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The new PVP help and ship build thread



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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    plasma, unless you go crazy buffing its proc, and have a ship built around plasma DOT, is not viable im afraid. the stf set shields guard against its damage, and EVERYONE is using an stf shield

    I know this was originally answered in regard to Plasma Energy Damage - but there's something that's always kind of bothered me, that I thought I'd go ahead and ask.

    Plasma Torpedo/Mine: the Ambiplasma console increases Plasma projectile damage.
    Plasma Cannons/Beams/Turrets: the Plasma Infuser console increases Plasma energy damage.

    Simple enough so far...enter the Plasma-Disruptor Hybrid.

    Per STOwiki, you want a Disruptor Induction Coil for the Disruptor energy damage. If you want to buff the Plasma DoT damage - you want a Plasma Infuser.

    Well, both Plasma Torps and Mines can also apply a Plasma DoT. Is that Plasma DoT affected by a Plasma Infuser? Does the Ambiplasma affect both the kinetic damage and the DoT on torps/mines? Is it a case that if you're running Plasma Energy/Torps/Mines - is the Plasma DoT being affected by both Plasma Infuser and Ambiplasma consoles?

    Along those lines, will the Romulan set that buffs Plasma damage also buff those Plasma DoTs? What about the KHG torp damage bonus - does that apply to the Plasma DoT from a torpedo?

    Just one of those things... was wondering what you thought, knew, and all that jazz. Thanks...
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    tmichctmichc Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hi all,

    Since I'm new to PvP I noticed DDIS' thread and wondered if I could ask some questions of the learned minds...

    1. On my Fed Tac captain, I have a Bug (acquired during the DOff pack event). Is the 3-piece Mk XI Jem set the best to slot into it, or should I use my 2-piece Borg & MACO Mk XI shield that I currently have on my Armitage? Also, would the panel recommend Aux2SIF (as per the Hilbert Guide) or RSP? And I'm using an all DHCs & turrets build (no torps). IS that the right way to go about it?

    2. This may be a gimp build, but I play PvP for the fun not min-maxing... Anyway, I have an Orion Engie in a Hegh'ta, also because I love the ship. Does anyone have any advice as to what's best to use for that? Currently using the Polarised Disruptors from lockboxes, and have really only just started (no Borg Kit for her, using a 2-piece Jem Mk XI set and a positronic deflector).

    Thanks in advance guys (and girls),

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    shimmerlessshimmerless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    If you're not teaming too often I'd take RSP over Aux2SIF, it's still a ridic strong skill and its only real counters are either kinetic or a Tac/Sci combo who both know what they're doing. Aux2SIF is also aux-reliant (so if your aux is procced off you're boned) while RSP isn't really dependent on anything. Once you're comfortable flying your ship you can also pull off some nifty psychological tricks when GDF is off cooldown.

    Two-piece Borg and your Hazards are more than you'll ever need for keeping your hull primed.
    vids and guides and stuff

    [9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I know this was originally answered in regard to Plasma Energy Damage - but there's something that's always kind of bothered me, that I thought I'd go ahead and ask.

    Plasma Torpedo/Mine: the Ambiplasma console increases Plasma projectile damage.
    Plasma Cannons/Beams/Turrets: the Plasma Infuser console increases Plasma energy damage.

    Simple enough so far...enter the Plasma-Disruptor Hybrid.

    Per STOwiki, you want a Disruptor Induction Coil for the Disruptor energy damage. If you want to buff the Plasma DoT damage - you want a Plasma Infuser.

    Well, both Plasma Torps and Mines can also apply a Plasma DoT. Is that Plasma DoT affected by a Plasma Infuser? Does the Ambiplasma affect both the kinetic damage and the DoT on torps/mines? Is it a case that if you're running Plasma Energy/Torps/Mines - is the Plasma DoT being affected by both Plasma Infuser and Ambiplasma consoles?

    Along those lines, will the Romulan set that buffs Plasma damage also buff those Plasma DoTs? What about the KHG torp damage bonus - does that apply to the Plasma DoT from a torpedo?

    Just one of those things... was wondering what you thought, knew, and all that jazz. Thanks...

    it was brought to my attention the other day that the plasma disrupter's DOT was subpar compared to standard plasma weapons for some reason, that kinda makes them a non option.

