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  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: In fairness, she did freak. She's absolutely petrified.

    Also, as I recall, she saved James, not the other way around.

    *Sam just stands there, shaking, pale as chalk. Archangel keeps grinning as she starts to advance on her.*

    Archangel: We're not killing her...

    *She walks behind Sam, before wrapping her right arm around sam's neck, pulling her face to Sam's right ear.*


    *She can hear Sam's heart beating faster and faster, in a panicked rush of fear and terror. She can feel Sam's freezing pale skin. Archangel releases her, stepping back a few meters as Sam falls to the floor, trying desperately to scramble away from them, her heart now racing. She soon finds herself backed up against a table. Archangel continues to grin sadistically at her.*

    Do you want the first round?

    *OOC: Nothing too graphic (or fatal). And remember, Sam's way too petrified too fight back.*

    *OOC: Fair point but I was referring to the incident when he killed Damon brutally, while James and her got out..*

    *Gyunei throws a savage punch into Sam's stomach winding her... then a couple more only cracking ribs, then a savage punch to the face... then one more.. Waking her with smelling salts. As he gripes her tightly,*

    Gyunei: Now it is yours. *He tosses her to Archangel*

    *OOC: See I can hold back..*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *OOC: Fair point but I was referring to the incident when he killed Damon brutally, while James and her got out..*

    *Gyunei throws a savage punch into Sam's stomach winding her... then a couple more only cracking ribs, then a savage punch to the face... then one more.. Waking her with smelling salts. As he gripes her tightly,*

    Gyunei: Now it is yours.

    *OOC: See I can hold back..*

    OOC: Gotta say, I was expecting something more brutal (especially since Gyunei likes to crush peoples' skulls in his bare hand). I'm impressed by your restraint, and slightly disappointed that you felt the need to restrain yourself. I meant just don't kill or violate her (or gouge her innards out with a spoon or anything else that would make me puke). This was really meant to be a free pass for you to savagely brutalise my main character (which I normally wouldn't even consider). But, eh, maybe he wanted to see what Archangel had planned for her first?

    *Archangel's face lights up as she starts wlking towards Sam, who immediately starts scrambling across the floor again in an effort to escape. Archangel then kneels down and grabs one of Sam's legs, before violently twisting it, making Sam cry out in pain. She then crawls on top of Sam, driving her knee into Sam's gut, pushing it in and causing a sickening crack as she breaks one of Sam's ribs, causing Sam to scream in pain. Archangel then turns Sam onto her front, violently stabbing her knee into Sam's spine, causing some vertabrae to crack as Sam screams in agony. She then wraps her right arm around Sam's neck, pulling it up, and causing Sam's back to bend backwards as a result.

    As Sam screams in agony, bleeding from the mouth from the broken rib, Archangel grabs her knife from her ankle, taking it and holding it about a centimeter from Sam's face, sadistically taunting her before cutting across Sam's left cheek. She then drives it into Sam's abdomen, making her gag. She pulls it out slightly before digging it back in as blood begins to flow from the wound. Then, with a final crack, she drives her knee into Sam's back again, causing Sam to let out a final scream in agony before passing out. Archangel then turns her back onto her front so she can leave the knife in. She stands up, before kicking Sam in the side.*

    Archangel: And I haven't even started having fun yet.

    *OOC: Yeah... most brutal thing I've ever written! Probably has something to do with the fact Sam couldn't fight back.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Gotta say, I was expecting something more brutal (especially since Gyunei likes to crush peoples' skulls in his bare hand). I'm impressed by your restraint, and slightly disappointed that you felt the need to restrain yourself. I meant just don't kill or violate her (or gouge her innards out with a spoon or anything else that would make me puke). This was really meant to be a free pass for you to savagely brutalise my main character (which I normally wouldn't even consider). But, eh, maybe he wanted to see what Archangel had planned for her first?

    *Archangel's face lights up as she starts wlking towards Sam, who immediately starts scrambling across the floor again in an effort to escape. Archangel then kneels down and grabs one of Sam's legs, before violently twisting it, making Sam cry out in pain. She then crawls on top of Sam, driving her knee into Sam's gut, pushing it in and causing a sickening crack as she breaks one of Sam's ribs, causing Sam to scream in pain. Archangel then turns Sam onto her front, violently stabbing her knee into Sam's spine, causing some vertabrae to crack as Sam screams in agony. She then wraps her right arm around Sam's neck, pulling it up, and causing Sam's back to bend backwards as a result.

