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Update on Fleet Marks and Dilithium



  • hump5hump5 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    ..... Or what about the snottiness of that reply?

    It did seem a little terse to say the least but I can't really blame him. He has come in for some pretty heavy flack throughout this thread and if it were me I think I might be disinclined to smile and stroke some ego's too.

    Not that I for a second disagree with the sentiment expressed in the thread .... I just think insulting the man was/is not the best way to highlight our concerns.

    As it stands we get some kind of change/s as early as Thursday which I have to say is a lot earlier than I expected any kind of movement. Then there are more promised to follow. A reason to be happy as far as I am concerned.

    I have a tiny fleet ...essentially just my brother and myself. He lives in Canada and I in the UK ....STO is our 'bro time'. We don't want to be part of a big fleet and started ours just so that we could 'eventually' experience some of the stuff in game that others do.

    I fully understand that being the two of us it might take us a while to get there but, like most people, I need the carrot that dangles in front of me to at least give the illusion that I might get a bite sooner or later. If I can't even see the carrot then someone is not doing their job.

    I don't really group with others .... not because I am anti-social or a snob but because I have MS. Quite often in the middle of battle I get spasms or my hand will lock on the mouse ...... I would be mortified if I screwed the mission for others so I tend not to put myself or others in that position. I did try one last night but the fear of messing up meant that I was a wreck by the end. The other players were nice enough not to call me up if I did mess up though so I survived! :D

    I don't say that to elicit sympathy or make excuses and quite frankly it is no-ones problem but mine. It would be nice however if there were ways that I could solo stuff or play it with my bro (who just laughs when I mess his battle up) that reward as well as the grouping stuff. I swear I am becoming the scourge of Nukara but six marks a time is a tad grindy even for me.

    I can buy the dilithium or farm it ... likewise for other stuff .... I can trawl the exchange etc. However there are no other way to get marks. I for one would be happy if there were more options open to me to get the stuff I need. I don't mind sinking my money to get what I want .....and surely that is the point. I could be rich as Croesus and still I would be a fleet mark pauper. For a game model based around getting me to spend it seems a tad counter intuitive.

    Just my experience of course and there may be reasons behind these decisions that I could not hope to understand but if I can't have it all my own way then explain why and I will respect your honesty.

    Just my thoughts.
  • solidsamsolidsam Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    When Dan gives you lemons, he expects you to drop them and entertain him with Harlem Shakes.

    Sadly, pulling my fleet off of the grind to make such a video is probably the only way we'll have fun until more entertaining ways of earning fleet marks are added. Sad, sad truth.

    If you wanted to showcase a video of fleets having fun, you should have filmed my fleet running Foundry content together and lapping up those fleet marks. That was fun. PvE Queue missions for FMs are not fun. They're a chore, but slightly less fun than vacuuming the carpet.
    Formerly known as Khannnnn
    "Spock, this 'child' is about to wipe out every living thing on Earth. Now, what do you suggest we do? Spank it?" -Commander Leonard 'Bones' McCoy, M.D.
  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    dastahl wrote: »
    As I stated 100s of threads before, additional Fleet Marks are coming.

    Will Fleet Marks be added back to Foundry missions? Nope.

    Will Fleet Marks be increased on other missions? Yes.

    How soon?

    As I hinted at last week, you will see changes over the next several month, but the first change will be this Thursday.

    We are not detailing that change until the patch notes hit.

    PVP is a fleet activity.

    And thanks to the PVP Community run Bootcamp endorsed by your Devs & Community Manager, who are currently offering their time freely to support it, the queues are getting busier.

    Fleet Marks in the queues, Omega Marks in Kerrat. It's so simple.
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    daveyny wrote: »
    I've been around long enough to know that what I can't change or control, means I have to adapt or go find something else to do.

    Then I'd suggest you're reading the wrong thread :)
    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • litchy74litchy74 Member Posts: 417 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    dastahl wrote: »
    As I stated 100s of threads before, additional Fleet Marks are coming.

    Will Fleet Marks be added back to Foundry missions? Nope.

    Will Fleet Marks be increased on other missions? Yes.

    How soon?

    As I hinted at last week, you will see changes over the next several month, but the first change will be this Thursday.

    We are not detailing that change until the patch notes hit.

    Is that it, over 2000 angry post and the company response is tough.................