    Plasma Infuser buff all plasma energy damage, and that includes DOT. particle gens also buff DOT as well, at least from torps and EWP, but not on energy weapon DOT, which is inconsistent and dumb.

    Ambiplasma effect kinetic damage, and the dot of plasma torps and mines. but the kinetic from plasma i find to be not that important, so i focus most on the DOT aspect and stack plamsa energy weapons, wile also using plamsa energy weapons.

    the KHG set does not buff the dot, it only effects knetic damage, believe me i checked, if that buffed the dot too that would have been awesome. whats the romulna set? hows the omega plasma torp? im still in tier 2 rep, so i haven't even seen these things yet

    i do know that for an all out dot focused plasma weapons build, that does actually work surprisingly well even with the stf shields, the romulan plasma weapons are great. they are plasma weapons with a disrupter proc too, and you can have any combination of 2 mods with them. keep in mind that the dam mod buffs the proc damage, and the disruptor debuff magnitude too. thats why fleet plasma weapons with 3 dam mods are actually probably the ideal for plasma weapons surprisingly enough. plasma torps too.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Thanks for that reply. Plasma's always been...yeah, anyway...for me. Hope others find that info helpful as well as they eye the S7 stuff.
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    mav's star cruiser/mirror assault cruiser has been updated into its proper final version, i seem to have posted a more outdated version before.
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    tmichctmichc Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    If you're not teaming too often I'd take RSP over Aux2SIF, it's still a ridic strong skill and its only real counters are either kinetic or a Tac/Sci combo who both know what they're doing. Aux2SIF is also aux-reliant (so if your aux is procced off you're boned) while RSP isn't really dependent on anything. Once you're comfortable flying your ship you can also pull off some nifty psychological tricks when GDF is off cooldown.

    Two-piece Borg and your Hazards are more than you'll ever need for keeping your hull primed.

    Ah right I see. Thanks muchly for that. I wondered if I was unitentionally gimping myself with the 3-piece Jem set. That, and most of the fleet mates that I PvP with are Tacs, so cross-healing is somewhat minimal at times. I shall adjust my set up accordingly and see how it works out. Maybe one day I won't suck at flying it! :D



    Now, half the time I'm okay, and can go a complete round without dying. Other times, particularly against Klingons, I tend to melt like a snowflake in an oven... I'm sure it's something I've done wrong, or sub-optimised somewhere, so am looking for advice as to where that could be.

    My current spec and BOff stations here.

    Currently outfitted with the following;

    Fore weapons: 2x Mk X Polaron DHC [Acc]x2 [CrtH], 2x Mk XI Polaron DHC [Acc]x2 [CrtD]
    Rear weapons: 1x Mk XI Polaron Turret [Acc]x2 [CrtH], 2x MK XI Polaron Turret [Acc]x2 [CrtD]
    Deflector: Mk XI Assimilated Deflector
    Engines: Mk XI Assimilated Subtranswarp Engines
    Shield: Mk XI MACO Resilient Shield
    Engineering: Borg Assimilated Console, Mk XII Ablative Armour, Mk XI Neutronium Armour, Mk XI Neutronium Armour
    Science: Mk XII Field Generator
    Tactical: 2x Mk X Polaron Phase Modulator, 3x Mk XI Polaron Phase Modulator

    My DOffs: 1x Hamlet, 2x SDO (BFI), 2x Horatio Technicians.

    Any thoughts as to where I'm going wrong?
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    what are the technicians doffs for?
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    tmichctmichc Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    It's called me not reading the tooltip properly... Doh! I clean missed the part about the Aux to Battery requirement. :rolleyes:

    With that in mind, would you recommend sticking A2B in my build somewhere, or sacking off the Horatios and using another brand of DOff?

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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    tmichc wrote: »
    It's called me not reading the tooltip properly... Doh! I clean missed the part about the Aux to Battery requirement. :rolleyes:

    With that in mind, would you recommend sticking A2B in my build somewhere, or sacking off the Horatios and using another brand of DOff?


    its a great doff for ships that can use AtB, but that escort isn't one of them, it can already double up all its tac skills, and you need the LT slot for more useful things.

    i would suggest 2 purple or 3 blue damage control doffs so you can run 1 copy of EPtS1 and 1 copy of EPtA1 and have them both on full up time, and then ether AtS or RSP. sci skills i would use TSS1, and HE2. HE with all that aux you will have will be great for healing your hull, and TSS can be a life saver when used when you start to take heavy fire.

