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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Susan nods and does the same*


    Johanna: Not so bad yourself.

    *Karen charges and goes for a haymaker.

    Columbia. Mila throws a spin kick followed by a combo of jabs.*

    *Susan sidesteps it going for a lariat*


    *Johanna takes the kick but tackles Mila during the jabs*

    *Karen ducks under it and locks up.

    Columbia. Mila tries to stay on her feet and lock her arms around Johanna's abdomen.*
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: trying to think of something to do with the star fleet academy bit

    *OOC: Take your time... I think it should be an interesting bit to see with all that wreckage. A city, countless starships debris raining down, Elibisi firing on what defenses were on the ground, so I dunno... I do want to tackle some things that are not the usual we have done before. *

    *The expedition is crossing through a wreckage of a burned out cafe... *

    Terry: Went there more than once when I was at the academy, and while I was stationed here.

    *He knows Casval is not really paying attention but he does notice that Marshall is trying to read him.*

    Marshall: So your...

    Casval: Your Half brother of a sorts? You could call it that.

    Marshall: You do not seem bemused by this..

    Casval: I do not know you, I also do not know why you are here.

    Marshall: That was sort of an accident given I was in a fire fight...

    Casval: Some foolish notion of taking something back that was taken from you?

    Marshall: That is right! That throne is mine by right of birth. Not that swine.

    Casval: *snorts* Well forgive me brother... it seems you do not have the backing you need for such a feat. Besides do you even know how to rule or lead?

    Marshall: I...

    Casval: Of course not. I suggest you stop for a moment and consider your options...

    *he continues following the group...*

    Marshall: What options are those? *to himself...*

    *In the set up community James Jr... is surrounded by many astonished that they finally met the son of the Mahdi...*

    James Jr: This attention is something I dunno how to react to.

    Ghani: Well Ensign... it is expected, your father got us out of the thumb of the leadership that kept us on the planet.

    James Jr: True... though I do have a question...

    Ghani: What is it?

    James Jr: Did you join Starfleet to serve my father or explain that reasoning as I...

    Ghani: You want to know why? *she smirks* What is so confusing about serving others?

    James Jr: Nothing *having got his answer there.* I think you made it quite clear.

    Ghani: Well considering that we are going to be here for some time... How about we pick up from where we left off.

    *She shifts herself on the cushion in the prefab seat. *

    James Jr: *lets a small laugh out...* What are you curious about?

    Ghani: How did you feel seeing your godmother again.?

    James Jr: It felt good. Just wish we had more time. *He touches his temporary eye patch rubbing it to settle an itch.

    Ghani: That is good. It might help you to be around people that do care about you.

    James Jr: * his one good eye shifting away from Ghani's eyes* Yeah probably...

    Ghani: Something else on your mind?

    James Jr: I tried contacting my twin sister... I thought she would feel on that twin connection we have. Apparently not..

    Ghani: Maybe she was busy?

    James Jr: Maybe... though maybe trying to reach out was a mistake. Our last talk did not end that well. At least before I got blown the *** up...

    Ghani: I sense something happened before the bombing?

    James Jr: Yeah... *he looks at the ground... pained.*

    Ghani: Take your time James... don't push it out unless you feel you want to.

    James Jr: *snorts a small laugh*

    Ghani: *looking at him trying to figure out what was so funny...* What is so funny...

    James Jr: Nothing... just purile humor. *trying to hold back a chuckle..*

    Ghani: There is that deflection again.

    James Jr: I dunno really how to explain it.

    Ghani: Well try anyway... how bad could it be...

    *The Doctor is in the back of the building trying to get a grasp on the healing practices of the tribe and the tools.*

    James Jr: Well me and Cassi had a particularly intense relationship... she knew me and accepted me for who I was. Though, I knew that we had disagreements politically and philosophically...but I did not expect that she knew dissidents...

    Ghani: Go on..

    James Jr: Thing about me and her was that she did not mind if my eyes wavered to other women, she found that oddly fun. As long as nothing serious came of it. Well before the bombing... we came across a wrecked Federation ship, and its only survivor Sala...

    Ghani: Cassi did not like Sala did she?

    James Jr: No she didn't saw her as competition... and probably sees something that I do not. But after some time Sala wanted to talk and she had some trouble letting go of the idea that her crewmates died...

    Ghani: So... did your eye waver?

    James Jr: They did admittedly... but I did not act on it. Sala just wanted some company. She drank herself to sleep after talking...

    *he looks at his stump... almost ashamed.*

    Well the following morning.. Cassi found out, Casval found out, Mila found out... It got heated. I said something rather harsh because my own twin sister did not trust me to not be a complete dog.

    Ghani: Does anyone else know that nothing happened?

    James Jr: Casval... I think does. I dunno what happened though over the last year...

    Ghani: *feeling some pity for him* I am sorry...

    James Jr: Its not your fault... If anything it was sort of mine, for fostering that kind of image I have.

    Ghani: Maybe... but you did do the right thing.

    James Jr: The bombing happened not too long later... that is all I really remember happening...

    *He keeps what he recalls from his accidental trip in the veil to himself.*

    Ghani: *Not really catching on to that..redaction..* How does that make you feel?

    James Jr: Betrayed... angry... sad... now that Cassi is dead... It just amplifies it.

    *The Doctor in the back grumbles about something interrupting the impromptu session..*

    Doctor: This medicine is...illogical. On so many levels.

    Ghani: Is it the medicine man routine that bugs you sir? Old ways are sometimes hard to break for some.

    *OOC: God its hot here. Reminds me of that summer I did two football practices a day, with helmet, then full gear. whew.... *

    *OOC: Oh, try it here in East Anglia. With the exception of about 10 minutes of rain, we have had no rainfall for over a month now! In Britain! Usually we're lucky if we go a week without rainfall!*

    Doctor: I was referring more to the chemical composition.

    *OOC: Pretty sure my neck of the woods in the states is still pretty parched after three months. Not to mention 105-109 F for now the third day... Though the air conditioning I have does not cool the entire house. *

    Ghani: Ah yes... Do go on Doctor... What exactly were you looking for?

    *OOC: Okay, that's rough. The highest we've had was about the 30C mark for about a week-and-a-half.*

    Doctor: This medicine appears to seek to remedy bacterial infections by burning it off?! And this...*he points to a bowl of oil being boiled on a stove* is supposed to cauterise wounds! The pain and nervous damage would be extreme.

    Ghani: Yes, ways do change Doctor... I am sure the Shaman would find it an interesting talk, we also did not have much to work with including advanced technology. It is why there are still cast out that want to preserve the old ways... At least as much as I can recall from what my father told me. Integration will take its time despite resistance.

    James Jr: I seem to recall Doctor McCoy a couple centuries ago ranting about 20th century medicine.. Calling it I recall The Spanish Inquisition. If I recall the logs right.

    *There is a small snicker.*

    Ghani: Doctor, before we left the ship what had you and Falli abuzz...?

    *The expedition's drones are scanning through the ship wrecks and debris... Falli connected to them via retinal connection. *

    Casval: Falli what are we looking for exactly?

    Falli: Right now Starfleet Command, if the building still stands.

    Casval: Why so secretive?

    Falli: I keep forgetting that you are your father's son. We are looking for Starfleet Intelligence... and maybe Starfleet Medical facility. They may have something there that might come in handy... Not to mention Starfleet wants to catalogue the damage done to the facility...

    *As they proceed something watches them proceed through, no one really went through this place in years. They soon find old dead husks... Casval is unnerved as are the younger Innotankan scouts..*

    Terry: Long dead. They do not pose a threat, though keep your eyes open and stay alert. We don't know what is out here now.

    Doctor: Doctor-Patient confidentiality, I'm afraid.

    This one I'm pretty sure is just alcohol.

    James Jr: I guess I will have to contain my surprise Doctor. Can't be worse than the one I got when I woke up...

    Ghani: Speaking of... If the expression is correct... James... Those feelings are normal. You also never got that closure as things are moving fairly quickly.

    James Jr: How would I do that right now?

    Ghani: I could ask the Shaman... See how they would proceed with such a thing, though we will need a box of her stuff at least.

    James Jr: *He looks down with his one good eye... * Thanks.

    *On the Enterprise... Rekas and his brother are off duty in the recreation lounge... *

    Rekas: *After drinking a dry martini* Brother... I still do not get why humans drink this... what do they call it?

    Shekas: Rot gut... Cheap and easy to produce...

    *Sasha, Demora, and Alvin... are at another table.*

    Sasha: I wonder how James is doing...

    Alvin: He will be okay... in time probably.

    Sasha: It does make me wonder if the family will do a...

    Demora: I dunno why... She did cause his condition, and killed a good number of people. *She is fairly irritated at the mention of Cassi.*

    Sasha: Still Demora... we still should say goodbye despite what she did.

    Alvin: I dunno.

    *Sasha receives a comm link...*

    Sasha: Hmm... *she taps the holographic interface on her wrist.*

    Ghani: *On the comm* Commander...

    Sasha: What can I do for you Lt...

    Ghani: I need a box filled with Cassi's stuff.

    Sasha: Okay... I could talk to the Security Chief to release those affects, probably her uniforms.

    What did you have in mind?

    Ghani: It is more of a therapy for James to close his feelings on the matter. I don't think James wants to bother anyone with it.

    Sasha: *narrows her eyes trying to size up what is really going through her head. * I don't see why not. I will ask...

    *OOC: Pretty sure I did not have a security chief on the ship right now. *

    Security Chief: Yes, Commander?
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: trying to think of something to do with the star fleet academy bit

    *OOC: Take your time... I think it should be an interesting bit to see with all that wreckage. A city, countless starships debris raining down, Elibisi firing on what defenses were on the ground, so I dunno... I do want to tackle some things that are not the usual we have done before. *

    *The expedition is crossing through a wreckage of a burned out cafe... *

    Terry: Went there more than once when I was at the academy, and while I was stationed here.

    *He knows Casval is not really paying attention but he does notice that Marshall is trying to read him.*

    Marshall: So your...

    Casval: Your Half brother of a sorts? You could call it that.

    Marshall: You do not seem bemused by this..

    Casval: I do not know you, I also do not know why you are here.

    Marshall: That was sort of an accident given I was in a fire fight...

    Casval: Some foolish notion of taking something back that was taken from you?

    Marshall: That is right! That throne is mine by right of birth. Not that swine.

    Casval: *snorts* Well forgive me brother... it seems you do not have the backing you need for such a feat. Besides do you even know how to rule or lead?

    Marshall: I...

    Casval: Of course not. I suggest you stop for a moment and consider your options...

    *he continues following the group...*

    Marshall: What options are those? *to himself...*

    *In the set up community James Jr... is surrounded by many astonished that they finally met the son of the Mahdi...*

    James Jr: This attention is something I dunno how to react to.

    Ghani: Well Ensign... it is expected, your father got us out of the thumb of the leadership that kept us on the planet.

    James Jr: True... though I do have a question...

    Ghani: What is it?

    James Jr: Did you join Starfleet to serve my father or explain that reasoning as I...

    Ghani: You want to know why? *she smirks* What is so confusing about serving others?

    James Jr: Nothing *having got his answer there.* I think you made it quite clear.

    Ghani: Well considering that we are going to be here for some time... How about we pick up from where we left off.

    *She shifts herself on the cushion in the prefab seat. *

    James Jr: *lets a small laugh out...* What are you curious about?

    Ghani: How did you feel seeing your godmother again.?

    James Jr: It felt good. Just wish we had more time. *He touches his temporary eye patch rubbing it to settle an itch.

