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The new PVP help and ship build thread



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    cliftona91cliftona91 Member Posts: 254
    edited December 2012

    Is this some kind of troll, cause i know it sure as hell caused me to laugh.

    It was an actual serious question.

    I don't troll unless I'm in a really bad mood
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    the excelsior had to be at the very end of its usefulness around the time of the dominion war, there were several brand new classes that were of similar size or smaller that were much more capable and powerful, it shouldn't even be in a game that takes place 40 years later. same thing with the miranda
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    upyournacelles2upyournacelles2 Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    cliftona91 wrote: »
    It was an actual serious question.

    I don't troll unless I'm in a really bad mood

    The devs don't think in terms of balance, but in terms of profit when there brainstorming these ships.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    There was this discussion on the Excelsior earlier in the year: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=263527

    There were probably others, but what other thread offered the dimensions of the Toyota Yaris? :)
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    thegrimcorsairthegrimcorsair Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    In all likelihood the Regent was envisioned as a sort of ultimate array'scort. Zipping around tearing things apart with 7 Arrays and its WA torpedo launcher. Works nicely in PvE w/ TT1, FAW1, Spread 2, and AP:B2.

    Again, though, that's PvE. Arrays are terrible in PvP, yes even at spam clearance thanks to FAW's accuracy issues, and their own inherent method of operation. Each array slowly fires 4 "pulses' of damage at a target which means their weapon power debuff is applied for the duration of their pulses. To get the most out of them you have to fire many of them at the same target, meaning you have a ton of weapon energy drain going on (this is why over-capping weapons power is absolutely critical for arrays). Now, combine those traits into a weapon that deals at most a moderate amount of damage over a very long period and you start to see why arrays are so tepid in PvP: They struggle to keep up an effective healing tax on a given target, and when switch on FAW they struggle to clear anything other than mines and actively reduce your ability to keep pressure on a target, let alone make hole in a target's shields long enough to get torpedoes through it.
    If you feel Keel'el's effect is well designed, please, for your own safety, be very careful around shallow pools of water.
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    stealthriderstealthrider Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    It's been a while since I made my thread asking for help with my Galor, so I thought I'd update on my progress and performance with my current build, crafted using the very helpful suggestions I was given. The build follows.

    Sci Captain (Jecoa of the IKS Seska, in case anyone's seen me around)

    Cardassian Galor

    Fore Weapons: 3x Spiral Wave Disruptors, 1x Photon Torpedo Mk XII
    Aft Weapons: 3x Spiral Wave Disruptors, 1x Kinetic Cutting Beam

    Shield, Deflector: Omega Mk XII
    Engine: Honor Guard Mk XI

    -Eng--2x Neutronium Mk XI, 1x EPS, 1x Borg
    -Sci--2x Flow Capacitor Mk XI, 1x Field Generator Mk XI
    -Tac--3x Disruptor Coil Mk XI

    Boff Slots:

    Comm Eng--DEM III, EWP I, Aux2Batt I, EPtS I
    LtCom Tac--BO III, Torp SpreadI I, Tac Team I
    Lt Eng--Aux2Batt I, EPtA I
    Lt Uni--HE I, TSS 2
    Ens Sci--TB I

    Doffs: 3xTech (1 Purp, 2 Blue), 1x DEM (Purp), 1x EWP (Blue)

    Since finishing most of the build (still working on getting two more Tech doffs) I've been doing extremely well in PvP, able to take on most escorts 1v1 and doing exceptional damage over the course of a match. I haven't followed *all* of the suggestions made in that thread, though. My reasons for doing so are as follows.

    Photon over Plasma torps: I wasn't able to get a Plasma torp as good as my Photon, for one. Secondly, I felt the photons helped me more against targets stripped of their shields, which is where I was lacking. Eventually I hope to try out the Omega torpedo.

    Kinetic Cutting Beam over a 7th Spiral Wave: Continuing with that problem, i figured having the kinetic beam would help my hull damage considerably, and dropping the 7th beam didnt seem to lower my shield damage all that much. Also, the Cutting Beam gives me the Omega Weapons proc that helps keep my power level at max(and seems to stack with the DEM boff) and, according to the tooltip, it is affected by Tetryon Glider.