    If it wasn't for the Star Trek IP I believe this game wouldn't last 6 months.

    I ask all to take the FTP model fully, don't spend any real world money on this game, our wallets are the only thing they will listen too.
    Where ever you go, there you are.......

    Join The Space Invaders,..... Federation and KDF fleets.
  • broadnaxbroadnax Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    One thing has become clear with this reply of yours. You can not do your current job. We have no apology only a vague promise. Well your promises don't mean much anymore. We've all but bang your head with issues and ideas and you just ignore us and do what ever and the sheer arrogance in your last statement is insulting. Even a forum moderator has blasted you on your handling of this issue. So step down Stahl and fine something you can actual do for it is clear you can not do what your currently doing. I wish you the best of luck in any future endeavours....as long as it isn't with STO

    Perhaps he's getting tired of repeating himself or being insulted when he does try to give a more fully crafted response.

    I see nothing arrogant or wrong with his post. It's concise and to the point.

    Look up his posts in the dev tracker and you'll find some more fleshed out statements.
  • vividhvividh Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Let's just see what happens on Thursday.
    In game: @vividh
  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Way to go everyone!! The sudden influx of responses to Dan's brief comments have jumped this thread up to fifth most commented news post since the game entered beta into 2010 - 1st place is in sight :D
    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • kyuui13kyuui13 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Besides, if the rewards were eliminated entirely not only would the foundry die off but we would have a group of brassed off foundry 'super' authors barging around, mouthing off about how butt-hurt they are. I don't know which is worse!
    given how they've whined about the "exploits" so much as of late? I'm almost willing to risk watching them rage and froth at the mouth. It really couldn't be much worse, besides, in my humble opinion, they'd get what they deserve.

    One "author" was whining recently that his tips have gone down drastically. They're not in it for a story at all, they're in it for money, plain and simple greed is all it is. Nothing more, nothing less. And that my dear captain, is why I don't want to have it give rewards. If they were really in it for the story then the loss of tips wouldn't matter, but it does.
    Next time you log in, ask yourself this.
    dastahl wrote: »
    If you can't have fun, then what is the point?
  • gulberatgulberat Member Posts: 5,505 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The tips really aren't that much. They're nice, but the main reason I wrote and posted my mission was because I had a story to share and I wanted people to have the chance to play it and hopefully have fun.

    Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
    Proudly F2P.  Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    broadnax wrote: »
    Perhaps he's getting tired of repeating himself or being insulted when he does try to give a more fully crafted response.

    When a "more fully crafted response" includes details, solutions and a distinct lack of the implication that Cryptic doesn't give a damn about small/medium/KDF fleets, I think it's safe to say that people will be willing to enter into a dialogue.

    A five paragraph post on how we're not going to being told anything until a change goes live and we need to trust Cryptic to fix all the ills of this game, while simultaneously telling anyone who isn't in a multi-hundred member fleet to give up on building their starbase on the other hand...
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    kyuui13 wrote: »
    given how they've whined about the "exploits" so much as of late? I'm almost willing to risk watching them rage and froth at the mouth. It really couldn't be much worse, besides, in my humble opinion, they'd get what they deserve.

    One "author" was whining recently that his tips have gone down drastically. They're not in it for a story at all, they're in it for money, plain and simple greed is all it is. Nothing more, nothing less. And that my dear captain, is why I don't want to have it give rewards. If they were really in it for the story then the loss of tips wouldn't matter, but it does.

    That was the one thing I was only semi serious about in that post :D

    While it would be "just deserts" for some of them, have we really become so petty?
    I need a beer.

  • gr4v1t4rgr4v1t4r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    broadnax wrote: »
    Perhaps he's getting tired of repeating himself or being insulted when he does try to give a more fully crafted response.

    I see nothing arrogant or wrong with his post. It's concise and to the point.

    Look up his posts in the dev tracker and you'll find some more fleshed out statements.

