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Re: The Voth



  • oldravenman3025oldravenman3025 Member Posts: 1,892 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    daan2006 wrote: »
    you talking about this if so i indeed agree plz cryptic?

    Those are not really Battlemechs. More like powered Battlearmor, if the are manned and not simply drones (i.e. WHM-6R versus a Clan Elemental in Battletech parlance).
  • jrq2jrq2 Member Posts: 263 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    What I would like is to be able to ride one of the new dino creatures.

    You could even make it a mini mission were you would go up against one during a mission and weaken it and use some sort of spherical device you would throw at the weakened creature to capture it and now it becomes yours.

    The creature can then be kept in this spherical device until you need it.

  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    quazar1492 wrote: »
    Normally I'm not a huge fan of 'cheezy' things and I would probably but dinosaurs in space in that category (I'm not a huge Voth fan). However I'm fine with tolerating 'cheezy' if its in the service of awesome and I would but armored dinosaurs with lasers in the awesome category so I'm actually really looking forward to the next season.

    Awesome and dinos with laser on their heads only fit in the category for toys designed for children, but sad to say some people never grow out of that faze in life!!! Hence why we are all playing a game, but the next thing you know they will add the planet Cyberton to STO with transformers running amuck.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • elemberq333elemberq333 Member Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    If anyone has ever read Harry Harrison's Eden series in that story dinosaurs evolved more then humans did and they were very intelligent, so its not like this has not been thought about before this. Granted Eden is a fictional story but I just thought I would point that out.
  • radagast75radagast75 Member Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    It is that "Pandaren syndrome" all over again with just different names and stuff.

    Besides we already have reptilian's on the game and no-one seems to mind them. Voth are just a "bit" more advanced than damned Gorn. Borg also has all kind's of stuff in their heads so why not some other race :P

    I do admit that lazer in the head sound bit silly but maybe Dr Evil is at work.

    These Voth in this supposedly Star Trek game are way different than those i imagined from Voyager. Why pervert everything Trek to some fight over stuff that no one would fight for in Star Trek?

    If they want some agressive types conquering and so on, why not add Kazon? They would be perfect fit for average MMO playerbase who have love for races which are dumb, agressive and have big ships.

    Id rather see them evolving the story between Starfleet, KDF and Romulan Republic with occasional skirmishes from known antagonists. And then theres my personal favorite, Borg. Resistance is futile, they could have assimilated voth and many other races, they are the biggest threat in series while in STO they see a joke. They could assimilate themselves better and better and prove new challenges. Players could be assimilated and liberated and so on.
    Captain Hunt, at your service!
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    jrq2 wrote: »
    What I would like is to be able to ride one of the new dino creatures.

    You could even make it a mini mission were you would go up against one during a mission and weaken it and use some sort of spherical device you would throw at the weakened creature to capture it and now it becomes yours.

    The creature can then be kept in this spherical device until you need it.


    Gotta Catch 'Em All.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    radagast75 wrote: »
    It is that "Pandaren syndrome" all over again with just different names and stuff.

    As far as I can tell, I will not be able to captain a ship as a T-Rex. :(
  • radagast75radagast75 Member Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Just please stop asking stupid obsolete stuff like mechs and tanks.. Star Trek is allready perverted enough in this game as it is.

    Units like these have no use in era of Star Trek with all the technology we have here. All you need is Starship, Shuttle or Ofiicers on ground with shields and phasers. In universe like this there is no use for mechs which can be shot out of order from orbit with precision of microns.

    Also that ground combat being what it is... You want something more to add to that non working chaos with non working animations and disappearing weapons and stuff like that. Armor visuals that may or may not show up regardless what you want.

    Imagine your mech disappearing ever once in a while, getting stuck at small grass in the ground... List is extensive.

    But after all, we are MMO players and MMO player are not known for their good logic or reasonable thinking. They just want more stuff which is bigger and bulkier like in some different MMO... 4 meter swords on 1 meter character and so forth.

