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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Wait a minute... you don't like Vala? She left the Federation to prevent a civil war that would tear her people apart (granted, it didn't work), focused on helping her world recover from everything, and...

    Can I get a list of reasons you don't like her? Not explanations. A list will do.

    *Republic Base in the Choso System. Vala and her personal guards are about to board a Shuttle to the Donatra when Ramez walks in.*

    Ramez: Praetor!

    *Vala turns around, before looking to a guard.*

    Vala: See to it that the last of the equipment is loaded onto the ship. I'll be along presently.

    Guard: Yes, Praetor.

    *She walks over to Ramez.*

    Vala: Admiral.

    Ramez: Praetor, personally, I understand why you're leaving. If your people want to go neutral, we won't stop you.

    Vala: Thank you.

    Ramez: However, as a Republic Officer, I must advise that you reconsider.

    Vala: Noted.

    Ramez: Good. Now that that's over with...

    *He offers a hand to Vala.*

    Good luck. Jolan Tru.

    *Vala accepts, and shakes Ramez' hand.*

    Vala: Jolan Tru, and thank you.

    Ramez: We'll always be here, if you need us.

    Vala: I know.

    *Vala walks onto the shuttle as it powers up. The Hatch closes and the shuttle takes off for the I.R.W. Donatra.

    A few hours later, the Donatra and the bulk of the Rebel Romulan Vessels arrive over Iconia. The Donatra then warps to Hobus; the rendezvous with D'rix.*

    *OOC: No just wanna show the family bond.*
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Ooc: am going to work will be about 6 hours till I can respond.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *R.S.S. Republic. Sam and the Senior Officers are in the Situation Room. Hawk, James and Ensign Lopez are also present. Hawk appears to be leading the briefing.*

    Hawk: She's extremely dangerous. She killed a whole garrison of Republic Troops at Solais single-handedly.

    Sam: Me and Hawk only barely managed to apprehend her.

    Hawk: After you shot me.

    Sam: It was an accident.

    Hawk: Moving on.

    She's a terrorist, who believes that no world can be ruled by an interplanetary government.

    Sam: More specifically, she believes that no planet should have any communication with another.

    Hawk: I'll make something clear right now: Daro Jenn is a cold-hearted killer, and an expert in close quarters combat. She is also highly skilled with almost every possible weapon you can think of.

    Lopez: How can anyone be that skilled?

    Hawk: Daro's ex-Assault Ops. She was part of the Assault Ops Black Ops Unit. She had to learn these things.

    Sam: We believe she changed attitudes when she was sent into a Romulan Terrorist Cell a year before Solais. That would be when she became a terrorist herself.

    Andrews: If she's this dangerous, why'd she get released?

    *Sam and Hawk just look at him with an expression saying "really?"*

    Hawk: She wasn't 'released'.

    Sam: When the Republic in the Alpha Quadrant collapsed, she escaped.

    David: What's she doing here?

    Sam: The Republic is the Fleet's Flagship. If we're destroyed, it'll be a major blow to moral.

    Hawk: And a major coup to the terrorist party who did it. The Kohn Marr thrive on stuff like this.

    Sam: Hold on. The Kohn Marr? You did NOT mention she was Kohn Marr.

    Hawk: She's not, but the goals are similar - and if she succeeds, I guarantee you the Kohn Marr will be the first to claim credit.

    T'mar: So how do we find her. If, as you say, she has a bio-cloak, that'll make locating her very difficult.

    Andrews: That cloak has a high radiation output. It's why they're not in field use yet. If she doesn't get medical attention soon, she'll die of radiation poisoning.

    T'mar: No problem. I'll post a guard in Sickbay. When she tries to get medical attention, we'll throw her in the Brig.

    Sam: T'mar, did you hear a word we just said? She's an expert at CQC. You're good, but she's better.

    T'mar: I'll try not to be--

    Sam: She's ex-Assault Ops, T'mar. You get basic hand-to-hand combat training as a Naval Security Officer. As an Assault Ops Trooper, she got advanced training. As a Black Ops Trooper, she got even more advanced training. Think old-Earth Spetsnaz.

    Hawk: She's also wearing Republic Assault Ops Armour. She stole it from the Quebec before she beamed over here.

    Sam: What we need to do is keep her out of critical areas, and I know just how to do that.

