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TRIBBLE Maintenance and Release Notes - November 8, 2012



  • odyssey47odyssey47 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    genhauk wrote: »
    Setting the click missions aside and not including it in my responses ... So, we now have to spend more time playing the game to get the same amount of dilithium we would have gotten from two or three STF runs because they reduced these.

    Am I the only one that sees the failure in that logic? ... more so when you look at the addition of embassies and the cost for gear?

    The addition of dilithium in other missions more than offsets the reduction to stfs. Do things other than stfs. Problem solved.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    kirksplat wrote: »
    All that is fine by me. If you have no interest in story, then you obviously don't care about Foundry. But, you shouldn't get Foundry rewards for having no interest in Foundry missions.

    However, if you do care, you should be rewarded for caring, not for going through the steps to pretend that you do care.

    No interest in Foundry? Fine, no Foundry rewards for you. No interest in STFs? Fine, no STF rewards for you.

    But, you should not be placed in a position to decide:

    "Gee, do I run an STF for this gear, or do I click a console to get it?" That isn't fair to the makers of the STFs, nor is it fair to the makers of Foundry missions. It kind of makes our time and devotion to creating content meaningless on some level.

    I get that we'll only appeal to a certain type of player, but we need a level playing field to even try to compete.

    This is true and I do not disagree with you in spirit. It is why I suggested a 'daily log in bonus' in the general feedback section which is what I have always viewed that daily as being in spirit.

    But you do not take away before you have something to replace. It is just not a good idea and does cost you customers. That goes for all the changes I mentioned before.

    *edit additional response*
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    The addition of dilithium in other missions more than offsets the reduction to stfs. Do things other than stfs. Problem solved.

    That assumes unlimited time with the only limiting factor being attention span. The plain fact of the economic matter is simple.

    Less Dilithium will be generated.
    More Dilithium will be consumed.
    Zen will get cheaper (this is actually a good thing for me but bad for the overall game so I do not wish it to happen).
  • f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    The addition of dilithium in other missions more than offsets the reduction to stfs. Do things other than stfs. Problem solved.

    Same amount of STFs + additional game play to equal the same amount of dilithium previous gained does not solve the problem at all.

    It is trying to force people to spend more time in game ... plain and simple.s
    Joint Forces Commander ... / ... proud member of ... boq botlhra'ghom / AllianceCenCom!
    " We stand TOGETHER and fight with HONOR!"

    U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
  • odyssey47odyssey47 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    bareel wrote: »
    Fleet Marks are now more time consuming to acquire. Currently on Holodeck a player can acquire 50-60 within their first two minutes of playtime, after that it does take a bit more time. When Season 7 launches with this change that will no longer be possible.

    In addition another progression system has been tacked on. The Embassy. This has moved the 'goalpost' so to speak further for a fleet.

    And lastly, the doff changes. Now swapping in doffs from white to green to white in the hopes of getting the ones needed will be exceedingly expensive. Granted if the quantity and restrictive nature of the requirements is reduced plus the fleet doff boxes truly do become less loop sided in the doffs they give this issue will be mitigated but they have made the later claim in the past without following through so I will wait and see.

    So yes, they have done several changes that will indirectly negatively impact the ability of a fleet to progress in the system.

    Yes, you're right. They're removing things that are easily exploitable to ensure that progression is at the pace they intended. Once again, you people are only complaining that you're not getting what you want when you want it. It's supposed to take a long time to finish the fleet system. End of story. If you don't want to put forth the effort, there are other things to do or other games to play. This is how it is. I don't want to go to work everyday...but guess what? Your sphincter is round and life is square. Deal with it.
  • f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    Yes, you're right. They're removing things that are easily exploitable to ensure that progression is at the pace they intended. Once again, you people are only complaining that you're not getting what you want when you want it. It's supposed to take a long time to finish the fleet system. End of story. If you don't want to put forth the effort, there are other things to do or other games to play. This is how it is. I don't want to go to work everyday...but guess what? Your sphincter is round and life is square. Deal with it.

    Actually .. a lot of fleet systems are about to stall out and not just small fleets ... These moves will ding the mid-sized fleets as well and then after that will hit the larger fleets.

    It was a well built house of cards they build but now they are about to blow that house of cards of theirs down.
    Joint Forces Commander ... / ... proud member of ... boq botlhra'ghom / AllianceCenCom!
    " We stand TOGETHER and fight with HONOR!"

