Perhaps the introduction of the new difficulty settings in DR is also a good point to stop people with injuries entering queued content.
In addition, those with multiple injuries should automatically be removed from queued content and replaced with new players.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
Perhaps the introduction of the new difficulty settings in DR is also a good point to stop people with injuries entering queued content.
In addition, those with multiple injuries should automatically be removed from queued content and replaced with new players.
Terrible idea, do you honestly want to be the person that joins a 85% failed mission to play for 2 minutes before being booted because of failed mission.
I agree that an opportunity may have been missed, but not saying they've edited power suites is not the same as having not edited power suites. TBH, I'm optimistic about this in general. That being said, Raiders are still too fragile in STF's compared to other queues. I have no issue taking my Heavy into Breach elite, the only issue I have there is lag, but Cure is a killer and it is those Invisible, Super-CritX High-Yield Plasma Torpedoes of Death.
I'm all for the new difficulties though. Tailoring your ship, captain and officers for a job is becoming ever more important, but I like that.
I do have one question though: What's happening with the Special Commodity Item drops? As in, Borg Neural Processors and Isomorphic Injectors, etc. Nowhere in any of the blogs or forum posts that I've read to date does it say. I may have missed it, but I'm not sure I have. Are the Advanced PvE's going to give them away? Will they be given out in greater quantities in the higher leveled queues?
What I'd like to see? Completing an Advanced queue drops 1 Special Commodity Item, completing an Elite queue drops 2 Special Commodity Items. In addition, I'd like to see completion of ALL optional objectives in a Normal, Advanced or Elite queue grant 1 additional Special Commodity Item, though I'm happy that they would be granted instead of extra marks or unrefined dilithium.
Still waiting for a Klingon/Ferasan T6 Heavy Intelligence Raider. Could come with a [Console - Universal - String (Theory) Manipulator].
What? How's a [String (Theory) Manipulator] not appropriate for a Ferasan?
General T'Reirr Asei Captain of the venerable I.K.S. Y'Kun.
Warrior of the Empire; Savior of Cookies; Lord of String; Devious Little S*!7
Terrible idea, do you honestly want to be the person that joins a 85% failed mission to play for 2 minutes before being booted because of failed mission.
The second part is terrible, the first has merit. Suppose there was a little pop up of your chief medical officer ordering you to sick bay instead if you try to queue with injuries. Or your Chief Engineer telling you the ship can't take it.
Terrible idea, do you honestly want to be the person that joins a 85% failed mission to play for 2 minutes before being booted because of failed mission.
Not so bad if you realize that you get the (though reduced) rewards for a mere 2 minutes of playtime while the person with multiple injuries gets nothing.
Playing with multiple injuries is leeching and if the removal punishment, combined with the no reward, is implemented then this kind of leeching will finally be brought to a halt.
People will have to learn their basics like healing and stocking up on healing items. When they wish to participate in queued content then they should at the very least be that competent.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
Not so bad if you realize that you get the (though reduced) rewards for a mere 2 minutes of playtime while the person with multiple injuries gets nothing.
Playing with multiple injuries is leeching and if the removal punishment, combined with the no reward, is implemented then this kind of leeching will finally be brought to a halt.
People will have to learn their basics like healing and stocking up on healing items. When they wish to participate in queued content then they should at the very least be that competent.
You mean healing during the mission? Or being healthy at the start?
I agree with the latter but not the former.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
The elite seems a good idea, if a bit P2W only (think how hard into the hive elite will be).
The changes to ex-elite, aka advanced does not seem good. Normal queues offer so little marks and dilithium that they were hardly worth the time, while advanced queues balanced it by giving an equal reward for time. As advanced remains still highly Pub queued, the likelihood of failure will be more likely (yes, some teams are so woeful in damage output they fail the optional on conduit), especially on certain missions (the one where you go into fluidic space for example, the scan the anomaly in about 10 seconds optional is nearly impossible).
For the increased difficulty, I do hope advanced gives better rewards, otherwise it's just another way to take our Dilithium earning capacity down, in a time where we need more of it than ever.
P.S. Queued events aren't really enjoyed by most, most people do it solely for the marks, dil and crafting materials. I have seen many, many people on queued events who behave like bots, that's not a sign of people enjoying something when they write a bot program for it.
