On my Rommie I can hit 20% crit chance with ease (2.5% base, 9% from BOffs, 2.7% from consoles, 3% from rep system, 2.2% from skills, another 2% from something else I don't remember off the top of my head). And that's with no BOff powers or Captain abilities. And when I blow everything on an alpha, my crit chance is up at around 25%, my crit severity is through the roof (IE around 200% minimum), and TRIBBLE just vaporizes. I mean cmon! I love it, but it's broken as hell.
There is no balance where one faction/sub-faction is heavily favored in sheer ability. I thought my KDF hit hard. I thought I was doing great with 10% crit on my fed engi. Then I rolled my Reman. And I realized that I knew nothing about unadulterated raw damage output.
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
first, unfair advantage in what exactly? pve? how? it's a TEAM effort, not individual glory. PvP is where any OP skills, abilities, builds, consoles, loadouts are noticed and whinged about first, why? because that's the only place where it's player ego vs player ego.
second, don't exaggerate k? exaggeration tends to negate any potential points you might have made. not every romulan will have those consoles, not every romulan will have stacked superior operative boffs, or the ideal doff loadout. will they want them? yep. can they afford them? have a great chance at getting lucky? grinf the dil to buy zen or pay outright to get the consoles? no. some will, some won't. by no stretch of the imagination will it be every romulan.
what part of -40 don't you get? why don't you go look up exactly what power in sub systems means in this game k? and while you're at it, gambling...because that's what they rely on for damage to match fed or kdf, hoping that they crit.
i've got a 10% (rounded down) on one of mine, i've had long stretches where couldn't crit on anything. it's a gamble, fed and kdf don't have to rely on a gamble. more than enough power to pump weapons without sacrificing as much from other sub systems as romulans do.
this is purely PvP focused thread, their crit ratio does not matter in PvE, their survival ability is no greater than any other factions, less in some respects as they do not have the extra power to get bonus resists from shields, heals, and other boff abilities that grant such based on aux. everything romulan is a trade off power wide, pump damage you lose in def and resists, pump heals, you lose in damage. and if you've maxed damage output, you're not going to survive sustained heat from the ag you'll get.
you'll have to cloak and run, which means your overall dps will be lower than a tac in say an armi, who can stand toe to toe with anything. so where exactly is this huge advantage once you cover all the angles related to PvE? what is gained eh? some grand prize that i have never seen for outdamaging or surviving in an stf or other mission?
and in PvP? learn to fight. and realize bops are no longer king of the hill, game changes, adapt, don't try and get a faction nerfed because you don't like what it can do in PvP, or because it usurped the former alpha strike heayweight.
I'm sorry but do you even realise how little -10 power from each system makes? Get a plasmonic leech on your warbird and you have got that -40 back and then some if you have any points in flow caps. Again, fleet singularity cores, boost 2 power levels far more than the warp core counterparts when you get higher singularity stacks. They don't allow for a higher cap but then you're not likely to hit the higher cap if you're making full use out of the +power bonus on warp cores.
Exaggeration is not even there. I have spent a total of however much zen was needed for the c-store mogai (1000z) and then the tvaro (2000-2500z). The only part of that needed was the mogai which has the following console:
[Console - Universal - Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator] which gives your energy weapons a 2.5% chance to heal your shields for 200% of damage done. When you're hitting for 2-6k that's a full heal to all facings when it procs and it procs a lot.
That one console means you never have to heal your shields in most matches. I am meaning elite stf too while tanking gateways.
This, as meimeitoo has pointed out, is about balance. Feds and KDF do not have access to crit increasing boffs and certainly the KDF faction has been paying through the nose for cloaks for a while with decreased shield mods and hull on those with battle cloaks. Then Romulans come along with battlecloaks for all and no decrease over fed ships.
This is why roms have an unfair advantage:
My Fed-Romulan has access to:
The best boffs of Fed and Romulan with Romulans being better.
All the Fed special universal consoles, some KDF special universal consoles and Romulan special universal consoles.
Access to 5 great bonus get out of jail free cards through singularity cores at the cost of 40 power. - negated with leech
Battle cloaks inbuilt on all ships as standard with hull and shield mods comparable to the Fed counter unit.
All current duty officers and special romulan only duty officers.
My Fed character has access to (as in advantage over romulan):
Warp cores: Extra power to some subsystems and with elites a 3 min cooldown battery.
That's it. That's the whole difference. Anything my Fed has my Romulan has and can have better. All this without comparing the much less loved KDF faction too which lose out even more so.
Also when you say about chances. If you look at 1 individual instance then it varies but when you look at over several matches and prolonged use and time that +10% over all others turns into a lot more.