    If he makes a fully crafted response as you call it, why not point out to that *here*, or repost it *here*. Aside from that, it only deals with one of the plethora of issues raised here. Hopefully he's preparing a complete post together with Branflakes at the moment, who could advise him on how to *not* inadvertedly enrage us, again...
    Lost and Delirious... and Disenchanted too
    Apparently some forum posters have diplomatic immunity nowadays, where can I get mine?
    askray wrote: »
    Expressing my opinion isn't trolling but nice try. Besides, if I was you wouldn't know it ;P
  • finious2finious2 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    the PVP community control the game and what about us people who do not like pvp i myself don't like pvp, dont care fore it, to many rules you have to follow to pvp.

    here is what the pvp community would like to see from you

    1. use only 1 weapon.
    2. console slots must be empty.
    3. no shields should be installed on your ship.
    4. no targeting thwe other player let them blast you to little pieces.
    5. oh yeah and make sure you thank the QQ'ing pvp'ers for being thier punching bag.

    the above rules of engagement are a completely made up but i'm sure if the pvp community could some how figure out how to get STO to make us follow a set of rules like that, they would.

    stop crying pvp'ers play the game it is only a game for goodness sake
  • broadnaxbroadnax Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    kyuui13 wrote: »
    Blame shift. Blaming US even though they created the very thing that created the "exploit"

    This is a total non-argument. Every game has loopholes and flaws that only come to light because of players who try to game the system to gain excessive rewards with little to no effort -- which they know is not the intent of the designers or healthy for the game.

    This is not "working smarter", it is purposely attempting to find bugs to exploit. No one does this innocently, although some may find a given exploit by accident. Honest players report said exploit so the devs are aware of it and can address it.
  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    When a "more fully crafted response" includes details, solutions and a distinct lack of the implication that Cryptic doesn't give a damn about small/medium/KDF fleets, I think it's safe to say that people will be willing to enter into a dialogue.

    A five paragraph post on how we're not being told anything and we need to trust Cryptic to fix all the ills of this game, while simultaneously telling anyone who isn't in a multi-hundred member fleet to give up on building their starbase on the other hand...

    It's not that they 'don't give a damn' about small fleets; they HAVE openly stated from DAY ONE of the Fleet system that they designed progression around an active 25 player fleet; and did so that if you decided to make and maintain a smaller Fleet, you had an idea of what you're in for.
    They're never stated anything differently with regard to Fleets and Fleet progression, so how much more upfront or honest can they be regarding this particular design decision?
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
  • jackal1701apwjackal1701apw Member Posts: 669 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Quite disappointed by the tersness and complete lack of info in dstahl's reply.
    Its taken 4 days to come up with that?!

    Also... it's quite clear that you missed the point. This isn't just about FM. I kinda lost the will to care now anyway...

  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    gulberat wrote: »

    Mr. Stahl, I'm sorry to hear your daughter is sick. I mean that. I hope your job allows telecommuting so you can be there now as well as last night.


    If this is the case, then I sympathise.

    However, it is equally clear that Mr Stahl is in no way fit at the moment to deal with this issue.

    Mr Stahl should go home, do all he can for his family and delegate responsibility for fixing the horrendous valentines day massacre patch to someone with the clout to actually make changes

    Waiting until thursday for an unspecified fix to unspecified issues is unacceptable.

    Not apologising in the slightest for the terrible way this has been handled is also unacceptable.
  • giaranagiarana Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    dastahl wrote: »
    As I stated 100s of threads before, additional Fleet Marks are coming.

    Will Fleet Marks be added back to Foundry missions? Nope.

    Will Fleet Marks be increased on other missions? Yes.

    How soon?

    As I hinted at last week, you will see changes over the next several month, but the first change will be this Thursday.

    We are not detailing that change until the patch notes hit.

    This is your answer?

    Do you think that your customers want to hear that we may have to wait SEVERAL months?

    A HINT? Come on mate, most of your player base are adults, which in itself makes this very different from many other MMOs! We're not children. Don't give us hints, give us answers.

    And how about all the other ISSUES that have been raised here, will you drop us any HINTS about when we can reasonably expect some CHANGE around here.

    We are not metrics that you can read and "interpret" in such a way as to fit your business model.

    We are actually most genuinely unhappy, this thread and its responses aren't coming from data-mining software, it's coming from living breathing PAYING customers.

    Now for this ==>
    dastahl wrote: »
    As I hinted at last week, you will see changes over the next several month, but the first change will be this Thursday.

    Then after this thread has clearly shown that being kept in the dark is a huge issue on its own you post this...
    dastahl wrote: »
    We are not detailing that change until the patch notes hit.

