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Re: 4-yr Ann. Event (was: Enjoy another rep for anniversary ships *post #30 & #643*)



  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited January 2014
    70K views and nearly 1400 posts and still no attempt to even placate the angry "fans". And today's announcement makes things even worse. Now it is grind + lobi to reduce grind + 3 pack in store per faction to get the whole experience. ARC coming soon ...

    So glad I uninstalled.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • terongrayterongray Member Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    errab wrote: »
    This is kind of my feeling on this issue after learning the new info has well.

    So in order to get the most out of the new Science Destroyers we'll have no real choice but to do the Grind/Lobi version for the 4th set bonus piece and then buy the C-Store version has well.

    Talk about a major double dip :eek:

    This kind makes Captain Geko look really shady after all that junk he spouted off about the Science Destroyer only having 9 consoles because it had so much going for it already in the Priority One Interview.

    Never once did he mention that there would be a C-Store version coming :mad:

    Geko and the Cryptic Dev team are sounding the same as Ghostwalker and Blizz's. They say whatever they think needs to be said at that moment to keep people interested with wallets open, be it true, half-truth, misinformation, or outright lie. :rolleyes:

    Atta'boy, Cryptic. Keep digging that hole and treating us like we're clueless tools you can use as you please. (Given, some people do perpetuate that notion... <.<)
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    macronius wrote: »
    70K views and nearly 1400 posts and still no attempt to even placate the angry "fans". And today's announcement makes things even worse. Now it is grind + lobi to reduce grind + 3 pack in store per faction to get the whole experience. ARC coming soon ...

    So glad I uninstalled.

    You left out "...and barely-related Anniversary ship threads merged to cover things every time details of the grind+pay scheme for ships and grind-to-pay scheme for EV suits get posted."
  • dabelgravedabelgrave Member Posts: 979 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    $150 to get the 3-packs for characters in each faction, plus grinding the "anniversary" ship and running the mission repeatedly for the extra 4-piece bonus... This is nothing more than a carefully disguised marketing ploy to coax us into spending money while keeping us distracted from other coming changes, and certainly not an anniversary. Sorry, but I have other things to do, like increasing my fleet mark grind now that you're taking away the Bonus Marks Event that was benefiting small fleets.

    Well, I don't use science vessels, so the only thing I'm looking forward to is the Party Horn. If I do the grind at all, it will only be on one character, and I'm never going to buy the 3-packs.
  • donrahdonrah Member Posts: 348
    edited January 2014
    Thus is the beginning of the end for STO.
    Go here and show your support for a better Foundry!
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    This is my favorite post of the dev blog...
    Make sure to complete the Dyson Science Destroyer event reputation project on all of your characters to ensure you?ll be able to take advantage of the upcoming 4-piece set bonus that will be available when the c-store bundles release next month, in addition to the 4-piece set bonus that is available through the items earned when replaying ?A Step Between Stars.?

    I had to read that 3 times to let it sink in... Grind out the 9 console ship on ALL your characters, so you can take advantage of the 3 pack (that you will be buying from the C-Store for $50). Truely a low blow.

    Edit: I fully anticipated a 10 console version in the Spire or other Fleet Holding (Dilithium, Fleet Modules, Fleet Credit) ... but no... C-Store... just amazing so pretty much cash only.

    Now, I have to say I am truly disappointed in Cryptic over this whole thing... more disappointed that the last Dev Post was over 600 posts ago.

    Bran, I don't expect that Cryptic will cave to every player demand. I also understand there are times that the company must do things that some customers do not like. The adage "the customer is always right" is an absolute fallacy (for those of you who believe in that adage, please read up on its inception and history to understand why it is false).

    However, out of respect for your player base, you could have posted your rationale here after you commented that the thread was being reviewed, read, and feedback being passed along. I would have been satisfied with a a response similar to;

    "We have reviewed and discussed your concerns, and while we see that many have offered potential, thoughtful, even elegant solutions, in the end we have decided that the event will proceed as planned. Sometimes these things come down to business decisions. We are truly appreciative of all of our players, and do not wish to alienate any of you. However, ultimately, we are unable to change the event for a variety of reasons we can not openly discuss here. We do sincerely apologize that we can't make everyone happy, and if you so choose to leave, we hope you will return, your account will be here when you get back."

    Ultimately, the perception you have presented to us is that you do not care enough to reply, nor will you defend your position. Silence is not golden (another false adage), frankly, it lends significant credence to the belief that you ignore your players.

