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Why do YOU hate ground combat? Take two!

hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
Because it's such an icky disease that must be avoided at all costs! :P

With New Romulus and the possibility of more adventure zones in the near future, the pure space players have lashed out, expressing their discontent about stepping foot outside of their ships for ANY reason. They want more space content, and I somewhat agree. But I also don't mind braving the surface of a planet in pursuit of progressing in the game.

So let's have another round. Do you like ground? Do you hate ground? What do you think could be improved? Should Cryptic just remove ground sections of the game entirely? Do you dip your toes onto a planet's surface and immediately scurry back into your shuttle? Will you forever forgo any future ground-related content added to this game?
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  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,149 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    dont.. its better than space :P
    Typhoon Class please!
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I dont.

    i prefer space, but i still like ground.

    edit - i wish boffs had been easier to control, like you would in say baldur's gate or dragon age, as i usually just leave them be and let them do their own thing as its too awkward to issue them commands and fight myself, but its not a huge deal.
  • elandarkskyelandarksky Member Posts: 1,013 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Initially on playing the game, i was here for space only (it was like star trek legacy, but with a bit more to it)

    But after playing though the game for the Nth hour..

    I find ground to be just as fun if not more than space combat.

    Ground missions can be such a challenge, keeping an eye on your surroundings, ducking for cover at the last second, and being a badass tank in a sci skilled for tanking and maco mkxii armour :3

    Pvp ground is MUCH more entertaining than space in my opinion... but sadly more broken to high hell.

    Ground pvps pace is so much faster than, buff attack, wait, buff, attack, wait, watch cross healing, get spammed with pets/'op' consoles,

    There is something satisfying about the fact that ground pvp is limited to your captain/choices, rather than ship synergy. You have sci, tanky or controlly, tact VERY dangerous and unfair 1hitkos, and engineering.. 'oh look he's clos... *BOOM*' ^^
    [Combat (Self)] Your Bite deals 2378 (1475) Physical Damage(Critical) to Spawnmother.
  • corbinwolf#9797 corbinwolf Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Ground is growing on me personally. However, some missions, particularly the PVE ques can be overtly 'bullyish' to less experienced players. My only personal gripe is when ppl bail half way through because its too hard for them.

    As for controlling boffs, I don't bother. They seem to know what they are doing better than I do.... lol.
    "The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa (2006)
  • blakes7tvseriesblakes7tvseries Member Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I don't its much harder than, more challenging, more rewarding ( as in play time) than space.

    The only issue I know is some spacers are whining about it.

    What I find very very funny is spacers spend hours learning, tweaking, and buying better gear for space.

    Then they don't put the same effort or resources into the ground efforts and complain its hard.

    It's the same as buying a new ship and playing the STFs with default gear.

    Let's just say what you put in you get out.
  • sandormen123sandormen123 Member Posts: 862 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I like ground.
    Except for getting stuck in ground. Having my boffs stuck in ground. Except for doing exactly the same missions over and over again. Double the amount of 'templates', and it would release a little of the boredom trying to get the explorer accolades.
    Much better control of the boffs would improve things a lot. As it is now, i use two tactics, either have them all focus on one enemy before rushing ahead (click once), or let them attack at will (no click).

    Actual exploring in a wider area, perhaps even some npc interaction would be awesome.
    Some missions where some optional task are at hand. If being an engineer, it would be nice to actually do some engineering (beyond reading datalogs from some consoles).

    Random chains would be welcome. (Ref: doff chains)

    Missions of exploring abandoned ships would be welcome.
  • sekritagentsekritagent Member Posts: 510 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Ground combat is just not engaging really. They sped it up wonderfully with Season 4 and then promptly zapped that with the skill tree revamp in Season 5. Most people wisely avoid groundpounding because it's not a fun experience.

    When you're a lowbie you're mowing down herds of NPC enemies to level through the missions. No intelligent dialogue or dramatic tension there, just kill em. I can forgive that in an MMO. But then you do it ad nauseam which is very MMO but very not Starfleet. Ah well.

