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Tier 5 Starship Upgrades



  • hitonozanshihitonozanshi Member Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I will state for the record:

    If the cost in zen makes the T5 ship as much as if you bought a T6 ship out of the gate, why are you limiting the upgradability ot the T5 ship? You paid the same amount of money for each in the end.

    T5 ship (2500) + upgrade (500 for the sake of example) = 3000 zen
    T6 ship = 3000 zen out of the gate (for the sake of example)

    Same price, but the T5U will be obsolete because it can't do as much as T6. This means that you wasted your money doing this upgrade.

    Good going Cryptic. Your bean-counters need to stop treating people as drooling imbeciles.
    The Jar kitty is watching you. :D
  • tahnalostahnalos Member Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    So I bought a whole bunch of T5 ships for all my accounts. If a player wants to buy these ships after launch, will they be T6? Or T5U?

    If they are going to be T6, then any upgrade should be for a T6, not a T5U.

    I have the Heavy Escort Carrier, and the Oddysey bundle. I think all Zen-purchased T5 ships should be converted to T6. I don't really want to get rid of these ships. At All.
    Fleet Affiliations:
    FED: Royal Federation Mounted Starfleet: SB3, TAC3, ENG3, SCI3, Win, Int, DOff(T/E/S/B)
    KDF: Parliamentary Klingon Empire: SB2, TAC2, ENG2, SCI2, Win, DOff(T)

    Interested in joining? Please send a PM to @Tahna_Los.
  • eagledracoeagledraco Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    schmedicke wrote: »
    I wonder if cryptic realizes that if lock box and lobi ships are only going to be upgraded to T5-U that they just killed thier sales? No one wants to spend money on a slim chance they may get an inferior ship.

    I think they fully realize it. They are looking forward to releasing Level 60 content which will drive sales for new, T6 Lock Boxes.

    Either that or just the T5U upgrade is free and you must pay (again) to get your Lockbox or Lobi ship to T6.
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,561 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    buddha1369 wrote: »
    So you are too lazy to actually play the game to make your character better, you just want it all given to you for free? Ive got news for you bud, the T6 ships require the same work to get those benefits and boosted stats.

    Typical whiners, they want a cap increase and new tiers then complain that they have to work for them.

    Dude we freaking worked hard to get those ships and kit them out they way we want. I didn't even add the cost of some of the consoles which if fleet is FC and dil as well.
  • es5001es5001 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    As long as this thread is this post will probably be overlooked, but anyways I do have a few questions.

    -With the Tier 6 ships, from what info I have gathered, they will be flyable at level 50 correct?

    -If Tier 6 ships will show up at level 50 what about the so called 5.5 ships that can only be piloted by a level 50 character, are those ships going to be changed to be piloted by a lower level character for example level 40 like some other tier 5 ships?

    -The 2500 zen ships that also have a fleet upgrade, bringing their total to around 3000 zen by they time you purchase the ship and fleet module, wouldn't having to purchase an additional upgrade devalue the ship from future purchases compared to the tier 5 fleet equivalent ships for the price of the base ship?

    -From my observation the zen upgrade or upgrade module gives a player no more value than a fleet ship module, why would the upgrade need to cost more than a fleet ship module?

    -If a upgrade does cost more than a fleet ship module where is the value to the player?

    I am surprised no one has asked this yet....
  • gameversemangameverseman Member Posts: 1,110 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    buddha1369 wrote: »
    So you are too lazy to actually play the game to make your character better, you just want it all given to you for free? Ive got news for you bud, the T6 ships require the same work to get those benefits and boosted stats.

    Typical whiners, they want a cap increase and new tiers then complain that they have to work for them.

    Call me what you want but you are wrong. I NEVER wanted any of this delta rising bull ****
    Grinding is and should NOT be what makes you better in-game. Period
  • gameversemangameverseman Member Posts: 1,110 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Dude we freaking worked hard to get those ships and kit them out they way we want. I didn't even add the cost of some of the consoles which if fleet is FC and dil as well.

    Don't bother, he is obviously a cryptic defender fan boy looking to keep this game in a ****ty state
  • wintiemintiewintiemintie Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    * Scratches Chin. *

    So Command Bortas already has 10 consoles, if i remember correctly. So T5-U command Bortas would be 11.

    Not too shabby.
  • ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,433 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    eagledraco wrote: »
    I think they fully realize it. They are looking forward to releasing Level 60 content which will drive sales for new, T6 Lock Boxes.


