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TRIBBLE Maintenance and Release Notes - October 11, 2013



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    webdeathwebdeath Member Posts: 1,570 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    When starting my 20 hour 2k rep mark Mission I recieved a ground weapon called a:
    Protonic Polaron Compression Pistol Mk XII [CrtH]

    I'm wondering if the Protonic only have 1 "Mod" due to both being Rare and beceause of the voth/Non-voth extra damage proc that they get?

    You think that your beta test was bad?
    Think about this:
    American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
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    sunseahlsunseahl Member Posts: 827 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Fleet Vet Ships... weren't these already supposed to be "Flagship"-ish escourt ships anyway?

    Why Fleet variants? I'd really like to hear the idea behind that.

    Not that the change or the explanation it makes me any more likely to buy a LTS....

    I just wanna know why these ships have a fleet variant that only LTS and Gold members will have access to, just like their non-fleet counterparts.... I mean.. It'd be so much easier just to sell the fleet skin for the regular ships, right... Without making new ships that would be even more of an exclusive then the vet ships already are?
    Member of the "Disenchanted"
    We don't want what the Feds have. We want the equivalent. We want fairer treatment. Concern, desire, greed to some extent, and passionate belief that the enough people would buy KDF items to make it worth Cryptic's while.
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    zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    sunseahl wrote: »
    Fleet Vet Ships... weren't these already supposed to be "Flagship"-ish escourt ships anyway?

    Why Fleet variants? I'd really like to hear the idea behind that.

    Not that the change or the explanation it makes me any more likely to buy a LTS....

    I just wanna know why these ships have a fleet variant that only LTS and Gold members will have access to, just like their non-fleet counterparts.... I mean.. It'd be so much easier just to sell the fleet skin for the regular ships, right... Without making new ships that would be even more of an exclusive then the vet ships already are?

    From what I am looking at they aren't worth getting especially since they don't allow for something more pleasing to the eyes.
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    michaelp1989michaelp1989 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Yay fleet Kar'fi...oh wait, gated by grind.

    So KDF is boned again :(

    Please make it available at tier1 or 2 maybe...
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    zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Yay fleet Kar'fi...oh wait, gated by grind.

    So KDF is boned again :(

    Please make it available at tier1 or 2 maybe...

    Pretty much and it looks like the area for these daily missions I found either isn't linked or I just can't find it all I could find is a greyed out transwarp labeled Fleet Spire (Delta Quadrant).
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    sunseahlsunseahl Member Posts: 827 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    From what I am looking at they aren't worth getting especially since they don't allow for something more pleasing to the eyes.

    Hence just letting the vets "buy" the fleet skin....
    Member of the "Disenchanted"
    We don't want what the Feds have. We want the equivalent. We want fairer treatment. Concern, desire, greed to some extent, and passionate belief that the enough people would buy KDF items to make it worth Cryptic's while.
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    zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    sunseahl wrote: »
    Hence just letting the vets "buy" the fleet skin....

    Yeah plus I read back and pretty much the dyson thing isn't even hooked up yet so all this stuff is the same as last week except for the disappointment with how the KDF is with these ships. The Kar'fi one is okay I guess but that 1k vet ship the look of it and the engineering console for a LTS person like myself that used it for 30 mins and then let it collect dust isn't gonna bother with that lol. Is kinda like the B'rel it didn't need an engineering one for its 10th console same deal with the raptor.

    Edit: Oh yeah the voth do not feel like they have changed at all unless my setup is just a fluke of something they are not designed to defend against.

    I am kinda hoping since these new fleet ships I'm just not feeling myself ever using either of them over the ones I already have that maybe there could be these following... Fleet Hegh'ta, Fleet B'Rotlh, and Fleet Qaw'Dun. From my testing with various ship types in the spire mission so far the bird of preys seem to do the best out of them all here. I figure for any sales off the KDF most likely bops would be the way to go since a player would want maximum availability to get around the map where as the battle cruisers and carriers are too sluggish to make it worthwhile.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Yay fleet Kar'fi...oh wait, gated by grind.

    So KDF is boned again :(

    Please make it available at tier1 or 2 maybe...

    Hey, if we're asking for things involving the Fleet Kar'Fi there - how about making the Sci En a Uni En? :D
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    arcademasterarcademaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    These changes sound excellent to me. Can't wait to see this going live.