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • razorwalkerrazorwalker Member Posts: 160 Media Corps
    edited January 2014
    As we shared with you earlier, these incredible new ships are also pre-equipped with a secondary deflector. In late February (next month), we?ll be releasing a 3-pack C-Store bundle of each factional Dyson Science Destroyer, and each of those ships will feature a fantastic new console, in addition to upgraded stats, including a 10th console slot. Equip all 3 consoles on one of the upcoming, C-Store Dyson Science Destroyer variants, in addition to the secondary deflector found on the anniversary version, to gain access to another, special 4-piece set bonus.

    OK, so we learn that there will be 3 different 3-packs offered in the C-Store for these ships. 1 for each faction. There goes $150 USD.
    Be sure to complete your Dyson Hybrid Ship Project before this day comes, or you may have to wait an entire year before you can claim it! If you won?t be able to complete it in time, visit the Lobi Store and pick up an Annivesary Qmendation Package for 5 Lobi, which will contain between 10 and 20 Qmendations to add to an active Anniversary Ship Project.

    Here we learn that, as we all have either feared or guessed already, this is the way of the Anniversary Event forever. So, to answer all the previous posters asking if they can stockpile, looks like the answer is yes.

    Originally posted by: johnny111971
    Bran, I don't expect that Cryptic will cave to every player demand. I also understand there are times that the company must do things that some customers do not like. The adage "the customer is always right" is an absolute fallacy (for those of you who believe in that adage, please read up on its inception and history to understand why it is false).

    However, out of respect for your player base, you could have posted your rationale here after you commented that the thread was being reviewed, read, and feedback being passed along. I would have been satisfied with a a response similar to;

    "We have reviewed and discussed your concerns, and while we see that many have offered potential, thoughtful, even elegant solutions, in the end we have decided that the event will proceed as planned. Sometimes these things come down to business decisions. We are truly appreciative of all of our players, and do not wish to alienate any of you. However, ultimately, we are unable to change the event for a variety of reasons we can not openly discuss here. We do sincerely apologize that we can't make everyone happy, and if you so choose to leave, we hope you will return, your account will be here when you get back."

    Ultimately, the perception you have presented to us is that you do not care enough to reply, nor will you defend your position. Silence is not golden (another false adage), frankly, it lends significant credence to the belief that you ignore your players.

    I totally agree with this and was just discussing this with my fleet. I feel as if Cryptic has just slapped the entire player base with a cold, dead, wet fish across the face. Why should I continue to support a game with my money when it obviously does not care about my concerns. OK, yes, they are indeed a company, trying to make money. My concerns are not thier top priority. However, it is just not me, there are a lot of people who feel this way. Could not a statement from BranFlakes been really THAT hard? I mean, really. Is not keeping your player base somewhat happy so they continue spending money in your game a priority to you?

    I stand by my OP......

    Welcome to the beginning of the end of STO.

    The Needs of the Many (Player Base) Outweigh the Needs of the Few (Devs) or the One (PWE)
  • dkeith2011dkeith2011 Member Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    The 4 piece set bonuses are going to have to be pretty spectacular to make me even slightly interested in this mess.
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    The details of which we will not know until they release the C-Store ship.

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    wow.. this grindaversary is becoming a complete train wreck.. jesus, thank you just evidently has been removed from the cryptic vocabulary..

    grind gear, then, grind more gear (two times) so you can pay, to have it converted into new gear..

    then, grind for a ship, that in a few weeks is going to be meaningless, so you can buy the better versions and use consoles off both..

    so this "special" ship that was worth the grind. appearently wasn't, cause youll get a better one via the c store less than a month later..

    complete horse sh*t...

    cryptic, im gonna bet your gonna lose a ton of money on this deal.. maybe not all at once, but over time if this is the way things are going to be.. as a customer who is a lifer, and has spent money, I feel as if I am being punished..

    I am seriously now considering not wasting any more time in the game.. I don't want to leave cause its trek, but I am not about to be disrespected like this and let them get away with it..
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    puttenham wrote: »
    wow.. this grindaversary is becoming a complete train wreck.. jesus, thank you just evidently has been removed from the cryptic vocabulary..

    grind gear, then, grind more gear (two times) so you can pay, to have it converted into new gear..

    then, grind for a ship, that in a few weeks is going to be meaningless, so you can buy the better versions and use consoles off both..

    so this "special" ship that was worth the grind. appearently wasn't, cause youll get a better one via the c store less than a month later..

    complete horse sh*t...

    cryptic, im gonna bet your gonna lose a ton of money on this deal.. maybe not all at once, but over time if this is the way things are going to be.. as a customer who is a lifer, and has spent money, I feel as if I am being punished..