    Really I don't have the words, or to be honest the will to give any kind of response to this.

    But I'll ask this for the heck of it... Will this CHANGE be THOROUGHLY DEBUGGED and PLAYTESTED on the Tribble TEST SERVER, before releasing it for our use? Which I hope will mean Tribble patch notes, so that we can decide whether or not to patch and play?

    (Just a little point, that refers to the whole time gating issue, Ok so it takes 20 yrs or more to build a starbase, but then again it also takes 25+ yrs to make Vice Admiral... [ensign to VA50 ~ 3-4 weeks in game])
    =/\= 106th Fleet =/\=
    Website | Fleet Charter | Mission Statement | Forums | Join | F.A.Q.
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It's not that they 'don't give a damn' about small fleets; they HAVE openly stated from DAY ONE of the Fleet system that they designed progression around an active 25 player fleet; and did so that if you decided to make and maintain a smaller Fleet, you had an idea of what you're in for.

    25 people. But people are not all equal as I'm sure you know already. Not all of us are the "UBERMEGAomfgWTF no life grinder" that their metric would seem to call for.
    They're never stated anything differently with regard to Fleets and Fleet progression, so how much more upfront or honest can they be regarding this particular design decision?

    Well, hows about stating how the assess their metrics? How's about detailing how much play they expect those 25 "average joes" in their generic fleet to play in order to make a t5 base?

    They could also cut out most of the "truuuuust meeee" stuff and tell us what is happening?
    I need a beer.

  • gulberatgulberat Member Posts: 5,505 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Rinkster--He stated in the closure post for the Harlem Shake thread that he was up in the middle of the night last night trying to calm his daughter, who was sick.

    Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
    Proudly F2P.  Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    And this is partly why this game is in the current state. I have said this many times;

    Far too many people too willing to accept and even pay for mediocrity and failing to hold developers accountible.

    Mediocrity is in the eye-of-the-beholder... Not everybody playing this game finds it to be as lacking as you apparently do.

    I've hit a few of the bugs in the game and have often been frustrated by them, but I've also seen how many of the past bugs are slowly being dealt with.
    The game is not perfect and neither are the folks running it, but since it's apparent to me at this time that They are doing what they can to improve it overall (while still trying to make a living from it AND please their bosses), I'm willing to make the best of the situation.

    The game has come a looong way since it first opened, the road has been fraught with potholes and half built bridges, but in my opinion, it's still fun to play.

    When it stops being fun for me, I'll find something else to do and look back with found memories.
    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It's not that they 'don't give a damn' about small fleets; they HAVE openly stated from DAY ONE of the Fleet system that they designed progression around an active 25 player fleet; and did so that if you decided to make and maintain a smaller Fleet, you had an idea of what you're in for.

    Considering we went from "25 folks playing a few hours a week will be gated only by the completion time of the starbase" to "25 folks playing multiple hours a day will be required to finish a starbase within a year", I think it's safe to say that expectations have radically changed.

    People in smaller fleets were assured that that would be able to make reasonable and steady progress through the system with a reasonable amount of time invested. Not at the rate that large fleets are able to, but steady progress nonetheless. That's absolutely not the case, and you know it.
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    DaveyNY, it would seem to me that you haven't played any really good games then. STO as it stands is at best mediocre. The thing that drew me in regardless of the mediocre reviews?
    Star Trek.
    I need a beer.

  • kyuui13kyuui13 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    gulberat wrote: »
    The tips really aren't that much. They're nice, but the main reason I wrote and posted my mission was because I had a story to share and I wanted people to have the chance to play it and hopefully have fun.

    So then tell me, if they removed the tips, from the game entirely, would you continue to make them? Would you really continue to do so? If they don't matter that much would you join a random fleet each week and drop the DIL into a project for them? (while extreme, it shows just how much they matter)
    Next time you log in, ask yourself this.
    dastahl wrote: »
    If you can't have fun, then what is the point?
  • gr4v1t4rgr4v1t4r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    gulberat wrote: »
    Rinkster--He stated in the closure post for the Harlem Shake thread that he was up in the middle of the night last night trying to calm his daughter, who was sick.

