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  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    luxandra wrote: »
    It's not irrelevant, it is a measure of fact that each month there is an unconfirmed amount of store points that are given out to all the various qualifying accounts.

    It's completely irrelevant.

    Why? Because opening a box requires a key. Keys come from the store, bought with Zen. Zen comes from outside the game. Either, purchased, granted via those survey offers or gifted as a stipend.

    If Zen is purchased PWE makes money. If Zen comes from a survey offer PWE makes money. If it's a stipend then either an LTS or a subscription fee has been paid which may (or may not) make PWE money.

    But if you seriously think there's so many old-time LTS players in here making up the bulk of the Zen on the Dilithium Exchange then you're on crack. Cryptic has been hiring, they're working on Neverwinter - there's more money flowing into that company than ever before (which is good - I'm pleased for them) - and it's coming from lockboxes - not from lifetime subscriptions - and it never will - instant veteran rewards or not.

    It's a cheap, sloppily-executed cash-grab - not the brilliant business strategy you seem to think it is.

    Are you sure you're not a PWE schill??
    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • luxandraluxandra Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    And putting my money where my mouth is (so to speak)...

    This is what they should've done IMO:

    1) Formally announce the end of the veteran rewards at 1000 days.

    2) Announce that all Gold subscribers would get complimentary LTS status on reaching 1000 days.

    3) Offer discounts on LTS to Gold subscribers based on the length of time they'd subscribed for.

    4) Retired monthly subscriptions leaving F2P or LTS as the only options.

    5) Allowed Silver players to use their accumulated play-time towards vet rewards should they purchase a LTS.

    6) Started putting certain veteran rewards into the Lobi store - 1 new one every couple of months or so.

    7) Reduce the Zen price on certain necessary perks (respecs).

    8) Ultimately (within 6-12 months) phase out the LTS (to new purchasers) altogether - giving the players plenty of notice that it's happening (leaving themselves the option of reintroducing it for short periods of time).

    9) If they wanted to be really nice to LTS players they could've given them a Lobi stipend too (say 10 Lobi per month).

    That's just one way of doing it - doubtless there's many other people could think of.

    While I can understand your desire to see something like this happen. Under the way American online gaming is, this is something that you wouldn't see because it would sap a huge amount of potential profit from PWE and CBS. The real issue ironically has nothing to do with this situation at all. It has to do with the incredibly timed fluke that was the release of World of ********, prior to WoW the online gaming industry was something that had picked up momentum thanks to SOE's production of Everquest. But unfortunately, Blizzard came along with WoW and because it was a completely revamped an overhauled and over tuned version of EQ many previous EQ players myself included got caught up in it.

    However because of the overall lack of any kind of competition to WoW for well over 3 years from the launch to mid Burning Crusade expansion, the gaming industry looked at the immense success just one game had. This also painted an unrealistic idea about online gaming where a P2P platform could make the amount of money that WoW did. This is unfortunately as far as I am concerned not the case, because of P2P platform requires a consistent obligation to play a game. Now what happens when the game doesn't deliver something a player wants? They leave and don't come back because in order to see the changes that might interest them they would have to reinvest money only to risk seeing nothing they like all over again. Most people don't want to do that in the first place.

    Now online gaming has had to adapt to the fact that people would rather purchase a game and have no further obligations to pay money unless there was something offered in game that they would want. Hence the micro transaction system. Now frankly I think Guild Wars 2 has done their game right, a one time purchase and free to play afterwards. That's the way it should be as far as I am concerned you would get a higher percentage of people willing to play I'd imagine and stick with it since they bought the game. But that's personal opinion. Getting back on track however, the success of WoW directly ties into why there are so many different games with all these types of financial "perks".

