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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Johanna injects herself with a hypo and calms down her body releasing some pheromones as a calming agent as the hypo triggers a natural response*

    Johanna: Sorry when we've spared before we haven't gone this rough before. And usually I take pills to keep my adrenaline from getting too high so I don't break someone's arm. But uh haven't been getting them in here. They're difficult to replicate directly.


    *She manages to get the arm bar but not the headscissors as Susan starts kicking her repeatedly*

    Mila: Don't worry about it. Ready?

    *Ziyal. Karen backs off as the kicks start hitting.*

    *Johanna nods and gets back into her stance but starts looking woozy*

    Johanna: S-something isn't right... *She falls over and hits the floor hard*


    *Susan smiles and gets up recovering*

    *Mila quickly rushes over and checks on her.*

    Mila: Jo?!

    *Ziyal. Karen smiles a little as well.*

    Karen: What? *Puts her guard up.*

    *She's foaming at the mouth and unresponsive*


    Susan: Nothing. That the best you got? *She does the same*

    Mila: Lieutenant Allen to Sickbay! Medical Emergency at my location!

    *Mila and Johanna are beamed to Sickbay.

    Tora Ziyal.*

    Karen: What do you think?

    *She throws a combo of jabs.*
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    *That night in the settlement James Jr... is looking at the night sky. He wonders about what he can really do..*

    James Jr: Well.. since I am stuck here I might as well reach out and touch someone..

    *He shuts his eye, trying to clear his head and find some point to touch. Absently, he finds a familiar spot in the veil... it appears to him like a button. He pushes it. *

    *On the other side of the veil... Tara A feels that push... and is baffled by the sensation... Reminding her of a time with the twins visiting her when they were younger. *

    *In the Delta Quadrant a segment of Varro are trying to avoid the Free Delta groups still around the area, along with the quantum singularities around the area scanning ships. Inside the cluster of ships the group has another generational vessel... A lanky young woman is trying to modify the scanners and keep the engines running, her hair is flowing down a dark shade of red... *

    Varro Woman: Damned scanners...

    *She gets under the terminal and starts checking the isolinear chips again.*

    Varro Man: Tali are you still trying to get the scanners up to par?

    Tali: Yeah...

    *She starts sliding them around again while trying to find a tool in the tool bag. *

    We need sanctuary... Look at this ship Kal... It is a garbage skow.

    OOC: I don't think she meant to say that ship should be hauling garbage...

    What? It's a funny scene!

    *Meanwhile, Think Tank. M Dani is in the Ghola Lab watching the tank where her Ghola is being grown. She looks deep in thought.*
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *That night in the settlement James Jr... is looking at the night sky. He wonders about what he can really do..*

    James Jr: Well.. since I am stuck here I might as well reach out and touch someone..

    *He shuts his eye, trying to clear his head and find some point to touch. Absently, he finds a familiar spot in the veil... it appears to him like a button. He pushes it. *

    *On the other side of the veil... Tara A feels that push... and is baffled by the sensation... Reminding her of a time with the twins visiting her when they were younger. *

    *In the Delta Quadrant a segment of Varro are trying to avoid the Free Delta groups still around the area, along with the quantum singularities around the area scanning ships. Inside the cluster of ships the group has another generational vessel... A lanky young woman is trying to modify the scanners and keep the engines running, her hair is flowing down a dark shade of red... *

    Varro Woman: Damned scanners...

    *She gets under the terminal and starts checking the isolinear chips again.*

    Varro Man: Tali are you still trying to get the scanners up to par?

    Tali: Yeah...

    *She starts sliding them around again while trying to find a tool in the tool bag. *

    We need sanctuary... Look at this ship Kal... It is a garbage skow.

    OOC: I don't think she meant to say that ship should be hauling garbage...

    What? It's a funny scene!

    *Meanwhile, Think Tank. M Dani is in the Ghola Lab watching the tank where her Ghola is being grown. She looks deep in thought.*

    *OOC: I know, I personally loved that scene... Gimmie a bit I will shift that around. Though If you want to jump in on the Varro bit go ahead. I dunno if anyone has used them at all.*

    G. Waff: The Subject is growing, the flesh it seems was not so eager to come back, and building a new body is going to take time. Meanwhile the why not go and speak to someone, it will be some time before the Ghola is ready.
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *The sensor's come to life again with a low hum and flicker on the display...*

    Tali: *Standing back up roughly..* Starting scans...

    *The sensors then start picking up two vessels popping out of nowhere..*

    Tali: Two ships on sensors!

