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Season 8 Dev Blog #6



  • darakossdarakoss Member Posts: 850 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    So is Chaka making a cameo in Season 8. Can my toon get a cool flannel shirt?:D
    original join date 2010

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  • rickeyredshirtrickeyredshirt Member Posts: 1,060 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    raventomoe wrote: »
    So take me seriously naysayers when I say this: LEAVE THE DEVS ALONE!

    Oh boy, here we go! :D
  • oracion666oracion666 Member Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Heheh. . . dinosaur wars. This is going to be fun xD

    As to all the gripe on this, what's the point of a game if it can't be fun? True, there will be a few that won't like it, so don't play that particular section. Ignore the sphere, the dinos, and the new rep. Not like they chained you to the desk and force you to play it. It is a game, and supposed to be fun. New ideas come out to try and reach the largest amount of fans out there. We have robot people, spider people, squid people, human people, and now dino people. My opinion has it as fun, others think so, some don't. That is fine. But to continue to bash it before it even comes out? For the past three years with every new thing that Cryptic has brought to the table, there have been people that have said it was the end of the game. So far, the fan base keeps growing, and Cryptic keeps making money. Doesn't seem like doom to me.

    Again, like it or hate it, its coming. If you dont like it, dont partake in it. Just dont debunk it until you have tried it. Who knows? You might enjoy being eaten alive by a Rex
    Formerly known as Echo@Rivyn13
    Member since early 2011

  • mewimewi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    What's funny is that the Voth weren't even a choice let alone a winner. But here we are...

    It is there, it is just phase shifted. Trust me.
    | Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
  • catstarstocatstarsto Member Posts: 2,149 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    :O ....... :O

    .... um, speechless yet :O

    Halo Craft Online?

    Coming soon... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cT4VAdbB2kM XD sry, just came to mine!
  • raventomoeraventomoe Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Oh boy, here we go! :D

    You know...I really can't find the ability to take you seriously right now. Reason is that instead of refuting or attempting to refute anything I say...you'd rather use an internet meme that is completely irrelevant to the conversation save for my choice of words to mock me through sarcasm.

    I'd have to reread all your previous posts in this thread topic to see which way you are leaning again before I comment as to your exact psychological and social conditioning reasons why you would do such.
    "The Multiverse, the ultimate frontier..."
    Thus begins...Lyrical Trek
  • rickeyredshirtrickeyredshirt Member Posts: 1,060 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    PvP, all they had to do is just add a few frigging maps, thats it!

    Exactly. Remember when we used to be able to choose our PvP map? Solar Wind, Cracked Planetoid, or Briar Patch? That was fun and we hoped they would add a few more. Instead they just combined them into a general 'Arena' queue and added way too much P2W without fixing any balance. I quit PvP'ing at that point. Had a lot of potential but it was completely ignored. PvP is essential for the long-term success of any MMO. :(
  • rickeyredshirtrickeyredshirt Member Posts: 1,060 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    raventomoe wrote: »
    You know...I really can't find the ability to take you seriously right now. Reason is that instead of refuting or attempting to refute anything I say...you'd rather use an internet meme that is completely irrelevant to the conversation save for my choice of words to mock me through sarcasm.

    I'd have to reread all your previous posts in this thread topic to see which way you are leaning again before I comment as to your exact psychological and social conditioning reasons why you would do such.

    It seems like you are willing to dish out criticism but criticize the devs or yourself and you get bent out of shape. I don't think that's how forum works. Guess we agree to disagree.
  • edited October 2013
    This content has been removed.
  • psychickittypsychickitty Member Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Well ok the things look real neat.

    But....I am afraid the Voth and their attempt to beat the Klingon Empire with the armor and ships and differing species that look neat, just isn't going to happen.

    I am sorry but the Klingon Empire is still far superior.

    This is a small list of how they are superior to these Dinosaur related beings.

    A. Klingons have the dread locks...no one else sports that superior hair style.

    B. The Gorn have more Teeth and eat a lot more then these other reptiles. IN fact a small list of things gorn's have eaten lately include: Small Animals, Rocks, a FLoater from Risa, one Excelsior Warp Engine, an Elachi Wave Turret because it wouldn't fit on the ship, One star Base(they where hungry and got consufed and thought it was an all you can buffet), and also rumor has it they even attempted to eat Sulu(thus the reason you don't see him in the Feaderation Space Dock anymore.

    C. Fersans pull off the dark complexion and glowing eyes thing a lot better, they even get a stealth bonus and a nifty animated tail.

    D. Orions can wear less clothing, but still have the best armor ratings. That's right they single handedly have proven their females can were almost nothing and still survive any form of damage easily.