Don't play my roman char much and not really at a high enough level but do believe the KDF especially need a boost. Feds have been giving quite a lot over the KDF so there has to be a reason to play KDF as romulans have the feature that made klingons unique which was a battle cloak. However even though they are overlooked my KDF char is still my main character
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
i never mentioned pve or pvp in this thread. but this notion that with or without the rom boffs the rom faction is underpowered or weak is completely laughable. romulans have 40 less shield power, or engine power, and thats not all that hard to make up for. in exchange they have a battlecloak on everything and singularity jump that can get them out of almost any near death situation, or quantum absorption that grants a bunch of temporary hitpoints to save you when something leaves you near death and you might not bea ble to hit all your heals fast enough.
their ships raw stats are plainly higher then their fed and kdf counterparts. and the consoles the romulans have access too are by far the best. the rom boffs on top of all that is insult to injury for the other 2 factions. they have nothing that grants nearly the usability advantage the rom boffs grant romulans. ~90 defense score, cloaking every 12 seconds, 15 second long ambush damage bonus, its ridiculous. hit harder then anything else can, get mobed, get away scott free thanks to singularity jump, and cloak.
my romulan character has the highest damage potential by far, and highest survivability by far, over my fed and kdf characters.
I believe that the SRO and SI traits should be avaialble to all factions on alll romulan bofffs, meaning I think they should add remans and romulan engs and scis with traits to the embassy stores.
I also support the revamping notions that were posed by the op in the op. Bringing existing boffs traits up to par would be quite interesting. The changes you have proposed would also add interesting twists on gameplay.
I would also like to add that monetization of boff traits is possible. They are already monetizing captain traits via lockboxes and quite successfully so. I would like to see either special boffs or special boff traits introduced via lockbox. Obviously these would have to be quite special and powerful since they are from lockboxes.
Also I am very pleased to see that a Cryptic employee has read and posted in this thread. From Geko's interview I thought his comment regarding the romulan boff traits being reviewed was just a line, since it is quite obvious that if you can have superior romulan operative on a boff nothing else can compare, but seeing this comment in this thread is making me optimistic about changes.
To be honest I don't think anyone here specifically wants roms being massively nerfed the way it's most likely going to be.
What DDIS has been proposing, as well as many other in the thread, is a 2nd pass being made at existing ships and boffs and making them comparable to the new stuff even if it's not retroactive for boffs it'll sort itself out eventually.
I do. The way it is now, I have all but shelved my non roms, because my roms (at varying stages of just barely starting to get geared), already blow away anything else.
The fact my fed sci rom already has 13.8 percent crit rate (and i have not even tried), kills it for me.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
i think roms need a huge nerf.
everything about them is ridiculously OP. how this romulan diaspora have managed this is beyond me. LoR has made the kdf completely TRIBBLE-weak. and they are supposed to be the pvp/warring faction. what a shaft hey
i think roms need a huge nerf.
everything about them is ridiculously OP. how this romulan diaspora have managed this is beyond me. LoR has made the kdf completely TRIBBLE-weak. and they are supposed to be the pvp/warring faction. what a shaft hey
In all honesty, the KDF has been getting the finger since launch. Are you really that surprised that this has continued?
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
Nerf, nerf nerf that's all I see. Why are we so quick to nerf them rather than say this is an oppertunity to really bring diversity between the factions.
Make roms king of decloak strikes and crits with weird space magic driven engines. Then look at KDF and say, "Hey, we you too so here's a bunch of passive damage increases and stronger hulls." Then turn to the spoilt brats and say you feds get nothing.
Sorry, the spoilt brats get abilities and passives that make them stronger the longer they're in the fight. Rather than looking at it negatively lets look at ways to diversify rather than taking our nerf bats to it all and being happy at a job well done when all factions are as bland and boring as porridge.
I'm sorry but do you even realise how little -10 power from each system makes? Get a plasmonic leech on your warbird and you have got that -40 back and then some if you have any points in flow caps. Again, fleet singularity cores, boost 2 power levels far more than the warp core counterparts when you get higher singularity stacks. They don't allow for a higher cap but then you're not likely to hit the higher cap if you're making full use out of the +power bonus on warp cores.
Exaggeration is not even there. I have spent a total of however much zen was needed for the c-store mogai (1000z) and then the tvaro (2000-2500z). The only part of that needed was the mogai which has the following console:
[Console - Universal - Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator] which gives your energy weapons a 2.5% chance to heal your shields for 200% of damage done. When you're hitting for 2-6k that's a full heal to all facings when it procs and it procs a lot.