    Kal: Damn...

    Are they locking weapons?

    *The ship rumbles as it is hit by grappling hooks.. and the systems go down again... There is a loud rumble as the ships connect to the Varro vessel... and force the hatches. They are not dressed as Free Delta or the Republic... But in mixed outfits and gear that is not at all regulation or standard issue. An older man comes from the smaller contingent...*

    Dean: Well well well... What do we have here? Varro by looks of it.

    *A much older man comes from the pack a touch more scarred and with white in his blonde hair... grumbling.*

    Kenway: What rotten luck... I told you this ship would not have much of anything.

    *An older Ebren comes from the group... *

    Ebren: Seems to me they need help rather than...

    Tali: Pirates...

    *Dean coughs*

    Dean Sorry mam... I prefer the term Outlaw rather than pirate.

    Tali: Oh? There is a difference?

    Dean: Yes as a matter in fact. There is.

    Kenway: It seems that way Ebren... Look Varro...

    *He steps forward...*

    The way I see it, your ship is not worth the time as it looks like it is going to fall apart at any moment. I am sure you have no valuables or tech that could buy your way...

    Tali: Look.. We need to get out of this space...

    Kenway: I do not see how that is my problem.

    Tali: We came across another Free Delta encampment.. a few weeks ago...

    Kal: Tali... What are you doing?

    Tali: Making a deal.

    Kenway: *narrows his eyes...* Nor do I like the idea of going back to the Republic...

    Ebren: What did you want us to do with it?

    Tali: I dunno turn it over to someone for whatever the price.

    Ebren: That depends on what all you picked up in your scans, from the looks of it you have tech that is old... You got something interesting probably.

    Dean: Bounty... Interesting. Free Delta rats are always causing problems out here.

    Tali: We want to go to Federation Space. Not Republic.

    Ebren: Well... that could be a dangerous job.

    *Kenway grumbles *

    Kenway: Fine. Ebren get what you can from the databanks. Hot wire it if you have to. Girl... How many are on this ship?

    Tali: about...

    *The ship rumbles again... Dean taps his combadge*

    Dean: What is going on up there?!
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *That night in the settlement James Jr... is looking at the night sky. He wonders about what he can really do..*

    James Jr: Well.. since I am stuck here I might as well reach out and touch someone..

    *He shuts his eye, trying to clear his head and find some point to touch. Absently, he finds a familiar spot in the veil... it appears to him like a button. He pushes it. *

    *On the other side of the veil... Tara A feels that push... and is baffled by the sensation... Reminding her of a time with the twins visiting her when they were younger. *

    *In the Delta Quadrant a segment of Varro are trying to avoid the Free Delta groups still around the area, along with the quantum singularities around the area scanning ships. Inside the cluster of ships the group has another generational vessel... A lanky young woman is trying to modify the scanners and keep the engines running, her hair is flowing down a dark shade of red... *

    Varro Woman: Damned scanners...

    *She gets under the terminal and starts checking the isolinear chips again.*

    Varro Man: Tali are you still trying to get the scanners up to par?

    Tali: Yeah...

    *She starts sliding them around again while trying to find a tool in the tool bag. *

    We need sanctuary... Look at this ship Kal... It is a garbage skow.

    OOC: I don't think she meant to say that ship should be hauling garbage...

    What? It's a funny scene!

    *Meanwhile, Think Tank. M Dani is in the Ghola Lab watching the tank where her Ghola is being grown. She looks deep in thought.*

    *OOC: I know, I personally loved that scene... Gimmie a bit I will shift that around. Though If you want to jump in on the Varro bit go ahead. I dunno if anyone has used them at all.*

    G. Waff: The Subject is growing, the flesh it seems was not so eager to come back, and building a new body is going to take time. Meanwhile the why not go and speak to someone, it will be some time before the Ghola is ready.

    M Dani: Talk to who, exactly? My family's dead, except for that b**** sister of mine. I have no friends, only allies.

    Why do you think I asked you to clone her?

    *OOC: TBH, I can't even remember who the Varro are.*
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    *The sensor's come to life again with a low hum and flicker on the display...*

    Tali: *Standing back up roughly..* Starting scans...

    *The sensors then start picking up two vessels popping out of nowhere..*

    Tali: Two ships on sensors!

    Kal: Damn...

    Are they locking weapons?

    *The ship rumbles as it is hit by grappling hooks.. and the systems go down again... There is a loud rumble as the ships connect to the Varro vessel... and force the hatches. They are not dressed as Free Delta or the Republic... But in mixed outfits and gear that is not at all regulation or standard issue. An older man comes from the smaller contingent...*

    Dean: Well well well... What do we have here? Varro by looks of it.