    That comment was made in relation to a personal request made by him, and he already explained his motivation for doing so there. It has nothing to do with this, so let's leave that out of this discussion. If that was the reason behind the lack of response in this thread, all he had to do was tell us so. I'm not *that* bitchy that I wouldn't be able to sympathise, and I trust the same applies to everyone here. However, that has neither been stated nor implied, so I suggest we leave that out of this discussion, since it is not relevant.
    Lost and Delirious... and Disenchanted too
    Apparently some forum posters have diplomatic immunity nowadays, where can I get mine?
    askray wrote: »
    Expressing my opinion isn't trolling but nice try. Besides, if I was you wouldn't know it ;P
  • thebumblethebumble Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2013
    broadnax wrote: »
    This is a total non-argument. Every game has loopholes and flaws that only come to light because of players who try to game the system to gain excessive rewards with little to no effort -- which they know is not the intent of the designers or healthy for the game.

    This is not "working smarter", it is purposely attempting to find bugs to exploit. No one does this innocently, although some may find a given exploit by accident. Honest players report said exploit so the devs are aware of it and can address it.

    Believe me, when I see a loophole or flaw I'll call it a loophole or flaw. What they have here is BUGGY CODE! Most of this post has nothing to do with The Foundry or Fleet Marks. Those are just the latest in a string of bad decisions and changes made by Cryptic.

    The release of Season 7 was a bad decision. It was released, and still is, broken. They should have QC'd for another month, and actually listened to their player base that told them beforehand how that content would be received. Same as this last patch. 75+ pages telling them about bugs, and how their players would view their changes, all in ONE DAY. and they went live with the patch anyways.

    This is not smart decision making, which is mostly Epic Fail...

    Now go grind your 3 hours so you can make enough Omega Marks, Romulan Marks, Fleet Marks and Lobi's so you can line up to do it again tomorrow.

    And BTW, that 3 hour estimate was conservative...
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    gr4v1t4r wrote: »
    That comment was made in relation to a personal request made by him, and he already explained his motivation for doing so there. It has nothing to do with this, so let's leave that out of this discussion. If that was the reason behind the lack of response in this thread, all he had to do was tell us so. I'm not *that* bitchy that I wouldn't be able to sympathise, and I trust the same applies to everyone here. However, that has neither been stated nor implied, so I suggest we leave that out of this discussion, since it is not relevant.

    Fair enough, I couldn't see the original post as the thread had been closed, I was just replying to the comment made in this thread.
  • giaranagiarana Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    gr4v1t4r wrote: »
    God, why didn't he repost that *here*...

    Aside from the fact that it skips by all of the other concerns in this thread, it is at least a decent post and not a bunch of unsubstantiated points.

    =/\= 106th Fleet =/\=
    Website | Fleet Charter | Mission Statement | Forums | Join | F.A.Q.
  • sboslayersboslayer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    While I understand were you are coming from. There is faulty logic here However in the case of this posting, I will attempt to be constructive in my following remarks to provide "feedback" as I feel these are the important ones to be addressed..

    The first of which being is the assumption there are more exploiters out weighing the non exploiters. Imo I think there are more important exploit fixes that should come such as I don't know. Season 4's supposedly revamped ground pvp... to this day and for months there is nothing but, exploits.

    Secondly: Removing something with nothing to replace it is a very very bad move and will only further highlight the lack of game progression. Simply putting something in the future is simply just not good enough and will only further bring player discontent.

    Thirdly: We hear a lot of the term "balance". So were more interested in Balancing the Fleet bases... which aren't imo and are completely bias towards smaller fleets. But, yet although the focus is on balancing the bases, but not balancing the game play such as P2W consoles, beams = rubbish... y'know there are too many to list, see the feedback.
    That just totally baffles me that we are more interested in base balance than anything else.

    In conclusion I feel the bases are restricted like this to only further force players to continue to play the same content over and over to keep the game numbers up. Let's face it's all about the marketing strategy to keep players interested. Repeating stuff over and over again will not keep any player interested... it will just bore them to death. I mean I just pvp these days (which is the only decent end game stuff to do and that's broken, due to balance) or help with the dith grind or FM grind. I'm slowly thinking a short break "not raging" would be good now, but alas I do love the community in my fleets and that's what keeps me here. I believe that Dstal is just stuck simply with the pressures of PWE and that's what is really the route cause of these issues. I wouldn't entirely blame him for this move.
This discussion has been closed.