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Galaxy "Reboot" Feedback



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    snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    puttenham wrote: »
    and I disagree with orange.. who says a cruiser has to be engineering at its core.. its technically not a cruiser.. its a dreadnaught.. and if dreadnaught doesn't scream tactical, I don't know what does..

    I don't think you've convinced Geko, the only person who can make that change.

    Though the continued feedback may prompt him to revisit his layout ideas. He's done it before.

    Still, if I were to bet some quatloos on this, I would not bet on a Commander Tactical Station for this ship.

    Lt or Lt. Commander? Maybe. Certainly worth a few quatloos flyer on.

    But Commander?

    Too rich for my blood.
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    uryenserellonturyenserellont Member Posts: 858 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I don't think you've convinced Geko, the only person who can make that change.

    Though the continued feedback may prompt him to revisit his layout ideas. He's done it before.

    Still, if I were to bet some quatloos on this, I would not bet on a Commander Tactical Station for this ship.

    Lt or Lt. Commander? Maybe. Certainly worth a few quatloos flyer on.

    But Commander?

    Too rich for my blood.

    A simple swap of LTC engineering and LT tactical is all that's needed, like the Avenger and Assault Cruiser Refit have. I would also like the fleet dread to have a 4T / 4E / 2S console layout (4 / 3 / 3 would be good too).

    Anything less than that boff and console layout is not worth it and we're better off buying a Fleet Avenger, Assault Cruiser Refit or Excelsior if we want to fly a fed cruiser.
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    ddesjardinsddesjardins Member Posts: 3,056 Media Corps
    edited February 2014
    Darn thread merge...

    OK - no anger at all. My original post was simple - give s something on par with the Scimitar.

    We know we won't get a battle cloak. Cloak will remain a console so the ship will be a 9/10 console ship.

    The Saucer-separation element is purely a cosmetic change. And again a console. The Galaxy is a 8/10 console ship.

    It is getting a hanger bay. Cool, not earth shattering. The FEC still kicks it's proverbial tuchus.

    So make it a stand-out design. 2 commander slots would change the landscape entirely. One Tac and one Engineer. Heck make the tac position swap with a Lt. Comander Sci position (ala Dyson).

    ... a fanatical player can dream can't they?

    I guess what I'm saying is I am bored with the toys I have. Seven toons, max reps, all the cool ships. Limited ability to build my own ships. Costumes don't work properly still on the KDF toons. The new content has been fun, but I eat it up pretty fast. As for MMO missions for fleetmates, there has not been anything engaging in a while. No desire to grind infinitely, and willing to pay for something new. Either Cryptic gets my eyeballs, or another space game will. Galactic Civ 3 is going beta in a few months.....
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    puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I don't think you've convinced Geko, the only person who can make that change.

    Though the continued feedback may prompt him to revisit his layout ideas. He's done it before.

    Still, if I were to bet some quatloos on this, I would not bet on a Commander Tactical Station for this ship.

    Lt or Lt. Commander? Maybe. Certainly worth a few quatloos flyer on.

    But Commander?

    Too rich for my blood.

    oh yeah, I already know its not gonna be a commander slot.. it should be though.. and reguardless of weather or not im changing his mind, im just speaking mine. lol..

    to be perfectly honest, im not a big fan of geko. I think a lot of the time he misses the "essence" of star trek when he "tweaks" something. also, ive never liked how he is kind of condescending to the player base when he interviews..

    I do appreciate that he takes a look at something here and there, but in this case. he got it wrong.. that galaxy dreadnaught in all good things wasn't just a ship that was an ok fighter.. it man handled the two voodeh classes no problem. not even a scratch on the enterprise.. not saying it should one shot anything in game, but it should have some serious punch.. but hey don't want to dethrone their precious scimitars so once again, a ship that deserves much more attention, got the short end of the stick.. (well we havnt seen the actual numbers on it yet, but everyone knows its gonna be fairly similar to what is already out with an added console..).
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    puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    A simple swap of LTC engineering and LT tactical is all that's needed, like the Avenger and Assault Cruiser Refit have. I would also like the fleet dread to have a 4T / 4E / 2S console layout (4 / 3 / 3 would be good too).

    Anything less than that boff and console layout is not worth it and we're better off buying an Avenger or Fleet Assault Cruiser Refit if we want to fly a fed cruiser.

    well that's what they want you to do is buy the newer ships.. they already made their money on this ship.. them "fixing" is is simply cryptic going through the paces.. they know they are not gonna make big money on the ship that is why it got the short end of the stick.. I garuntee if this ship had not been previously released, and this was a new release, it would be a lot like the scimitar with all sorts of goodies (cause they would have to make it too good to pass up)..
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    reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I expected a disappointment sold as a big improvement and the dev team delivered, so at least they are consistent in their willingness to not get money.