    U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    Yes, you're right. They're removing things that are easily exploitable to ensure that progression is at the pace they intended. Once again, you people are only complaining that you're not getting what you want when you want it. It's supposed to take a long time to finish the fleet system. End of story. If you don't want to put forth the effort, there are other things to do or other games to play. This is how it is. I don't want to go to work everyday...but guess what? Your sphincter is round and life is square. Deal with it.

    This is a video game, not work. The moment I am spending time in a game doing something I don't want to do, well you can guess the rest.

    Lets examine in this way then.

    Does Cryptic consider items/gear/etc to be content? Yes, in defense of the C/Z Store

    Does Cryptic consider large barriers to the players to use the content a good or bad thing? A bad thing, they have stated such many times in the past. In-fact it is half the reason the dil to zen exchange is in game.

    Do I consider being in a large fleet full of people I strongly disagree with like the above a large barrier? Well yes I do, as I'm sure many others do as well.


    Have I already figured out the most efficient way to still complete the daily to get my prize? You betcha.
  • odyssey47odyssey47 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    genhauk wrote: »
    Actually .. a lot of fleet systems are about to stall out and not just small fleets ... These moves will ding the mid-sized fleets as well and then after that will hit the larger fleets.

    It was a well built house of cards they build but now they are about to blow that house of cards of theirs down.

    It is likely that if they are trying to slow things down, it's because people are progressing faster than they intended. It's up to them to change things if they want to. They are not making anything impossible, they just want it to take a certain amount of time. If you're planning to quit the game after the fleet system is finished, then it doesn't matter. If not, then it doesn't matter how long it takes. It's not like the rewards are bat TRIBBLE crazy fantastic at tier 4 and 5 that you need it so bad. What's the hurry? I don't understand it.
  • odyssey47odyssey47 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    bareel wrote: »
    This is a video game, not work. The moment I am spending time in a game doing something I don't want to do, well you can guess the rest.

    Lets examine in this way then.

    Does Cryptic consider items/gear/etc to be content? Yes, in defense of the C/Z Store

    Does Cryptic consider large barriers to the players to use the content a good or bad thing? A bad thing, they have stated such many times in the past. In-fact it is half the reason the dil to zen exchange is in game.

    Do I consider being in a large fleet full of people I strongly disagree with like the above a large barrier? Well yes I do, as I'm sure many others do as well.

    No see, it's only work if you make it work. It's only work if you feel the need to spend all of your time trying to get through everything as quickly as possible. That's your choice. The fleet system will finish eventually, how fast and how much effort you want to put into it is up to you. Again, look in the mirror, the I want it now mentality is childish. Get over it. Move on. It's not worth worrying about. It will finish. Give it time. Take a pill.
  • f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    It is likely that if they are trying to slow things down, it's because people are progressing faster than they intended. It's up to them to change things if they want to. They are not making anything impossible, they just want it to take a certain amount of time. If you're planning to quit the game after the fleet system is finished, then it doesn't matter. If not, then it doesn't matter how long it takes. It's not like the rewards are bat TRIBBLE crazy fantastic at tier 4 and 5 that you need it so bad. What's the hurry? I don't understand it.

    Stall means players will stop trying to contribute and fleets will stop progressing unless you are in a mega fleet ... the minority of the player base.

    Frankly ... I could care less if we ever get past Tier III, however ... my fleetmates deserve the chance to keep going.

    How many players are gonna start stockpiling their dilithium just for personal gear ... Suddenly, not just small fleets stop progressing at all but now fall the mid-sized ...
    Joint Forces Commander ... / ... proud member of ... boq botlhra'ghom / AllianceCenCom!
    " We stand TOGETHER and fight with HONOR!"

    U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    It is likely that if they are trying to slow things down, it's because people are progressing faster than they intended. It's up to them to change things if they want to. They are not making anything impossible, they just want it to take a certain amount of time. If you're planning to quit the game after the fleet system is finished, then it doesn't matter. If not, then it doesn't matter how long it takes. It's not like the rewards are bat TRIBBLE crazy fantastic at tier 4 and 5 that you need it so bad. What's the hurry? I don't understand it.

    Incorrect. Instead I just don't think they (Cryptic) understand that when they change how system 'A' works it impacts system 'B'.

    Take the doff dismiss reward fleet project doff requirement plus fleet doff boxes as a more recent example. Or the various nerfs to Sci boff abilities thanks to Tac Captain abilities. Or even the season 6 kinetic tac console buffing Sci boff abilities that took them over a month to notice let alone fix.