If you can't solve it logically, solve it like a moron.
51 + 1 Foundry Character Slots is NOT enough. Some of us love our characters. If I want to buy more character slots, why can't I? I couldn't experience the entire Delta Recruitment event without deleting a character.
The Iconians themselves can't time travel because their memories revert, but there is nothing to say an Iconian couldn't write everything she needed to do on a PADD, pin it to herself, travel back, read the PADD, do the tasks and return. Or just get one of her Non-Herald underlings to go back in time for her.
Oh yeah, I do Foundry missions for both KDFs and Feds. Just search KSTF (Short for Kinas Special Task Force, where Kinas is the name of the Admiral you will be serving under). The earlier ones are less story based and more combat based, while the later ones have a much heavier story element, but keep the large battles.
We are fully cognizant that there will be complaints that it's too hard. We have no intention of going back on Elite and making it easier to achieve. This is the brass ring for you all to aspire to.
If anything our worry is that one or two might be too easy compared to the rest. We'll take steps to remedy those situations asap.
If Elite becomes more difficult, what about NWS, will that become a true No-Win Scenario, or will it remain as it is?
If you can't solve it logically, solve it like a moron.
51 + 1 Foundry Character Slots is NOT enough. Some of us love our characters. If I want to buy more character slots, why can't I? I couldn't experience the entire Delta Recruitment event without deleting a character.
The Iconians themselves can't time travel because their memories revert, but there is nothing to say an Iconian couldn't write everything she needed to do on a PADD, pin it to herself, travel back, read the PADD, do the tasks and return. Or just get one of her Non-Herald underlings to go back in time for her.
Oh yeah, I do Foundry missions for both KDFs and Feds. Just search KSTF (Short for Kinas Special Task Force, where Kinas is the name of the Admiral you will be serving under). The earlier ones are less story based and more combat based, while the later ones have a much heavier story element, but keep the large battles.
Finally a chance of actual failure for playing stupidly. I am ready to have a challenge for my tried-and-true layouts and maybe change them.
Just a thought before people swarm in to complain about needing "the best possible ship" meaning you are forced to buy T6. Fun times ahead.
Nah, T5-U is pretty much as good as T6, better in some cases (tanking). However, you are pretty much forced to spend ****tons of dilithium upgrading your now useless Mk XII Purple/Fleet gear to Mk XIV Gold gear.
If you can't solve it logically, solve it like a moron.
51 + 1 Foundry Character Slots is NOT enough. Some of us love our characters. If I want to buy more character slots, why can't I? I couldn't experience the entire Delta Recruitment event without deleting a character.
The Iconians themselves can't time travel because their memories revert, but there is nothing to say an Iconian couldn't write everything she needed to do on a PADD, pin it to herself, travel back, read the PADD, do the tasks and return. Or just get one of her Non-Herald underlings to go back in time for her.
Oh yeah, I do Foundry missions for both KDFs and Feds. Just search KSTF (Short for Kinas Special Task Force, where Kinas is the name of the Admiral you will be serving under). The earlier ones are less story based and more combat based, while the later ones have a much heavier story element, but keep the large battles.
Lol, keeping tabs on the challenge level. I like it. I'm guessing the optionals on ground Borg STFs must be hell to complete now.
Since failing them seems to be easy now, why weren't the VR mats drop chances upped to 100%?
Ground really isn't as bad as people make it out to be, it's actually my favourite thing to do. Flying around in a spaceship gets dull after a while if you haven't broken it up, at least for me anyway.
I think we need to hold off on how the optionals go until we've actually run them on Holodeck, because I will say that if these are genuinely hard the odds might be worth upping, but it really does depend.
Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head. - Euripides
I no longer do any Bug Hunting work for Cryptic. I may resume if a serious attempt to fix the game is made.
if you're going to make "fail optional" = "fail mission" then you need to make a requirement for people to need the accolade in normal, to be able to play on medium and the accolade on medium, to be able to play on elite, so that we don't get flooded with people that have no grasp on how to do the mission on hard difficulty.
one of the biggest problems, is people that have no idea how to make things, queuing for elite and messing up everyone else's work wich happens constantly.
