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Jem'Hadar Attack Ship Results Thread

tercerustercerus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
So yeah, bought 15+ Fleet Officer Packs and no Jem'Hadar Attack Ship. Meanwhile the chatbox was flying by with dozens of people who had gotten it while I was opening my packs. Along with people in chat complaining that it took them 5-9 packs to get it. Well that is a giant load of TRIBBLE that you can't even make the odds good enough for me to get it when I opened double to triple what other people did.

Yeah, Perfect World, you won't be getting another dime from me. Thanks for stealing my money. Fkn lame.
Post edited by tercerus on


  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    There is a city of lights in the desert with your name on it. :cool:
  • vsilverwings1vsilverwings1 Member Posts: 572 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    15...rofl erm I've opened over the course of the lockbox mechanic 200+ and not got a single ship yet someone can open the same number and get 4 (2 if first 40). I won't tell you what you should think about the lockbox system but 15 is by far not enough you'd have to be extremely lucky to win a ship and that's on top of the extremely lucky chance of a drop anyway.

    Cryptic won't get any money from me especially from lockboxes so it's up to each individual to make their own mind up.
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Many points to make here:

    1. It's going to take a lot more than 15. The odds of a lock box (which is 125 zen) is 1 in 200 for the top prize.

    2. Yeah, it looks like a lot but consider how many thousands of people must be opening them and not winning.

    3. It's not meant to be given away like candy, hence the low odds.

    4. You played the lottery. You took your chances. And not to mention that the pack's primary function is to provide you with doffs. So yeah, you can't blame PWE or Cryptic for stealing your money when you willingly gave it to them knowing the low chances
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • article001article001 Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Dey Took Er Mooneez!
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tercerus wrote: »
    So yeah, bought 15+ Fleet Officer Packs and no Jem'Hadar Attack Ship. Meanwhile the chatbox was flying by with dozens of people who had gotten it while I was opening my packs. Along with people in chat complaining that it took them 5-9 packs to get it. Well that is a giant load of TRIBBLE that you can't even make the odds good enough for me to get it when I opened double to triple what other people did.

    Yeah, Perfect World, you won't be getting another dime from me. Thanks for stealing my money. Fkn lame.

    If memory serves, the Doff packs cost about twice what keys cost and had a correspondingly doubled chance to drop a bugship... so instead of 0.05% you had 0.1%

    This was widely known info since last time, why would you take such a gamble??

    Even if you didn't know the exact odds surely by now you would have heard the rage and disgust thrown at anything related to RNG that Cryptic does, again... why would you take such a gamble??
  • sander233sander233 Member Posts: 3,992 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    ...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
    - Anne Bredon
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    So you are complaining about a well known fact?
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    sell me your doffs.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • tercerustercerus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    anazonda wrote: »
    So you are complaining about a well known fact?

    It might be well known to you, but not to me. I am a new player. Just started a few weeks ago. So all PerfectWorld managed to do was teach me NOT to give them my money. I am paying for a monthly subscription too, but I don't see any real benefit to it. So I'm just going to cancel my subscription. They could have gotten a lot more money out of me over the long run if they weren't so shady.

    Sorry, but the way they worded it on the announcement, they made it seem like you could open a handful of packs and get it. And the people in chat were all talking about how they have it. So you are telling me EVERYONE in chat opened hundreds of packs? From what I saw, they were opening 5 to 9 packs and getting it.
  • naeviusnaevius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tercerus wrote: »
    From what I saw, they were opening 5 to 9 packs and getting it.

    The actual odds are more like 1/200.
    [Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth]
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    Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tercerus wrote: »
    It might be well known to you, but not to me. I am a new player. Just started a few weeks ago. So all PerfectWorld managed to do was teach me NOT to give them my money. I am paying for a monthly subscription too, but I don't see any real benefit to it. So I'm just going to cancel my subscription. They could have gotten a lot more money out of me over the long run if they weren't so shady.

    Sorry, but the way they worded it on the announcement, they made it seem like you could open a handful of packs and get it. And the people in chat were all talking about how they have it. So you are telling me EVERYONE in chat opened hundreds of packs? From what I saw, they were opening 5 to 9 packs and getting it.

    In that case... Sorry.

    For future reference, I suggest you do quick searches on the forums when you feel tempted about an item.

    There are pro and con threads on pretty much everything, some good quality, and some not so good, and they will help you make a proper decision.
    They are basically your shortcut to well known facts, if you take a little time reading up on them.

