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***The Official Login Queue Thread!*** (Threads about queues will be moved here)



  • jstewart55jstewart55 Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    And those of us who've made significant C-Store contributions are just chopped liver, of course.
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    To be fair, it's a bit of a joke really. Cryptic obviously haven't got the server requirements for their customers. They've raved recently about how much work they've done on their servers, but we've still got a lot of people queuing.

    I signed on about 2:30pm (GMT+1), I had a short wait then, though have recently attempted to switch character so I can grind through some dailies. I'm not stuck in a queue of 20k+ :rolleyes:
  • pnk4lpnk4l Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    so this is the second day of getting put at 19k on the login queues. i'm just wondering if they are doing this deliberately. I get in after however long and play for10 mins then get dc'ed and get put back to 19k. I get in play for 30 mins decide to change toons and BAM what do you know back to 19k. with all of the problems over the past few weeks with the whole NW and LOR beta server crashes one would think that they would upgrade their servers to handle the increase in players to said games. but sadly no they would rather just enrage 20k customers and risk losing players and profits in the process. don't get me wrong I understand that thereis going to be an increase of players due to the expansion, but to have 22111 players in the queue ( it is 3:25 pm est. 5/22/2013 for the record ) waiting to play a game is just a downright slap in the face when all this could have been prevented with just a little preparation.
  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Queue is... 22... THOUSAND... people...

    Wtf? :confused:

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • edevans11edevans11 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The real problem is not free to play vs. pay, nor booting... apparently their programming team didnt take into account the idea of having overflow (without instanced, individual servers)... max $ for work that way!
  • tlacedisontlacedison Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    this doesnt make sense at all, a queue longer than 20,000. It takes forever.
  • harloth1harloth1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    LOL... did you notice one of the things they had to quickly fix yesterday?

    "Updated the name of the Romulan Legacy Pack in the C-Store.
    *Previously it was displaying as the "Founder's Pack."

    Well, thank god thats taken care of. Now we all can breath a sigh of relief. :D
  • sergey1993sergey1993 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2013
    I've been waiting like 14 hours in and still nothing happens
  • kane2007kane2007 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    goes down ever so slowly ive been in a que now for just over 3hours and only gone down from 25k to 22300 at this rate I may get to play sometime next month
  • kingofpikachukingofpikachu Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Any clue how longer it will take if Im 18,522?
  • xyzyzxxyzyzx Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm #21,622 in the queue of 21,961. This is ridiculous.

    An Hour? I figure 5 hours of waiting to get in...might as well never log out...oh wait that's what happens in asia, then never log out they just tag off players to keep going 24/7
  • jstewart55jstewart55 Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Plenty of people trying to log-in, but no one wants to leave while levelling-up their new characters.
  • darthpostaldarthpostal Member Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    While I'm glad that STO finally gets it's well-deserved popularity, unless something changes, all those new players will move out and never look back. No one will wait 20k+ queue. Cryptic will be back to square 1.
  • kdakota#5438 kdakota Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Last night when they first re-re-re-launched.. (LOL) as soon as the server came up i logged in and was stuck in a que 1K of people that quickly.. their server must be really small and can only handle very few people at that rate.. today (Just now) over 25K people waiting in line..

    Now dont get me wrong but Ive been playing about 6 months.. never have i ever seen a que.. instanat login always..

    Sure this is a 'new release' update release.. sure many are probally excited to see it.. but their servers cant handle it and leave 25K people waiting in line that will most likely give up?

    Something has to give.. I wonder what the chances are of them reducing slots to try and improve their sale stats for LTS, Monthly and so on???

    Would not suprise me esp with the 'big sale of LT' that just so happend to come out just beause of the new launch..
  • kimbrell1007kimbrell1007 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I was just 4,000 away then got disconnected:mad:
  • culmenationculmenation Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well, hey, the best way to avoid the queue - keep bumping your character so you aren't considered "idle" when you minimize to hang out on the forums :)

    Ahh the dilemma of the login queue
    A long login queue incentivises staying on, thus making the login queue even longer since nobody logs off.
  • karcornerkarcorner Member Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So the people complaining, are you life subs or gold????
  • edevans11edevans11 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A login queue pisses people off period... bad tactic... how would any individual enjoy waiting 1 to 2 hours to get on an alt and start DOFF assignments, then wait the same to return to one's main?
  • graptorgraptor Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jstewart55 wrote: »
    Plenty of people trying to log-in, but no one wants to leave while levelling-up their new characters.

