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Starfleet Special Operations Fleet: Role Play, Social and Leveling



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    stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    nimshae wrote: »
    Have to say I also like the Suliban Cell ship....U.S.S. Cthullu anyone...

    Those dark dreamers, the goat of a thousand young....also it's crafting heaven :)


    at 120 million a pop it better be crafting heaven!
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    nimshaenimshae Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hmmmm how can I get 120 million EC.....
    I mean I could hang round Droznea but you know I have more class.....

    I could offer graphics and signatures for EC, that would get me my squidy ship....

    SSO Fleet Understands that this is a game, that it's sole purpose is to escape from the harsh realities of life. Thats why we promise, we offer fun, frolics without the mandatory rules and structure. Come escape with us, we dare you.....
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    stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    We got a few members signed up yesterday and today, and I had to ask them, what made SSO your choice?

    One answer was, while every fleet they talked to insisted they were the fleet that the person was looking for, we here at SSO insisted that they take the time to look.

    This honestly put a smile on my face because indeed that is exactly what we would say. Don't make a quick jab at a fleet, take your time, look around, make sure that whatever fleet you pick is right for you.

    Why would we say this? Because at the end of the day its not about numbers to us, your not just a signup that we rush through to put a feather in our cap. Believe it or not we want you, the player, to find exactly what you are looking for, even if thats not us.

    Again why would we say this???????

    Because to us, our community is what is important, the STO community is whats important, YOU, are whats important.

    If that sounds like your cup of tea, come check us out at www.ssofleet.com

    Tell'em Loki sent ya!
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    damzelltrilldamzelltrill Member Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So, who do I contact in game or on your web site to sign up?
    A Trill, a Gorn, a Jem'Hadar, Bejoran and a Voth walk into a bar, and the Bartender asks "What is this a Joke?"
    "Nope, just my away team" the trill replies before ordering a round for the bar.
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    nimshaenimshae Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hey there, you have a few choices, you can tell me what your toon and handle is here and I will invite you.

    You can join our forums and make a post, letting us know your name and handle and we'll invite you. Our forums are here...http://www.ssofleet.com/forums

    Or you can contact Loki@stone_loki, Kat@emeraldspider, or Gregson@emeraldspider either of us we'll be more than happy to chat to you and answer questions, and you have guessed it...extend an invite if you so wish!!


    SSO Fleet Understands that this is a game, that it's sole purpose is to escape from the harsh realities of life. Thats why we promise, we offer fun, frolics without the mandatory rules and structure. Come escape with us, we dare you.....
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    angelgigaangelgiga Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    A question I often get asked is, 'What makes a Casual Fleet/Guild?'

    Having been playing MMOs for years, I've played in numerous guilds and fleets and cabals etc. and every time I get asked this question I have to reassess my evaluations of what a casual guild is.

    Eventually over time I have grown to appreciate what a lot of other guilds might be doing wrong. I vividly remember a situation in another guild many, many years ago getting into an argument with a fleet leader about raiding gear. The leader, as nice as he was, was refusing to let a new starter, new to the level cap, raid with him as he didn?t have the correct gear.

    ?Isn?t a guild about playing together?? I asked.

    ?Not if they can?t keep up,? came the reply.

    ?How is someone supposed to learn if nobody will teach them??

    ?My time is precious and I don?t want to waste it teaching people how to do things.?

    Needless to say I was shocked at this leaders cavalier attitude to his members and if we are going to be honest with ourselves. We have all experienced this attitude at some point. Perhaps had it towards a new player or been on the receiving end of it.

    One thing I will say, is that SSO has nobody with that attitude. I can honestly say all of our members are happy and willing to at least try new things, even if they get it wrong. Nobody will ever say ?You can?t join our group because?? That is not the type of fleet we have built.

    We are a CASUAL fleet, that means we don?t have activity requirements that require you to be on 18 hours a day every day. We don?t kick you if we don?t see you online for a week. We don?t have insane bank depositing rules or requirements to get kept on.

    This is not a full time job. It?s a game.

    SSO?s Prime Directive. Have Fun! Nothing less, nothing more.

    If this sounds like the group for you, visit us at www.ssofleet.com
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    angelgigaangelgiga Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Act now and we'll thrown in a free tribble burger!
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    angelgigaangelgiga Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Beautiful summers day here in the UK.

    It doesn't matter where from the world you come from, we accept everyone equally.

    Why not give us a shot?
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    angelgigaangelgiga Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Not sure about joining a fleet? Already in one?