    I'm curious what the bonus of fleet tactical consoles will be. A 50% reduced boost to a torpedo type perhaps? That might be interesting and make canon-appropiate weapon+torp loadouts a bit more viable again. (Though I didn't do any math if 50% would be enough to make 3 weps + 1 torp better than 4 weps or if it would just close the gap somewhat)
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    amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    By the people that keep saying to change the older reputation systems into using this new model.

    Under this model, STF would became 20 hours daily missions, people run STFs because of OMs, lowering input to "one mission per day" would dry out because the only people that would be left would be Dilithium leechers that finished the tier and are just there for Dilithium, a lot of them are AFKers so you are TRIBBLE up the public queues and forcing people into pre-mades that run private instances as public queues no longer apply.

    Plus it would SERIOUS lower the ability of players that dont run group missions to progress, basically this would be Cryptic shafting solo players so hard they might as well leave because they cannot progress or gear accordingly, this would also have a serious impact on near dead Fleet that would became effectively dead and people would not transfer to a new Fleet, they would leave.

    I have literally no words to describe what I think without being censored ... simply this is saying, "I love being timegated and just play one FA per day, I want everything to be that way" because those people dont even realize what they are asking because they are ...

    This is my concern too, I don't do stuff like STFs or the group queued missions/events whatever they're called.
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
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    reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Another vote for having the reputation token be something you can stock up on and save for later, then just have the project have a 20 hour cook time. Logging in every day to do logistical stuff is one thing, but seriously playing every single day is simply impractical for a lot of people, particularly when it has to be roughly the same time every day. If the choice is this current token-based system and the old mess of marks and commodities, the old way is a lot friendly. Please don't do this.

    Secondly, only Mk12 stuff? I can't be THAT unique in using a lot of Mk11 stuff, consoles in particular. Would like to have the option at least.
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    aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I am concerned like schneemannn83. While I am usually able to log on daily, I can't always spend a lot of time playing every day. Often my log-ins are just long enough to kick-off rep projects, DOff jobs, and similar maintenance. Maybe 10-15mins per character. I can often play longer cycling one or two characters most days for running missions, and on my days off I often spend more time with each character running many missions repeatedly so I have enough Resources (Marks, etc.) to fill out my weekly needs.

    Forcing me to play a Joint-Command-Commendation-Awarding mission every day on every character to keep up Rep pace does not sound like something to make me happy.

    Nailed it ! :mad:
    I can see some potential for getting ahead with the ability to get 200 Rep XP/hr (potentially 4,800 XP extra per day if one were uh... determined), but I'm leery that this is actually more work/grind.

    I have the same exact concerns .
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    badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    neok182 wrote: »
    3 things.

    1) The Ar'kif being T3 spire is BS. I'm sorry but it is. The Avenger was released and got it's fleet version instantly. The Ar'kif is the romulan armitage which got it's fleet version instantly.

    I'm lucky enough to be in a fleet that will have that done as quickly as possible since we have all the other holdings done, but i still feel that it's absolute BS.

    2) the one mission per day for the rep. I like this concept, but you guys are handling it really dumb in my opinion and TRIBBLE over lots of players.

    as mentioned over a dozen times at least now there are tons of players that won't be able to get on every day, and these players are essentially screwed. And considering the second project only gives you 200 instead of 800 (see #3) some people are going to have an insanely hard time finishing out this rep compared to the other two.

    The solution has already been given a few times, simply allow people to replay the mission and earn more commendations but you can still only use one every 20 hours. And maybe even limit it so the person can't have more than 5 but this is just really unfair because not everyone can get on every single day, it does happen. And yes to do the other projects it's every day, but you don't necessarily have to PLAY something everyday, you just go in, do the projects and quit thats 5 minutes. Even if this is only 20 minutes, some people may not have that time.

    3) 200 for the other project is terrible. Sure it's once an hour so you can actually do it faster but for people who can only get on once a day, they now will be earning 2200 instead of 2800 making it take a lot longer for them to level up.

    My solution is to either add a 800 rep 20 hour project, or to simply get rid of the 200 1 hour project and replace it with a standard 800.

    THIS. Without flexibility I will need to chose between "play" and "life".