    Ghani: That is good. It might help you to be around people that do care about you.

    James Jr: * his one good eye shifting away from Ghani's eyes* Yeah probably...

    Ghani: Something else on your mind?

    James Jr: I tried contacting my twin sister... I thought she would feel on that twin connection we have. Apparently not..

    Ghani: Maybe she was busy?

    James Jr: Maybe... though maybe trying to reach out was a mistake. Our last talk did not end that well. At least before I got blown the *** up...

    Ghani: I sense something happened before the bombing?

    James Jr: Yeah... *he looks at the ground... pained.*

    Ghani: Take your time James... don't push it out unless you feel you want to.

    James Jr: *snorts a small laugh*

    Ghani: *looking at him trying to figure out what was so funny...* What is so funny...

    James Jr: Nothing... just purile humor. *trying to hold back a chuckle..*

    Ghani: There is that deflection again.

    James Jr: I dunno really how to explain it.

    Ghani: Well try anyway... how bad could it be...

    *The Doctor is in the back of the building trying to get a grasp on the healing practices of the tribe and the tools.*

    James Jr: Well me and Cassi had a particularly intense relationship... she knew me and accepted me for who I was. Though, I knew that we had disagreements politically and philosophically...but I did not expect that she knew dissidents...

    Ghani: Go on..

    James Jr: Thing about me and her was that she did not mind if my eyes wavered to other women, she found that oddly fun. As long as nothing serious came of it. Well before the bombing... we came across a wrecked Federation ship, and its only survivor Sala...

    Ghani: Cassi did not like Sala did she?

    James Jr: No she didn't saw her as competition... and probably sees something that I do not. But after some time Sala wanted to talk and she had some trouble letting go of the idea that her crewmates died...

    Ghani: So... did your eye waver?

    James Jr: They did admittedly... but I did not act on it. Sala just wanted some company. She drank herself to sleep after talking...

    *he looks at his stump... almost ashamed.*

    Well the following morning.. Cassi found out, Casval found out, Mila found out... It got heated. I said something rather harsh because my own twin sister did not trust me to not be a complete dog.

    Ghani: Does anyone else know that nothing happened?

    James Jr: Casval... I think does. I dunno what happened though over the last year...

    Ghani: *feeling some pity for him* I am sorry...

    James Jr: Its not your fault... If anything it was sort of mine, for fostering that kind of image I have.

    Ghani: Maybe... but you did do the right thing.

    James Jr: The bombing happened not too long later... that is all I really remember happening...

    *He keeps what he recalls from his accidental trip in the veil to himself.*

    Ghani: *Not really catching on to that..redaction..* How does that make you feel?

    James Jr: Betrayed... angry... sad... now that Cassi is dead... It just amplifies it.

    *The Doctor in the back grumbles about something interrupting the impromptu session..*

    Doctor: This medicine is...illogical. On so many levels.

    Ghani: Is it the medicine man routine that bugs you sir? Old ways are sometimes hard to break for some.

    *OOC: God its hot here. Reminds me of that summer I did two football practices a day, with helmet, then full gear. whew.... *

    *OOC: Oh, try it here in East Anglia. With the exception of about 10 minutes of rain, we have had no rainfall for over a month now! In Britain! Usually we're lucky if we go a week without rainfall!*

    Doctor: I was referring more to the chemical composition.

    *OOC: Pretty sure my neck of the woods in the states is still pretty parched after three months. Not to mention 105-109 F for now the third day... Though the air conditioning I have does not cool the entire house. *

    Ghani: Ah yes... Do go on Doctor... What exactly were you looking for?

    *OOC: Okay, that's rough. The highest we've had was about the 30C mark for about a week-and-a-half.*

    Doctor: This medicine appears to seek to remedy bacterial infections by burning it off?! And this...*he points to a bowl of oil being boiled on a stove* is supposed to cauterise wounds! The pain and nervous damage would be extreme.

    Ghani: Yes, ways do change Doctor... I am sure the Shaman would find it an interesting talk, we also did not have much to work with including advanced technology. It is why there are still cast out that want to preserve the old ways... At least as much as I can recall from what my father told me. Integration will take its time despite resistance.

    James Jr: I seem to recall Doctor McCoy a couple centuries ago ranting about 20th century medicine.. Calling it I recall The Spanish Inquisition. If I recall the logs right.

    *There is a small snicker.*

    Ghani: Doctor, before we left the ship what had you and Falli abuzz...?

    *The expedition's drones are scanning through the ship wrecks and debris... Falli connected to them via retinal connection. *

    Casval: Falli what are we looking for exactly?

    Falli: Right now Starfleet Command, if the building still stands.

    Casval: Why so secretive?

    Falli: I keep forgetting that you are your father's son. We are looking for Starfleet Intelligence... and maybe Starfleet Medical facility. They may have something there that might come in handy... Not to mention Starfleet wants to catalogue the damage done to the facility...

    *As they proceed something watches them proceed through, no one really went through this place in years. They soon find old dead husks... Casval is unnerved as are the younger Innotankan scouts..*

    Terry: Long dead. They do not pose a threat, though keep your eyes open and stay alert. We don't know what is out here now.

    Doctor: Doctor-Patient confidentiality, I'm afraid.

    This one I'm pretty sure is just alcohol.

    James Jr: I guess I will have to contain my surprise Doctor. Can't be worse than the one I got when I woke up...

    Ghani: Speaking of... If the expression is correct... James... Those feelings are normal. You also never got that closure as things are moving fairly quickly.

    James Jr: How would I do that right now?

    Ghani: I could ask the Shaman... See how they would proceed with such a thing, though we will need a box of her stuff at least.

    James Jr: *He looks down with his one good eye... * Thanks.

    *On the Enterprise... Rekas and his brother are off duty in the recreation lounge... *

    Rekas: *After drinking a dry martini* Brother... I still do not get why humans drink this... what do they call it?

    Shekas: Rot gut... Cheap and easy to produce...

    *Sasha, Demora, and Alvin... are at another table.*

    Sasha: I wonder how James is doing...

    Alvin: He will be okay... in time probably.

    Sasha: It does make me wonder if the family will do a...

    Demora: I dunno why... She did cause his condition, and killed a good number of people. *She is fairly irritated at the mention of Cassi.*

    Sasha: Still Demora... we still should say goodbye despite what she did.

    Alvin: I dunno.

    *Sasha receives a comm link...*

    Sasha: Hmm... *she taps the holographic interface on her wrist.*

    Ghani: *On the comm* Commander...

    Sasha: What can I do for you Lt...

    Ghani: I need a box filled with Cassi's stuff.

    Sasha: Okay... I could talk to the Security Chief to release those affects, probably her uniforms.

    What did you have in mind?

    Ghani: It is more of a therapy for James to close his feelings on the matter. I don't think James wants to bother anyone with it.

    Sasha: *narrows her eyes trying to size up what is really going through her head. * I don't see why not. I will ask...

    *OOC: Pretty sure I did not have a security chief on the ship right now. *

    Security Chief: Yes, Commander?

    Sasha: The ship's counselor has asked me to hand this request to you, apparently it is required for a treatment. *She hands the Chief the pad...*
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: trying to think of something to do with the star fleet academy bit

    *OOC: Take your time... I think it should be an interesting bit to see with all that wreckage. A city, countless starships debris raining down, Elibisi firing on what defenses were on the ground, so I dunno... I do want to tackle some things that are not the usual we have done before. *

    *The expedition is crossing through a wreckage of a burned out cafe... *

    Terry: Went there more than once when I was at the academy, and while I was stationed here.

    *He knows Casval is not really paying attention but he does notice that Marshall is trying to read him.*

    Marshall: So your...

    Casval: Your Half brother of a sorts? You could call it that.

    Marshall: You do not seem bemused by this..

    Casval: I do not know you, I also do not know why you are here.

    Marshall: That was sort of an accident given I was in a fire fight...

    Casval: Some foolish notion of taking something back that was taken from you?

    Marshall: That is right! That throne is mine by right of birth. Not that swine.

    Casval: *snorts* Well forgive me brother... it seems you do not have the backing you need for such a feat. Besides do you even know how to rule or lead?

    Marshall: I...

    Casval: Of course not. I suggest you stop for a moment and consider your options...

    *he continues following the group...*

    Marshall: What options are those? *to himself...*

    *In the set up community James Jr... is surrounded by many astonished that they finally met the son of the Mahdi...*

    James Jr: This attention is something I dunno how to react to.

    Ghani: Well Ensign... it is expected, your father got us out of the thumb of the leadership that kept us on the planet.

    James Jr: True... though I do have a question...

    Ghani: What is it?

    James Jr: Did you join Starfleet to serve my father or explain that reasoning as I...

    Ghani: You want to know why? *she smirks* What is so confusing about serving others?

    James Jr: Nothing *having got his answer there.* I think you made it quite clear.

    Ghani: Well considering that we are going to be here for some time... How about we pick up from where we left off.

    *She shifts herself on the cushion in the prefab seat. *

    James Jr: *lets a small laugh out...* What are you curious about?

    Ghani: How did you feel seeing your godmother again.?

    James Jr: It felt good. Just wish we had more time. *He touches his temporary eye patch rubbing it to settle an itch.

    Ghani: That is good. It might help you to be around people that do care about you.

    James Jr: * his one good eye shifting away from Ghani's eyes* Yeah probably...

    Ghani: Something else on your mind?

    James Jr: I tried contacting my twin sister... I thought she would feel on that twin connection we have. Apparently not..

    Ghani: Maybe she was busy?

    James Jr: Maybe... though maybe trying to reach out was a mistake. Our last talk did not end that well. At least before I got blown the *** up...

    Ghani: I sense something happened before the bombing?

    James Jr: Yeah... *he looks at the ground... pained.*

    Ghani: Take your time James... don't push it out unless you feel you want to.

    James Jr: *snorts a small laugh*

    Ghani: *looking at him trying to figure out what was so funny...* What is so funny...

    James Jr: Nothing... just purile humor. *trying to hold back a chuckle..*

    Ghani: There is that deflection again.

    James Jr: I dunno really how to explain it.

    Ghani: Well try anyway... how bad could it be...

    *The Doctor is in the back of the building trying to get a grasp on the healing practices of the tribe and the tools.*

    James Jr: Well me and Cassi had a particularly intense relationship... she knew me and accepted me for who I was. Though, I knew that we had disagreements politically and philosophically...but I did not expect that she knew dissidents...

    Ghani: Go on..

    James Jr: Thing about me and her was that she did not mind if my eyes wavered to other women, she found that oddly fun. As long as nothing serious came of it. Well before the bombing... we came across a wrecked Federation ship, and its only survivor Sala...

    Ghani: Cassi did not like Sala did she?

    James Jr: No she didn't saw her as competition... and probably sees something that I do not. But after some time Sala wanted to talk and she had some trouble letting go of the idea that her crewmates died...

    Ghani: So... did your eye waver?

    James Jr: They did admittedly... but I did not act on it. Sala just wanted some company. She drank herself to sleep after talking...

    *he looks at his stump... almost ashamed.*

    Well the following morning.. Cassi found out, Casval found out, Mila found out... It got heated. I said something rather harsh because my own twin sister did not trust me to not be a complete dog.

    Ghani: Does anyone else know that nothing happened?

    James Jr: Casval... I think does. I dunno what happened though over the last year...

    Ghani: *feeling some pity for him* I am sorry...

    James Jr: Its not your fault... If anything it was sort of mine, for fostering that kind of image I have.

