Do yuo ppl know there is more than PVP in this game and if aux to bat is nerfed will impact on all game not only PVP ? free cruciers are almost hated when enter in ESFT not to say if some one enter in a galaxy, without the help of aux to bat this ships will be the most hated and already see to many ppl QUIT ESTF when enter more than 1 crucier or see a galaxy on it, i Already have a lot of problems for this self called pro gamers in his P2W ships (and most of the time they loose the optionals for lack of control of his DPS) and the result is me in mi galaxy tanking the cube and shoting the proves befores they escape or facing the nanites spheres to keepthem out of range of the generator...
nerf aux to bat and yuo will take away the last thing what made viable the cruciers. Most of the ppl here DONT HAVE a (Z) store ship
if yuo ppl still want this why dont ask to REMOVE the cruciers and scie so the scorts become the only ship class
Meh, my thing might have come off more...passive aggressive...than needed. It also wasn't very constructive on my part. I'm /facepalming myself pretty hard for continuing a discussion in another thread. It's affecting my replies in other threads...meh.
Although my signature is kind of a joke, I think that's what we're seeing in the game. It's not only Eng and Sci which are seeing their distinctiveness appearing elsewhere in the potential itemization...but even Tac is getting hit by that as well. Rather than looking at trying to balance things, I've got the feeling that Cryptic is going to keep adding more and more gear that basically eliminates the need to pick a Career.
How many times have they said the goal is for folks to grab just about anything and head into PvE to have a blast? It's far easier for them just to add things that make choices not matter than to try to balance out that choices do matter...and choices mattering, well - that works contrary to their goal of folks being able to roll with almost anything and having a blast.
the answer is very simple: escorts especially romulans, have more defence than ever before, outrageous dps, due to powerful crith and critd, nukara rep system, combo of plasmonic leech and elite warpcores and so on... boosting ur dps into ridiculous values, the spike they can pullout will hit a cruiser awfully hard and it pops like if u face a bird of prey ^^
yes the console, granting higher accurancy, is good but this accurancy is pretty much neutralized due to the new elusive captains trait and the romulan boffs.
in season 6 an escort usually had a base defence of 70%. now it has been increased by 25 to 95% BASE defence ( boff abilities or passive buffs are excluded)
hmm, and concerning bleedthrough: escorts have equally profitted from those.
ok so cruiser need that to beat romulan ships.Now lets see how you buff old escorts and sci ships.Of course it would be easier to nerf all romulan shets but you want the long route.
ok so cruiser need that to beat romulan ships.Now lets see how you buff old escorts and sci ships.Of course it would be easier to nerf all romulan shets but you want the long route.
atm yes those cruisers will need it to have a chance not to beat them by all means, but to have a chance to be a match for them at least.
i dont know but perhaps cryptic will buff fed escorts and sci ships by giving them new uber fed boffs which even exceed the power of rommy boffs lol.
as they have announced everything will be balanced in season 8 considering pvp, but it is very hard to believe that^^.
atm yes those cruisers will need it to have a chance not to beat them by all means, but to have a chance to be a match for them at least.
i dont know but perhaps cryptic will buff fed escorts and sci ships by giving them new uber fed boffs which even exceed the power of rommy boffs lol.
as they have announced everything will be balanced in season 8 considering pvp, but it is very hard to believe that^^.
how about making cruiser be tanky ships (that's their role in sto adds) and give them a role in pvp.That will also give some pvp content for everyone ,fix cruisers and give a role for every ship type.
how about making cruiser be tanky ships (that's their role in sto adds) and give them a role in pvp.That will also give some pvp content for everyone ,fix cruisers and give a role for every ship type.
Thing is...the game really doesn't do that in general. It's just it doesn't matter as much elsewhere, because it can be done regardless...outside of folks doing DPS/time races.
Not helpful. I suggest you read more of the thread than just the title. Like, the actual discussion.
To people claiming that A2B is the only way cruisers are viable in endgame content: does it not bother you that the only way to run a cruiser is by using a gimmick build that costs either many millions or lots of time to gear up?
it costs time doffing in btran. you dont have to spend an ec on tech doffs. the accessibility is whats nice about it, its not completely out of reach for anyone who would like to run it.
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume the answer will be yes, seeing as build diversity and choices are nice.
Right then. Consider that A2B does things to a core mechanic no other method can get even close to matching, in terms of effectiveness - the benefits have been compared to running 8-12 doffs, some of which do not actually exist, such as RSP & DEM cooldown doffs.