    As Sam screams in agony, bleeding from the mouth from the broken rib, Archangel grabs her knife from her ankle, taking it and holding it about a centimeter from Sam's face, sadistically taunting her before cutting across Sam's left cheek. She then drives it into Sam's abdomen, making her gag. She pulls it out slightly before digging it back in as blood begins to flow from the wound. Then, with a final crack, she drives her knee into Sam's back again, causing Sam to let out a final scream in agony before passing out. Archangel then turns her back onto her front so she can leave the knife in. She stands up, before kicking Sam in the side.*

    Archangel: And I haven't even started having fun yet.

    *OOC: Yeah... most brutal thing I've ever written! Probably has something to do with the fact Sam couldn't fight back.*

    *OCC: I think I am rubbing off on you. lol. *

    *Gyunei repairs a little bit of the damage. So Sam doesn't die. Then uses adrenaline to wake her and feel her heart race.*

    Gyunei: Your mind has suffered much, as has your soul. But now your body must.

    *He lifts her up and starts beating her some more shattering ribs that were cracked, then bashes her head on a wall... The Bones in her right arm are soon crushed by his grip...then he grabs her by the head and squeezes hard hearing her scream in agony...*

    *He stops and throws her into a wall. and gives her a boot to the side...He tosses archangel the med kit...*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *OCC: I think I am rubbing off on you. lol. *

    *Gyunei repairs a little bit of the damage. So Sam doesn't die. Then uses adrenaline to wake her and feel her heart race.*

    Gyunei: Your mind has suffered much, as has your soul. But now your body must.

    *He lifts her up and starts beating her some more shattering ribs that were cracked, then bashes her head on a wall... The Bones in her right arm are soon crushed by his grip...then he grabs her by the head and squeezes hard hearing her scream in agony...*

    *He stops and throws her into a wall. and gives her a boot to the side...He tosses archangel the med kit...*

    *She starts to repair the lethal wounds, not waking Sam up this time.*

    Archangel: I put a virus into the ship's computer to beam all humans - me, her, and T'mar included - into a shuttlecraft. I put the fighter on autopilot to leave when we do.

    I'm taking her to Palos VII. It's where I was created.

    *She looks at Gyunei's suprised face.*

    When I kill her, I want her to be fighting back with everything she has, instead of cowering in a corner while I maul her like this.

    I enjoyed this, but I want to kill her in an adrenaline rush - in a fight for both our lives. I know she can brawl like that if she needed to.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *She starts to repair the lethal wounds, not waking Sam up this time.*

    Archangel: I put a virus into the ship's computer to beam all humans - me, her, and T'mar included - into a shuttlecraft. I put the fighter on autopilot to leave when we do.

    I'm taking her to Palos VII. It's where I was created.

    *She looks at Gyunei's suprised face.*

    When I kill her, I want her to be fighting back with everything she has, instead of cowering in a corner while I maul her like this.

    I enjoyed this, but I want to kill her in an adrenaline rush - in a fight for both our lives. I know she can brawl like that if she needed to.

    Gyunei: Alright. Have your fun.. Don't get yourself killed. My vengeance is sated.. Besides I need to make it to the ship.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *The Preserver steps into the conference room as the Vanguard line up.*

    Danny: Is the ship set?

    Preserver: It is.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Coleman continues going through files marking those that he wants to go back over.


    Price: this is agent price of the unsc military Intel and criminal investigation. I would like to speak to admiral ramez.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Gyunei: Alright. Have your fun.. Don't get yourself killed. My vengeance is sated.. Besides I need to make it to the ship.

    Archangel: Okay. Seeya around.

    *After a few hours, an Orion runabout lands inside a ruined base on the planet Palos VII; a world in the Shoal Zone which was situated well away from prying eyes. The planet itself hidden within a nebula orbiting a main sequence yellow star. The nebula makes the planet almost impossible to locate, blocking all sensors within and without. As such, it was the ideal location for the Department of Interstellar Security to hide their base and their greatest project - their greatest achievement - their greatest weapon: Project: Archangel.

    12 years earlier. The base is fully intact, hidden on a mountainside. Suddenly, 3 Republic Goliath Transports fly past and land on the roof.