    They continue to band-aid things instead of proper fixes when they notice it all going wrong. They view things in a bubble instead of in the entirety of the game.

    Mark my words the following changes/things will take place in or before season 8/9.

    1) Reputation system will be overhauled to feel less clunky and drastically changed so that most projects only require marks and maybe one other thing. Likely to also be changed to a hail or something similar.

    2) Fleet Mark costs will be slashed, or a new large source will be introduced.

    3) Something that rewards in a random 'double discovery' fashion will be introduced and will out reward everything else in the game.
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    No see, it's only work if you make it work. It's only work if you feel the need to spend all of your time trying to get through everything as quickly as possible. That's your choice. The fleet system will finish eventually, how fast and how much effort you want to put into it is up to you. Again, look in the mirror, the I want it now mentality is childish. Get over it. Move on. It's not worth worrying about. It will finish. Give it time. Take a pill.

    That is how I was progressing. I am just finishing off my tier 3 fabricator, science and tactical are halfway to 3. I am very happy with that level of progress.

    However I will be unable to continue at even half my former progression speed. Thanks to the Embassy holding and how much more time consuming the fleet marks will be. I was moving along quickly enough that in a year or two I would have it finished. Now I'll be lucky if I'm even actually as far along (% wise) when they release the colony holding as I am now.

    And while it would be wonderful if the reputation system worked as a replacement for the lone wolf like me it does not. There are no space weapons, no ships, and now no kits either.

    My options for getting that gear to outfit various ships and tinker around with various setups are vanishing. If that is the reason I play and the only option to do that is to join a mega-fleet I will simply cease to play. And I doubt I'm the only one like me, well I might be.

    But what about the casual small fleet player. (Its kinda fun to think of others at times as the saying goes before you criticize someone walk a mile in their shoes. That way your a mile away and have their shoes!) That player wants a fleet ship that is tier 4 or 5 but enjoys playing with their small circle of friends they have met in game. They can either a) abandon them or b) pay EC out the wazoo to a mega-fleet. Or wait 4 years I suppose....
  • odyssey47odyssey47 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    genhauk wrote: »
    Stall means players will stop trying to contribute and fleets will stop progressing unless you are in a mega fleet ... the minority of the player base.

    Frankly ... I could care less if we ever get past Tier III, however ... my fleetmates deserve the chance to keep going.

    How many players are gonna start stockpiling their dilithium just for personal gear ... Suddenly, not just small fleets stop progressing at all but now fall the mid-sized ...

    False. They don't deserve anything if they aren't willing to put in the time and effort. All fleets will finish eventually. How fast is up to the members. Not enough people? Go recruit. Not enough time? Just wait longer.
  • f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    bareel wrote: »
    Incorrect. Instead I just don't think they (Cryptic) understand that when they change how system 'A' works it impacts system 'B'.

    Take the doff dismiss reward fleet project doff requirement plus fleet doff boxes as a more recent example. Or the various nerfs to Sci boff abilities thanks to Tac Captain abilities. Or even the season 6 kinetic tac console buffing Sci boff abilities that took them over a month to notice let alone fix.

    An example ... I know a LOT of players that stopped working DOFFs just because they started feeding them into the fleet systems.

    How many players just farm DOFFs instead of playing the doff system?
    Joint Forces Commander ... / ... proud member of ... boq botlhra'ghom / AllianceCenCom!
    " We stand TOGETHER and fight with HONOR!"

    U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
  • f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    False. They don't deserve anything if they aren't willing to put in the time and effort. All fleets will finish eventually. How fast is up to the members. Not enough people? Go recruit. Not enough time? Just wait longer.

    Fleets suffered before Season six ... and honestly whether you want to see it or not ... fleets are now going to suffer again post Season Six.
    Joint Forces Commander ... / ... proud member of ... boq botlhra'ghom / AllianceCenCom!
    " We stand TOGETHER and fight with HONOR!"

    U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
  • odyssey47odyssey47 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    genhauk wrote: »
    An example ... I know a LOT of players that stopped working DOFFs just because they started feeding them into the fleet systems.

    How many players just farm DOFFs instead of playing the doff system?

