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Starfleet Special Operations Fleet: Role Play, Social and Leveling



  • stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Good night SSO, see you all in a few.
  • vx989vx989 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Anyone I want eh? That's good cos I had a few enemies and I need a place to dispose of the bod...uh I mean I have a few associates who would love to help me out with that...

    *coughs and points*

    "Hey what's that over there?"
  • stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Let me ask you something, what does it mean to be in a fleet?

    Does it mean grinding away with fellows looking for that perfect purple Doff?

    Does it mean getting together to do STF runs?

    How bout working on building a starbase?

    Well here is the thing about SSO, while we encourage all forms of play, at the end of the day what you do is up to you. We don't tell you what you need to be doing, we don't give you times we feel you need to be on. We don't kick you because RL is tough and you couldn't log on for the last couple of weeks.

    We believe that a relaxed gaming community is important, that any contributions you make are because you like being a part of the fleet. We are looking for something in the player, just as you are looking for something in a fleet. Fun is what we are looking for, what about you?

    We don't have ranks or ladder climbers here, no giant rule book or must haves or be, we are in this for the fun and enjoyment of the game.

    Can't believe that we would open the doors for just fun?

    Check us out at www.ssofleet.com , see for yourself.

    See you out there

  • jackokasonjackokason Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    added you all to a list shown here:


    let me know if anything is wrong.
    Michel "Mic" Nardy
    Fleet Admiral
    Task Force Omega
    United Federation of Planets
  • stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thanks for including us!

  • vx989vx989 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hey Loki,

    I hear there's an empty Lab down in the lower levels, is it cool if I take it, I have some....projects I'd like to run and well the farther away from anything critical or....living would probably be for the best.

    Thanks buddy.

    Oh and uh ignore the screaming, it's nothing. :D
  • stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    vx989 wrote: »
    Hey Loki,

    I hear there's an empty Lab down in the lower levels, is it cool if I take it, I have some....projects I'd like to run and well the farther away from anything critical or....living would probably be for the best.

    Thanks buddy.

    Oh and uh ignore the screaming, it's nothing. :D

    Make it sound proof and you have a deal, oh, no feeding new recruits to whatever your growing down there either.
  • vx989vx989 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    stoneloki wrote: »
    Make it sound proof and you have a deal, oh, no feeding new recruits to whatever your growing down there either.

    Awww but how else is it going to grow big and strong? :P
  • stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    vx989 wrote: »
    Awww but how else is it going to grow big and strong? :P

    Have you tried Ovaltine?
  • stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What does SSO stand for?

    Its not just a name, but an idea, a promise that defines us.

    We don't prize numbers, we don't have ranks or a pecking order, we don't have fleet drama and politics cause we don't want it, and we don't put up with it.

    What we have is a group that has come together in STO for one purpose and one purpose only, fun!

    That fun may be hanging out on our mumble server, could be running STF's in game, or RPing, point is whatever you as a member want to do feel free, as long as it does not break our one rule, don't be a D bagger, that simple.

    There are no elitists here, no ladder climbing, no chosen few, we play as a group, we play solo, we group together for one purpose, fun.

    Don't believe me? Can't see how it would work?

    Come check out one of the fastest growing Community's in STO, talk to our members, see it to believe it.


    See you out there

  • vx989vx989 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    stoneloki wrote: »
    Make it sound proof and you have a deal, oh, no feeding new recruits to whatever your growing down there either.
    stoneloki wrote: »
    Have you tried Ovaltine?

    People work better...according to Firix anyway :P
  • stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I believe that was ensigns, had to be ensigns, or new recruits, not just people lol.

    All I said was no recruits, that doesn't mean members, or non-members, or visitors, or dignatairies, now did it?
  • stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What makes a great fleet?

    Is it the tier 5 starbases?

    Is it the complicated leveling within the fleet?

    is it the standing you receive when helping? The pride you feel within that group?

    Well we at SSO feel that to decide what a great fleet is for you would be a mistake. We don't brag about our numbers, we don't brag about all the nifty gadgets you could get, we brag about one thing, FUN.

    We had a very simple idea, to give players a fleet that isn't weighed down by a giant rule book or a giant list of ranks, a fleet that puts fun back into the community without the worry of political mongering or ladder climbing. Cause whats fun to us is this game, and playing it with others.

    Don't believe me, can't believe we would do it?

    Come check us out at www.ssofleet.com

    Meet our members, get their take on our fleet, have some roast tribble and a glass of ale while we party till the cardassians hit the floor.

    See you out there

  • vx989vx989 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    stoneloki wrote: »
    I believe that was ensigns, had to be ensigns, or new recruits, not just people lol.

    All I said was no recruits, that doesn't mean members, or non-members, or visitors, or dignatairies, now did it?

    Your a good man my friend, although are you sure about the dignitaries, that might not be good for diplomatic relations.
  • stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    vx989 wrote: »
    Your a good man my friend, although are you sure about the dignitaries, that might not be good for diplomatic relations.

    Yes but that would mean Mercy is fair game mate!
  • stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What are you looking for in a fleet?

    So many fleets will tell you what yo ushould be, they will tell you that their teir 5 base is what you want, or there 500 member count, or their unlimited bank you will never get to use.

    Well we don't tell you what you need to look at, cause thats up to you.

    What we will say is we are a laid back community looking for members who feel the same way. We have a drama free environment that is here to have fun, that simple.

    What your looking for is always up to you, what we are looking for is someone that fits well in a place with no ranks, a simple member base that simply enjoys playing the game with others.

    Don't believe it could be true?

    Check us out at www.ssofleet.com

    Talk to our members, hang out for a bit on our mumble server, and find out for yourself if this is what you are looking for.
  • coraxiancoraxian Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I recently started playing STO. I decided early to look for a fleet. I wanted a fleet that did a little bit of everything including RP. I also wanted a group of people that I legitimately enjoyed spending my online time with without feeling like I was clocking in to another job.

    After researching a number of fleets I came across Starfleet Special Operations. The mission statement on their website sold me on them. Laid back, but with a sense of purpose. Emphasizing a camaraderie over a digest of rules and regulations.

    If you're looking for a fleet that has these qualities I strongly encourage you to check us out.


    Lt. Cmdr. Gabriel Brennan
    Starfleet Special Operations
  • stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    With the game prepatching, the romulans on the way, and new gameplay opening up it couldn't be better for SSO.

    Players are returning and the questions that carry on the wind are what can a fleet do for me?

    If your looking for a friendly laid back fleet, a fleet without drama, long chains of command, or a rule book as thick as the schematics for a Galaxy class SSO may be for you.

    We don't hinder players by telling them how to level, we don't prattle on with mindless dribble over how you must set up your ship. We believe that in everything the player is what is important.

    We don't care about numbers or lines in the sand, besides having fun, that is what our community is about.

    You heard me say it, our community, cause thats what you get, a community that is focused on one thing, community, and having fun in that community.

    Don't believe me? Say its not possible?

    Come check us out at www.ssofleet.com , talk to our members, hear the truth first hand and see what the fuss is all about.

    See you out there

  • stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    just a few days from relaunch and the market is going crazy, people getting box ships left and right, its like someone turned on awesome for STO.
  • stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So, what ship are you looking for now that the market has sprung to life and people are placing ships on the exchange at an alarming rate?
  • vx989vx989 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Either a Bug Ship or a D'Kora. Still a little annoyed now I'm gonna have to hold off on selling my spare Wells Class until they become rarer again :P
  • stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    vx989 wrote: »
    Either a Bug Ship or a D'Kora. Still a little annoyed now I'm gonna have to hold off on selling my spare Wells Class until they become rarer again :P

    Thats the way the market crumbles, way I look at it it just opens the market to what people don't have, which with how the boxes work and how the market works gives others who don't wanna play with keys the chance to get something nice.
  • vx989vx989 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Man between the Stanley Cup, my own hockey team, flying back to New York and getting my TOR guild and it's site up and running I think it'll be a few days after launch before I'll be hopping into Legacy.

    When did my life get so busy?
  • stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It happens to us all, and the way it looks at the moment everyone is doing something to try and make time for when LOR hits the screen.
  • vx989vx989 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Oh I've given up trying to find time dude, I've just accepted the fact that I won't be playing it on launch day.
  • stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well now you've found us, and just hours from LOR launch day what can we say?

    We are SSO, based on a simple idea of bringing the fun back into a fleet setting.

    No long list of rules, no agonizing must be on play times, no kicking you out cause your RL got in the way, once your a member your a member, that simple.

    Don't believe me, say its not possible?

    Check us out at www.ssofleet.com

    See you all out there!

  • vx989vx989 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Okay bad news, injured my leg playing hockey this evening. Good news I now have some time off so I'll get to play Legacy tomorrow after all. Take the good with the bad as they say :P

    But all joking aside damn my leg hurts!
  • nimshaenimshae Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So....a bit of a new update. Starfleet Fleet Special Operations has been up and running for just over a month now, what have we got to report....

    Well first of all we are now a level four fleet, and busily completing all the tier one starbase projects...

    We have welcomed and gained many new members who we are very fond of, even in the short space of time we have had them, and we have had much fun, giggles and irrevernat fun hanging out....

    We have hosted, and completed three RP events on our intrepid Bridge RP the U.S.S. Valkyrie, which have not only gone fantastcially, but have also managed to pull several of our new members into participating and having much fun with us, both in character and out.

    And we have managed to run two contests, one a Sci Fi General Knolwedge Quiz called Lock and Loaded for 2000 zen points.

    And also a contest to reward the highest contributer to our Starbase with....no, not the right to own a fleet ship....we don't do that. Oh no!!

    We put our latinum where our mouth is and put up the prize of a Domminion Heavy Escort Carrier....

    and that ladies and gents is in our first month.....
    We are still looking for people who would like to join our intepid band of brothers and sisters....

    People who aren't looking for militaristic or corporate fleets, a rule book that reads like the rules of aqusition. pre-requisites and amednments on what you can aqquire from the fleet store...

    NO we have NONE of that, all we want is new friends and fun, come and play with us when YOU! like...

    Sound like your kind of place, come on grab a bunk and some smoked tribble...we are having a space whale of a time...

    SSO Fleet Understands that this is a game, that it's sole purpose is to escape from the harsh realities of life. Thats why we promise, we offer fun, frolics without the mandatory rules and structure. Come escape with us, we dare you.....
  • stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Waiting on LOR to launch and we are stoked here at SSO.

    With the Romulans adding a spice to each faction that the game sorely needs it will be refreshing to see how it all breaks down.

    But what does this mean for SSO, how will the addition of Romulans change the nature of our fleet?

    I can tell you now, I have seen fleets hastily setting up Divisions and areas in hopes of snagging members with the promise of a all Romulan division. I honestly don't see us changing the way we operate though, we here at SSO believe in putting our members first, call us givers, friendly, whatever, but we take what our members want and make it so.

    This fleet isn't about tacking on new headers to drive players into something that some make believe admiral wants to control, the choice of what you do here at SSO is up to you, not some power hungry player that wants to direct you HIS way.

    Our bottom line has been and always shall be this, we are all friends here, no one holds power or wealth above you, every member at SSO is the same, no better, no worse, all equal under a true IDIC enviroment, we don't just say it, we make it so at SSO.

    Don't believe me, say it can't be possible?

    Check us out at www.SSOFLEET.com , or just whisper one of us in game, someone is always on and you can get the facts from our members themselves.


  • stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well I took the shot and bought the Legacy Pack at the last minute.

    With the costumes and ships I felt it worth the buy, oh, all those keys are nice too.
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