    Omega 2pc and KHG Engine over 3pc Borg: I tried the Borg set out, and found that my survivability wasn't greatly increased over the Omega 3pc. In 1v1s and generally when not focus-fired, I didn't have much trouble keeping my shields up, and when focus fired the Borg regen didn't help much at all. So, I opted for the extra shield damage from Tetryon Glider. Additionally, I found that having my engine system offline was one of the things that ended up getting me killed most often (especially with no Engi team of my own), so having Hot Restart from the KHG engine was worth sacrificing the 3pc Omega bonus in my mind.

    Overall I'm extremely happy with how my ship has turned out, and am very grateful to drunk and nacelles for their advice. /tiphat
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    redrickyredricky Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    Cardassian Galor
    This looks really solid to me. One thing is the flow caps, I think you might get more mileage out of the damage particle generators would add to EWP and DEM than what flow caps adds to tet glider. But you might have checked that already cause it seems like you're parsing and squeezing every bit of efficiency out of this already.

    Torp type is, I think, going to have a minor impact on your build. I like Plasma for premature HE, especially if you spread it around and they can't hand it to a buddy, but that's just me.

    But yeah, overall it looks pretty tight to me.

    Agreed on the Hot Restart, I'm a pretty big fan of that feature.
    CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
    Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
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    shimmerlessshimmerless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    If you just want pure damage with your torps I'd recommend quants, trannies aren't bad either but they only really shine with the mine shield pen. Chrons are a fantastic team torp and plasma is great for forcing premature Hazards (synergizes with EWP for the same reason).

    I'm not a torp expert and I agree with Red that it's really not a huge deal but personally I'd say photons' usefulness is limited at best.

    Also not sure how I feel about the cutting beam (it misses a lot and the proc seems buggy) but since it's early days I'll save comment on that in particular.
    vids and guides and stuff

    [9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    the galor build has all the basics i would suggest, with just a personal style too it, which is good. what i post i mainly intend to be basic starting points for people to build on, not an exact setup

    regarding EWP3 and DEM3, only use EWP3 if you can slot as many partical gens as you can. and/or if you decide to use plasma weapon, the plasma tac consoles buff it as well. in any other situation, and especially if you use glider, DEM3 and flow caps are best for maximizing a cruiser's firepower, and you use EWP1 as a snare.

    due to the torp cooldown near removal, and projectile doffs, photon torpedoes are now basically useless. they might have a use if you dont use projectile doffs, but you left with a trop thats not doing much of anything damage wise. a ship that cant use DHCs cant use torps effectively ether, you cant spike down a shield faceing with any other weapon and expect to hit hull with torps.

    thats why plasma is good, its not about the impact, its about the proc. buffed by plasma energy tac consoles too actually. transphasic are the other option, they are intended to be fired at shields. quantums might be good if you have 3 flow cap buffed glider all but removing all their shields, and they haven't dies or ran off yet.
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    sgtciscoinsasgtciscoinsa Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Glider..does that still work? I thought it was nerfed where it wasnt any good anymore....

    Last night Mr. Dontdrunkkimshoot help me set up my ship. I increased my firepower by least 15%. I was top dps on my team in a cruiser on all my matches (even the ones I lost). The additon of Aux to Batteries and DEM is amazing. Its a must have for TAC Cruiser captains.
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Glider..does that still work? I thought it was nerfed where it wasnt any good anymore....

    Last night Mr. Dontdrunkkimshoot help me set up my ship. I increased my firepower by least 15%. I was top dps on my team in a cruiser on all my matches (even the ones I lost). The additon of Aux to Batteries and DEM is amazing. Its a must have for TAC Cruiser captains.

    im glad i could help. if anyone sees me on ranting about something in opvp, hit me up with a question if you got one. afterward your effectiveness may be greatly increased! not so much a bootcamp, but a tutoring.

    in my opinion glider is best on high fire rate damage over time dealers, single cannon cruisers to be precise. with the extra damage each shot, it takes a wile before it can have an effect on your enemy. what it adds to a spike damage dealers is very minor really. i wouldn't suggest using it on anything that would be prone to use DHCs and tries to kill shield facings 1 at a time.

    it seems to effectively be a regen rate counter more then anything, and it takes a wile before that has an effect on your opponent. but for a damage over time ship, that means that eventually you will be shooting at a target with almost no shields left that cant out heal your direct shield damage. it also only seams to have a noticeable effect when you have 2 or 3 flow cap consoles buffing it.
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    p2wsucksp2wsucks Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    So. My new tactical Captain accidentally got a respec while not on a base.
    Currently she has a fleet escort (the free version).
    I have one dual beam, and three DHCs in the fore section, and three turrets in the aft. All phaser.