    I am seriously now considering not wasting any more time in the game.. I don't want to leave cause its trek, but I am not about to be disrespected like this and let them get away with it..
    I can haz ur stuff?

    As for the "consequences"... zen prices are rising.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • mikeflmikefl Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I tell ya what... Thank you to all those people who won't be doing the event because it's going to make it all the more easier for the rest of us to get our little Q guys out of the presents. Just means a faster and easier game for the rest of us. Have fun doing your 1000th run of ISE while the rest of us play the new stuff.

    If people only saved all this whining energy to doing the mission they would probably still have time and energy left over.
    Gold Sub since March 2010
    Lifetime Sub since June 2010
  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I can haz ur stuff?

    As for the "consequences"... zen prices are rising.

    considering leaving is not me saying im leaving, I am unsure of my intentions as of yet.. however, you would now be the last person to get all of my stuff...

    they are going up cause the few who are new/blind/fan boys are all excited to bend over for cryptic.. like every release, it will be a quick, perhaps a week of swelled avtivity, and market inflation, then, like every release/new content it will die down to nothingness again..

    and I think when people start reaching into their wallet this time, and see how much this is gonna cost them, they will start to see the problem.. I really think that cryptic is pushing a little too hard this time..
  • no09dysonsphereno09dysonsphere Member Posts: 410 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Well at least there's a new mk xii set and apparently I don't even have to pay lobi to get it ... and the shields and deflector even look nice too :D I still don't get why we've moved from 3 pc sets to 4 pc sets when there's no way a set core will ever beat the AMP fleet cores though...

    But seriously, another 3 console set? Does anyone actually use all 3 consoles from any of the previous 3 packs?
  • mikeflmikefl Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    macronius wrote: »
    70K views and nearly 1400 posts and still no attempt to even placate the angry "fans". And today's announcement makes things even worse. Now it is grind + lobi to reduce grind + 3 pack in store per faction to get the whole experience. ARC coming soon ...

    So glad I uninstalled.

    If you quit, then why are you still here? You can't placate someone who isn't interested in anything but getting their own way. As for "placating" they did increase the amount of qmmendation you get for your lobi from 4-6 to 10-20, but alas nothing short of a free ship will "placate" the chronically entitled. 1400 posts made mostly by the same half dozen people over and over again doesn't say much especially those who uninstalled the game anyways.
    Gold Sub since March 2010
    Lifetime Sub since June 2010
  • kyuzos7kyuzos7 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I can haz ur stuff?

    my sig
    As for the "consequences"... zen prices are rising.

    oh nooo they're rising...

    one way to kill your game....

  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    mikefl wrote: »
    I tell ya what... Thank you to all those people who won't be doing the event because it's going to make it all the more easier for the rest of us to get our little Q guys out of the presents. Just means a faster and easier game for the rest of us. Have fun doing your 1000th run of ISE while the rest of us play the new stuff.

    If people only saved all this whining energy to doing the mission they would probably still have time and energy left over.

    and why do you assume that were all content playing content that is basically 4 years old.. I don't get how you correlate us not wanting to grind this crappy event with people playing stf's..

    as stated a billion times in this thread, most of us play the foundry missions, where the real content designers who kind of know what they are doing reside.. really, its the only place to get a "star trek" experience in this game anymore..

    that being said, have fun playing the same content over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.. just to get something that within 3 weeks of obtaining it, will be obsolete and cost you 50 doller to update. (yes, there is 16 overs in there), and while your at it.. continue to grind, and get the three suites two times, so you can spend another probably 50 dollars turning those 6 suites, into 2 lobi quality suites (yes, these suites are useless, cause they are already outdated when you get them lol)..

    and if you really don't want to do it 16 times, run the mission once, and spend a cool 100 dollars to get the qmendations, so you can skip it the grind, but spend 100 or so dollars on a ship that is outdates in 3 weeks, but makes the ships you purchase off the c store useless unless you have the consoles off the freebies..

    yeah, that sounds like great fun, and very economical on your wallet. have fun with that, ill have fun enjoying playing the game at my pace, and playing the content I want, when I want to..
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited January 2014

    As for the "consequences"... zen prices are rising.

    Key sale, and the price has barely risen by a zen from this time yesterday.

    I should know because I've been nuying, as i always do during key sales.

