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Why do YOU hate ground combat? Take two!



  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Right... Dahar master with 4500 HP.... I duel them, with Bat'leths. They die, I don't.

    I think he's talking about the team bosses who have hundreds of thousands of HP.

    Also some of the enemies only have a few thousand HP but really high resists, like the gorn tier 3 and 4 dudes or hirogen stalkers. You can have all 5 of you hammering on them plus debuffs and buffs and the guy can walk not run from max range to melee and still get off a couple hits before dying. Meanwhile those two hits of his could incapacitate your captain. This is really not fun. It's fake difficulty and it's lame and it should be changed.

    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Maybe we need a mechanic to select away teams made up entirely of bridge officers, with the captain staying on the bridge...
    This would be cool.
    Oh, and I'd really love to have the game separate diffculty levels for space and ground.
    I would LOVE this. I despise space combat and everything about space travel, but I really enjoy the ground game. There are too many options and controlling the ship is waaay too complex for me and I'm just really bad at it. I need an easier than normal space setting, but I can do fine in ground at elite.

    Unlike others, I don't see a problem with my team's AI, in fact I often tell them "kill that dude" then stand behind a corner and do nothing only coming out after they have finished winning the fight for me.

    I do this because it is funny to see the enemy AI decide that *I* must be the dangerous person, ignore my boffs who are killing him, and run all the way out of the room and down a hall to get to where he can shoot me, with my boffs hitting him in the back the whole way. Seriously dude, you got 4 guys shooting you in the back, but my captain out of range and out of sight around a corner has your aggro? Heh.

    Also I sometimes do it because in the same gear my boffs are 10 times more survivable than I am. Shorts that kill me only wound them. Breen captains with their cone of insta-death are a good example. So are the tholian captains in the new romulus cave mission.

    But mostly I fight with them. I cloack my tac officer send them to flank, tell all the rest to kill the enemy medic first, and I run and flank opposite my tac. The rest I let the AI handle. Seems to work fine.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    lonnehart wrote: »
    I tried to duel them... with fists. Found myself eating the dirt instead.

    As for ground missions, I do like them. I like stepping off my ship once in awhile. You can only look at bulkheads and a viewscreen for so long. They could use a bit of improvement though... like a "taking cover" mechanic.

    I would like this very much. As with "retreat" capability. Fighting down to the last man gets very old. :(
  • skonnskonn Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I think he's talking about the team bosses who have hundreds of thousands of HP.

    Scis can (and often do, in eliteSTF pugs) melee Armek and kill him. It's not easy, but neither is soloing a gateway in space if you don't know what you're doing.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I think he's talking about the team bosses who have hundreds of thousands of HP.

    Also some of the enemies only have a few thousand HP but really high resists, like the gorn tier 3 and 4 dudes or hirogen stalkers. You can have all 5 of you hammering on them plus debuffs and buffs and the guy can walk not run from max range to melee and still get off a couple hits before dying. Meanwhile those two hits of his could incapacitate your captain. This is really not fun. It's fake difficulty and it's lame and it should be changed.
    Hirogen like to use lunge. That's the main damage dealing attack they have. Aside form that they aren't very formidable in melee.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • sekritagentsekritagent Member Posts: 510 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    That's another thing is that power trays respond maybe half of the time in fast-moving combat.
    Delta Rising is the best expansion ever and the players love it! No, seriously! ...Why are you laughing so hard? :(
  • tsf00181tsf00181 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I can't stand ground combat. There's just so much there that bugs me....the cut scenes I can't skip after playing a mission once, poor graphics, and just general "old" feel to it.

    Remember this game? Ds9 the fallen, in 2000 it had better ground combat then this game. That was from twelve years ago. These are the days of COD, Crysis, and Farcry 3.
  • travelingmastertravelingmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I have one main reason why I avoid ground, and a bunch of smaller ones.

    The big reason? It's always laggy and jerky as hell. Ground environments have never rendered smoothly for me, it doesn't matter where I go. This makes the whole thing unpleasant, especially if I have to tangle with strong NPCs.

    Then there's all the smaller semantic issues, and the fact that the whole concept of 'ground combat' seems like a bone that was thrown to the landlubbers and Kirk enthusiasts who probably should be playing a game that actually has a good ground-combat sim :P
    My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
  • idronaidrona Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    hypl wrote: »
    Because it's such an icky disease that must be avoided at all costs! :P

    With New Romulus and the possibility of more adventure zones in the near future, the pure space players have lashed out, expressing their discontent about stepping foot outside of their ships for ANY reason. They want more space content, and I somewhat agree. But I also don't mind braving the surface of a planet in pursuit of progressing in the game.

