"Aux 2 zombie" must be nerfed into oblivion. Yeah it been around a long time, but now everyone is doing it, and pvp is not fun anymore (well not to me). I miss the days when cruisers could die. Now its just a wave of cruiser buffs, and broken beam builds on top of that. No more "Aux 2 cheat."
Tank the normal way like me. "Aux 2 invincibility" should not exist. I would never use "Aux 2 God mode" in any fight, but I guess that's just me...
The dress is gold and white. Over 70% people says so. When viewed from a certain screen angle it appears blue and black. The dress displayed on amazon is a blue and black dress, but it's not the same dress in the picture. If you're seeing blue & black you're slightly colored blind. A normal upright screen = white and gold.
TSS shares cool down with fbp. Scramble sensors might work against pugs, but definitely not a good counter against prepared premade with plenty of cleansers. There are other choices of abilities that are more useful than scramble sensors iii.
In a match against 5 FAW Aux2Bat scimitars, the best option is just to have everyone run 2x Feedback Pulse + 2x Transfer Shield Strength. Each ability has a 15 second uptime, a 15 second category cooldown, and a 30 second shared cooldown. You can chain FBP III then TSS III then FBP II then TSS II for a 100% uptime coverage. Spam heals and you are pretty much set, it's all you can do against a FAW Scimitar team until Cryptic fixes the cleanse everything Warp Core Engineer, the Tier IV Romulan Placate, the Scramble Sensors drones, and the Weapon overcap bug with beam arrays. It's sad to see how many exploits players combine to make that so powerful.
I'm wondering if people suggesting FBP have actually run FBP against one of these teams? i can only speak from my experience which has been this: FBP is next to useless for combating the full FAW spam team. Maybe against inexperienced players it can help deter but I've yet to kill a cruiser/Scimi running FBP3 under any circumstance as a Science captain (well once I killed a Gal-X dread using DHCs that wouldn't give up). Maybe it's different with all the Tac buffs as a Tac? As a FAW spammer I've been hit multiple times with a FBP and have shrugged it off cuz I usually have at least two dil mine res all neuts...
It seems like hitting the fed ball with multiple TRs and GWs would be more effective then you vape them one at a time as they disperse.
The problem with fpb is that you receive and tank 3 or 4 or 5 times focused damage from scimitar bfaw spammage, while the person attacking you get only his/her damage reflected. BFAW boats will always out tank you with fbp.
A team with 5x FBP against a team with 5x FAW will win. No matter where they shoot, they will get the damage reflected back to sender.
Tank the normal way like me. "Aux 2 invincibility" should not exist
In most cases "Aux 2 invincibility" doesn't exist, I find Aux2Damp is a good place to start countering Aux2Batt and my engineer has just the right balance of tanking and damage to make an Aux2Batt build have to work for it's kill and it's survival (as much as an aux2batt cruiser can) however it does still take a second ship to bring down a good one and depending upon how good my cruiser get's worn down to the point of death (though it takes a while).
Faw is not the only problem with these boats... Scimitars can maintain very high dps that can not be easily resisted if they focus on you while their faw is on cool down. They just need to look at you and you're dead before you reflected back anything. Just think, you're trying to tank 3 or 4 boats each doing 30k dps for 30 seconds roughly ever 1min30seconds.
Fortunately, a fully specced feedback pulse will reflect the damage back for about 2.4. If you are hit with 30k DPS, you are going to reflect 72k DPS back to the target. 50% of that is going to bypass shields. The only problem you face is living long enough to dish out that damage.
Fortunately, a fully specced feedback pulse will reflect the damage back for about 2.4. If you are hit with 30k DPS, you are going to reflect 72k DPS back to the target. 50% of that is going to bypass shields. The only problem you face is living long enough to dish out that damage.
Ya, the ship that can actually pull off 2.4 going back will be super squish and probly good at nothing else...
The Aux2Damp build is interesting. Anyone running a dual Aux2damp with Doffs as a counter successfully?
Ya, the ship that can actually pull off 2.4 going back will be super squish and probly good at nothing else...
The Aux2Damp build is interesting. Anyone running a dual Aux2damp with Doffs as a counter successfully?
Just max spec in particle generators and run healing in everything else. 2x Transfer Shield Strength, 2x Hazard Emitters, 1x Aux2SIF, 1x EPtS, 1x APD, 1x PH. Throw in an RSP depending on the ship. Maximum auxiliary with everything else dumped into shields. You will tank fine.
Just max spec in particle generators and run healing in everything else. 2x Transfer Shield Strength, 2x Hazard Emitters, 1x Aux2SIF, 1x EPtS, 1x APD, 1x PH. Throw in an RSP depending on the ship. Maximum auxiliary with everything else dumped into shields. You will tank fine.