    *A much older man comes from the pack a touch more scarred and with white in his blonde hair... grumbling.*

    Kenway: What rotten luck... I told you this ship would not have much of anything.

    *An older Ebren comes from the group... *

    Ebren: Seems to me they need help rather than...

    Tali: Pirates...

    *Dean coughs*

    Dean Sorry mam... I prefer the term Outlaw rather than pirate.

    Tali: Oh? There is a difference?

    Dean: Yes as a matter in fact. There is.

    Kenway: It seems that way Ebren... Look Varro...

    *He steps forward...*

    The way I see it, your ship is not worth the time as it looks like it is going to fall apart at any moment. I am sure you have no valuables or tech that could buy your way...

    Tali: Look.. We need to get out of this space...

    Kenway: I do not see how that is my problem.

    Tali: We came across another Free Delta encampment.. a few weeks ago...

    Kal: Tali... What are you doing?

    Tali: Making a deal.

    Kenway: *narrows his eyes...* Nor do I like the idea of going back to the Republic...

    Ebren: What did you want us to do with it?

    Tali: I dunno turn it over to someone for whatever the price.

    Ebren: That depends on what all you picked up in your scans, from the looks of it you have tech that is old... You got something interesting probably.

    Dean: Bounty... Interesting. Free Delta rats are always causing problems out here.

    Tali: We want to go to Federation Space. Not Republic.

    Ebren: Well... that could be a dangerous job.

    *Kenway grumbles *

    Kenway: Fine. Ebren get what you can from the databanks. Hot wire it if you have to. Girl... How many are on this ship?

    Tali: about...

    *The ship rumbles again... Dean taps his combadge*

    Dean: What is going on up there?!

    OOC: Uh...didn't Dean die? I seem to distinctly remember having Susan mourn him.
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,247 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Johanna injects herself with a hypo and calms down her body releasing some pheromones as a calming agent as the hypo triggers a natural response*

    Johanna: Sorry when we've spared before we haven't gone this rough before. And usually I take pills to keep my adrenaline from getting too high so I don't break someone's arm. But uh haven't been getting them in here. They're difficult to replicate directly.


    *She manages to get the arm bar but not the headscissors as Susan starts kicking her repeatedly*

    Mila: Don't worry about it. Ready?

    *Ziyal. Karen backs off as the kicks start hitting.*

    *Johanna nods and gets back into her stance but starts looking woozy*

    Johanna: S-something isn't right... *She falls over and hits the floor hard*


    *Susan smiles and gets up recovering*

    *Mila quickly rushes over and checks on her.*

    Mila: Jo?!

    *Ziyal. Karen smiles a little as well.*

    Karen: What? *Puts her guard up.*

    *She's foaming at the mouth and unresponsive*


    Susan: Nothing. That the best you got? *She does the same*

    Mila: Lieutenant Allen to Sickbay! Medical Emergency at my location!

    *Mila and Johanna are beamed to Sickbay.

    Tora Ziyal.*

    Karen: What do you think?

    *She throws a combo of jabs.*

    *A quick medical scan shows that Johanna has been injected with a highly toxic substance. Obviously she wouldn't do it to herself so someone with a knowledge of Ylons must have reprogrammed her replicator knowing that she would eventually need to perform an injection for one reason or another. she's currently having a seizure*


    Susan: I think that's a yes. *She laughs and blocks most of them taking the last one so she can hit with a haymaker*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Johanna injects herself with a hypo and calms down her body releasing some pheromones as a calming agent as the hypo triggers a natural response*

    Johanna: Sorry when we've spared before we haven't gone this rough before. And usually I take pills to keep my adrenaline from getting too high so I don't break someone's arm. But uh haven't been getting them in here. They're difficult to replicate directly.


    *She manages to get the arm bar but not the headscissors as Susan starts kicking her repeatedly*

    Mila: Don't worry about it. Ready?

    *Ziyal. Karen backs off as the kicks start hitting.*

    *Johanna nods and gets back into her stance but starts looking woozy*

    Johanna: S-something isn't right... *She falls over and hits the floor hard*


    *Susan smiles and gets up recovering*

    *Mila quickly rushes over and checks on her.*

    Mila: Jo?!