    There is word for these kind of things. Compensating for something ^^

    Just a one thing more... Imagine if we would get mechs like these.. as in kits for example... Then there is same stupid chaos of stupidity like in SWTOR with "Car's" running all around spacestation stairs and walkways. Imagine earth spacedock infested with numerous Mechs.. Even more lag and very Trekky looking environment with all those mechs stomping around spacestation >_<
    Captain Hunt, at your service!
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    radagast75 wrote: »
    Just please stop asking stupid obsolete stuff like mechs and tanks.. Star Trek is allready perverted enough in this game as it is.

    Units like these have no use in era of Star Trek with all the technology we have here. All you need is Starship, Shuttle or Ofiicers on ground with shields and phasers. In universe like this there is no use for mechs which can be shot out of order from orbit with precision of microns.

    Also that ground combat being what it is... You want something more to add to that non working chaos with non working animations and disappearing weapons and stuff like that. Armor visuals that may or may not show up regardless what you want.

    Imagine your mech disappearing ever once in a while, getting stuck at small grass in the ground... List is extensive.

    But after all, we are MMO players and MMO player are not known for their good logic or reasonable thinking. They just want more stuff which is bigger and bulkier like in some different MMO... 4 meter swords on 1 meter character and so forth.

    There is word for these kind of things. Compensating for something ^^
    If that's true then the same can be said of infantry. :P
    My character Tsin'xing
  • radagast75radagast75 Member Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    If that's true then the same can be said of infantry. :P

    Yep, use of troops and personnel on ground has often been a bit illogical when you just could stun everything from orbit and sort it out later. Space with shielded stations is different thing, punching a hole on the shields and beaming few troops to take care of stuff is very logical :)
    Captain Hunt, at your service!
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    radagast75 wrote: »
    Just a one thing more... Imagine if we would get mechs like these.. as in kits for example... Then there is same stupid chaos of stupidity like in SWTOR with "Car's" running all around spacestation stairs and walkways. Imagine earth spacedock infested with numerous Mechs.. Even more lag and very Trekky looking environment with all those mechs stomping around spacestation >_<

    This wouldn't happen because the game already has the tech in place to restrict certain items from being used in certain zones. The Risian Floaters, for example, can only be used on Risa. People asked to be allowed to use these everywhere, and the devs said no.

    Any mechs that get added to the game can be restricted only to a battlefield that would be appropriate for their use. You wouldn't see any of them stomping around ESD.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • radagast75radagast75 Member Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    lan451 wrote: »
    This wouldn't happen because the game already has the tech in place to restrict certain items from being used in certain zones. The Risian Floaters, for example, can only be used on Risa. People asked to be allowed to use these everywhere, and the devs said no.

    Any mechs that get added to the game can be restricted only to a battlefield that would be appropriate for their use. You wouldn't see any of them stomping around ESD.

    They could but most likely they would be made as kits with kit visuals that would show up in any place. Still i like it that they restrict stuff like that. Ive seen enough horses and dragons and all kinds of stuff going to places such stuff dont belong.
    Captain Hunt, at your service!
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    radagast75 wrote: »
    They could but most likely they would be made as kits with kit visuals that would show up in any place. Still i like it that they restrict stuff like that. Ive seen enough horses and dragons and all kinds of stuff going to places such stuff dont belong.

    I can't really see them making it as a kit. Instead I would think that they would make it more along the lines of "Become" devices in their other game, Champions Online. Specifically, like the Become Black Talon Mk. II device. It's an item that gets placed into your device tray. When used, it transforms your character into a giant Black Talon Mecha. It has it's own skill set and everything. I actually have one of these over there and it's fun as hell lol.

    Anyways, that's how I see them doing it here. They essentially make a "Become Voth Mecha" device that gets placed into your device tray. When used, it transforms you character into the mecha. And since it's a device (just like the Risian Floaters are) it can be restricted to use only in certain zones.

