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Galaxy "Reboot" Feedback



  • projectfrontierprojectfrontier Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    bluegeek wrote: »

    They had to redo the Galaxy models to allow for the enhanced separation tech. That's not a weekend slam-dunk. This has been in the works for awhile.

    The timing is just a bit of serendipity, I think.

    Come on, be honest - they replaced the object-collection list used to define the Odyssey with those that define the Galaxy and maybe, just maybe, adjusted the landing cycle so that you don't faceroll the third nacelle (which is the part they indicated they were struggling with two years ago), didn't they?
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    He's right about the remolding needed for the Gal-X (which did not have a saucer sep animation) -- but seeing how many remoldings and resizings the STO ship art team does , one can see that no new art assets were needed .

    The Gal-X needed to have the Gal-R's "neck" slapped onto it (while the saucer is off) , and the Gal-R's saucer's needed to be reskinned with a Gal-X's look .
    Bam . Done . Weekend job for the talented Cryptic ship crew ... who get away with more modding then they should ... . ;)

    Now as to the hack job with the seats/powers "update" ... , that can be counted in a few minutes or a few hours , depending who you ask .
    Not that the players were asked ... -- that's blatantly obvious .

    The Dreadnought was saucer-separating two years ago using the same model we have now which is still using the assets found on the retrofit (and apparently captain level ship). Worst case scenario they had to alter the Odyssey-animation cycle after slapping the Galaxy ship parts into the object list for the Dreadnought to keep the third nacelle from getting face-rolled during docking procedures.

    But yeah, the seat hack job is supposed to motivate "fleet store" purchases as apparently we must have a ship with the word "fleet" near its "class" instead of just a fleet-tier ship like the Odyssey, Scimitar, Kumari, Vesta, and Dyson lines.
  • thegalaxy31thegalaxy31 Member Posts: 1,211 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    capnkirk4 wrote: »
    Honestly, I never understood the fuss about the Galaxy. I always thought it was a butt ugly ship. It always reminded me of some weird 1970s retro end table. The saucer stretched on the wrong axis, the 90 degree bend of the nacelle pylons, and the art deco nacelles. Always seemed like an interruption in Starfleet's design aesthetic, like some goofball destroyed the plans for what should have been the Galaxy, and replaced them with an idea he saw while shopping for furniture at Ikea.

    lol. You summed up that ship!
    I would love to visit this star in-game...or maybe this one!
    Won't SOMEONE please think of the CHILDREN?!
  • stf65stf65 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    Ah , that's interesting ... , mostly because it sounds like it went from "we can't get the tech to work" to "yeah , we can do it if we actually work on it" .

    Same old Not To Be Fired ... .
    I was mainly addressing the stupidity of this thread. The marketing team has things planned out weeks in advance. They don't just wake up on tuesday and decide to launch a new ship because some other ships sales weren't what they expected. Look at the new mirror incursion event information that's already in the game. Just reading that info we see that the new mirror event is going to be like the original crystline catastrophy event with a huge dilithium reward at the end. That info's in the game but it hasn't even been announced yet.

    Cryptic doesn't do random things. They follow a marketing schedule.
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    i just feel the changes to the dread should of been done to the retro

    the uni ensign the retro needs more then any thing so it stops being gimped by too much engineering

    and the hanger would of helped counter the 2 tac consoles and allow it to make up some of the lack of DPS with pets

    these changes ont he dread??? the uni ensign is a waist as it;s a tacticle ship. the hanger not bad but not really needed either

    the LTC should of been uni
  • sevmragesevmrage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    @ Bluegeek

    Just wanted to respond to you.
    Discussing non Fed faction ships in here is going to happen. The Galaxy-X is offically called the "Galaxy Dreadnought." There is also the Romulan Scimitar Warbird ships, which are also considered officially Dreadnoughts. Also, there is the "Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier." Comparisons are going to be made. In addition to that, Mirror ships were brought up, which inevitably brings up comparisons to the original version of the ship, the T5 Fleet version, and the T5 C-store version if applicable. All related to discussions related to possibilities of a Mirror Galaxy or Mirror Galaxy Dreadnought. If you keep this purely fed focused, the conversation will either stifle itself from lack of content, or turn into another "What's your beef with the Galaxy, Cryptic?" thread.
    I'm just letting you know that you're trying to put out a non-existant fire. Trust me, you don't have to worry about this thread totally derailing and talking about the merits of the Klink Runabout Vs. Rommie Runabout.

    That aside, I am glad you recognize that the idea of calling these mild adjustments a "reboot" is questionable at best like the rest of us. And I don't blame you for picking the most reasonable thread title to headline the discussions.

    On the topic at hand, I'm still waiting to see what changes are in store for the later announcement. So far, while the changes revealed are interesting and neat gimmicks, I'm still waiting to see what's going to happen with my Fleet Gal-X. Hopefully there are going to be more important changes made there that will help solve some of the major problems of the ship outside of gimmick parts. I do like the idea of the two peice set bonus of the Cloak and Saucer Sep, and the Hangar is nice too, but as I've said before, I can be happy with that if they AREN'T the only fixes to the ship. The X and the R both need Boff adjustments, and basic stat adjustments too. I have gotten quite good with the current Boff seating on the X, and am quite comfortable with it, but with luck, something better will happen with the Fleet X. God, I so dearly hope the Lance gets a massive accuracy Buff. Popping Vault Weavers was only entertaining at first.
    Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
    My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
    khayuung wrote: »
    Firstly, be proud! You're part of the few, the stubborn, the Federation Dreadnought Captains.
  • projectfrontierprojectfrontier Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    stf65 wrote: »
    I was mainly addressing the stupidity of this thread. The marketing team has things planned out weeks in advance. They don't just wake up on tuesday and decide to launch a new ship because some other ships sales weren't what they expected. Look at the new mirror incursion event information that's already in the game. Just reading that info we see that the new mirror event is going to be like the original crystline catastrophy event with a huge dilithium reward at the end. That info's in the game but it hasn't even been announced yet.

    Cryptic doesn't do random things. They follow a marketing schedule.

    You sure it just isn't an effort to try an monetize the "Galaxy Conga-Line" from a few weeks ago?
  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Its not like this is making it any worse. Now its got a hanger on top of having the saucer itself as an ally with DHCs. Personally, I hate universal slots because they makes ships too versatile, but this won't be like that. If you don't like it, no one is forcing you to use it. But its an improvement nonetheless, and then I'm happy to see it. But I'm happier about the changes to the galaxy. And the who cares what the new console slot is for? Most of you will just put a universal item in there anyway, so what does it matter?
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    ... Really?

    Let me put this way, THOSE PEOPLE ALREADY OWN THE SHIP! They arent going to buy it AGAIN because they ALREADY OWN IT!

    Correct, I was one that went to this gathering and I own all three Galaxy ships. ;)

    Though I would never take any of them into serious missions etc, they suck too much compared to other ships...

    On the subject of the tech behind the moving saucer sep, that was done more than 6 months ago on the Dread and Gal-R. From what I remember Gecko saying, is that they could not find a way to stop Gal-R owners from putting the sep console on the Dread.

    No idea why that was a reason, but I guess that is now no loner an issue..
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I love the looks of the ships. Just because you don't, does not mean they're bad looking. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Remember that.

    The look of the ships are just fine, but nothing more.. I love the klingon one, the look is amazing (specially if you equip it with the jem hadar shields and, for example the breen impulse engines), and i dont like the romulan look, only for that stupid impulse trail in the afterboard, on the contrary a lot of people think. It makes the ship really bad looking. The fed is just fine, with some cool shields and engines, the look of the fed increases a lot.. :)

    I only wish the solanae shields will throw any other effect on the ships, so we can have more choices of making our ship the shiny one out there..
  • supergirl1611supergirl1611 Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    you can paint a lemon green and call it an apple, but it is still a lemon.

    I would have gladly paid for a completely new Galaxy/Galaxy-X ship with a decent console,boff and turn rate revamp. Sold as a new ship under the venture skin and allowing the Galaxy skins to be used on it.