    We'll de-pressurise the superstructure. Her armour is pressurised, but it'll keep her from entering any of the ships internal areas.

    Hawk: Except the Torpedo Launch Tubes.

    Sam: Which lead outside the ship. Either way, she ain't got a chance of getting off this ship without us stopping her.

    David: What do you think, Admiral?

    *OOC: Now going to bed. Be back at 13:00 UTC (14 hours)... hopefully.*

    James: I think we need to find her, and not only that go through the crew and find out if there are more of those Aliens around...

    I see horrible things happening... If I were to explain it it would curdle your blood or confuse you...
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    voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *Deep in space, under cloak, the Black Phantom encounters an Iconian transport*

    Voporak: Take us behind that thing, trail them by one lightyear. Let them show us where they're going.

    *He wipes a bit of dust off the four boxed in Admiral rank pips on his uniform*

    Alright then, pal, just lead the way to wherever you're headed to.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *Wax leans back into the chair he is stepping in for the time being... *

    Wax: *Things are getting desperate... * The Romulans are backing out and yet one cannot blame them... They have lost so much of late.

    Carson: *interm replacement science officer* Yes sir.. But one cannot help but to think that even with the Iconians, what is left of the Federation forces, The Republic, and the scant Klingon forces... We stand very little chance of winning... Their forces are still vast... The Dominion is sitting out, the Breen and Tholians are with Preston...

    Wax: I would stop right there Chief... We may be divided but something tells me that will change in due course.
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hours spent on the bridge Jacob soon gets up and leaves. And heads towards his peraonel gym where he starts a long round of training. He runs combat similuators and weights while in his suit which has once again become his home. After spending so much time out of it it feels good to be back in. But the events on the deck still trouble 8 officers dead. And no clue to there killer. He is nervous more then ever. But the worst part is. He can't seem to telepathically since the person on the ship.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    James: I think we need to find her, and not only that go through the crew and find out if there are more of those Aliens around...

    I see horrible things happening... If I were to explain it it would curdle your blood or confuse you...

    Sam: Agreed, on all points.

    Ensign Lopez, I want you to have a full security sweep done on every member of the crew.

    Lopez: Captain, you're talking about 1500 people! Only 30% of the crew is made up of Security Personnel, who are going to have to undergo checks as well.

    Sam: Use whatever resources you need, but I want it done by the end of tomorrow.

    Lieutenant T'mar, I want more Security posted at the Airlocks - particularly those on Deck 5.

    T'mar: Understood.

    Sam: Dana, work with Doctor Andrews. I want a way to detect those aliens as soon as possible.

    Dana: Right.

    Sam: Commander Mitchell, how long can we remain out of dock?

    Mitchell: We have enough rations to last a year, and the Power generation systems will keep the replicators going, but the warp core will need another Dilithium Crystal replacement in 2 months. We are on our last crystal in the Core as it is.

    Sam: Without the Core?

    Mitchell: The Fusion Reactors can power the critical systems, with the Auxiliary Batteries and MAMs powering the non-essentials, but the Reactors will need servicing in 6 months, or we'll have a radiation hazard.

    Bottom line, I'd say we can remain independent for 6 months, at most.

    Sam: That should be plenty of time to find Daro.

    Doctor Andrews, I want your staff prepared to conduct every medical test you can come up with on the entire crew as they leave Security.

    Andrews: I'll have Doctor Mamora make the arrangements.

    Sam: Commander, we need someone on DS61 to explain the situation and keep them up to date. Once you've been cleared by Security and Doctor Andrews, beam over to the Station and work with Commander Samson there.

    David: Understood.

    Sam: Lieutenant Danvers, you'll have to handle bridge operations when I'm off duty until then. Think you can handle it?

    Ops (Lt John Danvers): Yes, ma'am.

    Sam: Alright. Everyone save Admiral Allen and Agent Hawk, dismissed.

    *Everyone else walks out, leaving James, Sam, and Hawk alone in the Situation Room.*

    James' before you say anything, I know the precautions we're taking against those aliens aren't a lot, but we don't have enough data. If you could ask Damon to work with Dana and Doctor Andrews, it would be a great help.

    Besides, we don't even know for sure that there IS another infiltrator on the ship.

    Hawk, is there anything else about Daro I should know? Anything that might have changed since Solais?

