Granted, everyone in the world spontaneously gains a trilby.
I wish I wasn't so lazy.
Granted. Your regime comes to an end with your asassination, shortly after, people start organizing the world back into independent nations like it was before you conquered it.
I wish I could play Mario Kart IRL.
A TIME TO SEARCH: ENTER MY FOUNDRY MISSION at the RISA SYSTEM Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
Granted. Your regime comes to an end with your asassination, shortly after, people start organizing the world back into independent nations like it was before you conquered it.
Granted. Your regime comes to an end with your asassination, shortly after, people start organizing the world back into independent nations like it was before you conquered it.
Granted, but Earth pollution makes visibility undesirable.
Um... hmm I wish for more Epohhs. So cute.
i wish my horta could sing
Granted, Dr. M'coy crosses an epohh with a Khan transfused super tribble and the epohh hybrids fill the universe to capacity.
I wish I could TRIBBLE in that space elevator Neelix and Tuvok were trapped on.
Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
Granted, but you die because of a methane overdose from your TRIBBLE.
I wish for a hand phaser, that was destroyed as soon as I got it.
granted-- just kidding, not granted, for legal reasons
granted, but it reassembles and provides u with sooooo much asthma, u might as well do what coach says and take the bench
i wish spock would let people climb that tree on Omicron Ceti III
Granted, but the tree is filled with thousands of angry poisonous squirrels.
I wish my cat had black and orange fur.
Granted. It is now a tiger with a habit of trying to steal your food. Eventually, it gets your hand instead.
I wish for something silly to happen.
"I always hope for the best. Experience, unfortunately, has taught me to expect the worst."
-Elim Garak
Granted, Jabba the Hutt farts in your face.
I wish everything silly would happen.
Granted, everyone in the world spontaneously gains a trilby.
I wish I wasn't so lazy.
Granted, but a british soldier shuts this thread down for being rather much too silly.
I wish I was the only bicycle repairman in a world of Supermans.
Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
Granted, but it only has orange and black fur.
Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
Granted, but nobody needs to repair their bicycles anymore.
I wish I had an 800 pound gorilla as a body guard and it could never harm me.
Granted. Your regime comes to an end with your asassination, shortly after, people start organizing the world back into independent nations like it was before you conquered it.
I wish I could play Mario Kart IRL.
Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
I wish that I had CaptainSmirk FOREVER!!!
Granted. You keep getting hit with Blue Shells.
I wish that I had a car.
Granted. Mythbusters use it
I wsh I was Terminator
Granted you have been assigned to HR in the US post office and whilst firing someone you, yourself are terminated....
I wish the server was up and running
Granted. It crashes forever 2 hours later
I wish that I was Terminator mk2
Granted - but molten metal will never be your friend!
I wish I could kit bash a ship from any part of the STO game
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Granted, but then the server gets shut down indefinitely.
I wish I had an 800 pound gorilla as a body guard and it could never harm me .
Granted, but the gorilla kills you anyways, for stealing his bananas.
I wish for an official crossover with Transformers: Prime, Transformers: Rescue Bots, and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. >=3
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Granted, but in this crossover the Decepticons win every single time and the Autobots and ponies are forced into slave labor.
I wish ARC gave us free Mandalorian armor for all our characters.
I wish ARC would give us an actual useful website without the meter stating that we have no use for a "wannabe steam"...
George S. Patton
I wish that STO had Steam Badges.
Granted, but they put a virus on your system
I wish ARC wasn't going to be mandatory
Granted, but you better like Steam.
I wish that Tetryons could also lower shield power when enemy shields are down already.
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Granted, but then it heals them.
I wish the Remans looked more like the ones in Nemesis.
Granted. Everything else looks like Nemesis too.
I wish for a better day.
It turns better, just before you die painfully in a car crash
I wish I was a Klingon
Granted, you're the Duras Sisters' Helm officer, and this is Generations.
I wish we had ship-specific abilities for all ships.
"I always hope for the best. Experience, unfortunately, has taught me to expect the worst."
-Elim Garak