    Ghani: Maybe... but you did do the right thing.

    James Jr: The bombing happened not too long later... that is all I really remember happening...

    *He keeps what he recalls from his accidental trip in the veil to himself.*

    Ghani: *Not really catching on to that..redaction..* How does that make you feel?

    James Jr: Betrayed... angry... sad... now that Cassi is dead... It just amplifies it.

    *The Doctor in the back grumbles about something interrupting the impromptu session..*

    Doctor: This medicine is...illogical. On so many levels.

    Ghani: Is it the medicine man routine that bugs you sir? Old ways are sometimes hard to break for some.

    *OOC: God its hot here. Reminds me of that summer I did two football practices a day, with helmet, then full gear. whew.... *

    *OOC: Oh, try it here in East Anglia. With the exception of about 10 minutes of rain, we have had no rainfall for over a month now! In Britain! Usually we're lucky if we go a week without rainfall!*

    Doctor: I was referring more to the chemical composition.

    *OOC: Pretty sure my neck of the woods in the states is still pretty parched after three months. Not to mention 105-109 F for now the third day... Though the air conditioning I have does not cool the entire house. *

    Ghani: Ah yes... Do go on Doctor... What exactly were you looking for?

    *OOC: Okay, that's rough. The highest we've had was about the 30C mark for about a week-and-a-half.*

    Doctor: This medicine appears to seek to remedy bacterial infections by burning it off?! And this...*he points to a bowl of oil being boiled on a stove* is supposed to cauterise wounds! The pain and nervous damage would be extreme.

    Ghani: Yes, ways do change Doctor... I am sure the Shaman would find it an interesting talk, we also did not have much to work with including advanced technology. It is why there are still cast out that want to preserve the old ways... At least as much as I can recall from what my father told me. Integration will take its time despite resistance.

    James Jr: I seem to recall Doctor McCoy a couple centuries ago ranting about 20th century medicine.. Calling it I recall The Spanish Inquisition. If I recall the logs right.

    *There is a small snicker.*

    Ghani: Doctor, before we left the ship what had you and Falli abuzz...?

    *The expedition's drones are scanning through the ship wrecks and debris... Falli connected to them via retinal connection. *

    Casval: Falli what are we looking for exactly?

    Falli: Right now Starfleet Command, if the building still stands.

    Casval: Why so secretive?

    Falli: I keep forgetting that you are your father's son. We are looking for Starfleet Intelligence... and maybe Starfleet Medical facility. They may have something there that might come in handy... Not to mention Starfleet wants to catalogue the damage done to the facility...

    *As they proceed something watches them proceed through, no one really went through this place in years. They soon find old dead husks... Casval is unnerved as are the younger Innotankan scouts..*

    Terry: Long dead. They do not pose a threat, though keep your eyes open and stay alert. We don't know what is out here now.

    Doctor: Doctor-Patient confidentiality, I'm afraid.

    This one I'm pretty sure is just alcohol.

    James Jr: I guess I will have to contain my surprise Doctor. Can't be worse than the one I got when I woke up...

    Ghani: Speaking of... If the expression is correct... James... Those feelings are normal. You also never got that closure as things are moving fairly quickly.

    James Jr: How would I do that right now?

    Ghani: I could ask the Shaman... See how they would proceed with such a thing, though we will need a box of her stuff at least.

    James Jr: *He looks down with his one good eye... * Thanks.

    *On the Enterprise... Rekas and his brother are off duty in the recreation lounge... *

    Rekas: *After drinking a dry martini* Brother... I still do not get why humans drink this... what do they call it?

    Shekas: Rot gut... Cheap and easy to produce...

    *Sasha, Demora, and Alvin... are at another table.*

    Sasha: I wonder how James is doing...

    Alvin: He will be okay... in time probably.

    Sasha: It does make me wonder if the family will do a...

    Demora: I dunno why... She did cause his condition, and killed a good number of people. *She is fairly irritated at the mention of Cassi.*

    Sasha: Still Demora... we still should say goodbye despite what she did.

    Alvin: I dunno.

    *Sasha receives a comm link...*

    Sasha: Hmm... *she taps the holographic interface on her wrist.*

    Ghani: *On the comm* Commander...

    Sasha: What can I do for you Lt...

    Ghani: I need a box filled with Cassi's stuff.

    Sasha: Okay... I could talk to the Security Chief to release those affects, probably her uniforms.

    What did you have in mind?

    Ghani: It is more of a therapy for James to close his feelings on the matter. I don't think James wants to bother anyone with it.

    Sasha: *narrows her eyes trying to size up what is really going through her head. * I don't see why not. I will ask...

    *OOC: Pretty sure I did not have a security chief on the ship right now. *

    Security Chief: Yes, Commander?

    Sasha: The ship's counselor has asked me to hand this request to you, apparently it is required for a treatment. *She hands the Chief the pad...*

    Security Chief: Well, normally we wouldn't release the personal effects to anyone outside the family, but if this is for a member of the family...

    I'll have someone put some of her effects together for transport.
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: trying to think of something to do with the star fleet academy bit

    *OOC: Take your time... I think it should be an interesting bit to see with all that wreckage. A city, countless starships debris raining down, Elibisi firing on what defenses were on the ground, so I dunno... I do want to tackle some things that are not the usual we have done before. *

    *The expedition is crossing through a wreckage of a burned out cafe... *

    Terry: Went there more than once when I was at the academy, and while I was stationed here.

    *He knows Casval is not really paying attention but he does notice that Marshall is trying to read him.*

    Marshall: So your...

    Casval: Your Half brother of a sorts? You could call it that.

    Marshall: You do not seem bemused by this..

    Casval: I do not know you, I also do not know why you are here.

    Marshall: That was sort of an accident given I was in a fire fight...

    Casval: Some foolish notion of taking something back that was taken from you?

    Marshall: That is right! That throne is mine by right of birth. Not that swine.

    Casval: *snorts* Well forgive me brother... it seems you do not have the backing you need for such a feat. Besides do you even know how to rule or lead?

    Marshall: I...

    Casval: Of course not. I suggest you stop for a moment and consider your options...

    *he continues following the group...*

    Marshall: What options are those? *to himself...*

    *In the set up community James Jr... is surrounded by many astonished that they finally met the son of the Mahdi...*

    James Jr: This attention is something I dunno how to react to.

    Ghani: Well Ensign... it is expected, your father got us out of the thumb of the leadership that kept us on the planet.

    James Jr: True... though I do have a question...

    Ghani: What is it?

    James Jr: Did you join Starfleet to serve my father or explain that reasoning as I...

    Ghani: You want to know why? *she smirks* What is so confusing about serving others?

    James Jr: Nothing *having got his answer there.* I think you made it quite clear.

    Ghani: Well considering that we are going to be here for some time... How about we pick up from where we left off.

    *She shifts herself on the cushion in the prefab seat. *

    James Jr: *lets a small laugh out...* What are you curious about?

    Ghani: How did you feel seeing your godmother again.?

    James Jr: It felt good. Just wish we had more time. *He touches his temporary eye patch rubbing it to settle an itch.

    Ghani: That is good. It might help you to be around people that do care about you.

    James Jr: * his one good eye shifting away from Ghani's eyes* Yeah probably...

    Ghani: Something else on your mind?

    James Jr: I tried contacting my twin sister... I thought she would feel on that twin connection we have. Apparently not..

    Ghani: Maybe she was busy?

    James Jr: Maybe... though maybe trying to reach out was a mistake. Our last talk did not end that well. At least before I got blown the *** up...

    Ghani: I sense something happened before the bombing?

    James Jr: Yeah... *he looks at the ground... pained.*

    Ghani: Take your time James... don't push it out unless you feel you want to.

    James Jr: *snorts a small laugh*

    Ghani: *looking at him trying to figure out what was so funny...* What is so funny...

    James Jr: Nothing... just purile humor. *trying to hold back a chuckle..*

    Ghani: There is that deflection again.

    James Jr: I dunno really how to explain it.

    Ghani: Well try anyway... how bad could it be...

    *The Doctor is in the back of the building trying to get a grasp on the healing practices of the tribe and the tools.*

    James Jr: Well me and Cassi had a particularly intense relationship... she knew me and accepted me for who I was. Though, I knew that we had disagreements politically and philosophically...but I did not expect that she knew dissidents...

    Ghani: Go on..

    James Jr: Thing about me and her was that she did not mind if my eyes wavered to other women, she found that oddly fun. As long as nothing serious came of it. Well before the bombing... we came across a wrecked Federation ship, and its only survivor Sala...

    Ghani: Cassi did not like Sala did she?

    James Jr: No she didn't saw her as competition... and probably sees something that I do not. But after some time Sala wanted to talk and she had some trouble letting go of the idea that her crewmates died...

    Ghani: So... did your eye waver?

    James Jr: They did admittedly... but I did not act on it. Sala just wanted some company. She drank herself to sleep after talking...

    *he looks at his stump... almost ashamed.*

    Well the following morning.. Cassi found out, Casval found out, Mila found out... It got heated. I said something rather harsh because my own twin sister did not trust me to not be a complete dog.

    Ghani: Does anyone else know that nothing happened?

    James Jr: Casval... I think does. I dunno what happened though over the last year...

    Ghani: *feeling some pity for him* I am sorry...

    James Jr: Its not your fault... If anything it was sort of mine, for fostering that kind of image I have.

    Ghani: Maybe... but you did do the right thing.

    James Jr: The bombing happened not too long later... that is all I really remember happening...

    *He keeps what he recalls from his accidental trip in the veil to himself.*

    Ghani: *Not really catching on to that..redaction..* How does that make you feel?

    James Jr: Betrayed... angry... sad... now that Cassi is dead... It just amplifies it.

    *The Doctor in the back grumbles about something interrupting the impromptu session..*

    Doctor: This medicine is...illogical. On so many levels.

    Ghani: Is it the medicine man routine that bugs you sir? Old ways are sometimes hard to break for some.

    *OOC: God its hot here. Reminds me of that summer I did two football practices a day, with helmet, then full gear. whew.... *

    *OOC: Oh, try it here in East Anglia. With the exception of about 10 minutes of rain, we have had no rainfall for over a month now! In Britain! Usually we're lucky if we go a week without rainfall!*

    Doctor: I was referring more to the chemical composition.

    *OOC: Pretty sure my neck of the woods in the states is still pretty parched after three months. Not to mention 105-109 F for now the third day... Though the air conditioning I have does not cool the entire house. *

    Ghani: Ah yes... Do go on Doctor... What exactly were you looking for?

    *OOC: Okay, that's rough. The highest we've had was about the 30C mark for about a week-and-a-half.*

    Doctor: This medicine appears to seek to remedy bacterial infections by burning it off?! And this...*he points to a bowl of oil being boiled on a stove* is supposed to cauterise wounds! The pain and nervous damage would be extreme.

    Ghani: Yes, ways do change Doctor... I am sure the Shaman would find it an interesting talk, we also did not have much to work with including advanced technology. It is why there are still cast out that want to preserve the old ways... At least as much as I can recall from what my father told me. Integration will take its time despite resistance.

    James Jr: I seem to recall Doctor McCoy a couple centuries ago ranting about 20th century medicine.. Calling it I recall The Spanish Inquisition. If I recall the logs right.

    *There is a small snicker.*

    Ghani: Doctor, before we left the ship what had you and Falli abuzz...?

    *The expedition's drones are scanning through the ship wrecks and debris... Falli connected to them via retinal connection. *

    Casval: Falli what are we looking for exactly?

    Falli: Right now Starfleet Command, if the building still stands.