    Inside, a series of 4 O.S.S. Agents, including Junior Agent Hawk, blast into a corridor, Hawk immediately drawing his bow. They're followed by a squad of Republic Assault Ops.*

    Hawk: Okay, let's move!

    *Hawk leads them through the corridors, running into a D.I.S. security team. A firefight ensues as Hawk looks around from his cover, seeing Archangel dash out of a room, armed with a pistol.*


    *Archangel hears him, looking towards him as the last member of the security team is taken out. The O.S.S. team starts closing in on her, causing her to shoot one of them, killing him. The others get ready to fire, but Hawk jumps out in front of them.*

    Hold your fire! Back off, let me try something!

    O.S.S. Agent: Hawk, you know our orders!

    Hawk: Shut up and let me try!

    *The agents and Assault Ops back up a great deal as Hawk slowly walks towards Archangel. She holds her pistol up at him.*

    Archangel: No closer.

    Hawk: Sam?

    Archangel: Don't call me that.

    Hawk: It's me. Hawk, remember?

    Archangel: Don't make me...

    Hawk: Samantha Marilla Allington. Your father's just died - killed by your best friend. You were born and raised on Khitomer. We went to high school in New Geneva together. You love space. Your mother's a biologist and your father was a pilot. You can hit a 1m target at 200m with a pistol. When you were 12 you wanted to be a pilot like your dad. When you were 15, you wanted to be a Command Officer like your great-grandfather.

    Archangel: The person you're describing is dead.

    Hawk: No she isn't. If she were, I'd be dead too.

    Archangel: Leave. Now.

    Hawk: I can't do that.

    Archangel: I'll kill you.

    Hawk: Go ahead. Kill me. Take my life.

    Go on.

    *Archangel tries to pull the trigger, but her hand starts shaking.*

    What are you waiting for?

    Sam? Sam, I know you're in there. Fight it.

    Archangel: Shut...

    Hawk: Sam, you love looking out at the stars. When you were a kid, you'd spend days looking through your telescope into space.

    Whenever you were getting hassled, you always talked to me. Talk to me now.

    Archangel: I'm not...

    Hawk: Come on, Sam! You can do it!

    *Archangel fires the phaser.

    It hits the wall a meter off target, as the pistol falls out of Archangel's hands, and she falls against the wall, sliding down it and burying her head in her knees. Hawk walks over to her.*


    *She starts sobbing. Hawk kneels down and hugs the young women.*

    It's okay, Sam. It's going to be okay.

    Sam *sobbing*: Oh god... what did I do...? What did I...?

    Hawk: It's okay. It's okay, sis.

    *Present day. Shortly after breaking Sam's conditioning, the strike team had to make a rapid escape as the Base exploded when one of the assault teams got into a firefight in the fuel depot.

    Archangel walks around the charred remains of what was her home for 6 months.*

    Archangel: There's nothing left.

    *The sun is protruding through the massive holes in the walls and ceilings, as the mountain's own plantlife decided to make the base their habitat over the past decade. The lush greenery makes this seem beautiful, but to Archangel - someone who lived here - its an invasion of the only place she's ever been able to call home.

    To Sam, who Archangel healed fully on the runabout, it's justice.

    Sam is standing behind Archangel, on the ramp of the runabout. She's been restrained by a pain-giver collar, which is set to keep her from getting within 2m of Archangel and to keep her from getting 10m away from the runabout.*

    Sam: Nice plants. I see D.I.S. really let the place go.

    I think I like it better this way.

    Archangel *angry*: What did you do?

    Sam: Me? I didn't do anything! I was too busy crying after what you made me do!

    Archangel *angry*: This is just one more thing I'm going to make you pay for!

    Sam *angry*: I haven't done anything to you!

    Archangel *angry*: Matheson!

    Sam: I didn't kill him! Stane's puppet Kai did that!

    Archangel: You forced him to stab Stane in the back! You may as well have killed him yourself!

    Sam: What makes you think I didn't want to? I tried to hunt down every one of your scientists. They took away my humanity, my will, my life...

    Archangel: And what makes you worth more than me?!

    Sam: I'm not a cold-blooded murderer!

    Archangel: Give me a break! I read about you Sam. There's one thing that drags you below my level. Yeah, I'm a killer. Yeah, I'm a criminal, but I do what I do to help the Republic. You betrayed it. For that, for Matheson, and for infesting my every thought with your pathetic idealistic weakness, I'm going to kill you.

