Why is this thread STILL going? Have none of you actually bothered to do a little independent calculation? Is basic mathematics really too hard for you? Or has the fog of RAGE just completely blinded you to Common Eff'ing Sense?
The odds of getting the doff you want from the grinders are the same as getting a good doff out of a C-Store Pack. But here's the big difference - you pay a pittance in Dilithium (even after these price hikes) vs. what you'd pay on the C-Store.
C-store Pack = 200 Zen * 150 Dil = 30,000 Dil
For 7 officers. 4 White+, 2 Green+, 1 Blue+
Compared to the new doff prices:
Whites = 250 (4 in a cadre costs 1000)
Green = 500+(250*5) = 1750
Blue = 2500+(1750*5) = 11250
Add that together, you get 11250+(1750*2)+(250*4) = 14,750 Dil
14,750 Dil for the same amount of Doffs that a C-store Pack charges 30,000 for.
So, that's a >50% Discount if you buy your Dilithium using Zen. If you earn it via gameplay, it has cost you exactly NOTHING, other than your time.
Time that you were spending playing the game anyway, right? If not, why the eff are you complaining?
Because I don't grind for dilithium. I don't pay zen for dilithium. That's not how I enjoy the game. I make dilithium over time, and as you say, it costs me nothing... but it's already stretched thin as it is. I don't accumulate dilithium. I spend it as fast as I earn it. I simply can't afford these new costs, and I won't pay them. And even if I could afford the dilithium, I wouldn't want to spend that much gambling on random DOffs.
I don't know what time you spend on doffing but if you have an alternative for someone like me that is as efficient as the grinder is with say 45minutes to 1 1/2 hours every day or every other day. I would love to hear about it, I may need it if this dilithium sink goes ahead:(
I mean with the grinder I could buy a whole load of packs and grind the doffs up into 10 purps in like 45 minutes.
That seems like a lot of purples every few day? Are you sure you are not doing what I claim and profiteering buy selling them on the exchange? - I mean 25 purples a week?
First off i have spend 2000 hrs doffing - so for you to spend 10 hrs a week doing what I do - come back to me in 200 weeks or 4 years and let me know what you have.
Also there are more "effficient" ways to get quality doffs - but it does take time - as the duty offer system was ment to take time - have you run all 11 nebula colony chains? Each one can give a purple on completion - then you can keep running the support colony mission after that and get blues and purples there on crits. And you get refugees which can go on missions to get blues or purples back.
Do you spend your 10 hrs a week hanging around the DS9 sectors - the officer exchange missions there are 1 for 1 - commons will almost always award a green or better. AND on top of that the exchange officer missions will accept BOUND duty officers for better duty officer returned - something the grinder won't do for you.
have you run all 11 nebula colony chains? Each one can give a purple on completion
No, those are blue duty officers. AFTER completion, you unlock the support missions, which are rare and only give a purple duty officer on a crit. Without a crit, you just get a refugee or a prisoner. You can get some nice purple officers with diligence over time, but it's not a reliable or timely source of purples in any way.
Mind you, I'm fine with DOffing for blues and purples myself, but I already have a good supply of blue and purple DOffs. The support assignments, asylum assignments, prisoner exchange assignments, officer exchange assignments, etc, are enough for me. But I'd hate to start from scratch with what I've seen of the new system so far.
No, those are blue duty officers. AFTER completion, you unlock the support missions, which are rare and only give a purple duty officer on a crit. Without a crit, you just get a refugee or a prisoner. You can get some nice purple officers with diligence over time, but it's not a reliable or timely source of purples in any way.
Mind you, I'm fine with DOffing for blues and purples myself, but I already have a good supply of blue and purple DOffs. The support assignments, asylum assignments, prisoner exchange assignments, officer exchange assignments, etc, are enough for me. But I'd hate to start from scratch with what I've seen of the new system so far.
Actually in most cases the final mission #7 of the colony chain gives you a blue because you have I believe a 80% change of success and 20% chance of crit - it's a 15 min assignment and if you crit on that one you also get a purple.
But he is claiming that he is the avg doffer and somehow by his own math needs 25 purples a week? - I find his motives highly suspect and so would anyone who is a true doffer such as myself.