    They now have a full new sector of space to create lockboxes and lobi ships from. Everyone who has t5 lockbox and lobi ships will want to stay ahead of the power creep, so when they release new T6 ships in lockboxes and lobi with fresh new elite BOff skills everyone will want to buy it.

    All that T5u TRIBBLE of being "competative" will end up the same way the Galaxy is competative in todays end game and PvP. It'll require a huge effort on the end of the devs to revamp them and release them, but in the end the power creep that'll come out of this, you're T5 ship days are numbered.

    And Cryptic and everyone knows it except for a few fanbois who refuse to believe that Cryptic has anything but love for them. Cryptic WANTS you to buy new ships, but under the old system stagnation was beginning to set in. Now to stay ahead of the power creep everyone will buy ships again.
  • kryptkprkryptkpr Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    This is a repost of my original with some changed wording and added quotes & comments. It is long but all relevant.

    I think that there are alot of very excellent comments and suggestions being made both for and against their X2 update. I am not against this update, i welcome it, we need new content to keep our game going and to keep existing and attract new players, HOWEVER, the method and the details (as of now) that they using to bring about this upgrade need SERIOUS attention and changes.
    macronius wrote: »
    Seems like a calculated risk by a very cynical company who thinks they know their players. It could work in their favor and the naysayers like me will be the minority. Or it could blow up in their face like the poorly received Galaxy refit (recent) or it could be something in between.

    Frankly between the numerous new grids, crafting, leveling of ships and all the other work they are adding with X2, I think the joy has been sucked out of this game. Couldn't even work up the enthusiasm to do the CE today and yesterday ... and that event is super easy and generous.

    Charging people for upgrades is okay (assuming $5 or $10). Making the upgraded ships inferior to T6 (significantly in my opinion) + lack of revamped canon ships is NOT.

    But whatever ... fanbois are salivating over these announcements.

    yes. my fleet for a few months has about 6 active members and before that 3 to 4. in a few months we went from barely T2 level to starting T 4. we were so looking forward to getting fleet version of our favorite ships. Our fleets head main leaders are both lifers since beta and they are LIVID. why both getting any fleet ship after this and now even our mirror ships with is about half my fleet are not upgradable. Thus the MAIN INSENTIVE for people coming into our fleet is now gone. The fact that in 12 hours this thread has gone to 108 pages and now going beyond. Most of it negative. Many feel this is going to be the worse patch ever. Heck about 5 of us spent minutes talking about the fed t6 ship on their new article. Not one of us like it. It's not FED and many of us know ship modelers that can do a much better job in this. I worked on Star Trek Legacy Ultimate Universe mod and was one of the orginal 3 that worked on the Sins mod Star trek Armada 3. so we know ship designs. what Crypic is bringing out is completely garbage on the fed front.
    Don't bother, he is obviously a cryptic defender fan boy looking to keep this game in a ****ty state
    I agree with you. Although I'm not a PvP person myself nor do I think PvP is of any major concern but aside from that you are 100% correct. We have all paid and ground for what we have. We ARE NOT going to do that again. Think about it, why pay to grind? Why should we have to grind at all? It realm makes no sense and neither does this new expansion.

    You both are right, this affects not only the PvP crowd the the majority of the player base PvE crowd. We have all spent time and a HUGE chunk of money investing in the current ships and outfitting them. Charging ANY amount of money to upgrade these ships is a huge pimp slap to the face, especially to a level that is not equal/barely half that of the new proposed ships and is extremely insulting.

    I have been around since beta and have see this game go thru all of its changes and as of late the main thing I am seeing is more and more of a money sink being created, I understand the need to make money, but there is a defined line between making money and scamming/ripping off the players and what I see being posted is on the latter.

    Every ship is this game that comes from the C-store, fleet, lockbox, the exuberantly over priced lobi ships, AND THE MIRROR SHIPS require a monetary investment and in more cases than should be, a huge one. ALL of these ships should be an immediate FREE upgrade to T-6.

    The other ships like the event ships and the special/promotional ships that we have been given should NOT be a T6 upgrade as no money was spent on them & should have an upgrade cost to them, T5-U should be ONLY DILITHIUM, and NOT an exuberant amount either, less for the event/promotional ships and more for the 'normal' ships, then give the option to upgrade the promotional/event ships to T-6 for a SMALL Zen cost, for example A(1) FSM. 'Normal' ships would remain at a T5-U status. Not being able to upgrade a ship i love and fly at all is at best insulting.