    Casval: Why so secretive?

    Falli: I keep forgetting that you are your father's son. We are looking for Starfleet Intelligence... and maybe Starfleet Medical facility. They may have something there that might come in handy... Not to mention Starfleet wants to catalogue the damage done to the facility...

    *As they proceed something watches them proceed through, no one really went through this place in years. They soon find old dead husks... Casval is unnerved as are the younger Innotankan scouts..*

    Terry: Long dead. They do not pose a threat, though keep your eyes open and stay alert. We don't know what is out here now.

    Doctor: Doctor-Patient confidentiality, I'm afraid.

    This one I'm pretty sure is just alcohol.

    James Jr: I guess I will have to contain my surprise Doctor. Can't be worse than the one I got when I woke up...

    Ghani: Speaking of... If the expression is correct... James... Those feelings are normal. You also never got that closure as things are moving fairly quickly.

    James Jr: How would I do that right now?

    Ghani: I could ask the Shaman... See how they would proceed with such a thing, though we will need a box of her stuff at least.

    James Jr: *He looks down with his one good eye... * Thanks.

    *On the Enterprise... Rekas and his brother are off duty in the recreation lounge... *

    Rekas: *After drinking a dry martini* Brother... I still do not get why humans drink this... what do they call it?

    Shekas: Rot gut... Cheap and easy to produce...

    *Sasha, Demora, and Alvin... are at another table.*

    Sasha: I wonder how James is doing...

    Alvin: He will be okay... in time probably.

    Sasha: It does make me wonder if the family will do a...

    Demora: I dunno why... She did cause his condition, and killed a good number of people. *She is fairly irritated at the mention of Cassi.*

    Sasha: Still Demora... we still should say goodbye despite what she did.

    Alvin: I dunno.

    *Sasha receives a comm link...*

    Sasha: Hmm... *she taps the holographic interface on her wrist.*

    Ghani: *On the comm* Commander...

    Sasha: What can I do for you Lt...

    Ghani: I need a box filled with Cassi's stuff.

    Sasha: Okay... I could talk to the Security Chief to release those affects, probably her uniforms.

    What did you have in mind?

    Ghani: It is more of a therapy for James to close his feelings on the matter. I don't think James wants to bother anyone with it.

    Sasha: *narrows her eyes trying to size up what is really going through her head. * I don't see why not. I will ask...

    *OOC: Pretty sure I did not have a security chief on the ship right now. *

    Security Chief: Yes, Commander?

    Sasha: The ship's counselor has asked me to hand this request to you, apparently it is required for a treatment. *She hands the Chief the pad...*

    Security Chief: Well, normally we wouldn't release the personal effects to anyone outside the family, but if this is for a member of the family...

    I'll have someone put some of her effects together for transport.

    Sasha: Yes Sir.. Thank you sir.. I know your on temporary assignment on the ship while Starfleet finds another officer, I wish you luck.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: trying to think of something to do with the star fleet academy bit

    *OOC: Take your time... I think it should be an interesting bit to see with all that wreckage. A city, countless starships debris raining down, Elibisi firing on what defenses were on the ground, so I dunno... I do want to tackle some things that are not the usual we have done before. *

    *The expedition is crossing through a wreckage of a burned out cafe... *

    Terry: Went there more than once when I was at the academy, and while I was stationed here.

    *He knows Casval is not really paying attention but he does notice that Marshall is trying to read him.*

    Marshall: So your...

    Casval: Your Half brother of a sorts? You could call it that.

    Marshall: You do not seem bemused by this..

    Casval: I do not know you, I also do not know why you are here.

    Marshall: That was sort of an accident given I was in a fire fight...

    Casval: Some foolish notion of taking something back that was taken from you?

    Marshall: That is right! That throne is mine by right of birth. Not that swine.

    Casval: *snorts* Well forgive me brother... it seems you do not have the backing you need for such a feat. Besides do you even know how to rule or lead?

    Marshall: I...

    Casval: Of course not. I suggest you stop for a moment and consider your options...

    *he continues following the group...*

    Marshall: What options are those? *to himself...*

    *In the set up community James Jr... is surrounded by many astonished that they finally met the son of the Mahdi...*

    James Jr: This attention is something I dunno how to react to.

    Ghani: Well Ensign... it is expected, your father got us out of the thumb of the leadership that kept us on the planet.

    James Jr: True... though I do have a question...

    Ghani: What is it?

    James Jr: Did you join Starfleet to serve my father or explain that reasoning as I...

    Ghani: You want to know why? *she smirks* What is so confusing about serving others?

    James Jr: Nothing *having got his answer there.* I think you made it quite clear.

    Ghani: Well considering that we are going to be here for some time... How about we pick up from where we left off.

    *She shifts herself on the cushion in the prefab seat. *

    James Jr: *lets a small laugh out...* What are you curious about?

    Ghani: How did you feel seeing your godmother again.?

    James Jr: It felt good. Just wish we had more time. *He touches his temporary eye patch rubbing it to settle an itch.

    Ghani: That is good. It might help you to be around people that do care about you.

    James Jr: * his one good eye shifting away from Ghani's eyes* Yeah probably...

    Ghani: Something else on your mind?

    James Jr: I tried contacting my twin sister... I thought she would feel on that twin connection we have. Apparently not..

    Ghani: Maybe she was busy?

    James Jr: Maybe... though maybe trying to reach out was a mistake. Our last talk did not end that well. At least before I got blown the *** up...

    Ghani: I sense something happened before the bombing?

    James Jr: Yeah... *he looks at the ground... pained.*

    Ghani: Take your time James... don't push it out unless you feel you want to.

    James Jr: *snorts a small laugh*

    Ghani: *looking at him trying to figure out what was so funny...* What is so funny...

    James Jr: Nothing... just purile humor. *trying to hold back a chuckle..*

    Ghani: There is that deflection again.

    James Jr: I dunno really how to explain it.

    Ghani: Well try anyway... how bad could it be...

    *The Doctor is in the back of the building trying to get a grasp on the healing practices of the tribe and the tools.*

    James Jr: Well me and Cassi had a particularly intense relationship... she knew me and accepted me for who I was. Though, I knew that we had disagreements politically and philosophically...but I did not expect that she knew dissidents...

    Ghani: Go on..

    James Jr: Thing about me and her was that she did not mind if my eyes wavered to other women, she found that oddly fun. As long as nothing serious came of it. Well before the bombing... we came across a wrecked Federation ship, and its only survivor Sala...

    Ghani: Cassi did not like Sala did she?

    James Jr: No she didn't saw her as competition... and probably sees something that I do not. But after some time Sala wanted to talk and she had some trouble letting go of the idea that her crewmates died...

    Ghani: So... did your eye waver?

    James Jr: They did admittedly... but I did not act on it. Sala just wanted some company. She drank herself to sleep after talking...

    *he looks at his stump... almost ashamed.*

    Well the following morning.. Cassi found out, Casval found out, Mila found out... It got heated. I said something rather harsh because my own twin sister did not trust me to not be a complete dog.

    Ghani: Does anyone else know that nothing happened?

    James Jr: Casval... I think does. I dunno what happened though over the last year...

    Ghani: *feeling some pity for him* I am sorry...

    James Jr: Its not your fault... If anything it was sort of mine, for fostering that kind of image I have.

    Ghani: Maybe... but you did do the right thing.

    James Jr: The bombing happened not too long later... that is all I really remember happening...

    *He keeps what he recalls from his accidental trip in the veil to himself.*

    Ghani: *Not really catching on to that..redaction..* How does that make you feel?

    James Jr: Betrayed... angry... sad... now that Cassi is dead... It just amplifies it.

    *The Doctor in the back grumbles about something interrupting the impromptu session..*

    Doctor: This medicine is...illogical. On so many levels.

    Ghani: Is it the medicine man routine that bugs you sir? Old ways are sometimes hard to break for some.

    *OOC: God its hot here. Reminds me of that summer I did two football practices a day, with helmet, then full gear. whew.... *

    *OOC: Oh, try it here in East Anglia. With the exception of about 10 minutes of rain, we have had no rainfall for over a month now! In Britain! Usually we're lucky if we go a week without rainfall!*

    Doctor: I was referring more to the chemical composition.

    *OOC: Pretty sure my neck of the woods in the states is still pretty parched after three months. Not to mention 105-109 F for now the third day... Though the air conditioning I have does not cool the entire house. *

    Ghani: Ah yes... Do go on Doctor... What exactly were you looking for?

    *OOC: Okay, that's rough. The highest we've had was about the 30C mark for about a week-and-a-half.*

    Doctor: This medicine appears to seek to remedy bacterial infections by burning it off?! And this...*he points to a bowl of oil being boiled on a stove* is supposed to cauterise wounds! The pain and nervous damage would be extreme.

    Ghani: Yes, ways do change Doctor... I am sure the Shaman would find it an interesting talk, we also did not have much to work with including advanced technology. It is why there are still cast out that want to preserve the old ways... At least as much as I can recall from what my father told me. Integration will take its time despite resistance.

    James Jr: I seem to recall Doctor McCoy a couple centuries ago ranting about 20th century medicine.. Calling it I recall The Spanish Inquisition. If I recall the logs right.

    *There is a small snicker.*

    Ghani: Doctor, before we left the ship what had you and Falli abuzz...?

    *The expedition's drones are scanning through the ship wrecks and debris... Falli connected to them via retinal connection. *

    Casval: Falli what are we looking for exactly?

    Falli: Right now Starfleet Command, if the building still stands.

    Casval: Why so secretive?

    Falli: I keep forgetting that you are your father's son. We are looking for Starfleet Intelligence... and maybe Starfleet Medical facility. They may have something there that might come in handy... Not to mention Starfleet wants to catalogue the damage done to the facility...

    *As they proceed something watches them proceed through, no one really went through this place in years. They soon find old dead husks... Casval is unnerved as are the younger Innotankan scouts..*

    Terry: Long dead. They do not pose a threat, though keep your eyes open and stay alert. We don't know what is out here now.

    Doctor: Doctor-Patient confidentiality, I'm afraid.

    This one I'm pretty sure is just alcohol.

    James Jr: I guess I will have to contain my surprise Doctor. Can't be worse than the one I got when I woke up...

    Ghani: Speaking of... If the expression is correct... James... Those feelings are normal. You also never got that closure as things are moving fairly quickly.

    James Jr: How would I do that right now?

    Ghani: I could ask the Shaman... See how they would proceed with such a thing, though we will need a box of her stuff at least.

    James Jr: *He looks down with his one good eye... * Thanks.

    *On the Enterprise... Rekas and his brother are off duty in the recreation lounge... *

    Rekas: *After drinking a dry martini* Brother... I still do not get why humans drink this... what do they call it?

    Shekas: Rot gut... Cheap and easy to produce...

    *Sasha, Demora, and Alvin... are at another table.*

    Sasha: I wonder how James is doing...

    Alvin: He will be okay... in time probably.

    Sasha: It does make me wonder if the family will do a...

    Demora: I dunno why... She did cause his condition, and killed a good number of people. *She is fairly irritated at the mention of Cassi.*

    Sasha: Still Demora... we still should say goodbye despite what she did.

    Alvin: I dunno.

    *Sasha receives a comm link...*

    Sasha: Hmm... *she taps the holographic interface on her wrist.*

    Ghani: *On the comm* Commander...

    Sasha: What can I do for you Lt...

    Ghani: I need a box filled with Cassi's stuff.

    Sasha: Okay... I could talk to the Security Chief to release those affects, probably her uniforms.