What ever work you put up revamping the stf's will be useless, unless you can actually address critical issues like this, any revamp will be useless. :cool:
if you're going to make "fail optional" = "fail mission" then you need to make a requirement for people to need the accolade in normal, to be able to play on medium and the accolade on medium, to be able to play on elite, so that we don't get flooded with people that have no grasp on how to do the mission on hard difficulty.
one of the biggest problems, is people that have no idea how to make things, queuing for elite and messing up everyone else's work wich happens constantly.
What ever work you put up revamping the stf's will be useless, unless you can actually address critical issues like this, any revamp will be useless. :cool:
Or they can make it so that people on our ignore list will not be queued with us.
Leader of Elite Guardian Academy.Would you like to learn how to run a fleet? Would you like to know how to do ship builds (true budget as well as high end)?The join the Academy today!
if you're going to make "fail optional" = "fail mission" then you need to make a requirement for people to need the accolade in normal, to be able to play on medium and the accolade on medium, to be able to play on elite, so that we don't get flooded with people that have no grasp on how to do the mission on hard difficulty.
one of the biggest problems, is people that have no idea how to make things, queuing for elite and messing up everyone else's work wich happens constantly.
What ever work you put up revamping the stf's will be useless, unless you can actually address critical issues like this, any revamp will be useless. :cool:
There is another solution to this problem take a page from the Star Wars The Old Republic Flashpoint Match making system. (i`ts takes some time to find man but it works well)
Hey, removing dilithium from normal level will force average players into the middle difficulty level. Who would want to hit the easy level now with such nixxed rewards?!? I'm quite annoyed by this.
Not nice Crypwe.
There are Four Lights... say no to ARCFleet: 1st Order of Role-Players' Guild - gaming together since 2004
Hey, removing dilithium from normal level will force average players into the middle difficulty level. Who would want to hit the easy level now with such nixxed rewards?!? I'm quite annoyed by this.
Not nice Crypwe.
I'd like to agree with this - dilithium tends to be one of the more useful things straight out of the queues as a reward, this is going to seriously limit participation in the normals.
Fate - protects fools, small children, and ships named Enterprise Will Riker
Member Access Denied Armada!
My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
if you're going to make "fail optional" = "fail mission" then you need to make a requirement for people to need the accolade in normal, to be able to play on medium and the accolade on medium, to be able to play on elite, so that we don't get flooded with people that have no grasp on how to do the mission on hard difficulty.
one of the biggest problems, is people that have no idea how to make things, queuing for elite and messing up everyone else's work wich happens constantly.
What ever work you put up revamping the stf's will be useless, unless you can actually address critical issues like this, any revamp will be useless. :cool:
You could use PublicEliteSTF you know. I don't see why people insist on running pug elites if they hate failing.
You could use PublicEliteSTF you know. I don't see why people insist on running pug elites if they hate failing.
Because many of us do not wish to have forced social interaction. This is actually the majority of modern MMO players.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
That's a very old definition of the term. STO actually has a lot of grouping. Many MMOs are moving towards 100% solo content. I like the grouping we have now in STO as it requires no interaction. My chat window remains minimized.
To my surprise the kids today seem to share my preferences in gaming experience. Hooray.
I see the term MMO to mean there are other biological beings existing in the game world. I do not see a need to speak with these people and learn their preferences on 21st century politics and religion, nor learn their symbolic language of ROFTLMFAOGTFOMG.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
That's a very old definition of the term. STO actually has a lot of grouping. Many MMOs are moving towards 100% solo content. I like the grouping we have now in STO as it requires no interaction. My chat window remains minimized.
To my surprise the kids today seem to share my preferences in gaming experience. Hooray.
I see the term MMO to mean there are other biological beings existing in the game world. I do not see a need to speak with these people and learn their preferences on 21st century politics and religion, nor learn their symbolic language of ROFTLMFAOGTFOMG.
Umm...if it was 100% solo would not be an MMO...Because it would not be massively multiplayer...
Umm...if it was 100% solo would not be an MMO...Because it would not be massively multiplayer...
Ok, I'll quote myself
"I see the term MMO to mean there are other biological beings existing in the game world."
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Personally I don't find the Elite queues all that fun. A dps race for me will never be fun, as I prefer to do things at my own pace.
