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  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I'm going to have Sinclaire confront sentinel here in about 10 min
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    So here is the stats if you will between Sinclaire and sentinel.

    Sentinel: a master of defense and science. He is able to defend himself from almost anything and can easily defend himself from a group of guardians. ( remember he has been around for thousands of years. His race has never been specified either and I plan to leave it that way. ) he is aligned with a race known as the shanshu and is helping in there return. I'll leave them mostly to speculation for now. But he is very smart and strong despite his age. He wears a silver and red battle suit with a almost metallic face and silver beard.

    Sinclaire: was a former student of sentinel and guardian. He is much younger then sentinel and over less experienced. His mixed background is his greatest strength. He has a respect for life and will defend the week.

    OK next I'll do the actually post.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    A figure walks up to sentinel

    Figure: so it works

    Sentinel: yes they do.

    Figure: wonderful.

    On the shuttle.

    Sinclaire : that's not right it can't be.

    He stands up

    Sinclaire: when you find him inform me. There is something I must do.

    He opens a conduit and leaves.

    He appears near sentinel but at a safe distance.

    Sentinel: so my old student returns.

    Sinclaire: you where dead.

    Sentinel: is that all you have to say.

    Sinclaire: what are you doing

    Sentinel: I'm bringing back a long gone race to help the people of this galaxy. Something you should respect.

    Sinclaire: well I don't. That will not help them. Deactivate the device.

    Sentinel: you know I will not.

    Sinclaire: then I will.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Tyrus IV, a Republic World near the Shoal Zone. The planet is known for being one of the Republic's economic cores - it's also Matt's homeworld, and the headquarters of "Tyrus Starlines", a commercial starline company owned and ran by Matt's father; Johnathon Forrester.

    Since he was suspended, Matt has been living on Tyrus, helping with the family business.

    On the planet's surface, Matt steps out of a hopper ad onto a landing pad, walking into a large apartment skyscraper.

    When he enters his apartment, he's surprised to see the lights on. He walks into the middle of the lounge when he hears a jammer turn on behind him, turning to see Mason.*

    Matt: Lieutenant Mason, or do you prefer "Director"?

    Mason: Been awhile, Captain.

    *He puts the jammer on the table.*

    Sorry, you can't be too careful. I'm almost certain they've put bugs in here.

    Matt: Who's "they"?

    Mason: Certain people who would see the husband of the most dangerous human being alive tortured, killed, or anything else which would provide them with bait.

    These same people are, I believe, responsible for the manufactured evidence against my department, and are the single greatest threat to the spirit of Republic Laws and Liberty.

    I know Sam told you about them. The people who took away her humanity.

    Matt: D.I.S.

    Mason: I am almost certain that they have a pawn within the Admiralty, knowingly or not. I know they have a vested interest on seeing your wife back in their hands.

    Matt: They're not taking her again.

    Mason: Glad to hear you say that, because I want your help to stop them.

    Matt: What do you need?

    Mason: There's a spider in the web, Mister Forrester, and I intend to find it... and kill it.

    Matt: Any leads?

    Mason: I can't bring any of my people in on this. I trust them, but this is a big gamble. If I win, we all win. If I lose, they shouldn't have to suffer for it.

    My only useful lead is knowing that they're going to move against you. When they do, I'll get the information I need.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    OOC: Fair point. Plus I think that would work. As far as stopping them goes.. I don't think it is really possible. Just delaying them really. Which right now depends on what you want to do with Sanders right now. Plus if you want Vala to have a sort of Devil's Advocate alliance with Northman to deal with a political enemy. That would certainly be interesting. As for Gyunei, I did enjoy that fight with Markon, and that depends on if he can find him.

    But yeah overall I do want to develop Holtz and Patrick a bit more, as well as the Preserver.. Though I do want to give him a better name. Something that fits with his goals right now.

    But yes most of that line Kai gave is actually true.. Those three did develop it.. I wonder what Jacob would do if he found out about what his dad was really doing.

    What do you think Logan?

    *Archangel smiles as she reads the packet, before walking out.*

    Archangel: Next stop: Nopada.