    What did you have in mind?

    Ghani: It is more of a therapy for James to close his feelings on the matter. I don't think James wants to bother anyone with it.

    Sasha: *narrows her eyes trying to size up what is really going through her head. * I don't see why not. I will ask...

    *OOC: Pretty sure I did not have a security chief on the ship right now. *

    Security Chief: Yes, Commander?

    Sasha: The ship's counselor has asked me to hand this request to you, apparently it is required for a treatment. *She hands the Chief the pad...*

    Security Chief: Well, normally we wouldn't release the personal effects to anyone outside the family, but if this is for a member of the family...

    I'll have someone put some of her effects together for transport.

    Sasha: Yes Sir.. Thank you sir.. I know your on temporary assignment on the ship while Starfleet finds another officer, I wish you luck.

    *He nods and leaves. About 30 minutes later, the box with Cassi's things is beamed down.*
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Corvus moves slightly to better his view as a VGA major gets down beside him.

    Maj. Massi: I don’t think we should remain here for to much longer. It’s not a secure position. If we are going to take them we need to do it quickly.

    Corvus: we move when I say. I’m curious as to why they have returned here after so long. We may also be able to learn why he is here as well.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,247 Arc User
    *Mila manages to but Johanna jumps up using her weight to slam Mila down again*


    *Susan struggle with her trying to trip her*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Mila manages to but Johanna jumps up using her weight to slam Mila down again*


    *Susan struggle with her trying to trip her*

    *Mila keeps the lock on and throws a couple of knees into Johanna's side on the ground.

    Ziyal. Karen avoids it and tries to knee her.*
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,247 Arc User
    *Johanna does a reverse headbutt but just winds up hurting herself and elbows you*


    *Susan let's go and grabs the knee and pulls*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Johanna does a reverse headbutt but just winds up hurting herself and elbows you*


    *Susan let's go and grabs the knee and pulls*

    *Mila grunts and backs off.

    Ziyal. She takes Karen down, but Karen tries to lock a headscissors while Susan has her leg.*

    Karen: This all you got?
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,247 Arc User
    *Johanna backs off too her species super adrenaline kicking in a bit*

    Johanna: Hold up... need to replicate a hypospray. Adrenaline's getting too high. It's not dangerous for me but when my species gets pumped we get stronger than klingons.


    Susan: No. *She starts punching you*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Johanna backs off too her species super adrenaline kicking in a bit*

    Johanna: Hold up... need to replicate a hypospray. Adrenaline's getting too high. It's not dangerous for me but when my species gets pumped we get stronger than klingons.


    Susan: No. *She starts punching you*

    Mila: Okay.

    *Tora Ziyal. Karen blocks and catches a punch, trying to pull her into an armbar as well as the headscissors.*
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    After a feed hours Hammond leaves the room looking frustrated and tired.

    Lenox: that good I take it.

    Hammond: you could say that.

    Lenox: let me guess Carsick and the undine are our problem.

    Hammond: in short yes. They don’t feel a need to send any more ships to help.

    Lenox: well that isn’t helpful.

    Hammond: no it isn’t. Any word on carsicks location.

    Lenox: not yet but we are still searching.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,247 Arc User
    *Johanna injects herself with a hypo and calms down her body releasing some pheromones as a calming agent as the hypo triggers a natural response*

    Johanna: Sorry when we've spared before we haven't gone this rough before. And usually I take pills to keep my adrenaline from getting too high so I don't break someone's arm. But uh haven't been getting them in here. They're difficult to replicate directly.


    *She manages to get the arm bar but not the headscissors as Susan starts kicking her repeatedly*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: that moment I remember I have a clone Rommel running around I haven’t touched in ages.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: trying to think of something to do with the star fleet academy bit

    *OOC: Take your time... I think it should be an interesting bit to see with all that wreckage. A city, countless starships debris raining down, Elibisi firing on what defenses were on the ground, so I dunno... I do want to tackle some things that are not the usual we have done before. *

    *The expedition is crossing through a wreckage of a burned out cafe... *

    Terry: Went there more than once when I was at the academy, and while I was stationed here.

    *He knows Casval is not really paying attention but he does notice that Marshall is trying to read him.*

    Marshall: So your...

    Casval: Your Half brother of a sorts? You could call it that.

    Marshall: You do not seem bemused by this..

    Casval: I do not know you, I also do not know why you are here.

    Marshall: That was sort of an accident given I was in a fire fight...

    Casval: Some foolish notion of taking something back that was taken from you?

    Marshall: That is right! That throne is mine by right of birth. Not that swine.

    Casval: *snorts* Well forgive me brother... it seems you do not have the backing you need for such a feat. Besides do you even know how to rule or lead?

    Marshall: I...

    Casval: Of course not. I suggest you stop for a moment and consider your options...

    *he continues following the group...*

    Marshall: What options are those? *to himself...*

    *In the set up community James Jr... is surrounded by many astonished that they finally met the son of the Mahdi...*

    James Jr: This attention is something I dunno how to react to.

    Ghani: Well Ensign... it is expected, your father got us out of the thumb of the leadership that kept us on the planet.

    James Jr: True... though I do have a question...

    Ghani: What is it?

    James Jr: Did you join Starfleet to serve my father or explain that reasoning as I...

    Ghani: You want to know why? *she smirks* What is so confusing about serving others?

    James Jr: Nothing *having got his answer there.* I think you made it quite clear.

    Ghani: Well considering that we are going to be here for some time... How about we pick up from where we left off.

    *She shifts herself on the cushion in the prefab seat. *

    James Jr: *lets a small laugh out...* What are you curious about?

    Ghani: How did you feel seeing your godmother again.?

    James Jr: It felt good. Just wish we had more time. *He touches his temporary eye patch rubbing it to settle an itch.

    Ghani: That is good. It might help you to be around people that do care about you.

    James Jr: * his one good eye shifting away from Ghani's eyes* Yeah probably...

    Ghani: Something else on your mind?

    James Jr: I tried contacting my twin sister... I thought she would feel on that twin connection we have. Apparently not..

    Ghani: Maybe she was busy?

    James Jr: Maybe... though maybe trying to reach out was a mistake. Our last talk did not end that well. At least before I got blown the *** up...

    Ghani: I sense something happened before the bombing?

    James Jr: Yeah... *he looks at the ground... pained.*

    Ghani: Take your time James... don't push it out unless you feel you want to.

    James Jr: *snorts a small laugh*

    Ghani: *looking at him trying to figure out what was so funny...* What is so funny...

    James Jr: Nothing... just purile humor. *trying to hold back a chuckle..*

    Ghani: There is that deflection again.

    James Jr: I dunno really how to explain it.

    Ghani: Well try anyway... how bad could it be...

    *The Doctor is in the back of the building trying to get a grasp on the healing practices of the tribe and the tools.*

    James Jr: Well me and Cassi had a particularly intense relationship... she knew me and accepted me for who I was. Though, I knew that we had disagreements politically and philosophically...but I did not expect that she knew dissidents...

    Ghani: Go on..

    James Jr: Thing about me and her was that she did not mind if my eyes wavered to other women, she found that oddly fun. As long as nothing serious came of it. Well before the bombing... we came across a wrecked Federation ship, and its only survivor Sala...

    Ghani: Cassi did not like Sala did she?

    James Jr: No she didn't saw her as competition... and probably sees something that I do not. But after some time Sala wanted to talk and she had some trouble letting go of the idea that her crewmates died...

    Ghani: So... did your eye waver?

    James Jr: They did admittedly... but I did not act on it. Sala just wanted some company. She drank herself to sleep after talking...

    *he looks at his stump... almost ashamed.*

    Well the following morning.. Cassi found out, Casval found out, Mila found out... It got heated. I said something rather harsh because my own twin sister did not trust me to not be a complete dog.

    Ghani: Does anyone else know that nothing happened?

    James Jr: Casval... I think does. I dunno what happened though over the last year...

    Ghani: *feeling some pity for him* I am sorry...

    James Jr: Its not your fault... If anything it was sort of mine, for fostering that kind of image I have.

    Ghani: Maybe... but you did do the right thing.

    James Jr: The bombing happened not too long later... that is all I really remember happening...

    *He keeps what he recalls from his accidental trip in the veil to himself.*

    Ghani: *Not really catching on to that..redaction..* How does that make you feel?

    James Jr: Betrayed... angry... sad... now that Cassi is dead... It just amplifies it.

    *The Doctor in the back grumbles about something interrupting the impromptu session..*

    Doctor: This medicine is...illogical. On so many levels.

    Ghani: Is it the medicine man routine that bugs you sir? Old ways are sometimes hard to break for some.

    *OOC: God its hot here. Reminds me of that summer I did two football practices a day, with helmet, then full gear. whew.... *

    *OOC: Oh, try it here in East Anglia. With the exception of about 10 minutes of rain, we have had no rainfall for over a month now! In Britain! Usually we're lucky if we go a week without rainfall!*

    Doctor: I was referring more to the chemical composition.

    *OOC: Pretty sure my neck of the woods in the states is still pretty parched after three months. Not to mention 105-109 F for now the third day... Though the air conditioning I have does not cool the entire house. *

    Ghani: Ah yes... Do go on Doctor... What exactly were you looking for?

    *OOC: Okay, that's rough. The highest we've had was about the 30C mark for about a week-and-a-half.*

    Doctor: This medicine appears to seek to remedy bacterial infections by burning it off?! And this...*he points to a bowl of oil being boiled on a stove* is supposed to cauterise wounds! The pain and nervous damage would be extreme.

    Ghani: Yes, ways do change Doctor... I am sure the Shaman would find it an interesting talk, we also did not have much to work with including advanced technology. It is why there are still cast out that want to preserve the old ways... At least as much as I can recall from what my father told me. Integration will take its time despite resistance.

    James Jr: I seem to recall Doctor McCoy a couple centuries ago ranting about 20th century medicine.. Calling it I recall The Spanish Inquisition. If I recall the logs right.

    *There is a small snicker.*

    Ghani: Doctor, before we left the ship what had you and Falli abuzz...?

    *The expedition's drones are scanning through the ship wrecks and debris... Falli connected to them via retinal connection. *

    Casval: Falli what are we looking for exactly?

    Falli: Right now Starfleet Command, if the building still stands.

    Casval: Why so secretive?

    Falli: I keep forgetting that you are your father's son. We are looking for Starfleet Intelligence... and maybe Starfleet Medical facility. They may have something there that might come in handy... Not to mention Starfleet wants to catalogue the damage done to the facility...

    *As they proceed something watches them proceed through, no one really went through this place in years. They soon find old dead husks... Casval is unnerved as are the younger Innotankan scouts..*

    Terry: Long dead. They do not pose a threat, though keep your eyes open and stay alert. We don't know what is out here now.

    Doctor: Doctor-Patient confidentiality, I'm afraid.

    This one I'm pretty sure is just alcohol.

    James Jr: I guess I will have to contain my surprise Doctor. Can't be worse than the one I got when I woke up...

    Ghani: Speaking of... If the expression is correct... James... Those feelings are normal. You also never got that closure as things are moving fairly quickly.

    James Jr: How would I do that right now?

    Ghani: I could ask the Shaman... See how they would proceed with such a thing, though we will need a box of her stuff at least.

    James Jr: *He looks down with his one good eye... * Thanks.

    *On the Enterprise... Rekas and his brother are off duty in the recreation lounge... *

    Rekas: *After drinking a dry martini* Brother... I still do not get why humans drink this... what do they call it?

