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PVP - No thanks...



  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    iskandus wrote: »
    And you know this...how? Are you telepathic?

    I looked the screenshot you provided...beyond the 0/15, there's some very telling info there.

    They combined for 333498 damage.
    They combined for 759691 healing.

    There was a guy with 57391 damage, 43532 healing, and 0 deaths...

  • skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    marc8219 wrote: »
    Late last night a day or 2 ago I was pugging FvK against Fed premade, was great fun. KDF pugs tend to be able to give serious premades a good challenge so I was excited unlike when playing on a fed pug and against a premade. We had a Sad Panda healer (bieber) on his KDF alt doing great healing and some debuffs so were able to hang in the fight for 11 kills until we finally lost.
    Much more fun then the usual 15-0 stomps that happen in normal FvK with both teams pug.

    The other premade didn't use nearly as much cheese as I usually see from Fed premades, both sides fought fairly, no endless TIF spam and web mines everywhere, we all said GG and had a great time.
    marc8219 wrote: »
    It was a nova core actual premade with recluse healers in my match while I think your "premade" you beat was more of a pugmade from same fleet that I see on ground more then in space.
    Glad you had fun. We try not to use cheesy stuff when we team together (unless going up against a premade that is known to use AMS or TIF, then we may equip that to counter theirs), which I find to be a better and more enjoyable experience for all. At the same time, we don't mind if a team wants to use certain things either as we enjoy the challenge :)
    iskandus wrote: »
    We beat Nova Core premade in a pug about a week ago. They are good but not cheesy, so they lost like 9-15. Maybe your Klingon pug wasn't so superior after all. :rolleyes:
    Were you in that pug where all our deaths came from someone from Nova Core that was on your team using nukara mines? If so, that's the match where those mines were taking down our Recluse Engineer healer solo in 4 seconds (and I believe we had a pug on our team as well). It's ironic, because we dissuade our members from using certain cheesy stuff when we team together, but if they're pugging then they are free to play with their toys. Methinks you got lucky ;) If it was a different game then I guess I wasn't there, but anyway, if you're ever on STO and want a game (friend or foe), just message me.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    On a side note, I decided to roll recently a new toon becuase I primarily wanted to see the new, early KDF missions. Once those were done, I decided to start taking this new one to 50.

    I also wanted to dive into again low level PVP. When STO came out, I have very fond memories of how active PVP was under level cap. Lieutenant onwards, there was ample fighting to be found, but I always felt that at around Captain was where PVP was at its purest before gimmicks started kicking in.

    Anyways, sad to see it, but low level PVP is nonexistent now. I was expecting it to an extent since we were all still levelling when STO released, and was expecting smaller numbers. But the state of PVP below Lv50 is kind of sad to see. Just doesn't exist at all.
  • zarathos1978zarathos1978 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    There is some PvP in Ker'rat but yeah, low level PvP is now in worse state then it was before LoR. For some reason. After short burst after LoR started and old players were rerolling toons it moved from a match from time to time to non existant.

    And what PvP is left in Ker'rat is so friggin boring. Low level Klinks are going after Borg, low level Rommies are going after Borg. Feds are doing the usual - going after Borg. Klinks and Roms are eager to fight until they learn that you can counter their cloak (or that flying the Red does not make you uber by default). Then they return to hunting the Borg.

    Dunno why LoR killed low level PvP. It was never in good shape after F2P, but it was there. Now I'm starting to think that it is time to find something else to play. Not quite there yet, but almost.

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