    Hawk: Not a lot. She's been on the run from both the Preston Republic, and the Rebel factions since her escape.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    voporak wrote: »
    *Deep in space, under cloak, the Black Phantom encounters an Iconian transport*

    Voporak: Take us behind that thing, trail them by one lightyear. Let them show us where they're going.

    *He wipes a bit of dust off the four boxed in Admiral rank pips on his uniform*

    Alright then, pal, just lead the way to wherever you're headed to.

    *An Iconian Mothership gates in in front of the Transport, raising shields and locking weapons.*

    Taragi *Over comm*: This is First Commander Taragi of the Iconian Command Ship Dor'kat'a! You are ordered to surrender your vessel and prepare to be boarded by order of Iconian High Command! This is your only warning!

    Federation Vessel! Your presence here is not required! We have the situation under control!
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Jacob after spending a few hours in the training room finally takes a break.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Deep in republic space the massive carrier slowly travels through space. As tap stands aboard the bridge looking out at readouts and scanning information. It has been relitvily 'alm for now.


    Jacob: Roland what was in common with all those killed.

    Roland: nothing other then they progresses in rank.

    Jacob: what would the current.rank be if we followed that assumption.

    Roland: it would be ....... I believe a commander.

    Jacob: send me a list of our commanders location. Feed it directly to my suits grid.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *An Iconian Mothership gates in in front of the Transport, raising shields and locking weapons.*

    Taragi *Over comm*: This is First Commander Taragi of the Iconian Command Ship Dor'kat'a! You are ordered to surrender your vessel and prepare to be boarded by order of Iconian High Command! This is your only warning!

    Federation Vessel! Your presence here is not required! We have the situation under control!

    OOC: I'm not quite sure if the first paragraph is talking to the transport or Voporak, but from the second one it looks like the first is to the transport.

    *The Phantom decloaks, as obviously there is no point remaining cloaked.*

    Voporak: Excuse me, First Commander, I'm terribly sorry to have intruded on family issues. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way.

    *The Phantom comes about 180? and jumps to warp, recloaking a few moments later*
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    voporak wrote: »
    OOC: I'm not quite sure if the first paragraph is talking to the transport or Voporak, but from the second one it looks like the first is to the transport.

    *The Phantom decloaks, as obviously there is no point remaining cloaked.*

    Voporak: Excuse me, First Commander, I'm terribly sorry to have intruded on family issues. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way.

    *The Phantom comes about 180? and jumps to warp, recloaking a few moments later*

    OOC: The first paragraph was directed at the Transport. The second one was to Voporak.

    *Taragi's ship moves in closer to the transport. The Transport drops shields so Taragi's men can beam aboard.

    Transport Cargo Bay. A detail of Iconian Soldiers from the Dor'kat'a are searching the bay, analysing the equipment the Transport was carrying.*

    Soldier 1: Power Couplings, plasma manifolds, Zeta infusers...

    All Iconian in origin, sir.

    Taragi *Over comm.*: Team 4, bring me the Transport Captain. I want to know where these supplies were headed.

    Team 1, continue your sweep.

    Soldier 1: Understood.

    *He comes to a crate, which is humming slightly.*

    Sir, we've come across a crate of equipment, which appears to be active.

    Taragi *Over comm*: Let me hear it.

    *The tone becomes louder and louder.*

    Transporter Room, get them out! NOW!

    *The Transport explodes, with the blast and debris damaging the Dor'kat'a. Two Iconian Cruisers gate in and lock onto the Dor'kat'a.

    Dor'kat'a bridge. Taragi stares out the bridge windows as he watches the Cruisers close in.*

    Taragi: They were waiting for us. This was a trap.

    Call for reinforcements!

    Female Iconian Commander *Over comm*: I.C.S. Dor'kat'a, this is Commander Sarana of the TRUE Iconian Warship Tal'maan. We have locked on and are prepared to use deadly force!

    Taragi: Sarana? You would betray your own people?! You would MURDER your own people?!

    Sarana *Over comm*: You have 60 seconds to decide. Surrender... or die.

    Taragi: I do not require ONE, Sarana!

    Weapons batteries! FIRE!


    *The Dor'kat'a's shields come online as her main battery fires on Sarana's Cruiser. Both cruisers commence firing on Taragi's vessel. The second cruiser is stormed with secondary beam fire while the Dor'kat'a is hammered by Zeta Torpedoes and the Main Batteries of the Cruisers.

