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Expansion 2: Delta Rising



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    zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Please. Be the first to try on your diapers and pacifiers....


    Its all good though there are players who just play a couple days of each release and then don't come back until the next one gets here. Actually thinking about that hmmmm maybe that is what I should do from now on lol. Maybe this way I won't be a whiner lol although I prefer KDF hardliner better makes me feel like I am the dictator of all star trek well just my doffs but you know.
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    zeratkzeratk Member Posts: 409
    edited August 2014
    nyx219 wrote: »
    I feel obligated to offer to supply this thread with a box of pacifiers and diapers. What a bunch of knee-jerk crybabying, wow.

    I'm looking very forward to this expansion. New levels to accomplish? Yes, please! Moar storyline? HECK yes, please! T6 ships? I'll gladly shelve my paid-for--with-real-cash Oddy for that. Higher level gear? I'll happily grind for it if I can't upgrade what I already have. New stuff is badly needed in game and highly welcome. This is what everyone demanded for how long now? I don't see why so many people have their panties in a wad, but then again, the biggest complainers in life typically are the ones impossible to make happy no matter what's offered.

    I really feel sorry for you, that you love it to spend your lifetime with more dull grinding.

    And that new stuff people are demanding in fact is Content! Let me spell it: C O N T E N T.

    All you get from Devs is Grind, i spell this as well: G R I N D.

    See the difference?
    This is Crypticverse... :mad:
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    baratgabbaratgab Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I hope the devs will improve/optimize the graphics engine and many aspect of the game mechanics as well, because otherwise pretty soon there will be no point in adding more content...
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    zeratkzeratk Member Posts: 409
    edited August 2014
    baratgab wrote: »
    I hope the devs will improve/optimize the graphics engine and many aspect of the game mechanics as well, because otherwise pretty soon there will be no point in adding more content...

    No, no and no.

    Seriously, optimizing mechanics? LOL, for example you really expect them to make Space Combat full 360° , unbound from the horizontal axis. Never. Or stop powercreeping and dropping worse-balanced stuff into the game, without spending a single minute to think about it. Or maybe fixing that Bug that let projectiles hit seconds before they actually hit you graphically?

    "adding more content". What content? What are you talking about? ;) PvE Maps are no content! We can be lucky if we get a single Episode. As i don't expect them to add a new faction, i don't expect them to offer us a whole chain of new episodes like with LoR.
    This is Crypticverse... :mad:
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    mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    nyx219 wrote: »
    I feel obligated to offer to supply this thread with a box of pacifiers and diapers. What a bunch of knee-jerk crybabying, wow.

    I'm looking very forward to this expansion. New levels to accomplish? Yes, please! Moar storyline? HECK yes, please! T6 ships? I'll gladly shelve my paid-for--with-real-cash Oddy for that. Higher level gear? I'll happily grind for it if I can't upgrade what I already have. New stuff is badly needed in game and highly welcome. This is what everyone demanded for how long now? I don't see why so many people have their panties in a wad, but then again, the biggest complainers in life typically are the ones impossible to make happy no matter what's offered.

    when you feel compelled to use that thing called a "brain" one day and make a point, let me know.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
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    firekeeperhufirekeeperhu Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    i guess it's time to sell my JHAS. no ship/gear buying till october...
    <3 Defiant <3

    RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
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    carlosbflycarlosbfly Member Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    It all sounds exciting, a focus on loads of story content has been desperately needed for nearly a year. Plus, hopefully the Delta Quadrant will let them cut loose with things more, loads of mini missions with one off races that are diverse and fresh rather than the usual kill and loot style.

    I'll reserve judgement on this whole T6 ship situation. It could be a total disaster for the game if T5 ships are not respected and left in the dust.
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    wast33wast33 Member Posts: 1,855 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    *hops over to bf4* pewpewpew :P
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    woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    carlosbfly wrote: »
    loads of mini missions

    Those would be confusing for new players and increase the storage-capacity of STO.
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    chiefbrexchiefbrex Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    reximuz wrote: »
    This is already the one of the least grindy, if not the least grindy MMO in the Universe, calling STO grindy is a STO meme, just like for SWTOR the meme is cash grab, and WoW the meme catering to casuals, and LOTRO the meme is the everyone is quitting and the game is dying. It's basically the some old tired lazy argument that is used to describe everything new system.