But he is claiming that he is the avg doffer and somehow by his own math needs 25 purples a week? - I find his motives highly suspect and so would anyone who is a true doffer such as myself.
True, 25 a week seems rather excessive to me too, and well beyond average.
That seems like a lot of purples every few day? Are you sure you are not doing what I claim and profiteering buy selling them on the exchange? - I mean 25 purples a week?
First off i have spend 2000 hrs doffing - so for you to spend 10 hrs a week doing what I do - come back to me in 200 weeks or 4 years and let me know what you have.
Also there are more "effficient" ways to get quality doffs - but it does take time - as the duty offer system was ment to take time - have you run all 11 nebula colony chains? Each one can give a purple on completion - then you can keep running the support colony mission after that and get blues and purples there on crits. And you get refugees which can go on missions to get blues or purples back.
Do you spend your 10 hrs a week hanging around the DS9 sectors - the officer exchange missions there are 1 for 1 - commons will almost always award a green or better. AND on top of that the exchange officer missions will accept BOUND duty officers for better duty officer returned - something the grinder won't do for you.
I have done most the colonial mission and as I said I don't do doffing every day, the last time I did any assignments for doffs was a couple of weeks back, since I created 2 new characters I've done no upgrinding at all. I only used the upgrinder to get my first Char a good compliment of Purples, until both my other Chars are level 50 and have enough dilithium and ec stored I will do them too.
After that I will thankfully just need to do dailies on the doff system and not worry about it for a while then I can concentrate on my fleet.
You see it is the cheapest and most efficient way for most of us, we don't log "2000" ours on the system and never will it was not designed to be an end-game grind feature.
It's clear you have the mentality of someone whose regimented in their game time, I am not, which is why I stated maybe once every few days, I also assumed your methods would result in say maybe only 1 or 2 purples per session and therefore I would be required to log on and do doff stuff for at least 1 our of every two days.
As it stands I haven't doffed in a week or two, but it's nice to see you missed the reasoning entirely and jumped straight into accusations, it also seems you failed to remember I already stated I did it to fill my chars roster, and I don't have that unlocked to 400 it's just one hundred so if you did the math 70% of doffs (I only have 85 on the roster) would be in the region of 6 times x 45 minutes sessions it costs way too much EC to buy as many packs as I needed and dilithium to do that everyday to produce thousands of purple doffs... but wait you should already know that....
Got to admit it is funny how you lost the argument pages and pages back and have slowly post by post resorted to more and more accusations of profiteering, the truth is your an obsessive by your own admission you've acquired 3000 top end doffs over 2000 focused hours of play, your atypical of the average user who like myself doesn't want to spend forever just to get a good crew of doffs, we want to get our crew equipped and move on. This is why your opinion is so skewed, you just out of touch with what the average player is and does.
True, 25 a week seems rather excessive to me too, and well beyond average.
More like extremely excessive.... I've read most of what Overlord posted in this and several other threads. He uses the compactor to mass-produce purples so he can sell them on exchange.
I'm not really sure why he feels the need to do that but... not my problem.
He's upset because the new changes will make it cost too much for him to keep doing that. Truthfully.... he's probably one of the reasons the devs added the increased cost.
More like extremely excessive.... I've read most of what Overlord posted in this and several other threads. He uses the compactor to mass-produce purples so he can sell them on exchange.
I'm not really sure why he feels the need to do that but... not my problem.
He's upset because the new changes will make it cost too much for him to keep doing that. Truthfully.... he's probably one of the reasons the devs added the increased cost.
Care to substantiate that?
To be honest I would be outraged at that but it's so preposterous that there is no point in a reply really especially as I never said any such thing about producing 25 doffs a week I haven't even produced more that 60 odd in 2 months and all on one char!.
It's quite funny you can see by my forum information that I've only been playing since August and somehow I've been the sole cause of the flooding of the doff market with purple doffs even though I wasn't here when that trend was probably at it's peak:o
No, you get a Blue because the 7/7 is DIFFERENT that Support Colonial efforts, you ALWAYS get a Blue the 7/7 even if you crit.