    So let's have another round. Do you like ground? Do you hate ground? What do you think could be improved? Should Cryptic just remove ground sections of the game entirely? Do you dip your toes onto a planet's surface and immediately scurry back into your shuttle? Will you forever forgo any future ground-related content added to this game?

    I like ground play alot in STO (would have stayed in EVE if STO didn't have ground).

    New Romulus is a step in the right direction for the future of this game I think, I would like more of that kind of content.

    As for what I don't like about it hm, I hate that I have to set my "aim zoom" every time in a new zone.

    Some or all maps could use an overhaul, like the terrain:
    If I run straight forward I don't like getting stopped by a tiny rock.

    The ability to see coordinates on maps (both ground and space) would be a nice improvement. + Some other thoughts I can't remember to type right now.
  • pfunk49pfunk49 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I think ground should be where you do your intellectual Star Trek nerding out. In all of the history of Trek there was never more than a handful of episodes or movies that showed this intense militant streak in Starfleet.

    We're explorers right? Amp up the puzzle and exploration quotient to the max. I just replayed Night of the Comet again. Was kind of fun when I had to get that Tonic drink by deducing things based on what Scotty told you. Not exactly the coolest demonstration but enough use of the brain to break you out of that intellectually dead loop of pondering your buff and power rotations used in combat. Also, breaking up the bar fight by turning your phasers to stun was also, a nice touch I rarely remember seeing (if ever actually).

    Problem with STO is that the vast vast majority of the non combat content is just a button click. It might give you a neat little written explanation but ultimately its just a button press and a tricorder animation and usually all this science stuff is just so you can realize that the Gorn or the Cardassians are actually building a super weapon and that Starfleet would want you to turn your phaser to 11 and blow it up without any attempt to mitigate casualties (cause I remember THAT from Star Trek series, the reckless disregard for life in the conduct of an important mission).

    So Ground Combat is coolish, if you figure it out. I agree that its somewhat perplexing about what you're supposed to do sometimes. Am I run n' gunning or am I actually just standing off and using buffs at a winning rate and combination? I tend towards the latter because the former tends to involve my BOFFs running off into their doom.

    Frankly Im such a nerd I could probably happily spend the rest of STO eternity doing non combat puzzle based ground missions with the odd phaser exchange thrown in for variety. I doubt though we'll ever get that kind of content since it requires more effort than endlessly generating seeds of different enemies for random encounters.

    I can't even really get into why I don't like ground combat mechanics itself because I don't ever feel like I'm on the ground often enough doing non combat things to really enjoy it in the first place.
  • jumpingjsjumpingjs Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    pfunk49 wrote: »
    Frankly Im such a nerd I could probably happily spend the rest of STO eternity doing non combat puzzle based ground missions with the odd phaser exchange thrown in for variety.

    Cannot remember which mission but you have to solve a puzzule ... now that is more like it
    Hopefully I'll come back from my break; this break is fun; I play intellectual games.

    I hope STO get's better ...
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Hate is a strong word.

    It's not that I 'hate' ground combat, it's just not something I'm interested in - although I do like the idea of a bridge officer following you around on New Romulus. My main draw of this game, in the combat aspect, is the space battles. There really isn't another MMO like it. I think Earth and Beyond was the closest MMO I've played that handled space warfare in a fun and action-y way. (Space combat in EVE has always been a bit.. sterile.)

    Mechanically speaking, ground combat has a lot of neat approaches and supports different playstyles(like the 'shooter' mode). That said, ground combat just feels very 'clunky' a lot of the time. The characters just aren't as.. responsive.. as I would like. Getting abilities to trigger when and how you want them to often tends to be really hit or miss as well, I find(and often lethal). I'm not sure if it's a visual issue or if the UI, in general, needs to be revamped before I'd be 'happy' with it.

    Personally speaking, however, I've played enough MMOs(since Kunark Era Everquest) at this point.. that it just feels like WoW with laser beams... especially the new "theme-park" style of New Romulus. If I wanted to play that kind of game.. well.. honestly.. I would go play Guild Wars 2 or what-have-you.

    Honestly, aside from the mechanical issues, I think it's more of a personal issue of not being interested in that kind of gameplay anymore - just wish I wasn't forced into it in the majority of missions.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    tsf00181 wrote: »
    I can't stand ground combat. There's just so much there that bugs me....the cut scenes I can't skip after playing a mission once, poor graphics, and just general "old" feel to it.

    Remember this game? Ds9 the fallen, in 2000 it had better ground combat then this game. That was from twelve years ago. These are the days of COD, Crysis, and Farcry 3.
    There's a catch though. That game had nothing else to offer. I never played it but I can guess a lot about it. It was based on the Unreal engine. That right there tells me that it was basically Star Trek flavored Doom. It had better have good ground combat because otherwise it'd have nothing to interest players.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • cdrgadleycdrgadley Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I absolutely love ground combat.