    Once more, the time old spell called "Powerword: wallet slams shut!" is used.
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    gofasternowgofasternow Member Posts: 1,390 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Y'know, I just had a thought.

    What if the "lackluster" stats for the Gal and Gal-X was in preparation for Mirror Ships?
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    unangbangkayunangbangkay Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Y'know, I just had a thought.

    What if the "lackluster" stats for the Gal and Gal-X was in preparation for Mirror Ships?

    That's kind of crazy.

    1. The Gal-R and Gal-X were around long, long, long before Cryptic even gave a thought to lockboxes and mirror ships. Several systems designers, lead creatives, and visions for the future passed before this reboot. The Galaxy line was simply obsoleted by power creep and the evolution of player tactics that rendered their qualities undesirable, not out of some strange conspiracy to sell mirror ships 4 years into the future.

    2. Monetarily speaking Cryptic makes virtually no dosh off of Mirror Ships. They are the cheapest ships in the game by light years. Just look at prices on the exchange. Hell, they theoretically make MORE money off people buying ships out of the shipyard store for dilihthium because that dilithium leaves circulation, at least, opening an opportunity for someone to spend some zen.

    3. So far Mirror ships, with the exception of the mirror temporal destroyer have only been for existing free ships, and restricted to Tier 5. since the vanilla Galaxy is T4, a Mirror Galaxy-R would never have been in the cards anyway. The only people that have access to Galaxies for free at T5 are 600-day subscribers and people who buy the Fleet Gal-R.

    4. And even IF you were correct, they'd still LOSE money because Mirror ships are dirt-cheap, and if the Mirror ships were better than the existing Gal-R and Gal-X (wouldn't be hard), then no one would ever pay for the Gal-R and Gal-X ever again. They'd just get the mirror ship.
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    reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Y'know, I just had a thought.

    What if the "lackluster" stats for the Gal and Gal-X was in preparation for Mirror Ships?

    Because pissing off everyone who has been clamoring for an update top bring the Galaxy family up to par is a good decision, prior to trying to sell them another set of Galaxys.

    If they had planned anything like that they should have outright said so and stop this BS mystery keeping.

    Building hype is best done by delivering evidence of something awesome coming up, not with dumb as fck ramblings on social networks and a marketing blurb that reads line per line as an insult to both intelligence and the customer.

    Dude, they are selling these updates to the ships as something GOOD. As if they did something to improve the ships.

    Doing this kidn of bs and then trying to get people to spend additional money is TRIBBLE.
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    captyoung01captyoung01 Member Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    That's kind of crazy.

    1. The Gal-R and Gal-X were around long, long, long before Cryptic even gave a thought to lockboxes and mirror ships. Several systems designers, lead creatives, and visions for the future passed before this reboot. The Galaxy line was simply obsoleted by power creep and the evolution of player tactics that rendered their qualities undesirable, not out of some strange conspiracy to sell mirror ships 4 years into the future.

    2. Monetarily speaking Cryptic makes virtually no dosh off of Mirror Ships. They are the cheapest ships in the game by light years. Just look at prices on the exchange. Hell, they theoretically make MORE money off people buying ships out of the shipyard store for dilihthium because that dilithium leaves circulation, at least, opening an opportunity for someone to spend some zen.

    3. So far Mirror ships, with the exception of the mirror temporal destroyer have only been for existing free ships, and restricted to Tier 5. since the vanilla Galaxy is T4, a Mirror Galaxy-R would never have been in the cards anyway. The only people that have access to Galaxies for free at T5 are 600-day subscribers and people who buy the Fleet Gal-R.

    4. And even IF you were correct, they'd still LOSE money because Mirror ships are dirt-cheap, and if the Mirror ships were better than the existing Gal-R and Gal-X (wouldn't be hard), then no one would ever pay for the Gal-R and Gal-X ever again. They'd just get the mirror ship.

    Personally I about puked when I saw the new release of mirror ships from the Hirogen Lock boxes, by now we should have gotten at least a Galaxy Class Mirror and or Excelsior Class Mirror. Instead they choose to recirculate ships from the last 3-4 boxes. . .

    While on that note, the next lock boxes they plan to spring on us should have one or the other Mirror versions (As stated above). I totally wouldn't mind buying a Mirror Galaxy Class Dreadnought from the Lobi store.

