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  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *The signal bears fruit as a number of vessels arrive to engage the barely arriving Khazon... *

    *On the bridge of the lead vessel, a PMC made vessel and distinctly not Federation inspired Reaver class cruiser. The Android captain is sitting there amazed at the Khazon's gall. *

    Android: You would think the Khazon would have better sense. Wings 2 and 3 go and assist the Grappler.

    Helmsman: Aye..

    *Outside the wings from the newly arrived vessels engage the unregistered ships to buy the Varro some time to abandon ship.*

    Android: Comm.. Patch me through to Dean..

    *Dean is on the viewscreen..*

    Dean: Oh great.. to see you Davidson.

    Android: Plucking you out of another mess Dean?

    Dean: It seems like it.

    Davidson: What is the situation?

    Dean: The Varro here want to go to Federation space. They bargined for that passage.

    Davidson: Fine... judging from the ship I would say that was good luck for them. How long do you need?

    Dean: As much as you can give us.

    Davidson: Alright... *The ship rumbles * That should be easy.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Sheridan is on the bridge of the Hitz as it and the Firth drop out of slipspace in a system where there are 3 nightfall cruisers and 2 frigates.

    Sheridan: all weapons get ready to fire. Have the firth move in to block any escape.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *OOC: Where is that Logan?*

    *The following morning Ghani finds herself in the bunk she fell asleep in.. But there are people looking around and clamoring. She gets off the bunk still in her uniform, and heads out side.*

    Ghani: Doctor what is going on? *She notices that James' bunk is empty as it was in the evening.*

    *The Ruins of Starfleet Command.*

    Terry: Alright... Falli anything from your drones?

    Falli: An odd reading from the vault it seems the security systems are starting to fail.

    Terry: No clue what is down there, even when it is not in the databanks.

    Falli: Exactly.

    Terry: Alright its time for a small part of us to head into the complex, I want the scouts to keep watch on the camp.

    Scout: Understood.

    Sia: What about Marshall?

    Terry: He needs to stay put. We do not know exactly what they kept in the vault.

    Casval: I agree. Can't be too careful.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,281 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    John: Hmm... that narrows it down a bit. Most likely someone in charge of maintenance but that doesn't rule out others. I doubt they reprogrammed it from her room so maybe the Jefferies tubes near it might have evidence.


    *Susan does the same and gets into a stance*

    Weston: I'll check it out.

    *Tora Ziyal. Karen throws a rapid combo of punches, followed by a forearm strike to break Susan's guard and a middle kick while she's off-balance.*

    OoC: Sorry had to deal with a lot of irl stuff today.

    John: In the meantime we should post security around sickbay in case they try again.


    *Susan grabs the kick and yanks her into a punch*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    John: Hmm... that narrows it down a bit. Most likely someone in charge of maintenance but that doesn't rule out others. I doubt they reprogrammed it from her room so maybe the Jefferies tubes near it might have evidence.


    *Susan does the same and gets into a stance*

    Weston: I'll check it out.

    *Tora Ziyal. Karen throws a rapid combo of punches, followed by a forearm strike to break Susan's guard and a middle kick while she's off-balance.*

    OoC: Sorry had to deal with a lot of irl stuff today.

    John: In the meantime we should post security around sickbay in case they try again.


    *Susan grabs the kick and yanks her into a punch*

    Weston: I'll see to it.

    *Tora Ziyal. Karen grabs the punch and uses her weight to pull Susan down, trying to lock a body scissors.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    *OOC: Where is that Logan?*

    *The following morning Ghani finds herself in the bunk she fell asleep in.. But there are people looking around and clamoring. She gets off the bunk still in her uniform, and heads out side.*

    Ghani: Doctor what is going on? *She notices that James' bunk is empty as it was in the evening.*

    *The Ruins of Starfleet Command.*

    Terry: Alright... Falli anything from your drones?

    Falli: An odd reading from the vault it seems the security systems are starting to fail.

    Terry: No clue what is down there, even when it is not in the databanks.

    Falli: Exactly.

    Terry: Alright its time for a small part of us to head into the complex, I want the scouts to keep watch on the camp.

    Scout: Understood.

    Sia: What about Marshall?

    Terry: He needs to stay put. We do not know exactly what they kept in the vault.

    Casval: I agree. Can't be too careful.