    I still can get a decent performance from a Galaxy/Galaxy-X however after flying a D'Kora, Excelsior, Regent, Galor, Avenger, Tor'Kaht and even Negh'var, Jumping back to the helm of a Galaxy is just painful in comparison to these cruisers and others not mentioned. And shows how badly this ship needed a real buff.

    I just hope they do to the Fleet Galaxy-X what the did with the Vorcha (Tor'Kaht) and make it a different build to the tier 5 version.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I won't get the Dyson pack since its way too much. And full of stuff I don' really want. Even my future Sci Captain might make use out of 1 of those ships, but that is not sure yet.

    However the new Galaxy pack I can get that. Since it has 2 ships I was planning on getting anyways at some point in the future.

    I would say no on the main question. As this has been in the works for a while. To fix some of the issues with them. Plus they been hinting at the Galaxy X will saucer separate for a while as well. As they was sorting out the bugs. They finally finished what they had planned, and now here it is.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    kolbrandr wrote: »
    They might have sold me the KDF Dyson if it didn't look like TRIBBLE. To me it looks like they put all their effort towards the Romulan one, a decent amount of effort towards the Fed one, and then just slapped something together for the KDF so they could finish on time.

    "Here KDF, have a big white spacepenis."

    I think the Romulan one was done last tbh. Notice how it has the least animations on it.

    As far as the Galaxy rework.... so little so late! Why are they even wasting time on saucer separation now? The ship can be saved relatively easily though, just make the lt, cmdr station a universal one. Drop the fighter bay on the dreadnought, getting a universal ens and lt. cmdr would at least make it sorta useful, to make it competitive it needs to have its turning upped by at least 1.
  • redsnake721redsnake721 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The Team at cryptic want to make something that generates revenue for the company right? Something that the players will buy correct? The Galaxy X has needed a LTCMDR Tac station form day one to allow players to use cannon abilities and higher level attack patterns or a combination of both beam/Torp/cannon abilities. It has needed 4 Tac consoles to give it the offensive role it is suppose to have. All the other additions spoke of are nice but not enough to get players out of their Fleet Excelsior's and Avengers and Assault cruisers. If they want us to buy and use it then it will have to be as good as or better than what currently in game. Cryptic if you want me to spend money and buy this ship then you will HAVE to give it a LTCMDR or better Uni or Tac boff station. Period...You have the opportunity to make a lot of money if you just listen to us and do it right. No one wants a cruiser that can equip beams and cannons and torps and have to chose just one weapon type to have tac abilities for and no attack pattern choices. If it was up to me it would have a CMDR TAc station. That would make it a real dreadnought. But I would still buy it with a LTCMDR. But if this ship is released as listed then nothing would give me an incentive to purchase it.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    How is changing a tact ens to uni a benefit a ship that is over heavy with engineering but light on tact when it is a tact version of the Galaxy ?

    Did the ship really need a hanger ?

    Did the ship really need saucer separation ?

    The 10th Console slot has not been defined

    Does the ship really compare to the only other Dreadnought in the game the Scimitar with these changes or come even close with these changes. Hell does she even compare to the D'kora, Tor'Khat and Excelsior.

    Sorry but this is a lazy attempt by Cryptic to update a ship that has fallen behind the power creep and still falls behind.

    Yes i'm complaining about these changes as they are superficial and do nothing really to bring the X up to par with other cruisers

    That seat could be used for a Sci, Eng, or Tac to make it a little different from the next Galaxy X. It might not seem to help, but it can somewhat. It would been nice to see this Uni seat on the Galaxy R as well.

    The dreadnaught can make use out of it. By equipping other shuttle/fighters to help out. You don't have to use it, but the option is there. Plus this Star Fleet's only cruiser type ship to carry a shuttle/fighter.

    The saucer separation is also an option. You don't have to use it either. However I'm sure in some cases it can come in handy. I'm glad the X can do it now, plus the saucer isn't generic now and actually shows your saucer.

    The 10th consul to me don't matter, since its Fleet only. And most won't have the Fleet version. Myself is one of them.

    It might seem a little behind still, however its still a good ship to use. Just like the Romulan Double D. You have to learn how to use the ship to get the most out of it.