    Most of the blame comes from the ground STF missions, and prior to that, the full STF missions. That is to say, a lot of this is Gozer's fault and indirectly Dan Stahl's for signing off on his terribad game designs. With those long mission times, being stuck in bad PUGs, having to mow through trash mobs who just wouldn't die despite firing on them a million times, trying to light those stupid ground towers in The Cure...then when we got the short ones, the million runs you had to do for Mk XII, and now reputation grind...just gave people nightmares. Who the hell wants to spend hours fighting that army?

    The other thing is the stupid Fleet Actions like Breaking the Planet and especially The Big Dig. Why do the enemies constantly respawn?

    Ways to fix it:
    • We should be able to bring our BOffs down with us for Fleet Actions. Rebalance these missions to allow this, I'd be fine with a smaller group if I could bring my BOffs along.
    • Get rid of anything where enemies auto-respawn. We're not fighting the Cylons here. A constant wave of enemies just adds to the frustration that you're not actually doing anything but mashing buttons.
    • More objectives that don't involve mass murder or annoying timer mechanics (i.e. Cure towers or Infected virus uploads). The puzzles on stuff like Boldly They Rode, the math puzzle on Coliseum, the block puzzle on Cold Case, the encryption cracking on Mine Enemy. Do more to engage our brain, not just our trigger finger.
    • Guest stars and other special characters to meet and work with. Miral Paris in The Kuvah'magh and Worf in The House Always Wins was a good start, but let it be someone who will help us in combat, not just cower. How about some of the Enterprise-F or DS9 crew? How about some more Starfleet Intelligence operatives? What about some of the folks from TV?
    Delta Rising is the best expansion ever and the players love it! No, seriously! ...Why are you laughing so hard? :(
  • corbinwolf#9797 corbinwolf Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I don't its much harder than, more challenging, more rewarding ( as in play time) than space.

    The only issue I know is some spacers are whining about it.

    What I find very very funny is spacers spend hours learning, tweaking, and buying better gear for space.

    Then they don't put the same effort or resources into the ground efforts and complain its hard.

    It's the same as buying a new ship and playing the STFs with default gear.

    Let's just say what you put in you get out.

    That is true... though I do think that its funny a basic sword (received from completing 'arena') usually works best against the enemy than a 'powerful' energy weapon (purple grade)...
    "The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa (2006)
  • justleroyjustleroy Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I don't hate ground missions, I just wish there was a way to skip them. There should be a cost for skipping them, though, like say you only get half the mission rewards or something.
    - Only a fool fights in a burning house.
  • drudgydrudgy Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I don't hate ground combat, but I will say it could stand to follow a bit of a story or point. Once you max out your character there's little ground story especially in the explore nebula missions. A little more variety would be nice other than the, "Beam down and kill 5x groups of mobs".

    Otherwise it's nice, I really don't have any problems with it myself.
  • lordhooklordhook Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I do not like ground missions.

    How about creating ground missions with fewer shots and more story and puzzles?

    The ground missions with several possible endings would be interesting.

    The missions in space with multiple possible endings would be interesting too.
  • corbinwolf#9797 corbinwolf Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    lordhook wrote: »
    I do not like ground missions.

    How about creating ground missions with fewer shots and more story and puzzles?

    The ground missions with several possible endings would be interesting.

    The missions in space with multiple possible endings would be interesting too.

    To add to this, I'd love to explore more. As in search a derelict ship, etc...
    "The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa (2006)
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I both love, and despise it.

    On one hand, it really does feel like you're leading a Star Trek Away Team. You're the Captain in charge of a group of people, and you need to coordinate them with tactics, abilities, and weapons in order to succeed.

    On the other hand.... it's a sopping wet mess.

    When your captain is glowing in five different kinds of Super Saiyan, surrounded by neon (not very) nano machines, eight different flavors of bullets on the screen, smoke and fire effects, shields, turrets, and other miscellaneous effects, you can't see what's happening at all. This has resulted in not only unfair deaths, but many, many headaches.

    (I imagine this is why so many people hate the Devidian Episodes)

    Not only are the abilities too flashy, there are too many of them. I never work at maximum efficiency on the ground simply due to not having enough hands. This was something Guild Wars 2 did right. You're limited to 3-4 abilities and you have to pick your favorites.