    the rest of the doffs i would use BFI. but theres always new doffs, i don't know enough about them yet to recommend them though
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    thisslerthissler Member Posts: 2,055 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    its a great doff for ships that can use AtB, but that escort isn't one of them, it can already double up all its tac skills, and you need the LT slot for more useful things.

    i would suggest 2 purple or 3 blue damage control doffs so you can run 1 copy of EPtS1 and 1 copy of EPtA1 and have them both on full up time, and then ether AtS or RSP. sci skills i would use TSS1, and HE2. HE with all that aux you will have will be great for healing your hull, and TSS can be a life saver when used when you start to take heavy fire.

    the rest of the doffs i would use BFI. but theres always new doffs, i don't know enough about them yet to recommend them though

    Whether I agree with DDIS or disagree, makes no difference. Doesn't matter if YOU agree or disagree either. But when you see a statement like this from him you KNOW that means something is BORKED with the system. DDIS LIVES to get information. I'm sure he calls it 'data' or 'input' when he's muttering over a spreadsheet. Freaking Johnnie Five rebooted.

    Another guy I know doffs about 27 hours a day. I'm pretty sure he no longer bathes, and only says he has a cat so as to pass off the giant litter box next to his desk. I mentioned that I was stacking battery doffs and asked his opinion.

    Me: (sultry, somewhat smokey voice) So......I'm stacking battery doffs.
    Him: (smitten, yet obviously confused) wut?
    Me: (lilting, lyrical laughter,like rainbows) The on use battery doffs, I'm using three.
    Him: (does drool have a sound?) wut?

    So. Back to my question. What think? 3 doffs. I use dual system batteries. One or two SDO, Hazards, or tech for the 25 to aux when cloaked. (I use that as it takes effect as soon as you try to cloak, nice boost0
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    jimmyradiationjimmyradiation Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Oh mighty and powerful PvP Ship Building Gods of the Forums, I come to you in my time of need.

    Let me just start by saying...Pvp--not my forte--in fact I tend to stay far far away from it. BUT! You fine folks of this particular section of the forums know you're stuff when building ships so I come to you on both knees begging for help.

    Recently, I have found myself playing a bit of the Red Side. Got myself a little science captain who's closing in on 40. I find myself eyeballing the hell out of that Vo'quv Carrier (Fed side I bomb about in cruisers, and I know about the Vo'quv's terribad turn rate - lets just get that out of the way)

    Now! I plan on rocking me some carrier when I hit 40, and am deadset on this particular one (Mainly cause it's just way too damn big) but from all my scouring of the inter-webs I can't for the life of me find some advice that pertains to me (a science captain) and what I do find is all about some torpedoes or turrets (both of which I am not a fan of)

    I don't mind playing the healer - in fact I prefer it - but I'd like to get something going that'll let me do solo/dailies with ease. Not sure where to start--so here I am.

    In essence (TLDR):
    - Gonna rock a Vo'quv
    - Need decent build
    - Preferably beam boat (I hate torps and turrets)
    - Want suggestions

    Whew...think I've said what I need to. Well...except maybe...


    EDIT: Sidenote - This is the only ship/faction I have considered PvPing in - so, any recommendations on healboat/support ship with this is also welcome!
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    thissler wrote: »
    Whether I agree with DDIS or disagree, makes no difference. Doesn't matter if YOU agree or disagree either. But when you see a statement like this from him you KNOW that means something is BORKED with the system. DDIS LIVES to get information. I'm sure he calls it 'data' or 'input' when he's muttering over a spreadsheet. Freaking Johnnie Five rebooted.

    Another guy I know doffs about 27 hours a day. I'm pretty sure he no longer bathes, and only says he has a cat so as to pass off the giant litter box next to his desk. I mentioned that I was stacking battery doffs and asked his opinion.

    Me: (sultry, somewhat smokey voice) So......I'm stacking battery doffs.
    Him: (smitten, yet obviously confused) wut?
    Me: (lilting, lyrical laughter,like rainbows) The on use battery doffs, I'm using three.
    Him: (does drool have a sound?) wut?