    I'm glad they did at least work on them. And the pack will come in handy. For me and others its a good deal. You get 2 Tier 5 ships, bridge, Venture version, plus a set bonus for a lot cheaper than buying them out right.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I would have rather it got a Lt Cmdr Tac, Lt Tac, Cmdr Eng, Lt Sci, Ens Universal layout. No Fed ships have a layout like that so it won't be copying anything. Or that layout without ensign uni would also be acceptable. Also instead of a hangar more turn rate and better inertia, or anything instead of a hangar.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • tksmittytksmitty Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    A revamped Gal-X would have been the only thing that would have brought me back to the Fed side. What I would have wanted to see changed with it's upgrade: Lt. Cmdr and Ens. Uni and an accuracy boost for the lance (I've watched the lance miss gates...).

    The hangar is nice, Saucer sep is cool but I wouldn't use it. So, overall? Meh, I'm still KDF main.

    It's too bad. The Gal-X is such a gorgeous ship.
    Current ship/builds:
    KDF Tac: Bortasqu' Tactical
    Fed Tac: Fleet Gal-X

    Keep those big guns a-thunderin'
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,864 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    marc8219 wrote: »
    I would have rather it got a Lt Cmdr Tac, Lt Tac, Cmdr Eng, Lt Sci, Ens Universal layout. No Fed ships have a layout like that so it won't be copying anything. Or that layout without ensign uni would also be acceptable. Also instead of a hangar more turn rate and better inertia, or anything instead of a hangar.

    Still doesn't change the fact that there are at least a half dozen different Cruisers available that have a Lt Cmdr Tac. Maybe if they gave it a Lt Cmdr Sci it would be more interesting and a bit uncommon...it might fit sorta since the Mirror one uses Gravity Well.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • shaneseifertshaneseifert Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    ghyudt wrote: »
    Its not like this is making it any worse. Now its got a hanger on top of having the saucer itself as an ally with DHCs. Personally, I hate universal slots because they makes ships too versatile, but this won't be like that. If you don't like it, no one is forcing you to use it. But its an improvement nonetheless, and then I'm happy to see it. But I'm happier about the changes to the galaxy. And the who cares what the new console slot is for? Most of you will just put a universal item in there anyway, so what does it matter?

    Not making them much better either. Yes I know some people have made some good voodoo builds and had okay performance. But let's put it this way, aside from being a target, what is the ship really good at? What does it to that a different ship doesn't do better and hit harder In return? The ship is not broken, but when an Excelsior can zip in and tool it, kinda sad. And if you think the Excelsior should be able to do that.......we'll.......not much point in talking....
  • wrathofachilleswrathofachilles Member Posts: 937 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Another thought: Castrating the dreadnaught on comm powers makes no sense at all. The scimitar doesn't get gimped on singularity powers simply because of its title, so why does the dread lose half the powers? So: Dreadnaught comms.

    Flagship Assault: Weapon system efficiency + Strategic maneuvering. Reduces weapon power drain and boosts maneuvering.

    Flagship Defense: Shield Frequency Modulation + Attract Fire. Improves shield regen and resistance and boosts hull resistance while boosting threat.

    Feel free to name them something else, but yes... lets give this ship some real special and not smoke and mirrors, yes?

    And if we can't make a massive overhaul of the ship (boff seating, etc.) because it's long standing and been purchased as is, etc. etc. then lets work around that.

    *edit*: grammar -.-
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I just LOL at Cryptic's pending changes to the Galaxy. It changes NOTHING about what's wrong with the Galaxy / Gal-X. In general, there are 2 main griefing points about all the Galaxy variants.

    1. They dont hit hard enough; Offensively weak.

    2. They handle pretty terribly.

    The changes don't alleviate these properly.

    - Not sure if the revamp will give the Gal-X an extra TAC Console.
    - The Phaser Lance has a nasty tendency to miss and has a very long 3 min cooldown. This is not rectified.
    - All Galaxy variants, to include the offensive oriented Gal-X, are starved in TAC BOFF stations. Making the precious Ens TAC station Universal is false choice... OF COURSE THE PLAYER WILL KEEP THAT AT TAC. They will be stupid to do otherwise in an already TAC starved boat.
    - The +1 turn rate was needed, but it was tied to Console Bonuses. HORRIBLE MOVE. It should have been an inherent bonus to the ships, not via Consoles.
    - Hangar Bay? Hangar Bay? You guys need to stop the cheapskate idea that throwing a hangar on anything you're not sure of will alleviate the problems. Because when I think of the Galaxy class ships, I see them launching a bunch of fighters... NOT.
    - Making the Phaser Lance have an AOE option goes completely against its use as shown in TNG.