    *Ziyal. Karen smiles a little as well.*

    Karen: What? *Puts her guard up.*

    *She's foaming at the mouth and unresponsive*


    Susan: Nothing. That the best you got? *She does the same*

    Mila: Lieutenant Allen to Sickbay! Medical Emergency at my location!

    *Mila and Johanna are beamed to Sickbay.

    Tora Ziyal.*

    Karen: What do you think?

    *She throws a combo of jabs.*

    *A quick medical scan shows that Johanna has been injected with a highly toxic substance. Obviously she wouldn't do it to herself so someone with a knowledge of Ylons must have reprogrammed her replicator knowing that she would eventually need to perform an injection for one reason or another. she's currently having a seizure*


    Susan: I think that's a yes. *She laughs and blocks most of them taking the last one so she can hit with a haymaker*

    *OOC: Is search only showing results for today for anyone else?*

    Doctor: What the Hell?

    Sedate her!

    Cortical stimulator.

    *A nurse sedates her while another puts on a cortical stimulator, the Doctor setting it ready to step in if her brain goes down.*

    Now we need to flush whatever this substance is out of her system.

    *He takes a hypo while the computer searches for an antidote.

    Ziyal. Karen wipes a little saliva from her lip, smirking at Susan.*

    Karen: Think again!

    *She lunges up and hits Susan with a charged hook.*
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Carter is in a command center

    Agent: sir we have our first attack by the undine.

    Carter: where

    Agent: neutral space thankfully.

    Carter: things are about to hit the fan.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,247 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Johanna injects herself with a hypo and calms down her body releasing some pheromones as a calming agent as the hypo triggers a natural response*

    Johanna: Sorry when we've spared before we haven't gone this rough before. And usually I take pills to keep my adrenaline from getting too high so I don't break someone's arm. But uh haven't been getting them in here. They're difficult to replicate directly.


    *She manages to get the arm bar but not the headscissors as Susan starts kicking her repeatedly*

    Mila: Don't worry about it. Ready?

    *Ziyal. Karen backs off as the kicks start hitting.*

    *Johanna nods and gets back into her stance but starts looking woozy*

    Johanna: S-something isn't right... *She falls over and hits the floor hard*


    *Susan smiles and gets up recovering*

    *Mila quickly rushes over and checks on her.*

    Mila: Jo?!

    *Ziyal. Karen smiles a little as well.*

    Karen: What? *Puts her guard up.*

    *She's foaming at the mouth and unresponsive*


    Susan: Nothing. That the best you got? *She does the same*

    Mila: Lieutenant Allen to Sickbay! Medical Emergency at my location!

    *Mila and Johanna are beamed to Sickbay.

    Tora Ziyal.*

    Karen: What do you think?

    *She throws a combo of jabs.*

    *A quick medical scan shows that Johanna has been injected with a highly toxic substance. Obviously she wouldn't do it to herself so someone with a knowledge of Ylons must have reprogrammed her replicator knowing that she would eventually need to perform an injection for one reason or another. she's currently having a seizure*


    Susan: I think that's a yes. *She laughs and blocks most of them taking the last one so she can hit with a haymaker*

    *OOC: Is search only showing results for today for anyone else?*

    Doctor: What the Hell?

    Sedate her!

    Cortical stimulator.

    *A nurse sedates her while another puts on a cortical stimulator, the Doctor setting it ready to step in if her brain goes down.*

    Now we need to flush whatever this substance is out of her system.

    *He takes a hypo while the computer searches for an antidote.

    Ziyal. Karen wipes a little saliva from her lip, smirking at Susan.*

    Karen: Think again!

    *She lunges up and hits Susan with a charged hook.*

    OoC: i never search so idk.

    *Johanna's brain goes down but the antidote is easy to find as the "poison" that was used was used was simply a lethal dose of something the replicator is allowed to replicate normally so no alarms would be triggered.*


    *Susan tries to dodge it but it grazes her*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Johanna injects herself with a hypo and calms down her body releasing some pheromones as a calming agent as the hypo triggers a natural response*

    Johanna: Sorry when we've spared before we haven't gone this rough before. And usually I take pills to keep my adrenaline from getting too high so I don't break someone's arm. But uh haven't been getting them in here. They're difficult to replicate directly.


    *She manages to get the arm bar but not the headscissors as Susan starts kicking her repeatedly*

    Mila: Don't worry about it. Ready?

    *Ziyal. Karen backs off as the kicks start hitting.*

    *Johanna nods and gets back into her stance but starts looking woozy*

    Johanna: S-something isn't right... *She falls over and hits the floor hard*


    *Susan smiles and gets up recovering*

    *Mila quickly rushes over and checks on her.*

    Mila: Jo?!