    Now, of course it can be improved upon...but I still like it as it is...and it's one of the biggest reasons why I play this game.

    I think the mix of space and ground combat is what makes the game interesting.

    Take away ground combat...and I wouldn't play the game.
  • mwgacy1mwgacy1 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    szerontzur wrote: »
    Mechanically speaking, ground combat has a lot of neat approaches and supports different playstyles(like the 'shooter' mode). That said, ground combat just feels very 'clunky' a lot of the time. The characters just aren't as.. responsive.. as I would like. Getting abilities to trigger when and how you want them to often tends to be really hit or miss as well, I find(and often lethal). I'm not sure if it's a visual issue or if the UI, in general, needs to be revamped before I'd be 'happy' with it.

    I've grown to really enjoy the ground combat (I liked it pre revamp too, though) but the one thing that bugs me is that you've listed above: the lack of response. I don't mind it so much with the character as a lot of that's in the animation locks for certain kit and captain abilities but the UI is very, very laggy. When I hit the keybind for a Hypo, I expect the Hypo to actually be used on the first attempt, not the third or fourth, by which time I'm looking at the respawn timer anyway.
    I've noticed Space can get to be quite slow too but it has to have a lot more action of screen whereas Ground is always slow and never really gets any better, only worse. It's a shame because that's the only real thing that stops me from running more ground than space right now: I can live with powerful NPCs but when the only time I'll respawn is because the UI didn't respond (again) it gets old fast.
  • loverofwarsloverofwars Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    i love ground i do like space but its a bit more expensive these days its 20 30 45k dilithium per decent weapon today i got my breen ship really cool no cannons no polaron beams even just my old xii anti proton borg beams/added the rapid reload transphasic torpedo on.
    ground for me is alot more fun doesnt take months of farming to get decent gear for it then realize thats just for weapons your consoles are aweful engines couldnt move a tiny shuttle ect then more farming for everything left out. i started a new kdf few weeks now had this same issue still do. ground 1 decent weapon armor shield easily gotten from a story mission then bit less then 15k dilithium you get full x gound set KHG MACO OMEGA which is good enough for most things. xi and xii for anything else :P
    and as for breaking the planet i really do love it but cant seem to pug it anymore nobody really joins its queue
  • cdrgadleycdrgadley Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    and as for breaking the planet i really do love it but cant seem to pug it anymore nobody really joins its queue

    Yeah, I haven't even been able to try that yet.

    I queue for it everyday...but I guess no one else does.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I was able to queue pretty easily before the holiday stuff started. Maybe just wait until people have gotten their holiday fix?
    My character Tsin'xing
  • hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I don't hate it, but it doesn't hold my interest as much as space combat, and I only spend points on ground skills because I have to.
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  • thratch1thratch1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I hate ground missions mostly because of the enemy/team AI.

    Admittedly, I haven't played a lot of Shooter Mode in a real combat situation, but the times I did... most enemies ran towards me firing off their guns, until they got in melee range to hit me. With shooter mode on, especially if I was in aim mode, they'd pop right out of my tunnel vision so I'd have to switch over to RPG mode just to figure out where they are.

    If enemies didn't always come running towards me, I'd probably like ground a lot better. They've got ranged weapons, but all too often it feels like all they ever want to do is stand right in my face -- I'm not even referring exclusively to Klingons, either, who I'd expect to want to charge into melee range. The Breen have done it, as have the Romulans. I suppose the Borg would be easier, with their lumbering slowness, but I've never really wanted to experiment with unfamiliar gameplay when teamed up with others.
  • malkarrismalkarris Member Posts: 797 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I don't hate ground, but I think it could be so much better. Right now there isn't much reason to choose shooter mode over anything else, as far as I can tell. RPG mode gives you insta locks on your target and you can run around like a mad deamon to advoid AoE attacks without worrying around tunnel vision on the target. So, its okay as it is now.

    But take a look at Mass Effect 3 combat, or TOR. That is what I think of when I think Star Trek ground combat, someone starts shooting, and people run for cover. That almost always what happened in the show, except for the borg, since the borg never fired back. But yeah, if they could change the ground game so that you could have cover, and could then Kirk roll into it, and jump roll between cover, that would be cool. Get rid of all this run and gun stuff. Oh course, they're not going to do this since it would mean redoing every map in the game to have cover points and doing all the recoding.

    And speaking of the Borg, it would be nice if they were more like in the show, less them shooting, more the unstopple wave, where you have about 4 shots that each take out a borg, but there are always more, and now you have to remodulate your weapons, and they keep coming and now there's more and they're almost here and arrggghhhh...

    Resistance is futile.
    Joined September 2011
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  • hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Speaking of "Kirk rolls," it would be nice to have this function with a useful response time, and in all directions.

