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  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Archangel turns to Gyunei.*

    Archangel: Looks like Assault Ops. Highly trained, well-equipped...

    They outnumber us.

    *Gyunei laughs*

    Gyunei: I have seen many of those. If those Face Dancers could take on these guys easily then we should have no problems.

    *Northman lifts a chunk of rubble from the ground telekinetically and throws it at them, Gyunei does the same which knocks down three members all three out of commission..*

    Gyunei: Take your shots when you get them. I will handle the ground.

    *OOC: Can be fatal or non fatal if you want it.. The encounter I mean.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Wolf: everyone down.

    Wolf ducts firing both pistils before letting off a grenade.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Wolf: everyone down.

    Wolf ducts firing both pistils before letting off a grenade.

    *Another hunk of debris comes at them crushing someone else again... and a large man in complete body armor no one can see his face as he takes another by the face while tossing Wolf across the room into another set of debris.. Gyunei is crushing the one he has by the head and hearing him scream in agony, then tosses him by the head into a wall... He rushes off as more debris comes at them again.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Wolf: gryphon 3 lay down suppressing fire. Get the wounded out of here gryphon 2. I'll go around and flank them. gryphon 7 and 8 go to the left I'll move along the right.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Another hunk of debris comes at them crushing someone else again... and a large man in complete body armor no one can see his face as he takes another by the face while tossing Wolf across the room into another set of debris.. Gyunei is crushing the one he has by the head and hearing him scream in agony, then tosses him by the head into a wall... He rushes off as more debris comes at them again.*

    Ooc: ignore last post

    Wolf gets up throwing a stun grenade while firing a fury of blasts from his pistols.

    Wolf: heavy use the launcher now!
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Wolf: gryphon 3 lay down suppressing fire. Get the wounded out of here gryphon 2. I'll go around and flank them. gryphon 7 and 8 go to the left I'll move along the right.

    OOC: Retcon..
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Wolf: this is wolf to saber we got hostiles here but continue to look for the target. we will contact you when clear.

    He dodges more debris

    Wolf: everyone regroup on me now! Attack pattern arbiter. go go go

    Wolf continues to fire with pinpoint accuracy at the armored target.

    Ooc: I don't care about the rest of them but wolf has to live. also he is the best one out of them so he can take more and fight more then the rest.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    OOC: Retcon..

    If you read my quoted text I said ignore that one.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: ignore last post

    Wolf gets up throwing a stun grenade while firing a fury of blasts from his pistols.

    Wolf: heavy use the launcher now!

    *The launcher is busted as the large man tosses it at him broken.. He picks up wolf by the neck and starts hitting the wall with him like a toy... as he runs before chucking him away leaving the medic the only one standing... He walks up to the medic taking him by the neck and ripping off his comm unit and the helmet before running away. *

    *As Gyunei reaches the rest of them *

    Gyunei: Lets move on..

    *The burns on the armor are light and not terrible.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    If you read my quoted text I said ignore that one.

    OOC: I saw it a bit late.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Wolf struggles to get up as they leave. Leaning against the wall. a 501st trooper from the pelican runs up to him as second squad checks the bodies.

    Wolf: give me your comm. saber he got tier one hostiles on the station coughs. my squad is down I'm using second squad for now. we will meet up when we find the package.

    Trooper: orders sir.

    Wolf: get any survivors back to the ship. We got to find the package and get out of here.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob: captain Naid we may have a solution but it may be tricky on the mines. I can make them not replicate but it won't deactivate them. and if I do that they will cloak as well. But I have a solution for that just give me some time.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Wolf struggles to get up as they leave. Leaning against the wall. a 501st trooper from the pelican runs up to him as second squad checks the bodies.

    Wolf: give me your comm. saber he got tier one hostiles on the station coughs. my squad is down I'm using second squad for now. we will meet up when we find the package.

    Trooper: orders sir.

    Wolf: get any survivors back to the ship. We got to find the package and get out of here.

    Northman: Have you set a surprise for them?

    Gyunei: I thought you did?

    Northman: Of course I did.. I was wondering if you wanted to see the fire rise again?

    Gyunei: Of course.

    *he taps the detonator..*

    *The explosions rip through the area of the base they were at and causes a breach in the station hull.. sucking out the second squad leaving Wolf and the medic who had his helmet replaced.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Jacob: captain Naid we may have a solution but it may be tricky on the mines. I can make them not replicate but it won't deactivate them. and if I do that they will cloak as well. But I have a solution for that just give me some time.