That one console means you never have to heal your shields in most matches. I am meaning elite stf too while tanking gateways.
This, as meimeitoo has pointed out, is about balance. Feds and KDF do not have access to crit increasing boffs and certainly the KDF faction has been paying through the nose for cloaks for a while with decreased shield mods and hull on those with battle cloaks. Then Romulans come along with battlecloaks for all and no decrease over fed ships.
This is why roms have an unfair advantage:
My Fed-Romulan has access to:
The best boffs of Fed and Romulan with Romulans being better.
All the Fed special universal consoles, some KDF special universal consoles and Romulan special universal consoles.
Access to 5 great bonus get out of jail free cards through singularity cores at the cost of 40 power. - negated with leech
Battle cloaks inbuilt on all ships as standard with hull and shield mods comparable to the Fed counter unit.
All current duty officers and special romulan only duty officers.
My Fed character has access to (as in advantage over romulan):
Warp cores: Extra power to some subsystems and with elites a 3 min cooldown battery.
That's it. That's the whole difference. Anything my Fed has my Romulan has and can have better. All this without comparing the much less loved KDF faction too which lose out even more so.
Also when you say about chances. If you look at 1 individual instance then it varies but when you look at over several matches and prolonged use and time that +10% over all others turns into a lot more.
yes, everyone has leech...no they don't. -40 and this is at drunk too is a lot, baseline rom ships start with negs to all systems, get that? below 50 is automatic negatives in any sub system. 50= rated, what the tool tip says on the gear, +50 is bonuses.
that - 40 cannot be made up, it's perm. in comparison to any fed/kdf they are weaker. the only thing that mitigates that is the boffs. you can try and BS your way out of it, try and claim this isn't about PvP (you still haven't pointed out where massive damage or survivability in PvE gets you huge rewards or an overwhelming advantage over other players....)
i said to look up what power does, you did not. i'll try and make it simple for the pew pew PvP orientated k?
weapons, everyone knows, pew pew
shields, at 50 normal regen and shield strength, below 50 negs to regen and strength, +50 bonuses to regen strength and resists which effect bleed through.
engines, max speed, bonuses to defense +50
aux, and this is the trickiest one, besides overall heal, buff and debuff strengths it also effects the resists gained from abilities.
so tell me again how -40 doesn't matter eh? or should i dig up all the threads that complained about drain builds, plasmonic leech and polarons (which got nerfed) from way back? also PvP based just like this is.
drunk, can't even believe you're trying to BS your way through this, you been here long enough to know how much power matters. and that this is a PvP gripe thread, since PvE is teamwork. basing all your BS about builds on the ones that you and a few others can pull off because you have those kind of resources and extrapolating that into every romulan captain, total BS.
this is about PvP, be honest, PvE it does not matter. and the -40 does matter, even with subterfuge and operative traits it still doesn't make up for that loss of power. since the +def is temp. operative allows roms to allocate less power to weapons, off setting the squishiness by adding power to other systems instead, relying on crits to hopefully keep pace with their so called allies.
singularity powers? just stop, they have a cooldown, they have a charge up time, they also instantly neg power to whatever subsystem they were adding too, and the valdore console? pfft, fires more often than not when you don't need it, it's 2.5% so not even a good solid chance of getting lucky when you do need it, and it could proc off frakking turrets instead of your big guns...lotta shield heal on that. everything is a gamble with romulans.
Dr. Patricia Tanis ~ "Bacon is for sycophants and products of incest."
Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
I'm sorry but do you even realise how little -10 power from each system makes? Get a plasmonic leech on your warbird and you have got that -40 back and then some if you have any points in flow caps. Again, fleet singularity cores, boost 2 power levels far more than the warp core counterparts when you get higher singularity stacks. They don't allow for a higher cap but then you're not likely to hit the higher cap if you're making full use out of the +power bonus on warp cores.
Exaggeration is not even there. I have spent a total of however much zen was needed for the c-store mogai (1000z) and then the tvaro (2000-2500z). The only part of that needed was the mogai which has the following console:
[Console - Universal - Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator] which gives your energy weapons a 2.5% chance to heal your shields for 200% of damage done. When you're hitting for 2-6k that's a full heal to all facings when it procs and it procs a lot.
That one console means you never have to heal your shields in most matches. I am meaning elite stf too while tanking gateways.
This, as meimeitoo has pointed out, is about balance. Feds and KDF do not have access to crit increasing boffs and certainly the KDF faction has been paying through the nose for cloaks for a while with decreased shield mods and hull on those with battle cloaks. Then Romulans come along with battlecloaks for all and no decrease over fed ships.