    For example I have 8 characters and only 2 of them fly the same ship, at your current 'suggestion' I would have to pay an additional $35-$70 to allow my char's to have ONE(1) 'upgraded' ship, they all have at least 4 ships that 'qualify' to upgrade, thats an additional min.$20-$40(more like 80-100) not to mention the money spent to purchase said ships. I should not be forced to pay the kind of money you are suggesting to half-assed upgrade one ship for EACH character.

    We want a game to play with updated content, you want players and need money to keep game going with content, going about things the way they are being described at this point is, for a lack of better terms....... bad business...

    Don't alienate the vast majority of your players by FORCING them to pay money to upgrade ships that in some cases have cost $30+, especially when many of them are active subscribers.

    Think about what you are doing, THINK ABOUT THE PLAYERS, think about the game, think about what people have been paying for and using for 4 years, then think what the 'average' player would be willing to put out for ship upgrades and or new ships, NOT the moneybags or diehard PvP'ers, and then base the costs accordingly.

    Its not rocket science, it's common sense, use it before it's too late.
    I tip my hat to you sir. You have laid out what cryptic/PWE refuses to understand about us, the players. I hope you, or someone else re-posts this so that someone might actually take action from it. It's a long shot, but it's all we got ;)
    Wow bud. You're tone suggests that you're someone with a lot of disposable income or someone who has never bought a c-store ship ever - that or you just missed that guys' point.
    Myself as an example:
    I have the Galaxy Pack, the Oddy Pack, the Scimi Pack, the B'Rel and the Mogh. Like many others, I didn't blow that $200 on Zen to have the 3RD BEST tiered ships in the game. To potentially make me pay another $55-$110 (depending on the $5 or $10 charge to upgrade to T5-U) just to keep them all 'competitive' is pretty bastardly IMO - that doesn't even take into account the money I've blown buying zen for modules on fleet variants.

    I'll give the launch of this season a shot, but right now I'm of the opinion that STO just got the gold medal in 'Uncool Olympics'.

    Another example of the investment we have already made, some less than a month ago, that's some real fine business sense on your part, telling people that just spent upwards of $50 on ships that they will have to spend even more to be able to use them in a diminished capacity instead of their top of the line role they now have.

    It would appear that STO is developing a revolt. Everyone from those who started out when STO came out, life members, and the free to play, are telling STO this Tier 6 deal and the Tier 5 upgrade deal is over the top. The question is whether or not STO will listen and take heed.

    Leveling up and gather a new ship is one thing, but making the not so long ago released top of the line ships into obsolete, especially for those who just got them and have not even been able to max out their potential yet, is not selling. Upgrading some ships that turns out to not even be an upgrade isn't selling at all. Will the Devs listen and act?

    One can only wonder when the Devs will finally get around to fixing the exchange since it's been messed up since 9 was released. This happens every time they come out with a new season and yet for some reason there seems to be no motivation to correct the errors generated by them. So now we have a defective product that's being turned upside down and people are supposed to be happy about this?

    My above and below comments apply to this Quote

    I'm really curious to see how PWE can ignore 142 pages and counting of absolutely unhappy players. Will that unlock Geko insulting the playerbase again? Hopefully not. Will it result in anything changing. Probably not. We all need to keep our money in our wallets and vote that way. Revenue is the only way to ensure they don't make asinine moves like this again in the future.

    Actually its more in the line of 200 pages/2000 posts, not a small number, and just a guess but mabey 1/3 of the players actually look at the forums and even less post.

    And your suggestion is a great one, sadly however, there are many people out there that have neverending bank accounts, no lives, no bills, etc: that can and will spend-spend-spend to have the best, no matter the cost, and THAT is what Cryptic/PWE is counting on and rely's on, instead they should count and rely on the average person that works and has bills and has a life when they want to add things to the game, not their bank accounts.

    Its been 4 years and we still have worthless customer support(seriously up to 3 weeks for a copy/paste reply saying that in no way will they refund/compensate/replace ANY item or currency in the game----just....pathetic...),no readily available phone support, tech or otherwise, no actual GM's not even online much less in-game, 'known' bugs being refused to be fixed, pretty much worthless report/ticket/bug system, the list goes on... where do you think all the money they make goes, creating more content to make them even more money, as of late pretty much all new content is a cash grab, or has a cash grab element to it.