    Used to be that double-tapping W/A/S/D almost instantly rolled you in that direction. Now there's a big delay that can be overridden by other events, and you can't side-roll at all. You first have to turn to face that direction.
    Does Arc install a root kit? Ask a Dev today!
  • cdrgadleycdrgadley Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    hanover2 wrote: »
    Speaking of "Kirk rolls," it would be nice to have this function with a useful response time, and in all directions..


    I would actually put it to use if it could be in all directions.
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Hate is a strong word.

    If I hated it I would not be playing STO.

    Food for thought in my opinion.
  • hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    now I can only laugh
    as I read our epitaph
    we end our lives as moles
    in the dark of the dawn patrol
    Does Arc install a root kit? Ask a Dev today!
  • latinumbarlatinumbar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    thratch1 wrote: »
    I hate ground missions mostly because of the enemy/team AI.

    Admittedly, I haven't played a lot of Shooter Mode in a real combat situation, but the times I did... most enemies ran towards me firing off their guns, until they got in melee range to hit me. With shooter mode on, especially if I was in aim mode, they'd pop right out of my tunnel vision so I'd have to switch over to RPG mode just to figure out where they are.

    If enemies didn't always come running towards me, I'd probably like ground a lot better. They've got ranged weapons, but all too often it feels like all they ever want to do is stand right in my face -- I'm not even referring exclusively to Klingons, either, who I'd expect to want to charge into melee range. The Breen have done it, as have the Romulans. I suppose the Borg would be easier, with their lumbering slowness, but I've never really wanted to experiment with unfamiliar gameplay when teamed up with others.

    Whether they run towards you depends on the type of enemy. Most enemies do NOT try to melee you. Romulans, in particular, will NOT run towards you. They like to stay at range and shoot at you. Klingons are the opposite. Many like to get in your face and attack with their bat'leth (ie. Dahar Master). You will notice this most if you play an engineer using mines. If all enemies run towards you, all you would have to do is sit and place your mines in front of you. But that doesn't work for most enemies because most stay at range and shoot. Borg drones do a slow march towards you and shoot.
    Come join the 44th Fleet.
  • cedricophoffcedricophoff Member Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I love ground combat ... only problem is healing in the whole free fire mode...
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    We have people playing in rpg mode ?

    Well I guess we can rule out who asked to be given the ground sets with season 7 :D

    Not being able to take cover is your experience of it and it's a statement in itself saying how little time you put into it.

    Fact of the matter is aiming and taking cover manually, twitch style in oppose to space's auto attack, is in the game and it is working albeit bugged just not in the way you think it is.

    I don't know what the industry terminology for it is, something like projectile path or w/e, but when someone takes a shot at you the hit is registered not upon impact but upon firering.

    What that means is if you take cover at the time where the projectile is moving you will see hits fly through walls.
    But it goes both ways. If you click to throw a nade and before the firering animation runs, jump behind a wall, you will throw the nade through the wall because you registered a hit before you started shooting. (and yes I am the only player I ever saw doing it)

    So in essence you have to take cover when they are about to fire, not when they actually shoot.

    Just don't get it twisted and say it's impossible to take cover because that's not even remotely true.
    If you ever try playing with an alien character and make him really small you will find you have more cover since your head isn't popping up.

    The good part about ground is also the weakness of it. It's twitch based. You have to manually be fast and manually re-act fast and have the right timing.
    Whereas most other mmorpgs, include sto's 2d space, only requires empty stats and what I call hotbar zombie casting.

    In that ground is un-intuitive and strange, even difficult, for people not used to twitch combat.
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Someone in shooter mode will usually lose to someone in rpg mode

    UNLESS its a sniper rifle fight
    Live long and Prosper
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    You might live through a stf in rpg as a sci with a med kit and a stack of hypo's but it's an outside chance.

    It'd be like trying to pass a highway on one leg, clumsy and slow movement - albeit of course I can't speak for the people you play in pvp, all I can say is without 3D motion I am gonna run you over like a blindfolded, overweight christmas turkey ready to get pluked.
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Shooter mode in a ground STF is pretty much Automatic mission failure

    you have NO chance at all

    might be different if you were raised and trained on FPS and can't think in three dimensions of course

    I for example recently had to explain to a comrade that its possible to go ROUND some of the Borg groups and attack them from behind (or not attack them at all)
    by running and jumping round the lower map edge (you can get behind some scenery and by pass a small group of Borg that way)

    Same trick (although running along the crates ) works in incursion

    He in Shooter mode thought that was impossible

    its all a matter of training really
    if you came via call of duty you probably can

    same way I have seen someone who came into games via tomb raider and spends all day leaping over things and running on ledges
    But then he is a Vulcan tactical with EXTREME costume issues (mini skirt , bare midriff , female character with high boots)
    Live long and Prosper
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