I tend to pug normal's, as it is low risk and very casual. Thankfully I am also not swayed by the carrot on a stick method, as in my mind, if the content was good enough, you wouldn't need the carrot in the first place...
Edit: Just realized that normal queued event no longer reward Dilithium. If this is the case, then I will no longer be doing queued events (other than the special versions) altogether..
Why would I, when I can earn the same marks and also including Dilithium, from New Romulus or Nefera etc??
I don't really have time to read everything... so I am unsure if someone has mentioned this...
My chief concerns with the queue are:
Captains who attempt and or play on levels they should not. experience level or lacking weapon power. I cant count how many time I have been in elite and played with captains who have no idea how to play that map. Being that this is a global game, people who don't understand English, cannot understand directions on how to do it. and vice versa.
1) Captains who join, and sit idle while the rest have to pick up slack.
2) Captains that have no idea how to complete objectives.
3) Better handling of abusive players, ignoring one person just means you lave to listen to everyone else that is getting harassed.
I personally feel there should be more checks and balances for public queues.
My suggestions are:
A) A vote kick. 4 other team members to be able to kick one player. An unlock for the different tiers. you should have to unlock each level of competition in player queues. this insures that players have enough power and/or Experience to compete without hurting the chances of your teammates.
C) a way of making other teammates accountable, Idle players, and players that do very little should be penalized with less or very little rewards in some way.
(No not frozen from the movie..... so quit askin!)
In addition, those with multiple injuries should automatically be removed from queued content and replaced with new players.
Terrible idea, do you honestly want to be the person that joins a 85% failed mission to play for 2 minutes before being booted because of failed mission.
I agree that an opportunity may have been missed, but not saying they've edited power suites is not the same as having not edited power suites. TBH, I'm optimistic about this in general. That being said, Raiders are still too fragile in STF's compared to other queues. I have no issue taking my Heavy into Breach elite, the only issue I have there is lag, but Cure is a killer and it is those Invisible, Super-CritX High-Yield Plasma Torpedoes of Death.
I'm all for the new difficulties though. Tailoring your ship, captain and officers for a job is becoming ever more important, but I like that.
I do have one question though: What's happening with the Special Commodity Item drops? As in, Borg Neural Processors and Isomorphic Injectors, etc. Nowhere in any of the blogs or forum posts that I've read to date does it say. I may have missed it, but I'm not sure I have. Are the Advanced PvE's going to give them away? Will they be given out in greater quantities in the higher leveled queues?
What I'd like to see? Completing an Advanced queue drops 1 Special Commodity Item, completing an Elite queue drops 2 Special Commodity Items. In addition, I'd like to see completion of ALL optional objectives in a Normal, Advanced or Elite queue grant 1 additional Special Commodity Item, though I'm happy that they would be granted instead of extra marks or unrefined dilithium.
Still waiting for a Klingon/Ferasan T6 Heavy Intelligence Raider. Could come with a [Console - Universal - String (Theory) Manipulator].
What? How's a [String (Theory) Manipulator] not appropriate for a Ferasan?
Captain of the venerable I.K.S. Y'Kun.
The second part is terrible, the first has merit. Suppose there was a little pop up of your chief medical officer ordering you to sick bay instead if you try to queue with injuries. Or your Chief Engineer telling you the ship can't take it.
Not so bad if you realize that you get the (though reduced) rewards for a mere 2 minutes of playtime while the person with multiple injuries gets nothing.
Playing with multiple injuries is leeching and if the removal punishment, combined with the no reward, is implemented then this kind of leeching will finally be brought to a halt.
People will have to learn their basics like healing and stocking up on healing items. When they wish to participate in queued content then they should at the very least be that competent.
I never said you did. I was suggesting it as a workaround if you're concerned about wait timers. And regardless, you didn't actually correct anything.
Joined January 2009
You mean healing during the mission? Or being healthy at the start?
I agree with the latter but not the former.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
The changes to ex-elite, aka advanced does not seem good. Normal queues offer so little marks and dilithium that they were hardly worth the time, while advanced queues balanced it by giving an equal reward for time. As advanced remains still highly Pub queued, the likelihood of failure will be more likely (yes, some teams are so woeful in damage output they fail the optional on conduit), especially on certain missions (the one where you go into fluidic space for example, the scan the anomaly in about 10 seconds optional is nearly impossible).