Support Colonial Efforts gives a SPECIFIC BOUND Purple on a crit, if you crit 7 times you get EXACTLY the same DOFF every time.
With the Fleet? Yes we kinda do because several projects require Purple DOFFs that are spend and those are not just any DOFF, its a specific department but this solely the blame of the Fleet Starbase that requires massive amounts of anything, even a T1 Upgrade will eat out a lot of Purples.
That is not accounting the new Reputation system that will likely ask the same, DOFFs were not a currency pre-Season 6 but they will be with Season 7.
To be honest I would be outraged at that but it's so preposterous that there is no point in a reply really especially as I never said any such thing about producing 25 doffs a week I haven't even produced more that 60 odd in 2 months and all on one char!.
It's quite funny you can see by my forum information that I've only been playing since August and somehow I've been the sole cause of the flooding of the doff market with purple doffs even though I wasn't here when that trend was probably at it's peak:o
Embarrassed for you:o
I didn't say 'sole' and I didn't say that you make 25 a week, just that you compact doffs you get so that you can sell multiple purples on exchange. I didn't even make a claim as how long you've been doing it. just that you seem to think it's the reason for the compactor to exist.
I suppose I did make a small error when I said "mass-produce purples". It should be "mass-compact to produce purples".
I didn't say 'sole' and I didn't say that you make 25 a week, just that you compact doffs you get so that you can sell multiple purples on exchange. I didn't even make a claim as how long you've been doing it. just that you seem to think it's the reason for the compactor to exist.
I suppose I did make a small error when I said "mass-produce purples". It should be "mass-compact to produce purples".
I guess I should accept that is about as close as an apology I will get for your false assumptions.
So tell me what is the "official" use of the compactor? you saying that my usage of it to populate my duty roster is wrong? Because honestly I don't see how you've come to that logic. I don't even believe people are using it to mass produce purples for sale, many may well have gotten purples from it that they don't need and posted them for sale. I doubt very much anyone sells multiple purples on the exchange using my method.
It costs a few 100,000ec's just to get a Doff Pack off the exchange and you need a lot of these just to get 1 purple, the prices of purples at the moment would mean more often than not you'd be making a marginal profit at best.:o
To be honest until this thread started I wasn't even aware there was even a theory that people were using the grinder to do what you say they are doing, because form my own experience it seemed quite costly to produce a purple anyways.
It's interesting though how both you and levi have jumped on this...:cool:
Too much stuff requires Purples, like the Tailor and they have the audacity on top of that put a Dilithium cost.
Oh ffs,
My fleet hasn't even reached tier 1 yet... this is a joke, I didn't really know how much this was going to impact the fleet system, I've only really been basing this on my individual needs as a captain...
I guess I should accept that is about as close as an apology I will get for your false assumptions.
So tell me what is the compactor? you saying that my usage of it to populate my duty roster is wrong? Because honestly I don't see how you've come to that logic. I don't even believe people are using it to mass produce purples for sale, many may well have gotten purples from it that they don't need and posted them for sale. I doubt very much anyone sells multiple purples on the exchange using my method.
It costs a few 100,000ec's just to get a Doff Pack off the exchange and you need a lot of these just to get 1 purple, the prices of purples at the moment would mean more often than not you'd be making a marginal profit at best.:o
To be honest until this thread started I wasn't even aware there was even a theory that people were using the grinder to do what you say they are doing, because form my own experience it seemed quite costly to produce a purple anyways.
It's interesting though how both you and levi have jumped on this...:cool:
Honestly? I've never compacted to get a purple. I've never felt the need to spend that much time and effort just to upgrade my roster. Greens and blues work fine for most stuff, so I only use the compactor when I need to free up roster space.
If you want to use it to compact everything you get into purples, that's your choice, but not everyone does.
Based on the price changes, it seems reasonable to guess that the devs think the current price is too cheap.
Honestly? I've never compacted to get a purple. I've never felt the need to spend that much time and effort just to upgrade my roster. Greens and blues work fine for most stuff, so I only use the compactor when I need to free up roster space.
If you want to use it to compact everything you get into purples, that's your choice, but not everyone does.
Based on the price changes, it seems reasonable to guess that the devs think the current price is too cheap.
