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Re: Party Amplifier GPL Consumable



  • timelords1701timelords1701 Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    All i can say its another post by the kill-joy brigade, harden up princesses, if ya dont like the aspect of disco balls n party poppers, why do you continue to play ?
  • illyrian2008illyrian2008 Member Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Please show on the doll where the evil disco ball touched your pixelated parts.:rolleyes:

    You might not be able to live with this horrid mental scars inflicted upon your tender soul by a harmless item in a video game.

    Oh the agony, oh the horror, oh the humanity.

    Having recently witnessed the infantile hysteria of average creatures in "prominent" RP fleet I would say the community has much bigger issues than a few disco balls.

    Not to mention that good RP (basic literacy, common sense, some knowledge of the lore, lacking personal ego trips, no ERP, no deviant perverts) is as easy to find as a one-legged dodo bird that collects 19th century German postage stamps.

  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Whether it be virtual or real world, forcing someone to do something against their will is wrong and illegal.

    R*** is R*** whether it be mind or body.

    When she says, "NO" she means NO.

    Adults can understand this concept. Unfortunately, not everyone grows up.

    Really wishing for that Black Ice right about now chummers.
  • hachanshachans Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Whether it be virtual or real world, forcing someone to do something against their will is wrong and illegal.

    R*** is R*** whether it be mind or body.

    When she says, "NO" she means NO.

    I'm sorry, I meant to stay out of this whole discussion. But your comment got to me. How can you in good conscience compare an emote, in a video game with a real world sexual assault? That's in an insult to anyone who has ever been exposed to any kind of behavior like that and with this reaction your are basically telling victims that "hey, you might have been sexually assualted or molested, but don't complain because my character in a video game did a dance I couldn't control".

    I'm sorry, I find this highly offensive and appalling that anyone would even dream of making that comparison. Grow up.
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    hachans wrote: »
    I'm sorry, I meant to stay out of this whole discussion. But your comment got to me. How can you in good conscience compare an emote, in a video game with a real world sexual assault? That's in an insult to anyone who has ever been exposed to any kind of behavior like that and with this reaction your are basically telling victims that "hey, you might have been sexually assualted or molested, but don't complain because my character in a video game did a dance I couldn't control".

    I'm sorry, I find this highly offensive and appalling that anyone would even dream of making that comparison. Grow up.

    Thank you, somebody needed to say that.
    Kirk's Protege.
  • illyrian2008illyrian2008 Member Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Whether it be virtual or real world, forcing someone to do something against their will is wrong and illegal.

    R*** is R*** whether it be mind or body.

    When she says, "NO" she means NO.

    Adults can understand this concept. Unfortunately, not everyone grows up.

    Really wishing for that Black Ice right about now chummers.

    You have bigger issues than an item in a video game and far beyond the scope of the said video game.:confused:

    As much as the guy couple of pages back with his definition of "psychology", video game item = harassment = murder.

    When somebody takes gaming this seriously it means it is taken personally, something I usually associate with ERP-ers and types living a bit too much through their characters.

    Not to mention whoever labels this as a harassment has no idea what that means.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Whether it be virtual or real world, forcing someone to do something against their will is wrong and illegal.

    R*** is R*** whether it be mind or body.

    When she says, "NO" she means NO.

    Adults can understand this concept. Unfortunately, not everyone grows up.

    Really wishing for that Black Ice right about now chummers.

    How can I get bored of the Forums, when people post gems like this....it's better than TV
  • habitshabits Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Whether it be virtual or real world, forcing someone to do something against their will is wrong and illegal.

    R*** is R*** whether it be mind or body.

    When she says, "NO" she means NO.

    Adults can understand this concept. Unfortunately, not everyone grows up.

    Really wishing for that Black Ice right about now chummers.

    Item in a game = ****..

    You are a disgusting, human being for thinking this is an even remotely applicable comparison.
    Exitus Acta Probat
  • decroniadecronia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Whether it be virtual or real world, forcing someone to do something against their will is wrong and illegal.

    R*** is R*** whether it be mind or body.

    When she says, "NO" she means NO.

    Adults can understand this concept. Unfortunately, not everyone grows up.

    Really wishing for that Black Ice right about now chummers.

    I have an ascii facepalm pic I would use if I was allowed to here.

    I ignore anyone in game who uses that word to mean owning someone or an NPC, because I find it just disgusting to use it that way I do so in every game I play. However you have sunk even lower than I though it was possible to go to equate an ingame item with this abominable crime. I didn't think I could feel more disgusted by the use of this word in relation to a game, well thanks to you I found I could.