    Doctor: Ensign Allen is missing.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: just a fringe worlds in unsc space Allen.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    *Meanwhile, Augore. The R.S.S. Enterprise and her task force is finishing up the liberation of the planet, with Free Delta forces routed into the countryside or tiny pockets inside some of the larger cities. Matt is in the CIC as Athena scans the strategic intelligence reports.*

    Athena: There are reports of similar insurrections across rebel space. At least 3 planets have seceded with some success. One, Lysira, has sought protection from the Fal Confederacy.

    Matt: So they're going neutral?

    Athena: Looks like.

    *Dalos Alpha Prime. Sam is in her office when O.S.S. Director Hal Krenn enters.*

    Sam: Ever heard of a doorbell?

    Krenn: This is important. We finally broke Malick's encryption protocols.

    *Sam sits up and looks at him.*

    Sam: And?

    Krenn: As you know, Malick gave Free Delta the subspace warhead Free Delta used to destroy Tanvir VII.

    Sam: Yes.

    Krenn: He didn't give them one. He gave them two.

    *Sam stands up, stunned.*

    Sam: Are you telling me the Free Delta have a WMD at their disposal, and they've been holding onto it for the past 6 months?!

    Krenn: Yes Ma'am.

    Sam: Find it. Turn the galaxy upside down if you have to! I want that weapon found before Free Delta take another 10 Billion lives!

    *Krenn nods and leaves.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Hammond is in his office working on a terminal.

    Hammond: Lt. Corris please come to my office.

    A moment later his door chimes

    Hammond: enter

    Lt. Corris: you called for me sir.

    Hammond: yes. I want you to send a message to the other major powers to ask them to send representatives to have a discussion on the current situation with the undine.

    Lt.Corris: yes sir I’ll get it out and sent right away.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,281 Arc User
    John: Good. I'll start looking through files on crewmembers for anything that might've led up to this.


    *Susan tries to lock body scissors around Karen too*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    John: Good. I'll start looking through files on crewmembers for anything that might've led up to this.


    *Susan tries to lock body scissors around Karen too*

    Dani: There can't be many people on the ship that would count her as a personal enemy.

    *Tora Ziyal. Karen locks hers on first, locking her arms around Susan's head and trying to transition into a headscissor choke.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Where is that Logan?*

    *The following morning Ghani finds herself in the bunk she fell asleep in.. But there are people looking around and clamoring. She gets off the bunk still in her uniform, and heads out side.*

    Ghani: Doctor what is going on? *She notices that James' bunk is empty as it was in the evening.*

    *The Ruins of Starfleet Command.*

    Terry: Alright... Falli anything from your drones?

    Falli: An odd reading from the vault it seems the security systems are starting to fail.

    Terry: No clue what is down there, even when it is not in the databanks.

    Falli: Exactly.

    Terry: Alright its time for a small part of us to head into the complex, I want the scouts to keep watch on the camp.

    Scout: Understood.

    Sia: What about Marshall?

    Terry: He needs to stay put. We do not know exactly what they kept in the vault.

    Casval: I agree. Can't be too careful.

    Doctor: Ensign Allen is missing.

    Ghani: Why would he go off on his own?

    *She thinks on this while grabbing some supplies, and putting it in the back of a land vehicle. Also hoping that he did not go with a tradition her people have. *

    Come on Doctor.. get your things we are going after him.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: just a fringe worlds in unsc space Allen.

    *OOC: Okay.. *

    *The battle is going rather well and the Varro are moving along slowly.. but the ships soon hit the Varro ship hard with disrupter fire. The damage causes a breach along several decks blowing out some people with it. Ebren himself has now been locked out by the main computer.*

    *Grabbing the console and lifting himself up.*

    Ebren: Great... the main computer has locked me out. I have to do this manually...

    Tali: Your kidding me. Its impossible to get the core out now..

    Ebren: No its not.

    *He looks to Tali... *

    Go. You do not want to be here for this.

    Tali: What are you going to do?

    Ebren: Unleash the beast... Go.

    *She struggles to get up as the ship rumbles again. *

    Tali: *tapping a comm device * I need a beam out...

    *Soon she is beamed out and Ebren looks at the computer core and starts tensing up as steam begins to fly... His eyes darken and he grips the panel and begins pulling on it and then beating it with fists..Denting the panel and soon jarring it out.. He grabs the core and starts calming down... *

    Ebren: Alright time to do a manual release. *He starts sliding the isolinear chips around quickly. *

    *Dean on his own vessel contacts Ebren*

    Dean: Ebren might want to hurry that ship is not going to last much longer.

    *Ebren grunts as the chips then release the clamps, and he removes the computer core.*

    Ebren: Get me out of here now..