    *The mine does indeed stop replicating but there are too many of them.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Northman: Have you set a surprise for them?

    Gyunei: I thought you did?

    Northman: Of course I did.. I was wondering if you wanted to see the fire rise again?

    Gyunei: Of course.

    *he taps the detonator..*

    *The explosions rip through the area of the base they were at and causes a breach in the station hull.. sucking out the second squad leaving Wolf and the medic who had his helmet replaced.*

    Wolf: emergency field. I swear to the gods I'm going to rip off there heads.

    He picks up a rifle.

    Wolf: med head back to the pelican. I'll go on alone. hopefully saber will have better luck.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Wolf: emergency field. I swear to the gods I'm going to rip off there heads.

    He picks up a rifle.

    Wolf: med head back to the pelican. I'll go on alone. hopefully saber will have better luck.

    Computer: The way to your destination has been destroyed by the blast... you will have to find another way through.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Computer: The way to your destination has been destroyed by the blast... you will have to find another way through.

    Wolf: well thank you very much for stating the obvious. Any other words of wisdom.

    He starts down another hallway.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Wolf struggles to get up as they leave. Leaning against the wall. a 501st trooper from the pelican runs up to him as second squad checks the bodies.

    Wolf: give me your comm. saber he got tier one hostiles on the station coughs. my squad is down I'm using second squad for now. we will meet up when we find the package.

    Trooper: orders sir.

    Wolf: get any survivors back to the ship. We got to find the package and get out of here.

    Scorch: Understood!

    *He suddenly darts to cover as a phaser bolt flies at him, narrowly missing him. The rest of the squad takes cover also.*

    Anyone got eyes on target?!

    Raptor: Negative!

    Riot: Negative!

    Scorch: Okay, just say "yes" if you see them!


    Hax, circle around!

    *Hax pulls away from the wall and starts to move around to flank the shooter.

    At the other end of the corridor...*

    Archangel: Gyunei, I've got the Republic Squad pinned down. You're welcome.

    Don't worry, I've got this under control.

    Hax: I wouldn't say that.

    *She sees Hax with her rifle pointed at her head.*

    Archangel: TRIBBLE.

    I knew you were a traitor, Allington, but I didn't think you were a merc too.

    Archangel: I'm not her. Contrary too my appearance, I couldn't be any less like her.

    *She slowly puts her pistol on the floor, before walking in front of Sabre Squad.*

    Okay, I know when I'm beat. I never wanted to do this, anyway. Even less once I realised we'd both been set up.

    Scorch: Talk.

    Archangel: A man named Stane put me on this team, to wipe out this station and everyone on it. Now I know why.

    *She gestures to one of the dead mercs.*

    My guess is that these men were working for Stane and Stane wanted to clean house. I don't like being used to do someone else's dirty work - especially when they put me in a situation where I'm having to fight 3 different people at once!

    I came on this mission to kill terrorists. I'm guessing your here for the same reason.

    Scorch: We're here to rescue hostages.

    Archangel: Well, lucky for you then that my team killed all the terrorists on this station.

    *OOC: One thing to know is that Archangel's not an idiot. She knows when a situation is more than it seems adn, like Sam, she doesn't like being lied to. She's more than smart enough to put two and two together and realise she's being used.*

    Scorch: Question is what to do with you.

    Archangel: Who says you need to do anything? You can just let me go.

    Hax: Good one.

    Scorch: On one side, you're a traitor to the Republic - on the other, you shot at us.

    Archangel: How many times do I have to say that I'm not Allington?!

    Scorch: You sure look like her.

    Archangel: Go into a Republic Computer Terminal and ask for the records on subject XA-01. Trust me, I'm not who you think I am.

    Riot: It's Archangel.

    *Scorch looks back at him.*

    Scorch: Marcelle?

    Riot: Back when I was with Planetary Defence, I was assigned to protect Senator Hidoshi. I saw her handiwork first hand.

    I was ordered by O.S.S. to keep it under wraps, to protect Captain Allington from persecution, but seeing as she's here...

    She's usually an assassin, and a damn good one at that. You don't see her until she's ready to strike, and then it's too late.

    Scorch: Then how did you--?

    Archangel: I shot him in the shoulder. He couldn't do anything to stop me, and I'm not cold-hearted enough to kill a defenceless kid. My target was Hidoshi.

    Riot: How are you here? O.S.S. liberated Allington and wiped you from her--

    Archangel: Don't remind me!

    I'm some kind of Clone. I have all of my memories, but none of the enhancements.