    Foe example the 'new' ship they released, the skin was already in the game, they yanked it, only to create a cash grab for the the skin that was already there, and as with many other 'bug's" are letting people keep the skin so only those that did not notice the 'bug/discrepancy' have to pay, now yes there is a console as well, so with the bomb drop we get about ships they have the nerve to charge 1k Zen for a skin and a console.
    eagledraco wrote: »
    My bet is they will put our complaints in a neat pile labeled "Vocal Minority" - and BURN it.

    In all honesty I don't think they will even give them that much attention, if we go by their track record, most things we say that makes sense, that are a good compromise of what we want and they want us to have, things that will improve OVERALL game play (list goes on) is usually put on the back burner or simply ignored and they instead listen to small percentage of players that have deep pockets and/or no life/job.

    Haters will hate, but in the end the 2500+ comments about how Cryptic/PWE want to implement this update/expansion hold true, it is wrong, it needs changed BEFORE it is released(push back the release if need be),(( something not mentioned is that it needs to be tested with a LIVE SERVER CLONE by ALL players not just the ones that can afford gold status, for no less than 30 full days)), it needs to be a SUITABLE compromise between an ability to make them money and not TRIBBLE off 3/4 of their players(as i suggested/outlined in my orig post).

    If they do decide to continue with their current line of action and thinking, within the near future I foresee them alienating the majority of the people that make them money and the game dies, if we are lucky it gets sold to someone else, or they completely break the game due to their utter refusal to fix the broken stuff and failure to properly test new stuff causing more broken stuff and in the end no game for us.

    As I said previously, its not rocket science, its common sense, get it and use it before itis too late..
  • ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,433 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    es5001 wrote: »
    As long as this thread is this post will probably be overlooked, but anyways I do have a few questions.

    -With the Tier 6 ships, from what info I have gathered, they will be flyable at level 50 correct?

    Yes, and they level up with you, so the ship you buy at level 50 will be stronger at max level. Basically thing of them as having an infinity sign as their level.
    -If Tier 6 ships will show up at level 50 what about the so called 5.5 ships that can only be piloted by a level 50 character, are those ships going to be changed to be piloted by a lower level character for example level 40 like some other tier 5 ships?

    Nope. All you're 5.5 ships however can be upgraded to 5u, but basically in the future there is zero reason to buy the old 5.5 ships anymore. If you're going to buy a new ship at level 50, might as well buy a new T6 ship.
    -The 2500 zen ships that also have a fleet upgrade, bringing their total to around 3000 zen by they time you purchase the ship and fleet module, wouldn't having to purchase an additional upgrade devalue the ship from future purchases compared to the tier 5 fleet equivalent ships for the price of the base ship?

    Yep, absolutly.
    -From my observation the zen upgrade or upgrade module gives a player no more value than a fleet ship module, why would the upgrade need to cost more than a fleet ship module?

    It's cryptic's way of trying to get more money. There's a sucker born every minute, and Cryptic is hoping to cash in on it.
    -If a upgrade does cost more than a fleet ship module where is the value to the player?

    For the tier 5 and below ships, none. Presumably when they release the next incrimental update they'll do a major fleet overhaul and you'll be able to begin to create fleet versions of tier 6 ships, but that's a guess. Right now there's practically zero reason to buy a fleet ship.

    [/quote]I am surprised no one has asked this yet....[/QUOTE]
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    wast33 wrote: »
    THERE WE GO.... gonna read instantly lol :D


    i like what i read :), xcept we gotta repurchase ships to get upgraded. i really hope it's only like 500 zen max per ship, just like c-store -> fleet ships.
    is there a discount for upgrades if you own both versions (c-store and fleet-version), just as with fleet ships if you own the c-store version?

    and i really hope those special-boff-seating ships are VERY specialized. otherwise they gonna rule the game lol.

    granted to you when you are only looking to upgrade one ship maybe 500 zen dosent sound much but what of if you have a bundle of 3 ships or in my case the mega bundle of 9 ships now we are looking at 4500zen or maybe as much as 9000zen to upgrade them.
    that's close to the full price paid for the bundle all over again.
    to have to pay 9000zen to upgrade a 10000zen purchase its tantamount to daylight robbery in my opinion.
    im not a happy chappie.
    and when they bring this in who in there right mind is going to buy that dyson mega bundle again only to have to pay almost as much again to upgrade them.
    the irony is all the free ships from the events are getting a free upgrade, if this is the case why should I have to pay to upgrade a ship ive already paid for.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • gameversemangameverseman Member Posts: 1,110 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    kryptkpr wrote: »
    You both are right, this affects not only the PvP crowd the the majority of the player base PvE crowd. We have all spent time and a HUGE chunk of money investing in the current ships and outfitting them. Charging ANY amount of money to upgrade these ships is a huge pimp slap to the face, especially to a level that is not equal/barely half that of the new proposed ships and is extremely insulting.

    I have been around since beta and have see this game go thru all of its changes and as of late the main thing I am seeing is more and more of a money sink being created, I understand the need to make money, but there is a defined line between making money and scamming/ripping off the players and what I see being posted is on the latter.

    Every ship is this game that comes from the C-store, fleet, lockbox, the exuberantly over priced lobi ships, and the mirror ships require a monetary investment and in more cases than should be, a huge one. ALL of these ships should be an immediate FREE upgrade to T-6.

    The other ships like ALL the event ships and the special/promotional ships that we have been given should have an upgrade cost to them, T5-U should be dilithium, less for the event/promotional ships and more for the 'normal' ships, then give the option to upgrade said ships to T-6 for a SMALL Zen cost. Not being able to upgrade a ship i love and fly at all is at best insulting.
    For example I have 8 characters and only 2 of them fly the same ship, I should not be forced to pay the kind of money you are suggesting to half-assed upgrade one ship for EACH character.

    We want a game to play with updated content, you want players and need money to keep game going with content, going about things the way they are being described at this point is, for a lack of better terms....... bad business...

    Don't alienate the vast majority of your players by FORCING them to pay money to have top of the line ships, especially when many of them are active subscribers.

    Think about what you are doing, THINK ABOUT THE PLAYERS, think about the game, think about what people have been paying for and using for 4 years, then think what the 'average' player would be willing to put out for ship upgrades and or new ships, NOT the moneybags or diehard PvP'ers, and then base the costs accordingly.

    Its not rocket science, it's common sense, use it before it's too late.

    I tip my hat to you sir. You have laid out what cryptic/PWE refuses to understand about us, the players. I hope you, or someone else re-posts this so that someone might actually take action from it. It's a long shot, but it's all we got ;)
  • dillong2012dillong2012 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014

    T5 = Existing Lv40+ Starships, including the Level 50 ZStore ships
    T5F = Existing Fleet variants
    T6 = As Posted in "Tier 5 Starships Upgrade" Blog
    T5U = As Posted in "Tier 5 Starships Upgrade" Blog

    Part 1: Hull Pacing Equality
    - All ships T5 and up receive level scaled hull bonuses, akin to the T5U and T6 ships. This makes existing T5 ships playable endgame, including mirror variants.

    Part 2: Allow ALL T5 ships to be upgraded to T5U
    - All existing T5 ships, as an account wide upgrade purchased per ship, would receive the specs posted for T5U in Blog.
    - Includes Mirror variants

    Part 3: Allow ALL T5F ships to be upgraded to T6
    - All existing T5F ships, as an account wide upgrade purchased per ship, would recieve the specs posted for T6 in Blog. Provisions would be made for Generalized ship traits (ship level 5) per ship type, for example, Cruisers would all share the level 5 trait.
    -The HybriBoff seat would be made available to these ships, replacing the highest level seating currently available. For example, Upgrading a FACR would change the Comm Eng slot to a Comm HybriBoff Eng slot.

    Part 4: Bundle Pack Upgrades
    - All purchasable three-ship bundles (Such as the Scimitar, Vesta, Dyson, etc) would be upgradable at the reduced cost of 3 for 2. (If it costs 500zen to upgrade a single ship, 1000zen would upgrade the bundle)

    Part 5: Vet Ships
    - All Veteran ships should recieve free upgrades. Standard variant to T5U, fleet variant to T6. Add a unique veteran only level 5 trait.

    Part 6: New T6 Ships
    - The new T6 ships should be advanced much as the zstore variants were over their counterparts.

    All existing end game ships should be kept in the game. Scaling the hull allows players to start the new content, without dropping what's expected to be a large amount of zen to feel like they fit in. Improving the scale of the upgrade system would encourage microtransactions, providing more profit for Cryptic/PWE, as well as making players feel less abandoned.

    Mirror ship upgrades seems like a no-brainer, given that the mirror universe tends to be mostly on par with the prime. Besides, who's going to open a mirror pack if they're junk?