    If I were to hazard a guess I would say that the majority of the gaming industry is trying to find that healthy balance where they can invest a good amount of money to a development team to make and a game that people will enjoy and still be able to make a profit off of it while keeping their customer base. This move for the LTS while questionable I still think is quite possibly one of the better decisions they have made for a long road ahead style of thinking for additional players which would lead to more content which in turn would lead to more quality. What I would prefer to see to a no obligation purchase of the game everyone has the same rewards get rid of LTS all together and simply make the future platform of this game similar to GW2. Buy the game, play it for free for life. THAT's the way this game should be as far as I am concerned. It would also stop the constant issues of the current "reward system". So yes, I will agree with you partially on this, I don;t agree with the implementation for this game currently. At least, not until an actual thought out plan has been made. Right now it's a split decision to make money, this is what I saw it as. It has not caused anyone to lose anything only given an additional perk to purchase a LTS. Overall, if it works we'll at least see more money that should return more stuff we can hopefully look forward to in terms of changes balancing and content. I can't stress enough however that noone has been shafted by this aside from non LTS and monthly subs who are not at the 1000 mark.
  • luxandraluxandra Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    *derp* really? *derp*

    Wrong. The goal of ANY business venture is to make money, even if a 5 y.o.'s lemonade stand.

    MUD's didn't make money, your comment is disregarded.

    Do not lecture me on economics, you are most certainly not qualified. A business making money is very important but business ethics are as well. A business can be judged by how it treats its customers. Treat your customers well and the money will roll in. It a basic principle that every student is taught.

    What you think has happened and what actually has happened are not the same thing. I'm not saying that people aren't feeling cheated, I'm telling them that they have not been cheated. I understand why they feel that way, but the facts remain. None of the "veteran" players who paid the 1000 days have been cheated. That is a fact period. Personal feeling do not change this fact whether you want them to or not.

    The great irony about this with you right now is that you seem to feel like I have attacked you.
  • luxandraluxandra Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Actually, it is irrelevant. As you said here, we have no factual information for the owner and we have no access to the figures. All you can do is speculate, which is what you've done here, so weylandjuarez's original point still stands. Also, his argument appears to be supported by the majority of analysis done by the community and comments from Cryptic.

    His point is no more or less valid than mine. You cannot disregard one side of this without the other because none of us have the statistical figures to prove otherwise. So no, my point is not irrelevant.
  • rickeyredshirtrickeyredshirt Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    luxandra wrote: »
    The great irony about this with you right now is that you seem to feel like I have attacked you.

    1) How is that ironic? Do you understand what irony means?
    2) How can you tell how I feel from reading my text? You have quite an imagination!

    The great irony of your post is that you had to post that rubbish in the quote above because you totally failed at your great 'debate'. You mad bro?
  • luxandraluxandra Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    It's completely irrelevant.

    Why? Because opening a box requires a key. Keys come from the store, bought with Zen. Zen comes from outside the game. Either, purchased, granted via those survey offers or gifted as a stipend.

    If Zen is purchased PWE makes money. If Zen comes from a survey offer PWE makes money. If it's a stipend then either an LTS or a subscription fee has been paid which may (or may not) make PWE money.

    But if you seriously think there's so many old-time LTS players in here making up the bulk of the Zen on the Dilithium Exchange then you're on crack. Cryptic has been hiring, they're working on Neverwinter - there's more money flowing into that company than ever before (which is good - I'm pleased for them) - and it's coming from lockboxes - not from lifetime subscriptions - and it never will - instant veteran rewards or not.

    It's a cheap, sloppily-executed cash-grab - not the brilliant business strategy you seem to think it is.

    Are you sure you're not a PWE schill??

    You are aware of the fact that while Cyptic is hiring and working on things like Neverwinter that they have to be contracted by the investor putting money in the make the game in the first place right? They do not own the game, they just own the code to make it all run smoothly. the IP itself is owned by the investor and anyone higher up on the business ladder than that.
  • luxandraluxandra Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    1) How is that ironic? Do you understand what irony means?
    2) How can you tell how I feel from reading my text? You have quite an imagination!

    The great irony of your post is that you had to post that rubbish in the quote above because you totally failed at your great 'debate'. You mad bro?

    A debate is a constructive offering of differing opinions. There is no "winning" a debate. And your attitude is reflective of being offended by what you type. So yes it is quite ironic that you are the one attacking me saying that I am upset.
  • rickeyredshirtrickeyredshirt Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    luxandra wrote: »
    A debate is a constructive offering of differing opinions. There is no "winning" a debate. And your attitude is reflective of being offended by what you type. So yes it is quite ironic that you are the one attacking me saying that I am upset.