    As the kid just told you, I'm an infiltrator, not a footsoldier. I didn't even want to be here.

    *Scorch stares at her.*

    Scorch: Okay.

    Everyone form up. We're getting the hostages.

    *Archangel gets ready to move.*

    Hax, stay with her. Don't let her leave. I want answers when we're done here.

    Hax: Got it, Mike.

    *Sabre Squad continues on as Hax keeps the rifle trained on Archangel.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Scorch: Understood!

    *He suddenly darts to cover as a phaser bolt flies at him, narrowly missing him. The rest of the squad takes cover also.*

    Anyone got eyes on target?!

    Raptor: Negative!

    Riot: Negative!

    Scorch: Okay, just say "yes" if you see them!


    Hax, circle around!

    *Hax pulls away from the wall and starts to move around to flank the shooter.

    At the other end of the corridor...*

    Archangel: Gyunei, I've got the Republic Squad pinned down. You're welcome.

    Don't worry, I've got this under control.

    Hax: I wouldn't say that.

    *She sees Hax with her rifle pointed at her head.*

    Archangel: TRIBBLE.

    I knew you were a traitor, Allington, but I didn't think you were a merc too.

    Archangel: I'm not her. Contrary too my appearance, I couldn't be any less like her.

    *She slowly puts her pistol on the floor, before walking in front of Sabre Squad.*

    Okay, I know when I'm beat. I never wanted to do this, anyway. Even less once I realised we'd both been set up.

    Scorch: Talk.

    Archangel: A man named Stane put me on this team, to wipe out this station and everyone on it. Now I know why.

    *She gestures to one of the dead mercs.*

    My guess is that these men were working for Stane and Stane wanted to clean house. I don't like being used to do someone else's dirty work - especially when they put me in a situation where I'm having to fight 3 different people at once!

    I came on this mission to kill terrorists. I'm guessing your here for the same reason.

    Scorch: We're here to rescue hostages.

    Archangel: Well, lucky for you then that my team killed all the terrorists on this station.

    *OOC: One thing to know is that Archangel's not an idiot. She knows when a situation is more than it seems adn, like Sam, she doesn't like being lied to. She's more than smart enough to put two and two together and realise she's being used.*

    Scorch: Question is what to do with you.

    Archangel: Who says you need to do anything? You can just let me go.

    Hax: Good one.

    Scorch: On one side, you're a traitor to the Republic - on the other, you shot at us.

    Archangel: How many times do I have to say that I'm not Allington?!

    Scorch: You sure look like her.

    Archangel: Go into a Republic Computer Terminal and ask for the records on subject XA-01. Trust me, I'm not who you think I am.

    Riot: It's Archangel.

    *Scorch looks back at him.*

    Scorch: Marcelle?

    Riot: Back when I was with Planetary Defence, I was assigned to protect Senator Hidoshi. I saw her handiwork first hand.

    I was ordered by O.S.S. to keep it under wraps, to protect Captain Allington from persecution, but seeing as she's here...

    She's usually an assassin, and a damn good one at that. You don't see her until she's ready to strike, and then it's too late.

    Scorch: Then how did you--?

    Archangel: I shot him in the shoulder. He couldn't do anything to stop me, and I'm not cold-hearted enough to kill a defenceless kid. My target was Hidoshi.

    Riot: How are you here? O.S.S. liberated Allington and wiped you from her--

    Archangel: Don't remind me!

    I'm some kind of Clone. I have all of my memories, but none of the enhancements.

    As the kid just told you, I'm an infiltrator, not a footsoldier. I didn't even want to be here.

    *Scorch stares at her.*

    Scorch: Okay.

    Everyone form up. We're getting the hostages.

    *Archangel gets ready to move.*

    Hax, stay with her. Don't let her leave. I want answers when we're done here.

    Hax: Got it, Mike.

    *Sabre Squad continues on as Hax keeps the rifle trained on Archangel.*

    *OOC: Actually she wasn't being used.. Omarka is not with Stane in anyway, the only reason they were there was to capture or kill Omarka and anyone in the way. So I dunno where she got that idea if she did not read up as the other 2 did. She was given information that the other two were given before the mission started as per reawakening.. So again I dunno where she got that idea. So he did not lie to her exactly just seems we missed something to go over. *
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    OOC: Then I can live then.

    *R.S.S. Republic, Deflector Control. Lieutenant Daniels Walks in to find an Engineering Team welding an Omega Plate to the Deflector Control Matrix.*

    Engineer: Lieutenant.