    The Black Phantom hears the Dor'kat'a's distress signal.*
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    voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: The first paragraph was directed at the Transport. The second one was to Voporak.

    *Taragi's ship moves in closer to the transport. The Transport drops shields so Taragi's men can beam aboard.

    Transport Cargo Bay. A detail of Iconian Soldiers from the Dor'kat'a are searching the bay, analysing the equipment the Transport was carrying.*

    Soldier 1: Power Couplings, plasma manifolds, Zeta infusers...

    All Iconian in origin, sir.

    Taragi *Over comm.*: Team 4, bring me the Transport Captain. I want to know where these supplies were headed.

    Team 1, continue your sweep.

    Soldier 1: Understood.

    *He comes to a crate, which is humming slightly.*

    Sir, we've come across a crate of equipment, which appears to be active.

    Taragi *Over comm*: Let me hear it.

    *The tone becomes louder and louder.*

    Transporter Room, get them out! NOW!

    *The Transport explodes, with the blast and debris damaging the Dor'kat'a. Two Iconian Cruisers gate in and lock onto the Dor'kat'a.

    Dor'kat'a bridge. Taragi stares out the bridge windows as he watches the Cruisers close in.*

    Taragi: They were waiting for us. This was a trap.

    Call for reinforcements!

    Female Iconian Commander *Over comm*: I.C.S. Dor'kat'a, this is Commander Sarana of the TRUE Iconian Warship Tal'maan. We have locked on and are prepared to use deadly force!

    Taragi: Sarana? You would betray your own people?! You would MURDER your own people?!

    Sarana *Over comm*: You have 60 seconds to decide. Surrender... or die.

    Taragi: I do not require ONE, Sarana!

    Weapons batteries! FIRE!


    *The Dor'kat'a's shields come online as her main battery fires on Sarana's Cruiser. Both cruisers commence firing on Taragi's vessel. The second cruiser is stormed with secondary beam fire while the Dor'kat'a is hammered by Zeta Torpedoes and the Main Batteries of the Cruisers.

    The Black Phantom hears the Dor'kat'a's distress signal.*

    Voporak: Full stop. Take us back there. Hail Taragi.

    *A channel is opened to the Dor'kat'a*

    I am prepared to transport you or anyone else off your ship, Commander, but engaging both of those cruisers would be suicide. I am en route to your location now, if you want an emergency beam out, send me your coordinates.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    voporak wrote: »
    Voporak: Full stop. Take us back there. Hail Taragi.

    *A channel is opened to the Dor'kat'a*

    I am prepared to transport you or anyone else off your ship, Commander, but engaging both of those cruisers would be suicide. I am en route to your location now, if you want an emergency beam out, send me your coordinates.

    Taragi: Admiral, your ship will be too nimble for their Main Weapons! Your recent upgrades may allow us to at least stand a chance of victory!

    I have reinforcements en route, but they're 10 minutes away!

    Admiral, please! My crew cannot evacuate with our shields up, and your vessel cannot hold all of us!

    Black Phantom, we NEED your support!
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    voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Taragi: Admiral, your ship will be too nimble for their Main Weapons! Your recent upgrades may allow us to at least stand a chance of victory!

    I have reinforcements en route, but they're 10 minutes away!

    Admiral, please! My crew cannot evacuate with our shields up, and your vessel cannot hold all of us!

    Black Phantom, we NEED your support!

    *Voporak thinks for a moment, because it will be a direct violation of his orders*

    Voporak: Charge all weapons, load torpedo bays, route auxiliary power to the engines. Attack pattern Omega Six.

    *The Phantom drops out of warp and maneuvers through the chaos of weapons. It begins firing at the first cruiser*

    Voporak: Target their weapon systems.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *Deneb Sector. Another Iconian Convoy is passing through the Sector as a fleet of Warships led by the I.C.S. Dor'kon moves to intercept it. As they approach, the transports vanish, revealed as holograms, while the Escorts remain. A fleet of Iconian Frigates, Cruisers, and Motherships Gate in in formation with the Escorts, locking onto the Intercept Forces.*

    Iconian Commander *Over comm*: This is Commander Toroga of the Tru Iconian Warship Der'vis'an to I.C.S. Dor'kon. Surrender or be destroyed!

