Nope. Disabled vet here so I'm familiar with the term.
What the hell are you puckering?
Your sphincter. It refers to the involuntary butt clenching caused by an extreme fear/high stress/adrenaline response in dangerous life threatening situations.
It's also what happens quite often when one has a gastrointestinal bug.
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Sounds like someone with an undying need to prove how superior they are. So sad.
What's sad is they apparently don't have to balls to play with the Big Boys in EVE.
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
I remember at first being sort of nervous to move into the 'red' sections of space and being pretty disappointed to learn that nothing was ever going to happen.
In WoW they had servers dedicated to open world PvP in addition to 'safe' PvE servers, not that we're likely to see a whole bunch of servers anytime soon.
In any case it's not all it's cracked up to be, I haven't dabbled in PvP in a long time but my understanding of Ke'rrat is that it's comparable to my experience. Basically, you're trying to get stuff done and you have to fend off random dudes. Sometimes you get them, sometimes they get you, but a roughly equal amount of time is wasted either way and nobody gets anything much when it's over. I found that it just made everything more trouble.
That said, I wouldn't be opposed to avoidable open world PvP. Hell, I might even give it a shot sometime.
What's sad is they apparently don't have to balls to play with the Big Boys in EVE.
EVE is actually a good example of why this is appealing. There's something about never being entirely 100% safe that makes everything a little more interesting.
I remember my very first open world PvP experience was I was a little troll dude killing mushrooms or whatever in a forest, I was like level 10 of 60. And as I was killing mushrooms, in rides this paladin on a gleaming silver-armored horse, decked out in what I assumed was endgame armor.
She looks at me and I look at her. Then she hops off her horse, pulverizes me with a golden hammer, and rides on.
Open world PvP is one of the main reason I'm not playing swordman online right now. It's actually a quite fun game...but you know what I do NOT need? Griefers and the attitude of people who seem to get attracted to open PvP. The game is NOT FUN WHEN YOUR ATTACKED WHEN YOUR TURNING IN A QUEST AND READING WHAT YOUR SUPPOSE TO BE DOING. Seriously...this is a fairly reasonable thing to make the areas where you get and turn in quests be no PvP so you can actually read what your suppose to do. You know what the reply i got to that request was? Just suck it up and waste 2 min each time a griefer camps a quest turn in zone and ganks people as they are reading. REALLY?!? Your saying that the problem is MY FAULT for not sucking up a griefer who is getting his jollies off wasting my time as I try and do quests?!? So because of the griefing factor of having NO safe zones along with the people who actually LIKE that idea being jerks, I have to say HELL NO to this idea.
That's more serious than nearly every game out there. Even the notorious EVE Online is riddled with space stations. Player-owned space stations can be attacked, but nobody is going to sneak into your quarters and stab you while you're in an NPC station. Almost every game has safe zones.
wont be that great, because pvp is only really functional in a 5v5 setting. the only thing thats sort of balanced 1v1, and not 100% stupid to duel with, is any mix of tac escort and tac cruiser.
even if 90% of the player base wasn't uber carebear, actually capable of using more then 10% of their ships potential, and don't have a personal crisis every time they got killed, open pvp wouldn't really work because again, its balanced for team play. the closest thing we got to this is karrat, and its mostly a den of gank and butthurt and farmers that don't understand why other players are even able to shoot at them.
long before we have open world pvp, we would need a player base thats literally 1000 times better at the game then we have. and that requires better pve. if there's less space between pvp and pve game play, we get more pvp, and a better player base.
I would have to agree.
I would love to see more open PvP options outside of Ker'rat, but any ideas anyone could come up with would fall flat simply because so many are not interested. You need everyone to be somewhat interested for it to see use.
I would even argue that if PvP were a boost for progression from level 1 most would skip it and go the long way. And more challenging PvE is a pipe dream.
They're the kind of people who are too horrible to go fly through NullSec with the other sociopaths without getting podded.
So they want to go play STO where they can smear the other pubbies around the galaxy to make up for the fact they're too scrubby to handle the ones in EvE.
That's really all I hear every time one of these threads come up.
"I suck at playing competitive PvP games in space, like EvE. So I want to go beat up people who are even worse than me by proposing STO implement open pvp, so I can feel better about myself."