    Why don't you help us out and look at here and help us find out what people are looking for in star trek online and what they want from their guilds.
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    zeropiumzeropium Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    What...did you all think you wouldn't see the stone-cold fox again?
    I tried looking for a good spot to post this on the SSO forums, but I opted to place it here instead.
    Just a status report to let you know I'm still alive. The spring/summer months are usually always busy for me, so I obviously haven't been around a lot.
    However, I have not forgotten any of you, and I look forward to seeing all of the regulars again. I also look forward to seeing all the new recruits you've picked up during my absence. I have a feeling I'll have a lot of catching up to do when I return, but it will be a welcome breath of fresh air to see you all again.
    I don't have a definitive return date yet, but I'll keep you posted. Or I'll just log back on by surprise.
    Take care all.
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    boycarino2010boycarino2010 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This is a really cool and helpful fleet. The laid back atmosphere is a welcome change to the usual demands placed on the intrepid gamer. /hi5 :cool:
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    stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This is a really cool and helpful fleet. The laid back atmosphere is a welcome change to the usual demands placed on the intrepid gamer. /hi5 :cool:

    Thanks man!

    We pride ourselves on not putting players through the grind that is usually a guild when they have enough grinding to do in game already!

    That's the thing isn't it? How many fleets or guilds have you been in when the majority of the time you have is spent on doing what the fleet wants? You have fleet reqs, forum reqs, in game reqs, equipment reqs, being a part of a "click" req.........

    Why spend all that time running your butt off doing things out of game or for others in game when the enjoyment of the game starts to fail?

    Thats why what you do here at SSO is up to you, wanna join in STF's sure, but no one will ever make you feel like you have to do anything.

    No ranks here, no mad ladder climbing to do, no power base where you the player feel worthless cause you have no say in anything.

    This fleet is for you, the member, to make of it what you will and enjoy how you will.

    Check out www.ssofleet.com

    Tell'em Loki sent ya!
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    stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    As always I hop back on the soap box to ask, what are you the player looking for in a fleet?

    Maybe your looking for adventure with friends and family?

    Maybe your looking for excitement on a far away pleasure planet?

    Maybe your looking to battle the Borg with a band of brothers?

    Well, we have it all here at SSO, PVE,PVP,RP,STF's. But more importantly we have a community that cares about its members. We don't hold ranks or titles, we don't rule over our members with an iron fist. We don't have secret security forces or Jag police looking to dig their claws into a player so they can control how and what you do in game.

    Our community speaks for itself, we make it so at SSO!

    when you drop by, tell'em Loki sent ya!

    See you out there.
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    angelgigaangelgiga Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Thanks to the members posting recommendations and testimonials here.

    Anyone reading this forum, if you aren't gonna read anything else, read what the members say, read those. They give the honest answers.
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    razar2380razar2380 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    have fun and happy gaming
    Post edited by razar2380 on
    Leader of Elite Guardian Academy.Would you like to learn how to run a fleet? Would you like to know how to do ship builds (true budget as well as high end)?The join the Academy today!
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    stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    We have been very lucky in the past few months since we launched SSO.

    Our community has grown thanks in no small part to members like Tib, Nor, Try, Misti, Mike, Warky, Keith, Sarah and many others.

    It has been eye opening to see this vision of a fleet based on friendship and community above all else grow into this large family we have today.

    I made a promise months ago, a promise to this community that we would hold its members above everything else, that we would hold true to the ideals this community stands for.

    For all those that believe a community like this can't exist, for all those that think that fleets are about numbers and prizes and ranks we have proven that what really matters, what really holds a fleet together is its community above everything else!

    If we fade away one day so be it, for we have risen above petty fleet politics, we have made are mark as a fleet that holds its members above petty bobbles and trinkets in game.

    We are SSO, and we dare!

    At SSO we make it SO!
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    stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Bumpy bump bump :P
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    stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    SSO Keeps the home fires burning for its members, but what does that mean really?

    It means that even if you don't log in for a day, a week, a month, this is still your home on STO. It means that at the end of the day, what really matters to us is you, the member.

    We don't hide behind a giant set of rules so we can shuffle people in and out of our doors so we look like we have huge numbers. Its called turnover rate, and we have the lowest in STO because we treat our members like friends and family.

    We don't care about numbers, YOU will never be a number at SSO.

    Don't believe me? Say its not possible to find a fleet that cares about you as a member above a resource?

    Check us out at www.ssofleet.com and see it to believe it!

    Tell'em Loki sent ya! :cool:
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    stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    SSO is a multinational Fleet comprised of some of the friendliest players in STO. We pride ourselves on upholding the IDIC, infinite Diversity in infinite combinations.

    What does that mean for you the player looking to join a fleet? It means that no matter your race, creed, or preference, you have a home here at SSO if you choose.

    We are not an elite guild, we have many players from many walks of life that play the game their way, and above all we encourage this because this is your fleet, and should be enjoyable to everyone.

    Don't believe me? Say it can't be true?

    Come check us out at www.ssofleet.com, find out for yourselves, ask our members, and find out that we truely value you, the player, above anything else.