    E. The Empire's Chefs make a mean Tribble Pie

    F. The Klingon Empire has Proven with Worf that they can not only conquer baldness but can change the hair style at will and reverse the aging of anyone they choose. The Romulans and Federation are very far behind in curing baldness. And it looks like on those pictures they have not been able to conquer baldness either.

    I think this small list proves the superiority of the Klingons.

    Power without Perception is Spiritually useless and therefore of no true value.


  • edited October 2013
    This content has been removed.
  • raventomoeraventomoe Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    It seems like you are willing to dish out criticism but criticize the devs or yourself and you get bent out of shape. I don't think that's how forum works. Guess we agree to disagree.

    Actually it's more the cases of how much people have criticized the Devs right now without waiting. I remember the numerous complaints about the Romulan Republic not being 'True Romulans' and how D'tan and his movement was a supposedly 'Bad idea'.

    I think by now we can agree that has been proven wrong in many areas.

    So what I pointed out was instead of complaining based on a few screenshots and artwork releases...wait till we know the full story.

    Also, I was not the one citing an Internet Meme in a poor attempt to critique my words. You could of quoted the whole of what I said and either took it apart bit by bit with logical arguments or pointed where you believe you are right. Instead, you focused on one line and chosen to mock it with a picture (again linking a poor internet meme). I would like to see you refute anything I said logically without burying yourself in circular logic and thereby proving my main point correct.

    That main point being again that NONE of us knows what Cryptic is planning truly for Seasons 8 and how the story with The Voth plays out. Until we do, I am holding judgement beyond liking what I see and many others should do the same.
    "The Multiverse, the ultimate frontier..."
    Thus begins...Lyrical Trek
  • bradhadbradhad Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    raventomoe wrote: »
    You know...I really can't find the ability to take you seriously right now. Reason is that instead of refuting or attempting to refute anything I say...you'd rather use an internet meme that is completely irrelevant to the conversation save for my choice of words to mock me through sarcasm.

    I'd have to reread all your previous posts in this thread topic to see which way you are leaning again before I comment as to your exact psychological and social conditioning reasons why you would do such.

    The Meme used as a parry to your, if i may somewhat inflammatory comment in an already controversial thread was irrelevant to the discussion; however, it was quite relevant to the tone of your words (caps never helps people take you seriously).
  • reximuzreximuz Member Posts: 1,172 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Oh look, the same people who complain about everything complaining about Season 8. I'll try to not act shocked.

  • raventomoeraventomoe Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    bradhad wrote: »
    The Meme used as a parry to your, if i may somewhat inflammatory comment in an already controversial thread was irrelevant to the discussion; however, it was quite relevant to the tone of your words (caps never helps people take you seriously).

    Actually, it is relevant in that many of the complaints fall into three main camps:

    Legitimate concerns about the direction of Season 8 due to similarities between The Voth as we see them being done up and other franchises/IP representations of the same idea.

    "Dinosaurs are kids stuff. We are making a Saturday Morning Cartoon out of Star Trek!"

    "This is not Trek! Gene is rolling in his grave!"

    Now let me take each of these apart.

    Camp 1: Legit concerns about the direction and overlap with other IPs.

    This Camp has a larger basis for concern but at the same time it also is a weak case. Reason is that I had the opportunity to talk to and question one of the top writers for the Doctor Who series when he came to visit the local Anime Convention in 2010/2011. He basically pointed out that the secret to getting published in anything is that everything has been done before, the secret is in the presentation. I will dig up his name later so you can actually know WHO I talked too at the convention (it was a panel on writing for TV).

    Camp 2: The Dinosaurs are for Kids. STO is becoming a Saturday Morning Cartoon!

    I am not going to make a broad stroke but to ask those who may think like this if they watched Star Trek: The Animated Series or were aware there was a Star Trek Manga around a few years ago?

    Camp 3: "The Guardians of What is Trek!"

    This camp not only has the weakest arguments out of the three but relies on the assumptions that THEY know what is best for the series from their Armchairs. No, if any of these can cite that they either worked with or are related in anyway to the Roddenberry's or worked on ANY of the Star Trek series in a Writer or Production Staff role, I will happily accept your credentials and apologize. Otherwise, stop trying to assume you know what is best. What you have is an opinion just like everyone else.
    "The Multiverse, the ultimate frontier..."
    Thus begins...Lyrical Trek
  • rickeyredshirtrickeyredshirt Member Posts: 1,060 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    raventomoe wrote: »
    That main point being again that NONE of us knows what Cryptic is planning truly for Seasons 8 and how the story with The Voth plays out. Until we do, I am holding judgement beyond liking what I see and many others should do the same.