This is why roms have an unfair advantage:
My Fed-Romulan has access to:
The best boffs of Fed and Romulan with Romulans being better.
All the Fed special universal consoles, some KDF special universal consoles and Romulan special universal consoles.
Access to 5 great bonus get out of jail free cards through singularity cores at the cost of 40 power. - negated with leech
Battle cloaks inbuilt on all ships as standard with hull and shield mods comparable to the Fed counter unit.
All current duty officers and special romulan only duty officers.
My Fed character has access to (as in advantage over romulan):
Warp cores: Extra power to some subsystems and with elites a 3 min cooldown battery.
That's it. That's the whole difference. Anything my Fed has my Romulan has and can have better. All this without comparing the much less loved KDF faction too which lose out even more so.
Also when you say about chances. If you look at 1 individual instance then it varies but when you look at over several matches and prolonged use and time that +10% over all others turns into a lot more.
^^ This. Couldn't have said it better myself.
Personally, I'm always on about the 5x 2.0% CrtH boffs, but you're very right about the Klink, too. I used to think Klingons had it easy with their cloaks, but, in reality, they pay a rather hefty price for it (as they should, btw). Roms, however, pay *nothing* for their advantages: nada, niks, nop. And their battle-cloak is of the far superior kind, too.
And -10 power (per system) is nothing: the Leech just continually keeps refunding you--and then some.
Nerf, nerf nerf that's all I see. Why are we so quick to nerf them rather than say this is an oppertunity to really bring diversity between the factions.
Make roms king of decloak strikes and crits with weird space magic driven engines. Then look at KDF and say, "Hey, we you too so here's a bunch of passive damage increases and stronger hulls." Then turn to the spoilt brats and say you feds get nothing.
Sorry, the spoilt brats get abilities and passives that make them stronger the longer they're in the fight. Rather than looking at it negatively lets look at ways to diversify rather than taking our nerf bats to it all and being happy at a job well done when all factions are as bland and boring as porridge.
In the past they nerf things that people want nerfed for whatever reason. What they rarely do is ever actually fix any underlying problems that might be the real issue at hand.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
yes, everyone has leech...no they don't. -40 and this is at drunk too is a lot, baseline rom ships start with negs to all systems, get that? below 50 is automatic negatives in any sub system. 50= rated, what the tool tip says on the gear, +50 is bonuses.
that - 40 cannot be made up, it's perm. in comparison to any fed/kdf they are weaker. the only thing that mitigates that is the boffs. you can try and BS your way out of it, try and claim this isn't about PvP (you still haven't pointed out where massive damage or survivability in PvE gets you huge rewards or an overwhelming advantage over other players....)
i said to look up what power does, you did not. i'll try and make it simple for the pew pew PvP orientated k?
weapons, everyone knows, pew pew
shields, at 50 normal regen and shield strength, below 50 negs to regen and strength, +50 bonuses to regen strength and resists which effect bleed through.
engines, max speed, bonuses to defense +50
aux, and this is the trickiest one, besides overall heal, buff and debuff strengths it also effects the resists gained from abilities.
so tell me again how -40 doesn't matter eh? or should i dig up all the threads that complained about drain builds, plasmonic leech and polarons (which got nerfed) from way back? also PvP based just like this is.
drunk, can't even believe you're trying to BS your way through this, you been here long enough to know how much power matters. and that this is a PvP gripe thread, since PvE is teamwork. basing all your BS about builds on the ones that you and a few others can pull off because you have those kind of resources and extrapolating that into every romulan captain, total BS.
this is about PvP, be honest, PvE it does not matter. and the -40 does matter, even with subterfuge and operative traits it still doesn't make up for that loss of power. since the +def is temp. operative allows roms to allocate less power to weapons, off setting the squishiness by adding power to other systems instead, relying on crits to hopefully keep pace with their so called allies.
singularity powers? just stop, they have a cooldown, they have a charge up time, they also instantly neg power to whatever subsystem they were adding too, and the valdore console? pfft, fires more often than not when you don't need it, it's 2.5% so not even a good solid chance of getting lucky when you do need it, and it could proc off frakking turrets instead of your big guns...lotta shield heal on that. everything is a gamble with romulans.
This is a serious, honest and respectfully posed question. I would appreciate an answer in the same vain:
Are you suggesting that there is no problem and that Romulans and their Boffs are well balanced with respect to their Fed/KDF counterparts?
"So my fun is wrong?"