    *Ziyal. Karen smiles a little as well.*

    Karen: What? *Puts her guard up.*

    *She's foaming at the mouth and unresponsive*


    Susan: Nothing. That the best you got? *She does the same*

    Mila: Lieutenant Allen to Sickbay! Medical Emergency at my location!

    *Mila and Johanna are beamed to Sickbay.

    Tora Ziyal.*

    Karen: What do you think?

    *She throws a combo of jabs.*

    *A quick medical scan shows that Johanna has been injected with a highly toxic substance. Obviously she wouldn't do it to herself so someone with a knowledge of Ylons must have reprogrammed her replicator knowing that she would eventually need to perform an injection for one reason or another. she's currently having a seizure*


    Susan: I think that's a yes. *She laughs and blocks most of them taking the last one so she can hit with a haymaker*

    *OOC: Is search only showing results for today for anyone else?*

    Doctor: What the Hell?

    Sedate her!

    Cortical stimulator.

    *A nurse sedates her while another puts on a cortical stimulator, the Doctor setting it ready to step in if her brain goes down.*

    Now we need to flush whatever this substance is out of her system.

    *He takes a hypo while the computer searches for an antidote.

    Ziyal. Karen wipes a little saliva from her lip, smirking at Susan.*

    Karen: Think again!

    *She lunges up and hits Susan with a charged hook.*

    OoC: i never search so idk.

    *Johanna's brain goes down but the antidote is easy to find as the "poison" that was used was used was simply a lethal dose of something the replicator is allowed to replicate normally so no alarms would be triggered.*


    *Susan tries to dodge it but it grazes her*

    *The Doctor sets the hypo for the antidote and injects her as the nurse triggers the cortical stimulator to try and keep her brain active.

    Tora Ziyal. Karen tries to follow up, but the bell rings to end the round.*

    Karen: Aw... I was just getting into it. *Smiles across the cage at Susan as Serah comes up to check on her.*
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Osman walks outside for a breath of fresh air. Orion comes and walks up next to her.

    Orion: here is what information I could retrieve. The virus is impressive. It wasn’t an armature. I was also able to get a hold of this file that showed the hand off between carsick and this man.

    Osman: so what are you going to do now?

    Orion: find carsick and the man that gave him the virus. Might as well finish them both off.

    Osman: well good luck with that.

    Orion: also is keep an eye on the undine situation. I think here soon they are just going to attack any and everyone.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,247 Arc User
    *Johanna calms down and her vitals stabilize but she's out cold*


    Serah: You're doing good. *she kisses Karen's cheek and massages her shoulders*

    *Susan looks around for Daya as she sits down*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *That night in the settlement James Jr... is looking at the night sky. He wonders about what he can really do..*

    James Jr: Well.. since I am stuck here I might as well reach out and touch someone..

    *He shuts his eye, trying to clear his head and find some point to touch. Absently, he finds a familiar spot in the veil... it appears to him like a button. He pushes it. *

    *On the other side of the veil... Tara A feels that push... and is baffled by the sensation... Reminding her of a time with the twins visiting her when they were younger. *

    *In the Delta Quadrant a segment of Varro are trying to avoid the Free Delta groups still around the area, along with the quantum singularities around the area scanning ships. Inside the cluster of ships the group has another generational vessel... A lanky young woman is trying to modify the scanners and keep the engines running, her hair is flowing down a dark shade of red... *

    Varro Woman: Damned scanners...

    *She gets under the terminal and starts checking the isolinear chips again.*

    Varro Man: Tali are you still trying to get the scanners up to par?

    Tali: Yeah...

    *She starts sliding them around again while trying to find a tool in the tool bag. *

    We need sanctuary... Look at this ship Kal... It is a garbage skow.

    OOC: I don't think she meant to say that ship should be hauling garbage...

    What? It's a funny scene!

    *Meanwhile, Think Tank. M Dani is in the Ghola Lab watching the tank where her Ghola is being grown. She looks deep in thought.*

    *OOC: I know, I personally loved that scene... Gimmie a bit I will shift that around. Though If you want to jump in on the Varro bit go ahead. I dunno if anyone has used them at all.*

    G. Waff: The Subject is growing, the flesh it seems was not so eager to come back, and building a new body is going to take time. Meanwhile the why not go and speak to someone, it will be some time before the Ghola is ready.

    M Dani: Talk to who, exactly? My family's dead, except for that b**** sister of mine. I have no friends, only allies.