    My main concern is skill point allocation. Do you have a page that shows a good skill point allocation? :)

    I fly KDF, but here's something I'd try:


    I'd suggest trying it out on tribble 1st though.
    [Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
    Random Quote from Kerrat
    "Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
    C&H Fed banter
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    tmichctmichc Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Here's a question (or two) for you DDIS...

    I have a new captain I'm levelling (a Joined Trill Science captain, with a view to sticking her in a Vesta as I have the 3-pack and love the look of the ship). Science has, in many ways, baffled me, as I'm not sure whether I should be all about control, or control + heals, or control + damage. Any good clues or builds you'd recommend?

    I'm thinking of the following (using the Recon/Aventine version), so wondered if it would be any good;

    Fore: 3x Aux-DHCs
    Rear: 3x Phaser Turrets Mk XI (at least [Acc]x1 if not x2)
    Deflector & Engines: Borg
    Shield: MACO Mk XII
    Devices: Subspace Field Modulator, Aux batteries, Weapon batteries
    Eng Slots: 2x Neutronium
    Sci: 1x Field Generator (I have a Mk XII V.Rare in my main char's bank), Graviton Generator Mk XI x2, Tachyokinetic Console
    Tac: Quantum FFC, Fermian Transciever, 2x Phaser relays (Mk XI)

    Hanger: Empty (but maybe shield drones)

    Lt Tac: TT1, CRF1
    Lt Eng: EPtS1, Extend Shields 1
    CMdr Sci: Sci Team 1, HE2, Tractor 2, GW3
    Ensign Uni: Tac: TT1
    Lt.Cmdr Uni: Sci: PH1, TSS2, TBR2

    1x Energy Weapons Officer (CRF cooldown)
    2x Tractor Beam Officer
    1x Gravimetric Sci (Purple)
    1x Shield Distribution Officer (Purple)

    The main aim would be to grab the enemy using the tractor (or throw them away), and pummel them (with the assistance of the team), with the HE, TSS and Fermian as team heals. Any thoughts? Is it a terribad build idea?


    Edit: Yes, you read right, nothing in the hanger. There's too much naffing spam in PvP at the moment, especially when taking on KDF drain teams.
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    p2wsucksp2wsucks Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I don't have any character copies on the Tribble server though :( do I need an invitation???

    Tbh, I don't know what if any restrictions they put on tribble access since it went F2P b/c I'm a lifer. I'd read the FAQ in the tribble forum thread. If you do have access it'll direct you to page where you copy over a character from the holo server to the tribble server etc.



    the link to Tribble FAQ.


    I'm assuming if you use a respec on tribble it doesn't effect any respecs you have on holodeck. But, you may need a token on the character on the holodeck server before you copy it over.
    [Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
    Random Quote from Kerrat
    "Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
    C&H Fed banter
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    sorry ive been neglecting this thread, thanks for helping out with question answering p2wsucks.

    tmichc wrote: »
    Here's a question (or two) for you DDIS...

    I have a new captain I'm levelling (a Joined Trill Science captain, with a view to sticking her in a Vesta as I have the 3-pack and love the look of the ship). Science has, in many ways, baffled me, as I'm not sure whether I should be all about control, or control + heals, or control + damage. Any good clues or builds you'd recommend?

