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  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Sentinel arrives at there destination in virgo

    Sentinel: prepare for transport

    He beams down to the planet that is mostly unhabitable

    Sentinel sets a few devices as the spread to separate places on the planet.

    Sentinel: Commence terraforming

    The devices send out beams surrounding the planet and turning it back into a beautiful world.

    Sentinel: the devices work perfectly as planned. Now to rebuild what we have lost.

    OOC: he is a master at rebuilding but he also is one of the deadliest fighters because of what his scientific knowledge is. Only a few guardians alive now would remember him so many wont even be aware of his presence
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Sentinel arrives at there destination in virgo

    Sentinel: prepare for transport

    He beams down to the planet that is mostly unhabitable

    Sentinel sets a few devices as the spread to separate places on the planet.

    Sentinel: Commence terraforming

    The devices send out beams surrounding the planet and turning it back into a beautiful world.

    Sentinel: the devices work perfectly as planned. Now to rebuild what we have lost.

    OOC: he is a master at rebuilding but he also is one of the deadliest fighters because of what his scientific knowledge is. Only a few guardians alive now would remember him so many wont even be aware of his presence

    OOC: I know but I would like to see some longevity to the project. Perhaps also have it take time. I do want to do an environmental aspect. Which I will get into in the time skip as things are indeed getting bad.

    *His sensor's chirping leads him along. Still going strong.. Until he reaches cells He can't identify what is in there but the smell is terrible, but one he does find has a live occupant...*

    Computer: There is one living occupant in the cell block out of 126...

    *OOC: Hey Ryan. PM me what you think about the environmental aspect post time skip as well as pick up with the Ramez Face Dancer. Logan I will jump into what I have in mind just shoot me a PM. I will get to it when I can. *
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ooc: this can take as long as you want. I've waited this long I can continue to wait.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Wolf : well then let's go see who's there.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    OOC: I know but I would like to see some longevity to the project. Perhaps also have it take time. I do want to do an environmental aspect. Which I will get into in the time skip as things are indeed getting bad.

    *His sensor's chirping leads him along. Still going strong.. Until he reaches cells He can't identify what is in there but the smell is terrible, but one he does find has a live occupant...*

    Computer: There is one living occupant in the cell block out of 126...

    *OOC: Hey Ryan. PM me what you think about the environmental aspect post time skip as well as pick up with the Ramez Face Dancer. Logan I will jump into what I have in mind just shoot me a PM. I will get to it when I can. *

    Ooc: but yeah it will take time to rebuild the planets. I haven't specified a time period but it could be days to weeks. His ultimate goal rebuild the Virgo galaxy and rebuilding a empire.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob on the reconciliations bridge.

    Jacob: all right have eng produce a secondary gen for me to use. I'll use that to create massive em pulse to disable the mines. Then the fleet will make the jump and get out of here. I'll then maneuver around and get out of there once the fleet is clear.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Omarka's Base. Archangel is moving through the Maintenance Ducts, coming out inside the Main Computer Room.*

    Archangel: "I set a funnelling worm in the system". Yeah, because I'm really gonna trust Stane to tell me 100% of the truth, she says sarcastically. I'll have my own look in their systems, thank you very much.

    *She walks over to the console and starts looking through the files. She stops when she sees one that Omarka had apparently marked as urgent.*

    Hello. What are you?

    *She opens the file, seeing a list of targets within Klingon and Romulan Space. Narendra III, Rator III, and Crateris are some of the names.*

    Why do those names seem important?

    *She scrolls down to see images of the Klingon and Romulan genetic structures, with the similarities highlighted. Then she sees what looks like a microbe.*

    Oh my god.

    *She looks further down, finding a note left by one of Omarka's Agents, which reads:

    "Retrieved from Stane's Base of Operations. Unknown if it is relevant to Project: Imperious."*

    "Project Imperious"?

    *She starts searching the computer for the keywords, stumbling across a complete breakdown after hacking through 3 security encryption layers. The Project seems to involve the Klingon Chancellor in some way, with the Empire expanding into Federation and Romulan Space.*

    What were you up to, Omarka?