    Now to get back on topic.

    I don't see how the OPs suggestion has people coming up with the attitude of lighten up. They are not suggestiong getting rid of it. It is a request for an option to choose should you wish to. I could understand the atitude if it was along the lines of "I don't like this now please remove it fomr the game".

    How does a choice of whether or not you want your character to be affected by it make people react in such a way?

    I have gotten involved in it when I was in the mood, shard of possabilites adding two more dancers and throw in a smoke granade too give a dance floor smoke effect you have in some clubs. However I avoid it when I want to as well. Some just don't want it to affect them at all and I can understand that. I support the idea of an option that people can choose to activate or not.
  • jumpingjsjumpingjs Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    To the OP

    I support your idea!

    There are times when I want to get something done, and I get annoyed when I see myself dancing.

    Players, though, should get an option whether they should be affected.

    Not blanketing it completely, I am just saying there ought to be an option.

    If they implement, it would be "on".

    you would then have to manually turn it "off".
    Hopefully I'll come back from my break; this break is fun; I play intellectual games.

    I hope STO get's better ...
  • decroniadecronia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    jumpingjs wrote: »
    To the OP

    I support your idea!

    There are times when I want to get something done, and I get annoyed when I see myself dancing.

    Players, though, should get an option whether they should be affected.

    Not blanketing it completely, I am just saying there ought to be an option.

    If they implement, it would be "on".

    you would then have to manually turn it "off".

    That is what the OP was asking for:
    But anyway, it was a simple request for The Party Amp and any such future devices in the game: A player should be able to go into Options and select not to be affected by it.

    He was not asking for it to be gotten rid of or that it is off by default, thus giving players the choice to turn it off. Whch is why I don't understand the whole "lighten up" attitude of some posters. If he was asking for it to be gotten rid of entuirely I could understand the attitude, but not over giving players the choice.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    decronia wrote: »
    He was not asking for it to be gotten rid of or that it is off by default, thus giving players the choice to turn it off. Whch is why I don't understand the whole "lighten up" attitude of some posters. If he was asking for it to be gotten rid of entuirely I could understand the attitude, but not over giving players the choice.

    Several threads were merged...my simple (imho) thing about it not breaking nor preventing emotes...got mixed in with some of the, ahem - yeah, I'd have to agree with some of the lighten up replies in the thread. I created my thread after the "lunacy" of one of the threads out there - think that one got nuked, but then a few more popped up. For some reason they were merged. Oh well...
  • decroniadecronia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Several threads were merged...my simple (imho) thing about it not breaking nor preventing emotes...got mixed in with some of the, ahem - yeah, I'd have to agree with some of the lighten up replies in the thread. I created my thread after the "lunacy" of one of the threads out there - think that one got nuked, but then a few more popped up. For some reason they were merged. Oh well...

    Well that explains it. If people are saying get rid of it then I understand the attitude to a point, as it does not actually interfer with gameplay in a truely disruptive way in the sense you loose control of your character until it disappears. After all if you move it gets cancelled.
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Yah, I'm the sicko, keep telling yourself that every time you grief someone to get your jollies.

    In my line of work, we call this a gateway behavior. It signals a type of criminal intent.

    And no one is safe from it. I get a great deal of joy introducing perps to the system. I can at least tell myself I'm removing this element from the world.
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Yah, I'm the sicko, keep telling yourself that every time you grief someone to get your jollies.

    In my line of work, we call this a gateway behavior. It signals a type of criminal intent.

    And no one is safe from it. I get a great deal of joy introducing perps to the system. I can at least tell myself I'm removing this element from the world.

    That all might well be true, but comparing someone trolling ESD or Drozana with a ball which makes your online avatar dance, with real world sexual assault - is just so demeaning to the latter that no matter what you say, nobody can take you seriously and you ruin your whole argument.

    That's just insulting to anyone who's been affected by a tragedy like this in their lives.
    Kirk's Protege.
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It's also a good way to defuse my opinion, which is a standard MMO forum tactic.

    I see many handles in here that were in the Starfleet Dental rant.

    How is this griefing any different than what you were complaining about them doing.

    If your kneejerk response is, "It's a matter of quantity," then you are rationalizing the same behavior.
  • rsht0rsht0 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    You are delusional, seek help.
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It's also a good way to defuse my opinion, which is a standard MMO forum tactic.

    I see many handles in here that were in the Starfleet Dental rant.