    While I can understand lots of abilities with your space ships, as you can have crews of thousands, but on the ground, you really shouldn't have more than four or five buttons to push. Right now it really gives an unfair advantage to those using RPG Mode, and RPG Mode is boring. Standing around until you die is no fun at all.

    And finally, why are the mouse buttons mapped to the 1-2-3 buttons are? This removes 3 slots that could be used for (the aforementioned great many) abilities! It gets in the way when it shouldn't need too.

    In short, map the mouse buttons to anything but the hotbar, subdue or just outright remove half the ability visuals, limit them to a handful, increase buffs to 5 minutes and the cooldowns to 7, the ones that aren't worth increasing, just remove.
  • allocaterallocater Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    OMG what if STO ground were like Mass Effect 1 exploration? A real map with different 'hotspots', random, dynamic, exploration, salvage, archeology, mining etc.

    What I don't like atm is the controls, it feels laggy, clunky, delayed, disjointed, sometimes button press does nothing, there is no good (gui-)feedback, you are jerked around a lot, one shotted, it doesn't really feel like you have a crisp, clear, clean control of your char.

    The second one would be mass killings.
  • alax2011alax2011 Member Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I'm part of the few in this game that LOVE ground combat, its more challenging than space, like having to plan your next move, and not just fly into a group of 5 and kill them all with out trying, you really need to think, and i think thats why most dont like ground, they dont like to think and cant just mash the space bar to win
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Apart from SKEV (skill effect visuals) Ground is best

    I enjoy hanging out with my carefully chosen officers (each of whom is an individual and each of whom is assigned to some missions)
    Live long and Prosper
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I have no issues with visuals as long as I don't turn up the visual display settings.

    And yes... I love dismembering things on ground....
    My character Tsin'xing
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I love ground stf and am ok with the ground part of episode missions, but I hate New Romulus, Defera, and Nukara.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • radkipradkip Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Not only are the abilities too flashy, there are too many of them. I never work at maximum efficiency on the ground simply due to not having enough hands. This was something Guild Wars 2 did right. You're limited to 3-4 abilities and you have to pick your favorites.
    Too many? In space, I have 28 keybinds, not including my shield management keybind which is pretty much being tapped once a second. On the ground, I have 15. That's half.

    As a science captain, I pretty much am limited to 3-4 abilities. My class abilities are on long cooldowns and are fire and forget. That leaves me with four kit powers and tricorder scan. Then my items and my Omega Force ground set active power. Much simpler than my space keybinds.
    Joined: January 2010

    Fanfiction! ZOMG! Read it now!
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    radkip wrote: »
    Too many? In space, I have 28 keybinds, not including my shield management keybind which is pretty much being tapped once a second. On the ground, I have 15. That's half.

    As a science captain, I pretty much am limited to 3-4 abilities. My class abilities are on long cooldowns and are fire and forget. That leaves me with four kit powers and tricorder scan. Then my items and my Omega Force ground set active power. Much simpler than my space keybinds.

    Exactly. That's too many.
  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I used to hate ground, because it was dull. Then I discovered the auto attack for attack 1.
    Now, I still prefer space, but ground is... fine.

    Except on my science officer. My DPS is so crappy, I feel useless, and everytime I use an AOE, the mobs run away so fast it was pointless.

    On the other hand, my engineer is more fun on ground than on space. I seriously love the mines and the orbital bombardement.

    On my tac, I love the damage, but I feel like everything is buffs and buffs. Also, the security team is BS, they use draw fire and die in 1 shot from borg, while doing almost no damage. Granted, they really looks like redshirt, but....
  • tehjoneltehjonel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    between space and ground combat, i prefer ground combat. i was one of those players that stayed away from ground for the first few months of the game because of a bad experience.

    after i felt that i did well enough in space, i attempted to give ground combat another go. i did not regret that decision at all. i regret not giving it another chance earlier. just learning the different mechanics and powers my captain had available, i learned how to become very good in ground combat where i can deal damage, improvise, and survive effectively.

    most of the veterans in my fleet were also avoiding ground combat on purpose because of the same reasons i did: a bad experience and a general lack of knowledge of captain abilities. with me leading a group, i dragged them through an easy elite ground stf (kage). they survived, listened to my instructions, and enjoyed a smooth run. it wasn't long before we started tackling cge and ige. soon after, they were becoming very effective, surviving, learning the maps/strats, and eventually improvising to the point where even i was impressed with their teamwork. now every time someone requests an stf in fleet, we see people shouting for ground combat because it's more fun.
  • latinumbarlatinumbar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Exactly. That's too many.