No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
yes, everyone has leech...no they don't. -40 and this is at drunk too is a lot, baseline rom ships start with negs to all systems, get that? below 50 is automatic negatives in any sub system. 50= rated, what the tool tip says on the gear, +50 is bonuses.
that - 40 cannot be made up, it's perm. in comparison to any fed/kdf they are weaker. the only thing that mitigates that is the boffs. you can try and BS your way out of it, try and claim this isn't about PvP (you still haven't pointed out where massive damage or survivability in PvE gets you huge rewards or an overwhelming advantage over other players....)
i said to look up what power does, you did not. i'll try and make it simple for the pew pew PvP orientated k?
weapons, everyone knows, pew pew
shields, at 50 normal regen and shield strength, below 50 negs to regen and strength, +50 bonuses to regen strength and resists which effect bleed through.
engines, max speed, bonuses to defense +50
aux, and this is the trickiest one, besides overall heal, buff and debuff strengths it also effects the resists gained from abilities.
so tell me again how -40 doesn't matter eh? or should i dig up all the threads that complained about drain builds, plasmonic leech and polarons (which got nerfed) from way back? also PvP based just like this is.
when fed and kdf ships can have 125 power maxed in 3 subsytems easily, its silly to fret this much over 40 power. if you put 6 into every power adding skill on the skill tree, thats good for at least 30 more power each in everything but what you have set to 100. stuff set to 15 especially benefits from efficiency. all romulan ships can then easily run 2 different EPt skills, several can pretty easily run EPtS3. most warbirds can run 2 AtB builds as well, can run leach, or the maco shield. my rom's power levels are lower then my other characters, but after all that its not even a noticeable difference less. what you get in return is worth losing even more base power for.
drunk, can't even believe you're trying to BS your way through this, you been here long enough to know how much power matters. and that this is a PvP gripe thread, since PvE is teamwork. basing all your BS about builds on the ones that you and a few others can pull off because you have those kind of resources and extrapolating that into every romulan captain, total BS.
do you even have a romulan character? you sure dont act like you have ever used on in practice. or your trying to use it like a fed ship, you have to actually use it to its strength, and not sit around uncloaked the whole time like an idiot. if you want to absolutely destroy everyone with ease in warbirds, i got a build for like every ship. run them, experience no power issues, and hit far harder, escape much easier, like 10 times easier, and cloak every 12 seconds. you can get tech doffs from btran, blue quality BO doffs are cheep, the only thing pricey is the boffs, but one you get 5 of them seated on your ship your a whole tier above everyone else.
this is about PvP, be honest, PvE it does not matter. and the -40 does matter, even with subterfuge and operative traits it still doesn't make up for that loss of power. since the +def is temp. operative allows roms to allocate less power to weapons, off setting the squishiness by adding power to other systems instead, relying on crits to hopefully keep pace with their so called allies.
not having weapons power at 100 would be silly. and romulan ships can easily have over 80 defense score with good boffs. EPtE solves any issue with slow movement, and EPtS1 through 3 makes you more then durable enough to last till you can singularity jump and evasive away, cloaking when its convenient. having a base crit of 15%, a huge and long ambush bonus after cloak, and being able to cloak and uncloak so often you can do so between tac buff cooldowns makes your damage far higher in pvp or pve.
singularity powers? just stop, they have a cooldown, they have a charge up time, they also instantly neg power to whatever subsystem they were adding too, and the valdore console? pfft, fires more often than not when you don't need it, it's 2.5% so not even a good solid chance of getting lucky when you do need it, and it could proc off frakking turrets instead of your big guns...lotta shield heal on that. everything is a gamble with romulans.
oh wow, your bashing singularity powers now? well, 2 are worth useing, and they are amazingly good. singularity jump all but guaranties a flawless escape. thats huge. quantum absorption is awesome when your on the ropes in pvp or pve. if an npc hits you with a crazy crit you barely survive, it can be the best way to prolong your life, wile other heals react slower to save you. in any situation you need it, its doing you more good then a small amount of missing power. theres a console that ends the singlarity charging cooldown too, ether way its a short cooldown. and since your not a moron your cloaked the entire time its cooling down anyway. after you decloak again in less then 10 seconds you will have charged it enough so you can use singularity jump to gtfo again.
its really not that hard to play romulan. you just have to play them differently from feds. you dont sit there and tank, you avoid damage, you cloak, a LOT. you build for spike, you use the overpowered consoles that ether fully heal your shields every 0 to 7 seconds, raise your resilience and defense sky high, bypass singularity cooldowns, or turn ethereal and invincible allowing you to cloak with 0 danger. they could not have made it more easy, or much more overpowered. but, even with all that, its still the boffs that more then anything make them as powerful as they are.
you act like i want to nerf romulans, you really missed the point of this thread. if fed and kdf doffs were given space traits too, romulans would have access to their allies boffs as well. once again the romulans win.