    So. Back to my question. What think? 3 doffs. I use dual system batteries. One or two SDO, Hazards, or tech for the 25 to aux when cloaked. (I use that as it takes effect as soon as you try to cloak, nice boost0

    if anything you said about me was true, there would be a lot more builds posted in this thread already! :D i am contently reminded by how much i don't know or didn't get right, yesterday its particle gens not buffing torp plasma proc, today it was APD lol. i only started parceling damage logs the other day after all this time. though i admit, looking at the numbers is slightly arousing...

    were do you get all those dual batteries? they seem like a rare commodity to just eat through all the time. i got 1 of those very rare batery doffs, mant eng i think, from an officer exchange. boy was i suprised. have just been hanging on to it too. same thing with one of those SNB doffs, love those officer exchanges. those aux buffing tech doffs look very nice for bops, especially brels.

    the majority of doffs out there i just don't have personal experience with, and wile some of the new ones in the newest pack are very interesting, they are all rare and expensive at the moment, assuming you can find them in an exchange category at all.

    any ship with a low number of eng stations i would recommend damage control doffs so EPtX skills don't eat up those limited slots. have at least 2 LT eng slots? think about a 2 AtB build then, except in the steamrunners case. besides that, the extra shield heals from BFI doffs, cant go wrong there.

    sci ships especially rely on their doffs heavily to be effective. without doffs, most sci skills are simply below a good effectiveness level.
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    In essence (TLDR):
    - Gonna rock a Vo'quv
    - Need decent build
    - Preferably beam boat (I hate torps and turrets)
    - Want suggestions

    Whew...think I've said what I need to. Well...except maybe...


    EDIT: Sidenote - This is the only ship/faction I have considered PvPing in - so, any recommendations on healboat/support ship with this is also welcome!

    the next few things im gunna post hrere are some sci ship builds from the old thread, some bop builds and some carrier builds. when ever i give myself time to do that. might be carriers first.

    these 3 things i have little experience in, but i know the abilities and how they fit together well, so i should be able to come up with a decent baseline to get started on.
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    jimmyradiationjimmyradiation Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    the next few things im gunna post hrere are some sci ship builds from the old thread, some bop builds and some carrier builds. when ever i give myself time to do that. might be carriers first.

    these 3 things i have little experience in, but i know the abilities and how they fit together well, so i should be able to come up with a decent baseline to get started on.

    Then I anxiously await to shower cookies and/or beer upon you. And thank you much!
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    snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    We need Kilawpilath (webdeath) to do another Carrier guide.

    It's linked in my siglink, in case anyone is interested in his knowledge.
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    thisslerthissler Member Posts: 2,055 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Yes dual system batteries get very expensive. I'm not even sure how I got the doffs. Packs or grinding who knows? Combined the two seem pretty good.

    They make my DC's shine!

    Cheers happy flying!
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    shimmerlessshimmerless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Thissler, I also use the batt DOff and I'd be super interested to learn if you get double procs by using dual batteries.
    vids and guides and stuff

    [9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Vo'quv carrier support boat

    this is the fattest thing in game, low arc weapons and skills do poorly on this thing for the most part. your best off with an engineer or science captain here, and if your a sci a jump console would be helpful to use when you want to subnuk someone. you wont be able to point your ship at them in a timely fashion any other way.

    6 beam arrays

    TT1, FAW2, APD2
    EPtA1, EPtS2, ES2/RSP2
    PH1, HE2, ST3, FBP3
    HE1, TSS2

    station power long form here


    borg deflector
    borg engine
    borg/KHG/advanced fleet/elite fleet shield


    neutronium, 2 sfi

    1-4 field generators/1-4 shield emitters

    2 energy damage consoles or universal


    2 EPtX damage control, 2 purple ST dev lab, 1 purple EPtA maint


    any, hull repair drones

    this first one is a sci based healer tank basically, with the right consoles, the right doffs, and a bunch of aux it should heal and support well. pets arent to much of a priority here, i would stick any sort of healer pet here. the commander sci station is basically up for grabs, but FBP3 could act as a deterrent to shooting at you. you could also use tbr to push away attackers glued to your aft, a photonic shockwave to stun folks close to you and disrupt invincible shield vestas, shields extenders, and eject warp plasma cruisers flying at you.you can play with the order of EPtS, and ES/RSP as you like as well.
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Vo'quv carrier energy drain TRIBBLE

    this is the fattest thing in game, low arc weapons and skills do poorly on this thing for the most part. your best off with an engineer or science captain here, and if your a sci a jump console would be helpful to use when you want to subnuk someone. you wont be able to point your ship at them in a timely fashion any other way.