    Solara *Over comm*: This is Second Commander Solara of the Iconian 3rd Fleet to Renegade Vessels! We do not surrender. You are committing a direct act of Treason against the Iconian High Command! You will surrender at once!

    *I.C.S. Dor'kon. Second Commander Solara stares at the incoming Rebel Fleet. Her face is filled with apprehension of what she may be about to do.*

    Solara: Do not force us to engage your ships, Toroga. With the exception of recent weeks, no Iconian has killed another in 500,000 years. Don't force me to do this.

    Tech: They've broken off contact. Enemy Fighters have locked on! Orders?

    Solara: Dor'kon to all ships! Intercept enemy craft and engage! I repeat, fire at will!

    All batteries... fire.

    *The two fleets move within firing range of eachother and begin attacking eachother. The Frigates either strafe the Enemy Motherships or engage the enemy strafers. The Cruisers support the Motherships with fire against strafing fighters and frigates. The Motherships duel against one another.*

    OOC: The Frigates have 3 Secondary Antimatter Beam arrays (one Forward, one Aft, and one on the belly) as well as one Zeta Torpedo Launcher, capable of firing 2 torpedoes at a time.

    The Fighters have 2 Antimatter Cannons and a single micro-Zeta Torpedo Launcher.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Sam: Agreed, on all points.

    Ensign Lopez, I want you to have a full security sweep done on every member of the crew.

    Lopez: Captain, you're talking about 1500 people! Only 30% of the crew is made up of Security Personnel, who are going to have to undergo checks as well.

    Sam: Use whatever resources you need, but I want it done by the end of tomorrow.

    Lieutenant T'mar, I want more Security posted at the Airlocks - particularly those on Deck 5.

    T'mar: Understood.

    Sam: Dana, work with Doctor Andrews. I want a way to detect those aliens as soon as possible.

    Dana: Right.

    Sam: Commander Mitchell, how long can we remain out of dock?

    Mitchell: We have enough rations to last a year, and the Power generation systems will keep the replicators going, but the warp core will need another Dilithium Crystal replacement in 2 months. We are on our last crystal in the Core as it is.

    Sam: Without the Core?

    Mitchell: The Fusion Reactors can power the critical systems, with the Auxiliary Batteries and MAMs powering the non-essentials, but the Reactors will need servicing in 6 months, or we'll have a radiation hazard.

    Bottom line, I'd say we can remain independent for 6 months, at most.

    Sam: That should be plenty of time to find Daro.

    Doctor Andrews, I want your staff prepared to conduct every medical test you can come up with on the entire crew as they leave Security.

    Andrews: I'll have Doctor Mamora make the arrangements.

    Sam: Commander, we need someone on DS61 to explain the situation and keep them up to date. Once you've been cleared by Security and Doctor Andrews, beam over to the Station and work with Commander Samson there.

    David: Understood.

    Sam: Lieutenant Danvers, you'll have to handle bridge operations when I'm off duty until then. Think you can handle it?

    Ops (Lt John Danvers): Yes, ma'am.

    Sam: Alright. Everyone save Admiral Allen and Agent Hawk, dismissed.

    *Everyone else walks out, leaving James, Sam, and Hawk alone in the Situation Room.*

    James' before you say anything, I know the precautions we're taking against those aliens aren't a lot, but we don't have enough data. If you could ask Damon to work with Dana and Doctor Andrews, it would be a great help.

    Besides, we don't even know for sure that there IS another infiltrator on the ship.

    Hawk, is there anything else about Daro I should know? Anything that might have changed since Solais?

    Hawk: Not a lot. She's been on the run from both the Preston Republic, and the Rebel factions since her escape.

    James: He has filled in Dr. Mamora and myself... He mentioned that they were like a hive mind but still retained individuality just shared who they collected.. But he did mention whistling that would make them lose their copied form... Though he did not know the frequency and doubted that we could replicate it... Unless we could capture one of the masters... I am all for a vivisection to find out more... This is a time of extremis and we are not sure how many are out here...

    *His thoughts race at a fast pace that he can utterly control.*

    I would think that the they are a kind of advance force, securing a foothold in this galaxy...