    But first, I'm going to finish off your sister, right in front of you.

    *Sam's fists start to glow white.*

    Sam *rage*: You... are not... touching... my sister.

    *Suddenly, she feels a blinding pain as her twilight powers shut off. Archangel then runs up and sends a furious kick across Sam's face, knocking her out.

    She then drags Sam away from the runabout, deactivating the pain-giver and chaining her to a burnt-out pillar. She drags T'mar there as well, but leaves her laying on the floor against a wall, knowing full well that she can't do anything against her.*

    OOC: Keep in mind that Archangel only healed Sam. T'mar is still crippled and thus, helpless.

    I also liked showing how, while Archangel is a psychopath, she had a life with the D.I.S. Brings up a moral dilemma; was it right for Hawk to save Sam, destroying Archangel in the process, since they were two different identities? That dilemma becomes even more problematic when you consider that Sam has actually, as I said, become worse than Archangel. While Sam has bought herself out of the dark, Archangel still sees her as an enemy because of what she's already done.

    This encounter is going to force Sam to realise who she wants to be as a person, as well as to understand who she is. It's also going to show us Sam's darkest secrets that she never shows anyone.

    I've also noticed that I'm actually making Sam an angrier character overall, though, in fairness, Archangel threatened her sister. If there's one thing I proved with the final battle between Sam and Sam 2, it's that Sam gets protective over her sister.

    ...even when her sister actually wants to kill her too. Seriously, the harsh feelings between Sam and T'mar are going to be there for a while. Sam betrayed her sister - that isn't going to go away easily, though what happens here will lead to some forgiveness on T'mar's part.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Tyrus IV. Matt is walking through a warehouse.*

    Matt: Mason, you are late.

    *He hears footsteps on the catwalks. He looks up, seeing nothing. Suddenly, he sees a shadow dart across, pulling out his phaser and shooting it, causing it to fall from the catwalk. Suddenly, a group of people start rushing him.

    He shoots a couple before they can get close, before getting punched by one, forcing him to drop his phaser. Before they can land another hit, he blocks and hits them with a right hook. Another one tries to hit him, and he catches the strike, throwing the attacker over his back and onto the floor. As the last attacker takes a swing, he ducks to the side before hitting him with a palm strike followed by a roundhouse kick to the head.

    Suddenly, he hearts a phaser charge behind him. Before he can turn around, however, he hears a discharge.

    But, he's still alive. He hears a body hit the deck. When he finishes turning around, he sees his would-be killer lying on the floor. Mason runs over to him, holstering his pistol.*

    Matt: You're late.

    Mason: I told you to wait for me.

    Matt: These the guys you warned me about?

    Mason: Sort of. These guys? Just henchmen. This one, however... *He gestures at the human male he'd shot.* He is something else.

    Come on.

    *He walks towards one of the corpses, taking a PADD from it.*

    Matt: What is it?

    Mason: Coordinates. They were sending a message to their leaders.

    Matt: Who?

    Mason: The Broker was right about one thing; some of the people trying to kill you are doing it as a way to get to your wife. These people however - they just don't want you interfering with their plans, which they know you'll do if you're reinstated.

    Look at this.

    *He shows Matt the coordinates.*

    Matt: That's outside our galaxy.

    Mason: Hmm. You think that's worrying...

    *He gestures to the corpse of Matt's would-be killer. Matt suddenly feels a small amount of fear penetrate him as he sees a small worm-like tail protruding from the back of the man's neck.*

    What the hell is that?

    *3 hours later. Matt and Mason are borrowing Matt's father's office to run some queries.*

    Mason: I'm linked into the O.S.S. information network.

    I'm running a background check on the coordinates we found. If we get a hit...

    *The holodisplay suddenly shows a small blip near the retrieved coordinates.*

    Matt: What is it?

    Mason: Let's find out.

    *He opens the reference file.*

    Galaxy-Class U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701-D. Late 2363.

    Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Comander William Riker expose alien infiltration...

    Alien infiltration of Starfleet Command.

    Matt: It says here that the leading admirals were infested by some form of parasitic life. The mother creature was destroyed but...

    But not before sending out a message beyond our galaxy.

    *The two look at each other.*

    My god.

    Mason: I had a feeling there was an external hand manipulating the Republic, but I had no idea...
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Tyrus IV. Matt is walking through a warehouse.*

    Matt: Mason, you are late.