    Not all the items are bad, but if the description involves the words "chance to get", then personally, I advice going as far around it as you can, unless you want to expirience what you just expirienced again.

    Some of the calculations out there generally place the chance of getting the "grand prize" between 1:300 and 1:600.

    Hope this helps you in the future.
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tercerus wrote: »
    Sorry, but the way they worded it on the announcement, they made it seem like you could open a handful of packs and get it. And the people in chat were all talking about how they have it. So you are telling me EVERYONE in chat opened hundreds of packs? From what I saw, they were opening 5 to 9 packs and getting it.

    That's where they get you. Read this part carefully.
    **NOTE: The odds of winning the Jem?Hadar Attack Ship are rare but have been normalized based on the price of the Fleet Support Duty Officer Pack (275 ZEN) when compared to the 2011 Winter Packages (125 ZEN) we were selling during the 2011 Winter Event. Ship details can be found at the bottom of this page.

    The Winter Packages were essentially lock boxes. So yeah, the odds are clearly stated.

    Personally, I disabled zone chat long ago and never looked back. I wouldn't trust anything said about lock boxes in it for my life. But y'know, unfortunately it's just a lesson learned for you.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tercerus wrote: »

    Sorry, but the way they worded it on the announcement, they made it seem like you could open a handful of packs and get it. And the people in chat were all talking about how they have it. So you are telling me EVERYONE in chat opened hundreds of packs? From what I saw, they were opening 5 to 9 packs and getting it.

    I KNOW it's a longshot, but look at the bottom of your inventory tab- maybe you have an overflow bag.

    Think positive: santa's giftbag.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • tercerustercerus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    deokkent wrote: »
    I don't wanna sound mean (so clich? every one says that) but lmao... It's a lottery game, what did you expect? Seriously... ;)

    Let me ask you this. What do you think the purpose is of PerfectWorld spamming us with System GameplayAnnounce messages that show so many people winning these types of ships? You know as well as I know that it's to give us a sense of false confidence in the odds of winning it ourselves.

    Otherwise there is absolutely no purpose whatsoever to spamming us all with what other players have won. If you walked into a casino and people all around you were screaming JACKPOT and winning, wouldn't you think your odds are going to be pretty good too?

    As I typed this message, at least 10 people have won the Jem'Hadar Attack Ship according to the onscreen spam messages. Sorry for getting lulled into a false sense of hope by their tantalizing jackpot messages. After all, that is exactly what they wanted me to feel so I would open my wallet.

    Now I know not to fall for it again. So all they have managed to do is keep me from spending more money on their scam-ridden promos.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tercerus wrote: »
    Let me ask you this. What do you think the purpose is of PerfectWorld spamming us with System GameplayAnnounce messages that show so many people winning these types of ships? You know as well as I know that it's to give us a sense of false confidence in the odds of winning it ourselves.

    Otherwise there is absolutely no purpose whatsoever to spamming us all with what other players have won. If you walked into a casino and people all around you were screaming JACKPOT and winning, wouldn't you think your odds are going to be pretty good too?

    As I typed this message, at least 10 people have won the Jem'Hadar Attack Ship according to the onscreen spam messages. Sorry for getting lulled into a false sense of hope by their tantalizing jackpot messages. After all, that is exactly what they wanted me to feel so I would open my wallet.

    Now I know not to fall for it again. So all they have managed to do is keep me from spending more money on their scam-ridden promos.

    You can turn off the spam

    A company taking advantage of human nature don't tell restaurants they might take advantage of a hungry person with the smell of Bacon.

    mmmmm Bacon
  • basedelta0basedelta0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Wait! You didn't win the (what is essentially a) lottery?! OMG im so sorry.

    BTW, RNG is RNG.
  • ussberlinussberlin Member Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    open 1000 and you still might not have the Ship
    18 Cpt on the way to 60: 14 of them are already 50 or over 50, one is 60 and 3 almost 43
    Subscribed For: 4 years 5 months 20 days at 26.10.2014
  • tsurutafan01tsurutafan01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    "We are smart." - Grebnedlog

    Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The odds are about 1 in (90-100)

    Lock box odds are 1 in 190ish at 125 zen

    so Doff pack would be 275 - so yay I would say 1 in 90 or about 25,000 Zen Max
  • romuzariiromuzarii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It's not really a scam. It's a lottery. It's a money grab. There is a difference, and there is a good reason they refuse to reveal what the odds are, but most of us around these forums fully understand what the odds are, 1% or less. Typically in lockboxes the odds are 0.5%. One can presume, assuming Cryptic doesn't straight up lie which would be illegal I'm pretty sure when it involves making money, that the drop rate is roughly doubled to 1% for doff packs.