Who cares whether the post originated from a PVP or a PVE viewpoint? It's completely irrelevant. The fact that there are only a mere handful of doffs who actually have space traits IS the issue. Furthermore their availability is offered without any true logic behind it.
These ideas are not as fantastic as they are common sense. Enrichment of game functions only further bolster the game's success. That why everyone in this thread has been piping at such and that's why it needs to be done.
Imagine if car manufacturers thought only certain colors of cars needed air conditioning. It's just insane.
Further more, I'm pretty sure we're going on a year now. I don't want to sound like a jerk here but really? Why hasn't this been done already? The archetype is already built. It's just a matter of rearranging values and some QA(please real QA).
We need true variety. We need the ability to build our ships with versatility. Reward our creativity and let us shine in the ways we'd like to in PVP or PVE. That is the only answer.
We need true variety. We need the ability to build our ships with versatility. Reward our creativity and let us shine in the ways we'd like to in PVP or PVE. That is the only answer.
This. And that goes far far deeper than just Boffs hey....
"So my fun is wrong?"
No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
ummm, what? without boffs? without station powers? good luck with that
Really? Did you just unnecessarily simplify what I said? At 9 levels in skill some of these sci powers are junk. Good luck with the interpretation skills.
Really? Did you just unnecessarily simplify what I said? At 9 levels in skill some of these sci powers are junk. Good luck with the interpretation skills.
what is perform with/without boffs supposed to mean? i interpreted it literally
It means exactly what it says. A skill should have a performance noticeable WITH your skill spec and without the need for boffs(like it is now) to make it worth it. So if you're going literal, that's exactly what that means as it sounds and as it is.
There is no balance where one faction/sub-faction is heavily favored in sheer ability. I thought my KDF hit hard. I thought I was doing great with 10% crit on my fed engi. Then I rolled my Reman. And I realized that I knew nothing about unadulterated raw damage output.
I'm sorry but do you even realise how little -10 power from each system makes? Get a plasmonic leech on your warbird and you have got that -40 back and then some if you have any points in flow caps. Again, fleet singularity cores, boost 2 power levels far more than the warp core counterparts when you get higher singularity stacks. They don't allow for a higher cap but then you're not likely to hit the higher cap if you're making full use out of the +power bonus on warp cores.
Exaggeration is not even there. I have spent a total of however much zen was needed for the c-store mogai (1000z) and then the tvaro (2000-2500z). The only part of that needed was the mogai which has the following console:
[Console - Universal - Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator] which gives your energy weapons a 2.5% chance to heal your shields for 200% of damage done. When you're hitting for 2-6k that's a full heal to all facings when it procs and it procs a lot.
And here is a thread from the devs themselves saying it's performing too well: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=747721
That one console means you never have to heal your shields in most matches. I am meaning elite stf too while tanking gateways.
This, as meimeitoo has pointed out, is about balance. Feds and KDF do not have access to crit increasing boffs and certainly the KDF faction has been paying through the nose for cloaks for a while with decreased shield mods and hull on those with battle cloaks. Then Romulans come along with battlecloaks for all and no decrease over fed ships.
This is why roms have an unfair advantage:
My Fed-Romulan has access to:
The best boffs of Fed and Romulan with Romulans being better.
All the Fed special universal consoles, some KDF special universal consoles and Romulan special universal consoles.
Access to 5 great bonus get out of jail free cards through singularity cores at the cost of 40 power. - negated with leech
Battle cloaks inbuilt on all ships as standard with hull and shield mods comparable to the Fed counter unit.
All current duty officers and special romulan only duty officers.
My Fed character has access to (as in advantage over romulan):
Warp cores: Extra power to some subsystems and with elites a 3 min cooldown battery.
That's it. That's the whole difference. Anything my Fed has my Romulan has and can have better. All this without comparing the much less loved KDF faction too which lose out even more so.
Also when you say about chances. If you look at 1 individual instance then it varies but when you look at over several matches and prolonged use and time that +10% over all others turns into a lot more.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
their ships raw stats are plainly higher then their fed and kdf counterparts. and the consoles the romulans have access too are by far the best. the rom boffs on top of all that is insult to injury for the other 2 factions. they have nothing that grants nearly the usability advantage the rom boffs grant romulans. ~90 defense score, cloaking every 12 seconds, 15 second long ambush damage bonus, its ridiculous. hit harder then anything else can, get mobed, get away scott free thanks to singularity jump, and cloak.
my romulan character has the highest damage potential by far, and highest survivability by far, over my fed and kdf characters.