    It's not just that. Even SWITCHING CHARACTERS dumps you back into the queue.

    So does getting disconnected. Or crashing.

    A queue system that incentivises wasting server resources by never logging out is more harm than help.
  • bumpy3bumpy3 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi all,
    I'm a free to play guy. I know this makes me less than targ TRIBBLE, but still I have to say something. I was a paying member for 2 and a half years, was going to get a life time membership. I was really hopeing that I would get a chance to play with all this new content, but no! I and alot of other people will sit on the sidelines just waiting to see if ower number is called. I have been and always will be a fan of Star Trek. But have to tell you that this sucks!!!!!! I f you just would tell us that for the next month, we the no names would have to wait to play. We would. But no, for us who were here when there was no content to stay and play and do the same thing over and over again mean nothing to you. I get it, we didn't pay to play. But, we will be here when all this turns to dust. But I wouldn't show any love to the free players.
    Take care all, maybe I will see you in game. Ha, not really...... But still hears hopeing.......

    Mark 88th Fleet
  • chronoss2012chronoss2012 Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    20732 of 22787

    dropped 200 in 10 minutes lets do this math
    100 every 5 minutes times 12 = 1200
    times ten hours = 12000

    8700 left
    1200 times 7 more hours = 8400

    17.5 hrs to wait

    17688 NOW after 30 minutes

    faster about 5000/30 minutes
    500/3 minutes or about 170 per minute

    about 2hrs if the connection remains stable for a total time of 2.5 hrs
  • angelofappleangelofapple Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Atm 22 850 people are queueing :eek:
  • dstden1dstden1 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If they has spent half as much getting the game ready for launch as they did on marketing and advertising there wouldn't be any problems at all. lol
  • jakeyboyjchjakeyboyjch Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This would have been my second day on STO. Monday when i started playing i loved it and even thought about treating myself to some of the real money only stuff when i have played for a few more days and got into it. Instead however i get home from work at 6 press login wait an hour for it to patch then wait for an hour on the Que to get from 24k to 22k well done cryptic/perfect world you just lost yourself a willing to pay customer.
  • nastygothicnastygothic Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Currently I am 4,464 out of 22,741 in the que.

    Now, if this was a motorway, and the average length of a British car is 4.7 meters:

    4.7metre x 22,741 = 106882.7miles = 66mi 728.34yd

    So, effectively, Star Trek Online's traffic que is 66 miles long if you were to compare it to a Motorway/Highway...

    However... if you add at least 1 meter space between each vehicle across 3 lanes:

    1metre x 106882.7 miles / 3 = 35627.56666666667metres = 35627.56666666667m = 22mi 242.78yd

    So, in total, our humble traffic que is the equivalent of:

    66 + 22 =

    88 mile tailback.

    Oh, and by the way, the que is still rising.
  • deathrace147deathrace147 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I was thinking (its what I do when sto doesn't work)...

    Roughly how many people can the sto servers handle anyone know a rough number?

    I got from 16k to around 14k in the queue then it timed out and I am at 22k now.
  • a0k0a0t0e0s0ha0k0a0t0e0s0h Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm not a "gold" member but i have spent more than 100$ in this game...they really must adjust the queue accordingly. Being 23453 out of 23894 is ridiculous!!

    Cryptic get your **** together!!!
    If i have paid for something i expect to get priority login at least!
  • bauer6bauer6 Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    this is b*****t....total b******t...

    cryptic knackered it up yet again...clap..clap...clap well done guys.

    and NOT ONE response from the powers at be at what they intend to do about it.

    you have peed off sooooooo many players that it will be hard for them to trust you at all after this letdown.

    why you couldn't repair all the bugs and issues that were in effect prior to the release of this latest installment is beyond me.

    why did you feel that a new hud design was needed?
    the old version was way better, had that star trek feel about it, now I have to draw my curtains just to see anything, it's so dark.
    it looks good, but if it ain't broke...why fix it?
  • virpyrevirpyre Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This may explain some of the que....

    In my state college graduation happened two weekends ago, high school graduation was last weekend and as of today all kids are out of school.

    I just tried an it is now capped at 22805, not even moving I was at least able to make my romulan character.

    I bet I won't play him for 2 more weeks.
  • kingofpikachukingofpikachu Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Poor you it goes down 200 a min for me
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