So cheap in fact that they think it needs a 50x increase.
I don't think so.
It's already expensive, I still have to grind dilithium to get the EC required for buying doff packs, This is the quickest most efficient way to get a good crew that crit the assignments (populating your crew with purples is the purpose of the doff system). It's efficient and quick because it allows me to progress my character in end game STF's collect Borg sets and use the rest to convert into dili to use to buy doffs. That way I can fit it into my life, just about.
Adding this extrs Dilithium sink will just stop most of us using it. I will simply not bother to get doffs for my other to Characters.
You think them being cheap is an exploit, if this goes ahead all those with Purples in the bank will be able to control and manipulate the market for purples as they see fit.
My fleet hasn't even reached tier 1 yet... this is a joke, I didn't really know how much this was going to impact the fleet system, I've only really been basing this on my individual needs as a captain...
This just make me feel even more pessimistic.
Hehe, one thing to remember: upgrades are all optional.
Typically you want to do them but some of them are pretty minor and borderline useless. Smaller fleets should definately consider carefully when and IF they will do them. My list of things to only do if you have extra stuff:
the missions for stationing Doff contacts. the doff contacts require you to go to them in person and have very average missions.
Bartender, chef, tailor: they're a royal PAIN to get the materials for even in large fleets.
ship customizations: nearly useless and strictly decorative, and absurdly expensive.
Things you definately want to do are the Starbase, shipyard, transwarp gate, fabricator and comm array upgrades. Those are actually pretty easy compared to the vanity upgrades.
So cheap in fact that they think it needs a 50x increase.
I don't think so.
It's already expensive, I still have to grind dilithium to get the EC required for buying doff packs, This is the quickest most efficient way to get a good crew that crit the assignments (populating your crew with purples is the purpose of the doff system). It's efficient and quick because it allows me to progress my character in end game STF's collect Borg sets and use the rest to convert into dili to use to buy doffs. That way I can fit it into my life, just about.
Adding this extrs Dilithium sink will just stop most of us using it. I will simply not bother to get doffs for my other to Characters.
You think them being cheap is an exploit, if this goes ahead all those with Purples in the bank will be able to control and manipulate the market for purples as they see fit.
I have plenty of purples, but you don't need the compactor to get them.
Asylums, prisoner exchanges, officer exchanges, Instigate Defection, and colonization support missions will give you plenty if you have patience.
Why is this thread STILL going? Have none of you actually bothered to do a little independent calculation? Is basic mathematics really too hard for you? Or has the fog of RAGE just completely blinded you to Common Eff'ing Sense?
The odds of getting the doff you want from the grinders are the same as getting a good doff out of a C-Store Pack. But here's the big difference - you pay a pittance in Dilithium (even after these price hikes) vs. what you'd pay on the C-Store.
C-store Pack = 200 Zen * 150 Dil = 30,000 Dil
For 7 officers. 4 White+, 2 Green+, 1 Blue+
Compared to the new doff prices:
Whites = 250 (4 in a cadre costs 1000)
Green = 500+(250*5) = 1750
Blue = 2500+(1750*5) = 11250
Add that together, you get 11250+(1750*2)+(250*4) = 14,750 Dil
14,750 Dil for the same amount of Doffs that a C-store Pack charges 30,000 for.
So, that's a >50% Discount if you buy your Dilithium using Zen. If you earn it via gameplay, it has cost you exactly NOTHING, other than your time.
Time that you were spending playing the game anyway, right? If not, why the eff are you complaining?
So what you're saying is that 1 random VR DOFF is worth 14750 dilithium. In that case, I have about 100 VR DOFFs I'd be willing to trade you for dilithium.
The Tailor is a fine example of the system works ... for PWE/Cryptic pockets.
You spend 160,000 Dilithium, about 1.6 million EC worth of Entertainment Provisions (Assuming Feringi bonus and from the lowest price seller, not assuming D'Kora) plus 15 Civilian Purple DOFFs (that is at least 15 million EC based on Purple replicated Emergency DOFFs prices) and for what?
So we can now buy a Uniform that costs 16,000 Dilithium + 8,000 Fleet Credits? and one that is, understandable* I guess, a character unlock?