    And WoW raises their level cap quite frequently compared to STO. I'm not a huge fan of level cap increases, but I can accept them every once in a while. And in WoW when you get a level cap increase all your gear become TRIBBLE. It might take longer in the curve if you have the best gear, but it happens. Ships aren't really comparable to gear, what you stick in the ships slots are however. And they have said T5 ships will be competitive at 60, and the fact that T6 ships have some new shiney that might compel you to try a different ship is any different then every release of a new T5 ship now? Oh wait, its not.

    This is strictly YOUR opinion, sir. And with respect to WoW, I still stand by what I said. People don't get mad about losing gear in WoW, because they don't pay real money for it. People work hard to earn their money. Stuff that they buy with their money, they consider investments. They expect their investments to be kinda permanent. In WoW, with the Blizz Store, you can buy pets and mounts. These things are not altered in WoW in anyway. As a result, people aren't afraid to BUY those items, because they are not only a permanent fixture, but also accessible to all of their toons (with the exception of faction specific ones. Those are only available to toons in the same faction). And now, in WoW, they have that transmogrification system, where players can actually go back and get OLDER gear sets (stuff that they liked from previous expansions), and "decorate" the newest Blues and Purples with gear that THEY LIKE! So, again, no one gets mad in WoW as a result.

    But STO isn't like WoW. It's a Free To Play game. People spend HARD EARNED cash to get the good stuff in this game, like their favorite canon ship designs, the fleet modules they need to get the fleet versions of their favorite designs, or the uniforms they like.

    And, compared to WoW, FFXIV, TOR, LOTRO, and other MMOs I've played, Star Trek Online is by far, the MOST grindy. And the most expensive. But it has some of the better drop rates. Blues and Purples drop more frequently in STO than they do in WoW. And there are so many missions and ways to earn Dilithium, that people have a backlog of what needs refining. What's aggravating is that, it takes days to get enough Dil saved up, and only seconds to see chunks of it spent to buy Fleet Gear. Not to mention, it takes weeks, or even months, to get enough Fleet Creds saved up in Tier 5 fleets. So yeah, STO is FAR more grindy than any other MMO.

    YOU just simply disagree. And that's your opinion. But don't attack or call others who disagree with your narrow-minded view, lazy. That defeats the whole purpose of your reply.
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    snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    chiefbrex wrote: »
    And the most expensive.

    That's why Cryptic has to tread so carefully here. The amount of real money people have poured into the game to get the items. The RL cash spent on lockboxes, lockbox ships, keys to sell to get EC to buy lockboxes and lockbox ships, RL cash spent to support Fleet projects ...

    Only to see it all go up in smoke with the coming of T6?

    If I hadn't already gone off to EXPLORE other options of MMO gameplay, I'd certainly be leaving with this nonsense announcement.

    Though I will say, my favorite part is how they are sooooo prepared. They ANNOUNCED it at a con. But give practically no details. It's like they don't even bother with proper marketing.
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    vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    That's why Cryptic has to tread so carefully here. The amount of real money people have poured into the game to get the items. The RL cash spent on lockboxes, lockbox ships, keys to sell to get EC to buy lockboxes and lockbox ships, RL cash spent to support Fleet projects ...

    Only to see it all go up in smoke with the coming of T6?

    If I hadn't already gone off to EXPLORE other options of MMO gameplay, I'd certainly be leaving with this nonsense announcement.

    Though I will say, my favorite part is how they are sooooo prepared. They ANNOUNCED it at a con. But give practically no details. It's like they don't even bother with proper marketing.

    Wait till they start announcing details. I think they have a lot of the details already and just waiting to drop it.

    I say pull out the popcorn because the next couple of months will not be pretty! Especially when all the people buying lockbox ships gambling away will find it their ships is going be below average to T6 ships. Hard earn cash down the drain. Time to respend even more hard earn cash basically
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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    That's why Cryptic has to tread so carefully here. The amount of real money people have poured into the game to get the items. The RL cash spent on lockboxes, lockbox ships, keys to sell to get EC to buy lockboxes and lockbox ships, RL cash spent to support Fleet projects ....

    And that's starting to soak into people now. That aside from Tier 6 ships, their Fleet gear is now obsolete, and many Tier 5 fleets don't have ways to earn Fleet Marks (unless their fleet has a throw-away fleet). Small fleets aren't far enough to earn enough Fleet Marks and wasted what they got on Fleet Gear.

    People with Reputation Sets, and who rushed to Level 15 Crafting.............

    This on top of all that grinding and spending RL money.

    And then all the money and months they spent was on more grinding for us to do and given their history, the content will be easily burned through in less than a month. All for us to spend more money on new lockboxes and new Tier 6 ships, just to be reinvested on content ........rince repeat. PWE is turning out to be just as bad as Atari.
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    chiefbrexchiefbrex Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    lordlucavi wrote: »
    I was going to rant about all the doomsaying, crying, whining, inflated senses of self entitlement, and other things, but I think I'll just say "Kwitcherbitchin". If you think and MMO is going to let itself go stale when there are endless possibilities for developement, you're stupid.

    I'm excited for the new ships, I might even buy one if I like the look and functionality. I like the new crafting system, it feels more like getting something done instead of mash a button until I'm out of mats. I'm excited about the new content. I'm not upset that the ships I paid money to buy are going to be second best. You know why? Because I made a choice to buy those ships, because I like those ships. You made a choice to buy yours, too, so you have no right to ***** when a new ship comes out. You are not a special little snowflake, so stop with your little inflated sense of self entitlement. If you don't want to buy the new ships, don't do it. If you do, go for it. Don't like the new crafting system? Don't craft. Just don't cry about it like a child who dropped their ice cream.

    I think the devs are doing a good job, adding new content, new ships, new level cap, etc. If you're not content with it, maybe you shouldn't play the game. There are two choices: Suck it up, move on, and have fun with the game, or don't play. The devs check the forums, and listen to player feedback. The thing is, most of you just whine and moan instead of providing a decent idea, conversation, or argument. That does no good, it just makes you come off as a self entitled little twerp. If your reason for not liking a change or a new thing is "because it sucks", you don't matter. You offer no reason other than to make your own little existence heard. Present your argument intelligently and politely, you might just actually get listened to.

    TLDR (for you instawin yuppies out there)
    Give the devs a chance, you're not special, and you can either kwitcherbitchin or go cry into a bowl of meat.

    Problem with your post is that, a lot of complaining, HAVE given good ideas and suggestions for discussion and debate on every forum that STO has had since it launched. But the devs don't always choose to listen. The reason we have the Ambassador Class, Nebula Class, and the Caitians in the game is because of player feedback. But, after awhile, Cryptic quit listening. And now, whenever someone posts a thread in the forums with a really decent idea for the game, like Suricata's upgrade system using computer cores, gets locked and archived before anyone has a chance to really discuss it. Which ends up leaving us with no other options, but to complain, as ideas are now flat out ignored.

    So, before you jump to conclusions, I'd suggest you do a little research into the history of STO and player feedback.
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    vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    And that's starting to soak into people now. That aside from Tier 6 ships, their Fleet gear is now obsolete, and many Tier 5 fleets don't have ways to earn Fleet Marks (unless their fleet has a throw-away fleet). Small fleets aren't far enough to earn enough Fleet Marks and wasted what they got on Fleet Gear.

    People with Reputation Sets, and who rushed to Level 15 Crafting.............

    This on top of all that grinding and spending RL money.

    And then all the money and months they spent was on more grinding for us to do and given their history, the content will be easily burned through in less than a month. All for us to spend more money on new lockboxes and new Tier 6 ships, just to be reinvested on content ........rince repeat. PWE is turning out to be just as bad as Atari.

    Nods. I really don't think fleet gear is obsolete but it's needed to remain competitive. You cannot play competitively with fleet weapons, top level ships T5 and fleet T5, lobi stuff, and lockbox goodies period! and all the extra OP dofff. So the divide between level 0 and level 60 is going be huge. So I'm assuming shortly after T6 stuff is offered their will be Nerf's.