    In space you have your captain abilities, plus 12 BO abilities give or take depending on your ship, and up to 4 device abilities. Not to mention any special weapons you may have equipped or special console abilities.

    In ground, you have your captain abilities plus 4 kit abilities, and 4 device abilities. How does this translate into too many?

    In space, I need a big tray of 3 rows to make everything available. In ground, I only use 2.

    Ground is fine. In fact, I like the ground STFs. And I agree with the posters that say that a lot of hate is from those that don't bother to gear or spec for ground, so they complain it's too hard or too painful. Well, they would probably say the same for space if they went into an elite STF with white mark IX gear, and only 6 or less skill points invested in their space tree.
    Come join the 44th Fleet.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    latinumbar wrote: »

    In space you have your captain abilities, plus 12 BO abilities give or take depending on your ship, and up to 4 device abilities. Not to mention any special weapons you may have equipped or special console abilities.

    In ground, you have your captain abilities plus 4 kit abilities, and 4 device abilities. How does this translate into too many?

    In space, I need a big tray of 3 rows to make everything available. In ground, I only use 2.

    Ground is fine. In fact, I like the ground STFs. And I agree with the posters that say that a lot of hate is from those that don't bother to gear or spec for ground, so they complain it's too hard or too painful. Well, they would probably say the same for space if they went into an elite STF with white mark IX gear, and only 6 or less skill points invested in their space tree.

    This may be due to the fact I have the Borg Kit, which gives you six abilities rather than the usual four. But even still, 4 abilities + 4 device slots + 1 set power + 2 Captain powers + the Omega power is a lot of buttons to push.
  • skonnskonn Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    erei1 wrote: »
    Except on my science officer. My DPS is so crappy, I feel useless, and everytime I use an AOE, the mobs run away so fast it was pointless.

    On the other hand, my engineer is more fun on ground than on space. I seriously love the mines and the orbital bombardement.

    Then you're using the sci wrong :P A sci should be outdamaging tacs on the ground regularly.. which AOEs are you using? If you use the Physicist kit, Exothermal (the fire) and spatial instability pretty much hit instantly. And if you couple that with a purple Geologist that gives you the ground gravity well, they turn deadly (and you can up the damage even more on bosses by hitting them with tricorder scan, nanoprobes and the dampening dome)

    I love ground. I do wish there was some more variety (especially in the explore missions) and I will admit it has a learning curve, but it's no worse than space. There's a lot more strategy involved, and I like that.

    I do agree that most spacers get frustrated because they want to enter a ground STF with inadequate gear and get constantly one-shotted (the remodulation is annoying, too.. I'll give them that) but it's no different than trying to run into the hive space elite with 3 points in energy weapons and default white gear... you'd get vaporized.

    For the "too much time, not enough reward" crowd, I say that space PvP is worse in that regard: zero rewards other than dilithium, repetitive, boring maps, long, drawn out gameplay.

    Cure ground is actually doable and easy, once you get the strategy down... finishing it is easy, getting the optional takes little effort. It's the Infected optional that's a real challenge.

    No ground parts of the game should be removed whatsoever... upgraded, improved, sure. But not removed. Maybe make some episodes that aren't all about pointing and shooting (and please not like Of Bajor and Second wave! Lots of chores, very little story. The radio puzzle was nice, the rest is a lot of running around and clicking... yay!)
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Oh lets see.

    The AI for my BOFFs is idiotic, and frankly I do better without them. They need an always-available way to pause and micro-manage them and use their abilities better (Mass Effect comes to mind) so they actually help me, focus fire, and don't aggro everything in 3 counties. Then there's the brain-dead damage-sponge kamikaze mobs, who wade through a minefield unflincing while 5 people shoot at them, and still walk right up and 2-shot me, and my only real counter is to blandly burn all my buffs and hope he dies first for a change. Plus they have so many RNG-Says-F-You abilities that if they decide to use you're just debuffed and half dead and nothing you can do about it.