    How is this griefing any different than what you were complaining about them doing.

    If your kneejerk response is, "It's a matter of quantity," then you are rationalizing the same behavior.

    It isn't, but I never accused them of sexual assault. What they are doing is wrong, it's a pain, it's not necessary and it can be unpleasant at times. That's a far cry from your real world examples. They are annoying troll bullies, not criminals. All you need to do is move instances and use your ignore list. It's not hard to do that.
    rsht0 wrote: »
    You are delusional, seek help.

    This sounds like solid advice.
    Kirk's Protege.
  • gashvagisilgashvagisil Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Whether it be virtual or real world, forcing someone to do something against their will is wrong and illegal.

    R*** is R*** whether it be mind or body.

    When she says, "NO" she means NO.

    Adults can understand this concept. Unfortunately, not everyone grows up.

    Really wishing for that Black Ice right about now chummers.

    This is by a far, far, margin the most idiotic, asinine and ignorant thing I have ever seen anyone post in a long, long time. You, sir, have lost all sense of reality and common sense if you think for a second that having someone annoy you in game can, in any universe, be put on the same level with the pain, terror and humiliation of a physical violation.

    If you had any sense of human decency you'd be hanging your head right now.

    This reminds me of that line in Monty Python and The Holy Grail... "Help, help, I'm being oppressed."

    Good God, man. Get some perspective and grow the hell up.
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I get such a kick out of all you criminal types deriding me for my behavior.

    Hang my head LOL! I'll be riding high and standing tall throwing people like this in jail just because they didn't have the common decency to just leave people TF alone.

    It was a comparative behavior. Just like all you rationalizing that you aren't as bad as dental because you only grief a little bit... and they put it in game so there.. oh wait Dental is exploiting.. er I mean using in game stuff too.

    BUT you better keep bringing up that extreme, It's the only leg you have to stand on. Better criticize my grammar while your at it too. Nothing proves a point better than smearing the other guy. :rolleyes:

    AND Dental has never bothered me, most likely because I'm not an RPGer.

    I have NO problems with them.

    Griefers make ME sick and they should be the ones seeking help.

    After all, I can only process one at a time.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I get suck a kick out of all you criminal types deriding me for my behavior.

    Hang my head LOL! I'll be riding high and standing tall throwing people like this in jail just because they didn't have the common decency to just leave people TF alone.

    It was a comparative behavior. Just like all you rationalizing that you aren't as bad as dental because you only grief a little bit... and they put it in game so there.. oh wait Dental is exploiting.. er I mean using in game stuff too.

    BUT you better keep bringing up that extreme, It's the only leg you have to stand on. Better criticize my grammar while your at it too. Nothing proves a point better than smearing the other guy. :rolleyes:

    AND Dental has never bothered me, most likely because I'm not an RPGer.

    I have NO problems with them.

    Griefers make ME sick and they should be the ones seeking help.

    After all, I can only process one at a time.

    LOL, wow you give real law enforcement a bad name.
  • usscapitalusscapital Member Posts: 985 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'd really rather the developers use their time to add good features, rather than waste it making the world safe for the easily offended.

    so these are you idea of good features ? :rolleyes: , I thought this was a trek game ;):P

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    So sad people are here for the MMORPG and not Star Trek.

    All those saying, "Go play a single player game," please hurry up and create one for Star Trek so STO can become an empty wasteland of only MMORPGrs.

    As for a developer intentionally creating these and posting about griefing others with them, "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" if you know what I mean. Perhaps a lively discussion should be had about this. ;)

    Those that still don't get it: Imagine you are in a room with a bunch of people in the RW and you continuously griefed the room, wouldn't someone who is "no fun" come over and pop you one for it? Until these games can have that level of realism, maybe with some Black Ice from Shadowrun, then some control should be provided.

    The best idea would be the option to disable these griefer items.

    Oh, and please fire the griefer dev.
    It IS an MMO.... Expecting the other players to leave you to sulk in your dark corner is idiotic....

    A VALID RW analogy would be to compare this to a boom box..... You turn it on and now everyone in earshot is "forced" to listen to whatever music you feel like playing.... But that's about it...
    My character Tsin'xing
  • devian666devian666 Member Posts: 473
    edited August 2013
    I get suck a kick out of all you criminal types deriding me for my behavior.

    Hang my head LOL! I'll be riding high and standing tall throwing people like this in jail just because they didn't have the common decency to just leave people TF alone.