    *He hears footsteps on the catwalks. He looks up, seeing nothing. Suddenly, he sees a shadow dart across, pulling out his phaser and shooting it, causing it to fall from the catwalk. Suddenly, a group of people start rushing him.

    He shoots a couple before they can get close, before getting punched by one, forcing him to drop his phaser. Before they can land another hit, he blocks and hits them with a right hook. Another one tries to hit him, and he catches the strike, throwing the attacker over his back and onto the floor. As the last attacker takes a swing, he ducks to the side before hitting him with a palm strike followed by a roundhouse kick to the head.

    Suddenly, he hearts a phaser charge behind him. Before he can turn around, however, he hears a discharge.

    But, he's still alive. He hears a body hit the deck. When he finishes turning around, he sees his would-be killer lying on the floor. Mason runs over to him, holstering his pistol.*

    Matt: You're late.

    Mason: I told you to wait for me.

    Matt: These the guys you warned me about?

    Mason: Sort of. These guys? Just henchmen. This one, however... *He gestures at the human male he'd shot.* He is something else.

    Come on.

    *He walks towards one of the corpses, taking a PADD from it.*

    Matt: What is it?

    Mason: Coordinates. They were sending a message to their leaders.

    Matt: Who?

    Mason: The Broker was right about one thing; some of the people trying to kill you are doing it as a way to get to your wife. These people however - they just don't want you interfering with their plans, which they know you'll do if you're reinstated.

    Look at this.

    *He shows Matt the coordinates.*

    Matt: That's outside our galaxy.

    Mason: Hmm. You think that's worrying...

    *He gestures to the corpse of Matt's would-be killer. Matt suddenly feels a small amount of fear penetrate him as he sees a small worm-like tail protruding from the back of the man's neck.*

    What the hell is that?

    *3 hours later. Matt and Mason are borrowing Matt's father's office to run some queries.*

    Mason: I'm linked into the O.S.S. information network.

    I'm running a background check on the coordinates we found. If we get a hit...

    *The holodisplay suddenly shows a small blip near the retrieved coordinates.*

    Matt: What is it?

    Mason: Let's find out.

    *He opens the reference file.*

    Galaxy-Class U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701-D. Late 2363.

    Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Comander William Riker expose alien infiltration...

    Alien infiltration of Starfleet Command.

    Matt: It says here that the leading admirals were infested by some form of parasitic life. The mother creature was destroyed but...

    But not before sending out a message beyond our galaxy.

    *The two look at each other.*

    My god.

    Mason: I had a feeling there was an external hand manipulating the Republic, but I had no idea...

    *OOC: Genius... Something they never touched after they ended that.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Preserver: The ship is ready to go now, but we still need something to stabilize the way we get in.

    *Danny looks around to the rest.*

    Danny: Armada you ready?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Coleman: to many damn files to go through.

    He sits at his desk taking another cup of coffee

    Coleman: hope price is faring better.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *OOC: Genius... Something they never touched after they ended that.*

    OOC: Yeah, and I thought it would provide a nice way to give the Republic a new lease on life as it were.

    I also like the idea of silent threats like this.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Preserver: The ship is ready to go now, but we still need something to stabilize the way we get in.

    *Danny looks around to the rest.*

    Danny: Armada you ready?

    Armada: Ready.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ooc: you did see price is trying to make contact right.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob sits in his quarters checking his custom m55 arkid phaser pistol. As an alarm sounds. He grabs his belt and holster heading out the door.

    Jacob: report

    Officer: sir we got ultron units appearing all over the place.

    Jacob: all units battle stations this is not a drill. I'm going to get the titan and go protect the core.

    He makes his way to the hanger to find ultron and 4 of his drones.

    Ultron: I knee you would come here to get your mech.

    Jacob draws his pistol knowing it won't stop ulyron but the drones on the other hand. He goes into a roll letting of a barrage of fire. Taking out the first two drones as they return fire. Jacob ducks behind a crate.

    Jacob : well this could go alot better.

    He pops up long enough to take out another drone. Before a blast sends him flying. He goes into a flip mid air landing on his feet taking out the last drone.

    Jacob: well its just me and you now.

    Ultron; negative you have no hope of surviving.

    ON the other side of the hanger Two unsc mantis mechs walk in opening fire on ultron. With his attention diverted Jacob makes a run for the titan. As he gets in ultron is blasting the two mantis to dust.