    *She starts downloading the entire database into her suit's computer drive when she hears footsteps around the corner. She draws her pistol and activates her personal cloak.

    A shadow creeps around the corner, turning into the figure of one of the mercs. He sees the computer running and starts to approach, before noticing the outline of Archangel's cloak. Just as the download finishes, the merc begins to raise his rifle, quickly being vaporised by a phaser blast from Archangel's pistol as she decloaks.*

    Archangel: This is why I go on infiltration missions, not team missions.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Kai and the rest watch as the inflitration team enters the area and fans out... they can't detect the stealth modules but can the lifesigns...

    He readies himself as he watches. He knows this squad from before, he smiles as he knows he is going to have more fun now.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Archangel's looking around set off the timer to run 15 minutes ahead of schedule the information in the terminal is soon gone and the ship beams up the team and jump to a safe zone under cloak... The computer begins its 15 minute countdown to detonation as well as release a worm into the hostile ships outside scrubbing their sensor data. right down to each suit. The Level X forcefields surround the facility and the fleets doing battle outside and the minefield which starts moving toward them. The core opens up revealing its singularity based core. *

    Computer: Ten minutes to Singularity core meltdown... All personnel evacuate the premises.. and get to your nearest escape capsule.

    Ten minutes to Singularity Core Meltdown...

    *OOC: I am wondering what they can think of to get out of this? I do have an idea. But it does require them answering a hail.. And yes it is like the current singularity drives in game and will dissapate in time after meltdown so no no permanent damage. If you count the area itself then massive. And no this was not what Kai had in mind. *

    *As the ship appears back Kai is a bit disappointed.. But the rest are fine.. *

    Kai: Ok.. I forgot to mention the part of don't tinker with the console or it will set off the bases self destruct systems which is a singularity core by the way..

    Northman: Crazy...

    Gyunei: Weren't those outlawed by the more recent treaties?

    Kai: Yes but it was a terror cell they don't listen to treaties.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Wolf walks to the cell combat knife in one hand pistol in the other. As he goes to open the cell.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Sentinel stands on the planet watching as it is being restored.

    Sentinel: soon once we are ready we will call all of our fellow brothers here to rule the cis. And no one will intefere.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Archangel's looking around set off the timer to run 15 minutes ahead of schedule the information in the terminal is soon gone and the ship beams up the team and jump to a safe zone under cloak... The computer begins its 15 minute countdown to detonation as well as release a worm into the hostile ships outside scrubbing their sensor data. right down to each suit. The Level X forcefields surround the facility and the fleets doing battle outside and the minefield which starts moving toward them. The core opens up revealing its singularity based core. *

    Computer: Ten minutes to Singularity core meltdown... All personnel evacuate the premises.. and get to your nearest escape capsule.

    Ten minutes to Singularity Core Meltdown...

    *OOC: I am wondering what they can think of to get out of this? I do have an idea. But it does require them answering a hail.. And yes it is like the current singularity drives in game and will dissapate in time after meltdown so no no permanent damage. If you count the area itself then massive. And no this was not what Kai had in mind. *

    *As the ship appears back Kai is a bit disappointed.. But the rest are fine.. *

    Kai: Ok.. I forgot to mention the part of don't tinker with the console or it will set off the bases self destruct systems which is a singularity core by the way..

    Northman: Crazy...

    Gyunei: Weren't those outlawed by the more recent treaties?

    Kai: Yes but it was a terror cell they don't listen to treaties.

    *Archangel looks at Kai, before passing him a PADD she downloaded a duplicate of the Klingon file onto, mainly on the strange microbe.*

    Archangel: Is that what I think it is?

    *OOC: She's not accusing Stane, she just wants to know if that is the virus (which is what it is intended to be) and if it is, why Stane had information on it. She's not going to get suspicious if you lie about it (unless it is a really blatant lie).*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Archangel looks at Kai, before passing him a PADD she downloaded a duplicate of the Klingon file onto, mainly on the strange microbe.*

    Archangel: Is that what I think it is?