    Cryptic decisions is calculated. They know not to give any details at Las Vegas because player will because bring the ranting, complaining, and criticism to them. They don't want to look bad to CBS Productions, Star Trek magazine, and gamer sites including people related. They been working in Expansion 2 for month!!

    So, they have details and testing it inhouse. They will make a alpha announcement on Tribble a month before although that's going be pretty much live.

    I would say stop buying lockboxes and ships, and just save dilithium. That or don't play. I'm not participating in the event weekends nor buying lockboxes. If a whole player base responded that way, Cryptic will do some changes.

    At this point before then make any announcements. This is the make or break period because trust me Cryptic already implemented a lot of these changes on the internal development Star Trek Online Alpha. Additionally, they know how bad it can turn out for them if they don't manipulate the player base. (conditional training)
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    linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    That's why Cryptic has to tread so carefully here. The amount of real money people have poured into the game to get the items. The RL cash spent on lockboxes, lockbox ships, keys to sell to get EC to buy lockboxes and lockbox ships, RL cash spent to support Fleet projects ...

    Only to see it all go up in smoke with the coming of T6?

    If I hadn't already gone off to EXPLORE other options of MMO gameplay, I'd certainly be leaving with this nonsense announcement.

    Though I will say, my favorite part is how they are sooooo prepared. They ANNOUNCED it at a con. But give practically no details. It's like they don't even bother with proper marketing.
    And that's starting to soak into people now. That aside from Tier 6 ships, their Fleet gear is now obsolete, and many Tier 5 fleets don't have ways to earn Fleet Marks (unless their fleet has a throw-away fleet). Small fleets aren't far enough to earn enough Fleet Marks and wasted what they got on Fleet Gear.

    People with Reputation Sets, and who rushed to Level 15 Crafting.............

    This on top of all that grinding and spending RL money.

    And then all the money and months they spent was on more grinding for us to do and given their history, the content will be easily burned through in less than a month. All for us to spend more money on new lockboxes and new Tier 6 ships, just to be reinvested on content ........rince repeat. PWE is turning out to be just as bad as Atari.

    We will have to wait and see what happens.
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    omegaphallicomegaphallic Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I wonder if Hangar pets will get an upgrade too along with all the other equiptment. What comes after Elite Hangar pets, Legendary Hangar pets?

    And I'm not worried about tier 6, unless they come out with an awesome tier 6 Orion Ship, I'll continue to fly my Orion Fleet Retrofit Corsair Flight Deck Cruiser, upgraded or not. I love not being OCD.

    In fact my Fleet Corsair has actually been upgraded three times for free already, once when they added Warp Engine equipment slot and once when they added cruiser commands, and then when they added carrier commands.

    I think its entirely possible that this new upgrade will be handled in the same way, they just add it to preexisting T5 ships. The simplest way would be another boff slot universal and a universal equiptment slot.

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    wintiemintiewintiemintie Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I wonder if Hangar pets will get an upgrade too along with all the other equiptment. What comes after Elite Hangar pets, Legendary Hangar pets?

    And I'm not worried about tier 6, unless they come out with an awesome tier 6 Orion Ship, I'll continue to fly my Orion Fleet Retrofit Corsair Flight Deck Cruiser, upgraded or not. I love not being OCD.

    In fact my Fleet Corsair has actually been upgraded three times for free already, once when they added Warp Engine equipment slot and once when they added cruiser commands, and then when they added carrier commands.

    I think its entirely possible that this new upgrade will be handled in the same way, they just add it to preexisting T5 ships. The simplest way would be another boff slot universal and a universal equiptment slot.


    Yes please. I'd like to upgrade my Elite Scorps to God Scorps.
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    z3ndor99z3ndor99 Member Posts: 1,391 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    So thanks to stonewall for this, concept art of the new ships for EXP 2!! The fed ship looks well.... tholian in design, the kdf an rom ones look awesome!