Then, consider this position: A nerf to A2B (or, rather, to technician doffs) is not necessarily disastrous, as long as it is accompanied by other tweaks to cruisers. Preferably buffing non-tac cruisers without buffing escorts overly much.
Sounds reasonable, no?
That's the general thrust of constructive discussions going on, it seems to me, and it feels like that's what we should be aiming for.
theres nothing they could buff for cruisers that wouldn't also buff escorts, its naive to think otherwise. look at that BO penetration doff, thats their idea of buffing cruisers. he is right, look at the big picture, AtB is the most perfect cruiser targeted buff its possible to implement in this system. unless they take the stats and consoles and number of station powers and just flat increase them, theres nothing else they could do that wouldnt benefit escorts even more.
never, unless they can sell something w/similar effect.
[Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
Hello all, i think aux2bat is cheesy and way to overpowered atm, could adjuncthawk please look into this because every1 is running aux2bat these days, normal builds arent interesting anymore
(sorry DDIS)
No thanks . Keeps none attack pattern doffed ships competitive.
No thanks . Keeps none attack pattern doffed ships competitive.
"...Keeps x competitive..." - This can be said about any broken item. The Jem Shield Bug also was making some people competitive. But game need balance and Aux2Bat doffs are super op in comparison with other doffs.
Well maybe if everyone could have reasonable access to the attack pattern doffs then we wouldn't be having this A2B is OP discussion. Then again does it not bother anyone that the main reason people use this isn't for the high uptime on engineering and science abilities (though that is a nice bonus) but for the high uptime on tactical abilities?
Well, there are those that have marion and DEM and utilize A2B for that primarily but then those can probably afford the doffs necessary to have a non A2B equivalent. It's even worse looking at KDF doffs.
DEMarion and A2B is the lifeblood of all cruisers because of the lack of tac slots. Also, A2B makes the various non-aux dependent eng heals viable (I use EngTeam3 and RSP3). Because of that, I'm able to ditch TSS and grab Polarize Hull.
The only massproduction escort able to benefit from A2B is a HEC. The rest are destroyers and much harder to acquire.
Anyway, you've got +1 doff slot now, more room to run stuff besides A2B doffs so shut up.
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
The part I dislike is that A2B is beyond just being "Flavor of the Month", it's pretty much become a non-choice like EPtS and TT. Seems nowadays ships now are rated like this: A2B capable escorts > escorts > A2B capable non-escort >>>>>>>>>> Everything else
The part I dislike is that A2B is beyond just being "Flavor of the Month", it's pretty much become a non-choice like EPtS and TT. Seems nowadays ships now are rated like this: A2B capable escorts > escorts > A2B capable non-escort >>>>>>>>>> Everything else
I dislike, no hate, how something I've been running for 7 months in a "useless" ship is now FotM and danger of being nerfed!!
And what's this about non-choice; its not the doff that is the problem. It is the ship's design flaw, which is only alleviated by A2B. I still sacrifice self heals. I still can't heal very well with A2B and would use a different setup for team content healing. But In pve I need A2B to be competitive!
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
Well you know what's weird though, to be competitive you only need 3 doffs Khayuung, they reduce the cooldown on all attack patterns by 15% each. This will reduce beta to a 16.5s CD which is as close to 100% uptime as anyone cares about.
Though these are really expensive and don't drop any more unless you buy one of the limited packs off the exchange and get lucky...
All we need is a doff pack rerun and we'll see the death of A2B when people realise they can have a similar build without the low aux, especially with the 6th doff slot.
Well you know what's weird though, to be competitive you only need 3 doffs Khayuung, they reduce the cooldown on all attack patterns by 15% each. This will reduce beta to a 16.5s CD which is as close to 100% uptime as anyone cares about.
Though these are really expensive and don't drop any more unless you buy one of the limited packs off the exchange and get lucky...
All we need is a doff pack rerun and we'll see the death of A2B when people realise they can have a similar build without the low aux, especially with the 6th doff slot.
Considering that I fly a cruiser that uses A2B to double everything, I find the lack of everything... disturbing.
Also, I farmed the doffs myself.
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
If this statement is not exaggerated then I would be concerned, I know my eng/cruiser does not require Aux2Batt to be competitive, in my opinion it is better with Aux2Damp, but I can still burn through things faster than some escorts without Aux2Batt and I can take far more punishment when the need should arise.
I have used Aux2batt in the past, I'm not a fan, I do not miss it and even if I did, I couldn't care less if it's doffs were nerfed tomorrow.
Considering that I fly a cruiser that uses A2B to double everything, I find the lack of everything... disturbing.
Also, I farmed the doffs myself.