    Why do you think I asked you to clone her?

    *OOC: TBH, I can't even remember who the Varro are.*

    *OOC: Delta Quadrant species appeared in Season 5 of Voyager, an episode called Disease... I think*

    G.Waff: I would not be so quick to counter with that... * G.Waff changes form back to Spider, and she finally knows what he is. An enhanced Face Dancer...*

    Spider: My dear I would not be so quick to judge that... Casval has taken a strange sense of family with you. Such a fine boy.
    As for taking the form of that detestable man... Do not worry he is still alive. Also this secret is going to stay between us.
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *The sensor's come to life again with a low hum and flicker on the display...*

    Tali: *Standing back up roughly..* Starting scans...

    *The sensors then start picking up two vessels popping out of nowhere..*

    Tali: Two ships on sensors!

    Kal: Damn...

    Are they locking weapons?

    *The ship rumbles as it is hit by grappling hooks.. and the systems go down again... There is a loud rumble as the ships connect to the Varro vessel... and force the hatches. They are not dressed as Free Delta or the Republic... But in mixed outfits and gear that is not at all regulation or standard issue. An older man comes from the smaller contingent...*

    Dean: Well well well... What do we have here? Varro by looks of it.

    *A much older man comes from the pack a touch more scarred and with white in his blonde hair... grumbling.*

    Kenway: What rotten luck... I told you this ship would not have much of anything.

    *An older Ebren comes from the group... *

    Ebren: Seems to me they need help rather than...

    Tali: Pirates...

    *Dean coughs*

    Dean Sorry mam... I prefer the term Outlaw rather than pirate.

    Tali: Oh? There is a difference?

    Dean: Yes as a matter in fact. There is.

    Kenway: It seems that way Ebren... Look Varro...

    *He steps forward...*

    The way I see it, your ship is not worth the time as it looks like it is going to fall apart at any moment. I am sure you have no valuables or tech that could buy your way...

    Tali: Look.. We need to get out of this space...

    Kenway: I do not see how that is my problem.

    Tali: We came across another Free Delta encampment.. a few weeks ago...

    Kal: Tali... What are you doing?

    Tali: Making a deal.

    Kenway: *narrows his eyes...* Nor do I like the idea of going back to the Republic...

    Ebren: What did you want us to do with it?

    Tali: I dunno turn it over to someone for whatever the price.

    Ebren: That depends on what all you picked up in your scans, from the looks of it you have tech that is old... You got something interesting probably.

    Dean: Bounty... Interesting. Free Delta rats are always causing problems out here.

    Tali: We want to go to Federation Space. Not Republic.

    Ebren: Well... that could be a dangerous job.

    *Kenway grumbles *

    Kenway: Fine. Ebren get what you can from the databanks. Hot wire it if you have to. Girl... How many are on this ship?

    Tali: about...

    *The ship rumbles again... Dean taps his combadge*

    Dean: What is going on up there?!

    OOC: Uh...didn't Dean die? I seem to distinctly remember having Susan mourn him.

    *OOC: I do not remember that part... I do remember him using an escape pod. The last time I used him anyway. Now Harry on the other hand yeah He is dead. Then again since everyone's favorite shapeshifters are still around you never know for sure. *
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Fluidic space

    Atriox stands in his ship communicating with other ships as they scan and leave. Hostile feelings had been growing against those of non fluidic space and a fleet was being prepared.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *OOC: Hmm I could have the Arcadians take offense at the Undine scanning their ships and invading their territory... If they are doing that. Just thinking out loud.*
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Johanna calms down and her vitals stabilize but she's out cold*


    Serah: You're doing good. *she kisses Karen's cheek and massages her shoulders*

    *Susan looks around for Daya as she sits down*

    Nurse: She's stable.

    *Tora Ziyal. Daya comes up and gives Susan some water.*

    Daya: You're doing great.

    *Karen smiles at Serah.*

    Karen: Think I can take her next round?
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: they could indeed.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *OOC: Slow day...I will proceed soon just want to clear some stuff up.*
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,247 Arc User
    OoC: Shouldn't Mila like be all worried?

    *Johanna's breaths are shallow it will be a bit before her body is finished healing her blood vessels are corroded and her organs weaker.*


    Susan: Thanks. I know I can beat her. *She smiles confidently as she drinks it*

    *Serah smiles*

    Serah: Of course you can.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    OoC: Shouldn't Mila like be all worried?