    Now for the topic, I was very glad to finally hear that the Galaxy Class Dreadnought is to be coming out in a Fleet Version and with a hanger bay too. But I was totally appalled by two things, 1. Ensign Universal Boff Slot, 2. Saucer Separation. Number 1# I actually can deal with. As for number 2#, everything I know about the Galaxy Class Dreadnought tells me that this is not how it should be. The lance being mounted underneath the Saucer Section and the Neck Along with the 3rd Warp Nacelle to power the weapons means that the lance could not be active in anyway without the extra power to boost and with the Phaser Lance mounted rendering the Saucer unable to separate. . One the one hand I think it's cool, but on the other for everything I know factual about the Galaxy Class Dreadnought it;s just not very realistic. .

    But we only have so little information about the up coming Fleet Version. I do still look forward to getting the Dreadnought as I have setup one of my Engineers for it. My disputes on it I suppose I will just deal with, IE: not using the Saucer Sep console etc. Its just me though.
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    reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Let the train wreck ensue....

    At least i can take comfort in the fact that the d'deridex was spared this BS, and has gotten a kickass setup, so i take refuge in that and simply keep the money cryptic makes no effort of getting.
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    unangbangkayunangbangkay Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Personally I about puked when I saw the new release of mirror ships from the Hirogen Lock boxes, by now we should have gotten at least a Galaxy Class Mirror and or Excelsior Class Mirror. Instead they choose to recirculate ships from the last 3-4 boxes. . .

    While on that note, the next lock boxes they plan to spring on us should have one or the other Mirror versions (As stated above). I totally wouldn't mind buying a Mirror Galaxy Class Dreadnought from the Lobi store.

    As I said, they wouldn't put a T5 ship that is otherwise exclusive to the store or Starbase in the standard mirror ship box because mirror ships are so cheap as to effectively be free. If they made Mirror Galaxies or Mirror Excelsiors, NO ONE would buy the store versions unless the Mirror Gal and Mirror Excel were completely inferior in every conceivable way, and if that's the case, what's the point of putting them out at all?

    And if a "Mirror" Gal-X were put out in the lobi store that was essentially a fixed Fleet Gal-X, that wouldn't be a good move either, because the Gal-X and Galaxy are sure-sellers purely due to their iconic status. People WILL buy them even though they're statistically inferior, because of emotional attachment to those designs. If that weren't the case the "Fix the Galaxy" thread on these very forums wouldn't be so mindblowing large.

    This are a case where Cryptic wants to make them as accessible as possible to everyone who's willing to spend on the game. There's no CBS putting the Kibosh on a T5 Miranda or T5 TOS Constitution, this is a case of making arguably the most attractive ship design (figuratively speaking) in STO even more attractive, so they have more to gain by selling it widely than by locking it behind STO's least accessible channel (the lobi store).
    Now for the topic, I was very glad to finally hear that the Galaxy Class Dreadnought is to be coming out in a Fleet Version and with a hanger bay too. But I was totally appalled by two things, 1. Ensign Universal Boff Slot, 2. Saucer Separation. Number 1# I actually can deal with. As for number 2#, everything I know about the Galaxy Class Dreadnought tells me that this is not how it should be. The lance being mounted underneath the Saucer Section and the Neck Along with the 3rd Warp Nacelle to power the weapons means that the lance could not be active in anyway without the extra power to boost and with the Phaser Lance mounted rendering the Saucer unable to separate. . One the one hand I think it's cool, but on the other for everything I know factual about the Galaxy Class Dreadnought it;s just not very realistic. .

    Well, "factually" the Galaxy Dreadnought isn't even supposed to exist in the first place, since it's from an alternate timeline that got wiped away, so the fact of it existing in the prime universe at all is justification enough to take liberties with its capabilities.

    And really? Totally appalled? Please don't get bent out of shape over trivialities.
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    astro2244astro2244 Member Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Oh. Mah. Gawd.

    Not sure if trolling, or seriously that sycophantic.

    Not trolling. Someone just let Weyoun into the forums :D

    Jk But everything isn't etched in stone, so hopefully with feedback any fixes that need to be made for the gal-x, can be to keep it on the market as a semi viable option.
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    warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The Gal-X changes are laughable at best. You want to beef it up? I'd say:

    - Standard upgrade in Hull & Shield Points for a Fleet Ship.
    - Make the LtCdr ENG BOFF seat Universal.
    - Make the Ens TAC BOFF seat Universal.
    - The +1 Turn Rate should be inherent to the Galaxy Class lineup, not a bonus from Consoles.
    - Console Layout: ENG: 4, SCI: 3, TAC: 3 (The Galaxy line is a balanced and powerful design)
    - To stay in the spirit of the original use of the Phaser Lance, no AOE.