    My input to make the Fleet Galaxy-X competitive to other Fed Cruisers?
    Consoles: TAC4, ENG4, SCI2
    Retain traditional 4x4 weapons layout
    Turn Rate: 7
    BOFF Stations: LtCdr TAC, Lt TAC, Cmdr ENG, Ens ENG, Lt SCI
    - No Phaser Lance AOE, just the current, straight piercing beam.
    - Set Bonus: +15% Phaser Damage Bonus
    * Bonus for Galaxy: +20 Starship Starship Hull Plating skill, +20 Starship Armor Reinforcement skill
    * Bonus for Gal-X: Phaser Lance cooldown reduced from 3 minutes to 1m30s. If it misses, the cooldown isn't a killer for the weapon.
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    stf65 wrote: »
    Cryptic doesn't do random things. They follow a marketing schedule.

    Right .
    So tell me this :
    Which ship was released (or re-released or upgraded or whatever) TWO WEEKS after the LoR 120$ ship package was introduced ?
    See the LoR ship package didn't even get Fleet Variants until a couple of months after it was introduced -- with the goal being to get as many ppl to buy the initial package as possible .
    That too has to do with marketing .

    Let's go another route :
    Which ship was released (or re-released or upgraded or whatever) TWO WEEKS after a Lockbox ship came out ?

    'Cause those things need a time period to be sold as a "Premium" package as well ... , and if they don't sell too well , you'll get an advert vid for them within 2-6 weeks after their launch .

    But you don't put out a product with a flashy outstanding of price tag of 100$ , and immediately put out another one Two Weeks Later .

    That happens either because of a Marketing Blunder , or because you have to Artificially Boost Sales to Meet Bottom Line Expectations .

    Or , if you like rainbows and ponies , you can call it serendipity . ;)
  • priestofsin420priestofsin420 Member Posts: 419
    edited March 2014
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    Right .
    So tell me this :
    Which ship was released (or re-released or upgraded or whatever) TWO WEEKS after the LoR 120$ ship package was introduced ?
    See the LoR ship package didn't even get Fleet Variants until a couple of months after it was introduced -- with the goal being to get as many ppl to buy the initial package as possible .
    That too has to do with marketing .

    Let's go another route :
    Which ship was released (or re-released or upgraded or whatever) TWO WEEKS after a Lockbox ship came out ?

    'Cause those things need a time period to be sold as a "Premium" package as well ... , and if they don't sell too well , you'll get an advert vid for them within 2-6 weeks after their launch .

    But you don't put out a product a flashy outstanding (price tag wise) 100$ product , and immediately put out another one Two Weeks Later .

    That happens either because of a Marketing Blunder , or because you have to Artificially Boost Sales to Meet Bottom Line Expectations .

    Or , if you like rainbows and ponies , you can call it serendipity . ;)

    Do... do you even read your own posts? The 9-pack of dyson ships was to pay for the expensive skin+mechanics work that the dyson ships cost... instead of just releasing a new "Dyson" ship that was the same across all factions, they put in the time and money to create a unique variant for every faction. This gives them to right to sell a 9-pack to those who want it... the regular price for 3 of them is still the standard $50.
    Sardak (Science Officer): Captain of a 23k DPS R'Mor Temporal Science Vessel, R.R.W. Vathos
    Odan Brota (Science Officer): Captain of a 28k DPS Scryer Intel Science Vessel, U.S.S. Kepler
    Patiently waiting for a Romulan Science Vessel
  • wazzagiowwazzagiow Member Posts: 769 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Maybe your right. They are being released very close together. So expect your right on the money.
  • projectfrontierprojectfrontier Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I just LOL at Cryptic's pending changes to the Galaxy. It changes NOTHING about what's wrong with the Galaxy / Gal-X. In general, there are 2 main griefing points about all the Galaxy variants.