    Oh yeah, tell'em Loki sent ya! :cool:
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    noriekunorieku Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Boom Derp Headshot
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    stangelusstangelus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Think it's about time I pulled my finger out and supported the fleet.

    Since I've joined I've never felt not welcome. This is not a mega-fleet, which is what it's charm is, but we still get stuff done. Being spread across all kinds of timezones, there's almost always people on to chat and do stuff with, and the Mumble server is widely used (or so I hear. Another subject on which I need to take action. Get is in gear, you lazy sod! :P)

    So if you're looking for a friendly group of people that don't judge (but do joke and tease), that don't care how much or how little time you have to spend in the game, and that are always ready to help, explain and even handhold if you need it to learn some aspect of the game, look no further. From pve to pvp to rp, this fleet does it all.

    With style.
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    razar2380razar2380 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    have fun and happy gaming
    Post edited by razar2380 on
    Leader of Elite Guardian Academy.Would you like to learn how to run a fleet? Would you like to know how to do ship builds (true budget as well as high end)?The join the Academy today!
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    stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    In my time in MMO's I have seen a lot of fleets, guilds, groups. I have seen the ultra elite and how they treat people, I have seen the uber laid back that don't really care, I have seen the super strict must do this guilds that require you to sign over your soul to play with them.

    What SSO offers is to cut out all the BS, to offer an environment that is about friends, family, and a pinch of chaos. We do a little bit of everything in the game, PVE, STF's, Starbase support, PVP, RP, and whatever else you can imagine.

    This fleet is truely about one thing above everything else, YOU.

    Don't believe me? Say it can't be true?

    Check us out at www.ssofleet.com

    Talk to our members, see for yourself this is really the case, and oh ya

    Tell'em Loki sent ya!
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    noriekunorieku Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Giving a shout out to anyone looking to do some mark farming. We have a a few people on during nights EST and could use a few more looking for pve marks and accolades. Of course we you don't HAVE to pve, but Im really wanting to up our members for pve ^^

    The fleet is casual and friendly, yet also offers pve content with groups that are competent.
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    angelgigaangelgiga Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Looking to gain your mark XII Omega or Maco gear? Why not join us in game. We run fleet STFs constantly every day.

    Don't worry about gear or set ups. Everybody is welcome.
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    stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    What are YOU, the player, looking for in a fleet?

    How many fleets out there are concerned with this aspect of the people being recruited into their fleet?

    I recently talked to a potential member and after speaking with him told him this isn't the fleet your looking for. Not because we are elite, not because we didn't want him, but because SSO was not what he was looking for. This potential wanted a fleet that RP'd 24/7, we don't, we pride ourselves on allowing our members to do what they like, when they like.

    That is one of the key aspects of this fleet, the members ability of choice. We don't make our members sign in at given times, be in raids on a weekly basis, or push them into anything they don't want to do.

    You will never be made to feel unwelcome here, or a number, thats not what this fleet is about, everyone is the same no better no worse, thats what in my opinion sets us apart, your choices are whats important here.

    So come check out one of the fastest growing fleets in STO, talk to our members, get the facts for yourself.

    At SSO we make it SO!

    Oh yeah, if they ask, tell'em Loki sent ya! :cool:
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    fbrheadleyfbrheadley Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Registered on your site, looking to join a new fleet, just left mine due to inactive members and i like the description and feedback from your posting. Contact me if you want to consider me as a candidate for joining.

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    stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    What draws you to the journey of joining a fleet?

    What desire do you have to play with others and what concerns you about what will be played?

    What makes you want to join a fleet?

    All Valid questions, all questions that you the player should ask yourself before joining up.

    We at SSO want to make sure you get into the fleet YOU want. We don't make a mad scramble for numbers because we believe that the player being happy is the most important thing.

    We don't have a long list you have to fill out before joining, we don't have a huge set of rules and ranks you must memorize before gaining entry, we simply ask you, is this the fleet for you?

    Come check us out at www.ssofleet.com and ask yourself, is this the fleet for me.

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    razar2380razar2380 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    have fun and happy gaming
    Post edited by razar2380 on
    Leader of Elite Guardian Academy.Would you like to learn how to run a fleet? Would you like to know how to do ship builds (true budget as well as high end)?The join the Academy today!
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    stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    What would be the last insult to you, the player, looking for a fleet?

    I would guess it is being treated as a number, being treated like you simply don't matter in the grand scheme of a fleet.

    Here at SSO we have put away ranks, grand titles, and focused on one thing, YOU, the player.

    We never ask what you can do for us, it is in fact the oppisite, what can we here at SSO do for you, the player.

    Come check out one of the fastest growing fleets in STO, talk to our members and decide for yourself whether we are what YOU are looking for.

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