    - Gal-X Console Set & Bonus: Antimatter Spread Console, Saucer Separation Console, Cloaking Device Console
    ** 2 piece bonus
    Phaser Lance cooldown reduced to 1.5 minutes instead of 3 (PL is more powerful than KDF Guramba Javelin, which has a 60 second CD).
    10% Phaser Dmg Bonus
    ** 3 piece bonus
    Cloak improved to a Battle Cloak
    (Yes, as a KDF player, I said it)

    And the regular Galaxy, to include Fleet Galaxy, are still the same setups as before with much needed turn buff locked into Consoles.
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    warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    kimmym wrote: »
    Give a mouse a cookie...

    They finally give it the attention they said they would, give it more then we expected, and yet here starts the complaints! It needs a LtCom tac now. Next it will need 7 front weapon slots, 3 hangars, and all tac consoles...

    Thanks for the Saucer Separation. That is what you promised me over 2 years ago. Excstatic about the hangar bay, that is pure extra. Uni ens? I'll likely load it tac most of the time, but I'll take that, too!

    The rest of you... bah... learn to fly the ships the way they are and you will have a much better time of things then constantly complaining that X ship needs Y buff.

    The BUFFs really don't fix the issues of the Galaxy. As far as the Gal-X version goes:

    The Universal TAC Ens is "false choice." All Galaxy variants in the game are TAC starved, and giving the player the option to make that even less? Not good for an offensive oriented Galaxy variant.

    Another complaint about the entire Galaxy class lineup is the sluggish maneuverability. Cryptic gave the much needed +1 turn rate and locked it into console bonuses. The turn rate bonus should be inherent to the ship.

    Hangar Bay... When I think back on TNG, I dot see the Galaxy-class as a Carrier of sorts. This also follows the current Cryptic line of thought of: "We can't figure this out, so let's just throw a hangar on it and be done with it."

    Phaser Lance AOE... nothing at all like the TNG version. It should be kept to the original line of fire and all that.

    The Set Bonus goes against the spirit of an offensive modification of the more balanced Galaxy. How about Phaser Lance CD reduction + accuracy? Phaser dmg type bonus?

    Again, the changes do no alter that the Gal-X will still be a fail ship even after the changes. It changes NONE of the gripes of the Galaxy / Gal-X at its core.
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    hravikhravik Member Posts: 1,203 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I'm underwhelmed with the Gal-X changes.

    Hanger slot is okay I suppose, saucer sep I couldn't care less about, set bonus is a waste of two perfectly good console slots, and the ens tac to ens universal leaves me scratching my head as to the point behind it.

    The lance I had really wanted to see made into an actual weapon (where the slot only accepts that type and no other weapon), with the option to change it out with dilithium purchased variants. Different modifiers, energy types, etc.

    Maybe we'll be surprised with the fleet version, but I'm not holding out hope.

    Edit: I at least hope the fighters launch backwards from the oversize shuttle bay. Having them pop forward like on other carriers/carrier hybrids would just look weird.
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    paspinallpaspinall Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Because the problem with the galaxy was clearly its bad seperation mechanic and not the useless number of engineering consoles.
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    reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    hravik wrote: »
    I'm underwhelmed with the Gal-X changes.

    Hanger slot is okay I suppose, saucer sep I couldn't care less about, set bonus is a waste of two perfectly good console slots, and the ens tac to ens universal leaves me scratching my head as to the point behind it.

    The lance I had really wanted to see made into an actual weapon (where the slot only accepts that type and no other weapon), with the option to change it out with dilithium purchased variants. Different modifiers, energy types, etc.

    Maybe we'll be surprised with the fleet version, but I'm not holding out hope.

    Edit: I at least hope the fighters launch backwards from the oversize shuttle bay. Having them pop forward like on other carriers/carrier hybrids would just look weird.

    They put no thought or effort into this and you expect them to have thought about that.

    Wow, you are an optimist.
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    shaneseifertshaneseifert Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The ships aren't fixed. This is hardly keeping up with the power creep, and still the same arguments about how the Galaxy sucked, but somehow the federation was able to update the excelsior toe better. It's so dumb it's hard to laugh at this point.
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    reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    this has long since ceased to be an amusing failure in cryptics thought process.
    We have reached human centipede level of activity here.
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    questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,414 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I purchased the Galaxy-X as an iconic vessel while at the time it was already known that the stats did not live up to its reputation.