    If you take my responses as an attack that is your problem. I never said anyone 'won' or 'lost' either, just that you failed to get your point across (which you still cannot seem to adequately do). A common theme in your posts is lack of reading comprehension as well as a self-centered view. Nobody is attacking you, get over yourself.
  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    luxandra wrote: »
    You are aware of the fact that while Cyptic is hiring and working on things like Neverwinter that they have to be contracted by the investor putting money in the make the game in the first place right? They do not own the game, they just own the code to make it all run smoothly. the IP itself is owned by the investor and anyone higher up on the business ladder than that.

    I'm not sure what your point is? (not being snarky - just genuinely don't know what you're trying to say here)

    As I mentioned before, Cryptic is a wholly-owned subsidiary of PWE - PWE are financing them to develop Neverwinter (which has been licensed from Hasbro I'd guess without looking it up - could be wrong...)

    Either the licensee gets a cut of the profits or not depending on the deal - regarding things like D&D, traditionally it's a hefty up-front license fee but they may have negotiated something different for an MMO..?
    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • luxandraluxandra Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    If you take my responses as an attack that is your problem. I never said anyone 'won' or 'lost' either, just that you failed to get your point across (which you still cannot seem to adequately do). A common theme in your posts is lack of reading comprehension as well as a self-centered view. Nobody is attacking you, get over yourself.

    You're implying that I want to convince everyone that I am right, I'm not. I know my opinions are my own and I also know that nobody is going to change what they think because of what I type. But here you are attacking me and telling me that I have failed in showing my opinion and providing my own counterpoints to support what I have said. Last time I checked in debate that's exactly what debating is. So again, it's ironic that here you are being the "Pot calling the kettle black."
  • luxandraluxandra Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I'm not sure what your point is? (not being snarky - just genuinely don't know what you're trying to say here)

    As I mentioned before, Cryptic is a wholly-owned subsidiary of PWE - PWE are financing them to develop Neverwinter (which has been licensed from Hasbro I'd guess without looking it up - could be wrong...)

    Either the licensee gets a cut of the profits or not depending on the deal - regarding things like D&D, traditionally it's a hefty up-front license fee but they may have negotiated something different for an MMO..?

    Basically what it means is that Cyptic has "limited" creative control over the product they are in charge of keeping up and running. That "limitation" is directly set in stone with the contracting agreement that they have creative authority to do (Insert product or theme here) To whatever stipulations are placed in the agreement. Essentially they can do whatever they want within the guidelines set in place for them.

    Ultimately the final call however does not rest with them. They have to do what PWE tells them to do and if someone above PWE tells them they need to do something with an IP that the owner tells them to do. They have to do it. Basically the point is this, whoever is the investor if it isn't PWE, they are the ones contracting Cryptic to do that game. So for the sake of the point since I didn't know who the investor was until now, let's say that a different company than PWE is investing in the game. All of the profits and such from this game would not be applied to Neverwinter. But since it is, of course I'm sure a good portion of the profits from STO as well as the multiple other PWE games would be contributing to Neverwinter. The main point however is that the hiring and such is not reflective of profit margins from this game. Bear in mind that PWE has a fairly large selection of games all with a currency system all of them have the ability to earn free and purchase currency directly. So we cannot say for certain that this game is where the majority of the profits are coming from. Although I will admit I certainly hope they are because I have played a lot of other PWE games and they have gone downhill on several of them.
  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Well, I wasn't implying that STO was making the kind of money the PWE execs could retire on - just that whatever it is making is sufficient for PWE expanding Cryptics workforce. LTS and subscription payments most likely make up a tiny amount of STO's revenue though - and if LTS sales were healthy, they wouldn't have felt the need to meddle with them.

    In the long run, I'm sure PWE would like to get rid of LTS and subscriptions altogether - they serve no purpose in a F2P game.

    Of course, STO isn't the only source of revenue from Cryptic, Champions no doubt still brings in some money.

    Whether Cryptic is viable in the long term remains to be seen - studios are rarely closed whilst they're working on a game but increasingly are being shuttered once they've finished one...

    P.S. And whilst I may not have mentioned it in this stream of posts (or perhaps I did, I'm too tired to look) - my own personal belief is that this mandate re: 1000-day vets didn't come from Cryptic - all the signs were that they were going to release the ships purely for 1000-day vets (evidence is there in-game and on the blog) - as I said at the time, this has the stink of PWE all over it.
    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • luxandraluxandra Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Well, I wasn't implying that STO was making the kind of money the PWE execs could retire on - just that whatever it is making is sufficient for PWE expanding Cryptics workforce. LTS and subscription payments most likely make up a tiny amount of STO's revenue though - and if LTS sales were healthy, they wouldn't have felt the need to meddle with them.