    Daniels: We good to go?

    Engineer: Just finishing up.

    Look, the Deflector will let you project a low-level AT beam towards the Carrier, negating its AT shield, but there's no guarantee it'll be easy. With the Orions, you nearly collapsed doing it on the Bridge. This is a much bigger target, and it's difficult to get the negator to use the Deflector's full power without knowing what it'll take. It could be too much for you.

    Daniels: Better than getting blown up.

    Engineer: Okay.

    *The engineers finish up and walk off.*

    Let's do it.

    *Daniels nods to him, placing his hand on the plate and closing his eyes, opening them as they glow a fierce yellow. The plate starts to glow.

    On the Dolos, an Officer looks up to the Commander.*

    Officer: Sir, there's a strange energy fluctuation in the Republic's Deflector Dish!

    *R.S.S. Republic, Deflector Control.*

    Daniels: Daniels to Bridge! If you're gonna do something, do it now!

    *Outside, the Deflector starts to glow a mix of yellow and green as the Republic comes around, lining up the deflector with the Dolos.*

    David *Over Comm*: Okay, Daniels! NOW!

    *Daniels yells as a massive yellow beam blasts out of the Deflector, hitting the AT shield as both fade out, the beam's own AT field and the Dolos' AT Shield cancelling each other out. Suddenly, the Republic Battlegroup starts unleashing hell again, having switched to Multi-Frequencial Phasers while the ZPCs are repaired. After a few shots, the beams penetrate the shields, the next shot striking them again before reverting back to the frequency which penetrated. The Phased-Quantums then start to smash into the hull.*

    OOC: Gotta give me marks for creativity on this one, you gotta admit. By using a new-type to generate a second AT Field INTO the enemy's, he's managed to cancel out both fields.

    As a reminder, the MFPs remodulate after every shot, as a counter to Borg adaptation. As a result, occasionally they'll bypass the enemy's shields. The smart part is that the weapons computer reverts to the penetrating frequency after the next shot hits the shield, essentially allowing all weapons from that vessel to bypass their defences and hit the hull directly. Since Phased-Quantums can phase into the hull, these can be quite the weaponry.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *OOC: Actually she wasn't being used.. Omarka is not with Stane in anyway, the only reason they were there was to capture or kill Omarka and anyone in the way. So I dunno where she got that idea if she did not read up as the other 2 did. She was given information that the other two were given before the mission started as per reawakening.. So again I dunno where she got that idea. So he did not lie to her exactly just seems we missed something to go over. *

    OOC: Correct me if I'm wrong, but was Omarka or was he not working for Stane at one point against Tyrannus?

    Besides, who said Morrison gave her the information Stane wanted? Morrison himself said that Archangel was a bad choice for this kind of mission.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Correct me if I'm wrong, but was Omarka or was he not working for Stane at one point against Tyrannus?

    Besides, who said Morrison gave her the information Stane wanted? Morrison himself said that Archangel was a bad choice for this kind of mission.

    OOC: No. Actually. What I was trying to say was that someone was using Omarka against Stane's wishes. To that effect. Omarka is in no way attached to Stane at this point. Omarka is thinking Stane left him to dry, Some one else is manipulating the situation Stane may hate Tyrannus but he sees no point in interfering with him. Call it someone under Stane is doing some serious no nos We can only guess who it is at this point.

    But to let her fall in harms way when he wants Sam out of the way or anyone associated with her? I don't think Stane would waste that resource. Call the mission right now a excerise for the way to draw her out.. Because someone is manipulating all three sides here to benefit someone. Stane does come out better for the most part, Tyrannus well he does have issues now trying to get back influence after Omarka screwed him over, Omarka nope, Republic-UNSC that remains to be seen.

    There are machinations here that I want to get into after this. Just don't want archangel out in the open like that.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ooc: allvery interesting. will post again after work. Bout 10:30 or so.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Wolf soon after not finding them decides to head back to the transport.

    Wolf: foe hammer be ready for a quick take off. we will need to leave in a hurry when saber arrives.

    Foe hammer: roger that commander. the birds hot and ready to launch when you arrive.

    Wolf: good to know.

    Wolf silently walks down the corridors staying in the shadows as to not be seen.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Tyrranus enters a dark room where a large figure sits in a chair specially made he bends down to one knee

    Tyrranus: all is going as you said it would my master.The galaxy is in chaos and the shadows still threaten them. The republic is allying with the UNSC .

    Voice: rise the show of respect is appreciated but not needed.