I also support the revamping notions that were posed by the op in the op. Bringing existing boffs traits up to par would be quite interesting. The changes you have proposed would also add interesting twists on gameplay.
I would also like to add that monetization of boff traits is possible. They are already monetizing captain traits via lockboxes and quite successfully so. I would like to see either special boffs or special boff traits introduced via lockbox. Obviously these would have to be quite special and powerful since they are from lockboxes.
Also I am very pleased to see that a Cryptic employee has read and posted in this thread. From Geko's interview I thought his comment regarding the romulan boff traits being reviewed was just a line, since it is quite obvious that if you can have superior romulan operative on a boff nothing else can compare, but seeing this comment in this thread is making me optimistic about changes.
its a start and not much more.
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Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
You sir, just made my night (this coming from a guy who just got a mk XII purple NON TRIBBLE drop in an ESTF).
only the + stealth does not stack. everything else subterfuge does still will
What DDIS has been proposing, as well as many other in the thread, is a 2nd pass being made at existing ships and boffs and making them comparable to the new stuff even if it's not retroactive for boffs it'll sort itself out eventually.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
The fact my fed sci rom already has 13.8 percent crit rate (and i have not even tried), kills it for me.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
everything about them is ridiculously OP. how this romulan diaspora have managed this is beyond me. LoR has made the kdf completely TRIBBLE-weak. and they are supposed to be the pvp/warring faction. what a shaft hey
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In all honesty, the KDF has been getting the finger since launch. Are you really that surprised that this has continued?
Make roms king of decloak strikes and crits with weird space magic driven engines. Then look at KDF and say, "Hey, we
Sorry, the spoilt brats get abilities and passives that make them stronger the longer they're in the fight. Rather than looking at it negatively lets look at ways to diversify rather than taking our nerf bats to it all and being happy at a job well done when all factions are as bland and boring as porridge.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
yes, everyone has leech...no they don't. -40 and this is at drunk too is a lot, baseline rom ships start with negs to all systems, get that? below 50 is automatic negatives in any sub system. 50= rated, what the tool tip says on the gear, +50 is bonuses.
that - 40 cannot be made up, it's perm. in comparison to any fed/kdf they are weaker. the only thing that mitigates that is the boffs. you can try and BS your way out of it, try and claim this isn't about PvP (you still haven't pointed out where massive damage or survivability in PvE gets you huge rewards or an overwhelming advantage over other players....)
i said to look up what power does, you did not. i'll try and make it simple for the pew pew PvP orientated k?
weapons, everyone knows, pew pew
shields, at 50 normal regen and shield strength, below 50 negs to regen and strength, +50 bonuses to regen strength and resists which effect bleed through.
engines, max speed, bonuses to defense +50
aux, and this is the trickiest one, besides overall heal, buff and debuff strengths it also effects the resists gained from abilities.
so tell me again how -40 doesn't matter eh? or should i dig up all the threads that complained about drain builds, plasmonic leech and polarons (which got nerfed) from way back? also PvP based just like this is.
drunk, can't even believe you're trying to BS your way through this, you been here long enough to know how much power matters. and that this is a PvP gripe thread, since PvE is teamwork. basing all your BS about builds on the ones that you and a few others can pull off because you have those kind of resources and extrapolating that into every romulan captain, total BS.
this is about PvP, be honest, PvE it does not matter. and the -40 does matter, even with subterfuge and operative traits it still doesn't make up for that loss of power. since the +def is temp. operative allows roms to allocate less power to weapons, off setting the squishiness by adding power to other systems instead, relying on crits to hopefully keep pace with their so called allies.
singularity powers? just stop, they have a cooldown, they have a charge up time, they also instantly neg power to whatever subsystem they were adding too, and the valdore console? pfft, fires more often than not when you don't need it, it's 2.5% so not even a good solid chance of getting lucky when you do need it, and it could proc off frakking turrets instead of your big guns...lotta shield heal on that. everything is a gamble with romulans.
Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
^^ This. Couldn't have said it better myself.
Personally, I'm always on about the 5x 2.0% CrtH boffs, but you're very right about the Klink, too. I used to think Klingons had it easy with their cloaks, but, in reality, they pay a rather hefty price for it (as they should, btw). Roms, however, pay *nothing* for their advantages: nada, niks, nop. And their battle-cloak is of the far superior kind, too.
And -10 power (per system) is nothing: the Leech just continually keeps refunding you--and then some.