    I think that's a much better way to go about it than making it a kit.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • rickeyredshirtrickeyredshirt Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I wouldn't say hate in my case as much as disappointment. Much of what I'm about to say has been said before. The Voth appeared in 1 episode of Voyager which wasn't a very popular series or episode to begin with. They are far removed from how they appeared and were presented in Voyager. If they were to add another race/species, there were better options from Voyager and even Star Trek itself such as the Kazon or Ba'ku (or further fleshing out species like the Hirogen). If you look at the list of Star Trek species on Wikipedia, the Voth aren't even listed (neither are the 'Elachi'). I just want to feel immersed in the Star Trek universe by utilizing content that has been previously established. No lightsabers (nanopulse lirpas), no ship ripoffs like the StarCraft 2 Hyperion (Bortasqu'), and no Dino-Riders (Voth).

    On the topic of fleshing out the Hirogen, that could be said about a lot of species in STO right now. What's going on with Species 8472, The Dominion or the True Way? The lack of story advancement is disappointing. There seems no reason to play other than to open lockboxes and grind rep. Very little story is wrapped around it and it started with fragmenting the STFs. Going from the old tutorial to the old STFs made a very nice story arc. How are we still in 2409?! With as many ships that have been released one would think we've at least advanced a year by now since the flagship Odyssey has been outdone by newer ships.

    The other part that is disappointing is that other than the new FE and art assets associated with S8 is that it seems very cookie-cutter. Another reputation, another Fleet Holding, another lockbox, another DOff pack, another PvE queue, etc. Do we really need another new tutorial? There have been a lot of things that players have been clamoring for since launch like improvements to the exchange, a place where you can store pets, PvP improvement, KDF improvements, crafting revamp, why no Benzite BOffs? and much, much more. Anyway, that's what grinds my gears.
  • mersemerse Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The Voth are fine. The T-Rex and the Raptor are like being taken from the stupidest cartoon designed for 5 years olds... Seriously?! A whole branch of experienced and distinguished developers can not come up with anything better than THAT?!
    The I would advise Cryptic CEO to fire them all ASAP and hire a new staff.
    What will come next? Hirogens riding My Little Ponies?
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    merse wrote: »
    The Voth are fine. The T-Rex and the Raptor are like being taken from the stupidest cartoon designed for 5 years olds... Seriously?! A whole branch of experienced and distinguished developers can not come up with anything better than THAT?!

    Stupid Cartoons like :

    - Jules Vernes - Journey to the Center of the Earth ... same dumb-TRIBBLE who had this childish idea about a Moon Rocket ... come on ... srsly ... what an idiot ?

    - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - The Lost World

    if it worked there it COULD work in STO as well, holding judgment, until actually experiencing the new content might be the best move here ....

    Only stupid thing here is peoples prejudice Dinosaurs & SciFi = stupid & childish, probably because they watched to much Cartoons as kids, instead of reading a book ...
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • l30p4rdl30p4rd Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Do we get a happy meal with this content ?

    Technologically advanced species of dinosaurs that use their former predators as weapons of war. Technological species maybe advanced they are NOT !

    Geko shame on you !
  • shmnshmn Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    As an 80's kid dinos with lasers are right up my alley. And I already play a dinosaur being a sci captain so no change there.

    I guess Voth just manage to bring together two of the most dearly held hates: non-canon and Bon Voyager. Well done on creating a hated enemy!

    Hold your dinosaurs, gentlemen, you will get to show 'em Voth's up soon enough -- meanwhile, set your phasers to silly -- or resume bickering, whichever you prefer.
    IGN: Noveria
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Yess beasts of burden, that at any second would sooner eat their handler or blow them away with their head lasers.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • redsnake721redsnake721 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I wish someone who likes, knows and understands Trek would take over the job of cheif Developer. Obviously we have someone that dosent have the 1st clue. I know that the TOS had a certian level of camp but this is just silly. Unless the story is really well written that can explain why there are earth dino's in a Dyson sphere