There are some people who I seriously believe can also handle themselves in EvE online as well, but for the most part the people endorsing these things really come off as the kind of people who can't pick on somebody their own size in a game where the developers obviously put serious thought and effort into a quality pvp experience.
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Bsgo currently has this, as does eve. However, there are a lot of issues the stem from this setup. High level players ganging up on noobs, for instance. While I support this idea, there would he to be a few restri tions and safeties in place to prevent players from being ganged up on, and to make it so players who don't want to PvP are never forced to do so.
To start, I would suggest making it impossible for anyone under level 50 (maybe 60?) to be involved in PvP. Also, having a separate group of instances would be a good way to go, so those that don't want to can stay in the safe areas, and those that want to can switch into PvP instances. The instances also need to be reduced for population, since having 75 players shooting each other at once would cause massive lag even on higher end machines. Starbases and mission areas (ESD, ds9, qonos) all need to be safe areas. Even the way we travel and "warp" needs to be overhauled. In any st series, ships can fire at warp. And they can knock warp engines offline. All this needs to be considered and carefully calculated. Maybe save it for the next expansion after x2.
Problem is, if They make one area for Open PvP, then after a while, those players will want another, cause they are bored with it. And then another after that and then another.
It becomes a never-ending vicious cycle with a Them & Us mentality, because "They" aren't getting as much attention as "Us".
(just like the Fed's Vs the Klinks, since the launch of the game)
Better to just go play a game that already fits the bill, instead of trying to adapt this one, which doesn't.
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Heh, I'd really have to hate somebody to recommend they play that cesspool that is EVE or any game by CCP. Wasn't always the case, by any means...2008 changed that and it irks me to this day that CCP still exists.
Heh, I'd really have to hate somebody to recommend they play that cesspool that is EVE or any game by CCP. Wasn't always the case, by any means...2008 changed that and it irks me to this day that CCP still exists.
Funny how these game companies want to make money off of us players in any way they can think of.
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Open PvP can work if done right, but it's far too late for STO to implement such a thing. Because there is a massive lack of interest in PvP. Now if they done something as a challenge system from the very beginning and making Eta Eridani a true PvP zone, where you entered at your own risk, then it could've worked. But the way the game is now, there is a high probability you would be dragging someone into a battle who has no interest in PvP.
Right now, the best thing for Open PvP is making pure Open PvP zones with 0 NPCs or NPCs that PvPers cannot take advantage of.
They're the kind of people who are too horrible to go fly through NullSec with the other sociopaths without getting podded.
So they want to go play STO where they can smear the other pubbies around the galaxy to make up for the fact they're too scrubby to handle the ones in EvE.
That's really all I hear every time one of these threads come up.
"I suck at playing competitive PvP games in space, like EvE. So I want to go beat up people who are even worse than me by proposing STO implement open pvp, so I can feel better about myself."
There are some people who I seriously believe can also handle themselves in EvE online as well, but for the most part the people endorsing these things really come off as the kind of people who can't pick on somebody their own size in a game where the developers obviously put serious thought and effort into a quality pvp experience.
This, I so wish there was a like button...
Truth is, in my experience those who ask for open world PvP on an obviously PvE centric game do so because their idea of fun is randomly attacking people who don't actually PvP. Give them their own PvP server option and they'll stay on the PvE server demanding that it be made PvP as that's where all of the "carebear noobz I wanna gank are".
If they truly wanted hardcore, openworld, PvP where they could go head to head with hardcore PvP players, they'd be playing a hardcore, openworld, PvP game.. Not STO.
Obvious troll thread though I'd say, as your 100% going to get a big negative kneejerk reaction to the suggestion of open world PvP on a 99% PvE game. This thread will now degenerate into a flame war, with the trolls on one side calling the PvE players on the other carebears, whilst the PvE players call them trolls, blah blah blah. A shame, as go play EVE is the simplest way to deal with this thread. :cool:
Truth is, in my experience those who ask for open world PvP on an obviously PvE centric game do so because their idea of fun is randomly attacking people who don't actually PvP. Give them their own PvP server option and they'll stay on the PvE server demanding that it be made PvP as that's where all of the "carebear noobz I wanna gank are".