    I'm thinking of the following (using the Recon/Aventine version), so wondered if it would be any good;

    Fore: 3x Aux-DHCs
    Rear: 3x Phaser Turrets Mk XI (at least [Acc]x1 if not x2)
    Deflector & Engines: Borg
    Shield: MACO Mk XII
    Devices: Subspace Field Modulator, Aux batteries, Weapon batteries
    Eng Slots: 2x Neutronium
    Sci: 1x Field Generator (I have a Mk XII V.Rare in my main char's bank), Graviton Generator Mk XI x2, Tachyokinetic Console
    Tac: Quantum FFC, Fermian Transciever, 2x Phaser relays (Mk XI)

    Hanger: Empty (but maybe shield drones)

    Lt Tac: TT1, CRF1
    Lt Eng: EPtS1, Extend Shields 1
    CMdr Sci: Sci Team 1, HE2, Tractor 2, GW3
    Ensign Uni: Tac: TT1
    Lt.Cmdr Uni: Sci: PH1, TSS2, TBR2

    1x Energy Weapons Officer (CRF cooldown)
    2x Tractor Beam Officer
    1x Gravimetric Sci (Purple)
    1x Shield Distribution Officer (Purple)

    The main aim would be to grab the enemy using the tractor (or throw them away), and pummel them (with the assistance of the team), with the HE, TSS and Fermian as team heals. Any thoughts? Is it a terribad build idea?


    Edit: Yes, you read right, nothing in the hanger. There's too much naffing spam in PvP at the moment, especially when taking on KDF drain teams.

    science ships are not my strong suit ether, but i theoretically know how to build them lol.

    heres a few vesta ground rules.

    1) if you use aux cannons, don't use turrets, they run on weapon power. using aux cannons allows you to min max in a way that completely ignores 1 of your 4 energy subsystems, take advantage of that. with the aux cannon, use 1 beam arays for sub system targeting and 2 mines, chrono, tric, trans, and plasma are all capable of actually effecting you enemy.

    2) the vesta can basically do anything and everything well, and you best off using the universal LTC for something other then sci, all the other sci ships you can use if you really want a COM/LTC sci.

    3) 3 normal DHC and 3 turrets is viable as hell for energy damage dealing, especially with hard core sci and maybe some eng befuddling pared with it. your not an escort, pure energy damage is not your strong suit, but there are alternate, and very effective ways to augment the energy damage you deal on that ship.

    as a sci captain in a vesta, i would recommend maximizing your vesta's built in strength, holding and movement control. i pined down, and disabled target is a much easier to injure target, 3 DHCs will go a long way then. heres a fairly simple and inexpensive to put together hold maxing build

    TT1, DPB1
    TT1, CRF1, CRF2

    EPtA1, EPtS2

    TB1, HE2, GW1, VM3

    doffs- 2 damage control, 1-2 VM doff, 1-2 GW doff

    hanger- runabouts

    this is a pretty even split between attacking, holds and disables. VM, GW, and TB staggered or all at once for the more resilient targets should pretty much take away anyone's ability to do a whole lot. the damage control doffs will keep EPtA&S at full up time with just the 1 copy of each, so you should easily be able to hit 125 aux. apply subnukes, scans, runabouts and energy damage on your stuck target, hopefully the rest of your team will notice this poor TRIBBLE you have befuddled 6 times over, and help you kill him


    TT1, CRF1

    EPtA1, RSP1, EWP1
    EPtS1, AtS1

    TB1, HE2, GW1, VM3

    this has a less CRF and TT up time, but an additional devastating hold, and much more survivability with the extra hull heal of AtS, and the life saving RSP.
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    stealthriderstealthrider Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Looking for a bit of a change with my Vesta. Right now I'm running the build that follows, and while it works "okay" I'm just not feeling as effective as I think I could be. For whatever reason, VM 3 just doesn't feel as spectacularly helpful as I thought it would be, so I want to see my other options.

    Tac Captain

    Vesta Class

    Fore: 3x Aux DHC
    Aft: 1x Adv Fleet Beam Array, 1x Transphasic mines Mk XI, 1x Transphasic Cluster

    Shields: MACO Mk XI
    Engines: Borg Mk XI
    Deflector: Borg Mk XI

    -Eng: 2x RCS Mk XI
    -Sci: Borg, Tachyokinetic, 3x Vesta consoles
    -Tac: 3x Phaser Relay Mk XI

    Hangar: Runabouts

    Cmdr Sci: VM 3, TSS 3, HE 2, TB 1
    LtCom Uni (Tac): CRF 2, CRF 1, TT 1
    Lt Tac: DPB 1, TT 1
    Lt Eng: RSP 1, EPtS 1
    Ens Uni (Sci): Sci Team 1

    Doffs: 2x VM duration, 3x EP recharge

    I'm mostly interested in Boff setup changes. Things I've wondered about include Photonic Shockwave, Grav well, Tractor Beam Repulsors, replacing Sci Team with EPtW, replacing CRF 2 with Omega 1.