    Bringing fleet level ships up to T6 would allow players to mostly keep their builds. The added boff ability slot would bring them nearly on par with the new T6. If the intent of the new T6 ships is to capitalize on the HybriBoffs as opposed to consoles, then Limiting them to the new T6 ships would make them appealing, while not completely limiting older models of ship.

    Bundle pack upgrades should exist simply because the bundle packs do. Players would be more likely to buy the bundle upgrade than only a single ship, when they own all three.

    Veteran ships. Because despite what most of them seem to believe, Cryptic/PWE actually does care about them. :P It's a free upgrade. Also having a unique trait would not break the game, and could be added onto the lifetime subscriber feature list for added appeal.

    Increasing the amount of available ships to be upgraded allows players to play their ships now, while generating more profit. Allowing fleet ships to be upgraded to T6 promotes the fleet advancement system to continue, as well as gives a reason for players to buy fleet modules (Cause do you really think they'll be peachy keen to throw money at you when you announce the T6 fleet starbase projects for a bajillion dilithium?)

    Profit = Cryptic wins.
    Accessibility = Players win.

    Happy Gaming
  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Which is why you buy now. Waiting for prices to go down is a fool's errand.

    Yeah, it will skyrocket as soon as DR hits. T6 Ships will be only available through zen and upgrading our old ships will also cost zen and I'm pretty sure there are A LOT of people who will upgrade their ships on day 1 and with up to 1000 zen per ship that won't be cheap. Makes you wonder what prices the true T6 ones will have...
  • schmedickeschmedicke Member Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I understand the need to have a difference between T6 and T5-U. However the upgrade needs to include an additional boff ability. There are two solutions.

    1. Upgrade the lowest boff station one rank. So an ensign seat turns into a lieutenant.

    2. Let the player decide wich boff seat gets upgraded. (The one I'm hoping for)

    Also if a player owns a fleet version of a ship they should get the T-5U upgrade for free. Just simply make it part of the fleet upgrade. Forcing a player to buy fleet modules and then to purchase a T5-U upgrade is just plain insulting.
  • gameversemangameverseman Member Posts: 1,110 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    schmedicke wrote: »
    I understand the need to have a difference between T6 and T5-U. However the upgrade needs to include an additional boff ability. There are two solutions.

    1. Upgrade the lowest boff station one rank. So an ensign seat turns into a lieutenant.

    2. Let the player decide wich boff seat gets upgraded. (The one I'm hoping for)

    Also if a player owns a fleet version of a ship they should get the T-5U upgrade for free. Just simply make it part of the fleet upgrade. Forcing a player to buy fleet modules and then to purchase a T5-U upgrade is just plain insulting.

    If my Fleet ships are not upgraded for free like my lobi/lockbox ones are I am 99.9% sure I'm leaving the game.
  • es5001es5001 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Thanks for replying ladymyajha and I agree completely, however these questions i was hoping the dev's would look at and possibly rethink their decisions regarding some of this. It is not logical to have two different tiers of ship playable at the same level especially when one , the tier 5.5, will most certainly be obsolete with future power crepe in the tier 6 line, or for that matter pay for a tier 5.5 when their is tier 6. Tier 5.5 at this point may serve a small purpose to those who stay and don't have the money to get a tier 6 but eventually with new ships it will become superfluous.
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    They're not making you do it. It's optional, as the store has always been, as the fleet ships have always been. As was pointed out, the mirror ships (lv 40) are still viable in STFs and PvE everywhere.

    I agree with bug fixing. I hate bugs.

    Propose a solution that benefits everyone. I challenge everyone with a complaint to do that. People talk of longevity of the game. And then how tight their wallets are because they don't want to support the game. Come up with solutions. You want to give feedback, give them something they can USE. Maybe they don't listen because you're not saying anything. :confused:

    I've never liked the arguement "well they don't make you do it" or "you don't have to, if you don't want to".

    In all actuality, yeah, they kind of do. Just take any ship you can captain at level forty, and run it through the Hive on elite. Or the undine missions on elite. Not easy is it? Even on normal, some of the T5 ships have issues with those missions (because instead of balancing and adding challenge, they just give health and damage). Sure, you don't need to buy that stuff. But it would be better if you did. Now imagine taking those same level forty ships and dropping them into some brand new level 60 elite content. How does that work out for you? Sure, there are plenty of Captains out there who can do it, but what about those who don't? What about the majority of players that want to have fun instead of min/maxing every aspect of their ship? That content is effectively no use to them anymore unless they buy the ships that give better performance at the new end game.