    Shekas: Rot gut... Cheap and easy to produce...

    *Sasha, Demora, and Alvin... are at another table.*

    Sasha: I wonder how James is doing...

    Alvin: He will be okay... in time probably.

    Sasha: It does make me wonder if the family will do a...

    Demora: I dunno why... She did cause his condition, and killed a good number of people. *She is fairly irritated at the mention of Cassi.*

    Sasha: Still Demora... we still should say goodbye despite what she did.

    Alvin: I dunno.

    *Sasha receives a comm link...*

    Sasha: Hmm... *she taps the holographic interface on her wrist.*

    Ghani: *On the comm* Commander...

    Sasha: What can I do for you Lt...

    Ghani: I need a box filled with Cassi's stuff.

    Sasha: Okay... I could talk to the Security Chief to release those affects, probably her uniforms.

    What did you have in mind?

    Ghani: It is more of a therapy for James to close his feelings on the matter. I don't think James wants to bother anyone with it.

    Sasha: *narrows her eyes trying to size up what is really going through her head. * I don't see why not. I will ask...

    *OOC: Pretty sure I did not have a security chief on the ship right now. *

    Security Chief: Yes, Commander?

    Sasha: The ship's counselor has asked me to hand this request to you, apparently it is required for a treatment. *She hands the Chief the pad...*

    Security Chief: Well, normally we wouldn't release the personal effects to anyone outside the family, but if this is for a member of the family...

    I'll have someone put some of her effects together for transport.

    Sasha: Yes Sir.. Thank you sir.. I know your on temporary assignment on the ship while Starfleet finds another officer, I wish you luck.

    *He nods and leaves. About 30 minutes later, the box with Cassi's things is beamed down.*

    Ghani: *looking at the box, motions for the Shaman and his helpers...They take the box and the begin speaking their language again... She notices The Doctor watching... *

    I can give you a translation... and explain what they are doing. If you want me to sir..

    *James Jr is sitting in a rockface on his own, looking at the ruins ahead. In his good hand he has the picture with him... on his stump of an arm he took a simple cybernetic one and put it on. He is still getting used to the pain he feels in his arm, fingers, the hand, the wrist.. Phantom Pain they used to call it centuries ago. The Doctor insisted that it was known to happen. *

    *He hears a ruffle behind him and he shifts his head. *

    Individual: I thought I would find you hear...

    James Jr: *Lightly smiles* Hey lanky...

    Rachel: Its Rachel... and I heard you were down here.

    James Jr: I thought you were studying the possible uses of natural terraforming to restore this place.

    Rachel: Yeah, I was. Though I never get to see you guys much anymore.

    James Jr: I was sorry to hear about little Jon..

    *Rachel looks down and nods...*

    Rachel: Thanks... Mom never really was the same afterwards. Neither did Demora.

    James Jr: I can easily understand that.

    Rachel: Hearing about Cassi... I find it kind of hard to make sense of it.

    James Jr: I know... but even then I still care a great deal about her.

    Rachel: After what she did to you?

    James Jr: Even then. You see... *he makes room for his cousin...* When people stumble and lose their way... there is still some measure of hope that they will come back.

    Rachel: *smiles a little* Always the optimist...

    James Jr: Who would be if I wasn't... Where would we be?

  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    New Arcadia
    Unsc fleetcomm

    Sheridan: what happened?

    Tech: from the report the undine appeared and demanded a freighter be searched. The captain of the ship refused.

    Sheridan: where did it happen.

    Tech: in neutral space.

    Sheridan: thank you.

    He turns

    Virsio: we knew this was bound to happen.

    Sheridan: now everyone is going to be on edge even more.

    Virsio: we need to start prepping for an all out conflict. We know now it’s only a matter of time.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited July 2018
    *In a weathered realm The gloved being looks to his remaining horsemen...*

    Gloved Man: War...

    *He is still feeling the orb he collected from the USNC-Federation attack on the Borg. Decanus is still the firm control of the collective. But they are inactive for the moment. He is hesitant to unleash them onto the galaxy again. Cellos slithers around to him looking at the orb about the size of a baseball. *

    Cellos: *His beak like insect mouth betrays a smile...* You have fascinating toys...

    Gloved Man: *Annoyed* I do hope that is an expression, just remember your place, they will be pressed to fight us. Angel Halo is a ruin.. Regretable but that should not be a problem.

    *OOC: Hey Logan if you want to take this version of Shane... Think the Punisher but overriden to life by this thing to be his horseman of war. I think you can pull this off very well. Think biblical if you want.*
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Johanna injects herself with a hypo and calms down her body releasing some pheromones as a calming agent as the hypo triggers a natural response*

    Johanna: Sorry when we've spared before we haven't gone this rough before. And usually I take pills to keep my adrenaline from getting too high so I don't break someone's arm. But uh haven't been getting them in here. They're difficult to replicate directly.


    *She manages to get the arm bar but not the headscissors as Susan starts kicking her repeatedly*

    Mila: Don't worry about it. Ready?

    *Ziyal. Karen backs off as the kicks start hitting.*
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: trying to think of something to do with the star fleet academy bit

    *OOC: Take your time... I think it should be an interesting bit to see with all that wreckage. A city, countless starships debris raining down, Elibisi firing on what defenses were on the ground, so I dunno... I do want to tackle some things that are not the usual we have done before. *

    *The expedition is crossing through a wreckage of a burned out cafe... *

    Terry: Went there more than once when I was at the academy, and while I was stationed here.

    *He knows Casval is not really paying attention but he does notice that Marshall is trying to read him.*

    Marshall: So your...

    Casval: Your Half brother of a sorts? You could call it that.

    Marshall: You do not seem bemused by this..

    Casval: I do not know you, I also do not know why you are here.

    Marshall: That was sort of an accident given I was in a fire fight...

    Casval: Some foolish notion of taking something back that was taken from you?

    Marshall: That is right! That throne is mine by right of birth. Not that swine.

    Casval: *snorts* Well forgive me brother... it seems you do not have the backing you need for such a feat. Besides do you even know how to rule or lead?

    Marshall: I...

    Casval: Of course not. I suggest you stop for a moment and consider your options...

    *he continues following the group...*

    Marshall: What options are those? *to himself...*

    *In the set up community James Jr... is surrounded by many astonished that they finally met the son of the Mahdi...*

    James Jr: This attention is something I dunno how to react to.

    Ghani: Well Ensign... it is expected, your father got us out of the thumb of the leadership that kept us on the planet.

    James Jr: True... though I do have a question...

    Ghani: What is it?

    James Jr: Did you join Starfleet to serve my father or explain that reasoning as I...

    Ghani: You want to know why? *she smirks* What is so confusing about serving others?

    James Jr: Nothing *having got his answer there.* I think you made it quite clear.

    Ghani: Well considering that we are going to be here for some time... How about we pick up from where we left off.

    *She shifts herself on the cushion in the prefab seat. *

    James Jr: *lets a small laugh out...* What are you curious about?

    Ghani: How did you feel seeing your godmother again.?

    James Jr: It felt good. Just wish we had more time. *He touches his temporary eye patch rubbing it to settle an itch.

    Ghani: That is good. It might help you to be around people that do care about you.

    James Jr: * his one good eye shifting away from Ghani's eyes* Yeah probably...

    Ghani: Something else on your mind?

    James Jr: I tried contacting my twin sister... I thought she would feel on that twin connection we have. Apparently not..

    Ghani: Maybe she was busy?

    James Jr: Maybe... though maybe trying to reach out was a mistake. Our last talk did not end that well. At least before I got blown the *** up...

    Ghani: I sense something happened before the bombing?

    James Jr: Yeah... *he looks at the ground... pained.*

    Ghani: Take your time James... don't push it out unless you feel you want to.

    James Jr: *snorts a small laugh*

    Ghani: *looking at him trying to figure out what was so funny...* What is so funny...

    James Jr: Nothing... just purile humor. *trying to hold back a chuckle..*

    Ghani: There is that deflection again.

    James Jr: I dunno really how to explain it.

    Ghani: Well try anyway... how bad could it be...

    *The Doctor is in the back of the building trying to get a grasp on the healing practices of the tribe and the tools.*

    James Jr: Well me and Cassi had a particularly intense relationship... she knew me and accepted me for who I was. Though, I knew that we had disagreements politically and philosophically...but I did not expect that she knew dissidents...

    Ghani: Go on..

    James Jr: Thing about me and her was that she did not mind if my eyes wavered to other women, she found that oddly fun. As long as nothing serious came of it. Well before the bombing... we came across a wrecked Federation ship, and its only survivor Sala...

    Ghani: Cassi did not like Sala did she?

    James Jr: No she didn't saw her as competition... and probably sees something that I do not. But after some time Sala wanted to talk and she had some trouble letting go of the idea that her crewmates died...

    Ghani: So... did your eye waver?

    James Jr: They did admittedly... but I did not act on it. Sala just wanted some company. She drank herself to sleep after talking...

    *he looks at his stump... almost ashamed.*

    Well the following morning.. Cassi found out, Casval found out, Mila found out... It got heated. I said something rather harsh because my own twin sister did not trust me to not be a complete dog.

    Ghani: Does anyone else know that nothing happened?

    James Jr: Casval... I think does. I dunno what happened though over the last year...

    Ghani: *feeling some pity for him* I am sorry...

    James Jr: Its not your fault... If anything it was sort of mine, for fostering that kind of image I have.

    Ghani: Maybe... but you did do the right thing.

    James Jr: The bombing happened not too long later... that is all I really remember happening...

    *He keeps what he recalls from his accidental trip in the veil to himself.*

    Ghani: *Not really catching on to that..redaction..* How does that make you feel?

    James Jr: Betrayed... angry... sad... now that Cassi is dead... It just amplifies it.

    *The Doctor in the back grumbles about something interrupting the impromptu session..*

    Doctor: This medicine is...illogical. On so many levels.

    Ghani: Is it the medicine man routine that bugs you sir? Old ways are sometimes hard to break for some.

    *OOC: God its hot here. Reminds me of that summer I did two football practices a day, with helmet, then full gear. whew.... *

    *OOC: Oh, try it here in East Anglia. With the exception of about 10 minutes of rain, we have had no rainfall for over a month now! In Britain! Usually we're lucky if we go a week without rainfall!*

    Doctor: I was referring more to the chemical composition.

    *OOC: Pretty sure my neck of the woods in the states is still pretty parched after three months. Not to mention 105-109 F for now the third day... Though the air conditioning I have does not cool the entire house. *

    Ghani: Ah yes... Do go on Doctor... What exactly were you looking for?

    *OOC: Okay, that's rough. The highest we've had was about the 30C mark for about a week-and-a-half.*

    Doctor: This medicine appears to seek to remedy bacterial infections by burning it off?! And this...*he points to a bowl of oil being boiled on a stove* is supposed to cauterise wounds! The pain and nervous damage would be extreme.

    Ghani: Yes, ways do change Doctor... I am sure the Shaman would find it an interesting talk, we also did not have much to work with including advanced technology. It is why there are still cast out that want to preserve the old ways... At least as much as I can recall from what my father told me. Integration will take its time despite resistance.

    James Jr: I seem to recall Doctor McCoy a couple centuries ago ranting about 20th century medicine.. Calling it I recall The Spanish Inquisition. If I recall the logs right.

    *There is a small snicker.*

    Ghani: Doctor, before we left the ship what had you and Falli abuzz...?

    *The expedition's drones are scanning through the ship wrecks and debris... Falli connected to them via retinal connection. *

    Casval: Falli what are we looking for exactly?