    A figure long thought dead and now forgotten rises standing at almost 7ft tall his red and silver armor shining in the light

    Sentinel: you have done well my student. While my original plans where fouled all those centuries ago we can continue on here. Making sure they all have time to grow.

    He gets up and walks around the room

    Sentinel: is my old student still alive.

    Tyrranus: the guardian sinclaire yes he is

    Sentinel: sighs well then i will confront him when the time is right and either he will help us or I will deal with him myself.

    Tyrranus: as you wish

    Tyrranus walks out of the room and back to his own quarters as they travel

    Sentinel brings up a current holo map of the milky way.

    Sentinel: so much has changed since i was last here. I need sinclaire to help at first and i believe i know how i can get him to do so. But to decieve him will cost me as much as it will him.

    Sentinel stands in contemplation
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ooc: well since its quite.

    Sentinel viewing current news feeds.

    Sentinel : so divided still they are. What should unite them they still fight each other.

    He calls up a galaxy map.

    Sentinel: find me Sinclaire.

    His position is highlighted on the map

    Sentinel: there is still so much to do. We must move carefully.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    OOC: No. Actually. What I was trying to say was that someone was using Omarka against Stane's wishes. To that effect. Omarka is in no way attached to Stane at this point. Omarka is thinking Stane left him to dry, Some one else is manipulating the situation Stane may hate Tyrannus but he sees no point in interfering with him. Call it someone under Stane is doing some serious no nos We can only guess who it is at this point.

    But to let her fall in harms way when he wants Sam out of the way or anyone associated with her? I don't think Stane would waste that resource. Call the mission right now a excerise for the way to draw her out.. Because someone is manipulating all three sides here to benefit someone. Stane does come out better for the most part, Tyrannus well he does have issues now trying to get back influence after Omarka screwed him over, Omarka nope, Republic-UNSC that remains to be seen.

    There are machinations here that I want to get into after this. Just don't want archangel out in the open like that.

    OOC: Don't worry, Archangel's not becoming well-known just yet.

    *Archangel looks at Hax, then nods to the side.*

    Archangel: You may want to tell them that the hostages are in Cargo Bay 3.

    *Hax stares at her, before tapping her earpiece.*

    Hax: Scorch, it's Hax. Our "friend" says the hostages are in Cargo Bay 3.

    Scorch *Over Comm*: Copy.

    *She taps it again to close the channel.*

    Archangel: There, see? Now, aren't I the glowing definition of trustworthy?

    The answer; no.

    *She quickly grabs Hax's rifle, pushing it to the side as Hax tries to fire before hitting Hax with a palm strike, knocking her back and forcing her to release the rifle, but successfully pulling the power-pack (also serving as a foregrip) out, rendering it useless as a firearm. Archangel quickly, before a normal person would even be able to tell the pack had been removed, hits Hax in the face with the stock before pressing the length of the rifle against her neck and pushing her into a wall. Hax (her face now bleeding from a cut on her cheek, just below her eye) quickly responds by hitting Archangel across the head with a right hook, pulling out her combat knife and trying to swing it into Archangel's gut, but it just scrapes it as Archangel jumps back and grabs Hax's right wrist, restraining the knife. Hax then uses her left fist to punch Archangel in the abdomen, forcing Archangel to let go (though pulling the knife out of Hax's hand, making it fall to the floor) before she tries to hit her with a right hook. Archangel ducks below it before trying to swing a right hook back, which Hax catches, pulling Archangel into an elbow strike. Archangel's nose is now bleeding, as she shoulder blocks Hax into the wall, knocking her to the floor. She then walks back to where she was standing and picks up her phaser pistol, setting it to stun and aiming it at Hax.*

    Here's a tip; I was trained in the same fighting style as you, and have a higher pain threshold. I was trained more brutally than you were.

    Getting into a hand-to-hand fight with me? Bad idea.

    *She then fires, stunning Hax.*

    Gyunei, this is Archangel. The Republic troops are headed for Cargo Bay 3. It won't take them long to realise it was a trap, since the hostages aren't even there, so get there pronto.

    I'm going to raid this thing's databanks.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Don't worry, Archangel's not becoming well-known just yet.

    *Archangel looks at Hax, then nods to the side.*

    Archangel: You may want to tell them that the hostages are in Cargo Bay 3.

    *Hax stares at her, before tapping her earpiece.*

    Hax: Scorch, it's Hax. Our "friend" says the hostages are in Cargo Bay 3.

    Scorch *Over Comm*: Copy.