If they truly wanted hardcore, openworld, PvP where they could go head to head with hardcore PvP players, they'd be playing a hardcore, openworld, PvP game.. Not STO.
Obvious troll thread though I'd say, as your 100% going to get a big negative kneejerk reaction to the suggestion of open world PvP on a 99% PvE game. This thread will now degenerate into a flame war, with the trolls on one side calling the PvE players on the other carebears, whilst the PvE players call them trolls, blah blah blah. A shame, as go play EVE is the simplest way to deal with this thread. :cool:
Up to your post, that wasn't really happening or even hinted at.
I take that back.. "Ban the Person Above You" just popped out. <chuckle>
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Nice non-answer. Eve is an entirely different game with an entirely different experience. It's often referred to as "spreadsheets online" for a reason. No one suggested that STO be 100% open-world PVP, but the way people are posting in this thread, they're already quivering at the thought of their super serious trophy lockbox ships exploding for a few seconds before pressing "respawn" to absolutely zero penalties as a result of "dying."
This game, quite frankly, is too safe. Kerrat isn't sufficient. Will ganking happen? Yeah, probably, but the way people moan and cry about disco balls shows that most of you will cry at just about anything you don't like in the game. Just got back from reading a "Champions is getting a larger update!" thread, and basically lol. If there are certain sectors with pvp enabled, then lowbies have the option of "not going there," which sounds like a pretty fair option to me.
There should be more contested zones/areas, like Eti Eridani, where open PVP can happen. I've always liked the **** pvp model (edit: you know the popular three-realm pvp mmo) because if people want to play space barbies, they can just crouch in the forests of Albion all day while others partake in pvp. It's not an open world pvp system, but it is better than the one we have, and it has the potential to give the game a little element of danger people want.
Sounds like someone with an undying need to prove how superior they are. So sad.
Actually it's the opposite....i don't want to go around murdering anyone I want to get murdered.
I think it would be cool to be just wandering around somewhere in space or ground and suddenly get attacked out of nowhere or at least worry about the possibility.
The tension that you feel when you may be attacked at any moment engenders a fundamentally different game experience. I think that would be too radical a change for STO.
Only if you can opt out. WoW offers this, by "flag" system. You click on your character to turn it on or off. If on, you can PVP anywhere. If off, you can run around and never be attacked. This will be a feature they have to include.
If not the hostilities and grieving will occur.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Actually it's the opposite....i don't want to go around murdering anyone I want to get murdered.
I think it would be cool to be just wandering around somewhere in space or ground and suddenly get attacked out of nowhere or at least worry about the possibility.
Same here.
It's a bit unfair to be painted with the same brush as certain players who would use such a system as an excuse to group up and gank under-levelled or unprepared players for smack talk and giggles.
I suck a PvP, and I die all the time. I don't talk smack to those I, by some miracle, manage to take out in a fight and I don't rage when I blow up. I just enjoy shooting something other than a brainless NPC who just sits there getting murdered, a ship that at least tries to counter my attacks and tries to survive.
I'd be happy to see the choice for everyone to get involved or not, I'd never go with an idea that forces players to do things they don't want to do.
TL DR Openworld PVP is a good idea if its given the thought and attention it needs. Which isnt going to happen here any time soon.
Judging by some of the comments on this topic Its clear that the concept of open world PVP is very divisive.
Let me get this out of the way before I go on. I dont PVP in this game. I have, however played open PVP in many others including Guildwars 2, Planetside 1+2 Warhammer Online, Elder scrolls online and WOW. Each is different in their approach to the problem and each has attempted to solve the issue in their own way. Open world PVP is not the sole domain of Eve online. Stop thinking that it is.
Open world PVP can be an interesting addition to this game if some thought and effort was put into it along with PVP in general. nothing like e-sports but a tense, challenging and rewarding environment for those that want to participate.
The problem is here everyone is expecting Klingon or Federation ships prowling Eta Eridani looking for cheap kills. Lets get this straight. That is just not going to happen and indeed it would be better if open PVP is simply moved to a newly created sector designed with open PVP from the outset in mind.Those that dont want to participate simply avoid the sector.