In the past they nerf things that people want nerfed for whatever reason. What they rarely do is ever actually fix any underlying problems that might be the real issue at hand.
This is a serious, honest and respectfully posed question. I would appreciate an answer in the same vain:
Are you suggesting that there is no problem and that Romulans and their Boffs are well balanced with respect to their Fed/KDF counterparts?
No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
when fed and kdf ships can have 125 power maxed in 3 subsytems easily, its silly to fret this much over 40 power. if you put 6 into every power adding skill on the skill tree, thats good for at least 30 more power each in everything but what you have set to 100. stuff set to 15 especially benefits from efficiency. all romulan ships can then easily run 2 different EPt skills, several can pretty easily run EPtS3. most warbirds can run 2 AtB builds as well, can run leach, or the maco shield. my rom's power levels are lower then my other characters, but after all that its not even a noticeable difference less. what you get in return is worth losing even more base power for.
do you even have a romulan character? you sure dont act like you have ever used on in practice. or your trying to use it like a fed ship, you have to actually use it to its strength, and not sit around uncloaked the whole time like an idiot. if you want to absolutely destroy everyone with ease in warbirds, i got a build for like every ship. run them, experience no power issues, and hit far harder, escape much easier, like 10 times easier, and cloak every 12 seconds. you can get tech doffs from btran, blue quality BO doffs are cheep, the only thing pricey is the boffs, but one you get 5 of them seated on your ship your a whole tier above everyone else.
not having weapons power at 100 would be silly. and romulan ships can easily have over 80 defense score with good boffs. EPtE solves any issue with slow movement, and EPtS1 through 3 makes you more then durable enough to last till you can singularity jump and evasive away, cloaking when its convenient. having a base crit of 15%, a huge and long ambush bonus after cloak, and being able to cloak and uncloak so often you can do so between tac buff cooldowns makes your damage far higher in pvp or pve.
oh wow, your bashing singularity powers now? well, 2 are worth useing, and they are amazingly good. singularity jump all but guaranties a flawless escape. thats huge. quantum absorption is awesome when your on the ropes in pvp or pve. if an npc hits you with a crazy crit you barely survive, it can be the best way to prolong your life, wile other heals react slower to save you. in any situation you need it, its doing you more good then a small amount of missing power. theres a console that ends the singlarity charging cooldown too, ether way its a short cooldown. and since your not a moron your cloaked the entire time its cooling down anyway. after you decloak again in less then 10 seconds you will have charged it enough so you can use singularity jump to gtfo again.
its really not that hard to play romulan. you just have to play them differently from feds. you dont sit there and tank, you avoid damage, you cloak, a LOT. you build for spike, you use the overpowered consoles that ether fully heal your shields every 0 to 7 seconds, raise your resilience and defense sky high, bypass singularity cooldowns, or turn ethereal and invincible allowing you to cloak with 0 danger. they could not have made it more easy, or much more overpowered. but, even with all that, its still the boffs that more then anything make them as powerful as they are.
you act like i want to nerf romulans, you really missed the point of this thread. if fed and kdf doffs were given space traits too, romulans would have access to their allies boffs as well. once again the romulans win.
These ideas are not as fantastic as they are common sense. Enrichment of game functions only further bolster the game's success. That why everyone in this thread has been piping at such and that's why it needs to be done.
Imagine if car manufacturers thought only certain colors of cars needed air conditioning. It's just insane.
Further more, I'm pretty sure we're going on a year now. I don't want to sound like a jerk here but really? Why hasn't this been done already? The archetype is already built. It's just a matter of rearranging values and some QA(please real QA).
We need true variety. We need the ability to build our ships with versatility. Reward our creativity and let us shine in the ways we'd like to in PVP or PVE. That is the only answer.
This. And that goes far far deeper than just Boffs hey....
No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
Absolutely. Like if you spec for sci, you should be able to perform with/without boffs.
ummm, what? without boffs? without station powers? good luck with that
Really? Did you just unnecessarily simplify what I said? At 9 levels in skill some of these sci powers are junk. Good luck with the interpretation skills.
what is perform with/without boffs supposed to mean? i interpreted it literally
Be too...i wouldn't call that over simplification at all.
It's like
You: "we should be able to throw a baseball with or without an arm"
Us: "How do you throw a ball without an arm?"
You: "Way to over simplify guys"
Us: "..../jackie chan does not compute meme"
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
It means exactly what it says. A skill should have a performance noticeable WITH your skill spec and without the need for boffs(like it is now) to make it worth it. So if you're going literal, that's exactly what that means as it sounds and as it is.