    Thing is, its usually gone up by 3-5 zen by now........
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    mikefl wrote: »
    I tell ya what... Thank you to all those people who won't be doing the event because it's going to make it all the more easier for the rest of us to get our little Q guys out of the presents. Just means a faster and easier game for the rest of us. Have fun doing your 1000th run of ISE while the rest of us play the new stuff.

    If people only saved all this whining energy to doing the mission they would probably still have time and energy left over.

    Someone else posted a variation on this point in another thread.

    You're clear what you're saying here?

    You're happy that this horribly designed mini game/grind/anniversary event is going to drive so many people away that one of its fundamental design flaws wont be exposed so much, making it easier for those who stick it out.

    You remember this is the anniversary event right?

    You're happy with that much attention to detail from the devs?
  • kyuzos7kyuzos7 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    atleast this game's event is better than what Aeria Games is doing..

    the company that just released Aura Kingdom...

    they gaveaway 500 AP (their $ currency) but it's a coupon and you gotta buy AP to even use it :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: so much for 5th Anniversary for them...

    i rather grind for cool ships than deal with a troll company like that.
  • no09dysonsphereno09dysonsphere Member Posts: 410 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    puttenham wrote: »
    and I think when people start reaching into their wallet this time, and see how much this is gonna cost them, they will start to see the problem.. I really think that cryptic is pushing a little too hard this time..

    /shrug I really only buy stuff that interests me (which from what has been revealed so far is only the Hirogen suit). I like the ship I have now and have zero plans to fly one of these new sci destroyers, so no grinding for me at all. Personally I don't see why anyone other than the ship completionists would get worked up over any of this, and they're already spending huge bucks on this game to begin with.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I was going to start another thread, but given how any thread mentionaing the grindaversary is getting consolidated here, figured i may as well just post here.

    To my mind, there is a fundamental problem with the anniversary event, as its been given to us.

    It's not, oddly enough, the grind and pay model for these new ships.

    I figure Cryptic has a perfect right to figure out new ways to monetarise their content. If they set the bar too high, thing dont sell, self correcting system.

    The thing is, slotting this new economic behometh into the anniversary event is exactly how not to roll something like this out.

    Because, the anniversary event is already a landmark in the game.

    This'll be the fourth, I've been here since the second.

    It follows the winter event, when we happily grind for a shiny. We have the time, after all its the holidays.

    Along comes the anniversarty event and what do we expect?

    Something relatively simple.

    An FE that rewards us something shiny although not as shiny as the winter event. It acts as a taster so that Cryptic can monetarise a three pack or fleet modules later on.

    But, for now, we get this somewhat less shiny version and all is good.

    There's also silly mini Q games that award trivial trinkets, and thats all good too.

    It was like a quiet village fair. Where there was no pressure, the weather is lovely and you find a surprisingly good pot of raspberry jam on a stall.

    It was the perfect bridge between the winter event and whatever next that Crytpic had up its sleeve. Its brevity fitted peoples lives. They've just gone back to school or work. holidays are over.

    Cryptics decision to insert this new high powered way of making cash into the anniversary event shows a lack of understanding of the emergent qualities of a game, how the interaction of a playerbase and a game over time creates its own tropes, memes and principles. All of which aren't necessarily planned.

    Cryptics apparently sudden inability to understand its playerbase is truly saddening to me.

    The fact that this happened at all is sad by itself.

    The fact that all of Cryptics responses since this affair has come up has been to ask us to focus on the official reveals only, is also saddening.

    I can only hope that someone in cryptic is getting the message.

    We'll pay money to support the game. Thats why theres an anniversary. But theres a time and place and this was neither.
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited January 2014
    Tomorrow will be a much much more exciting day as we should get the dev blogs about the changes to the daily events and the possible sale of zen tokens to bypass the timers.

    Funny everyone seems to forget that the daily events and bonus hours in the calender are ending in less than 48hrs.

    Should be some interesting reading tomorrow!!
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    mikefl wrote: »
    I tell ya what... Thank you to all those people who won't be doing the event because it's going to make it all the more easier for the rest of us to get our little Q guys out of the presents. Just means a faster and easier game for the rest of us. Have fun doing your 1000th run of ISE while the rest of us play the new stuff.

    If people only saved all this whining energy to doing the mission they would probably still have time and energy left over.
    That's what I'll be doing. :D
    patrickngo wrote: »
    The problem of replayability comes to mind. I guess the Developers like playing the q-shell-game with twenty-some-odd other people.

