I for one didn't really like the Romulan Republic (at first). I would have preferred to play as Tal Shiar, but I know Cryptic has stated the weren't going to create any "evil" factions. However, what's considered to be good or evil is really a matter of perspective. By this reasoning, I think as Cryptic expands their map to feature areas within the Gamma and Delta quadrants. The next two factions should be the Dominion and the Borg (the two most evil TRIBBLE forces in the ST universe). The Dominion faction would be separate from the True Way as will the Delta quadrant Borg from the Alpha quadrant Borg (possibly a splinter group).
The Dominion Faction:
Playable - Changeling, Vorta, Jem'Hadar, Cardassian, Breen, Son'a, Hunter/Tosk, and Dosi.
Non-playable - the Hur'q.
Main Hub - Possibly a Dominion starbase orbiting the former Founder homeworld in the Omarion Nebula.
Ships - Jem'Hadar, Cardassian, and Breen. (namely the ones that haven't been pilfered for lock boxes).
The Borg Faction:
Playable (with the option of being liberated) - Talaxian, Kazon, Ocampa, Vidiian, Hirogen, and Trabe.
Non'playable - The Swarm and the Hierarchy.
Main Hub - Borg Prime.
Ships - Borg designs and possibly liberated Kazon, Vidiian, and Hirogen.
I found this concept map online which features the other two quadrants:
I realize i'm probably not the first to have this idea, I just wanted to bring it up I guess.
Unique racial traits would fit in well here, too. Founders of course get shapeshifting, and a worship trait which causes all active vorta and jemhadar bridge officers and away team members to gain efficiency.
Vorta get a leadership trait which improves the effectiveness of jemhadsr boffs/away team members.
Jemhadar get a k-white trait that improves stats if ketracel is in a device slot.
the intrigue of the dominion comes from its perfectly engineered combatants, not its subjugated allies.
Please, let the next Expansion Pack be opening up the Delta or Gamma Quadrant full of exploration and Missions for all 3 Factions!
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
I agree wholeheartedly. I just figured they already have the Hunter species in the alien creation content, why not have a few other options like the Tosk or Son'a. Otherwise, right on:)
Actually they'd be the least likely, seeing as Cryptic has stated "no evil factions." So actually, the next faction would likely be the Detapa Council Cardassians.
A Dominion Faction could work. A Borg Faction though? God No!
Regardless of other species, the Cardassian and Breen should not be included in any potential Dominion Faction. I swear some people have forgotten (or not watched) the end of DS9. Cardassians and the Dominion didn't finish up on good terms. Heck, the Dominion (and Breen) executed billions of Cardassian Citizens.
I wouldn't mind if Cryptic did a grand overhaul of the mission/campaign/story system. We've far too many aimless episodes (especially for the Federation) that could be done without.
As the Voth are coming, you may get your wish in regard to Delta Quadrant expansion.
No it wont. If there is a new faction, it'll likely be Cardassians sure, but not the True Way. They're the bad guys remember? Cryptic don't do bad playable factions.
I still think Cryptic should have combined Romulan Refugees with Cardassian Refugees, a new sector left of Alpha Centauri and released them as a stand alone (yet somewhat neutral) faction. STO will still be the Red vs Blue that they want to keep (cause it would still focus on the FED/KDF war), but we'd have the third independent faction that many of us wished for, and they could have killed two birds with one stone.
Any new faction should not have any of their ships already in game that anyone can use.
I think they should wait a wile before any new factions. Make more end game stuff to do.
Because after leveling up Romulan characters and hitting endgame........there really is no difference except the ships themselves. And that gets boring over time.
Lets say Cryptic throw a minor faction at us; lets say... the Vidiian. I seriously doubt many people are going to start up a Vidiian character. The species just isn't grand and important enough.
Playable Factions need to stick with the big guys, and the next one in line should be the Cardassians. Sure, they've released the Galor already, and yes, that was a mistake (a mistake admitted by a Dev or two as well). Still, the Galor is an old design by 25th century standards, I'm sure Cryptic would throw new ships out in it's place. Heck, even the Keldon could be used in its stead.