    *Johanna's breaths are shallow it will be a bit before her body is finished healing her blood vessels are corroded and her organs weaker.*


    Susan: Thanks. I know I can beat her. *She smiles confidently as she drinks it*

    *Serah smiles*

    Serah: Of course you can.

    OOC: She is, that's why she isn't saying anything.

    *The Doctor sighs and starts a search through the medical database.*

    Doctor: Sickbay to Captain Allen.

    Dani *Over Comm*: Go ahead, Doctor.

    Doctor: I need to speak with you and the XO and Security Officer. There's been an attempted murder.

    Lieutenant, you should probably get cleaned up and go to your quarters.

    Mila: But--

    Doctor: I'll let you know if her condition changes. Right now, this is effectively a crime scene.

    *Mila bites her lip and looks at Johanna worriedly, before nodding and walking out.

    Tora Ziyal. Daya smiles at her.*

    Daya *teasingly*: Really? Looked like she had you for a second with that headscissors and armbar.

    *Karen seems to be enjoying the massage.*

    Karen: Ser', knock it off, I won't be able to focus on knocking her lights out! *Smiles.*
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,247 Arc User
    edited July 2018
    *John the half and half Vulcan/romulan CO is currently investigating the possibility that the lights flickering being sabotage when Dani is called*


    Susan: hey! She never really had me. *she huffs*

    Serah: It doesn't sound like you really want me to stop. *She slows down*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *John the half and half Vulcan/romulan CO is currently investigating the possibility that the lights flickering being sabotage when Dani is called*


    Susan: hey! She never really had me. *she huffs*

    Serah: It doesn't sound like you really want me to stop. *She slows down*

    *Dani has Weston and John meet her in Sickbay.*

    Dani: Well Doc?

    Doctor: About 30 minutes ago, your daughter beamed here with Johanna seizing. I've stabilised her but...

    She was poisoned. Directly into the bloodstream. Most likely it was injected when she took her anti-adrenal hypo.

    Weston: How's that possible?

    Doctor: The poison was pretty innocuous. The replicator could have been reprogrammed to replace her anti-adrenal with it.

    *Tora Ziyal. Daya smiles and kisses her on the cheek.*

    Daya: Prove it.

    Karen: Why don't you kiss me for luck so I can go back to beating her TRIBBLE? *Smiles.*
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Janeway is on the bridge as an ensign brings him a padd with new information on the undine and I tel on the sector.

    Janeway: cmdr Fisher I want you to increase scans for undine ships and keep the ship in a state of yellow alert for the time being.

    Fisher: aye admiral.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,247 Arc User
    John: I can only think of one reason for this. She used to be part of free delta so I'm betting someone was trying to get revenge against them by taking it out on her. And whoever it is likely has an intimate knowledge of Ylons to know that they even take anti adrenals.


    *Serah turns her head and gives her a long slow kiss showing off a bit*

    Susan: How?
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    John: I can only think of one reason for this. She used to be part of free delta so I'm betting someone was trying to get revenge against them by taking it out on her. And whoever it is likely has an intimate knowledge of Ylons to know that they even take anti adrenals.


    *Serah turns her head and gives her a long slow kiss showing off a bit*

    Susan: How?

    Weston: Agreed. It would also take someone familiar with the replicator systems.

    *Tora Ziyal.*

    Daya: Beat her. *Kisses her before stepping out to let them fight. Once Serah finishes kissing Karen, Karen and Susan hear the bell sound for round 2, Karen slowly moving towards the middle.*
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *That night in the settlement James Jr... is looking at the night sky. He wonders about what he can really do..*

    James Jr: Well.. since I am stuck here I might as well reach out and touch someone..

    *He shuts his eye, trying to clear his head and find some point to touch. Absently, he finds a familiar spot in the veil... it appears to him like a button. He pushes it. *

    *On the other side of the veil... Tara A feels that push... and is baffled by the sensation... Reminding her of a time with the twins visiting her when they were younger. *

    *In the Delta Quadrant a segment of Varro are trying to avoid the Free Delta groups still around the area, along with the quantum singularities around the area scanning ships. Inside the cluster of ships the group has another generational vessel... A lanky young woman is trying to modify the scanners and keep the engines running, her hair is flowing down a dark shade of red... *

    Varro Woman: Damned scanners...

    *She gets under the terminal and starts checking the isolinear chips again.*

    Varro Man: Tali are you still trying to get the scanners up to par?

    Tali: Yeah...

    *She starts sliding them around again while trying to find a tool in the tool bag. *

    We need sanctuary... Look at this ship Kal... It is a garbage skow.

    OOC: I don't think she meant to say that ship should be hauling garbage...