I was meaning the attack pattern cool down doffs being expensive and rare, sorry for not making it clear.
Yeah A2B doubles everything and is nice (not too OP) on cruisers but the hybrids are a real problem, 40k DPS is silly but there are builds and people pulling it off, just ask Naz. All thanks to A2B mostly, but again, you can simulate it with 3 attack pattern doffs.
Really I think it's a horrible mess and unfortunately you can't take it away without pi***ng a lot of people off but really we can't leave it like this otherwise it'll be Rom A2B Online with everything else treated as a second class build in PvE.
Perhaps if technicians had the ability be EWP and Aceton Beam instead of A2B or some Lt.Comm/Commander ability we would see the problem work itself out.
Adamkafei: It is a true statement. If you're not doing 10k+ in PvE anymore you're not keeping up sadly. Managed to get a wells build I like hitting 10k which makes me happy
Adamkafei: It is a true statement. If you're not doing 10k+ in PvE anymore you're not keeping up sadly
I don't know where this is coming from, my cruiser does about 8k EncDPS over an ISE run generally and does just fine, I don't care for doing 20k in wasted DPS that I FAW spammed into targets that automatically insta-heal it back. I can carry terrible teams when the need arises and in most PuG cases (and some PESTF as well) I outpace 4 others on my own. That is enough for me.
If it ever gets to the point of running Aux2Batt being the only way to do anything in a cruiser, then I will quit because I don't play that game.
I dislike, no hate, how something I've been running for 7 months in a "useless" ship is now FotM and danger of being nerfed!!
And what's this about non-choice; its not the doff that is the problem. It is the ship's design flaw, which is only alleviated by A2B. I still sacrifice self heals. I still can't heal very well with A2B and would use a different setup for team content healing. But In pve I need A2B to be competitive!
What ship design flaws are you talking about that makes a cruiser not playable in PvE? It's PvE ... in the CE elites I've gotten top rewards pugging, in a friggen Sci ship of all things just by spamming GW and TR. Btw, the ship's build included a single aux2batt on ship w/a single eng boff slot and a lt at that. It doesn't just make Cruisers better, it's a bs argument that keeps coming up.
Perhaps you should ask them to change the ship, or better yet make an interesting PvE environment that doesn't get nerfed w/in a week and rewards team repairs and CC as much if not more than raw DPS power.
But, no you want to nearly double your ship's boff effectiveness (not to mention the nice power boosts to 3 systems).
[Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
Why offer incentives, if you're just trying to keep Tacs in Escorts - Engs in Cruisers - and Scis in Scis?
Why not just say this is all you can fly...?
Because not only will you be damning certain Careers to certain'll also be damning them to certain Roles....
Was a random idea. Point taken.
So how on earth are they "fine"?
nerf aux to bat and yuo will take away the last thing what made viable the cruciers. Most of the ppl here DONT HAVE a (Z) store ship
if yuo ppl still want this why dont ask to REMOVE the cruciers and scie so the scorts become the only ship class
there for sure yuo all will be really happy...
Meh, my thing might have come off more...passive aggressive...than needed. It also wasn't very constructive on my part. I'm /facepalming myself pretty hard for continuing a discussion in another thread. It's affecting my replies in other threads...meh.
Although my signature is kind of a joke, I think that's what we're seeing in the game. It's not only Eng and Sci which are seeing their distinctiveness appearing elsewhere in the potential itemization...but even Tac is getting hit by that as well. Rather than looking at trying to balance things, I've got the feeling that Cryptic is going to keep adding more and more gear that basically eliminates the need to pick a Career.
How many times have they said the goal is for folks to grab just about anything and head into PvE to have a blast? It's far easier for them just to add things that make choices not matter than to try to balance out that choices do matter...and choices mattering, well - that works contrary to their goal of folks being able to roll with almost anything and having a blast.
ok so cruiser need that to beat romulan ships.Now lets see how you buff old escorts and sci ships.Of course it would be easier to nerf all romulan shets but you want the long route.
atm yes those cruisers will need it to have a chance not to beat them by all means, but to have a chance to be a match for them at least.
i dont know but perhaps cryptic will buff fed escorts and sci ships by giving them new uber fed boffs which even exceed the power of rommy boffs lol.
as they have announced everything will be balanced in season 8 considering pvp, but it is very hard to believe that^^.
-=Hannibal - Inner Circle PvP-Department=-
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how about making cruiser be tanky ships (that's their role in sto adds) and give them a role in pvp.That will also give some pvp content for everyone ,fix cruisers and give a role for every ship type.