*Understandable if not for the Dilithium cost besides the cost requirements to even access the store.
I looked at it, double checked and thought "the hell with this".
Hmm if people want the tailor in my fleet... they can work on it themselves
So what you're saying is that 1 random VR DOFF is worth 14750 dilithium. In that case, I have about 100 VR DOFFs I'd be willing to trade you for dilithium.
There's a reason why Ferra sells purples for 12k Dil. this is what the Devs think they're worth.
It's not about patience it's about time I actually have in the game.
I can cycle a character through academy recruitment AND go to Beta Ursae for officer exchanges in less than an hour. It's not that hard. The only time consumign part is deciding which doffs to send on exchanges. If I hurry, I can queue a full array of missions in less than 30 minutes. Usually I end up chatting about random stuff and that makes it take longer.
If you are in fact - or anyone - wants purples - they can use the doff system to do it and not the grinder - as I stated I have aquired almost 1500 purples through the doff system - the grinder is being used by people to PROFITEER - by supplying the market with toons cheap to produce blues and purples - (something i do not do) and that is where my video was directed.
1500 purple DOFFs without using the grinder...on how many characters?
If you say 1 character has amassed 1500 using the DOFF system, I simply won't believe you.
Unless of course you consider buying thousands of DOFF packs to be using the DOFF system. Then I'll believe you.
I doubt the devs were expecting people to use the compactor as much as they have. I suspect that is their reason for this change.
Why on earth wouldn't expect people to use such a useful feature. Sorry but it doesn't make sense.
It's a change no one wants because most of us are scraping by as it is and are gonna be squeezed by the STF changes on the dilithium front let alone by this.
Truly if they really thought there was a problem they'd find a better way to solve than slap a Diltithium sink on the grinder. You know that as well as I do.
And through all this we've not received one attempt by the devs to explain it, to me that says it all... they admitted they were aware of the thread but did not comment so one assumes that they have no good reason or they would have explained it to us and if the reason really was rational some of us may have come round to the idea.
As it is they have not, so I have no faith in their motives on this point and along with the new dilithium sinks elsewhere in the game this becomes 1 step to far for the majority.
Actually in most cases the final mission #7 of the colony chain gives you a blue because you have I believe a 80% change of success and 20% chance of crit - it's a 15 min assignment and if you crit on that one you also get a purple.
But he is claiming that he is the avg doffer and somehow by his own math needs 25 purples a week? - I find his motives highly suspect and so would anyone who is a true doffer such as myself.
Colony Mission 7/7 always gives a Blue. Never a Purple. 100% chance of a Blue. Crit means absolutely nothing. Failure means absolutely nothing. And you can only do it once, so being 15 minutes is not of any importance. As a "true doffer such as yourself", you should have known that.
If you're feeding a Starbase and sending those Purple DOFFs to several characters, 25/week isn't as much as you seem to think.
Besides, you claim to have 1500 Purple DOFFs. The DOFF system first appeared on December 1st, 2011. That was 47 weeks ago. Guess how many you've acquired per week. 31.9 purple DOFFs / week. Should I find your motives highly suspect ?
Because I don't grind for dilithium. I don't pay zen for dilithium. That's not how I enjoy the game. I make dilithium over time, and as you say, it costs me nothing... but it's already stretched thin as it is. I don't accumulate dilithium. I spend it as fast as I earn it. I simply can't afford these new costs, and I won't pay them. And even if I could afford the dilithium, I wouldn't want to spend that much gambling on random DOffs.
That seems like a lot of purples every few day? Are you sure you are not doing what I claim and profiteering buy selling them on the exchange? - I mean 25 purples a week?
First off i have spend 2000 hrs doffing - so for you to spend 10 hrs a week doing what I do - come back to me in 200 weeks or 4 years and let me know what you have.
Also there are more "effficient" ways to get quality doffs - but it does take time - as the duty offer system was ment to take time - have you run all 11 nebula colony chains? Each one can give a purple on completion - then you can keep running the support colony mission after that and get blues and purples there on crits. And you get refugees which can go on missions to get blues or purples back.