    Don't force me to chose.
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    theuser2021theuser2021 Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I think it is time to look at combining a few of the currencies. I understand that the devs want to spread out the content so that people need to play certain content to get specific rewards, but it's starting to get out of control again. As new content is released people should be able to do it for specific rewards from that content, but old content should probably start to combine its marks.

    For example, Omega, Romulan, and Nukara marks could be combined into a single Alpha quadrant defender mark (or something less dumb sounding) and all old marked content could reward those marks. New content would then only award Voth marks. In order to get the newest stuff you have to do the new content. When the next season comes along with a new rep grind the voth marks would then be combined with the universal marks and then only new content can then be purchased with the new marks.
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    milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I think it is time to look at combining a few of the currencies. I understand that the devs want to spread out the content so that people need to play certain content to get specific rewards, but it's starting to get out of control again. As new content is released people should be able to do it for specific rewards from that content, but old content should probably start to combine its marks.

    For example, Omega, Romulan, and Nukara marks could be combined into a single Alpha quadrant defender mark (or something less dumb sounding) and all old marked content could reward those marks. New content would then only award Voth marks. In order to get the newest stuff you have to do the new content. When the next season comes along with a new rep grind the voth marks would then be combined with the universal marks and then only new content can then be purchased with the new marks.

    Wasn't it said a while back that the number of in game currencies were a real problem and they wanted fewer currencies. Back when the last mark sets were discontinued and traded in for "photonic attaboys"
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
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    eisenw0lfeisenw0lf Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I really appreciate Cryptic's efforts to make the reputation system less irritating. However, as many people here already pointed out, give us the possibility to collect multiple commendation marks per day. Some people just don't have the time to log in and grind every day. Also give us back the old 800 XP reputation mission, for the very same reason.
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    eristhevortaeristhevorta Member Posts: 1,049 Bug Hunter
    edited October 2013
    Yay for tactical advanced ultra rare cunsuls, now the exchange prices for the normal purrple MK XII's will eventually drop. :) Do you already know which kinds of cunsuls we will get? Phasers for fed, Dizzies for klingun and Plasma for remulan?
    "Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
    Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
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    martin1970giesenmartin1970giesen Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    fleet ships gated by a holding? god dammit :mad:

    LOL, Cryptic gives what we want and then put a knife in our back, so Cryptic...
    Keybind: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=9355971&postcount=463
    Bone1970 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
    Bone Trader don't belief in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
    Bone2 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. KDF Eng.
    Warning: Not a native English-speaker, sorry if my English sucks.
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    sechserpackungsechserpackung Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Special standard starships and fleet starships become unlocked as you progress through the main Spire track. These must be purchased using Fleet Credits, Fleet Modules and Military Personal Requisition Provisioning from your Starbase. Below are the starships that can be earned and at which Tier they become available:

    Spire Tier 1
    Spire Tier 2
    Fleet Peghqu' Heavy Destroyer - KDF Only*
    Fleet Chimera Heavy Destroyer - Starfleet Only*
    Fleet Daeinos Heavy Destroyer - Romulan Republic Only*
    *NOTE: The above Fleet Ships require that the player owns the existing non-fleet version of the Veteran Ships (1000 day veteran) to be able to purchase them.
    Spire Tier 3
    Fleet Kar'fi Battle Carrier - KDF Only
    Fleet Caitian Atrox Carrier - Starfleet Only
    Fleet Ar'Kif Tactical Warbird Retrofit - Romulan Republic Only

    Petition Cryptic to move the Tier 3 ships to tier 1? Because I am not expecting them to not want to put this stuff there.

    Then move the Tier 2 ones to Tier 3 and keep tier 2 open for whenever you want to put in the next set of fleetships.
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    suavekssuaveks Member Posts: 1,736 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I dislike the fact that new Fleet ships are now related to Dyson Sphere holding instead of the Shipyard. Some smaller fleets still struggle to get their shipyards up and running, and now they're expected to build yet another holding for newer ships...

    Also, where's Fleet D'Kyr? Fleet Marauder? Fleet Guramba? Fleet Dreadnought?
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    torsten1009torsten1009 Member Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    LOL, Cryptic gives what we want and then put a knife in our back, so Cryptic...

    I think it is more then one knife in our back:

    - You need to grind a new reputation - ok, that needs one month or 50 days, if you can only do the big daily project.