However the biggest hurdles to open world PVP and PVP in general are not where to fight but how to balance the ships and classes so that all are viable, bringing different tools to the table and as this game was not really built with this in mind, this is why so few players PVP and why Tactical captains and escorts are perceived to be the most commonly played combo.
One last thought before i close off on my incoherent thoughts on the matter. Two things unique to open world PVP need to be addressed for it to matter and to work
The first is obvious .Numbers win. players do not like being on the losing side and that has plagued almost every game unless a means of encouraging players to stick at it. That will not be easy to do.
The second is that any open world pvper will know. the blog is all there is and moving from objective A to B to C while avoiding the opposing blob is as high as the strategic level gets. Ironically I think STO has part of the solution already in place with planetary locations in place and maybe with a combination of how Planetside 1 tried to incorporate strategic movement.
This is long enough as is and Im meant to be working but I do have Ideas how open PVP can be implemented that does not force anyone to participate unless they chose to. Its just down to where cryptic and the players want it enough and sadly I dont think the will is there.
Edits to make some sense - must proofread my stuff better
What the hell are you puckering?
-Leonard Nimoy, RIP
Pucker Factor would be a great name for a band.
It's also what happens quite often when one has a gastrointestinal bug.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Sounds like someone with an undying need to prove how superior they are. So sad.
"There... are... four... lights!" ~Jean Luc Picard
What's sad is they apparently don't have to balls to play with the Big Boys in EVE.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
In WoW they had servers dedicated to open world PvP in addition to 'safe' PvE servers, not that we're likely to see a whole bunch of servers anytime soon.
In any case it's not all it's cracked up to be, I haven't dabbled in PvP in a long time but my understanding of Ke'rrat is that it's comparable to my experience. Basically, you're trying to get stuff done and you have to fend off random dudes. Sometimes you get them, sometimes they get you, but a roughly equal amount of time is wasted either way and nobody gets anything much when it's over. I found that it just made everything more trouble.
That said, I wouldn't be opposed to avoidable open world PvP. Hell, I might even give it a shot sometime.
EVE is actually a good example of why this is appealing. There's something about never being entirely 100% safe that makes everything a little more interesting.
She looks at me and I look at her. Then she hops off her horse, pulverizes me with a golden hammer, and rides on.
That's more serious than nearly every game out there. Even the notorious EVE Online is riddled with space stations. Player-owned space stations can be attacked, but nobody is going to sneak into your quarters and stab you while you're in an NPC station. Almost every game has safe zones.
I would have to agree.
I would love to see more open PvP options outside of Ker'rat, but any ideas anyone could come up with would fall flat simply because so many are not interested. You need everyone to be somewhat interested for it to see use.
I would even argue that if PvP were a boost for progression from level 1 most would skip it and go the long way. And more challenging PvE is a pipe dream.
How's about no?! Just go play EvE Online.
They're the kind of people who are too horrible to go fly through NullSec with the other sociopaths without getting podded.
So they want to go play STO where they can smear the other pubbies around the galaxy to make up for the fact they're too scrubby to handle the ones in EvE.
That's really all I hear every time one of these threads come up.
"I suck at playing competitive PvP games in space, like EvE. So I want to go beat up people who are even worse than me by proposing STO implement open pvp, so I can feel better about myself."
There are some people who I seriously believe can also handle themselves in EvE online as well, but for the most part the people endorsing these things really come off as the kind of people who can't pick on somebody their own size in a game where the developers obviously put serious thought and effort into a quality pvp experience.
I just wasn't as eloquent or nice.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
You did and I agree with you.
To start, I would suggest making it impossible for anyone under level 50 (maybe 60?) to be involved in PvP. Also, having a separate group of instances would be a good way to go, so those that don't want to can stay in the safe areas, and those that want to can switch into PvP instances. The instances also need to be reduced for population, since having 75 players shooting each other at once would cause massive lag even on higher end machines. Starbases and mission areas (ESD, ds9, qonos) all need to be safe areas. Even the way we travel and "warp" needs to be overhauled. In any st series, ships can fire at warp. And they can knock warp engines offline. All this needs to be considered and carefully calculated. Maybe save it for the next expansion after x2.