Do you spend your 10 hrs a week hanging around the DS9 sectors - the officer exchange missions there are 1 for 1 - commons will almost always award a green or better. AND on top of that the exchange officer missions will accept BOUND duty officers for better duty officer returned - something the grinder won't do for you.
No, those are blue duty officers. AFTER completion, you unlock the support missions, which are rare and only give a purple duty officer on a crit. Without a crit, you just get a refugee or a prisoner. You can get some nice purple officers with diligence over time, but it's not a reliable or timely source of purples in any way.
Mind you, I'm fine with DOffing for blues and purples myself, but I already have a good supply of blue and purple DOffs. The support assignments, asylum assignments, prisoner exchange assignments, officer exchange assignments, etc, are enough for me. But I'd hate to start from scratch with what I've seen of the new system so far.
Actually in most cases the final mission #7 of the colony chain gives you a blue because you have I believe a 80% change of success and 20% chance of crit - it's a 15 min assignment and if you crit on that one you also get a purple.
But he is claiming that he is the avg doffer and somehow by his own math needs 25 purples a week? - I find his motives highly suspect and so would anyone who is a true doffer such as myself.
True, 25 a week seems rather excessive to me too, and well beyond average.
I have done most the colonial mission and as I said I don't do doffing every day, the last time I did any assignments for doffs was a couple of weeks back, since I created 2 new characters I've done no upgrinding at all. I only used the upgrinder to get my first Char a good compliment of Purples, until both my other Chars are level 50 and have enough dilithium and ec stored I will do them too.
After that I will thankfully just need to do dailies on the doff system and not worry about it for a while then I can concentrate on my fleet.
You see it is the cheapest and most efficient way for most of us, we don't log "2000" ours on the system and never will it was not designed to be an end-game grind feature.
It's clear you have the mentality of someone whose regimented in their game time, I am not, which is why I stated maybe once every few days, I also assumed your methods would result in say maybe only 1 or 2 purples per session and therefore I would be required to log on and do doff stuff for at least 1 our of every two days.
As it stands I haven't doffed in a week or two, but it's nice to see you missed the reasoning entirely and jumped straight into accusations, it also seems you failed to remember I already stated I did it to fill my chars roster, and I don't have that unlocked to 400 it's just one hundred so if you did the math 70% of doffs (I only have 85 on the roster) would be in the region of 6 times x 45 minutes sessions it costs way too much EC to buy as many packs as I needed and dilithium to do that everyday to produce thousands of purple doffs... but wait you should already know that....
Got to admit it is funny how you lost the argument pages and pages back and have slowly post by post resorted to more and more accusations of profiteering, the truth is your an obsessive by your own admission you've acquired 3000 top end doffs over 2000 focused hours of play, your atypical of the average user who like myself doesn't want to spend forever just to get a good crew of doffs, we want to get our crew equipped and move on. This is why your opinion is so skewed, you just out of touch with what the average player is and does.
I'm not really sure why he feels the need to do that but... not my problem.
He's upset because the new changes will make it cost too much for him to keep doing that. Truthfully.... he's probably one of the reasons the devs added the increased cost.
My character Tsin'xing
Care to substantiate that?
To be honest I would be outraged at that but it's so preposterous that there is no point in a reply really especially as I never said any such thing about producing 25 doffs a week I haven't even produced more that 60 odd in 2 months and all on one char!.
It's quite funny you can see by my forum information that I've only been playing since August and somehow I've been the sole cause of the flooding of the doff market with purple doffs even though I wasn't here when that trend was probably at it's peak:o
Embarrassed for you:o
T1 upgrades consume purples? you're kidding right?
I suppose I did make a small error when I said "mass-produce purples". It should be "mass-compact to produce purples".
My character Tsin'xing
I guess I should accept that is about as close as an apology I will get for your false assumptions.
So tell me what is the "official" use of the compactor? you saying that my usage of it to populate my duty roster is wrong? Because honestly I don't see how you've come to that logic. I don't even believe people are using it to mass produce purples for sale, many may well have gotten purples from it that they don't need and posted them for sale. I doubt very much anyone sells multiple purples on the exchange using my method.