    - People have been waiting a long time for the Fleet Kar'Fi and Fleet Atrox (since Season 6 launched), just before you announce that those ships become available (unlocked by completing the spire-holding) you release a FED-ship along with the Fleet-Version in the old system.

    - There are a few fleets that have completed all holdings so far, but what is about small Fleets? When contributions are spread over 4 different holdings (Base, Embassy, Dilithium-Mine and the new Spire-Holding), progression will be nearly impossible.
    For Example: Before the Dilithium-Mine became available, my Fleet was able to do additional projects to create a few extra Fleetcredits, now we can't keep the normal projects running. When are we expected to unlock these new ships? When you release the next season, we will see another black hole for all our resources.
    With the Dilithium-Mine you've also given a large advantage to the big Fleets, if there are enough members doing the Doff-Missions, they don't need to replicate the Provisions for the projects.
    Will you add something like that again, so that we will be constantly loosing Fleetcredits?

    And don't forget about the additional refinement-capacity you get and Dilithium-Mining Dailies you can do on a T3 Dilithium Mine.
    If Star Trek Online was an Open-Source (GPL) Game, we would have a low-grind fork.
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    zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The rep system really needs to be setup as an account basis so that after the account hits tier 5 in a rep any character can turn in what they get in rewards for gear. I think what a lot of people want is to remember what it was like to just have fun with the game and not really worry so much about what they got for playing. If you are a small fleet, have multiple accounts, or like me one account but more characters than I could ever really deal with... it needs to be simplified because its too restrictive.

    The way I look at the whole system is pretty much all the non romulan characters pretty much use stf gear which is a given and then romulan ones I use the rom rep gear. Although like this nukara rep I barely use any of that gear and on my feds I don't use anything but stf gear. All I really want out of most of these reps is the passives but its just too much to deal with on top of doing fleet stuff too and if you are in a small fleet you have to give up something because you can't do both.

    *Stumbles away with a hundred and eleven knifes in his back*
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    topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Overall I love the changes, my only annoyance is:

    You now have to do content daily in order to advance reputation. With borg/romulan/whatever, you could run lots of content in a day to save up marks, then do your project simply by logging in for 2 minutes a day and slotting and filling the projects.

    Now with these new commendation tokens, you can only earn one per day and so you MUST run a queued event if you want to run a rep project - which is a major step back from the other rep systems.

    If you could earn multiple commendation tokens per day then this new system would be absolutely BRILLIANT, but as it is, it's just a little bit of a sour note.
    Kirk's Protege.
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    macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited October 2013
    Question ... is expertise still required to complete tier and gear projects?

    To me that is one of the worst part of the grind since I end up needing to do Mirror Invasion.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
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    macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited October 2013
    topset wrote: »
    Overall I love the changes, my only annoyance is:

    You now have to do content daily in order to advance reputation. With borg/romulan/whatever, you could run lots of content in a day to save up marks, then do your project simply by logging in for 2 minutes a day and slotting and filling the projects.

    Now with these new commendation tokens, you can only earn one per day and so you MUST run a queued event if you want to run a rep project - which is a major step back from the other rep systems.

    If you could earn multiple commendation tokens per day then this new system would be absolutely BRILLIANT, but as it is, it's just a little bit of a sour note.

    Good point. I don't see how they fix this one since you can keep slotting projects over and over. If I was cynical I would say they are trying to make people play more often.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
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    leod198leod198 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Special standard starships and fleet starships become unlocked as you progress through the main Spire track. These must be purchased using Fleet Credits, Fleet Modules and Military Personal Requisition Provisioning from your Starbase. Below are the starships that can be earned and at which Tier they become available:

    Spire Tier 1
    Spire Tier 2
    Fleet Peghqu' Heavy Destroyer - KDF Only*
    Fleet Chimera Heavy Destroyer - Starfleet Only*
    Fleet Daeinos Heavy Destroyer - Romulan Republic Only*
    *NOTE: The above Fleet Ships require that the player owns the existing non-fleet version of the Veteran Ships (1000 day veteran) to be able to purchase them.
    Spire Tier 3
    Fleet Kar'fi Battle Carrier - KDF Only
    Fleet Caitian Atrox Carrier - Starfleet Only
    Fleet Ar'Kif Tactical Warbird Retrofit - Romulan Republic Only

    Cryptic please Think logically :

    You make us build another shipyard holdings tier2 for May be 10% of your fleet population and tier3 for another 5% (at least on FED side)
    I bet tis will need separate provisions and will work same way as shipyards (you can not just be invited to other fleet holdings to purchase ).