    *OOC: She's not accusing Stane, she just wants to know if that is the virus (which is what it is intended to be) and if it is, why Stane had information on it. She's not going to get suspicious if you lie about it (unless it is a really blatant lie).*

    Kai: It is.. Hence why we have Omarka in custody.. Stane wants to make an example of him as he diffuses the troubles Omarka set up.. As for the microbe it seems to me Omarka already set it out... on his own people and the Romulans.. Given enough time it will probably move like the plague on Earth did... Species through Species. Making it easy for him to conquer the areas he wants.

    *Hands it back to her..*

    It also appears that Omarka did not make it... He only found it. Look at the names who developed it at nearly the turn of the century...

    *Doctors Obediah Stane, Garret Holtz, and Henry Halsey... but on creation it was locked away by Section 31...

    Signature there is Franklin Drake. *

    *OOC: Now how was that? I did say the three greatest minds of the time did create this thing... *

    *Detected use in case of James Allen and mutated due to cellular degeneration...*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob: whats the status of the ship!

    Officer: sir we are ready to try to emp pulse.

    Jacob: good we only get one shot at this get those ground teams back here i dont like the situation we are in right now.

    Officer: aye sir

    Jacob: wolf whats your teams status we need to leave

    Wolf: im moving in on a life sign the rest of the group went to cargo bay 3

    Jacob: well hurry up!
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013

    Sentinel stands on the newly created soil as the process continues through the world.

    Sentinel: with this our empire will return to rule this galaxy and add the unsc and cis as a part of it.

    Tyrranus: no warfare then

    Sentinel: while the guardians now would disdain from my methods no. Enough has been lost this can be done peacefully as we help each other to grow stronger.

    He returns his attention to the process as it goes over the planet.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob: all fighter squadrons attack pattern Hood alpha. How long until we can get the ground teams back?

    Officer: sir we can beam them out as soon as they get the hostages

    Jacob: get the transporters ready then as soon as they are clear we are getting the hell out of here.

    The ship shakes

    Officer: sir we lost the aft PAC gun and flow regulator

    Jacob: compensate the regulator and bring us about all auxillary power to shields

    Officer: aye sir
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *the mines strike UNSC ships knocking more out. *

    * the countdown to core meltdown reaches 8 minutes.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *the mines strike UNSC ships knocking more out. *

    * the countdown to core meltdown reaches 8 minutes.*

    *On the Station, Sabre Squad is running, with Med helping Hax along, towards the Shuttlebay.*

    Scorch: Sabre Squad to Republic! We need evac here!

    *R.S.S. Republic, Bridge. After the Republic's Forces successfully knocked one of the Dolos Carriers out of the fight, the Battle has gotten easier, allowing the Republic to launch her Goliath Transport to the Station.*

    David: The Transport's on her way!

    Scorch *Over Comm*: We've only got 7 minutes here!

    David: Sorry, Sergeant Major! I can barely keep this channel open! We cannot beam you out!

    Someone thank the Federation for outlawing this tech so the Romulans had to dismantle it and cause it to find its way onto the Black Market!

    *On the Station. The Goliath lands, and the aft hatch opens as Sabre Squad enter the bay. The get on board, along with the one real hostage they found onboard - Admiral Ramez.

    The Shuttle takes off as the Station starts to experience time-warping from close proximity to the gravity well of the singularity. The shuttle escapes and begins heading for the Republic, being diverted to the Commonwealth when a dogfight ensues around the Republic between the rebels and the Republic's fighters. The shuttle lands on the Commonwealth safely as it fold-jumps clear of the combat zone.*

    OOC: Yeah... the mines were never trapping the Republic ships. They could have left with ease using the Epsilon-based Fold-Space Drives.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ooc working on post
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ooc Allen are you going to specify who wolf is going to find in the cell.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc Allen are you going to specify who wolf is going to find in the cell.

    OOC: I was going to let Ryan do that one.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    OOC: Never mind he did that one for me.. Also nifty trick on getting out. That leaves the UNSC to deal with a meltdown...*

    *Jogo repeats the hail to any ships in the field left... his comm officers barely getting through the interference.*

    *On the UNSC end an ODST hears the hail on his end and rushes to Jacob *

    ODST: Sir Federation patrol has found the location and is asking if we need assistance... The field is making it tough... We cannot use the slipstream it would collide with the field and destroy the ship...