    More thematically, I want it to make up its mind about what it is.

    If its an RPG where I'm supposed to stand there and trade hits, then I'd love to know how I'm supposed to survive doing that as anything other than a Medic or constantly wasting money on hypos. Plus as an RPG I should be able to customize the heck out of my character, as much as I can my ship, building specifically my way to chain complimentary abilities together and select appropriate counters, rather than being stuck with just the 4 abilities in a few kits. Lastly, slow the heck down so I can think, plan, and execute, or give me that always-available pause button. Otherwise its just 'pop all buffs, hope he dies before you do.' If you want to be a full RPG, be KOTOR (the original) or Diablo.

    If its an FPS, then do the exact opposite. Less powers to micro-manage in the middle of a fight, make mobility matter, make cover matter, make it so when I dodge I actually dodge. If I'm circle strafing, or using cover, or popping off headshots, reflect that. Don't have enemies shooting me through walls and completely ignoring all my attempts at suppressive fire. Play like a real FPS, not some clunky mess that pretends while still limiting you to all the keybinds and RNG nonsense. If you want to be an FPS with RPG numbers under the hood, be Borderlands or Skyrim or Bioshock.

    I want to be in full control of the situation, I want the AI to have some actual intelligence, and I want the game to decide what kind of game it is. All it is now is a chaotic mess.
  • trellabortrellabor Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    The ground controls are unintuitive, cludgy, and generally unresponsive a lot of the time. Tap a direction too 'often' and you'll be commando rolling into a situation you really just wanted to have a peek at before you sent your BoFF's in. Playing ground combat makes me feel like I'm constantly playing out a Bruce Campbell movie.
    The o3 - Killed you good
  • gbehlpnu2012gbehlpnu2012 Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I HATE ground combat for simple reasons..some of these apply to pvp, but I think we all know the dev's don't care about pvp.

    1. Have to press the revive button two times, because the 1st time makes your guy stand right back up.
    2. There is no usable cover. Squatting down behind a crate doesn't work..I still get shot in the head and gun fire seems to travel through walls.
    3. I can't jump over rails or simple boxes and sometimes I am stopped by 1 inch rise in ground terrain.
    4. Enemy AI is dumb.
    5. There are no planets to explorer, when beaming down. It's a square sheet where I have to zig-zag to each point of interest to either scan or fight...there is no diplomacy.
    6. My squad AI is dumb.
    7. Waypoints - this used to work where I could tell my own away team to "stand here" and you "stand there" in anticipation of a epic battle....or when there is a puzzle and I NEED one of them to stand in certain spot to operate a door.
    8. Objective waypoints on your minimap are usually the same transparent color of the background map...making it hard to figure out where to go. Tricorder is useless and only wants to point you in the direction of scanable radiation samples.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Maybe we need a mechanic to select away teams made up entirely of bridge officers, with the captain staying on the bridge...

    On a sidenote, I would greatly prefer not to be called "Vice Admiral" or "General" by the NPC's in the Foundry missions and elsewhere and regard my characters as Captains (see my sig).

    But a others have mentioned, ground combat also has many other issues apart from how they are "sold": The uber-buffed NPC's with hit points beyond imagination being the most prominent.

    Oh, and I'd really love to have the game separate diffculty levels for space and ground.
    Right... Dahar master with 4500 HP.... I duel them, with Bat'leths. They die, I don't.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • lonnehartlonnehart Member Posts: 846 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Right... Dahar master with 4500 HP.... I duel them, with Bat'leths. They die, I don't.

    I tried to duel them... with fists. Found myself eating the dirt instead.

    As for ground missions, I do like them. I like stepping off my ship once in awhile. You can only look at bulkheads and a viewscreen for so long. They could use a bit of improvement though... like a "taking cover" mechanic.
    *sings* "I like Gammera! He's so neat!!! He is full of turtle meat!!!"

    "Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*
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