    Large and developed fleets will finish this in a few month or two. Simply because they members are hungry for fleet credits and already stockpile materials . And that why you (Cryptic) will not be making a lot of money from large fleets.
    Most money you are and will be making, are from small fleets. Fleets that holding together and moving forward by pride, friendship and large investments of Real Money needed, to be converted in to: Zen, EC's, Dilithium, FM, provisions, DOFFs a lot a lot of DOFFs.
    I hope you know this already. And If you do, why then you trying to kill your milking cows?
    If you want to help let's build another holding, let us purchase all tier4 shipyard ships from spire tier2 and tier5 shipyard ships from spire tier3. This way small fleets will get access to all ships ,completing more manageable project by means of investments of large amounts of Real Money needed, to be converted in to: Zen, EC's, Dilithium, FM, provisions, DOFFs a lot a lot of DOFFs, or they will simply disappear. Your choice Cryptic.
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    torsten1009torsten1009 Member Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Well Cryptic, please look at what one person has got to do for one character per day:

    - You need to do at least 4 Elite-STFs to get enough Dilithium (including converting the Omega-Marks and Borg-Neural-Processors into Dilithium),

    - If you need to do the Romulan Reputation, you've got to do Epohh-Tagging and/or Tau-Dewa Sector Patrol Daily, maybe also Queued Events like Vault-Ensnared,

    - If you are in a smaller fleet, you've got to beat No Win Scenario once per day (or do multiple other Queued Events),

    - If you need to do Nukara-Reputation, you've got to do Missions on Nukara-Prime or more Queued Events,

    - *New* If you need to do Spire-Reputation, you've got to do at least one Daily Mission (Queued Event?) per Day.

    Now imagine a person that has got 6 characters for example?!? I can imagine people getting a burnout-syndrom from playing your game... It's becoming too much grind.

    I didn't include any Doffing here or other things you might want to do/need to do.

    Not everybody creates 19 grinders, just to do the daily-lore question at the academy and transfer the Dilithium to the main character. Not everybody exploits PvP-Arenas to earn 1,440 Dilithium every 6 minutes (in the first 6 minutes 2,880 Dilithium + 50 Fleetmarks, if you've got the daily-mission, too).
    If you were at least able to do some contributions to your Fleet using Omega-Marks, Borg-Neural-Processors or Romulan-/Nukara-Marks, but there are no projects.
    If Star Trek Online was an Open-Source (GPL) Game, we would have a low-grind fork.
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    themariethemarie Member Posts: 1,055 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I'm sorry but I don't see why you would want to run max rep on six characters at the same time ANYWAY - kind of silly to create six characters each with the exact same max reputation and all that.

    I built each of my (now) 12 characters to be unique. One has max rep across the board (my oldest) One has NO rep at all, the rest have various combinations of fleet-gear, rep gear and high-end regular gear.

    Then again I am a roleplayer (after all this is an MMO*RPG*) so I want each of my characters to be unique -- not carbon-copies of each other wearing different uniforms.
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    milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    themarie wrote: »
    I'm sorry but I don't see why you would want to run max rep on six characters at the same time ANYWAY - kind of silly to create six characters each with the exact same max reputation and all that.

    I built each of my (now) 12 characters to be unique. One has max rep across the board (my oldest) One has NO rep at all, the rest have various combinations of fleet-gear, rep gear and high-end regular gear.

    Then again I am a roleplayer (after all this is an MMO*RPG*) so I want each of my characters to be unique -- not carbon-copies of each other wearing different uniforms.

    The reps give access to pretty useful gear. You have to unlock it to get that gear. I am not sure people care about traits too much, except perhaps pvp players. I want the rep to get access to the stores on all my toons.

    Alsot this game game is a little weak on rpg. It may be one in name, but in reality it is a space and ground combat simulator. A true RPG that was Star Trek would have most its missions and activities to be completed without going to red alert.
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
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