    It was a bit sour to see the Galaxy-X growing ever more obsolete with the arrival of newer Klingon designs and the Romulans. Sometimes it felt like flying an Oberth in terms of firepower and survivability.

    The hangar is nice and Saucer separation ain't bad, but it's the inaccuracy of the Phaser Lance and the engineering focus on a supposedly tactical vessel which irks me.

    Switch and LCmdr Engineering boff to a tactical and the majority can forgive the lack of consoles and poor maneuverability.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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    redz4twredz4tw Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2014
    Ok everyone, chill the fudge out. Cryptic hasn't released stats for the fleet galaxy X. The C-Store gal-x is a tier 4 ship hiding in a tier 5 ship's skin. The layout is gonna be a little meh. We don't know the boff seating on the fleet galx, we dont know where the console is gonna be at, the increased shield mod and hull suggests that this is gonna be a really tanky tactical cruiser. And, if you don't have a Ltcmdr tac, (which i think should be on the fleet version) it's simple. BFAW1, APB1, TT1.

    I don't understand this community, they're finally doing ANYTHING to the galaxy class, and this is the reaction they get? If i was the game devs I'd just cancel the buff and leave you ungrateful whining ******* with nothing. So, until fleet stats are released SHUT THE HELL UP!
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    adabisiadabisi Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    So my gal x is going to be a light carrier now too?

    So instead of specializing the ship to fit a role they just made it a bit more generic. Does a lil of everything.

    Not sure I like what direction they went in. I guess the made it on par with other ships that have the same moniker of Dreadnaught.

    The game is too full of ships that are virtually cookie cutter for each faction....there is a decided lack of originality IMO.

    Take away the carrier aspect....remove the lance modification and add a commander tac slot.

    Lets be innovative not a bunch of cookie cutter ships I always say.
    Today we fight the GAULS......monstrous and HAIRY beyond reason.
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    mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    redz4tw wrote: »
    Ok everyone, chill the fudge out. Cryptic hasn't released stats for the fleet galaxy X. The C-Store gal-x is a tier 4 ship hiding in a tier 5 ship's skin. The layout is gonna be a little meh. We don't know the boff seating on the fleet galx, we dont know where the console is gonna be at, the increased shield mod and hull suggests that this is gonna be a really tanky tactical cruiser. And, if you don't have a Ltcmdr tac, (which i think should be on the fleet version) it's simple. BFAW1, APB1, TT1.

    I don't understand this community, they're finally doing ANYTHING to the galaxy class, and this is the reaction they get? If i was the game devs I'd just cancel the buff and leave you ungrateful whining ******* with nothing. So, until fleet stats are released SHUT THE HELL UP!

    How much were you payed? the "buff" they gave was lazy and negligible, they did nothing to fix what was ACTUALLY wrong with the ships. Also, the Gal-X IS a tier 5 ship, just like all other level 40+ ships AND is one of the most well-known dreadnaughts in Star trek. The Gal-R did not even GET a buff, and THAT was the one everyone was really complaining about.
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    snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The only people that have access to Galaxies for free at T5 are 600-day subscribers and people who buy the Fleet Gal-R.

    Since you brought up the way way way back olden days in point 1, I think it's probably good to remember that quite a few old timers got the Galaxy-R for free back when it debuted by getting the free "one retrofit for level capping" chip back then.
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    snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    How much were you payed? the "buff" they gave was lazy and negligible, they did nothing to fix what was ACTUALLY wrong with the ships. Also, the Gal-X IS a tier 5 ship, just like all other level 40+ ships AND is one of the most well-known dreadnaughts in Star trek. The Gal-R did not even GET a buff, and THAT was the one everyone was really complaining about.

    You keep using the word "they" when you should just use the word "Geko."
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    shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    adabisi wrote: »
    So my gal x is going to be a light carrier now too?

    Hey, it's the Cryptic way - "When in doubt, slap a hangar!"
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    doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    As I said, they wouldn't put a T5 ship that is otherwise exclusive to the store or Starbase in the standard mirror ship box because mirror ships are so cheap as to effectively be free.
    Mirror Dhelan, a C-Store Ship. Mirror Cheyenne, a Fleet Starbase Store ship. The event you're saying they "wouldn't do" has, in fact, already happened before you ever wrote that post. Have you been keeping up with the times?
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