    Plus if you haven't noticed, new ships will start being the new thing. No need for older style ships, since the new ships will be made to handle new content while old ships get left behind. The new ships will have console slots and new abilities that the old ships just don't get. Upgrading would make that easier. Spend a little, get a little. Having trouble? Spend a little to do a fleet upgrade. Did we make the new elite too hard? Pay for a ship that you've already paid for, and it will be a little better. Oh, worried that your fleet ship won't work as well against T6 ships? Spend a little for that as well. And god knows there are going to be fleet versions of your T6 ships, so there is a little more you have to spend, which still makes your fancy T5 ship that you've had to pay 3 times for obsolete again.

    So yeah... you kinda have to spend the money. They design it that way. Even windows forces you to do it, because if you don't spend the money and keep up, you get left behind with no support. You either spend in small amounts here and there, or large amounts once in a while, but you still have to spend to keep up.

    As for the constructive criticism, that's what my last bit was on. People on the forums toss out a lot of great and more respectable ways to have cryptic take their money. Cryptic doesn't listen very often. I've even posted threads about ideas to get people to spend more money. Yes, people tend to complain about this game in a negative way, and i can see why the devs get tired of hearing that, but at the same time, when they don't listen to all the great ideas, or even care to fix any of the major problems with their own product, people aren't going to have a lot of nice things to say.

    Some times, Cryptic makes a move that's just so bad, so out right greedy or disrespectful, that the community NEEDS to toss constructive to the wind. They need to stand up and let the company know that they're not happy with this product that they're paying for. Nice words would only be overlooked, but a forum of raging A-holes with the same singular problem, yeah, just try to ignore that.

    Realistically, Cryptic is providing a product. People should, but don't have to be nice about it as long as they're paying. Cryptic should, but doesn't have to listen to them either, but it will effect Cryptic worse than it will the people. If Cryptic wants to stop hearing people being so negative, they need to make the first moves to make things right, not just ignore the players and fans. If they start putting in the quality that Star Trek deserves, then people will gladly start saying great things to the devs.

    People LOVE Star Trek. People want to immerse themselves in it. A Star Trek MMO is a great way to do that. The better quality the MMO, the more people will want to play and will be willing to pay to do so. Delivering sub par quality and making cheap jabs at someone's fandom will do nothing but make people bad mouth your game, your company, and give you an F rating at the better business bureau.

    I've been here for a long time, so i've left plenty constructive feedback, but I've been playing Cryptic games a lot longer, and frankly, they've done nothing but earn everything they get from the forums, both good and bad. There's a lot of legitimately great people at Cryptic, and a lot of them are just as hardcore (if not more) into Trek, as we are, but as a Company, I fully believe that Cryptic constantly shoots itself in the foot. More so since PWE took over.

    Needless to say, asking people to pay for an upgrade to a ship they already paid to upgrade, after paying to play the ship in the first place is a jerk move. Especially since they're still not going to be as good as the T6 ships and even those will get paid upgrades later on. If we don't voice out about it now, they will just keep doing it and laughing while people hand over more money just to keep a head of the powercreep and lack of balance or quality.
  • johncampbell07johncampbell07 Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The latest ships out for the premier of level are the Odyssey and Bortasqu' class. Each having the latest in development and the latest to be offered, in fact comparably quite recent.

    As such these ships are sought after and worked for. In many cases the ship. crew, and Captain abilities are not even at their max capability for those who do not have access to unlimited resources and fleet base operation stores.

    The Tier 5 U (upgrade) is just not right to see these ships cheated from full Tier 6 capabilities. There is no sense of some passage of time, increases in tech across the board, nor any rhyme nor reason to not have these ships as part of the full Tier 6 spectrum.

    Highly suggest that the Devs reconsider not fully upgrading these ships to Tier 6. The Captains of these ships are being cheated of their time and investment. :mad:

  • captainpostcaptainpost Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    SO after spending hundreds of dollars over the years on ships and ship packs along with getting a lifetime sub. I now need to pay more money to make my ships close to top tier level again? This is ridiculous. This game has been nothing but a lock box money grab ever since PWE took over.

    It's bad enough we have to pay more money on ships we already paid for to get them to "fleet" level status. Now we need to do it again for tier 6? I'm done with STO. I hope this game fails. That would be the best thing for Star Trek right now. Star Trek needs this game to fail. Somebody else needs to make a Star Trek MMO and do it right from the beginning.