    We already have a good idea what is planned for Season 8 and beyond. Some of it is already on Tribble if you can check it out, it's only available to gold subscribers and lifetimers right now. Another Rep grind, another fleet holding grind, another lockbox, another doff pack, etc. As far as how the story with the Voth plays out I may check it out but I have an aversion to what we've seen so far. That's my opinion.
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    raventomoe wrote: »
    Actually, it is relevant in that many of the complaints fall into three main camps:

    Legitimate concerns about the direction of Season 8 due to similarities between The Voth as we see them being done up and other franchises/IP representations of the same idea.

    "Dinosaurs are kids stuff. We are making a Saturday Morning Cartoon out of Star Trek!"

    "This is not Trek! Gene is rolling in his grave!"

    Now let me take each of these apart.

    Camp 1: Legit concerns about the direction and overlap with other IPs.

    This Camp has a larger basis for concern but at the same time it also is a weak case. Reason is that I had the opportunity to talk to and question one of the top writers for the Doctor Who series when he came to visit the local Anime Convention in 2010/2011. He basically pointed out that the secret to getting published in anything is that everything has been done before, the secret is in the presentation. I will dig up his name later so you can actually know WHO I talked too at the convention (it was a panel on writing for TV).

    Camp 2: The Dinosaurs are for Kids. STO is becoming a Saturday Morning Cartoon!

    I am not going to make a broad stroke but to ask those who may think like this if they watched Star Trek: The Animated Series or were aware there was a Star Trek Manga around a few years ago?

    Camp 3: "The Guardians of What is Trek!"

    This camp not only has the weakest arguments out of the three but relies on the assumptions that THEY know what is best for the series from their Armchairs. No, if any of these can cite that they either worked with or are related in anyway to the Roddenberry's or worked on ANY of the Star Trek series in a Writer or Production Staff role, I will happily accept your credentials and apologize. Otherwise, stop trying to assume you know what is best. What you have is an opinion just like everyone else.

    I think I'm in the fourth camp (and that some of the people here may be as well when they give it some thought):

    4. Dinosaurs with lasers are cool but this is a LOT of work spent on an environment that we'll be spending a lot of time in that isn't familiar.

    I don't think the idea is awful. I think the execution and art direction are distinctive and breath taking. I think Trek is absolutely big enough to contain something like this in it.

    But we are looking at something that is far enough out there that it loses specialness with reuse and where extended time spent there is extended time away from the core IP setting.

    So I'd rather see the game focus on subtle details and I believe subtle details are what will give the game longevity whereas big, sweeping stuff like this is inherently better suited to non-repeatable, limited duration content.

    Repeatable stuff in the game I think needs to be more mundane (because it's going to be repeated ideally) but mundane in the most polished and grand sense of the word.

    Turn Deep Space Nine into an adventure zone with a reputation. Add all the decks. Add brawling activities and events around the station and instanced missions that are launched with cut scenes.

    Create a durable and adaptable ship interior for each faction with features like alternate room states including damaged corridors, Sickbay in different states, warp core with various levels of damage and a breach sealing mechanic, etc. and have two or three content designers just plug away designing average missions and content that takes place on a small, incredibly polished staging area with lots of adaptability.

    And when you do that, then Greek gods and laser dinosaurs will be okay as the big updates because we'll have polished, steady "normal" content as the baseline.

    If we spend all of our time in mindblowing, IP-bending scenarios, there is no baseline for the IP and the content you're creating doesn't lend itself to mass produced budget content. Whereas if you have highly adaptive, well polished "playsets" that reflect the IP, there's that sense of home base to go back to that will ground the crazy Voth in a Dyson Sphere stuff more.

    I think you can groom people to WANT that kind of thing but that players aren't being properly primed by showing them what "normal" Star Trek adventures look like inbetween epic releases. Whereas if I'd just spend the last 10 missions inside my ship, I might be more psychologically primed to go explore a Dyson Sphere.

    It's just priming and timing.
  • tymerstotymersto Member Posts: 433 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    thorodal wrote: »
    I think the problem here is not the inclusion of dinosaurs in general. I think the problem is ONLY the T-Rex. I bet a lot of Foundry authors would even love having some generic looking raptors as additional wildlife to add variety, but the T-Rex is just waaaaay too iconic to Earth's prehistoric history to use it. And those two head-mounted laser-cannons aren't helping either, as it just screams "DinoRiders", making it feel even LESS original and, to be blunt, desperate.