    If they needed a new enemy from Voyager there are so many better shoices. Even the subspace createures that the uss equinox was using to power thier warp drive. They have a valid reason to hate the Federation and declare war on the Alpha quadrent. They could originate from a Dison sphere or need one to exist in our demention. So many better choices but alas we need to satisfy Dan's silly pet project and let him relive his childhood fasination with Dinoriders: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnHuNUNV0BE
  • stf65stf65 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I wish someone who likes, knows and understands Trek would take over the job of cheif Developer. Obviously we have someone that dosent have the 1st clue. I know that the TOS had a certian level of camp but this is just silly. Unless the story is really well written that can explain why there are earth dino's in a Dyson sphere
    The game did not invent the voth. Voyager did. If you can accept 65 million year old dinosaurs in a voth city ship flying through space then having them park at a discovered dyson sphere does not seem any less unbelievable.
  • radagast75radagast75 Member Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    lan451 wrote: »
    Anyways, that's how I see them doing it here. They essentially make a "Become Voth Mecha" device that gets placed into your device tray. When used, it transforms you character into the mecha. And since it's a device (just like the Risian Floaters are) it can be restricted to use only in certain zones.

    I think that's a much better way to go about it than making it a kit.

    Indeed if that sad day comes when that happens, this is the wway to do it.I just dont see mechs, tanks and stuff like that belonging to Trek universe in any other than in certain cases like Jem'hadar and so on.

    Jem'hadar were using these destructive mortars and stuff to make people fear them, it was part of their strategy and Klingons, well if people know Klingons, they would understand that
    they rather use ground troops in name of honor. For them bombarding an enemy from orbit is honorless, especially if enemy cant fight back in any way. Still this game has litle concept of Klingon Honor. Just had example of it while game mechanics forced me to destroy a totally disabled and helpless Federation ship in the name of "Target practice" That was honorless but sadly there was no option to have Honor in that mission.
    Captain Hunt, at your service!
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,561 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Dinosuar's with lasers, REALLY!? And Voth go Military. BULLCRAP. FIX TH GALAXY INSTEAD OF THIS TRIBBLE! Voth were peaceful, decended from herbovores. I friend of mine will never return now becuase of this TRIBBLE.
  • spotter5spotter5 Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    They didnt seem so peaceful to me.
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    spotter5 wrote: »
    They didnt seem so peaceful to me.

    No... they did in fact seem hostile, arrogant and self centered.
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • tekehdtekehd Member Posts: 2,032 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Dinosuar's with lasers, REALLY!? And Voth go Military. BULLCRAP. FIX TH GALAXY INSTEAD OF THIS TRIBBLE! Voth were peaceful, decended from herbovores. I friend of mine will never return now becuase of this TRIBBLE.

    Yes, they were so peaceful they captured and detained an entire starfleet vessel, and threatened to destroy it and place its entire crew in prison if Gegen wouldn't recant.

    And while the Voth were descendents of a herbivorous species, they themselves were not herbivores.

    You should try watching Star Trek for once.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The leader of the Voth that we encountered was a religious nutjob that was willing to destroy Voyager so that Voyager's existence didn't disprove their precious Doctrine. We can assume the majority of the Voth are like this as well. The only reason why Voyager escaped was because it was one ship, all the evidence was destroyed, and the peaceful Voth retracted their theory. I think the only evidence the Voth Scientist has of Earth is a globe with maybe Chakotay's DNA on it. The Voth are not a peaceful race and some herbivores are not peaceful if you threaten their young. They can be very vicious when they need to be. There is also the superiority complex the Voth has towards non-Saurian races.
  • icsairgunsicsairguns Member Posts: 1,504 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I wouldn't say they were overly peacefull we just don't have enough info one way or another . but I could see them finding more evidence to contradict their doctrine so they launch a force to take back what they see as their home world.

    and all that would be fine but the dinosaurs with lasers is just silly.
    Trophies for killing FEDS ahh those were the days. Ch'ar%20POST%20LoR.JPG

  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    @OP, can I have all of your friends stuff?
  • compositearmourcompositearmour Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    But dinosaurs. With lasers. In space.


    That's instant win right there.
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