Hey, you are fighting Aux2Bat + FAW + DEM Scimitars here, you have to be sure they die before you do. What better way to do that than to stack up 300+ points in particle generators and go at them with all heals and two copies of feedback pulse.
scimitars that use beam arrays are what need nerfing, i can decloak alpha with 8 beam arrays and kill something faster then i can with 4 DHCs and a BO. no AtB FAW cruisers can stack 5 tac consoles and 3 embassy plasma consoles, cloak every 12 seconds, and have that ambush bonus last 15 seconds like scimitarts can. and create the shear damage its capable of.
those scimitars weren't necessarily even using AtB, not really the thread to complain about beam arrays on scimitars. DHCs are barred on a lot of cruisers and sci ships, just bar beam array use of dreadnought warbirds.
So I am just asking if anyone know if they have nerffed Aux2Bat.. It does not seam to be cooling off as fast.. also My DPS has dropped from 29.3k to about 24K.. any one know??
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
Yeap, aux2bat itself has never been the problem, the problem is that everyone always tries to copy the build that currently is getting them killed... last months flavor was the aux2bat faw dem boat.. this months flavor is particle manipulator feedback pulsating tractor beamng repulsorizing boats.
I wonder.. what would be the next months flavor`?
"Better were the days when mastery o' space came not from bargains struck with eldritch creatures... but from the sweat of a man's brow and the strength of his back alone. Ye all know thi's to be true!"
Yeap, aux2bat itself has never been the problem, the problem is that everyone always tries to copy the build that currently is getting them killed... last months flavor was the aux2bat faw dem boat.. this months flavor is particle manipulator feedback pulsating tractor beamng repulsorizing boats.
I wonder.. what would be the next months flavor`?
if those people are in kerrat... vape defiant
Sad Pandas PvP - Starfleet Dental Member - Lag Industries Leader
"What a time it was, with all the world against us, what a time it was... When all we did seemed wrong,
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
Tank the normal way like me. "Aux 2 invincibility" should not exist. I would never use "Aux 2 God mode" in any fight, but I guess that's just me...
In a match against 5 FAW Aux2Bat scimitars, the best option is just to have everyone run 2x Feedback Pulse + 2x Transfer Shield Strength. Each ability has a 15 second uptime, a 15 second category cooldown, and a 30 second shared cooldown. You can chain FBP III then TSS III then FBP II then TSS II for a 100% uptime coverage. Spam heals and you are pretty much set, it's all you can do against a FAW Scimitar team until Cryptic fixes the cleanse everything Warp Core Engineer, the Tier IV Romulan Placate, the Scramble Sensors drones, and the Weapon overcap bug with beam arrays. It's sad to see how many exploits players combine to make that so powerful.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
It seems like hitting the fed ball with multiple TRs and GWs would be more effective then you vape them one at a time as they disperse.
A team with 5x FBP against a team with 5x FAW will win. No matter where they shoot, they will get the damage reflected back to sender.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
In most cases "Aux 2 invincibility" doesn't exist, I find Aux2Damp is a good place to start countering Aux2Batt and my engineer has just the right balance of tanking and damage to make an Aux2Batt build have to work for it's kill and it's survival (as much as an aux2batt cruiser can) however it does still take a second ship to bring down a good one
Fortunately, a fully specced feedback pulse will reflect the damage back for about 2.4. If you are hit with 30k DPS, you are going to reflect 72k DPS back to the target. 50% of that is going to bypass shields. The only problem you face is living long enough to dish out that damage.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
Ya, the ship that can actually pull off 2.4 going back will be super squish and probly good at nothing else...
The Aux2Damp build is interesting. Anyone running a dual Aux2damp with Doffs as a counter successfully?
Just max spec in particle generators and run healing in everything else. 2x Transfer Shield Strength, 2x Hazard Emitters, 1x Aux2SIF, 1x EPtS, 1x APD, 1x PH. Throw in an RSP depending on the ship. Maximum auxiliary with everything else dumped into shields. You will tank fine.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
Damn man! That's overkill!
Hey, you are fighting Aux2Bat + FAW + DEM Scimitars here, you have to be sure they die before you do. What better way to do that than to stack up 300+ points in particle generators and go at them with all heals and two copies of feedback pulse.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
those scimitars weren't necessarily even using AtB, not really the thread to complain about beam arrays on scimitars. DHCs are barred on a lot of cruisers and sci ships, just bar beam array use of dreadnought warbirds.
Second, no, no changes have been made to AtB.
you cretin, he made that post a year ago. there wasn't 1/2 of what makes offensive sci so dangerous back then
Yeap, aux2bat itself has never been the problem, the problem is that everyone always tries to copy the build that currently is getting them killed... last months flavor was the aux2bat faw dem boat.. this months flavor is particle manipulator feedback pulsating tractor beamng repulsorizing boats.
I wonder.. what would be the next months flavor`?
if those people are in kerrat... vape defiant
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet