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Ask Cryptic: Legacy of Romulus



  • tilartatilarta Member Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Most people are going to have a go at the Rommies and I dare say get a lot of enjoyment from the hard work Cryptic have put in. Why not have a go? No point in biting your nose off to spite your face :)

    Actually, it's Cryptic who cut my nose off.
    Let's do the math:

    Omega Reputation to Tier 5.
    Omega Ground Sets to requisition (3xFullSets).
    Borg Deflector.
    Liberated Borg DOFFs Store Unlock.
    Borg Prosthetics Store Unlock (Mk12).
    Romulan Reputation to Tier 5.
    Full Reman Space Set (Mk12).
    Experimental Romulan Plasma Beam Array.
    Romulan Plasma Beam Array Store Unlock.
    Romulan Pistols Store Unlock.
    Diplomacy to Tier4.

    That's too much work for a character I never wanted to play in the first place!
    I'm not going to do all that for a character just to experience the gameplay and then do it all again if my actual Hirogen character gets created later.
    I'm not one of those people who enjoys playing alts.

    Heck, I'm going to get to try the gameplay on Tribble anyway when they do the test.
    So I'll have already experienced it and will have no need to do it on the live server.
    Your argument is invalid.
    messahla wrote: »
    I'm beginning to think im the only person outraged by Cryptic's lie

    You're not the only one.

    That's another reason I'm rejecting the faction.
    I was expecting a fully independent setup, Intrigue (their version of Diplomacy), a Unique STF Ground Set (the Romulan version of MACO set), their own different BOFFs and DOFFs, Romulan and Hirogen ships to fly around in.

    Basically, a completely unique faction independent of Starfleet or KDF.
    That's what I thought I was getting, that if you made that choice, you didn't have to ally yourself with either side, but be a pure Romulan Star Empire player.

    And yes, if/when a Cardassian faction comes out, they'll probably be equally as stuffed up as this one.
    But the ally mechanic would actually work for them, since the game states they are working with the Federation now.

    That is, unless Cryptic learn their lesson from this faction and make the Cardy faction properly!

    Still, I would expect more independence, not just being linked to Starfleet gameplay.

    Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
    Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad :'(
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kallex76 wrote: »
    Wow, can't believe people crying about being mislead. So we won't get a fully independent Romulan faction. The reasons why makes sense both from a story and from a gameplay perspective, if you don't like it, don't play, it's not like you paid anything for it.
    why do people always come back at a gripe with `if you dont like it dont play` i hope thats not the sort of responce you would get from cryptic.
    this forum is for feedback good and bad, and without feedback i am sure the game would suffer.
    we may not all agree on other peoples opinions but i will defend to the death their right to have them and voice them in this forum.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    why do people always come back at a gripe with `if you dont like it dont play` i hope thats not the sort of responce you would get from cryptic.
    this forum is for feedback good and bad, and without feedback i am sure the game would suffer.
    we may not all agree on other peoples opinions but i will defend to the death their right to have them and voice them in this forum.

    LOL - Missed The executive producers post did you?
    Originally Posted by dastahl

    If you don't like it, don't play a Romulan!
  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Looking forward to a new faction, but quite disappointed it's nit actually a faction, just a big copy-n-paste job. I want to fly Romulan ships and use romulan tech, not suff that's been in the game for years already.

    While i appreciate the ability to join existing fleets, i like that. I don't want to have to end up flying a defiant full of fed boffs using fed weapons because they're better then romulan tech. Otherwise just make romulans & remans new character options for existing factions.

    The fact you're thinking of making a lockbox to let the existing factions fly romulan ships just makes things worse. Just for once guys, keep things separate, we're already breaking canon over the existing ships, stop making it worse.

    Final judgement to be reserved apon testing of course, but the idea of "Hey! Lets just give all factions everything!" Sounds a bit cheap to me, give romulans a proper faction, not a rushed copy-n-paste job. Don't keep giving factions non-faction ships to use, it looks terrible. If you're going to break down and put the Romulan ships in boxes anyway, why bother playing the new faction to get them? Keep things separate or you just cheapen them.
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
  • danquellerdanqueller Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    So...if I read it right....

    If you play Fed, you have full access to all Fed ships.

    If you play KDF, you have full access to all KDF ships.

    If you play Rom, you have full access to all Romulan -and- Fed, or all Romulan -and- KDF ships?

    And, a possibility later on for the Romulan faction to be more fully developed into it's own independent faction in a year or so, if it is workable?

    So why would a new player -not- want to play Romulan? Sounds like you get a better deal than if you play Fed or KDF, as you get everything from those two factions -on top of- Romulan content, but not if you play Fed or KDF.

    Sound about right?
  • redshirtthefirstredshirtthefirst Member Posts: 415 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    dastahl wrote: »
    For goodness sakes, please remember that this forums has guidelines. Please tone down the rhetoric or this thread will get locked. Going out of bounds is going to lead to infractions.

    Keep in mind that there are a lot of assumptions being made in this thread that are way out of whack for how it is actually implemented. Many posts are stating opinions about something that no one in the public has played yet.

    Give the hard working team some credit for everything they've been working on by reserving your opinions until you actually play it. It will be free to play and free to download the expansion. If you want to judge something you haven't played just based on a description, then sorry, you're missing some of the best content we've ever made.

    If you don't like it, don't play a Romulan. It isn't required that you play a Romulan. Yes we've been talking about how we would implement other factions in the game for a while, and as I said then, plans can change. Even since that Reddit chat, we actually did the work to make Romulans their own faction.

    Many people are hearing "choose an ally" and thinking that you become FED or KDF and that is not true. You remain a Romulan. You don't lose your identity. You don't lose your faction's goal. Your ally is there to help you - to give you tech - to give you ships and help you stand up against the Tal Shiar. Even in game right now, New Romulans are looking to both Klingons and the Federation to help, and this is just an extension of that. So it is not about you dropping what your goals are and reporting into Admiral Quinn now. You report to the Romulan Republic.

    This also allows for cross faction teaming. Something that encourages group gameplay and can be fun. Want to go play some Romulan missions, but don't want to be a Romulan? Go team up with one and help them with their missions. Want to help fight the silent enemy? Queue up together and go fight together. We've made a commitment that when we make fun new events, they are for everyone to play. Yes the "Star Trek Rules" bend sometimes when we have Feds and KDF grouping up to fight the Borg, but it can also be a lot of fun and leads to a more lively MMO.

    Anyone who wants a 3rd queue faction hasn't played a Klingon. As I said before, that isn't good for the game. We allow cross faction teaming because it allows more people to play together.

    Play Legacy of Romulus and either enjoy it or not. The proof will be whether or not the game continues to grow and if people enjoy it as much as we think they will. Fortunately, our continued future success is not based on what people think of something they haven't even played yet.

    We look forward to showing you everything we've been working on very soon. This is why we're working the extra time to get things setup and ready on TRIBBLE. We're almost there.

    Live Long and Prosper.

    I am no cheerleader or usually here to wave pompoms in the air for the devs, but this post is awesome... I hate quoting whole blocks but I could not just cut some and quote a portion.

    Thanks Dan and many silent players are sure supporting you and the team. I sure can appreciate the work of a dev team when they worked long hours and come here to read these threads... cannot be easy.

    Waiting for more details and to play the new content...

    Server not responding (1701 s)
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    dastahl wrote: »

    [SNIP] - because of lenght :)

    I aprecciate you trying to explain all of this Mr.Stahl, while I can imagine it feeling like you're talking to a brick wall. At this moment, I think that you could pull out a magic wand and start granting wishes and there will still be people claiming that your magic sucks.
    The sense of entitlement that some people on these forums have is unbelivable.

    Do I like that J.J. blowed up Romulus & Remus? Ofcourse not. Do I like how the Cardassians have turned into Fed. pets that can't build their own military? Again, nope. However, I'm not so arrogant to think that the whole universe should unfold and shape up according to my own desires and points of view. How about the Federation then? I don't see people raging and complaining about so much for the Fed. being what they are in STO. In the game, they shoot everything at signt, blow up anything in front of their ships. And now, promoting their latest edition - Bio-Neural Warheads!! :eek: Is this the exact same Federation we've seen in the shows? No, because it's a game!
    When I'll go to work on Monday there is a pretty good chance the day will not unfold and the events will not shape up exactly as I planned. Should this be a reason for me to rage over?

    One basic thing that I picked up from Star Trek ever since I was a child watching TNG with my father is to keep an open mind about things. I found this trait to be present in many Trek fans I have met throughout the years. I am kinda' dissapointed to see that it's not quite as present in these STO forums. Many people are missing out on the humongous base for storytelling that can emerge out of this and choose to klinge to stereotypes.

    I like the colour green and I like the Romulan ship designs, but personally, I had no intentions of actively playing a Romulan under the banner of a psychotic self-proclaimed "empress". However, I can dig the way D'Tan & Obisek roll. This Romulan faction, the Romulan Republic I can work with. I'm actually quite looking forward to it now.
    Since aproximately 80% of my STO time is devoted to the KDF, I guess I'll roll out a Romulan sci, buy her a warbird and ally with the Feds., so I can play the game from the other side a bit.
    Oh and yes, it's an alliance not subjugation! You may think whatever you want, but noone conquered me, I pick who to join forces with. I'll still be under the Romulan banner, I'll still recieve my orders on NR just as Mr.Stahl said, I still will have a Romulan rank, uniforms, my warbird will have the R.R.W. prefix before her name. It's merely picking who I want to have next to my side when fighting the Borg, Undine, Tholians or whoever.
    As a Cardie fan, I'd love it if the Cardassians could be wellcomed into STO in the exact same way. Being your own Cardassian, taking orders from Garak and being allied with the Fed.

    Troubled by Romulans blowing up Romlans in PvP? Really?!? Funny, I can't remember such an outcry about Feds. blowing up Feds. in PvP. Or Feds. joining Klinks to blow up other Feds. in PvP for the record. How is this different again?

    I must say, I'm intrigued by the way this expansion is unfolding. I want to thank Mr.Stahl and his team for the hard work they put in this expansion. I love the opportunity to start a whole race from scratch. We'll be able to witness the birth and evolution of the Romulan Republic shaping right before our eyes and participate in it. Probably even have some influence togehter with the dev. team of how this faction will shape up to be. This is very exciting to me. I really look forward to immersing myself in this content, much more than when Season 7 was released.

    And last but not least, I do enjoy playing STO. That's why I'm here. In fact, my the level of enjoyment with STO has doubled or even trippled during the past year. Did every decision or direction the game took since I joined fulfill my every desire and expectation? Ofcourse not, that's impossible. But I do enjoy seeing how the Trek universe in STO unfolds and trying to cope with the new challenges or strage developments in the galaxy.
    I'm looking forward to "Legacy of Romulus", the stories of how New Romulus came to be and taking the storyline evolution forward that it will bring. :)
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I dunno. All I got out of this was "It was too hard to get a 3rd faction working properly, so we gutted it to 2 sub factions."

    Kinda in-line with Cryptics history of fixing system problems. "If it's too hard, just yank the feature. Working as intended!"
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    shpoks wrote: »
    [snip] - because of length :)

    I am also one of the people that (so far) is not overly bothered by this. I will roll a rommie for both factions and will have fun with both.

    I have logged 3000+ hours on this game - ouch crazy I know - but you could not play that much if you did not love this game.

    However, I think Cryptic was playing the Romulan fans along - letting them believe that they were getting a completely independent faction of their own. That was not right.

    In the end - Cryptic's Romulan Faction:

  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Looking forward to a new faction, but quite disappointed it's nit actually a faction, just a big copy-n-paste job. I want to fly Romulan ships and use romulan tech, not suff that's been in the game for years already.

    While i appreciate the ability to join existing fleets, i like that. I don't want to have to end up flying a defiant full of fed boffs using fed weapons because they're better then romulan tech. Otherwise just make romulans & remans new character options for existing factions.

    The fact you're thinking of making a lockbox to let the existing factions fly romulan ships just makes things worse. Just for once guys, keep things separate, we're already breaking canon over the existing ships, stop making it worse.

    Final judgement to be reserved apon testing of course, but the idea of "Hey! Lets just give all factions everything!" Sounds a bit cheap to me, give romulans a proper faction, not a rushed copy-n-paste job. Don't keep giving factions non-faction ships to use, it looks terrible. If you're going to break down and put the Romulan ships in boxes anyway, why bother playing the new faction to get them? Keep things separate or you just cheapen them.

    You said it like a Boss!
  • kirksplatkirksplat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    If I could find my skeptical post from a year ago, I would repost it. How any of you guys thought a 3rd faction was in the realm of possibility was beyond my belief. If this game is around in 5 years, the KDF will still not be a fleshed out faction.

    Come down to earth, folks. Stop being outraged at what was painfully obvious. Don't believe an ounce of hype. You will always be disappointed.

    Cryptic has a track record. Don't ignore that.
  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    danqueller wrote: »
    So...if I read it right....

    If you play Fed, you have full access to all Fed ships.

    If you play KDF, you have full access to all KDF ships.

    If you play Rom, you have full access to all Romulan -and- Fed, or all Romulan -and- KDF ships?

    And, a possibility later on for the Romulan faction to be more fully developed into it's own independent faction in a year or so, if it is workable?

    So why would a new player -not- want to play Romulan? Sounds like you get a better deal than if you play Fed or KDF, as you get everything from those two factions -on top of- Romulan content, but not if you play Fed or KDF.

    Sound about right?

    Almost right, from what I can tell - the only CLEAR distinction is in the faction-specific missions. Romulans don't get Fed or KDF missions unless they're cross-faction missions in the first place.

    However, there is an unknown factor here - can ALL ships belonging to the allied faction be purchased by Romulans, regardless of method of acquisition? That'll be a decisive factor in figuring out just how correct your assumption is.

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • thetaninethetanine Member Posts: 1,367 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Here is a quote from Dan from the latest Ask Cryptic:
    Q: (midniteshadow7) Will the Romulan Faction have their own Fleet System, Starbase, and Holdings? Will there be any new Fleet Holdings?

    Dstahl: This is an important question that needs a detailed answer...

    A: Now that many established Fleets are finishing their Tier 5 Starbases, we expect to see established guilds enticing all the New Romulans to join their cause in exchange for access to the best ships and gear the ally can offer. In the future, we will consider unique Romulan Starbases. For now, the New Romulans are just getting their feet on the ground and must look to the planet New Romulus as their new home and rely on the Starbases of their ally for support.


    This goes right back to Sherman's Planet and the Organians. Let me quote you a passage from Memory Alpha:

    Following the Federation-Klingon War in 2267, and per terms of the Organian Peace Treaty, ownership of Sherman's Planet could be assumed by the side that could most effectively develop it. The Federation's intentions for Sherman's Planet were to use it to cultivate quadrotriticale, a grain well adapted to the planet's climate. After the quadrotriticale was poisoned on Deep Space Station K-7, Starfleet diverted a freighter laded down with this grain to Sherman's Planet. The grain would be delivered a few weeks later than anticipated. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles")

    Quoted from: http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Sherman%27s_Planet

    And so you can see, Cryptic is really digging deep into the lore of Star Trek for us here. I hope everyone can appreciate the subtlety of the depths this plunges us all into. And thanks to midniteshadow7 for posing this question to Ask Cryptic.
  • ocp001ocp001 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You know Dan, sometimes I disagree with things, but there is always respect. I don't know how you do it sometimes. Hope you have a beer later (or 6).
  • kurtzroykurtzroy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Troll of the year award should go to Cryptic.

    I would have rather they had taken that time and effort their employee's put in, and use it to better develop the KDF and additional endgame content, instead of another pseudo faction. I couldn't possibly be more disappointed, but I will reserve final judgement until I test it on Tribble.
  • hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    A lot of this news has been a bit disappointing to hear, but I think I'll wait until I get a chance to play this Romulan "Faction" for myself before I start screaming my head off at Cryptic for messing this up.

    In the meantime, I'll continue to scream my head off at Cryptic for the latest slew of bugs to hit holodeck. :P
  • overlapooverlapo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    danqueller wrote: »
    So why would a new player -not- want to play Romulan? Sounds like you get a better deal than if you play Fed or KDF, as you get everything from those two factions -on top of- Romulan content, but not if you play Fed or KDF.

    Sound about right?

    As a Romulan you don't get the story missions, the races and the uniforms of the ally faction. No idea if this restrictions affects the bridge officers. Even alien is going to be limited, both as a premium race and in what looks they can use. It might not seem like much, but that will make a difference to a lot of people. After all, you can only use one ship at a time and having a bajillon to choose from isn't that great since most folks will be using the D'Deridex or the Scimitar anyway.
  • darthstormstrikedarthstormstrike Member Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    So by what Dstahl said, everyone who already made Romulans using the alien option, already experience Romulan endgame. Epic.

    "There is no problem in the universe that can't be solved with a bribe, a paid assassin, or an overpowered fighter." - Chubain from Jumpgate Evolution
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    overlapo wrote: »
    After all, you can only use one ship at a time and having a bajillon to choose from isn't that great since most folks will be using the D'Deridex or the Scimitar anyway.

    I admit I'll get the D'Deridex for vanity reasons and because I realy like the way it looks, especially after seeing how the did it in the Friday schreenshot.
    However, I actually plan of using one of those beastys when they become availible!
  • drowrulesupremedrowrulesupreme Member Posts: 692 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    messahla wrote: »
    If you checked the LoR teaser site we were supposed to be able to be roms and remans but i guess cryptic decided a lie in the face is better then a truth in the ear.

    I did check out the LoR site, BEFORE asking my question.

    My question was "Do I have to level a ROMULAN in Romulan rep to unlock a REMAN alt or can my KDF unlock Reman so my first Republic alt can be Reman?"
    I am aware of what was said, and equally aware of what is now known to be the case. The answer to my question based on the latter is still nonexistent and knowledge of the former does not assuage that or negate it in any way.

    I can't help but feel that people's anger at Cryptic is making them snipe at other players needlessly. Your own post, for example, tells me only what WAS supposed to be and that you are not happy about it.

    Personally, I wanted to play Hirogen or Suliban at some point, but I'll not hold my breath on either count despite seeing a cracking screenshot of a Suliban in Enterprise clothing in another thread that did not appear to be a generic alien made to look Suliban but the real thing.

    EDIT - found the thread with Suliban in it...

    ... and it IS a generic alien, just with a choice I've never seen before. Poo.
    "...we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.”
    Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016

  • broadnaxbroadnax Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    lizwei wrote: »
    Look if you join a faction then you'll get full access to that faction and that means doing the missions and dailies of that faction.
    Those missions and dailies are written as orders from Starfleet or KDF superiors. Thus if a Romulan does them, they will be taking orders from Starfleet and the KDF. It's that simple.

    Again, if you choose to do them. According to Dastahl, there are around 40 levels of Romulan-specific content. We don't know what all is available content-wise, what new dailies, etc., may be added.

    If you don't want to play Fed or KDF content on your Romulan, don't. It sounds like the only point where it may become necessary is post level 40 (the Fed faction started out with 40 levels as well). It may not be ideal, but it's not a national disaster either.
  • wazzagiowwazzagiow Member Posts: 769 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I did check out the LoR site, BEFORE asking my question.

    My question was "Do I have to level a ROMULAN in Romulan rep to unlock a REMAN alt or can my KDF unlock Reman so my first Republic alt can be Reman?"
    I am aware of what was said, and equally aware of what is now known to be the case. The answer to my question based on the latter is still nonexistent and knowledge of the former does not assuage that or negate it in any way.

    I can't help but feel that people's anger at Cryptic is making them snipe at other players needlessly. Your own post, for example, tells me only what WAS supposed to be and that you are not happy about it.

    Personally, I wanted to play Hirogen or Suliban at some point, but I'll not hold my breath on either count despite seeing a cracking screenshot of a Suliban in Enterprise clothing in another thread that did not appear to be a generic alien made to look Suliban but the real thing.

    Yeah all I can see is remens appear to be an account wide unlock thru the reputation system. Which is guess could change but I doubt it will. Alien Is gold/lifer unlock.

    So maybe if say your kdf has completed the rom rep you can roll 1 straight away. But I guess new players can't until the rom rep is complete.
  • nolaxonolaxo Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Maybe this is a silly question, but I'm honestly not a huge gamer, just a lifetime Trek-fan that really loves this game, so please indulge me. But, how will the expansion pack be released? Will it appear as an update patch? Or will there be a place to digitally download it? Will there be a physical box set available at GameStop, or something? Will the expansion cost real money, or will it be available to lifetime members (like myself)? Just looking for a little clarity in the acquisition area. Thanks.
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    thetanine wrote: »
    Here is a quote from Dan from the latest Ask Cryptic:


    This goes right back to Sherman's Planet and the Organians. Let me quote you a passage from Memory Alpha:

    Following the Federation-Klingon War in 2267, and per terms of the Organian Peace Treaty, ownership of Sherman's Planet could be assumed by the side that could most effectively develop it. The Federation's intentions for Sherman's Planet were to use it to cultivate quadrotriticale, a grain well adapted to the planet's climate. After the quadrotriticale was poisoned on Deep Space Station K-7, Starfleet diverted a freighter laded down with this grain to Sherman's Planet. The grain would be delivered a few weeks later than anticipated. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles")

    Quoted from: http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Sherman%27s_Planet

    And so you can see, Cryptic is really digging deep into the lore of Star Trek for us here. I hope everyone can appreciate the subtlety of the depths this plunges us all into. And thanks to midniteshadow7 for posing this question to Ask Cryptic.

    Dude - I REALLY doubt that stahl/Cryptic/Devs are looking at some Star Trek arcana as their reasoning to make it a 2.5 faction. It's more likley it was more work then they expected.
  • theanothernametheanothername Member Posts: 1,511 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    nolaxo wrote: »
    Maybe this is a silly question, but I'm honestly not a huge gamer, just a lifetime Trek-fan that really loves this game, so please indulge me. But, how will the expansion pack be released? Will it appear as an update patch? Or will there be a place to digitally download it? Will there be a physical box set available at GameStop, or something? Will the expansion cost real money, or will it be available to lifetime members (like myself)? Just looking for a little clarity in the acquisition area. Thanks.

    It will be like with the other patches; only this time much bigger.

    But usually there are prepatches so when the day arrives it should not be that much anymore. So don't worry, just relax and play like usual.
  • wazzagiowwazzagiow Member Posts: 769 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    nolaxo wrote: »
    Maybe this is a silly question, but I'm honestly not a huge gamer, just a lifetime Trek-fan that really loves this game, so please indulge me. But, how will the expansion pack be released? Will it appear as an update patch? Or will there be a place to digitally download it? Will there be a physical box set available at GameStop, or something? Will the expansion cost real money, or will it be available to lifetime members (like myself)? Just looking for a little clarity in the acquisition area. Thanks.

    just download like a normal patch on may 21st from the launcher when you log in. it will be a free download

    and for the record it's not a silly question so never be afraid or worried about asking anything. people should be here to help always :)
  • drowrulesupremedrowrulesupreme Member Posts: 692 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    wazzagiow wrote: »
    and for the record it's not a silly question so never be afraid or worried about asking anything. people should be here to help always :)

    quoted for truth. :cool:
    "...we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.”
    Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016

  • doubleohninedoubleohnine Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    Im not a Romulan loyalist. Ive got no issues with the Republic concept and decisions you've made so far. Im a casual, just playing for Star Trek story. Look up my account to see how Ive spent in your game.

    So, beyond what you have in the can for this update, what are Cryptic's plans for advancing the storyline fairly between now three factions? I havnt even taken my only Klink out of the shipyard yet. Im not interested in playing KDF flavored Fed missions, and thats mostly what KDF is so far I assume. I plan on creating ONE Romulan to experience this prequal story of theirs. But after that, what incentive is there for me to keep going once my Romulan gets Back to the Future of 2410? If you all are just going to write Fed missions, then flavor one KDF and one Romulan, I have no interest in that, as Ive already played that with my main Fed toon. If thats the plan, you wont tempt me to buy Romulan clothes, DOFFs, ships, etc. I will let her wilt and die.

    Personally, Id like to see you all make three separate missions, one for each faction, bundled three at a time, or better yet two each for 6 eps released at a time. They can all play off each other to advance the STO timeline, but dont all HAVE to be played. So if a player wants to just play Fed, and keep his Fed colored lenses on, he can. But if he wants to see what the KDF and Romulans are doing, and how THEY are handling the current universe dilema facing all three of them, he will want to play those two factions too for maximum story enjoyment. If this is not what you have in mind for the future story advancement of these three factions in this game, then as EP, please explain why my idea for fair story content release wouldnt work. I wont spend money as a Romulan or KDF until I see story compelling reasons to keep those toons fresh and well equiped. Some assurances from you now and your gameplan going forward would go a long way in making players believe KDF and or Romulans are factions worth spending money for.
    STO: @AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
    Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
  • mikeflmikefl Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I did check out the LoR site, BEFORE asking my question.

    My question was "Do I have to level a ROMULAN in Romulan rep to unlock a REMAN alt or can my KDF unlock Reman so my first Republic alt can be Reman?"
    I am aware of what was said, and equally aware of what is now known to be the case. The answer to my question based on the latter is still nonexistent and knowledge of the former does not assuage that or negate it in any way.

    I can't help but feel that people's anger at Cryptic is making them snipe at other players needlessly. Your own post, for example, tells me only what WAS supposed to be and that you are not happy about it.

    Personally, I wanted to play Hirogen or Suliban at some point, but I'll not hold my breath on either count despite seeing a cracking screenshot of a Suliban in Enterprise clothing in another thread that did not appear to be a generic alien made to look Suliban but the real thing.

    EDIT - found the thread with Suliban in it...

    ... and it IS a generic alien, just with a choice I've never seen before. Poo.

    Answer from Ask Cryptic post:

    Q: (kekvin) What races (species) will be in the Romulan faction?

    Dstahl: At the launch of Legacy of Romulus there will be Romulans, Remans, and Alien-Gen hybrids. Reman species are an ACCOUNT UNLOCKED reward that will be added to the New Romulus Reputation or available for purchase. Alien-Gen hybrids may only be created by Subscribers or Lifetime members. In the future we will be adding more species to the Romulan faction.

    So it sounds to me if you account has a character that has unlocked the Romulan Rep for that then it will be available... I understand your question but I could have a rommie and still unlock the character from my fed having completed the rom rep from the way this reads. If all else fails you can buy it from the start.
    Gold Sub since March 2010
    Lifetime Sub since June 2010
  • angelfire25angelfire25 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hi there,!
    I represent the majority of STO players and we fully endorse and approve of Cryptic's decision in this issue. All other opinions are invalid. G'day!
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