    And this here, in a nutshell, should explain what as got a number of players somewhat pissed. Having the Voth in-game is fine. Having them use the Equivalent of T-Rexes with mounted Laser Cannons on them? Stretches things just on the far edge of what is "Believable" for Trek.

    But then again, I keep getting what the Matt Smith Doctor found interesting about Dinos in his 3rd Season (at about 2:42) going through my mind on this matter...

    Thank you for the time...
    STO CBT Player - 400 day+ Vet, Currently Silver
    Cryptic, would you actulaly like me to spend actual Money? It's Simple:
    • Full, Story-driven, select from start 1-50 Klingon Side
    • Scrap current Lock Box & Lobi system for something more reasonable
    • Expand Dil and Rep/Fleet Marks to regular story content
  • kalvorax#3775 kalvorax Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited October 2013
  • catstarstocatstarsto Member Posts: 2,149 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    raventomoe wrote: »
    Actually it's more the cases of how much people have criticized the Devs right now without waiting. I remember the numerous complaints about the Romulan Republic not being 'True Romulans' and how D'tan and his movement was a supposedly 'Bad idea'.

    I think by now we can agree that has been proven wrong in many areas.

    So what I pointed out was instead of complaining based on a few screenshots and artwork releases...wait till we know the full story.

    Also, I was not the one citing an Internet Meme in a poor attempt to critique my words. You could of quoted the whole of what I said and either took it apart bit by bit with logical arguments or pointed where you believe you are right. Instead, you focused on one line and chosen to mock it with a picture (again linking a poor internet meme). I would like to see you refute anything I said logically without burying yourself in circular logic and thereby proving my main point correct.

    That main point being again that NONE of us knows what Cryptic is planning truly for Seasons 8 and how the story with The Voth plays out. Until we do, I am holding judgement beyond liking what I see and many others should do the same.

    I hope im not jumping the gun, but heck yeah...my Caitian needs a pet t-rex with lasers for ground missions!! :D Or in my case, I bet a Smilodon would be better =^.^= "We need DinoZord power now!"

    Now we will just need, chainsaws, rocket launchers and an electric guitar to be able to say we have it all in STO! :P ...or Chuck Norris driving Voltron...what? ^^; I have a wild imagination too!
  • kintishokintisho Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Leaving aside the question of appropriateness to Trek for a moment,, it looks as though the Voth are shaping up to be a very different and very unique ground enemy. Bringing some much needed spice to ground combat is only a good thing in my opinion - I'll take dinosaurs and mechs over an Ensign, Lieutenant, Commander and Captain which have a couple of different abilities each and all act pretty much the same.

    Although... making the big guy just a little less obvious in the T-Rex resemblance might be a good idea. Give him some large spines on his back or something. :P

    Ummmm, this game takes place in space.. Ground is a sad sad after thought.. The engine and execution are flawed likely beyond repair.. I beam down only when I MUST and wish I could beam down a torpedo or 50 in my place..

    However I do look forward to SOMETHING new bring on the Voth and tie them into being enemies with the ancient Iconians... They are old enough and advanced enough to play the part of the enemy that drove the Iconians out...:D
  • ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,443 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    tymersto wrote: »
    Having them use the Equivalent of T-Rexes with mounted Laser Cannons on them? Stretches things just on the far edge of what is "Believable" for Trek.

    So having space amoeba that shoot lasers out of their TRIBBLE is aceptable, having space whales is acceptable, and having cities made on the spouse of strange glowing space jelly is believable for Star Trek, but having reptiles the size of dinosaurs used for shock troops with mounted weapons to use as siege weapons and weapons for defense while they close the distance isn't believable.

    You and I have a much different idea of what is believable in Star Trek.
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    What's funny is that the Voth weren't even a choice let alone a winner. But here we are...

    They first talked about the Voth well over a year before that poll, and would have been in the planning and development stage well before the poll. The Voth have been a long term plan for them.

    should they not have added species 8472, or the hirogen to the game at launch either because they were not on that poll? They did not include the Voth because they knew they were already using them because they fit into their story.

    the poll is to see how people would like next.
  • chrisolliecchrisolliec Member Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    suaveks wrote: »
    Now that I think about it, it's all your fault guys, as you voted for "more Voyager" in one of the Cryptic polls, some time ago. ;) Voyager wasn't that good to begin with, and now Cryptic is gonna take its plot(holes) to extreme...

    Reading your posts so far, I start wondering which might have been your favorite ST series...

    On the other hand, I start to think blassreiterus might be right.