    6 polaron beam arrays

    TT1, FAW2, APD2
    EPtA1, EPtS2, RSP2
    TB1, HE2, TR2, Energy Syphon3
    TB1, TSS2

    station power long form here


    omega deflector
    omega engine
    omega/KHG/advanced fleet/elite fleet shield


    neutronium, borg, leach

    4 flow cap

    2 polaron energy damage consoles


    2 EPtX damage control, 1 energy siphon doffs, 1 TR doff, 1 pet launch faster doffs

    (observe my doff knowledge reaching its limit here)


    siphon drones

    well, your reason to exist is to plant drones on a target, and stack other energy draining things on them as well. you might as well use the omega 2 piece tet glider wile having all those flow cap consoles stacked for extra shield draining. lots of tractor up time means yout target wont be able to just fly away from the tykerns rift and the slow siphon drones. apply drones, receive victory, assuming the enemy team has no CSV, no FAW, no TBR, and no EWP. wile siphon drones in ideal condition can rnder someone basicly helpless, they pop from 1 or 2 AOE hits
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Er. never mind the build I posted here...
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    jimmyradiationjimmyradiation Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Vo'quv carrier support boat

    this is the fattest thing in game, low arc weapons and skills do poorly on this thing for the most part. your best off with an engineer or science captain here, and if your a sci a jump console would be helpful to use when you want to subnuk someone. you wont be able to point your ship at them in a timely fashion any other way.

    6 beam arrays

    TT1, FAW2, APD2
    EPtA1, EPtS2, ES2/RSP2
    PH1, HE2, ST3, FBP3
    HE1, TSS2

    station power long form here


    borg deflector
    borg engine
    borg/KHG/advanced fleet/elite fleet shield


    neutronium, 2 sfi

    1-4 field generators/1-4 shield emitters

    2 energy damage consoles or universal


    2 EPtX damage control, 2 purple ST dev lab, 1 purple EPtA maint


    any, hull repair drones

    this first one is a sci based healer tank basically, with the right consoles, the right doffs, and a bunch of aux it should heal and support well. pets arent to much of a priority here, i would stick any sort of healer pet here. the commander sci station is basically up for grabs, but FBP3 could act as a deterrent to shooting at you. you could also use tbr to push away attackers glued to your aft, a photonic shockwave to stun folks close to you and disrupt invincible shield vestas, shields extenders, and eject warp plasma cruisers flying at you.you can play with the order of EPtS, and ES/RSP as you like as well.

    This - thank you - it's what I was in the neighborhood for. Now, for solo PvE content type things, I imagine I'd pop in some BoPs in my hanger and just let them cause hell while I plink away with beams at the enemy? Sort of a "Survive the onslaught, let the kids run about and have the fun" type of deal. I imagine I would set Weapon Power up instead of Aux at this point too. Any suggestions?
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    webdeath wrote: »
    WARNING! The following is a more experimental build then anything else. Relying on only a more concept Idea then anything else. Also, the build will not work as well in PVE. It CAN work there, but the damage will be less then optimal.

    The following was built using the only Science ship I have that had access to the apporiate BOFFs needed. While yes there are better science ships to use, this was the best I have.

    Tholian Orb
    Universal LtC:
    Emergency Power to Auxilery 1, Auxilery to the Battery 1, Eject Warp Plasma 1
    Ensign Tactical: Tactical Team 1
    LtC Engineering: Emergency Power to Shields 1, Auxilery to the Battery 1, Reverse shield polarity 2
    Ensign Science: Tractor Beam 1
    Commander Science: Hazard Emitters 1, Transfer Shield Strength 2, Tractor Repulsors 2, Viral Matrix 3

    Duty officers: 1x Uncommon System Engineer AOE Viral, 1x Rare System Engineer Recurring Viral, 2x Very Rare Technicians, 1x Rare technicians

    Weapons Fore: 1x Plasma Torpedoes Mk XII [CrtH] [Dmg]x2, 1x Plasma Torpedo [CrtD] [Dmg]x2, 1x Hargh'Peng
    Weapons Aft: 1x Borg Cutting Beam, 1x Plasma Mine Launcher mk XII [CrtD] [Dmg]x2