    *the vessel soon beams him out as the area starts losing structual integrity, and beams start coming down. *

    Dean: *As Ebren secures the core..* Gregory clear our moorings .. Plot a course and defensive posture.

    *The grappler vessel disengages the moorings as the vessel starts to collapse and explode. *

    *Tali looks out at the ship exploding...*

    Tali: How many got stuck there?

    Gregory: *In his cylinder body* I counted at least 125... out of the original 640...

    *Tali looks down and nods..*

    Tali: How many more do we have to lose.

    *Kenway's vessel is engaged in combat with the vessels.. and the small force begins its withdrawal.. from the area. *

    Kenway: Are those unregistered vessels Free Delta?

    *His science officer is off at the scanners*

    Wesely: Can't tell.. They do have a similar weapons signature...

    Kenway: Someone supplied them with new toys it seems. Are we being pursued?

    Wesley: No sir.

    Kenway: Alright get in touch with Dean and get in touch with Republic command. The Varro and her old friends want passage into Federation space.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *R.S.S. Enterprise Kenway's comm line is going through with a report, and scanner findings. They found some Free Delta with new ships, and Khazon support and a Varro request.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *James Jr.. is driving the smaller land vehicle into the ruins. The Federation it seems is pretty giving in lending out Charlie class land vehicles. But he could not shake the image of what he saw while trying to reach his aunt. It just did not make sense. It would not take long before they sent out people to look for him.*

    James Jr: Alright *Looking at the rubble and wreckage infront of him...*

    *In the rubble he does not see a scout looking at him and reporting in to his boss. *

    *OOC: Logan.. your up.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    *R.S.S. Enterprise Kenway's comm line is going through with a report, and scanner findings. They found some Free Delta with new ships, and Khazon support and a Varro request.*

    Athena: Oh, that's good.

    Matt: I dread to ask...

    Athena: Now the Kazon are helping Free Delta.

    Matt: Oh. Okay.

    Athena: What?

    Matt: The way you said it, I thought you were about to reveal an actual threat.

    Athena: A pair of mercenary vessels have rescued a Varro crew from a Free Delta ambush. The survivors are requesting free passage to the Federation.

    Matt: Relay it to the Diplomatic Office.

    *Meanwhile, Dalos Alpha Prime. Krenn is standing in his office at the large panoramic window overlooking the Parliament Quarter. The large dome of the Parliament Building is clearly visible in the foreground. He's reading a report on his PADD.*

    Krenn: Okay, so it has to be in one of these systems...

    *He swipes to a holomap, highlighting about a dozen systems.*

    Hold on...

    *He highlights the Fel system, nearby one of the potential locations.*


    Computer, open an emergency channel to Third Fleet Command!

    *R.S.S. Enterprise.*

    Matt: Go ahead, Director.

    Krenn: Admiral, this is a NavCon 1 Directive! You are to proceed to the Fel System immediately and search all traffic arriving from the Danovus System!

    Matt: Director, the Fel Confederacy is neutral. Without--

    Krenn: I have reason to believe Free Delta intend to deploy a Subspace weapon against the Fel!

    *Matt looks at Athena.*

    Matt: We're on our way.

    *He closes the channel.*

    Forrester to Bridge, fold-jump to the Fel System and set Naval Condition 1.

    Athena, have the rest of the fleet stand by for a blockade of the Danovus System.

    Athena: Understood.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Where is that Logan?*

    *The following morning Ghani finds herself in the bunk she fell asleep in.. But there are people looking around and clamoring. She gets off the bunk still in her uniform, and heads out side.*

    Ghani: Doctor what is going on? *She notices that James' bunk is empty as it was in the evening.*

    *The Ruins of Starfleet Command.*

    Terry: Alright... Falli anything from your drones?

    Falli: An odd reading from the vault it seems the security systems are starting to fail.

    Terry: No clue what is down there, even when it is not in the databanks.

    Falli: Exactly.

    Terry: Alright its time for a small part of us to head into the complex, I want the scouts to keep watch on the camp.

    Scout: Understood.

    Sia: What about Marshall?

    Terry: He needs to stay put. We do not know exactly what they kept in the vault.

    Casval: I agree. Can't be too careful.

    Doctor: Ensign Allen is missing.

    Ghani: Why would he go off on his own?

    *She thinks on this while grabbing some supplies, and putting it in the back of a land vehicle. Also hoping that he did not go with a tradition her people have. *

    Come on Doctor.. get your things we are going after him.

    *The Doctor grabs a medical kit and gets on board.*
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,281 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    John: Good. I'll start looking through files on crewmembers for anything that might've led up to this.