    What? It's a funny scene!

    *Meanwhile, Think Tank. M Dani is in the Ghola Lab watching the tank where her Ghola is being grown. She looks deep in thought.*

    *OOC: I know, I personally loved that scene... Gimmie a bit I will shift that around. Though If you want to jump in on the Varro bit go ahead. I dunno if anyone has used them at all.*

    G. Waff: The Subject is growing, the flesh it seems was not so eager to come back, and building a new body is going to take time. Meanwhile the why not go and speak to someone, it will be some time before the Ghola is ready.

    M Dani: Talk to who, exactly? My family's dead, except for that b**** sister of mine. I have no friends, only allies.

    Why do you think I asked you to clone her?

    *OOC: TBH, I can't even remember who the Varro are.*

    *OOC: Delta Quadrant species appeared in Season 5 of Voyager, an episode called Disease... I think*

    G.Waff: I would not be so quick to counter with that... * G.Waff changes form back to Spider, and she finally knows what he is. An enhanced Face Dancer...*

    Spider: My dear I would not be so quick to judge that... Casval has taken a strange sense of family with you. Such a fine boy.
    As for taking the form of that detestable man... Do not worry he is still alive. Also this secret is going to stay between us.

    *OOC: Forgot I had that up...*
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *That night in the settlement James Jr... is looking at the night sky. He wonders about what he can really do..*

    James Jr: Well.. since I am stuck here I might as well reach out and touch someone..

    *He shuts his eye, trying to clear his head and find some point to touch. Absently, he finds a familiar spot in the veil... it appears to him like a button. He pushes it. *

    *On the other side of the veil... Tara A feels that push... and is baffled by the sensation... Reminding her of a time with the twins visiting her when they were younger. *

    *In the Delta Quadrant a segment of Varro are trying to avoid the Free Delta groups still around the area, along with the quantum singularities around the area scanning ships. Inside the cluster of ships the group has another generational vessel... A lanky young woman is trying to modify the scanners and keep the engines running, her hair is flowing down a dark shade of red... *

    Varro Woman: Damned scanners...

    *She gets under the terminal and starts checking the isolinear chips again.*

    Varro Man: Tali are you still trying to get the scanners up to par?

    Tali: Yeah...

    *She starts sliding them around again while trying to find a tool in the tool bag. *

    We need sanctuary... Look at this ship Kal... It is a garbage skow.

    OOC: I don't think she meant to say that ship should be hauling garbage...

    What? It's a funny scene!

    *Meanwhile, Think Tank. M Dani is in the Ghola Lab watching the tank where her Ghola is being grown. She looks deep in thought.*

    *OOC: I know, I personally loved that scene... Gimmie a bit I will shift that around. Though If you want to jump in on the Varro bit go ahead. I dunno if anyone has used them at all.*

    G. Waff: The Subject is growing, the flesh it seems was not so eager to come back, and building a new body is going to take time. Meanwhile the why not go and speak to someone, it will be some time before the Ghola is ready.

    M Dani: Talk to who, exactly? My family's dead, except for that b**** sister of mine. I have no friends, only allies.

    Why do you think I asked you to clone her?

    *OOC: TBH, I can't even remember who the Varro are.*

    *OOC: Delta Quadrant species appeared in Season 5 of Voyager, an episode called Disease... I think*

    G.Waff: I would not be so quick to counter with that... * G.Waff changes form back to Spider, and she finally knows what he is. An enhanced Face Dancer...*

    Spider: My dear I would not be so quick to judge that... Casval has taken a strange sense of family with you. Such a fine boy.
    As for taking the form of that detestable man... Do not worry he is still alive. Also this secret is going to stay between us.

    *OOC: Forgot I had that up...*

    *M Dani has a deer-caught-in-headlights look.*
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *Gregory the ship's resident AI system... comes on the comm.*

    Gregory: The ships are under attack by unregistered vessels.

    *Dean on the ship grabs a bulkhead as the ship rumbles again...*

    Dean: Great... probably those Free Delta lunatics... or those space hillbilly Khazon.. or a touch worse Vaadwaur...

    Kenway: Looks like the debate is going to be cut short. You Varro better get off this trash heap and spit up between the two vessels!

    Ebren: I will take the computer core, just incase... These 24th century systems are usually simple like that.

    Tali: *stumbling into Ebren...* What about...

    Ebren: No time get everyone off this thing and we will haul you guys into secure space.

    *Outside the stationary vessels are initiating defensive turrets and missle systems. *
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