For the increased difficulty, I do hope advanced gives better rewards, otherwise it's just another way to take our Dilithium earning capacity down, in a time where we need more of it than ever.
P.S. Queued events aren't really enjoyed by most, most people do it solely for the marks, dil and crafting materials. I have seen many, many people on queued events who behave like bots, that's not a sign of people enjoying something when they write a bot program for it.
If Elite becomes more difficult, what about NWS, will that become a true No-Win Scenario, or will it remain as it is?
Nah, T5-U is pretty much as good as T6, better in some cases (tanking). However, you are pretty much forced to spend ****tons of dilithium upgrading your now useless Mk XII Purple/Fleet gear to Mk XIV Gold gear.
Ground really isn't as bad as people make it out to be, it's actually my favourite thing to do. Flying around in a spaceship gets dull after a while if you haven't broken it up, at least for me anyway.
I think we need to hold off on how the optionals go until we've actually run them on Holodeck, because I will say that if these are genuinely hard the odds might be worth upping, but it really does depend.
one of the biggest problems, is people that have no idea how to make things, queuing for elite and messing up everyone else's work wich happens constantly.
What ever work you put up revamping the stf's will be useless, unless you can actually address critical issues like this, any revamp will be useless. :cool:
Or they can make it so that people on our ignore list will not be queued with us.
There is another solution to this problem take a page from the Star Wars The Old Republic Flashpoint Match making system. (i`ts takes some time to find man but it works well)
Not nice Crypwe.
Fleet: 1st Order of Role-Players' Guild - gaming together since 2004
Better make it gold then bruv.
Even more excellenter.
I'd like to agree with this - dilithium tends to be one of the more useful things straight out of the queues as a reward, this is going to seriously limit participation in the normals.
Member Access Denied Armada!
My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
You could use PublicEliteSTF you know. I don't see why people insist on running pug elites if they hate failing.
Because many of us do not wish to have forced social interaction. This is actually the majority of modern MMO players.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Then why are you playing an MMO?
That's a very old definition of the term. STO actually has a lot of grouping. Many MMOs are moving towards 100% solo content. I like the grouping we have now in STO as it requires no interaction. My chat window remains minimized.
To my surprise the kids today seem to share my preferences in gaming experience. Hooray.
I see the term MMO to mean there are other biological beings existing in the game world. I do not see a need to speak with these people and learn their preferences on 21st century politics and religion, nor learn their symbolic language of ROFTLMFAOGTFOMG.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Because some of the kids these to play with themselves with an audience.
Umm...if it was 100% solo would not be an MMO...Because it would not be massively multiplayer...
Ok, I'll quote myself
"I see the term MMO to mean there are other biological beings existing in the game world."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
That's awesome...go to Kickstarter...get some crowdfunding...and make a game that's just like that!
But one doesn't go into an Apple Store and argue with them that you want a Samsung phone.
I tend to pug normal's, as it is low risk and very casual. Thankfully I am also not swayed by the carrot on a stick method, as in my mind, if the content was good enough, you wouldn't need the carrot in the first place...
Edit: Just realized that normal queued event no longer reward Dilithium. If this is the case, then I will no longer be doing queued events (other than the special versions) altogether..
Why would I, when I can earn the same marks and also including Dilithium, from New Romulus or Nefera etc??
I really hope this is a typo!
My chief concerns with the queue are:
Captains who attempt and or play on levels they should not. experience level or lacking weapon power. I cant count how many time I have been in elite and played with captains who have no idea how to play that map. Being that this is a global game, people who don't understand English, cannot understand directions on how to do it. and vice versa.
1) Captains who join, and sit idle while the rest have to pick up slack.
2) Captains that have no idea how to complete objectives.
3) Better handling of abusive players, ignoring one person just means you lave to listen to everyone else that is getting harassed.
I personally feel there should be more checks and balances for public queues.
My suggestions are:
A) A vote kick. 4 other team members to be able to kick one player.
C) a way of making other teammates accountable, Idle players, and players that do very little should be penalized with less or very little rewards in some way.
(No not frozen from the movie..... so quit askin!)