    Not to add insult to injury but I was 1 for 1 on my JHAS when they first offered the ship via doff packs. Since I'm like 0 for 150. I'm sure I will add to that count after tonight passes.

    No one ever enjoys not winning ship lotteries, but please don't be naive about it. It's very rare for a reason. The reason you see so many people winning is because there are literally thousands of people opening them on day 1 of the promo. Most people are not going to win this ship from this doff pack. At most there will be a couple thousand over the next two weeks, most kept, leftovers sold off. 3 months from now we'll see once again a meager 5 ships or so for sale for 300 million +.

    It's a judgment call. Either risk your dollars for no return, or use your dollars to get EC until you can buy the ship. I'm telling you now from experience, option 2 is by far the superior choice by 10,000 miles, but the temptation of getting the ship with little effort is very strong and you'll likely choose option 1. And you did. And it didn't pay off. And you're not the first person to rage post about it on these forums. And you won't be the last. But getting mad at it is like getting mad at the real lottery for not winning. Your money is gone and there's nothing to show for it. That's why they call it gambling. The only person you can blame is yourself for giving into temptation.

    None of this helps you at the end of the day, but that's just the way it is. Gambling rocks when you win. It blows hardcore when you lose. Cryptic's method is shady, but it's a far cry from scamming.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    There is a city of lights in the desert with your name on it. :cool:

    Dude, I frikkin' love this. It sums up this whole scam completely. I'm sure a few have gotten lucky. But the desert is a pretty big place for lots of people...
  • aurigas7aurigas7 Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Check the doffs you got. If you got the right ones you can start producing very rarey MK XII consoles from empowered alien artifacts. Making hundrets of millions in the process.
    With that money you can buy whatever shiny toy you want off the exchange.
    Otherwise you just learned you lesson. ;)
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    there are millions and millions of people who spend $20 a week on the powerball for 20 years+ and never won

    But I believe there is a case of a person who won on their 1st ticket

    The odds of getting hit by a metor with Captain kirk riding it are actually higher!
  • tsurutafan01tsurutafan01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'd also like to point out 15 packs = about 3 keys worth of investment. More like three and a half on the sale price but a half key is as good as no key at all. So three keys. If you wanted to do this the old way.

    Get back to me in another 50 keys.

    "We are smart." - Grebnedlog

    Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'd also like to point out 15 packs = about 3 keys worth of investment. More like three and a half on the sale price but a half key is as good as no key at all. So three keys. If you wanted to do this the old way.

    Get back to me in another 50 keys.

    Actually 15 pack @ 275 zen = 4125/125 = 33 keys
  • tsurutafan01tsurutafan01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Man where did I come up with that math? That's just terrible.

    It's time to turn off the computer for the day and go look at trees. Touch a kitten. Talk to people. Eat a fruit.

    My apologies.

    "We are smart." - Grebnedlog

    Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
  • tercerustercerus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    aurigas7 wrote: »
    Check the doffs you got. If you got the right ones you can start producing very rarey MK XII consoles from empowered alien artifacts. Making hundrets of millions in the process.
    With that money you can buy whatever shiny toy you want off the exchange.
    Otherwise you just learned you lesson. ;)

    I'm new, so I'm not sure what you mean. I did get some alien artifacts. What do I do with them?
  • walshicuswalshicus Member Posts: 1,314 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tercerus wrote: »
    I'm new, so I'm not sure what you mean. I did get some alien artifacts. What do I do with them?

    Go to your ship's interior, speak with your science officer on the engineering deck and you can get them powered and then converted into MK XII consoles. If you're lucky you'll get a Purple quality MK XII console that people want; they can sell for millions.
    http://mmo-economics.com - analysing the economic interactions in MMOs.
  • logicalspocklogicalspock Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Personally, I think it is unethical and possibly illegal to sell these "lottery tickets" without disclosing the odds, but I also think consumers should use a bit of critical thinking.

    If you bothered to check around, the expected value of a Jem'Hadar ship was about $150 when it was first introduced. I have no idea what the expected value is for it this time around, but I doubt it has changed much. You likely have to open over $100 US worth of packs to get a ship and you have a reasonable chance of spending $100s of dollars without winning the lottery.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    So people are not getting overpowered purple space bugs? Yay!
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