    Engineering: 2x Neutronium Alloy Mk XI (rare), 1x Ablative Armor (Rare)
    Science: Tholian Web Generator, Assimilated Borg console, 2x Particle Generator (rare)
    Tactical: 2x Ambiplasma Envelope Mk XII (Rare), 1x TCD Subspace Infuser Mk XII (Rare)

    The Concept of the Build:
    Viral Matrix 3 for Disables with the Doffs for extra Disables either on the target or with lucky procs on the Nearby Allies.
    Perma Warp Plasma and Rapid Fire Virals avaliable via Aux to bat x2
    TBR 2 being the main damage avaliable other wise with Tractor beam for holding people in place for more Plasma or Viralness.

    Main place in a team, Disabler/Support.

    Hrmm, that kind of got me thinking...

    EPtA1, AtB1, RSP2
    EPtS1, AtB1, EWP1

    TSS1, HE2, TB3, GW3

    DOFFs: 3 Tech, 1 Grav, 1 MAS

    Fore: Chron Dual Beam, Chron Flux Torp, Chron Flux Torp
    Aft: Temp Disruption, Chron Mine Launcher, Chron Flux Torp

    Tac: Graviton, 2x CFR
    Eng: Borg, 2x Neut
    Sci: Tachyo, Rom Grav (Shield), Rom Grav (Hull), EPM

    Deflector/Engine/Shields: AKHG

    Role: Tackler/Defense Nullifier/Pet Killer

    edit: Can you stack DOs? If so, what about dropping the AtB/Tech stuff - switch the Uni LCdr from Eng to Tac - add the second Tac Team, Torp Spread, and DPB? You'd lose the EWP spam though. AtB1 would be replaced with RSP1.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    that's kind of dumb.... if it won't work well in PVE how can it work well in PvP??? oO
    unless of course he failed to mention that it won't work well against BORG.....but even then it doesn't make sense.
    If its good for PvP it should work wonders for PvE

    I believe it's a role situation. There are roles that one might consider for PvP that are pointless in PvE - well, because PvE is PvE - the AI is the AI - and there's just no need for it in PvE.

    Thing's that you'd be "happy" to see in PvP (on your team)...
    ...but things that would make you "sad" to see in PvE while trying to do optionals.

    Mobs just aren't going to be doing all the things that player might do, so having a build meant to deal with those things - well, it wouldn't work well in PvE.

    Likewise, it's one of the reasons that a PvEer may initially have a bunch of complaints when entering PvP - it's just not that simple in PvP.

    A PvP DPS boat will likely rock in PvE.
    A PvP Heal boat will likely rock in PvE.

    You start to step away from those two roles, though - things that might rock in PvP and well, you're wasting space in PvE...

    Hell, it's one of the reasons that many claim to enjoy PvP and one of the complaints many have against PvE...
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    rudiefix1rudiefix1 Member Posts: 420
    edited December 2012
    Im currently investigating a "disable" Vo'Quv build. However, with all the new grinding it has not big priority, but here is the principle:

    To max disable an opponent use of 2x reinforced marauding force. VM3, phaser beams (incl target subsystems) and maybe chroniton mines/torps and tractor beam for additional holds.

    The idea is that you always disable either via VM/phasers/subsystem targetting or the marauding force. This because VM/phasers/subsystem targetting is cleared by ET and the marauding force by TT. So the target cannot (without help) clear all disables at the same time, since Et and TT share cooldown.

    But like I said, need to test it still thoroughly.....

    @rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
    @rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
    @rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
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    shimmerlessshimmerless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    that's kind of dumb.... if it won't work well in PVE how can it work well in PvP??? oO
    unless of course he failed to mention that it won't work well against BORG.....but even then it doesn't make sense.
    If its good for PvP it should work wonders for PvE

    A lot of skills are circumstantial, especially with Sci tubs. VM3 isn't all that great against NPCs but it's brutal against players.
    vids and guides and stuff

    [9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
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    maicake716maicake716 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    i hear that guy called mai kai will be getting himself a new fleet nebula soon(ish).

    he used to have a great hybrid sci/heal boat outta it.
    mancom wrote: »
    Frankly, I think the only sound advice that one can give new players at this time is to stay away from PVP in STO.
    Science pvp at its best-http://www.youtube.com/user/matteo716
    Do you even Science Bro?
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