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crash to desktop loading screen



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    enterprise1701axenterprise1701ax Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    kelgarr1 wrote: »
    ARC was the issue.

    I went in and launched the game directly from the client in Program files, working great again. I still need to see why that is, just wild guess is ARC is not letting go of the drivers at the right time so STO and ARC are fighting over priority so we get these errors.

    Kelgarr, I've noticed the same thing about ARC and I think you are correct. But even before the mandatory ARC, after the launch of every new season, I and many other players were locked out from STO (for 4-10 days), starting from about Season 7 Romulan. Every time, STO would tell us the problem is on our end (but STO worked great the day before the launch, the players were not changing settings, and no other game or function -- outside of PWE -- has ever demonstrated such a similar issue) and Cryptic would finally tweak it enough to let about 80 percent of the players in. Too bad for the rest.

    I think you are onto the problem, Kelgarr. I think we've got conflicting bugs in both ARC and STO. Where the two systems, combined, lock up the drivers.
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    blondie987blondie987 Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    this was an issue on neverwinter and its because they made the game so that it was compatible with directx 11 and bascially you click the engage or start button it goes to load up the game gets to the star trek whatever the name of the expansion screen is loads up the materials file then just crashes to desktop. with neverwinter it had something to do with games gameprefs.pref file. i will copy and paste the text in said file here is the copied text:

    PrefEntry GfxSettings.Fullscreen 0

    PrefEntry Locale 0

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.atiCrossfireGPUCount 0

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.audioDriverName DirectSound

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.audioDriverOutput "Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)"

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.audioDriverVersion 10.0.10074.0

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.audioX64CheckSkipped 0

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.ComputerName WIN-9QK16T3SHIG

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.cpuCacheSize 0

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.cpuIdentifier "AMD64 Family 16 Model 5 Stepping 2, AuthenticAMD"

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.CPUSpeed 2.793e+009

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.DiskFree 922992287744

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.diskTotal 999158706176

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.fmodVersion 0

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.hasSSE 1

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.hasSSE2 1

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.hasSSE3 1

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.hasSSE4 0

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.isDx11Enabled 1

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.isDx9ExEnabled 1

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.isRunningNortonAV 0

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.isTransgaming 0

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.isUnsupportedSpecs 0

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.isUsingD3DDebug 0

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.isVista 1

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.isWine 0

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.isX64 1

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.macAddrString 70-f1-a1-a6-d6-37

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.material_hardware_supported_features "SM20| SM20_PLUS| SM30| SM30_PLUS"

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.material_supported_features "SM20| SM20_PLUS| SM30| SM30_PLUS| SM30_HYPER"

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.numMonitors 1

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.numRealCPUs 4

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.numVirtualCPUs 4

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.nvidiaSLIGPUCount 0

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.OSVER0_LowVersion 2

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.OSVER1_HighVersion 6

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.OSVER2_Build 9200

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.OSVER3_ServicePackMajor 0

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.OSVER4_ServicePackMinor 0

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.OSVER5_HostVersion 10.0.10074.0

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.physicalMemoryAvailable 1428697088

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.physicalMemoryMax 4018028544

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.RAMSpeedGBs 2.18594

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.RenderingHacks REHA_NONE

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.supportedDXVersion 10.1

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.SVNBuildNumber 180008

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.transgamingInfo

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.VideoCardDeviceID 38672

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.videoCardName "ATI Radeon HD 4200"

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.VideoCardVendorID 4098

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.videoDriverState 0

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.videoDriverVersion

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.videoMemory 256

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.virtualAddressSpace 4294901782

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.wineVersion

    PrefEntry VoiceOptions.DuckOnChat 100

    PrefEntry VoiceOptions.DuckPercent 0.5

    PrefEntry VoiceOptions.InputDev 0

    PrefEntry VoiceOptions.MicLevel 40

    PrefEntry VoiceOptions.MultiMode ONEAUDIBLE

    PrefEntry VoiceOptions.MuteInactive 0

    PrefEntry VoiceOptions.NoVoice 0

    PrefEntry VoiceOptions.OpenMic 0

    PrefEntry VoiceOptions.OutputDev 0

    PrefEntry VoiceOptions.SpeakerVolume 40

    please note these two lines:

    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.isDx11Enabled 1
    PrefEntry SystemSpecs.isDx9ExEnabled 1
    that there tells me that both dx9 and dx11 are enabled i've tried changing the 1 to a zero but alas it reverts back to the original file after i click on save. so i dont know what else to do as the game continues to crash at the load screen.
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    juliocesarspjuliocesarsp Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I don´t know if it is just with me but.. Has anyone gotten a "Arc has encountered an error while repairing" message??

    Can´t log on since last night...

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    rekeebrekeeb Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    .... and got further than I had in 6 weeks. Still crashed, but, made it past ?material files reloaded".

    Fatal Error: Direct3D driver returned error code (D3DERR_DEVICEHUNG) while checking sync query.

    Technical Details: Sync query 9x35a0760 GetData == 0x88760874 0 F 0

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    qrtrmstrqrtrmstr Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    ARC was the worst thing to happen to STO since Season 8: The Sphere.
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