    Falli: Right now Starfleet Command, if the building still stands.

    Casval: Why so secretive?

    Falli: I keep forgetting that you are your father's son. We are looking for Starfleet Intelligence... and maybe Starfleet Medical facility. They may have something there that might come in handy... Not to mention Starfleet wants to catalogue the damage done to the facility...

    *As they proceed something watches them proceed through, no one really went through this place in years. They soon find old dead husks... Casval is unnerved as are the younger Innotankan scouts..*

    Terry: Long dead. They do not pose a threat, though keep your eyes open and stay alert. We don't know what is out here now.

    Doctor: Doctor-Patient confidentiality, I'm afraid.

    This one I'm pretty sure is just alcohol.

    James Jr: I guess I will have to contain my surprise Doctor. Can't be worse than the one I got when I woke up...

    Ghani: Speaking of... If the expression is correct... James... Those feelings are normal. You also never got that closure as things are moving fairly quickly.

    James Jr: How would I do that right now?

    Ghani: I could ask the Shaman... See how they would proceed with such a thing, though we will need a box of her stuff at least.

    James Jr: *He looks down with his one good eye... * Thanks.

    *On the Enterprise... Rekas and his brother are off duty in the recreation lounge... *

    Rekas: *After drinking a dry martini* Brother... I still do not get why humans drink this... what do they call it?

    Shekas: Rot gut... Cheap and easy to produce...

    *Sasha, Demora, and Alvin... are at another table.*

    Sasha: I wonder how James is doing...

    Alvin: He will be okay... in time probably.

    Sasha: It does make me wonder if the family will do a...

    Demora: I dunno why... She did cause his condition, and killed a good number of people. *She is fairly irritated at the mention of Cassi.*

    Sasha: Still Demora... we still should say goodbye despite what she did.

    Alvin: I dunno.

    *Sasha receives a comm link...*

    Sasha: Hmm... *she taps the holographic interface on her wrist.*

    Ghani: *On the comm* Commander...

    Sasha: What can I do for you Lt...

    Ghani: I need a box filled with Cassi's stuff.

    Sasha: Okay... I could talk to the Security Chief to release those affects, probably her uniforms.

    What did you have in mind?

    Ghani: It is more of a therapy for James to close his feelings on the matter. I don't think James wants to bother anyone with it.

    Sasha: *narrows her eyes trying to size up what is really going through her head. * I don't see why not. I will ask...

    *OOC: Pretty sure I did not have a security chief on the ship right now. *

    Security Chief: Yes, Commander?

    Sasha: The ship's counselor has asked me to hand this request to you, apparently it is required for a treatment. *She hands the Chief the pad...*

    Security Chief: Well, normally we wouldn't release the personal effects to anyone outside the family, but if this is for a member of the family...

    I'll have someone put some of her effects together for transport.

    Sasha: Yes Sir.. Thank you sir.. I know your on temporary assignment on the ship while Starfleet finds another officer, I wish you luck.

    *He nods and leaves. About 30 minutes later, the box with Cassi's things is beamed down.*

    Ghani: *looking at the box, motions for the Shaman and his helpers...They take the box and the begin speaking their language again... She notices The Doctor watching... *

    I can give you a translation... and explain what they are doing. If you want me to sir..

    *James Jr is sitting in a rockface on his own, looking at the ruins ahead. In his good hand he has the picture with him... on his stump of an arm he took a simple cybernetic one and put it on. He is still getting used to the pain he feels in his arm, fingers, the hand, the wrist.. Phantom Pain they used to call it centuries ago. The Doctor insisted that it was known to happen. *

    *He hears a ruffle behind him and he shifts his head. *

    Individual: I thought I would find you hear...

    James Jr: *Lightly smiles* Hey lanky...

    Rachel: Its Rachel... and I heard you were down here.

    James Jr: I thought you were studying the possible uses of natural terraforming to restore this place.

    Rachel: Yeah, I was. Though I never get to see you guys much anymore.

    James Jr: I was sorry to hear about little Jon..

    *Rachel looks down and nods...*

    Rachel: Thanks... Mom never really was the same afterwards. Neither did Demora.

    James Jr: I can easily understand that.

    Rachel: Hearing about Cassi... I find it kind of hard to make sense of it.

    James Jr: I know... but even then I still care a great deal about her.

    Rachel: After what she did to you?

    James Jr: Even then. You see... *he makes room for his cousin...* When people stumble and lose their way... there is still some measure of hope that they will come back.

    Rachel: *smiles a little* Always the optimist...

    James Jr: Who would be if I wasn't... Where would we be?

    Doctor: Please.
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: trying to think of something to do with the star fleet academy bit

    *OOC: Take your time... I think it should be an interesting bit to see with all that wreckage. A city, countless starships debris raining down, Elibisi firing on what defenses were on the ground, so I dunno... I do want to tackle some things that are not the usual we have done before. *

    *The expedition is crossing through a wreckage of a burned out cafe... *

    Terry: Went there more than once when I was at the academy, and while I was stationed here.

    *He knows Casval is not really paying attention but he does notice that Marshall is trying to read him.*

    Marshall: So your...

    Casval: Your Half brother of a sorts? You could call it that.

    Marshall: You do not seem bemused by this..

    Casval: I do not know you, I also do not know why you are here.

    Marshall: That was sort of an accident given I was in a fire fight...

    Casval: Some foolish notion of taking something back that was taken from you?

    Marshall: That is right! That throne is mine by right of birth. Not that swine.

    Casval: *snorts* Well forgive me brother... it seems you do not have the backing you need for such a feat. Besides do you even know how to rule or lead?

    Marshall: I...

    Casval: Of course not. I suggest you stop for a moment and consider your options...

    *he continues following the group...*

    Marshall: What options are those? *to himself...*

    *In the set up community James Jr... is surrounded by many astonished that they finally met the son of the Mahdi...*

    James Jr: This attention is something I dunno how to react to.

    Ghani: Well Ensign... it is expected, your father got us out of the thumb of the leadership that kept us on the planet.

    James Jr: True... though I do have a question...

    Ghani: What is it?

    James Jr: Did you join Starfleet to serve my father or explain that reasoning as I...

    Ghani: You want to know why? *she smirks* What is so confusing about serving others?

    James Jr: Nothing *having got his answer there.* I think you made it quite clear.

    Ghani: Well considering that we are going to be here for some time... How about we pick up from where we left off.

    *She shifts herself on the cushion in the prefab seat. *

    James Jr: *lets a small laugh out...* What are you curious about?

    Ghani: How did you feel seeing your godmother again.?

    James Jr: It felt good. Just wish we had more time. *He touches his temporary eye patch rubbing it to settle an itch.

    Ghani: That is good. It might help you to be around people that do care about you.

    James Jr: * his one good eye shifting away from Ghani's eyes* Yeah probably...

    Ghani: Something else on your mind?

    James Jr: I tried contacting my twin sister... I thought she would feel on that twin connection we have. Apparently not..

    Ghani: Maybe she was busy?

    James Jr: Maybe... though maybe trying to reach out was a mistake. Our last talk did not end that well. At least before I got blown the *** up...

    Ghani: I sense something happened before the bombing?

    James Jr: Yeah... *he looks at the ground... pained.*

    Ghani: Take your time James... don't push it out unless you feel you want to.

    James Jr: *snorts a small laugh*

    Ghani: *looking at him trying to figure out what was so funny...* What is so funny...

    James Jr: Nothing... just purile humor. *trying to hold back a chuckle..*

    Ghani: There is that deflection again.

    James Jr: I dunno really how to explain it.

    Ghani: Well try anyway... how bad could it be...

    *The Doctor is in the back of the building trying to get a grasp on the healing practices of the tribe and the tools.*

    James Jr: Well me and Cassi had a particularly intense relationship... she knew me and accepted me for who I was. Though, I knew that we had disagreements politically and philosophically...but I did not expect that she knew dissidents...

    Ghani: Go on..

    James Jr: Thing about me and her was that she did not mind if my eyes wavered to other women, she found that oddly fun. As long as nothing serious came of it. Well before the bombing... we came across a wrecked Federation ship, and its only survivor Sala...

    Ghani: Cassi did not like Sala did she?

    James Jr: No she didn't saw her as competition... and probably sees something that I do not. But after some time Sala wanted to talk and she had some trouble letting go of the idea that her crewmates died...

    Ghani: So... did your eye waver?

    James Jr: They did admittedly... but I did not act on it. Sala just wanted some company. She drank herself to sleep after talking...

    *he looks at his stump... almost ashamed.*

    Well the following morning.. Cassi found out, Casval found out, Mila found out... It got heated. I said something rather harsh because my own twin sister did not trust me to not be a complete dog.

    Ghani: Does anyone else know that nothing happened?

    James Jr: Casval... I think does. I dunno what happened though over the last year...

    Ghani: *feeling some pity for him* I am sorry...

    James Jr: Its not your fault... If anything it was sort of mine, for fostering that kind of image I have.

    Ghani: Maybe... but you did do the right thing.

    James Jr: The bombing happened not too long later... that is all I really remember happening...

    *He keeps what he recalls from his accidental trip in the veil to himself.*

    Ghani: *Not really catching on to that..redaction..* How does that make you feel?

    James Jr: Betrayed... angry... sad... now that Cassi is dead... It just amplifies it.

    *The Doctor in the back grumbles about something interrupting the impromptu session..*

    Doctor: This medicine is...illogical. On so many levels.

    Ghani: Is it the medicine man routine that bugs you sir? Old ways are sometimes hard to break for some.

    *OOC: God its hot here. Reminds me of that summer I did two football practices a day, with helmet, then full gear. whew.... *

    *OOC: Oh, try it here in East Anglia. With the exception of about 10 minutes of rain, we have had no rainfall for over a month now! In Britain! Usually we're lucky if we go a week without rainfall!*

    Doctor: I was referring more to the chemical composition.

    *OOC: Pretty sure my neck of the woods in the states is still pretty parched after three months. Not to mention 105-109 F for now the third day... Though the air conditioning I have does not cool the entire house. *

    Ghani: Ah yes... Do go on Doctor... What exactly were you looking for?

    *OOC: Okay, that's rough. The highest we've had was about the 30C mark for about a week-and-a-half.*

    Doctor: This medicine appears to seek to remedy bacterial infections by burning it off?! And this...*he points to a bowl of oil being boiled on a stove* is supposed to cauterise wounds! The pain and nervous damage would be extreme.

    Ghani: Yes, ways do change Doctor... I am sure the Shaman would find it an interesting talk, we also did not have much to work with including advanced technology. It is why there are still cast out that want to preserve the old ways... At least as much as I can recall from what my father told me. Integration will take its time despite resistance.

    James Jr: I seem to recall Doctor McCoy a couple centuries ago ranting about 20th century medicine.. Calling it I recall The Spanish Inquisition. If I recall the logs right.

    *There is a small snicker.*

    Ghani: Doctor, before we left the ship what had you and Falli abuzz...?

    *The expedition's drones are scanning through the ship wrecks and debris... Falli connected to them via retinal connection. *

    Casval: Falli what are we looking for exactly?

    Falli: Right now Starfleet Command, if the building still stands.

    Casval: Why so secretive?

    Falli: I keep forgetting that you are your father's son. We are looking for Starfleet Intelligence... and maybe Starfleet Medical facility. They may have something there that might come in handy... Not to mention Starfleet wants to catalogue the damage done to the facility...