    *She drops the PADD on the floor as she walks through the orridors, heading for the shuttlebay.*

    I'm coming for you, Allington.

    *She walks into the shuttlebay, seeing a Peregrine Fighter (civilian use) waiting for her.*

    OOC: Maybe have Gyunei step in and ask why Archangel has a personal grudge against Sam?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Archangel smiles as she reads the packet, before walking out.*

    Archangel: Next stop: Nopada.

    *She drops the PADD on the floor as she walks through the orridors, heading for the shuttlebay.*

    I'm coming for you, Allington.

    *She walks into the shuttlebay, seeing a Peregrine Fighter (civilian use) waiting for her.*

    OOC: Maybe have Gyunei step in and ask why Archangel has a personal grudge against Sam?

    *OOC: Or rather disturbing if you think it is good. Have some hint of feelings for her? *

    *Gyunei returns as he was watching the Klingons and Markon's search for a cure and source of the disease. *

    Gyunei: Why is it that you have a grudge against Sam? Your point of origin?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Tyrus IV, a Republic World near the Shoal Zone. The planet is known for being one of the Republic's economic cores - it's also Matt's homeworld, and the headquarters of "Tyrus Starlines", a commercial starline company owned and ran by Matt's father; Johnathon Forrester.

    Since he was suspended, Matt has been living on Tyrus, helping with the family business.

    On the planet's surface, Matt steps out of a hopper ad onto a landing pad, walking into a large apartment skyscraper.

    When he enters his apartment, he's surprised to see the lights on. He walks into the middle of the lounge when he hears a jammer turn on behind him, turning to see Mason.*

    Matt: Lieutenant Mason, or do you prefer "Director"?

    Mason: Been awhile, Captain.

    *He puts the jammer on the table.*

    Sorry, you can't be too careful. I'm almost certain they've put bugs in here.

    Matt: Who's "they"?

    Mason: Certain people who would see the husband of the most dangerous human being alive tortured, killed, or anything else which would provide them with bait.

    These same people are, I believe, responsible for the manufactured evidence against my department, and are the single greatest threat to the spirit of Republic Laws and Liberty.

    I know Sam told you about them. The people who took away her humanity.

    Matt: D.I.S.

    Mason: I am almost certain that they have a pawn within the Admiralty, knowingly or not. I know they have a vested interest on seeing your wife back in their hands.

    Matt: They're not taking her again.

    Mason: Glad to hear you say that, because I want your help to stop them.

    Matt: What do you need?

    Mason: There's a spider in the web, Mister Forrester, and I intend to find it... and kill it.

    Matt: Any leads?

    Mason: I can't bring any of my people in on this. I trust them, but this is a big gamble. If I win, we all win. If I lose, they shouldn't have to suffer for it.

    My only useful lead is knowing that they're going to move against you. When they do, I'll get the information I need.

    *Mason gets a ping on his omni tool from a blocked source... *

    Garbled voice: Director Mason... ? I work for someone who sympathizes with your gamble and does have an offer for you.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Citadel, Presidium, Vontral's office*

    *Weynal is sitting outside politely as he waits for her meeting to end. *

    Aide: She will be with you shortly Admiral.

    Weynal: Thank you my dear. I can wait a little longer.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob: how's she flying ensign.

    Helm: like a charm sir these engines are amazing.

    Jacob: glad to hear it. Alright turn us around and head back to reach
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *The voice booms in Sander's head loudly as one of them approaches the his aura and eyes golden...*

    General: This one understands so little. His cells are falling apart... A most painful way to die.

    Useless humans.

    *The aliens detect the defect in the scans but do seem to know the problem and clean it up to understand it.*

    *OOC: They aren't fixing it just cleaning up the samples so they can better understand.. Yes there is some linking to what Stane had done with the Gholas except Archangel. Now he has a new batch coming too.*

    Degeneration caused by experimentation... Primitive.

    There is no saving this one... he won't survive the process to be of much use.

    Lock him in a pod with the colonists. Prepare him for ascension with the rest of his kind.