    Jacob: ultron pick on someone your own size.

    Jacob fires two of the heavy emp cannons at ultron. As another set of mantis mechs walk in.

    Ultron: I have what I need.

    He then vanishes.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob walks onto the bridge.

    Jacob: report how the hell did he get on board.

    Officer: we are still trying to figure that out

    Jacob: any word from price.

    Officer : he's still trying to get a response from ramez sir.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Coleman continues going through files marking those that he wants to go back over.


    Price: this is agent price of the unsc military Intel and criminal investigation. I would like to speak to admiral ramez.

    *R.S.S. Republic, Bridge.*

    Ops: Captain?

    *David looks at the Ops lieutenant.*

    David: Yes, lieutenant?

    Ops: We're receiving a message from the Department of Diplomatic Affairs. Apparently someone in the U.N.S.C. is asking to speak with Admiral Ramez.

    David: Helm, set course for Reach. Warp 9.

    Helm: Aye, sir.

    David: Ops, tell them we're en route.

    Ops: Understood.

    Helm: Course laid in.

    David: Engage!
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Prowler capt: agent price they are en route.

    Price: thank you captain inform me when they arrive.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Tyrus IV. Matt and Mason are in Matt's Apartment, Matt with a leather jacket resting on his shoulders as he sits on his couch.*

    Matt: Do we contact the President?

    Mason: No. This infiltration could go as far as the President's cabinet. We risk placing the President in danger if we tell him about this. There's also the chance that he is himself compromised.

    Matt: And even if they were safe, we couldn't trust the Admiralty Board.

    Mason: Right. I still don't trust Weynal. He may not be moving against you, but he's corrupt. I'm sure of it.

    Matt: So what are we going to do? It would take 10 years to get a Starship close enough to drop off a probe that could scan those coordinates, and the I.S.O.P. Array won't reach out that far.

    Mason: The former isn't strictly true.

    Matt: Director?

    *Mason stands there, thinking.*

    Mason: Pack your bags, Captain. We're taking the next transport out.

    *Mason starts walking out.*

    Matt: The next transport where?

    Mason: Daltan III.

    *Mason leaves.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Price: this is price we have received your message and are awaiting your arrival. You can either speak with me here or there on your ship. I leave it up to you
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Palos VII. Sam wakes up, feeling the cold shackles around her wrists. She sees T'mar laying face down into the ground, though she's clearly awake if the large breaths are an indication.*

    Sam: T'mar?

    T'mar *painful*: Sa... Sam...?

    Sam: I'm right here, sis.

    T'mar *painful*: What... what's happening...?

    Sam: It'd take too long to explain.

    How you doing?

    T'mar *painful*: I... I still... can't move my leg. She dis... dislocated my ri... right shoulder blade too.

    I... I can't move...

    How did she...?

    Sam: How did she what?

    You scanned me.

    T'mar *painful*: Not that I don't trust you, but... I don't.

    How did she do that if you...?

    Sam: I know every move she hit you with, sis.

    T'mar *painful*:Yeah... yeah right. If that were true, you'd have killed me by now.

    Sam: Forgetting for the moment that I don't even want to kill you, did you miss the part where I hate the part of my life that she represents? I don't use those moves exactly because they make killing too easy.

    The only time I've even considered using them is... against my Synthesiser duplicate.

    T'mar *painful*: Yeah... because you're such a petty targ that you can't handle having a copy of yourself--

    Sam *angry*: SHUT UP! I wanted to do it after she stabbed you, T'mar!

    *T'mar lifts herself up with her left arm, cringing as she props herself up against the wall. She looks in surprise to see Sam's expression - not one of anger, but one of grief. She hangs her head, and Sam just looks away, shooting a glare at her after a second.*

    You know what I can't believe? I can't believe that after all that time we spent together, you're still able to judge me so harshly.

    T'mar *painful, irritated*: Harshly? You talk to Dalos Alpha IV about being judged harshly!

    *She cringes, clutching her right shoulder.

    Sam looks away, shutting her eyes tightly as she processes the allegation.*

    Or Caspian IV!

    Or Pacifica!

    Sam: I GET IT!

    I get it!

    I get it.

    T'mar *painful*: You betrayed everyone, Sam - not just me. You think that just because you've switched sides that you're suddenly redeemed?!

    Sam: No, I don't think I'm redeemed!