    *Susan tries to lock body scissors around Karen too*

    Dani: There can't be many people on the ship that would count her as a personal enemy.

    *Tora Ziyal. Karen locks hers on first, locking her arms around Susan's head and trying to transition into a headscissor choke.*

    *Susan does her best to throw her off grunting as she strains her body to its limits*


    John: True. It would likely be someone with a personal vendetta against free delta. someone who lost someone to a free delta attack.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    John: Good. I'll start looking through files on crewmembers for anything that might've led up to this.


    *Susan tries to lock body scissors around Karen too*

    Dani: There can't be many people on the ship that would count her as a personal enemy.

    *Tora Ziyal. Karen locks hers on first, locking her arms around Susan's head and trying to transition into a headscissor choke.*

    *Susan does her best to throw her off grunting as she strains her body to its limits*


    John: True. It would likely be someone with a personal vendetta against free delta. someone who lost someone to a free delta attack.

    Dani: That's gonna be a long list...

    *Tora Ziyal. She succeeds, Karen trying to pounce on top.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: Allen who is the one that saw him? Just got on and am trying to make a sure who sees James
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: Allen who is the one that saw him? Just got on and am trying to make a sure who sees James

    *OOC: The guys there already, but trust me in the vault is going to be creepy stuff.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *R.S.S. Enterprise Kenway's comm line is going through with a report, and scanner findings. They found some Free Delta with new ships, and Khazon support and a Varro request.*

    Athena: Oh, that's good.

    Matt: I dread to ask...

    Athena: Now the Kazon are helping Free Delta.

    Matt: Oh. Okay.

    Athena: What?

    Matt: The way you said it, I thought you were about to reveal an actual threat.

    Athena: A pair of mercenary vessels have rescued a Varro crew from a Free Delta ambush. The survivors are requesting free passage to the Federation.

    Matt: Relay it to the Diplomatic Office.

    *Meanwhile, Dalos Alpha Prime. Krenn is standing in his office at the large panoramic window overlooking the Parliament Quarter. The large dome of the Parliament Building is clearly visible in the foreground. He's reading a report on his PADD.*

    Krenn: Okay, so it has to be in one of these systems...

    *He swipes to a holomap, highlighting about a dozen systems.*

    Hold on...

    *He highlights the Fel system, nearby one of the potential locations.*


    Computer, open an emergency channel to Third Fleet Command!

    *R.S.S. Enterprise.*

    Matt: Go ahead, Director.

    Krenn: Admiral, this is a NavCon 1 Directive! You are to proceed to the Fel System immediately and search all traffic arriving from the Danovus System!

    Matt: Director, the Fel Confederacy is neutral. Without--

    Krenn: I have reason to believe Free Delta intend to deploy a Subspace weapon against the Fel!

    *Matt looks at Athena.*

    Matt: We're on our way.

    *He closes the channel.*

    Forrester to Bridge, fold-jump to the Fel System and set Naval Condition 1.

    Athena, have the rest of the fleet stand by for a blockade of the Danovus System.

    Athena: Understood.

    *OOC: God I love busting Kazon chops... Hate those guys so much.*

    *The data core is soon uploaded through some impressive jury rigging...*

    Ebren: God I can't believe that worked. Gregory upload what is on the core pretaining to what the Varro found on their scanners..

    Tali: Someone is supplying them with equipment... Only a...

    Dean: Kazon are not much of a threat and never really were for a long time. Just riff raff. Though it does give them something to do.

    Gregory: Diplomatic offices is on the line... They want to talk to the Varro...

    Dean: Well young lady that is you... Unless there is someone else?

    Tali: I... I duno..

    Ebren: Someone has to do it... Why not you. You made the deal.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Where is that Logan?*

    *The following morning Ghani finds herself in the bunk she fell asleep in.. But there are people looking around and clamoring. She gets off the bunk still in her uniform, and heads out side.*

    Ghani: Doctor what is going on? *She notices that James' bunk is empty as it was in the evening.*

    *The Ruins of Starfleet Command.*

    Terry: Alright... Falli anything from your drones?

    Falli: An odd reading from the vault it seems the security systems are starting to fail.

    Terry: No clue what is down there, even when it is not in the databanks.

    Falli: Exactly.

    Terry: Alright its time for a small part of us to head into the complex, I want the scouts to keep watch on the camp.

    Scout: Understood.

    Sia: What about Marshall?

    Terry: He needs to stay put. We do not know exactly what they kept in the vault.

    Casval: I agree. Can't be too careful.