    That's their choice. There are plenty of people that never cared about doff missions that could supply the doffs. Also, the doffs needed have been mostly white quality, which no one uses for doff missions. If you want to make things easier, make your fleet bigger. If you don't want it bigger, you're just going to have to deal with the fact that it's going to take your fleet longer to progress.
  • rickpaaarickpaaa Member Posts: 637 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Before star bases, I played foundry missions plenty. Maybe we all need to give up on the grind, and do that some more. It was certainly more fun.

    And thanks for making real foundry missions!
    Member since December 2009

  • odyssey47odyssey47 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    genhauk wrote: »
    Fleets suffered before Season six ... and honestly whether you want to see it or not ... fleets are now going to suffer again post Season Six.

    If by fleets suffered you mean they had no reason to exist other than a place to hang your hat, ok. Now that they have a reason for existence they're suffering? This isn't about what I see, because I see reality. This is about what you see, which is delusion.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    False. They don't deserve anything if they aren't willing to put in the time and effort. All fleets will finish eventually. How fast is up to the members. Not enough people? Go recruit. Not enough time? Just wait longer.

    First off you should go play a hardcore MMO instead of STO where you can get your 'I worked for it' badge like everyone else who shares your mentality. You may find that type of community more to your style.


    Season 6 Max Fleet = 750k exp total
    Season 7 Max Fleet = 950(?)k exp total
    Season 8 Max Fleet = Who knows

    If your current fleet has not finished all three up to tier 3 and nearing on tier 4 you are falling behind and will not be able to keep up with the new 'holdings' along with your standard base at the pace they will be added.
  • f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    That's their choice. There are plenty of people that never cared about doff missions that could supply the doffs. Also, the doffs needed have been mostly white quality, which no one uses for doff missions. If you want to make things easier, make your fleet bigger. If you don't want it bigger, you're just going to have to deal with the fact that it's going to take your fleet longer to progress.

    Higher Tiers switch to green, rares etc.

    You knew that didn't you?
    Joint Forces Commander ... / ... proud member of ... boq botlhra'ghom / AllianceCenCom!
    " We stand TOGETHER and fight with HONOR!"

    U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
  • f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    If by fleets suffered you mean they had no reason to exist other than a place to hang your hat, ok. Now that they have a reason for existence they're suffering? This isn't about what I see, because I see reality. This is about what you see, which is delusion.

    That's your "perception" ... not reality.

    Those are two different things.
    Joint Forces Commander ... / ... proud member of ... boq botlhra'ghom / AllianceCenCom!
    " We stand TOGETHER and fight with HONOR!"

    U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
  • odyssey47odyssey47 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    genhauk wrote: »
    Higher Tiers switch to green, rares etc.

    You knew that didn't you?

    You're talking about small fleets that haven't gotten that far yet. Correct? Because if you're talking about fleets that have gotten that far, then they're doing just fine and there's absolutely no reason for complaints. Correct?
  • odyssey47odyssey47 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    genhauk wrote: »
    That's your "perception" ... not reality.

    Those are two different things.

    But you think your "perception" is "reality"? I'm telling you how it is and what you need to do to make your fleet progress at the pace you want but you refuse, and you've deluded yourself into thinking that you're going to be catered to for having a small lazy fleet. Sounds like I'm more in touch with reality.
  • f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    You're talking about small fleets that haven't gotten that far yet. Correct? Because if you're talking about fleets that have gotten that far, then they're doing just fine and there's absolutely no reason for complaints. Correct?

    I'm talking about DOFFs .... You have to uses uncommons and rares for fleet projects the higher up go.

    So suddenly players have to begin putting in their uncommons and rares.
    Joint Forces Commander ... / ... proud member of ... boq botlhra'ghom / AllianceCenCom!
    " We stand TOGETHER and fight with HONOR!"

    U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
  • f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    But you think your "perception" is "reality"? I'm telling you how it is and what you need to do to make your fleet progress at the pace you want but you refuse, and you've deluded yourself into thinking that you're going to be catered to for having a small lazy fleet. Sounds like I'm more in touch with reality.

    Nope ... I'm saying its my point of view and my perception.

    Neither of us are talking reality. Hell, this is a fictional game if you want to get down to specifics.

    Truth is ... You don't know what its like to walk in the shoes of other fleets other than your own.

    At least I work closely with other fleet leaders and members of other fleets via a coalition. ... All of whom seem to agree.
    Joint Forces Commander ... / ... proud member of ... boq botlhra'ghom / AllianceCenCom!
    " We stand TOGETHER and fight with HONOR!"