    *As they proceed something watches them proceed through, no one really went through this place in years. They soon find old dead husks... Casval is unnerved as are the younger Innotankan scouts..*

    Terry: Long dead. They do not pose a threat, though keep your eyes open and stay alert. We don't know what is out here now.

    Doctor: Doctor-Patient confidentiality, I'm afraid.

    This one I'm pretty sure is just alcohol.

    James Jr: I guess I will have to contain my surprise Doctor. Can't be worse than the one I got when I woke up...

    Ghani: Speaking of... If the expression is correct... James... Those feelings are normal. You also never got that closure as things are moving fairly quickly.

    James Jr: How would I do that right now?

    Ghani: I could ask the Shaman... See how they would proceed with such a thing, though we will need a box of her stuff at least.

    James Jr: *He looks down with his one good eye... * Thanks.

    *On the Enterprise... Rekas and his brother are off duty in the recreation lounge... *

    Rekas: *After drinking a dry martini* Brother... I still do not get why humans drink this... what do they call it?

    Shekas: Rot gut... Cheap and easy to produce...

    *Sasha, Demora, and Alvin... are at another table.*

    Sasha: I wonder how James is doing...

    Alvin: He will be okay... in time probably.

    Sasha: It does make me wonder if the family will do a...

    Demora: I dunno why... She did cause his condition, and killed a good number of people. *She is fairly irritated at the mention of Cassi.*

    Sasha: Still Demora... we still should say goodbye despite what she did.

    Alvin: I dunno.

    *Sasha receives a comm link...*

    Sasha: Hmm... *she taps the holographic interface on her wrist.*

    Ghani: *On the comm* Commander...

    Sasha: What can I do for you Lt...

    Ghani: I need a box filled with Cassi's stuff.

    Sasha: Okay... I could talk to the Security Chief to release those affects, probably her uniforms.

    What did you have in mind?

    Ghani: It is more of a therapy for James to close his feelings on the matter. I don't think James wants to bother anyone with it.

    Sasha: *narrows her eyes trying to size up what is really going through her head. * I don't see why not. I will ask...

    *OOC: Pretty sure I did not have a security chief on the ship right now. *

    Security Chief: Yes, Commander?

    Sasha: The ship's counselor has asked me to hand this request to you, apparently it is required for a treatment. *She hands the Chief the pad...*

    Security Chief: Well, normally we wouldn't release the personal effects to anyone outside the family, but if this is for a member of the family...

    I'll have someone put some of her effects together for transport.

    Sasha: Yes Sir.. Thank you sir.. I know your on temporary assignment on the ship while Starfleet finds another officer, I wish you luck.

    *He nods and leaves. About 30 minutes later, the box with Cassi's things is beamed down.*

    Ghani: *looking at the box, motions for the Shaman and his helpers...They take the box and the begin speaking their language again... She notices The Doctor watching... *

    I can give you a translation... and explain what they are doing. If you want me to sir..

    *James Jr is sitting in a rockface on his own, looking at the ruins ahead. In his good hand he has the picture with him... on his stump of an arm he took a simple cybernetic one and put it on. He is still getting used to the pain he feels in his arm, fingers, the hand, the wrist.. Phantom Pain they used to call it centuries ago. The Doctor insisted that it was known to happen. *

    *He hears a ruffle behind him and he shifts his head. *

    Individual: I thought I would find you hear...

    James Jr: *Lightly smiles* Hey lanky...

    Rachel: Its Rachel... and I heard you were down here.

    James Jr: I thought you were studying the possible uses of natural terraforming to restore this place.

    Rachel: Yeah, I was. Though I never get to see you guys much anymore.

    James Jr: I was sorry to hear about little Jon..

    *Rachel looks down and nods...*

    Rachel: Thanks... Mom never really was the same afterwards. Neither did Demora.

    James Jr: I can easily understand that.

    Rachel: Hearing about Cassi... I find it kind of hard to make sense of it.

    James Jr: I know... but even then I still care a great deal about her.

    Rachel: After what she did to you?

    James Jr: Even then. You see... *he makes room for his cousin...* When people stumble and lose their way... there is still some measure of hope that they will come back.

    Rachel: *smiles a little* Always the optimist...

    James Jr: Who would be if I wasn't... Where would we be?

    Doctor: Please.

    *The Shaman, a woman with a fabric headress and robes begins to do the rites for the box.*

    Ghani: Here lies the body of Cassandra... a member of the tribe, Maker ease her spirit into the abyss... as we those of the tribe mourn for one of our own.

    *The Shaman begins to burn incense and an incense that The Doctor recognizes by smell... A strong cinnamon smell. *

    Ghani: Normally when a member of the tribe perishes, the tribe takes the body to be prepared and weighed for its weight in water. It is stored and processed so the tribe in the old days would not be at a loss for water. But here on this planet that has changed... It normally now is for keeping like ashes..


    *Ghani looks on as the incense burns and is being flicked around the box...*

    Her body was lost, she is not fully at rest, what they are doing is trying to calm her spirit, while lamenting the loss of the tribe's water. Which is an ill omen to our people.

    *James Jr returns with Rachel... as James Jr watches.*

    Ghani: They are nearly ready for you Ensign... the pyre they set up over there is for you to light given to them she was your lover...

    James Jr: I understand.

    *Rachel stands near the Doctor watching the ritual.*

    Rachel: Its been awhile Doctor... My mother says hello. *quietly..*

    *The helpers stoically lift the box and place it upon the pyre which is unlit at the moment. One lights a torch and accompanies the Shaman...*

    Shaman: *stoically...* Almudir Son of Terry.. Son of the Madhi... Will you tend to your beloved's spirit and send her on her way?

    James Jr: I will. *He takes the torch and strides to take his spot next to the pyre he looks at the box.. a tear strides down his face burning as it goes. Fighting the urge to break down. * You were everything to me Cassi... I did not turn my attentions to Sala, but you did not give me the chance to tell you this. *He clears his throat...* You seared me with flames, attempted to kill me for dishonoring you, tried to kill my brother, killed your comrades, but I do not hate you for this...

    *He looks away and shifts his head up.*

    I forgive you for all of it. Cassandra taught me, to cherish those moments you have with people you care for...

    *Ghani looks at him trying not to get too attached...*

    Goodbye Cassandra...

    *He sticks the torch in to the pyre once at one area and then another the flames begin to lick the wood and the kindling... He stands there watching the flames. Ghani finds herself moving up to him as people give their salutes to her. *

    Ghani: Are you alright?

    James Jr: In time perhaps... but at least I got to say goodbye.

    *In the city ruins they reach Starfleet Command, the expedition looks around and finds the place a ruin much like the city surrounding it.*

    Falli: Its nearly dark.

    Terry: We should set camp in one of the ruins that has ample defense and room for everyone.

    *Casval and Marshall look around and find one outside the ruins of the Command building and the bulk head of a vessel. *

    Casval: There is a spot...

    Scout: It is a good spot

    Terry: Then we will set up camp here for the night. I want three on guard for shifts of 5 hours. Can't be too sure what is out here. We start searching the buildings in the morning.

    *OOC: I do want everyone to join in on making this a creepy affair, I do have something in mind. PM if your curious. *
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    Doctor: Rachel. I heard about your brother... You have my condolences for your loss.
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Corvus: set up a small amp for the night we will continue and follow them in the morning.

    Massi nods as he leaves quietly.

    Corvus takes one more look through his rifle scope before he heads to follow
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,247 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Johanna injects herself with a hypo and calms down her body releasing some pheromones as a calming agent as the hypo triggers a natural response*

    Johanna: Sorry when we've spared before we haven't gone this rough before. And usually I take pills to keep my adrenaline from getting too high so I don't break someone's arm. But uh haven't been getting them in here. They're difficult to replicate directly.


    *She manages to get the arm bar but not the headscissors as Susan starts kicking her repeatedly*

    Mila: Don't worry about it. Ready?

    *Ziyal. Karen backs off as the kicks start hitting.*

    *Johanna nods and gets back into her stance but starts looking woozy*

    Johanna: S-something isn't right... *She falls over and hits the floor hard*


    *Susan smiles and gets up recovering*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Johanna injects herself with a hypo and calms down her body releasing some pheromones as a calming agent as the hypo triggers a natural response*

    Johanna: Sorry when we've spared before we haven't gone this rough before. And usually I take pills to keep my adrenaline from getting too high so I don't break someone's arm. But uh haven't been getting them in here. They're difficult to replicate directly.


    *She manages to get the arm bar but not the headscissors as Susan starts kicking her repeatedly*

    Mila: Don't worry about it. Ready?

    *Ziyal. Karen backs off as the kicks start hitting.*

    *Johanna nods and gets back into her stance but starts looking woozy*

    Johanna: S-something isn't right... *She falls over and hits the floor hard*


    *Susan smiles and gets up recovering*

    *Mila quickly rushes over and checks on her.*

    Mila: Jo?!

    *Ziyal. Karen smiles a little as well.*

    Karen: What? *Puts her guard up.*
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    In the rubble of a destroyed building Corvus sits down opening a meal pack as Massi does the same.

    Massi: I know we have reasons for being here but why exactly.

    Corvus: we need to end the empire. And ending the line will help with that.

    Massi: this has nothing to do with the fact that the empire is why your father is dead?

    Corvus: some.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,247 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Johanna injects herself with a hypo and calms down her body releasing some pheromones as a calming agent as the hypo triggers a natural response*

    Johanna: Sorry when we've spared before we haven't gone this rough before. And usually I take pills to keep my adrenaline from getting too high so I don't break someone's arm. But uh haven't been getting them in here. They're difficult to replicate directly.


    *She manages to get the arm bar but not the headscissors as Susan starts kicking her repeatedly*

    Mila: Don't worry about it. Ready?

    *Ziyal. Karen backs off as the kicks start hitting.*

    *Johanna nods and gets back into her stance but starts looking woozy*

    Johanna: S-something isn't right... *She falls over and hits the floor hard*


    *Susan smiles and gets up recovering*

    *Mila quickly rushes over and checks on her.*

    Mila: Jo?!

    *Ziyal. Karen smiles a little as well.*

    Karen: What? *Puts her guard up.*

    *She's foaming at the mouth and unresponsive*


    Susan: Nothing. That the best you got? *She does the same*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Doctor: Rachel. I heard about your brother... You have my condolences for your loss.

    Rachel: Thanks... He was always so curious about things. Wanted to be a Doctor.
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited July 2018
    *That night in the settlement James Jr... is looking at the night sky. He wonders about what he can really do..*

    James Jr: Well.. since I am stuck here I might as well reach out and touch someone..

    *He shuts his eye, trying to clear his head and find some point to touch. Absently, he finds a familiar spot in the veil... it appears to him like a button. He pushes it. *

    *On the other side of the veil... Tara A feels that push... and is baffled by the sensation... Reminding her of a time with the twins visiting her when they were younger. *

    *In the Delta Quadrant a segment of Varro are trying to avoid the Free Delta groups still around the area, along with the quantum singularities around the area scanning ships. Inside the cluster of ships the group has another generational vessel... A lanky young woman is trying to modify the scanners and keep the engines running, her hair is flowing down a dark shade of red... *

    Varro Woman: Damned scanners...

    *She gets under the terminal and starts checking the isolinear chips again.*

    Varro Man: Tali are you still trying to get the scanners up to par?

    Tali: Yeah...

    *She starts sliding them around again while trying to find a tool in the tool bag. *

    We need sanctuary... Look at this ship Kal... It should be hauled away as garbage...

    *EDIT: Simple edit...Maybe a light change of pace and show some old faces. *
    Post edited by chrisedallen89 on
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