    Back to topic, I think this looks quite interesting to me.
    And looking at Gorn, Jem'Hadar and such, this makes sense to me.
    I just hope there's a little more exploration to be found in the dyson sphere.
    "I came from a time long gone, saw many other times...
    But I'm still a mere human."
    Vice Admiral Chris Curtiss, Temporal Ambassador
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Turn Deep Space Nine into an adventure zone with a reputation. Add all the decks. Add brawling activities and events around the station and instanced missions that are launched with cut scenes.

    Create a durable and adaptable ship interior for each faction with features like alternate room states including damaged corridors, Sickbay in different states, warp core with various levels of damage and a breach sealing mechanic, etc. and have two or three content designers just plug away designing average missions and content that takes place on a small, incredibly polished staging area with lots of adaptability.

    As an added thing to this, I think that each faction should have at least one separate reputation of their own, not usable by the other factions, based around a planet which would have a small story attached, like the "Romulan Reputation" does for players. For the Federation it could be set on Andoria*; for the Klingon Empire you could use Rura Penthe; and for the Romulan Republic you'd have to add someplace like Tranome Sar, which might just fit within Tau Dewa.

    *The reason for choosing Andoria would be because we have a visitable map which is sitting there offering nothing to players. It'd be a good place to have Captain Va'Kel Shon as the contact, as a means of getting to know his character better, possibly because he needs your help with some internal problem there he doesn't want to involve Starfleet with.

    Likewise, the new Klingon flagship commander Captain Koren could be involved on Rura Penthe, and Obisek on Tranome Sar for the republic.
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I don't know.

    It looks interesting, but I think my biggest qualm about this whole thing, is the way it was first presented to us...

    "...Dinosaurs with frikkin' Lazers on Thie Heads..."

    In my estimation, this puts it way too much into all the silly aspects of a "Dino-Riders" toon-fest.

    Something that to me anyway, was never really an approach that any of the Trek iterations ever slide down too.
    Sure there were some concepts that were over-the-top, but even the Animated episodes tried to keep things on a somewhat adult mentality level.

    I believe if this had been presented to us in a more intellectual manner, instead of seeming like a spur-of-the-moment 'mind-TRIBBLE'...,

    Perhaps there wouldn't be such a torrid backlash against the idea.

    I personally don't have any problem with the Voth as an antagonist...

    I'm just worried that the addition of these "Combat Creatures", is slipping the game into more of a "Donkey Kong" mentality.

    Fun for what it's worth, but not really something that I would find amusing for more than a few minutes.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • zeratkzeratk Member Posts: 409
    edited October 2013
    "While they vastly outstripped Voyager?s level of technology,..." and still you will deteriorate them to another NPC-Rubbish.

    "Not all combatants in the Voth force are so mundane, however! The Voth have bred and trained creatures we would only recognize as dinosaurs to use on the field of battle:"
    You said you have watched the episode?! And still you think they would breed mentally deficient dinosaurs for combat? THAT DOES NOT FIT THE VOTHS DOCTRINE OF BEING THE SUPERIOR SPECIES IN THE QUADRANT.
    And still i have to wonder how someone can have the idea to implement combat dinosaur with lasers mounted to their head to a Star Trek game...*sigh
    This is Crypticverse... :mad:
  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    If you force feed people garbage long enough they will convince themselves they actually like it and will not ask for anything more then they are given.

    Few see the stupidity of the dinos in space them of season 8 everyone else has convinced themselves this is great.
    because cryptic has force fed them so much garbage over the years they have become accustomed to it and convince themselves its great when it is not.

    when a community gets to the point where they accept anything given them no matter how crappy it is thats when stuff like this starts coming out.

    This is not star trek and no one can tell me otherwise before i started playing this game i was told it was not trek at all i did not beleive the people who told me...i do now.
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited October 2013
    I like the new content it looks fun and is welcome , however i believe its too soon for this

    The klingons arnt finished yet The Feds need overhauls so many ships are obselete

    The foundation of the game isnt complete

    The jem Hadar new to be a full race
    The Cardassians need to be a full race
    The tholians and ferengi as well

    Really colonizing and building settlements and citys isnt implemented yet there is no real exploration in the game

    PvP isnt anything resembling star trek its more like a jet fighter game not star trek

    end game content doesnt exist all we have is grind content

    I believe these things need to be addressed especially End game content whish we dont even have
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • thedoctorblueboxthedoctorbluebox Member Posts: 749 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I also get a "Mass Effect" and "Halo" vibe, especially from that dyson's sphere.

    And I agree with the above poster, there's a lot of other unfinished things and things in this game that need an overhaul first before adding in something completely new from left field like this.
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