The shabby models the Exploration and Dread cruisers look are almost infuriating. The Venture type is not AS bad but it's far from good. So many misplaced weapon hardpoints, not a single physical phaser array is used to fire any weapon. The most ridiculous part? The T4 version does that! The original Venture Refit uses it's pylon aux phaser arrays instead of the aft torpedo launcher, and the Ambassador even uses the saucer mounted arrays for aft weapons. It is possible, it is in-game, yet they don't do anything about it. Even worse is that the Galaxy Refit (Dread) even got it's nacelle mounted aux arrays which ARE NOT USED.
The Galaxy models just scream lazy wherever you look. That's why I went for the Venture - it lacks the hardpoints etc. as well, but it's not as infuriating to see that.
On another note: I actually like the seperated dread cruiser mechanics. I know it is stupid and I hate that the "lance" seperates, but I like the mechanic. It is fun. So I was thinking, why doesn't the Explorer get something comparable?
Look at this: We clearly see that the phaser array is able to perform a "sweep" and not only fire at a fixed target. What about a "phaser sweep" ability to deal wandering AoE damage in front of the ship to clear hangar pets etc. - it could work in two phases, each array (dorsal and ventral) perform the sweep with a short delay. Another gimmick? Sure, but it would be a neat mechanic, something unique and look good Maybe they could even add the torpedo spread afterwards, calling it a full barrage.
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
Hey guys, just putting a note here that CaptainSmirk mentioned the misaligned phaser lance cannon during his March 7 Meet 'n Greet at Drozana:
So, here's hoping to get that detail taking care of.
Don't count on it. This issue has been known for YEARS now. There were like 100 threads discussing these obvious errors. The fact that they now behave like they've never heard of it before makes it even more unlikely to get fixed soon. If they really wanted to get this fixed they would have done so for the Galaxy "revamp".
As thankful as I am for the X updates, surely they could detail one of the modellers to spend some time on it each day and get the issue resolved. Hell, if I could help, I would, and I'd do it for free.
Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
funny how they never added any improvements for the Galaxy R. Reason why I don't like the galaxy X is because I don't like how it looks like and I grew up with the orginal Galaxy. Hope they give us a TNG bundle with an actually Galaxy bridge like the one from the tv show.
Its funny how an ensign universal slot + 2 more tac consoles turns the Galaxy into a 30k+ machine.
Look at what non diminishing return tac consoles can do
So what you're saying is "it would be nice to have a LTC or CMDR tactical because this ship, even with the hangar is weaker than every other Fed-Cruiser?"
That and "the old ship had 2 tactical consoles, the new version has 4 and the fleet version has 5", unless you're saying the non-fleet version has 2 in spite of the fact it has 3 in which cause you are not looking at the Dreadnought.
It was never about out doing something that others couldn't but having a Galaxy that can compete with the others. Well after flying the Fleet Galaxy-X for a few days it can compete in PvE and PvP. Is it the best? No. But it's not far behind anymore.
Now until they update the Fleet Galaxy...
They just need to add a tac console and a hangar.
All they really need to do is change the boff layout. The ship will be bearable at that point.
stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9 My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
Yeah, adding a hangar is just about the only thing you could do to this ship to make it even worse than it already is. They'd have to take away two Comm Array options to keep it in line with other Flight Deck Cruisers.
Also, as an aside, players drastically overvalue Tactical consoles. Their actual enhancement of any given weapon is quite limited. The tooltips on the consoles are misleading, which is why this valuation exists. But personally, if I'm building a ship for DPS, the difference between a 5 tac console ship and a 3 tac console ship is potentially entirely negated if the 3 tac console ship has higher DPS uptime during a fight by a factor of tens of seconds. That uptime can be due to turn rate keeping things in firing arcs, to higher survivability allowing my positioning to be closer to the boss, or due to the ability to slot more offensive-oriented BOff powers - any of these things can more than account for one or two tactical console slots.
Just pointing this out, guys.
They want ships of every console and BOFF arrangement to be useful. And they disagree with the overvaluing that some people apparently have with tactical consoles.
Sounds like they also think that there isn't a damned thing wrong with the Galaxy.
i just do not get how they could not have at least given the fleet gal-r a uni ensign. then we could at least do something with it
That's one of the options I totally agree with even though I will still use engineering ensign for EPTE. Becuase many people over look the possibility of needing EPTE instead of EPTS in tough situations or even to improve up time.
They want ships of every console and BOFF arrangement to be useful. And they disagree with the overvaluing that some people apparently have with tactical consoles.
Sounds like they also think that there isn't a damned thing wrong with the Galaxy.
to bad he's incorrect. tac consoles make a big difference when you really stack tac buffs, all the multipliers take those small increases in damage and magnify them quite a bit. its not AS big a deal on non spike damage ships, but even on cruisers a little bit more dps can be the differcne between keeping up with someones healing and outpacing it. every tiny bit of damage is needed to pressure someone to death.
fleet tac consoles now buffing the highest amount ever, and stacking crit, blows TFO his opinion of tac consoles.