    *The Alien next to him puts him back under with a strong dose of a sedative and a complex to ease its passing in his system. As Sander's eyes close they close the table he is on and soon sleep comes back to him..*

    *Elsewhere the shuttle arrives back with the station. Patrick welcomes them back but wonders what they need.*

    Patrick: Welcome what do you folks need?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *The voice booms in Sander's head loudly as one of them approaches the his aura and eyes golden...*

    General: This one understands so little. His cells are falling apart... A most painful way to die.

    Useless humans.

    *The aliens detect the defect in the scans but do seem to know the problem and clean it up to understand it.*

    *OOC: They aren't fixing it just cleaning up the samples so they can better understand.. Yes there is some linking to what Stane had done with the Gholas except Archangel. Now he has a new batch coming too.*

    Degeneration caused by experimentation... Primitive.

    There is no saving this one... he won't survive the process to be of much use.

    Lock him in a pod with the colonists. Prepare him for ascension with the rest of his kind.

    *The Alien next to him puts him back under with a strong dose of a sedative and a complex to ease its passing in his system. As Sander's eyes close they close the table he is on and soon sleep comes back to him..*

    *Elsewhere the shuttle arrives back with the station. Patrick welcomes them back but wonders what they need.*

    Patrick: Welcome what do you folks need?

    At the station

    Firefly : ill have the shuttle refueled and armed is there any thing specific you want for cargo not saying ill do it but ill at least ask
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Sentinel: i will give you one chance to back away and leave

    Sinclaire: you should know me better then that

    Sentinel drawing a silver glowing blade and a large shield

    Sentinel: you where always the bravest and the one to stand up for the week first

    Sinclaire grabs his sword as he produces a orange glowing enregy shield on his left arm

    Sinclaire: stop this before you doom us all

    Sentinel: what i do is to protect these people and give them a chance to survive in a universe that has tormented them every tern

    Sinclaire: you only seek to bring back a force you can use to control them

    Sinclaire jumps first at sentinel trying to make a first strike but sentinel easily blocks the blow bringing his own weapon to bear which sinclaire has to jump back to avoid.

    Sentinel: you should know that you cant hope to stop me alone.I trained you and therefore know you all to well.

    Sinclaire jumps at sentinel rolling off his shield and gets kicked mid air by sentinel as he is sent flying into a pile of rubble

    Sentinel: I give you a chance to leave now do so and spare us both the pain if you will not listen

    Sinclaire jumps up and locks his blade with sentinels as the two hold the position a moment sentinel before sinclaire can even register it moves down low slashing his sword across sinclaires chest cutting into him sinclaire tries to move but then is stabbed through the right shoulder as he drops his sword unable to use the arm as his shoulder is basicaly destroyed. He lets out a scream as sentinel tosses him to the side.

    Sentinel: i warned you not to interfere I should kill you know

    Sentinel puts his sword back in its holder as he sets the shield aside

    Sentinel: may be now you will see that my intention is to help these people even if i must destroy them first.

    He gets up and walks away from the wounded and bleeding sinclaire and soon vanishes.

    Sinclaire is just barely to open a conduit and crawls through it

    OOC: Sentinel does really have the UNSC best interest at heart and you can play on this if you want but they both will live who ever sees this first can decide where sinclaire arrives
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Sentinel: i will give you one chance to back away and leave

    Sinclaire: you should know me better then that

    Sentinel drawing a silver glowing blade and a large shield

    Sentinel: you where always the bravest and the one to stand up for the week first

    Sinclaire grabs his sword as he produces a orange glowing enregy shield on his left arm

    Sinclaire: stop this before you doom us all

    Sentinel: what i do is to protect these people and give them a chance to survive in a universe that has tormented them every tern

    Sinclaire: you only seek to bring back a force you can use to control them

    Sinclaire jumps first at sentinel trying to make a first strike but sentinel easily blocks the blow bringing his own weapon to bear which sinclaire has to jump back to avoid.

    Sentinel: you should know that you cant hope to stop me alone.I trained you and therefore know you all to well.

    Sinclaire jumps at sentinel rolling off his shield and gets kicked mid air by sentinel as he is sent flying into a pile of rubble

    Sentinel: I give you a chance to leave now do so and spare us both the pain if you will not listen

    Sinclaire jumps up and locks his blade with sentinels as the two hold the position a moment sentinel before sinclaire can even register it moves down low slashing his sword across sinclaires chest cutting into him sinclaire tries to move but then is stabbed through the right shoulder as he drops his sword unable to use the arm as his shoulder is basicaly destroyed. He lets out a scream as sentinel tosses him to the side.