    1. They dont hit hard enough; Offensively weak.

    2. They handle pretty terribly.

    The changes don't alleviate these properly.

    - Not sure if the revamp will give the Gal-X an extra TAC Console.
    - The Phaser Lance has a nasty tendency to miss and has a very long 3 min cooldown. This is not rectified.
    - All Galaxy variants, to include the offensive oriented Gal-X, are starved in TAC BOFF stations. Making the precious Ens TAC station Universal is false choice... OF COURSE THE PLAYER WILL KEEP THAT AT TAC. They will be stupid to do otherwise in an already TAC starved boat.
    - The +1 turn rate was needed, but it was tied to Console Bonuses. HORRIBLE MOVE. It should have been an inherent bonus to the ships, not via Consoles.
    - Hangar Bay? Hangar Bay? You guys need to stop the cheapskate idea that throwing a hangar on anything you're not sure of will alleviate the problems. Because when I think of the Galaxy class ships, I see them launching a bunch of fighters... NOT.
    - Making the Phaser Lance have an AOE option goes completely against its use as shown in TNG.

    My input to make the Fleet Galaxy-X competitive to other Fed Cruisers?

    The Phaser Lance being included on the purported fleet version makes the c-store version completely superfluous, you can even get the cloak console elsewhere.

    And as the stats will not be inline with other dreadnoughts on the c-store version in spite of Cryptic stating "We have updated the Galaxy Dreadnought stats to bring it in line with other Dreadnoughts." (as other Dreadnoughts have 10 consoles, boosted shields Fleet-store ships as well as superior-boff-seating arrangements) the Galaxy-X, as announced, is even obsolete before it even hits the showroom floor.
  • wast33wast33 Member Posts: 1,855 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    it's not a reboot. it's slap on and leave it :(
  • johnstewardjohnsteward Member Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I was SO hoping for a dread with a resl lance weapon build in like with the new Science destroyers :(
  • wast33wast33 Member Posts: 1,855 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I was SO hoping for a dread with a resl lance weapon build in like with the new Science destroyers :(

    may that would have been a bit much of programming. boff layout on the other hand probably is only a button to press: PRESS IT FINALLY... (i like the lance-idea as well)
  • johnstewardjohnsteward Member Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Dont think so. Once they done it once it will be just copy paste. Surely a bit more work but to really csll it a revamp and to be worth the cost why not. The lance should be a real weapom like the kumari wing cannon
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Do... do you even read your own posts? The 9-pack of dyson ships was to pay for the expensive skin+mechanics work

    Well I have to read my own posts since I write them up . It's a package deal ! ;)

    As to what you really pay for when you choose to spend 100$ up front in this game ... well I've made a nice post about that here :

    It's called Purchasing "tech" VS purchasing "content" , and it draws some interesting parallels between the 120$ ship package that came out on the tail of LoR and the Dyson 9-pack farce .

    But you don't sound like a person who cares much about why he's asked to pay 100$ and for what , so it may not be for you . :o
  • wrathofachilleswrathofachilles Member Posts: 937 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Dont think so. Once they done it once it will be just copy paste. Surely a bit more work but to really csll it a revamp and to be worth the cost why not. The lance should be a real weapom like the kumari wing cannon

    Except it shouldn't take up a slot like the wing cannon does, it should be built in and make the gal-x the first ship to break the 8 weapon barrier.

    Also, if they haven't reduced the cooldown on the lance overload (what I shall call it) they should make that a set bonus of perhaps equipping the antimatter spread, saucer sep, and a cloak, then it cuts the cool to 90 seconds.

    This plus the dread comm powers I suggested earlier could make the ship quite a beast despite the lower tac boffs.

    Some may not like this, but I think that it might also make more sense to make the sci lt. into a uni so that you can forgo science in favor of more tac, at least then one could slot a beta or delta with a cannon power, especially with aux to bat builds, that might be helpful...

    Then give the galaxy the uni ensign so it can at least tilt slight more sci or tac if it wants to escape the balls to the walls engineering layout.
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