    Here's the link; http://stonewallvanguard.com/forums/the-stonewall-lounge/73230-new-sto-expansion-delta-rising
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    sharksinspacesharksinspace Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    z3ndor99 wrote: »
    So thanks to stonewall for this, concept art of the new ships for EXP 2!! The fed ship looks well.... tholian in design, the kdf an rom ones look awesome!

    Here's the link; http://stonewallvanguard.com/forums/the-stonewall-lounge/73230-new-sto-expansion-delta-rising

    Does that Fed ship scream carrier to you, or is it just me?
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    z3ndor99z3ndor99 Member Posts: 1,391 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Does that Fed ship scream carrier to you, or is it just me?

    I think maybe an uber sci/tac setup or a sci carrier.
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    gl2814egl2814e Member Posts: 328 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Does that Fed ship scream carrier to you, or is it just me?

    I was thinking it looks like it will have a fancy Quantum Slipstream Drive to go to and from the Delta Quadrant. (General shape is sort of what the other soft canon books describe as being necessary for QSD.)
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    carlosbflycarlosbfly Member Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    z3ndor99 wrote: »
    So thanks to stonewall for this, concept art of the new ships for EXP 2!! The fed ship looks well.... tholian in design, the kdf an rom ones look awesome!

    Here's the link; http://stonewallvanguard.com/forums/the-stonewall-lounge/73230-new-sto-expansion-delta-rising

    God, that new Fed ship looks terrible. They simply cannot design decent looking 2409/2410 ships. They've not got a clue about Federation asthetics.
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    z3ndor99z3ndor99 Member Posts: 1,391 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    These are concept art so don't take them as final drafts but, the fed ship design looks very un-starfleet.
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    daqheghdaqhegh Member Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    chiefbrex wrote: »
    Problem with your post is that, a lot of complaining, HAVE given good ideas and suggestions for discussion and debate on every forum that STO has had since it launched. But the devs don't always choose to listen. The reason we have the Ambassador Class, Nebula Class, and the Caitians in the game is because of player feedback. But, after awhile, Cryptic quit listening. And now, whenever someone posts a thread in the forums with a really decent idea for the game, like Suricata's upgrade system using computer cores, gets locked and archived before anyone has a chance to really discuss it. Which ends up leaving us with no other options, but to complain, as ideas are now flat out ignored.

    So, before you jump to conclusions, I'd suggest you do a little research into the history of STO and player feedback.

    This is one of my biggest issues regarding this game. Something as simple as a bug fix is interpreted as a "disgruntled player complaining about nothing important." They don't care what we think anymore, assuming they ever really did.
    My Old Blog about things that could and should have been added when I wrote it. Not sure what I want to do with it now. I'll just keep it available now that most of it is outdated.
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    namreefnamreef Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    mimey2 wrote: »
    *panting heavily* Finally...made it...through...the thread...Phew.

    Damn though people. I'm busy for ONE day. ONE DAY, and Cryptic drops all of this on us. Yeah it might all be speculation and worry right now, but damn.

    Heh...well, this will be an interesting chat with my fleet mates tomorrow.

    Hahaha! I felt the same way!
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    mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    the fed one looks like a sorta advanced escort (mvam) with ultra thin quad nacelles and a science look to it. so its very possible to be a sci/tac hybrid, a proper hybrid, not like that dyson fail perhaps?
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
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    aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    baratgab wrote: »
    I hope the devs will improve/optimize the graphics engine and many aspect of the game mechanics as well, because otherwise pretty soon there will be no point in adding more content...


    Yeah, remember when performance went straight to hell with Season 9? And all the white knights screamed it was everyone's computer that ran it fine 24 hours earlier not being up to snuff even though they were the same computers that worked fine 24 hours earlier?

    But of course they'd never repeat that, now would they? :eek:
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    pweistheworstpweistheworst Member Posts: 986 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I hope we can have an Ocampa or Talaxian bridge officer(s). I don't really care about more DOffs unless they have awesome abilities ... but being able to add an Ocampa and a Talaxian to my bridge crew and away team would be AWESOME.
    In the immortal words of Captain Sisko: "It may not be what you believe, but that doesn't make it wrong."

    Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
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