    In the long run, I'm sure PWE would like to get rid of LTS and subscriptions altogether - they serve no purpose in a F2P game.

    Of course, STO isn't the only source of revenue from Cryptic, Champions no doubt still brings in some money.

    Whether Cryptic is viable in the long term remains to be seen - studios are rarely closed whilst they're working on a game but increasingly are being shuttered once they've finished one...

    P.S. And whilst I may not have mentioned it in this stream of posts (or perhaps I did, I'm too tired to look) - my own personal belief is that this mandate re: 1000-day vets didn't come from Cryptic - all the signs were that they were going to release the ships purely for 1000-day vets (evidence is there in-game and on the blog) - as I said at the time, this has the stink of PWE all over it.

    And that is a statement I completely agree with. I am in no way disregarding the feeling that people have in regards to this. Because yes, it does raise questions as to the longevity of this game and In no way am I going to turn around and say that isn't a legitimate concern. I will however stand by my statement that while a potentially volatile change. It is not one that actually cheapens the LTS for anyone. What it does do is that it puts all of the LTS on the same page reward wise. Personally I would prefer the entire system was gone and that all accounts were on the same level and that all one had to do was make a purchase to buy the game and then be able to play it free for life. Which I can honestly say even though I have not looked at it yet I think GW2 has done the right thing for the F2P market and I hope it works out well. Because if it does then maybe a lot of the other gaming companies out there will realize where and how to market future games. WoW is one of the only successful exceptions to that rule and that was thanks to a lot of factors including perfect timing with no competition to challenge what it had to bring at the time. with that said, I think you and I have more than managed to express our differing opinions about this subject and I am going to go back to playing Dragon Age since I have left it running this whole time.
  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Well, we'll agree to disagree on certain points but it's been interesting hearing your point of view whether or not I'm in agreement with it.

    Enjoy Dragon Age! I'm of to execute some Doffs... :D
    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • rickeyredshirtrickeyredshirt Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    luxandra wrote: »
    You're implying that I want to convince everyone that I am right, I'm not. I know my opinions are my own and I also know that nobody is going to change what they think because of what I type. But here you are attacking me and telling me that I have failed in showing my opinion and providing my own counterpoints to support what I have said. Last time I checked in debate that's exactly what debating is. So again, it's ironic that here you are being the "Pot calling the kettle black."

    I disagee with all of this but whatever, I'm moving on. I'm done with this for now, like I thought you were before you decided to cram your 'opinion' down everyone's throat. Like I also just said in my last post, nobody is attacking you. If you think that someone is attacking you because they don't agree with you that is your problem. I also fail to see any irony in any of this nor does your pot/kettle analogy work on any level. Have a good one...
  • luxandraluxandra Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I disagee with all of this but whatever, I'm moving on. I'm done with this for now, like I thought you were before you decided to cram your 'opinion' down everyone's throat. Like I also just said in my last post, nobody is attacking you. If you think that someone is attacking you because they don't agree with you that is your problem. I also fail to see any irony in any of this nor does your pot/kettle analogy work on any level. Have a good one...

    Thanks for proving my point about you. Enjoy the game.
  • rickeyredshirtrickeyredshirt Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    luxandra wrote: »
    Thanks for proving my point about you. Enjoy the game.

    Your point? What point is that? You make no sense and once again cannot get your 'point' across. Too bad...I feel sorry for you actually. Kinda sad. :(
  • khayuungkhayuung Member Posts: 1,876 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Argh, lime green Borg text on black backgrounds! My eyes they burns.......

    "Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.

    Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!

    Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
  • luxandraluxandra Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Your point? What point is that? You make no sense and once again cannot get your 'point' across. Too bad...I feel sorry for you actually. Kinda sad. :(

    It wouldn't matter because even if the point was spelled out to you letter for letter you would refuse to acknowledge it's existence. You can feel however you want, it doesn't change the facts that have been established. Enjoy the game.
  • sehlatkitten01sehlatkitten01 Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    so is this a perm thing for anyone who buys lifer ? or does it end in November ?
    the vet rewards i mean
  • gypsybladegypsyblade Member Posts: 730 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    It's perm, once a lifer you get the beta access
  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    There's been no mention of it being a limited time offer - that's what the LTS is now (until they decide to change it or get rid of it).