    It was a comparative behavior. Just like all you rationalizing that you aren't as bad as dental because you only grief a little bit... and they put it in game so there.. oh wait Dental is exploiting.. er I mean using in game stuff too.

    BUT you better keep bringing up that extreme, It's the only leg you have to stand on. Better criticize my grammar while your at it too. Nothing proves a point better than smearing the other guy. :rolleyes:

    AND Dental has never bothered me, most likely because I'm not an RPGer.

    I have NO problems with them.

    Griefers make ME sick and they should be the ones seeking help.

    After all, I can only process one at a time.

    The only one exhibiting criminal behaviour is yourself. Your gateway behaviour of acting out on the forums combined with your delusions is a dangerous mix. You should seek help.

    If you can't find help then maybe this instructional video will help you.
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    devian666 wrote: »

    Wish there was a forum ignore list so you didn't have to see devian666 posts.

    Go get back to fixing teeth.
    Kirk's Protege.
  • apedilbertapedilbert Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Whether it be virtual or real world, forcing someone to do something against their will is wrong and illegal.

    And yet here you are, demanding people be forced not to share the love of disco with the world. Disco will never die.
  • grimrak1grimrak1 Member Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Yah, I'm the sicko, keep telling yourself that every time you grief someone to get your jollies.

    In my line of work, we call this a gateway behavior. It signals a type of criminal intent.

    And no one is safe from it. I get a great deal of joy introducing perps to the system. I can at least tell myself I'm removing this element from the world.

    What do you call people who wish to kill others over a minor annoyance? I'd call them mentally disturbed.
    Really wishing for that Black Ice right about now chummers.

    In case anyone wasn't aware, Black Ice is a thing from Shadowrun that allows you to kill people via the internet. This class act of a man wishes to kill you for using a disco ball in a video game. I do like how he's tried to hide it with video game references so he doesn't look quite as crazy, but the earlier sexual assault comparisons have really ruined that.
    But you know what? I guess it doesn't matter now does it? By being allowed to visit their studios Cryptic has pretty much signed off on you and your fleet haven't they? They've said in deed what most of us have suspected for years. They're not going to stop you. They're not going to correct you. You won. After long last, you really, really won. STO is yours and no one is going to do a thing about it. Congratulations.
  • admiraltroikaadmiraltroika Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Whether it be virtual or real world, forcing someone to do something against their will is wrong and illegal.

    R*** is R*** whether it be mind or body.

    When she says, "NO" she means NO.

    Adults can understand this concept. Unfortunately, not everyone grows up.

    Really wishing for that Black Ice right about now chummers.

    Grow some perspective. You're comparing being zapped with a dance toy in an online spaceship game with something real and incredibly traumatic to the victims, and by doing so, trivializing it.

    Actually it's even worse than that, because you can always walk away from a disco ball, but a **** victim can't walk away from a rapist. You disgust me.
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I figured out THE best way to fix this.

    (Yes, it needs to be fixed if even one person doesn't like it.)

    Anytime someone uses a Dancing Ball, they become immediately targetable by everyone else.

    That way if the people here are correct, 90% of the people won't shoot them for it.

    The Dancing Ballers get their jollies by griefing and the rest of us "not fun" people get our jollies by shooting them. (Which is much more ralistic IMO.) Heck I'd even let my Toon dance on top of the offender after.

    As for you people that keep roasting the R thing. I already quantified that for you in my last post.

    You are merely proving my point as the only thing you can do is smear me, you have no other comeback. Like I would actually promote that behavior, I SAVE people from that type of behavior, that's why we are arguing. The Griefers are exhibiting criminal behavior that in the RW would be punished if just one person complained about it. Heck, I wouldn't have to punish them, most of the people around them would take care of the DP.

    You finally figured out the Shadowrun reference in your search for more smear material. Seriously, you are committing me on an RPG reference. Where's the "tongue in cheek" emoticon?

    Try to dispute the opinion, not the person.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    You are merely proving my point as the only thing you can do is smear me, you have no other comeback. Like I would actually promote that behavior, I SAVE people from that type of behavior, that's why we are arguing. The Griefers are exhibiting criminal behavior that in the RW would be punished if just one person complained about it. Heck, I wouldn't have to punish them, most of the people around them would take care of the DP.

    Try to dispute the opinion, not the person.

    My family been in law enforcement for over 30 years....they don't really do much saving ...most of the time it's dealing with the aftermath of a crime...but please keep going...I'm quite amused
This discussion has been closed.