    I am literally uninstalling right now literally. I haven't play in months and Delta rising was going to make or break whether I came back or not. I guess after this it's not ever happening again. Cryptic and PWE have lost all my respect. Anyone with any self respect please leave this game. And don't look back.
    "We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes." -Gene Roddenberry
  • rearllrearll Member Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I suppose the important part to note about that article is the bit at the bottom:

    All of the things mentioned are subject to change based on feedback.

    I would say 130 pages of forum posts are quite a big chunk of feedback.

    Oh, just to add not to happy about spending anything more to upgrade T5/5.5 ships.
  • phelanpkphelanpk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    So here's the thing...

    I don't waste time with the forums normally, and I rarely bug Cryptic/PWE for anything. I keep to myself, play with my fleets and friends, and grind my face off, while enjoying the lifetime account I've had since launch(and my 2 non-lifetime accounts) and still periodically putting my own money into the game.

    I've not played constantly over the course of the 4+ years this game has existed, but I bought a lifetime because I knew I would come back multiple times over the years.

    I saw this game become Free2Play, and in so doing the quality of the product quickly dwindled.

    But above all, beyond any shadow of a doubt in my mind, the worst thing that has happened to this game has been Cryptic being bought by Perfect World.

    Since PWE became the high overlords of this game, the masochistic-level of grind required to get anywhere has increased exponentially.
    Since PWE became intertwined in the day-to-day of this game, the blatantly obvious need for more money in every avenue has crept up like an infection starting at the root and spreading throughout every facet of Star Trek Online.

    This pathetic and disrespectful announcement about the T5U ships is sickening to say the least.
    You've had us spend countless amounts of our money on TRIBBLE in this game, which you now plan to make obsolete unless we give you more of our money still. Even then, it will be money spent to gain access to ships that are sub-par equivalents to the new T6 ships.

    This behaviour is nothing short of extortion at this point. If this is the kind of bull**** we can expect from Cryptic/PWE in the future, than my only recourse may be to hang up my three accounts, stop spending money on this game, and never return.
  • havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited August 2014


    This will wreck havoc for pvp. How are we supposed to get balanced matches with this. Will we even be able to accumulate the new skill points in level 50-59 pvp queues? How long will it take for them to become a wasteland like non-endgame queues?

    If cryptic introduces a moneygrab, at least make my money put all ships on the same playing field at the new endgame.
  • johncampbell07johncampbell07 Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Is there a thumbs Up button somewhere for your post? I need to hit is a few dozen times.
  • edited August 2014
    This content has been removed.
  • ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,433 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    rearll wrote: »
    I suppose the important part to note about that article is the bit at the bottom:

    All of the things mentioned are subject to change based on feedback.

    I would say 130 pages of forum posts are quite a big chunk of feedback.

    Oh, just to add not to happy about spending anything more to upgrade T5/5.5 ships.

    I've been in STO since beta. I can't remember the last time they put out a dev blog explaining how a system will work, and then they've "listened to feedback" and changed a damn thing.

    The only thing I can even remotely see them changing is the price of the upgrade and whether or not the bug ship is a t5u or t6 ship.

    Otherwise, what you see if what you get.
  • annitaillannitaill Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    PWE shoots in the foot with payable upgrade to T5-U (5k zen for bundle and another for .5-1k for upgrade? - this is nail to the coffin for STO) - nobody will upgrade ships if T6 are better.
    I will consider a lawsuit for buyback all my zen ships :cool:
  • alen9thalen9th Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    So let me ge if i understand corectly...9 caracters all flying difrent ships with difrent builds...25$ per ship +5$ per FSM...and then you want more 5 to 10 $ per ship and i dont get T6. I get some 5 ship that is wors then T6 from the start....YEAH RIGHT LIKE THAT GOONA HAPPEN...i just realised i forgot to plant my money tree...because they think that is growing on trees
  • vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    With all this whining, I think I will make it a point to not use any upgraded ships on some of my characters.

    Nobody forces you to do anything, guys.

    If Cryptic is making content that requires a T6 ship then they are forcing the players, period. So a lot of money people spent is going down the drain in a month! Cryptic knows that and banking people aren't smart enougth to close their wallets. Hopefully they do which is the only thing Cryptic seems to understand.

    All the people you just brought a life time subscrption or whatever (LTS) thinking they will get the top of the line ship. Have to now spend a lot more money to get a new top of the line.
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