    *Edit* Presumably the price is for a limited time only...

    *Edit 2* Oh man, this ninja modding is really starting to become a PITA...
    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • gypsybladegypsyblade Member Posts: 730 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    *Edit 2* Oh man, this ninja modding is really starting to become a PITA...

    Ninja modding?
  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    gypsyblade wrote: »
    Ninja modding?

    Multiple threads getting cut 'n pasted into one partway through a dialogue.

    I appreciate the mods wanna keep it tidy (and non-controversial) around here but today's been non-stop hunt the thread you were posting to...
    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • rickeyredshirtrickeyredshirt Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    luxandra wrote: »
    It wouldn't matter because even if the point was spelled out to you letter for letter you would refuse to acknowledge it's existence. You can feel however you want, it doesn't change the facts that have been established. Enjoy the game.

    lol. Great. You have established 'facts' about me. :rolleyes:

    My hat's off to the community mods here though, you guys have certainly had your work cut out for you.
  • luxandraluxandra Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    lol. Great. You have established 'facts' about me. :rolleyes:

    My hat's off to the community mods here though, you guys have certainly had your work cut out for you.

    I didn't establish the facts, you did. I am merely pointing them out. But that's okay, in your mind you have done no such thing. At the very least I had a decent discussion with someone other than you, so it was not a complete waste of time.
  • rickeyredshirtrickeyredshirt Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    luxandra wrote: »
    You can feel however you want, it doesn't change the facts that have been established.
    luxandra wrote: »
    I didn't establish the facts, you did.

    :confused: If you review your posts you used the term facts many times. I didn't once.
    luxandra wrote: »
    I am merely pointing them out. But that's okay, in your mind you have done no such thing. At the very least I had a decent discussion with someone other than you so it was not a complete waste of time.

    Perhaps if you had not been so arrogant and self-centered in your argument as I had stated, a decent conversation could have been had. Too bad... :(
  • luxandraluxandra Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    :confused: If you review your posts you used the term facts many times. I didn't once.

    Perhaps if you had not been so arrogant and self-centered in your argument as I had stated, a decent conversation could have been had. Too bad... :(

    Too bad you don't like being direct and only use an argument used by someone else to justify your own opinions. Maybe if you had actually posted a valid counterpoint to my actual opinion you would have had a discussion. Your lack of action displays a lack of confidence to handle a debate with me from your own personal counterpoints. Your desire to get the last word only shows an increasing lack of confidence on your part. Either make your case or stop posting in response to me. Two solutions, pick one.
  • mbomberdavidmbomberdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    This is such a good deal that i had to buy a 3rd LTS. It really is the best way i can think of to assuage any hard feelings about having had to wait for months and months for a prize just to see other folks tie or even beat you to it with a single swipe of their credit card.

    Now really is a good time for people to get a second account. I have had two for all but about 2-3 weeks of my STO time. It is ever so convenient to trade with yourself especially with a freighter. It is also a breeze to do space missions. Ground is a bit hard but you get used to it. This could be a very nice treat for yourselves... Give it some thought friends.
  • rickeyredshirtrickeyredshirt Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    luxandra wrote: »
    Too bad you don't like being direct and only use an argument used by someone else to justify your own opinions. Maybe if you had actually posted a valid counterpoint to my actual opinion you would have had a discussion. Your lack of action displays a lack of confidence to handle a debate with me from your own personal counterpoints. Your desire to get the last word only shows an increasing lack of confidence on your part. Either make your case or stop posting in response to me. Two solutions, pick one.

    Actually as you have stated, your opinions are 'facts'. You said 10 pages or so back that you were 'done with this thread' yet you feel the need to continue to post. I have stated my counterpoint you just failed to comprehend it and vigorously ignored what I had to say and at times replaced it with your own 'opinion'. As others have stated, your responses or 'opinions' are either logically at fault or pure speculation yet you continue to try to 'tell people how it is' and cram it down everyone's throat. Your inability to know when to stop posting is phenomenal and actually quite disturbing.
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