They want ships of every console and BOFF arrangement to be useful. And they disagree with the overvaluing that some people apparently have with tactical consoles.
Sounds like they also think that there isn't a damned thing wrong with the Galaxy.
Well if one of the devs said it it must be true! :rolleyes:
That was probably one of the stupidest posts I've ever seen from a dev. With the new spire consoles your not only buffing your damage with every additional console, but your crit chance as well. So not only are your standard hits more damaging but your critical are more numerous and more damaging as well.
As for his comment about weapon arcs well sure.. if your a terrible pilot flying a 5 tac console ship and you cant keep an optimal firing position then a ship with less tac consoles will out-dps you. That's obvious, but doesn't support any argument about the Galaxy being okay as is. That's an argument that a terrible pilot in a good ship will do poorly against a good pilot in a terrible ship.
If he wants to talk about limited enhancement lets talk about the Galaxy's 5 engineering console slots. Unlike tac consoles resistance consoles suffer from diminishing turns making that many engineering console slots useless.
I use the over kill console slots as places I can put stuff like the Borg assimilated console and sauser seperation . There's no need to put resists in there due to dimishing returns . But over all the recent reboot was a joke and an effort by cryptic as a money grab ( which I hope failed ). Everything they had listed as an improvement was something they had already put in game many moons ago . ( the new skins, well they are new but that's about it ).
Originally Posted by adjudicatorhawk View Post
Ding ding ding ding!
Also, as an aside, players drastically overvalue Tactical consoles. Their actual enhancement of any given weapon is quite limited. The tooltips on the consoles are misleading, which is why this valuation exists. But personally, if I'm building a ship for DPS, the difference between a 5 tac console ship and a 3 tac console ship is potentially entirely negated if the 3 tac console ship has higher DPS uptime during a fight by a factor of tens of seconds. That uptime can be due to turn rate keeping things in firing arcs, to higher survivability allowing my positioning to be closer to the boss, or due to the ability to slot more offensive-oriented BOff powers - any of these things can more than account for one or two tactical console slots.
"When we see what we see, then we hear what we hear, we reason to think what we think."
ummm... i guess thats an ok lance alpha striker. i guess.
so wheres the fleet gurumba? gecko can be quoted on past podcasts saying its release would be be linked to a fleet dread release. this is sorta like one of those classic cryptic 'broken promises', why they dont say definitive things very often before release. but, this was one of those definitive things said before release...
well, i would sort of prefer to play the game he is describing more then the one that exists
Well if it doesn't work the way he's describing, and by all accords we should believe you, a player who has far more experience in testing the mechanics of the game than he has, it does seem reasonable that the game he's describing is at the very least the game he, and possibly several of the other devs, are what they want STO to be. And honestly, if they truly think STO is that game already, they're gonna stop trying to make it like the game he described... which is pretty bad news for us.
so wheres the fleet gurumba? gecko can be quoted on past podcasts saying its release would be be linked to a fleet dread release. this is sorta like one of those classic cryptic 'broken promises', why they dont say definitive things very often before release. but, this was one of those definitive things said before release...
well, lets just say the only thing thats build is good for is useing EPtW3, decloaking, and shooting its aoe lance, and then hopefully escaping and staying cloaked till it can do that again. that gigantic hole in its EPtS and TT up time mean it has a max life expectancy of 30 seconds, in pvp at least. even pve missions, like the mirror invasion, it wont last any longer there. the weapons are a total cluster, DHCs and no turn consoles, its not an AtB build, it doesn't even use damage control doffs for EPt skill uptime, it just has an absurd 3 different EPt skills all with 50% uptime.
basically, do something completely different, start completely from scratch. first figure out how you want to use it, beam boat or some kind of alpha strikeing DHC and spike ship. theres to many styles of use possible, even for a cruiser like this, to just come up with the 'improved' build.
More like what I'm using, but with a few tweaks. Use Phasers instead of Plasma, and take the three points from Starship Particle Generators and put them into Starship Attack Patterns. For Bridge Officer powers, put Fire at Will I in the Ensign Universal, and fill the Lieutenant Tactical station with Tactical Team I and Attack Pattern Beta I.
Never use torpedoes if you're going for a high-damage build. They're a handicap.
Nope, you're wrong, as I said in another post, the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. I've been perfecting that build for years, and whilst it looks unusual on paper in practise it works. It doesn't matter to me really if it doesn't get the drunk seal of approval, it works for me and quite a few others who have copied it.
Yes everyone is wrong. If you enjoy the build power to you, but there are better builds for the Dreadnought. It's really that simple. Your build is trying to be half escort half cruiser and is failing at both.
The Galaxy models just scream lazy wherever you look. That's why I went for the Venture - it lacks the hardpoints etc. as well, but it's not as infuriating to see that.
On another note: I actually like the seperated dread cruiser mechanics. I know it is stupid and I hate that the "lance" seperates, but I like the mechanic. It is fun. So I was thinking, why doesn't the Explorer get something comparable?