It becomes a never-ending vicious cycle with a Them & Us mentality, because "They" aren't getting as much attention as "Us".
(just like the Fed's Vs the Klinks, since the launch of the game)
Better to just go play a game that already fits the bill, instead of trying to adapt this one, which doesn't.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Funny how these game companies want to make money off of us players in any way they can think of.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Right now, the best thing for Open PvP is making pure Open PvP zones with 0 NPCs or NPCs that PvPers cannot take advantage of.
This, I so wish there was a like button...
Truth is, in my experience those who ask for open world PvP on an obviously PvE centric game do so because their idea of fun is randomly attacking people who don't actually PvP. Give them their own PvP server option and they'll stay on the PvE server demanding that it be made PvP as that's where all of the "carebear noobz I wanna gank are".
If they truly wanted hardcore, openworld, PvP where they could go head to head with hardcore PvP players, they'd be playing a hardcore, openworld, PvP game.. Not STO.
Obvious troll thread though I'd say, as your 100% going to get a big negative kneejerk reaction to the suggestion of open world PvP on a 99% PvE game. This thread will now degenerate into a flame war, with the trolls on one side calling the PvE players on the other carebears, whilst the PvE players call them trolls, blah blah blah. A shame, as go play EVE is the simplest way to deal with this thread. :cool:
Get lost.
Up to your post, that wasn't really happening or even hinted at.
I take that back.. "Ban the Person Above You" just popped out. <chuckle>
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Go play Eve!
Actually it's the opposite....i don't want to go around murdering anyone I want to get murdered.
I think it would be cool to be just wandering around somewhere in space or ground and suddenly get attacked out of nowhere or at least worry about the possibility.
If not the hostilities and grieving will occur.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Same here.
It's a bit unfair to be painted with the same brush as certain players who would use such a system as an excuse to group up and gank under-levelled or unprepared players for smack talk and giggles.
I suck a PvP, and I die all the time. I don't talk smack to those I, by some miracle, manage to take out in a fight and I don't rage when I blow up. I just enjoy shooting something other than a brainless NPC who just sits there getting murdered, a ship that at least tries to counter my attacks and tries to survive.
I'd be happy to see the choice for everyone to get involved or not, I'd never go with an idea that forces players to do things they don't want to do.
Judging by some of the comments on this topic Its clear that the concept of open world PVP is very divisive.
Let me get this out of the way before I go on. I dont PVP in this game. I have, however played open PVP in many others including Guildwars 2, Planetside 1+2 Warhammer Online, Elder scrolls online and WOW. Each is different in their approach to the problem and each has attempted to solve the issue in their own way. Open world PVP is not the sole domain of Eve online. Stop thinking that it is.
Open world PVP can be an interesting addition to this game if some thought and effort was put into it along with PVP in general. nothing like e-sports but a tense, challenging and rewarding environment for those that want to participate.
The problem is here everyone is expecting Klingon or Federation ships prowling Eta Eridani looking for cheap kills. Lets get this straight. That is just not going to happen and indeed it would be better if open PVP is simply moved to a newly created sector designed with open PVP from the outset in mind.Those that dont want to participate simply avoid the sector.
However the biggest hurdles to open world PVP and PVP in general are not where to fight but how to balance the ships and classes so that all are viable, bringing different tools to the table and as this game was not really built with this in mind, this is why so few players PVP and why Tactical captains and escorts are perceived to be the most commonly played combo.
One last thought before i close off on my incoherent thoughts on the matter. Two things unique to open world PVP need to be addressed for it to matter and to work
The first is obvious .Numbers win. players do not like being on the losing side and that has plagued almost every game unless a means of encouraging players to stick at it. That will not be easy to do.
The second is that any open world pvper will know. the blog is all there is and moving from objective A to B to C while avoiding the opposing blob is as high as the strategic level gets. Ironically I think STO has part of the solution already in place with planetary locations in place and maybe with a combination of how Planetside 1 tried to incorporate strategic movement.
This is long enough as is and Im meant to be working but I do have Ideas how open PVP can be implemented that does not force anyone to participate unless they chose to. Its just down to where cryptic and the players want it enough and sadly I dont think the will is there.
Edits to make some sense - must proofread my stuff better