It costs a few 100,000ec's just to get a Doff Pack off the exchange and you need a lot of these just to get 1 purple, the prices of purples at the moment would mean more often than not you'd be making a marginal profit at best.:o
To be honest until this thread started I wasn't even aware there was even a theory that people were using the grinder to do what you say they are doing, because form my own experience it seemed quite costly to produce a purple anyways.
It's interesting though how both you and levi have jumped on this...:cool:
Oh ffs,
My fleet hasn't even reached tier 1 yet... this is a joke, I didn't really know how much this was going to impact the fleet system, I've only really been basing this on my individual needs as a captain...
This just make me feel even more pessimistic.
If you want to use it to compact everything you get into purples, that's your choice, but not everyone does.
Based on the price changes, it seems reasonable to guess that the devs think the current price is too cheap.
My character Tsin'xing
So cheap in fact that they think it needs a 50x increase.
I don't think so.
It's already expensive, I still have to grind dilithium to get the EC required for buying doff packs, This is the quickest most efficient way to get a good crew that crit the assignments (populating your crew with purples is the purpose of the doff system). It's efficient and quick because it allows me to progress my character in end game STF's collect Borg sets and use the rest to convert into dili to use to buy doffs. That way I can fit it into my life, just about.
Adding this extrs Dilithium sink will just stop most of us using it. I will simply not bother to get doffs for my other to Characters.
You think them being cheap is an exploit, if this goes ahead all those with Purples in the bank will be able to control and manipulate the market for purples as they see fit.
Typically you want to do them but some of them are pretty minor and borderline useless. Smaller fleets should definately consider carefully when and IF they will do them. My list of things to only do if you have extra stuff:
the missions for stationing Doff contacts. the doff contacts require you to go to them in person and have very average missions.
Bartender, chef, tailor: they're a royal PAIN to get the materials for even in large fleets.
ship customizations: nearly useless and strictly decorative, and absurdly expensive.
Things you definately want to do are the Starbase, shipyard, transwarp gate, fabricator and comm array upgrades. Those are actually pretty easy compared to the vanity upgrades.
My character Tsin'xing
Asylums, prisoner exchanges, officer exchanges, Instigate Defection, and colonization support missions will give you plenty if you have patience.
My character Tsin'xing
So what you're saying is that 1 random VR DOFF is worth 14750 dilithium. In that case, I have about 100 VR DOFFs I'd be willing to trade you for dilithium.
Hmm if people want the tailor in my fleet... they can work on it themselves
Thats trash.
My character Tsin'xing
It's not about patience it's about time I actually have in the game.
My character Tsin'xing
No if the Devs thought purples were worth that they'd have stuck a 14k cost onto the grinder from the get go.
My character Tsin'xing
My character Tsin'xing
1500 purple DOFFs without using the grinder...on how many characters?
If you say 1 character has amassed 1500 using the DOFF system, I simply won't believe you.
Unless of course you consider buying thousands of DOFF packs to be using the DOFF system. Then I'll believe you.
Why on earth wouldn't expect people to use such a useful feature. Sorry but it doesn't make sense.
It's a change no one wants because most of us are scraping by as it is and are gonna be squeezed by the STF changes on the dilithium front let alone by this.
Truly if they really thought there was a problem they'd find a better way to solve than slap a Diltithium sink on the grinder. You know that as well as I do.
And through all this we've not received one attempt by the devs to explain it, to me that says it all... they admitted they were aware of the thread but did not comment so one assumes that they have no good reason or they would have explained it to us and if the reason really was rational some of us may have come round to the idea.
As it is they have not, so I have no faith in their motives on this point and along with the new dilithium sinks elsewhere in the game this becomes 1 step to far for the majority.
Colony Mission 7/7 always gives a Blue. Never a Purple. 100% chance of a Blue. Crit means absolutely nothing. Failure means absolutely nothing. And you can only do it once, so being 15 minutes is not of any importance. As a "true doffer such as yourself", you should have known that.
If you're feeding a Starbase and sending those Purple DOFFs to several characters, 25/week isn't as much as you seem to think.
Besides, you claim to have 1500 Purple DOFFs. The DOFF system first appeared on December 1st, 2011. That was 47 weeks ago. Guess how many you've acquired per week. 31.9 purple DOFFs / week. Should I find your motives highly suspect ?