    U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
  • odyssey47odyssey47 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    genhauk wrote: »
    I'm talking about DOFFs .... You have to uses uncommons and rares for fleet projects the higher up go.

    So suddenly players have to begin putting in their uncommons and rares.

    Ok, try to follow me on this one. We've been debating on the fairness of project costs to small fleets that are behind because of it. Those fleets would still be on white quality only. If they're so far along that they need higher quality, THEN THEY'RE NOT TOO SMALL AND NOT FALLING BEHIND AND DON'T NEED TO BE CATERED TO!!! Therefore, no one in these small fleets have had to sacrifice their doffing for the fleet projects. And if they're in a fleet that far advanced to where they need higher quality doffs, then they'll do just fine if they keep enough doffs to do their doffing. Take your time on replying til your brain catches up, no sense in arguing in circles.
  • odyssey47odyssey47 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    genhauk wrote: »
    Nope ... I'm saying its my point of view and my perception.

    Neither of us are talking reality. Hell, this is a fictional game if you want to get down to specifics.

    Truth is ... You don't know what its like to walk in the shoes of other fleets other than your own.

    At least I work closely with other fleet leaders and members of other fleets via a coalition. ... All of whom seem to agree.

    No the game really exists in reality. The setting is fiction. What you need to do to advance your fleet quickly is reality, what you think you should have to do is fantasy.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    If by fleets suffered you mean they had no reason to exist other than a place to hang your hat, ok. Now that they have a reason for existence they're suffering? This isn't about what I see, because I see reality. This is about what you see, which is delusion.

    A human's perception IS defined reality. For themselves.

    If a fleet perceives that they are suffering they are infact suffering and will likely cease to play. That tends to cause others to suffer their loss and then they cease to play. Then they go to the MMO graveyard to join City of Heroes.

    *I do not believe this game is dying nor do I think season 7 will kill it. Possibly a combination of 7, 8 and 9 if they keep alienating portions of the playerbase but that will take awhile.
  • f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    Ok, try to follow me on this one. We've been debating on the fairness of project costs to small fleets that are behind because of it. Those fleets would still be on white quality only. If they're so far along that they need higher quality, THEN THEY'RE NOT TOO SMALL AND NOT FALLING BEHIND AND DON'T NEED TO BE CATERED TO!!! Therefore, no one in these small fleets have had to sacrifice their doffing for the fleet projects. And if they're in a fleet that far advanced to where they need higher quality doffs, then they'll do just fine if they keep enough doffs to do their doffing. Take your time on replying til your brain catches up, no sense in arguing in circles.

    :::: ROTFLMAO .... I'm not even going to justify that and your next with a response.
    Joint Forces Commander ... / ... proud member of ... boq botlhra'ghom / AllianceCenCom!
    " We stand TOGETHER and fight with HONOR!"

    U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
  • odyssey47odyssey47 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    genhauk wrote: »
    Nope ... I'm saying its my point of view and my perception.

    Neither of us are talking reality. Hell, this is a fictional game if you want to get down to specifics.

    Truth is ... You don't know what its like to walk in the shoes of other fleets other than your own.

    At least I work closely with other fleet leaders and members of other fleets via a coalition. ... All of whom seem to agree.

    Also, I was in another fleet before I created my own. It was stagnant and dying because the fleet leader was content to let it remain small and not bother to recruit. The fact that you belong to a "coalition" really undermines your position on this topic. Instead of pulling your resources into fewer, or even one fleet, you're in a bunch of fleets having to fill the same projects multiple times. I really don't see the logic in not merging the fleets together. This would solve your problem. You're shooting yourself in the foot. It's ridiculous. Is there a reason other than x amount of people all want to be fleet leaders? I really don't see the point in your coalition.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    genhauk wrote: »
    :::: ROTFLMAO .... I'm not even going to justify that and your next with a response.

    He is merely an elitist that thinks because he has a shiney that few others have he is special. It is true at this point he does not need justified with any more of your, or my, time.
  • odyssey47odyssey47 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    genhauk wrote: »
    :::: ROTFLMAO .... I'm not even going to justify that and your next with a response.

    Because there's nothing for you to say. You thought you had me in the debate, but you were actually too slow to comprehend what was being said. You were talking about fleets that should only be needing white doffs, then all of a sudden you're talking about fleets that need higher quality. If they're at a point where they need higher than white quality for their projects, then they're progressing just fine. Not sure why you're confused about this.
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