    I want to play a hybrid support/damage role mainly. Right now I feel like I'm not quite accomplishing that.

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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Looking for a bit of a change with my Vesta. Right now I'm running the build that follows, and while it works "okay" I'm just not feeling as effective as I think I could be. For whatever reason, VM 3 just doesn't feel as spectacularly helpful as I thought it would be, so I want to see my other options.

    Tac Captain

    Vesta Class

    Fore: 3x Aux DHC
    Aft: 1x Adv Fleet Beam Array, 1x Transphasic mines Mk XI, 1x Transphasic Cluster

    Shields: MACO Mk XI
    Engines: Borg Mk XI
    Deflector: Borg Mk XI

    -Eng: 2x RCS Mk XI
    -Sci: Borg, Tachyokinetic, 3x Vesta consoles
    -Tac: 3x Phaser Relay Mk XI

    Hangar: Runabouts

    Cmdr Sci: VM 3, TSS 3, HE 2, TB 1
    LtCom Uni (Tac): CRF 2, CRF 1, TT 1
    Lt Tac: DPB 1, TT 1
    Lt Eng: RSP 1, EPtS 1
    Ens Uni (Sci): Sci Team 1

    Doffs: 2x VM duration, 3x EP recharge

    I'm mostly interested in Boff setup changes. Things I've wondered about include Photonic Shockwave, Grav well, Tractor Beam Repulsors, replacing Sci Team with EPtW, replacing CRF 2 with Omega 1.

    I want to play a hybrid support/damage role mainly. Right now I feel like I'm not quite accomplishing that.


    well for dealing damage, 5 particle gens and TBR3 fully tac buffed will deal a whole lot of pain, and bypass the shields. ISO charge console also runs off partical gens. but good luck fitting all that in your console slots. use APO with it, so you can move quickly and hit with it as much as possible. if currently you arent happy with how it damages, remember that a growing number of people have invincible shields right now because of the tier 4 shield passives.
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    stealthriderstealthrider Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    well for dealing damage, 5 particle gens and TBR3 fully tac buffed will deal a whole lot of pain, and bypass the shields. ISO charge console also runs off partical gens. but good luck fitting all that in your console slots. use APO with it, so you can move quickly and hit with it as much as possible. if currently you arent happy with how it damages, remember that a growing number of people have invincible shields right now because of the tier 4 shield passives.

    What about Doffs? Clearly I'd need to drop the VM doffs, what would be a good replacement?
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    What about Doffs? Clearly I'd need to drop the VM doffs, what would be a good replacement?

    cant go wrong with BFI doffs. theres also a TBR doff that has a chance to disable engines.

    also, the damage control doff isn't very reliable unless you cycle 2 different types of EPtX, maybe use the ensign for EPtA. i find 2 purple sufficiently reliable then.
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    curvygolem256curvygolem256 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Hi. I've played since mid-Summer and was inactive for a couple of months. I've read around a bit but I'm still stuck on whether or not I'm doing things right. e.g. APB or APD? Is Aux important? Should i be using 2 field gens? Is Omega 2-set bonus worth it?

    You obviously have more understanding about this stuff so I thought I'd ask for your advice, on how I could improve this for PvP. This would be limited to smaller teams or even 1v1s (inter-fleet stuff, you know the drill :P)

    Class: Tactical Officer
    Ship: Fleet Tactical Escort Retrofit

    Fore weapons
    4x Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XII [Acc] [CrtH]x2

    Aft weapons
    3x Phaser Turret Mk XII [Acc]x3

    Omega Deflector Dish Mk XII (currently Aegis)
    Omega Impulse Engine Mk XII (currently Aegis)
    M.A.C.O. Resillient Shield Array Mk XII