    Doctor: Ensign Allen is missing.

    Ghani: Why would he go off on his own?

    *She thinks on this while grabbing some supplies, and putting it in the back of a land vehicle. Also hoping that he did not go with a tradition her people have. *

    Come on Doctor.. get your things we are going after him.

    *The Doctor grabs a medical kit and gets on board.*

    *Ghani starts the vehicle and races Charlie X out of the bay.. *

    Ghani: *pulling the stick shift into the next gear. * Might want to hang on... Why is it that he went off on his own... Did I miss something?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Massi: understood. Keep following him.

    He walks over to Corvus who is watching terry and the others closely.

    Corvus: what was that about.

    Massi: it seems his other son has gone out on his own.

    Corvus: go and follow him. If a chance comes up take him captive. See what he is up to. I’ll follow these here.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    Massi: understood. Keep following him.

    He walks over to Corvus who is watching terry and the others closely.

    Corvus: what was that about.

    Massi: it seems his other son has gone out on his own.

    Corvus: go and follow him. If a chance comes up take him captive. See what he is up to. I’ll follow these here.

    *James Jr heads around to the opening and starts making his way through... *

    *Terry's team heads into the complex and begins to start descending down... The building itself is worn, musky, stale, and filled with dust...*

    Casval: Pulling up blue prints and the current map... I am going to see if we could find a way through.

    *There is very little light coming in where they are... *

    Terry: Do so.

    Falli: What was Starfleet keeping down here?

    Terry: A Number of things.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Corvus continues to follow quietly as the stealth systems in his armor and gear make it hard to detect him.

    Corvus: now what are we doing here of all places
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *As they proceed in the complex they come across Skeletons and more rubble. *

    Casval: The maps of this place are almost useless. It is like the Elibisi really went to town on this complex. I am surprised anyone is left.

    *Looking at the Skeletons and brushing it off. He was born after the war it did not really leave its mark on him. However his father stops and looks at them... The tattered uniforms still bear their pips. *

    Terry: Commander Franks and Lt... T'maar.... I guess we know what happened to them now. *Looking at the rubble around them some of it going right through. He can't help but to remember the arrival...*

    Sia: This is not a clean place.

    Terry: I know. Not a lot of people had the chance to defend themselves.

    Sia: We need to keep going.

    Terry: *Looks around thinking on it and never showing his hand. He points to a broken down door..* There. Here is the way down.

    *He takes his hands and starts trying to pry it open and others come in to help.. they soon get the door open. Inside though they find off putting green hues and lights... Nanite machine technology... Like the place was slowly assimilated over the years.*

    Casval: What in the hell?

    Terry: I guess this explains how the Elibisi got a hold of the Borg, and add on another reason they attacked Starfleet HQ...

    Sia: Borg...

    *The Scouts curse and spit... making signs of warding off evil.*

    Casval: Is it an inactive hive? I thought we dealt with the Borg already?

    Terry: If I recall there needed to be a strong personality to control the Hive. Even then we do not really know for sure what happened to the Borg after the Elibisi and Decanus resurfaced.

    Falli: Is it possible they got to the other items?

    Terry: It is possible.. Though at least me and you do not have to worry about assimilation.

    *He looks to the others. *

    Switch to something non energy based..

    *He takes out an old fashion pump action *

    Casval: Geez Dad... Where did you get that?

    Terry: I inherited it. One of your ancestors had a fascination with 20th-21st century weapons. This one I kept in the Enterprise's special armory.

    Casval: Thing is an antique...

    *They proceed single file down the cooridor.. keeping an eye out for drones of any kind.*

    *Outside in the garden area Marshall looks at the memorial plaques still standing and the statues.. He doesn't know these faces... Most of them any way. *
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *Ghani and the Doctor approach a high hill at top speed... Ghani is a touch irrate. *

    Ghani: What is it with guys and going off on their own? Brave and stupid.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    *Ghani and the Doctor approach a high hill at top speed... Ghani is a touch irrate. *

    Ghani: What is it with guys and going off on their own? Brave and stupid.

    Doctor: What is it with organics and driving vehicles at *grunts as they hit a bump* unsafe velocities!
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Ghani and the Doctor approach a high hill at top speed... Ghani is a touch irrate. *

    Ghani: What is it with guys and going off on their own? Brave and stupid.

    Doctor: What is it with organics and driving vehicles at *grunts as they hit a bump* unsafe velocities!

    Ghani: Well... *she turns to avoid a chunk of starship.* Lets just say we want to get somewhere and quickly.

    *He can tell she is irrate...*
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