    I would believe that they consider select people here as a very strong threat against them... Myself included on that hit list, perhaps Preston himself.. the vanguard... and the Republic Admiralty might be compromised it would explain a lot...
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    voporak wrote: »
    *Voporak thinks for a moment, because it will be a direct violation of his orders*

    Voporak: Charge all weapons, load torpedo bays, route auxiliary power to the engines. Attack pattern Omega Six.

    *The Phantom drops out of warp and maneuvers through the chaos of weapons. It begins firing at the first cruiser*

    Voporak: Target their weapon systems.

    *With the Black Phantom's assistance, the Dor'kat'a is able to refocus it's attention on the Second Cruiser, which has managed to get too close for comfort. The Dor'kat'a brings its Main Antimatter Battery to bear before firing at near-point blank range. The cruiser loses shields but the First Cruiser gets a hit on the Dor'kat'a, dropping her shields as well.

    Both cruisers begin firing Zeta Torpedoes into the Dor'kat'a, shedding her armour and causing hull breaches.

    (Bear in mind, the Iconian Mothership is HUGE, even compared to the Scimitar. In fact, they're three times the size of a Scimitar. That's a lot of armour, a lot of hull, and a lot of crew (over 7000), so it can take one hell of a pounding. That's one of the reasons this ship has such a massive bridge. The ship is so large, that the crew has to operate the weapons in teams. One crewman will handle each weapon, and a full team handles infra-ship comms. The ship even needs multiple helm officers during docking manoeuvres!

    Now, that might seem like a disadvantage, but in reality, it means the crew must work in constant tandem with eachother, which enforces teamwork and contributes to the sense of brother/sisterhood that exists between Iconians.)

    The Dor'kat'a fires all weapons on both ships, taking care not to hit the Black Phantom, before the First Cruiser loses shields. However, the Constant Fire from the First Cruiser's Main Battery (i.e. 2 shots. Remember, there's a much longer recharge on that thing for the Cruisers than the Mothership.) causes a major hull breach in the side of the ship.

    Dor'kat'a Bridge. Sparks are flying as Taragi looks at the Holo-screen showing the First Cruiser attacking.*

    Tech: We have fires on decks 78 and 79! Hull breach on Decks 12 through 27, Port Aft sections Gamma through Zeta!

    We have lost Secondary Beam banks 28A through 29C!

    Taragi: Bring us around! Target their engines!

    Tech 2: Targeting Engines!

    Tech 3: Coming about!

    *The Dor'kat'a brings her bow to face the first Cruiser, and fires her Main Battery and Zeta Torpedoes.

    They rip into the cruiser, disabling her as the Main Battery's blast rips off her drive section.

    The Dor'kat'a then focuses all fire on the Second Cruiser, firing her main battery and tearing the cruiser in two.*

    OOC: Also, the cruisers are the same size as an Odyssey.

    Be assured, if the Black Phantom hadn't arrived and/or Taragi wasn't in Command of that ship, the two Cruisers would have been able to destroy the Dor'kat'a, or at the very least, cripple her.

    However, the damage done is still heavy. Taragi wouldn't send the Dor'kat'a into battle with that much hull damage. The particular area hit also leads to the Warp Engines and Gate-Drive, so power to those systems has been halved until a bypass is set up.

    But, the Dor'kat'a is still capable of star flight.
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    voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *The Phantom flies up beside the Dor'kat'a, just a tiny speck next to it*

    Voporak: We've got no major damage over here, Commander. Is there anything else I can do to assist you?
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *Scouting party returns to Dorman's position and gives its report*

    Izzie: Admiral, we tracked several transports going to this location... We could not get within several dozen light-years as there was an extensive network of defense grids and several battleships in their positions... Their emissions make the old Roosevelt and our current rigs look small. But we detected 3.. I took to call them Dolos class warships...

    Hundreds probably thousands of vessels are docked there... We could not get an image of the structure but we do have its length a rough estimate from the number of stars it blots out on imaging...

    *Shows the image and the original star points included... The size is nearly the size of a planet.. almost a small sun.. *

    Dorman: *trying to hide his shock...* How could they hide something this massive... Very good Captain... You may go... I will inform the rest.. when we have more information..
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *Scouting party returns to Dorman's position and gives its report*

    Izzie: Admiral, we tracked several transports going to this location... We could not get within several dozen light-years as there was an extensive network of defense grids and several battleships in their positions... Their emissions make the old Roosevelt and our current rigs look small. But we detected 3.. I took to call them Dolos class warships...