    Otherwise why else would that be a fundamental mechanic?

    same for the academy event-that particle-thingy.

    obviously the developers find these to be delightful and fun, and don't comprehend the concept that someone might not be interested in doing that until their 'F' key was broken...

    I suppose I'd say, if I were designing this, and it HAD to be a gated grind, it should be fifteen days with fifteen different missions.

    That's right, fifteen Different missions, covering all aspects of the game
    here's what I anticipate the complaints to be if they did that:
    from crafting
    What's that? and Crafting sucks!
    , to Foundry
    I don't wanna!
    , to FE's
    more "I don't wanna!"
    to PvP matches
    PvP is evil!
    to STF's.
    "I have to play a ground STF? ground sucks!" or "Borg UBER torps are broken!"
    and set those mission assignments randomly, so that to stay 'on the hunt' players would have to reference back to their missions available screen, or go see Q, to get the next one.
    Even worse, since people would get confused as to what to do next.
    as it is currently designed, however, I guess like the Winter Event, I'll be skipping this one.
    I won't. It's not gonna be any more annoying than last year's minigames.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    That's what I'll be doing. :Dhere's what I anticipate the complaints to be if they did that:What's that? and Crafting sucks!I don't wanna!more "I don't wanna!"PvP is evil!"I have to play a ground STF? ground sucks!" or "Borg UBER torps are broken!"Even worse, since people would get confused as to what to do next.I won't. It's not gonna be any more annoying than last year's minigames.

    I can see people complaining about "some" of those, but not all, for instance, we have said that playing a quality fe wouldn't be a problem.. the problem a lot of people are having (if you actually read what people are writing) is that we don't want to do the same thing over and over (x16) every day for 2 or 3 weeks straight..

    you cant tell me, that you wouldn't prefer having them spice the grind up a bit.. you cant tell me that if they say incorporated system patrols or something, that you would sit there and say "god no, I want to do the q mini game everyday for 16 days" tell me that and I can tell that you are lying..

    also, they need to cut down on infringing on our game time.. when I log in to say rift, I spend a half hour total on maintenance, and then, im free to do whatever I want.. (and that is on several characters).. I literally log into this game, and if I run all my toons, and try to get all 8k dil, all my marks for either purchase, or for rep, and then attempt to help my fleet mates out in leveling the fleet, Christ, that can be 4-5 hrs.. and then, when I get to the time I want to play what I want to, im burnt out..

    further more, the money creep in this game is causing the power creep to start to take off again, and that is just plain dumb.. and to answer your sig, yes, I understand a corperation needs to make money.. no.. sto isn't a charity game, but it was better when it was pay to play.. and I would gladly (even as a lifer) pay again to bring the quality of the game back to what it was.. we used to get meaningfull story content, weekly FE series, and the game seemed to have a relaxed pace. now, all it is, is a fluff grind fest, that has some of the worst story content I have seen in a while, and has a very stressfull pace to it.. everytime I get comfy and in a groove with this game, it shifts gears and keeps you on the rat wheel running in circles..

    im not saying that you shouldn't have your own opinion, or that ours is better or more meaningfull than yours, but you need to stop trying to work us up.. ( I see what your doing, trying to derail the thread by getting everyones blood boiling..) but if you cant hang with the adults.. the kids table is
    > that way...
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited January 2014
    puttenham wrote: »
    I can see people complaining about "some" of those, but not all, for instance, we have said that playing a quality fe wouldn't be a problem.. the problem a lot of people are having (if you actually read what people are writing) is that we don't want to do the same thing over and over (x16) every day for 2 or 3 weeks straight..

    you cant tell me, that you wouldn't prefer having them spice the grind up a bit.. you cant tell me that if they say incorporated system patrols or something, that you would sit there and say "god no, I want to do the q mini game everyday for 16 days" tell me that and I can tell that you are lying..

    also, they need to cut down on infringing on our game time.. when I log in to say rift, I spend a half hour total on maintenance, and then, im free to do whatever I want.. (and that is on several characters).. I literally log into this game, and if I run all my toons, and try to get all 8k dil, all my marks for either purchase, or for rep, and then attempt to help my fleet mates out in leveling the fleet, Christ, that can be 4-5 hrs.. and then, when I get to the time I want to play what I want to, im burnt out..