Thing is...the game really doesn't do that in general. It's just it doesn't matter as much elsewhere, because it can be done regardless...outside of folks doing DPS/time races.
it costs time doffing in btran. you dont have to spend an ec on tech doffs. the accessibility is whats nice about it, its not completely out of reach for anyone who would like to run it.
theres nothing they could buff for cruisers that wouldn't also buff escorts, its naive to think otherwise. look at that BO penetration doff, thats their idea of buffing cruisers. he is right, look at the big picture, AtB is the most perfect cruiser targeted buff its possible to implement in this system. unless they take the stats and consoles and number of station powers and just flat increase them, theres nothing else they could do that wouldnt benefit escorts even more.
never, unless they can sell something w/similar effect.
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
No thanks
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implying something not broken needs to be fixed
Not sure there is to much agreement on this one not being broken.
"...Keeps x competitive..." - This can be said about any broken item. The Jem Shield Bug also was making some people competitive. But game need balance and Aux2Bat doffs are super op in comparison with other doffs.
Well, there are those that have marion and DEM and utilize A2B for that primarily but then those can probably afford the doffs necessary to have a non A2B equivalent. It's even worse looking at KDF doffs.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
The only massproduction escort able to benefit from A2B is a HEC. The rest are destroyers and much harder to acquire.
Anyway, you've got +1 doff slot now, more room to run stuff besides A2B doffs so shut up.
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!
Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
Well, we don't have them yet.
I dislike, no hate, how something I've been running for 7 months in a "useless" ship is now FotM and danger of being nerfed!!
And what's this about non-choice; its not the doff that is the problem. It is the ship's design flaw, which is only alleviated by A2B. I still sacrifice self heals. I still can't heal very well with A2B and would use a different setup for team content healing. But In pve I need A2B to be competitive!
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!
Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
Though these are really expensive and don't drop any more unless you buy one of the limited packs off the exchange and get lucky...
All we need is a doff pack rerun and we'll see the death of A2B when people realise they can have a similar build without the low aux, especially with the 6th doff slot.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
Considering that I fly a cruiser that uses A2B to double everything, I find the lack of everything... disturbing.
Also, I farmed the doffs myself.
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!
Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
A pattern is forming
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
If this statement is not exaggerated then I would be concerned, I know my eng/cruiser does not require Aux2Batt to be competitive, in my opinion it is better with Aux2Damp, but I can still burn through things faster than some escorts without Aux2Batt and I can take far more punishment when the need should arise.
I have used Aux2batt in the past, I'm not a fan, I do not miss it and even if I did, I couldn't care less if it's doffs were nerfed tomorrow.
True as this may be, it's a bit late to turn back now, especially what with all the doffs that are only effective in pvp...
I was meaning the attack pattern cool down doffs being expensive and rare, sorry for not making it clear.
Yeah A2B doubles everything and is nice (not too OP) on cruisers but the hybrids are a real problem, 40k DPS is silly but there are builds and people pulling it off, just ask Naz. All thanks to A2B mostly, but again, you can simulate it with 3 attack pattern doffs.
Really I think it's a horrible mess and unfortunately you can't take it away without pi***ng a lot of people off but really we can't leave it like this otherwise it'll be Rom A2B Online with everything else treated as a second class build in PvE.
Perhaps if technicians had the ability be EWP and Aceton Beam instead of A2B or some Lt.Comm/Commander ability we would see the problem work itself out.
Adamkafei: It is a true statement. If you're not doing 10k+ in PvE anymore you're not keeping up sadly. Managed to get a wells build I like hitting 10k which makes me happy
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
I don't know where this is coming from, my cruiser does about 8k EncDPS over an ISE run generally and does just fine, I don't care for doing 20k in wasted DPS that I FAW spammed into targets that automatically insta-heal it back. I can carry terrible teams when the need arises and in most PuG cases (and some PESTF as well) I outpace 4 others on my own. That is enough for me.
If it ever gets to the point of running Aux2Batt being the only way to do anything in a cruiser, then I will quit because I don't play that game.
What ship design flaws are you talking about that makes a cruiser not playable in PvE? It's PvE ... in the CE elites I've gotten top rewards pugging, in a friggen Sci ship of all things just by spamming GW and TR. Btw, the ship's build included a single aux2batt on ship w/a single eng boff slot and a lt at that. It doesn't just make Cruisers better, it's a bs argument that keeps coming up.
Perhaps you should ask them to change the ship, or better yet make an interesting PvE environment that doesn't get nerfed w/in a week and rewards team repairs and CC as much if not more than raw DPS power.
But, no you want to nearly double your ship's boff effectiveness (not to mention the nice power boosts to 3 systems).
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter