're sold in the z-store. Word is they're getting nuked to 1K boost for the same price.

    Likely tomorrow.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • captainobvious09captainobvious09 Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Reading this thread is more fun than playing the crappy new content.

    I think all exploiters should be banned, including myself, that way I don't have to buy any more Zen.

    I was going to buy a ship pack next month, but unless the xp problem is fixed, I will not be doing that.

    Until then I am playing Firefall, I might even clean the garage.
  • welcome2earfwelcome2earf Member Posts: 1,748 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    xlesha911 wrote: »
    All of u qqers are using exploit by matching low lvl to get insanely large amount of exp in sector which are not designed for this. Ships there are weak and have low structure and damage even on elite difficulty. In a lot of other MMO ppl get ban for this.

    I agree!!! Would someone please think about the poor, helpless NPCs?!?!?
  • sevindragoonsevindragoon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Has anyone thought about the fact that romulans that join the federation are sent to this sector at the Lt. Commander level? and that said mission is still being given out with sector closed? or that after you attempt to get in there, all other sectors give this error.. Grr.. All I want to do is play the game.
  • edited October 2014
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  • englishnodenglishnod Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    xlesha911 wrote: »
    All of u qqers are using exploit by matching low lvl to get insanely large amount of exp in sector which are not designed for this. Ships there are weak and have low structure and damage even on elite difficulty. In a lot of other MMO ppl get ban for this.

    HOW exactly have you come to the conclusion that THIS is the exploit? have you ever stopped to think that cryptic may have actually uncovered a true exploit that most of us were not aware of with these maps?
    Did not think so, no you jumped in and started bashing those that actually USED what is effectively a FEATURE of the game that has been around for a VERY LONG TIME and now its an exploit?
    Or are you just jelous you did not get to use this FEATURE?

    on the flip side of what i just said, if Cryptic are claiming this is the exploit and we will find out soon enough then all i can say is SHAME ON THEM for adding a feature that they clearly thought was a good idea at the time as it made it into the game.
    In no way is this an exploit if they intentionally added this to the game, logic says to me (maybe i am far to logical for the dev team) but if you do not want people to scale their level down and actually claim greater XP then do NOT add it to the game, i am damn sure here that they could do the scale up only as is evident across the likes of red alerts and fleet queues.

    No way can anyone class this as an exploit considering it was an intended feature or it would just not be there really is that simple.
  • strykewolf67strykewolf67 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Has anyone thought about the fact that romulans that join the federation are sent to this sector at the Lt. Commander level? and that said mission is still being given out with sector closed? or that after you attempt to get in there, all other sectors give this error.. Grr.. All I want to do is play the game.

    This is the current issue. Several of our members have romulans and cannot complete their missions. Several are brand new players that started within the last 5 days, or so. They are, understandably, a bit upset.

    Sarah Knightly - Co-leader; Frontier Explorers - U.S.S. Witchblade
    Rias Gremory - Leader; Frontier Marauders - I.K.S. B'ullwinkle
  • buddha1369buddha1369 Member Posts: 386 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    englishnod wrote: »
    HOW exactly have you come to the conclusion that THIS is the exploit? have you ever stopped to think that cryptic may have actually uncovered a true exploit that most of us were not aware of with these maps?
    Did not think so, no you jumped in and started bashing those that actually USED what is effectively a FEATURE of the game that has been around for a VERY LONG TIME and now its an exploit?
    Or are you just jelous you did not get to use this FEATURE?

    on the flip side of what i just said, if Cryptic are claiming this is the exploit and we will find out soon enough then all i can say is SHAME ON THEM for adding a feature that they clearly thought was a good idea at the time as it made it into the game.
    In no way is this an exploit if they intentionally added this to the game, logic says to me (maybe i am far to logical for the dev team) but if you do not want people to scale their level down and actually claim greater XP then do NOT add it to the game, i am damn sure here that they could do the scale up only as is evident across the likes of red alerts and fleet queues.

    No way can anyone class this as an exploit considering it was an intended feature or it would just not be there really is that simple.

    I don't think you and a lot of people even know what an "exploit" actually is.
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    buddha1369 wrote: »
    I don't think you and a lot of people even know what an "exploit" actually is.

    Please enlighten us, wise one ...
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • edited October 2014
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  • litchy74litchy74 Member Posts: 417 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Watched the Lego movie with the kids, this games the same, you must play it my way you are not allowed to deviate from my plan for you.

    Bring out the krackle.........

    Arise master builders...........