    T'mar *painful*: Then stop acting like you're one of the good guys! You're not, Sam! You are the same monster that destroyed Pacifica, Caspian IV, New Arcadia and Dalos Alpha IV!

    Sam: GO TO HELL!

    T'mar *painful*: Face it Sam! It's all YOUR FAULT!


    T'mar *painful*: How the hell do you figure that?! I'm not the turncoat here!


    *T'mar's eyes widen in shock, as Sam just drops down, closing her eyes. T'mar just sits there, stunned.*

    Sam *saddened*: My duplicate stabbed you, and you were dying. You were going to die, and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

    Except... Drazaak promised to teach me how to save your life... but I had to learn from him.

    I needed... I needed to make sure you were okay...

    T'mar *painful, stunned*: I... I had no--

    Sam *angry*: No. You didn't. You didn't even give me a chance. You didn't listen. You didn't care!

    I'm your sister, T'mar! Even if I did deserve your contempt, I thought that you'd still owe me a chance to explain myself! But no, you didn't care! You just went out for my blood!

    T'mar *painful*: We're only foster sisters--

    Sam *angry*: Shut up! I'm not finished!

    You wanted blood. You wanted my blood. And, if that Sehlat had its way, you'd have gotten it and been happy!

    T'mar *painful*: Oh, go to hell! I was crying over you damned body, Sam!

    Sam *angry*: Too bad you weren't shedding tears about trying to strangle me!

    T'mar *painful*: Okay, fine! You want to hate me, fine! But I'll still hate you for it.

    Sam *angry*: Go right ahead, sis, because, honestly, I don't care anymore.

    *They look into each other's eyes, feeling the other's disappointment in them, and the anger.

    T'mar hangs her head, while Sam just lays back down.*

    T'mar *painful*: Sam, I--

    Sam: Don't talk to me.

    T'mar *painful*: Sam--

    Sam: Don't.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Price: this is price we have received your message and are awaiting your arrival. You can either speak with me here or there on your ship. I leave it up to you

    *The Republic soon arrives in Reach Orbit. Ramez meets Price in the Republic's Situation Room.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *The Republic soon arrives in Reach Orbit. Ramez meets Price in the Republic's Situation Room.*

    Price: admiral I hope you are doing well.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob walks into the conference room again as admiral Yuri comes up.

    Jacob: I'm sure you've heard what happened.

    Yuri: yes that's why I'm sending the trian and himlo both to your position.

    Jacob: alright how long till they arrive.

    Yuri: a few hours at most. The republic just enter end orbit I'm assuming your agent is talking to them.

    Jacob: of course.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Price: admiral I'm going to be blunt. I want the whole truth and I think you probably have a good idea what this is about. Admiral I need to know every detail you can tell me about who took you and who knew you where coming. I need to know who else you saw and who else has talked to you since and during the incident.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Price: admiral I'm going to be blunt. I want the whole truth and I think you probably have a good idea what this is about. Admiral I need to know every detail you can tell me about who took you and who knew you where coming. I need to know who else you saw and who else has talked to you since and during the incident.

    Ramez: I am not certain who my captors were, Mr Price, but I assure you that only the President and his cabinet knew I was coming, save those within your own government.

    As for who I believe was responsible, well...

    We need look no farther than the planet outside.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Ramez: I am not certain who my captors were, Mr Price, but I assure you that only the President and his cabinet knew I was coming, save those within your own government.

    As for who I believe was responsible, well...

    We need look no farther than the planet outside.

    Price: admiral I'm not going to let your speculations damage my govt. Has it occurred to you that fleet admiral copper has never been found yet. And is now listed mia. Besides. We have one file here from wolf about the attackers. There where mercs klingons and a group no one seems to know anything about.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Price: admiral I'm not going to let your speculations damage my govt. Has it occurred to you that fleet admiral copper has never been found yet. And is now listed mia. Besides. We have one file here from wolf about the attackers. There where mercs klingons and a group no one seems to know anything about.

    Ramez: Mercs can be bought by anyone for any purpose, even Klingon mercs. As for Admiral Cooper, I would suggest that it is difficult to lose someone you never lost.

    I find it equally possible that the attack, the abduction and Coopers "disappearance" were all part of an elaborate ruse created for my benefit, to secure an alliance between our two governments which you would not be able to exploit otherwise.

    *OOC: Not the real Ramez, remember?*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ooc: I remember.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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