    *On the station Wolf reaches the cell and finds its occupied but he cannot tell by who...*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    OOC: Never mind he did that one for me.. Also nifty trick on getting out. That leaves the UNSC to deal with a meltdown...*

    *Jogo repeats the hail to any ships in the field left... his comm officers barely getting through the interference.*

    *On the UNSC end an ODST hears the hail on his end and rushes to Jacob *

    ODST: Sir Federation patrol has found the location and is asking if we need assistance... The field is making it tough... We cannot use the slipstream it would collide with the field and destroy the ship...

    *On the station Wolf reaches the cell and finds its occupied but he cannot tell by who...*

    OOC: Only the Commonwealth jumped out. The other ships are staying to help the UNSC.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ooc: will post after work.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Only the Commonwealth jumped out. The other ships are staying to help the UNSC.

    OOC: Okay. But right now the thing has 6-7 minutes left.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ooc: will post later got called in early. Just don't kill any of my people while I'm gone.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob: let me take control of the transporters

    Jacob beams wolf and the other man aboard.

    Officer: slip space drive is offline.

    Jacob: that's fine tell the republic to get clear we are going to do something that is utterly crazy. Charge all slip space drive engines and wait for my signal.

    Silent glory: please tell me you aren't doing what I think your doing.

    Jacob: OK I won't. Any way we will use the radiation to create a artificial slip space opening.

    Silent glory: that will at the very least double the explosion and leave a whole in slipspace.

    Jacob: well we will hope for the best. Inform all hands to prepare to engage slip space engines.

    Officer: sir wolf and his team are aboard.

    Jacob: do it tell the republic ships to get the hell out of here. Let's hope we land up somewhere close
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Jacob: let me take control of the transporters

    Jacob beams wolf and the other man aboard.

    Officer: slip space drive is offline.

    Jacob: that's fine tell the republic to get clear we are going to do something that is utterly crazy. Charge all slip space drive engines and wait for my signal.

    Silent glory: please tell me you aren't doing what I think your doing.

    Jacob: OK I won't. Any way we will use the radiation to create a artificial slip space opening.

    Silent glory: that will at the very least double the explosion and leave a whole in slipspace.

    Jacob: well we will hope for the best. Inform all hands to prepare to engage slip space engines.

    Officer: sir wolf and his team are aboard.

    Jacob: do it tell the republic ships to get the hell out of here. Let's hope we land up somewhere close

    *Forcefield is in place and the unattended worm crashes the systems Jacob tries to use... *

    ODST: Sir I think we need to take the offer of help..
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob: sound general evacuation. I'll enact protocol 1. Go.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Jacob: sound general evacuation. I'll enact protocol 1. Go.

    *Jogo's end as the Federation Patrol watches they soon try a disruptor like emission from their deflector dish which fails to do anything. *

    Ship AI: May I suggest I try and deactivate the forcefield from its point of origin?

    Jogo: The mine/satallites are still on and we have no idea what it would do but we have little choice.

    *turns to his science officer*

    Do it. Because it seems to me that the UNSC commander is being a Bakari...

    *The AI is going through each part turning it off as it goes a hole big enough for ships to get through barely... though for the larger classes of ships that is not possible as the worm tries to block its path..*

    *The AI returns *

    Ship AI: I was only partially successful in deactivating a big enough hole for smaller ships to leave the area. I was unsuccessful as the worm blocked my path.. Its origin is unknown but it is highly evolved and dangerous.

    Jogo: Issue an emergency order to those ships that those that can't move will be beamed or shuttled out now.

    Have the shuttles move out.

    How much longer do we still have?

    Science officer: 5 minutes. It will take at least that longer to get shuttles out.. All we can really do is move in closer and hope the hole is big enough for us to get a lock.

    Jogo: Then make it so. I don't care if they want to blame us for this technology being sold on the black market they voted for it too. Nor do I want them to be bashara..
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