    And I even had any wine yet, it's been along day........
    Where ever you go, there you are.......

    Join The Space Invaders,..... Federation and KDF fleets.
  • zathri83zathri83 Member Posts: 514 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I removed sto from my computer, as it was no longer up to my standards.
  • englishnodenglishnod Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    buddha1369 wrote: »
    I don't think you and a lot of people even know what an "exploit" actually is.

    or maybe you don't :)

    i can not see how something that they had to program in to existence and program what happens if a higher level comes down to the level of a 50 or lower etc and how much XP they receive would be construed as an exploit.
    I am quite sure they could have just done the whole increase a player to match a higher level and not the reverse.
    This is no way a side effect of them creating a system for a lower level play to match a higher level player like in most other games, this was programmed to be both ways.
    Therefore in no way is this an exploit but do feel free to explain how YOU think this is an exploit!
    besides your so called exploit here can be done all over this game, story missions, other sector patrols etc etc etc and yet the rest are not offline please feel free to explain that in this situation as well.
  • englishnodenglishnod Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    litchy74 wrote: »
    Watched the Lego movie with the kids, this games the same, you must play it my way you are not allowed to deviate from my plan for you.

    Bring out the krackle.........

    Arise master builders...........

    And I even had any wine yet, it's been along day........

    LOVE that movie :D
  • gerudongerudon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    What, you all did grind the WRONG boring patrols? What gives? :P

    Yeah, classic game designer fail. You don't give your players interesting content, but boring grind content instead. And when they then walk the path of least resistance by using boring grind content, that works faster, you have to shut it down. :rolleyes:
  • chrishellmax2363chrishellmax2363 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Omg, this is what you call policing. They police the wrong things, but leave the other things to fester.

    What hits my nerves is that everything is being nerfed. Really.

    Also ths should get them worried. More people are here instead of the game.

    I finished the Dr content in 1 week. Normal play. Fell asleep doing some of the patrols in delta rising and even wonder at half of the **** tthat the intel officers have. So far none of them works.

    Then they increased all the hps in the game on all the npc. So i am flying a t6 eclipse with 68 k hull facing off against ships with 890k huls times 6. With skills that dont work.

    I am not dps orientated. Dont even care how to make my ship hit hard. but WTF people. Which boss came into your meetings and said. Oh lets increase the hulls of these ships to 890k. Just for ****s and giggles.

    I ask this one more time. What are you smoking and is it legal where you guys think **** up.
    Whether you think you are right or wrong, either way you are RIGHT.
  • edited October 2014
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  • edited October 2014
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  • royalsovereignroyalsovereign Member Posts: 1,344 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Until then I am playing Firefall, I might even clean the garage.
    If I give you Zen, will you clean my garage? :)
    "You Iconians just hung a vacancy sign on your asses and my foot's looking for a room!"
    --Red Annorax
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    edalgo wrote: »
    I'm guessing that you live in a country that has a dictatorship or hardline communism.

    ...or just doesn't give a ratz-TRIBBLE about other peoples feelings and opinions.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • edited October 2014
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  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    valoreah wrote: »
    Any exploit is whatever Cryptic says it is whenever they want. Does that help?

    Sure ... but that would imply buddha1369 is some kind of omnipotent Cryptic-entity ... how else would he know what's an exploit and what isn't ...
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • edited October 2014
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  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    They can take anything they want deem it an exploit, it's entirely up to them.

    Just like we can take anything we want and call it bs, that's entirely up to us
  • edited October 2014
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  • foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I heard about it in chat - what exactly was it?

    What disturbs me about this is that there are genuine bugs and issues with the game but they almost NEVER shut down a sector while the game is up...

    QoL issues, Qeues that are HP-Sacks and genuine bugs?: Meh.

    Something to take pressure off of grind?: STOP EVERYTHINNNNGGGG!!!

    Yeah, someone figured it was due to the Spec points being earned for FREE rather than buying and using boosters.

    The belief is that it was stopped because not using boosters was costing PWE Around $120 per player.

    Sadly I'm inclined to believe it.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    edalgo wrote: »
    I'm guessing that you live in a country that has a dictatorship or hardline communism.

    Maybe he lives in a game with dictatorship and hardline communism.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    vestereng wrote: »
    They can take anything they want deem it an exploit, it's entirely up to them.

    Just like we can take anything we want and call it bs, that's entirely up to us


    Like how this thread has acquired over 30K views in less than 24 hours...

    I call that BS!

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
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