    *She taps it again to close the channel.*

    Archangel: There, see? Now, aren't I the glowing definition of trustworthy?

    The answer; no.

    *She quickly grabs Hax's rifle, pushing it to the side as Hax tries to fire before hitting Hax with a palm strike, knocking her back and forcing her to release the rifle, but successfully pulling the power-pack (also serving as a foregrip) out, rendering it useless as a firearm. Archangel quickly, before a normal person would even be able to tell the pack had been removed, hits Hax in the face with the stock before pressing the length of the rifle against her neck and pushing her into a wall. Hax (her face now bleeding from a cut on her cheek, just below her eye) quickly responds by hitting Archangel across the head with a right hook, pulling out her combat knife and trying to swing it into Archangel's gut, but it just scrapes it as Archangel jumps back and grabs Hax's right wrist, restraining the knife. Hax then uses her left fist to punch Archangel in the abdomen, forcing Archangel to let go (though pulling the knife out of Hax's hand, making it fall to the floor) before she tries to hit her with a right hook. Archangel ducks below it before trying to swing a right hook back, which Hax catches, pulling Archangel into an elbow strike. Archangel's nose is now bleeding, as she shoulder blocks Hax into the wall, knocking her to the floor. She then walks back to where she was standing and picks up her phaser pistol, setting it to stun and aiming it at Hax.*

    Here's a tip; I was trained in the same fighting style as you, and have a higher pain threshold. I was trained more brutally than you were.

    Getting into a hand-to-hand fight with me? Bad idea.

    *She then fires, stunning Hax.*

    Gyunei, this is Archangel. The Republic troops are headed for Cargo Bay 3. It won't take them long to realise it was a trap, since the hostages aren't even there, so get there pronto.

    I'm going to raid this thing's databanks.

    Gyunei: That is quite amusing. Northman is already setting up something and I am sure Kai is somewhere around here watching..

    Kai: Of course I am.

    As to where I won't say. Lets just say that I have a perfect view.

    *He lays a hologram of tied up hostages with Mercs around them rifles trained on them.. He sets it to be convincing to the Republic troops. With perfect lifesigns.*

    That should keep them entertained for a while. While you take care of things. As for the databanks don't worry I set a funnling worm in the system to send the information to Stane as we speak.. After about oh.. *looks a timer* an hour we will need to leave the area. I mean really fast.

    Oh and don't worry the leader is put away in our custody. Stane wants him for something.

    *As he hears the troops come to the door of the cargo bay he ends the comm and sets about masking his lifesigns. Gyunei and Northman trip theirs as well hiding in the cargo bay.*

    *A chirping comes across Wolf's sensors as he reads lifesigns, a human male. Barely alive.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Stane's facility deep in the edges of the galaxy near the relay...*

    Stane: *watching the lifesigns of the away team* It appears that our project is going well especially with the reflex modifications to Gyunei and Northman..

    Waff 2: Yes master. I did alter them lightly as you asked so they may be of better use.

    Stane: Who else do you have in that capsule you brought..?

    Waff 2: Many people many notable people, we even have the strain to make our own Face Dancers..

    Stane: Good I want that creation to be a separate project at a different facility. Morrison will handle the Ghola project here. I want you to lead the project to build me troops. For when our masters arrive I will show UNSC the problems of being... how they are. The perfection of all life will start soon.

    Waff 2: Yes sir. I am sure Morrison is hearing the song of the Object Rho...

    Stane: What his assistants tell me he is.

    That will come in handy. Bring him here.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Gyunei: That is quite amusing. Northman is already setting up something and I am sure Kai is somewhere around here watching..

    Kai: Of course I am.

    As to where I won't say. Lets just say that I have a perfect view.

    *He lays a hologram of tied up hostages with Mercs around them rifles trained on them.. He sets it to be convincing to the Republic troops. With perfect lifesigns.*

    That should keep them entertained for a while. While you take care of things. As for the databanks don't worry I set a funnling worm in the system to send the information to Stane as we speak.. After about oh.. *looks a timer* an hour we will need to leave the area. I mean really fast.

    Oh and don't worry the leader is put away in our custody. Stane wants him for something.

    *As he hears the troops come to the door of the cargo bay he ends the comm and sets about masking his lifesigns. Gyunei and Northman trip theirs as well hiding in the cargo bay.*

    *A chirping comes across Wolf's sensors as he reads lifesigns, a human male. Barely alive.*

    Wolf: foe hammer hold tight im going to go check something out.

    He silently and carefully makes his way to the signal
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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