    Engineering Consoles
    Neutronium Mk XII
    Diburnium Hull Plating Mk XII / Cloaking Module
    RCS Accelerator Mk XII

    Science Consoles
    2x Field Generator Mk XII (currently Mk XI rare)

    Tactical Consoles
    5x Phaser Relay Mk XII (currently Mk XI rare)

    1x Damage Control Engineer (to cycle EPtS)
    2x Conn Officer (to cycle APO)
    3x Shield distribution officer

    Btw, i'm also wondering if Phasers are really worth it, or if I should switch to disruptors (but i heard they only affect hull). My worry would be due to the elite fleet weapons being limited to the aforementioned, and everyone putting on the resists for them.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    cant go wrong with BFI doffs. theres also a TBR doff that has a chance to disable engines.

    also, the damage control doff isn't very reliable unless you cycle 2 different types of EPtX, maybe use the ensign for EPtA. i find 2 purple sufficiently reliable then.

    Two EPt with DCEs are definitely nifty - since you're only left with a small gap if any between the two, so you can have almost 100% uptime on both. I tend toward the EPtS and EPtW, but I've been wondering about that EPtA DOFF that buffs healing and the potential for keeping EPtA and EPtS up (with a stronger EPtS and better heals).
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Here are the four Chel Grett builds I'm thinking about for my four guys that I posted in another thread:

    I'll actually list both my Fed and KDF planned Breen nonsense here. :)

    Fed Engineer

    Romulan: +3% Crit, ShieldHealOnCritProc
    Omega: +30 Weapon, KineticProc

    TT1, THY2, TS3, APO3
    TT1, FAW2

    EPtS1, AtS1

    PH1, HE2, TSS3

    DOFFs: 2x DCE(EPt), DCE(AtS), SDO(BFI), WCE(EPt)

    D/E/S: Borg

    Fore: 2x Romulan Plasma Beam Array, Experimental Beam Array, Hyper-Plasma Torp
    Aft: 2x Romulan Plasma Beam Array, Cutting Beam, Omega Torp

    Eng: Borg, 0Point, Neut
    Sci: Breen, EPM, ISO
    Tac: 4x Plasma Infusers

    Devices: SFM, Aux Batt, Eng Batt

    KDF Engineer

    Romulan: +3% Crit, ShieldHealOnCritProc
    Omega: +30 Weapon, KineticProc

    TT1, THY2, TS3, APO3
    THY1, CSV1

    EPtS1, AtS1

    PH1, HE2, TSS3

    DOFFs: 3x PWO(Torp), ME(ET), SDO(BFI)

    D/E/S: KHG

    Fore: 2x Rapid Trans, Breen Cluster, Tric Device
    Aft: 4x Polarized Disruptor Turrets

    Eng: Borg, Neut, SIF
    Sci: Breen, Leech, PDS
    Tac: 3x Trans Compressor, Warhead Yield

    Devices: SFM, Aux Batt, Eng Batt

    Fed Science

    Romulan: +30 Shield, ShieldHealOnCritProc
    Omega: HullRegen, ShieldRegen

    TT1, DPB1, APO1, APD3
    FAW1, TS2

    EPtS1, AtS1
    HE1, ES1, TR1

    DOFFs: DCE(AtS), DO, GS(TR), 2x SDO(BFI)

    D/E/S: Omega

    Fore: 3x Dominion Polaron Beam Array, Chroniton Flux Torp
    Aft: 3x Dominion Polaron Beam Array, Chroniton Mine Launcher

    Eng: Graviton Pulse, EPM, Neut
    Sci: 3x Flow Cap
    Tac: 3x Polaron Phase Mod, Breen

    Devices: SFM, Aux Batt, Weapon Batt

    KDF Tactical

    Romulan: +3% Crit, PlacOnCritProc
    Omega: +30 Weapon, KineticProc

    TT1, BO2, CRF2, APO3
    TS1, THY2

    EPtS1, AtS1

    PH1, HE2, TSS3

    DOFFs: 2x DCE(EPt), DCE(AtS), SDO(BFI), WCE(EPt)

    D/E/S: Reman/Romulan (can't decide)