    Sentinel: i warned you not to interfere I should kill you know

    Sentinel puts his sword back in its holder as he sets the shield aside

    Sentinel: may be now you will see that my intention is to help these people even if i must destroy them first.

    He gets up and walks away from the wounded and bleeding sinclaire and soon vanishes.

    Sinclaire is just barely to open a conduit and crawls through it

    OOC: Sentinel does really have the UNSC best interest at heart and you can play on this if you want but they both will live who ever sees this first can decide where sinclaire arrives

    *Sinclaire arrives in the veil as a burst of energy prevents the Sentinel from passing, the presence feels familiar but yet Alien.. as the sentinel hears thousands of voices perhaps millions all shout out in anger at him with one louder voice keeping them in mass.*

    Firm Voice: There is always a better way..

    *OOC: Just thought I would hint more at something happening.. and yes this is an individual.. not going to say who yet...Sinclaire though will be confused though.. and no he is not back.*

    *Sinclaire is now enveloped into a healing boon by the veil.. Life energy from this being is powerful... *

    Allen's Voice: Rest easy and be well.. He will see soon enough.. My way has this with Harmony and not with destruction... understanding and strength and cooperation..

    Now rest. Heal..
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    At the station

    Firefly : ill have the shuttle refueled and armed is there any thing specific you want for cargo not saying ill do it but ill at least ask

    Danny: No we need a ship.. The fastest you have. We also need to have our new friend here oversee the updates to it. We need to get my friend back. As soon as Possible.

    Patrick: Are you?

    Grey Fox: No he is not kidding. None of us are.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Mason gets a ping on his omni tool from a blocked source... *

    Garbled voice: Director Mason... ? I work for someone who sympathizes with your gamble and does have an offer for you.

    OOC: Quick point to make; the Republic doesn't use omni-tools. That's an exclusively Federation thing. I only did it with alternate universe Sam because the Republic and Federation had merged in that timeline.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Citadel, Presidium, Vontral's office*

    *Weynal is sitting outside politely as he waits for her meeting to end. *

    Aide: She will be with you shortly Admiral.

    Weynal: Thank you my dear. I can wait a little longer.

    OOC: Well this is awkward. Uh... how can I put this? Vantrelle's a guy. :o


    *Vantrelle walks out of his Office and sees Weynal sitting there.*

    Vantrelle: Admiral Weynal. How can I help you?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *OOC: Or rather disturbing if you think it is good. Have some hint of feelings for her? *

    *Gyunei returns as he was watching the Klingons and Markon's search for a cure and source of the disease. *

    Gyunei: Why is it that you have a grudge against Sam? Your point of origin?

    *OOC: I think that's a little too disturbing for me. It also makes no sense for him to have feelings for Archangel when a) they've only just met and he knows nothing about her, and b) she's a ghola of the woman who killed him.*

    Archangel: Not that it's any of your business...

    *She starts climbing into he fighter, sitting on the fuselage surrounding the cockpit.*


    I've always hated her. I've hated her since the day I first woke up as Archangel, after all that conditioning. I hate her weakness, her idealism, her naivety...

    I'm actually glad to see her snap like this. Firstly because it shows she's actually grown some intelligence and secondly because it gives me an excuse to kill her.

    Like I needed one...

    I still hate her, though. I hate her for a few very good reasons;

    1) As you may have noticed, I'm a psychopath. I won't deny that. D.I.S. needed me to be a psychopath - a cold-blooded killer, but they also needed me to be loyal to the Republic.

    I know, the irony of the Republic's greatest foe being focused on their protection?

    Allington betrayed the Republic, is responsible for the deaths of innocent civilians...!

    2) She got Dr Matheson - one of my creators - killed. The scientists who were responsible for me were like family. Morrison is like a father to me. Matheson was like an uncle.

    3) I have her memories. I know why she did this. She did it because she's still a pathetic little targ. It means she hasn't changed.