As for the Borg. Much as I would love to run around in a borg uniform (aka exoskeleton) and fly a Borg ship, I have one concern. The Liberated Borg characters currently in game. You would have to set up any borg faction as not stepping on the toes of those who bought a lifetime membership for the purpose of having a Lib Borg which may or may not be a moot point after a borg faction was created (especially considering the exoskeleton and ship part)
I seriously doubt the Romulans could be made into an independent faction, not now. Too much work has gone into them for the allegiance system for them to undo it all. We're never going to see independent Romulans (and believe me, I wish we were). In addition to that, I believe it's been clarified already that any future factions will be implemented in the same fashion that the Romulans have been, thus more mini factions.
If/When the Cardassians come out, I'll be making one character. He'll align with the Federation. I have a Romulan character aligned with the KDF already, and I have FED & KDF characters already.
The only factions I have ever had interest in playing were the main four (current plus Cardassians). If a 5th faction is ever introduced, I wont be touching it. Not unless it does turn out to be independent and then I'll see what it's all about first before deciding whether to stick with it or not.
You don't play Borg. Borg play you.
Seriously, how would playing the Borg even work? They are all remote controlled drones. They don't act on their own, cruising the galaxy in their pimped out geometric shapes and farming marks.
As thecosmic1 said, I am going off the fact that what you are having is a hugh style Liberated borg or a Unimatrix Zero group rather then a member of the Collective. At least for storyline purposes.
I can still use my imagination to pretend I am out there in the galaxy assimilating poor unsuspecting sentients can't I? :P
And good luck in those other space games. SC will be here in May of 2015 - assuming it's not delayed.
No.. Absolutely not. You are not allowed to have any imagination in this game whatsoever.. Ypu will buy everything they sell and you will use ity only in the particular way they want you to use it. you will not RP but you WILL uphold the delicate PVP balance between the federation and klingons even IF your race is a Sylurian grub worm...
And i hope you realize i'm just pulling your leg
Actually, there aren't even enough players to support Red vs Blue PvP. Trying to extend that to Red v Blue v Green would just have been wasted effort.
Borg are not evil - They simply wish to improve. Everything they do is for survival
Having Cardassian faction but anyone can use their most common and iconic Cardassian ship the Galor. Nope that just does not sound right to me.
If they add Cardassians strip everone of their Galor and refund them with a lot of Lobi for each Galor they lose. Galor would then be part of Cardassian faction.
Personally I think if Cardassian is playable it should be as a Species for the existing factions. I think having Federation,Romulan and Klingons should remain the only playable factions and instead of adding new story missions for a new faction they should instead focus on end game.
Thats absolutely correct. There arent enough zpvp'rs to maintain snot. So PVPers can go play another game.. Give us our bloody faction in its correct form.
Well, seeing as you agree that PVP is largely irrelevant, then we already have a "complete" third faction, as Romulan PVE content is distinct enough from Federation and Klingon PVE content. A "complete" faction in the fashion of your personal discontent only matters in PVP.
First off I'm glad these will never happen, second off some of these races you chose don't make any sense. The Dominion would never let those treacherous Cardassions rejoin, the Dosi might have been members but never saw a single one in combat.
The Borg...the Borg didn't assimilate the Kazon...why would they do it now? I doubt if the Borg would have much interest in the Trabe either...seeing as Kazon tech is stolen Trabe tech...the Trabe sounds decadent and were defeated by the Kazon...so like I said I doubt the Borg would have interest.
If we get a new faction it will likely be the Cardassians and they will be in similar circumstances as the Romulan Republic.
This. It's more than likely that any Cardassian faction will involve the new, post Dominion, "democratic" Cardassian government. After all, it's the True Way that are considered the renegades in that part of the galaxy (a reverse of how things go in the Romulan storyline).