Look at this: We clearly see that the phaser array is able to perform a "sweep" and not only fire at a fixed target. What about a "phaser sweep" ability to deal wandering AoE damage in front of the ship to clear hangar pets etc. - it could work in two phases, each array (dorsal and ventral) perform the sweep with a short delay. Another gimmick? Sure, but it would be a neat mechanic, something unique and look good
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Don't count on it. This issue has been known for YEARS now. There were like 100 threads discussing these obvious errors. The fact that they now behave like they've never heard of it before makes it even more unlikely to get fixed soon. If they really wanted to get this fixed they would have done so for the Galaxy "revamp".
As thankful as I am for the X updates, surely they could detail one of the modellers to spend some time on it each day and get the issue resolved. Hell, if I could help, I would, and I'd do it for free.
My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
So what you're saying is "it would be nice to have a LTC or CMDR tactical because this ship, even with the hangar is weaker than every other Fed-Cruiser?"
That and "the old ship had 2 tactical consoles, the new version has 4 and the fleet version has 5", unless you're saying the non-fleet version has 2 in spite of the fact it has 3 in which cause you are not looking at the Dreadnought.
Either way - nothing that other ships cannot do.
All they really need to do is change the boff layout. The ship will be bearable at that point.
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
I respectfully disagree.
Yeah, adding a hangar is just about the only thing you could do to this ship to make it even worse than it already is. They'd have to take away two Comm Array options to keep it in line with other Flight Deck Cruisers.
They want ships of every console and BOFF arrangement to be useful. And they disagree with the overvaluing that some people apparently have with tactical consoles.
Sounds like they also think that there isn't a damned thing wrong with the Galaxy.
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That's one of the options I totally agree with even though I will still use engineering ensign for EPTE. Becuase many people over look the possibility of needing EPTE instead of EPTS in tough situations or even to improve up time.
to bad he's incorrect. tac consoles make a big difference when you really stack tac buffs, all the multipliers take those small increases in damage and magnify them quite a bit. its not AS big a deal on non spike damage ships, but even on cruisers a little bit more dps can be the differcne between keeping up with someones healing and outpacing it. every tiny bit of damage is needed to pressure someone to death.
fleet tac consoles now buffing the highest amount ever, and stacking crit, blows TFO his opinion of tac consoles.
Well if one of the devs said it it must be true! :rolleyes:
That was probably one of the stupidest posts I've ever seen from a dev. With the new spire consoles your not only buffing your damage with every additional console, but your crit chance as well. So not only are your standard hits more damaging but your critical are more numerous and more damaging as well.
As for his comment about weapon arcs well sure.. if your a terrible pilot flying a 5 tac console ship and you cant keep an optimal firing position then a ship with less tac consoles will out-dps you. That's obvious, but doesn't support any argument about the Galaxy being okay as is. That's an argument that a terrible pilot in a good ship will do poorly against a good pilot in a terrible ship.
If he wants to talk about limited enhancement lets talk about the Galaxy's 5 engineering console slots. Unlike tac consoles resistance consoles suffer from diminishing turns making that many engineering console slots useless.
"When we see what we see, then we hear what we hear, we reason to think what we think."
ummm... i guess thats an ok lance alpha striker. i guess.
so wheres the fleet gurumba? gecko can be quoted on past podcasts saying its release would be be linked to a fleet dread release. this is sorta like one of those classic cryptic 'broken promises', why they dont say definitive things very often before release. but, this was one of those definitive things said before release...
Not necessarily. Not about gameplay mechanics, at least.
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well, i would sort of prefer to play the game he is describing more then the one that exists
Give em a few months. After nerfing attack patterns, things will be closer to what he's playing on internal servers.
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I'm curious... How would you improve it?
My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
You know, I would want to know that as well.
well, lets just say the only thing thats build is good for is useing EPtW3, decloaking, and shooting its aoe lance, and then hopefully escaping and staying cloaked till it can do that again. that gigantic hole in its EPtS and TT up time mean it has a max life expectancy of 30 seconds, in pvp at least. even pve missions, like the mirror invasion, it wont last any longer there. the weapons are a total cluster, DHCs and no turn consoles, its not an AtB build, it doesn't even use damage control doffs for EPt skill uptime, it just has an absurd 3 different EPt skills all with 50% uptime.
basically, do something completely different, start completely from scratch. first figure out how you want to use it, beam boat or some kind of alpha strikeing DHC and spike ship. theres to many styles of use possible, even for a cruiser like this, to just come up with the 'improved' build.
More like what I'm using, but with a few tweaks. Use Phasers instead of Plasma, and take the three points from Starship Particle Generators and put them into Starship Attack Patterns. For Bridge Officer powers, put Fire at Will I in the Ensign Universal, and fill the Lieutenant Tactical station with Tactical Team I and Attack Pattern Beta I.
Never use torpedoes if you're going for a high-damage build. They're a handicap.
Yes everyone is wrong. If you enjoy the build power to you, but there are better builds for the Dreadnought. It's really that simple. Your build is trying to be half escort half cruiser and is failing at both.