    4) O.S.S. rescued her and, by default, kidnapped me. They put her back in control and killed me. They killed me to save her. That feels like she killed me.

    5) I know what my memories must have done to her conscience. I know that she hates me for it. Somehow, knowing that she hates me makes me hate her too.

    ...correction: hate her more.

    Finally... do you know what it's like to have another person in your head, trying to take over control of your body? I could feel her trying to stop me every step of the way. I could hear her saying "don't do it" like some stupid moral compass!

    She did all of that. Now, I have an opportunity to kill her.

    Again, she betrayed the Republic and is responsible for billions of deaths. I'm going to make her pay for it... and for everything she ever did to me!

    *OOC: One of the interesting things about writing Archangel is that she has a ton of Sam's memories and does share certain characteristics of Sam's personality (Sam's temper and capacity for holding grudges, for example) but is still a completely different person. Sam wrestles with her conscience over who she's killed, but Archangel has a clear conscience even with who she's killed. In subtle ways, they're the same person, but those key differences in major parts of their personality make them separate people.

    Another interesting thing is that, as we saw between Archangel and Hax, Archangel can take down a highly-trained soldier in about a minute, and brutally. Sam, while she's never actually had to fight someone who's trained that well (though constantly fought her equal in Sam 2), has access to that same training and knows those same moves. She just doesn't use them because of how brutal they are. Sam doesn't like killing in hand-to-hand (not counting the time she stabbed Sam 2) and when she does want to kill people, she wants them to have a chance at beating her too.

    There's also the fact that she wants to distance herself from her life as Archangel as much as possible.

    Archangel is a really fun character to write because writing her is like writing Sam if she'd gone off the deep end. Also, since I'd only hinted at Archangel's personality, this gives me an opportunity to explore it.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Danny: No we need a ship.. The fastest you have. We also need to have our new friend here oversee the updates to it. We need to get my friend back. As soon as Possible.

    Patrick: Are you?

    Grey Fox: No he is not kidding. None of us are.

    Firefly: well I have one ship available at the moment. The USS Castle. She should fit your guys bill.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Well this is awkward. Uh... how can I put this? Vantrelle's a guy. :o


    *Vantrelle walks out of his Office and sees Weynal sitting there.*

    Vantrelle: Admiral Weynal. How can I help you?

    *OOC: I know he was talking to the aide. *

    Weynal: What is wrong with a small visit? I am sure you have been busy recently. I figure to come by and give a bit of levity to all the business.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob: have we arrived back on reach yet.

    Officer : no sir

    Jacob: inform me when we do.
    He sits in his quarters looking at a holo.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: I think that's a little too disturbing for me. It also makes no sense for him to have feelings for Archangel when a) they've only just met and he knows nothing about her, and b) she's a ghola of the woman who killed him.*

    Archangel: Not that it's any of your business...

    *She starts climbing into he fighter, sitting on the fuselage surrounding the cockpit.*


    I've always hated her. I've hated her since the day I first woke up as Archangel, after all that conditioning. I hate her weakness, her idealism, her naivety...

    I'm actually glad to see her snap like this. Firstly because it shows she's actually grown some intelligence and secondly because it gives me an excuse to kill her.

    Like I needed one...

    I still hate her, though. I hate her for a few very good reasons;

    1) As you may have noticed, I'm a psychopath. I won't deny that. D.I.S. needed me to be a psychopath - a cold-blooded killer, but they also needed me to be loyal to the Republic.

    I know, the irony of the Republic's greatest foe being focused on their protection?

    Allington betrayed the Republic, is responsible for the deaths of innocent civilians...!

    2) She got Dr Matheson - one of my creators - killed. The scientists who were responsible for me were like family. Morrison is like a father to me. Matheson was like an uncle.

    3) I have her memories. I know why she did this. She did it because she's still a pathetic little targ. It means she hasn't changed.

    4) O.S.S. rescued her and, by default, kidnapped me. They put her back in control and killed me. They killed me to save her. That feels like she killed me.

    5) I know what my memories must have done to her conscience. I know that she hates me for it. Somehow, knowing that she hates me makes me hate her too.

    ...correction: hate her more.