    Fore: 2x Romulan Plasma DHC, Romulan Plasma DBB, Hyper-Plasma Torp
    Aft: Romulan Plasma Turret, Cutting Beam, Experimental Beam Array, Plasma Mine Launcher

    Eng: Borg, 0Point, Neut
    Sci: AMS, Leech, Breen
    Tac: 3x Plasma Infuser, Ambiplasma

    Devices: SFM, Aux Batt, Eng Batt
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    drake122svkdrake122svk Member Posts: 731 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    cant go wrong with BFI doffs. theres also a TBR doff that has a chance to disable engines.

    also, the damage control doff isn't very reliable unless you cycle 2 different types of EPtX, maybe use the ensign for EPtA. i find 2 purple sufficiently reliable then.

    So 2 DCE Doffs with just one EPt power is ineffective/waste of Doff slots?
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    stealthriderstealthrider Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Tried out Tractor Beam Repulsors, and while the damage seems nice I'm finding the skill difficult to use and somewhat selfish. Am I wrong in thinking so? AM I just using it wrong?
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Hi. I've played since mid-Summer and was inactive for a couple of months. I've read around a bit but I'm still stuck on whether or not I'm doing things right. e.g. APB or APD? Is Aux important? Should i be using 2 field gens? Is Omega 2-set bonus worth it?

    You obviously have more understanding about this stuff so I thought I'd ask for your advice, on how I could improve this for PvP. This would be limited to smaller teams or even 1v1s (inter-fleet stuff, you know the drill :P)

    Class: Tactical Officer
    Ship: Fleet Tactical Escort Retrofit

    Fore weapons
    4x Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XII [Acc] [CrtH]x2

    Aft weapons
    3x Phaser Turret Mk XII [Acc]x3

    Omega Deflector Dish Mk XII (currently Aegis)
    Omega Impulse Engine Mk XII (currently Aegis)
    M.A.C.O. Resillient Shield Array Mk XII

    Engineering Consoles
    Neutronium Mk XII
    Diburnium Hull Plating Mk XII / Cloaking Module
    RCS Accelerator Mk XII

    Science Consoles
    2x Field Generator Mk XII (currently Mk XI rare)

    Tactical Consoles
    5x Phaser Relay Mk XII (currently Mk XI rare)

    1x Damage Control Engineer (to cycle EPtS)
    2x Conn Officer (to cycle APO)
    3x Shield distribution officer

    Btw, i'm also wondering if Phasers are really worth it, or if I should switch to disruptors (but i heard they only affect hull). My worry would be due to the elite fleet weapons being limited to the aforementioned, and everyone putting on the resists for them.

    that all looks put together pretty well actually. APB tends to get erased by TT more often then not, but APD even if TT removes its debuf still grants you a resist bonus. aux is what your 2 sci abilities run on, the more you have the more they will heal. on a phaser using escort field gens arent a bad thing to slot. don't worry to much about mkXII purple consoles, their only slightly better and cost a fortune, especially field gens and phaser consoles..

    the omega set with lots of flow cap and flow consoles is good at chipping away at your opponents shields extra, but more often then not your better off with the borg 2 part set for the free powerful hull heal. the aegis set pieces you have are giving you +10 to your evasion score, damage you don't take is damage you don't heal, so not a bad choice actually. you can carry all these things and swap between them depending on the situation. if you have lots of friendly heals coming at you you could go with a more offensive omega 2 part, if your on the defensive borg or aegis instead.

    not having full EPtS up time is a bit of a problem, but if you often run with fleet mates that throw heals you should be fine. the damage control eng doff works best when running 2 different types of EPtX, so there are more chances for the doff to work. with only 1 copy of EPtS, consider running 3 of them. the conn doffs for APO and the distro doffs are very good and help this build just as much, tough call.

    on the skill tree, i wouldn't put over 6 points in the energy performance skills. i would max Electro-Plasma Systems so EPtS gives its maximum benefit though. also reduce your energy armor to 6, and put those 3 points in threat control. 0-3 into that will give you more armor then 6-9 will in the energy armor skill. you could lower efficiency and potential down to 6 to scavenge some points for not much effect too. also you would only need flow cap if you used 2 part omega for the glider. 3 into the battery skill makes them last a good bit longer too. theres nothing significantly wrong with the skill build though.
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