    further more, the money creep in this game is causing the power creep to start to take off again, and that is just plain dumb.. and to answer your sig, yes, I understand a corperation needs to make money.. no.. sto isn't a charity game, but it was better when it was pay to play.. and I would gladly (even as a lifer) pay again to bring the quality of the game back to what it was.. we used to get meaningfull story content, weekly FE series, and the game seemed to have a relaxed pace. now, all it is, is a fluff grind fest, that has some of the worst story content I have seen in a while, and has a very stressfull pace to it.. everytime I get comfy and in a groove with this game, it shifts gears and keeps you on the rat wheel running in circles..

    im not saying that you shouldn't have your own opinion, or that ours is better or more meaningfull than yours, but you need to stop trying to work us up.. ( I see what your doing, trying to derail the thread by getting everyones blood boiling..) but if you cant hang with the adults.. the kids table is
    > that way...

    I get your frustration I really do. I was dreading even the thought of running the mini-Qs event. Now I will buy my way around it. That's my choice. Mark, another semi cryptic fanboy like myself, have just got to the point where it is trying hearing this dead horse being flogged over and over. At this point it's virtually certain that they will make no further changes to the event, so why go on about it for the 100th post? We get it - it sucks - grinding usually sucks. But this is the choice they have made and saying it 100 more time is not going to change things one bit. If you followed marks post or even my own you would see we started out much more negative on the issue, but have come to that point of realizing it's over - this 'feedback/opinion' is now mute.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    puttenham wrote: »
    I can see people complaining about "some" of those, but not all, for instance,
    I'm not saying everyone would say each of those, but that each of those would get said by someone.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I get your frustration I really do. I was dreading even the thought of running the mini-Qs event. Now I will buy my way around it. That's my choice. Mark, another semi cryptic fanboy like myself, have just got to the point where it it trying hearing this dead horse being flogged over and over. At this point I is virtually certain that they will make no further changes to the event, so why go on about it for the 100th post? We get it - it sucks - grinding usually sucks. But this is the choice the they have made and saying it 100 more time is not going to change things one bit. If you followed marks post or even my own you would see we started out much more negative on the issue, but have come to that point of realizing it's over - this 'feedback/opinion' is now mute.

    and I get your point of view, I used to be a fan boy, then I was a sorta fan boy like you.. now after telling everyone, just wait, this next season is gonna turn stuff around, and so on and so forth, I am on the jaded side.. ive been with this game since beta, and even in beta they did not listen to anyone.. (and we were just trying to get bugs fixed, the game released with virtually every bug we told them about...

    that being said.. we are discussing this, most of us quite calmly. and to answer your question, no our post wont change their minds. but.. if this post keeps picking up traction, and more and more people post in it their displeasures, than eventually, gaming publications will take notice, and they will start to write articles. it happens all the time, and cryptic will hopefully not ignore those.. also, the more people we get, the more chance cryptic will see that something is wrong..

    moving from there.. if you and "mark" feel there is no more left to be said, than leave.. don't click on the thread, and don't offer input.. cause then, you wont both be doing exactly what your saying were doing, but save the majority the aggravation, say your peace, and be gone.. we don't need sny comments , snippets, and disrespectfull udnertones in here.. there are several "fan boys" who have respectfully made their argument and continue to do so, not aggravating anyone, and thus, we have worked some pretty good ideas out with them on compramises and what not..

    however, there is a lot of people still posting, that as more and more news of this event unfolds, are finding more and more wrong, and distastefull, well, then the thread will live on to another day.. eventually it will die off, but it will do it in its own time.. really, the ball has always been in cryptics court, this thread is a direct result of their incompetence and failure to even try to care about the player base..
  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I'm not saying everyone would say each of those, but that each of those would get said by someone.

    and.. Christ, there are some people on this forum that if you told them the rainbow brite car was gonna be in the next lock box they would love it.. some would hate it.. weather some people would say, or not say something, is irrelevant.. we are living and discussing the now..

    in this thread, the masses are speaking out. not just one or two people.. there is roughly 600 people in support that cryptic is crossing the line.. there is less than about 30 that have supported their side..

    I would say that there is something wrong.. out of the 1300+ posts, less than 10 percent of them challenge what this thread is about.

    we don't want to know what 1 or 2 people may say.. were focusing on what the majority is saying.. and no, not everyones ideas are perfect, but that is how we work through an idea, and find a better option..

    no one is saying everything that is released in game needs to be free. and no one is saying that all the grind is bad.. were just saying that this event was never about grind, and shouldn't be, and that they need to rethink the grind that is in the game..
  • kandorouskandorous Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    why did this happen
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