    Finally... do you know what it's like to have another person in your head, trying to take over control of your body? I could feel her trying to stop me every step of the way. I could hear her saying "don't do it" like some stupid moral compass!

    She did all of that. Now, I have an opportunity to kill her.

    Again, she betrayed the Republic and is responsible for billions of deaths. I'm going to make her pay for it... and for everything she ever did to me!

    *OOC: One of the interesting things about writing Archangel is that she has a ton of Sam's memories and does share certain characteristics of Sam's personality (Sam's temper and capacity for holding grudges, for example) but is still a completely different person. Sam wrestles with her conscience over who she's killed, but Archangel has a clear conscience even with who she's killed. In subtle ways, they're the same person, but those key differences in major parts of their personality make them separate people.

    Another interesting thing is that, as we saw between Archangel and Hax, Archangel can take down a highly-trained soldier in about a minute, and brutally. Sam, while she's never actually had to fight someone who's trained that well (though constantly fought her equal in Sam 2), has access to that same training and knows those same moves. She just doesn't use them because of how brutal they are. Sam doesn't like killing in hand-to-hand (not counting the time she stabbed Sam 2) and when she does want to kill people, she wants them to have a chance at beating her too.

    There's also the fact that she wants to distance herself from her life as Archangel as much as possible.

    Archangel is a really fun character to write because writing her is like writing Sam if she'd gone off the deep end. Also, since I'd only hinted at Archangel's personality, this gives me an opportunity to explore it.

    *Gyunei laughs*

    Gyunei: I am an artificial Newtype my personality has been preprogramed and my memories only reminded to me through reminders and breakthroughs of the others. But I am the dominant personality.

    So yes I do... in fact know what you are going through except those weaklings are me and others need to see that I have conquered it.

    *OOC: As I have mentioned during the Raiser arc that Artificial Newtypes initially were made as weapons at the cost of the person's mind as they were too unstable and followed only their master. Now over the last century the research has been banned but others have tried to figure it out and solve the instability. Which for the most part did but they still have a few issues with it. Preston's creation was the pinnacle of the project that section 31 had to perfect it.

    Gyunei at first no one really knows what his initial personality is not even himself really he has forgotten. The others are too different while the current one and the modifications make it the dominant one and is true to his new purpose destroy..

    Makes it interesting as there may be points that the initial one will pop up and go away.

    Call it a sort of bug. *
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Quick point to make; the Republic doesn't use omni-tools. That's an exclusively Federation thing. I only did it with alternate universe Sam because the Republic and Federation had merged in that timeline.

    *OOC: Okay how about his personal comm.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Sinclaire lays there awhile letting the energy flow through and help repair the damage as he gets up after a while.

    Sinclaire gets up and walks around thinking of what hr will do next
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Sinclaire lays there awhile letting the energy flow through and help repair the damage as he gets up after a while.

    Sinclaire gets up and walks around thinking of what hr will do next

    *OOC: You would think he would be curious as to what broke off the fight.*


    Danny: Do it.

    Preserver: I will be heading down there to modify the ship..
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ooc: I did mostly. Sentinel left him there are the end.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *OOC: You would think he would be curious as to what broke off the fight.*


    Danny: Do it.

    Preserver: I will be heading down there to modify the ship..

    Firefly : its at docking bay 4 if you want to know.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Firefly : its at docking bay 4 if you want to know.

    Preserver: Thank you.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Preserver: Thank you.

    Firefly: hey that's why I'm here.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *OOC: I know he was talking to the aide. *

    Weynal: What is wrong with a small visit? I am sure you have been busy recently. I figure to come by and give a bit of levity to all the business.

    *OOC: Yes, but you said that he was waiting outside "her" office, not "his" office when writing that he was waiting outside Vantrelle's Office.*

    Vantrelle: What did you have in mind?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Mason gets a ping on his omni tool from a blocked source... *

    Garbled voice: Director Mason... ? I work for someone who sympathizes with your gamble and does have an offer for you.

    *Mason looks at his communicator, with a stern face as he tries to trace the transmission, which should not have made it to his communicator in the first place.*

    Mason: Who is this? How did you get this frequency?
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