    Hundreds probably thousands of vessels are docked there... We could not get an image of the structure but we do have its length a rough estimate from the number of stars it blots out on imaging...

    *Shows the image and the original star points included... The size is nearly the size of a planet.. almost a small sun.. *

    Dorman: *trying to hide his shock...* How could they hide something this massive... Very good Captain... You may go... I will inform the rest.. when we have more information..

    OOC: Just for clarification, how big are these 'Dolos-Class' compared to the Iconain Motherships? Because, the Motherships make all current ships look small (at three times the size of a Scimitar).
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Just for clarification, how big are these 'Dolos-Class' compared to the Iconain Motherships? Because, the Motherships make all current ships look small (at three times the size of a Scimitar).

    OCC dont forget how big the harvest is. Just wanted to through that out there
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Jacob: comm check in with command see if they have any info for us or any updates. We need something on the situation.

    Officer: aye sir

    Jacob stands there a moment and shakes his head as he leans against a nearby console

    Sarah: jacob are you all right

    jacob shakes his head

    Jacob: sarah ready room

    they both walk into his ready room and jacob sits down in his chair.

    Sarah: are you allright?

    Jacob: i dont know while on the bridge i could just feel something darker and evil then anything ive ever sensed
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Just for clarification, how big are these 'Dolos-Class' compared to the Iconain Motherships? Because, the Motherships make all current ships look small (at three times the size of a Scimitar).

    OOC: I would say at least 1.5 times bigger than that.. But they are carriers that are very hard to bring down... given that they have so many layers of shielding... But those are the defense network...

    100 arrays of zeta and omega hybrids disruptors

    56 zeta torpedo launchers

    10 high yield tricobalt launchers.

    2 layers of beam shielding

    5 layers of the top of the line shields in use in the 26th century...

    over 2000 fighters

    20 frigate class vessels

    200 launch bays
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    OCC dont forget how big the harvest is. Just wanted to through that out there

    *OOC: Took that into account.. I also took into account that given its size it is just a block there *hint hint*
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    voporak wrote: »
    *The Phantom flies up beside the Dor'kat'a, just a tiny speck next to it*

    Voporak: We've got no major damage over here, Commander. Is there anything else I can do to assist you?

    Taragi: Negative, Black Phantom. We can handle repairs from here.

    (OOC: It's FIRST Commander, lol.)

    *Taragi turns off the comm before looking at the Comm Officer.*

    Crewman, what have we heard from the Fleet?

    Tech: Sir, the Dar'kon reports they have engaged a Rebel Fleet in Deneb Sector.

    Taragi: Solara, I told you to avoid combat.

    Tech: Sir?

    Taragi: How goes the Battle?

    Tech: Badly. Both sides appear locked in a stalemate.

    Taragi: And the Dar'kon?

    Tech: Her shields are damaged, but holding.

    Taragi: Complete preliminary repairs then gate to the Battle Zone. Call all allied ships for assistance.

    Tech: Aye, sir.

    Taragi: Hail the Tal'maan.

    Sarana, your ship is disabled. Surrender, and let us take on prisoners.

    Tech: No response.

    Tech 2: I'm picking up an energy spike!

    *The Tal'maan explodes. Taragi drops his head.*

    Taragi *Whispering*: Sarana, mei dar'cha mei Tal'maan, dukrat chei. Dar'gro va.

    (translation: Sarana, and the crew of the Tal'maan, shall be remembered. Goodbye.)

    *OOC: Okay, here's how the Iconian Rank structure works:

    Deck Officer (Starfleet equivalent: Ensign)
    Sub-lieutenant (Starfleet equivalent: Lieutenant JG)
    Lieutenant (Starfleet equivalent: Lieutenant)
    Lieutenant Commander (Starfleet equivalent: Lieutenant Commander)
    Sub-Commander (Starfleet equivalent: Commander)
    Commander (Starfleet equivalent: Captain)
    Commodore (Starfleet equivalent: Rear Admiral LH)
    Third Commander (Starfleet equivalent: Rear Admiral UH)
    Second Commander (Starfleet equivalent: Vice Admiral)
    First Commander (Starfleet equivalent: Admiral)
    Supreme Commander (Starfleet equivalent: Fleet Admiral)

    BTW, if you guys wanna make Iconian characters, feel free. I feel lonely being the only one, and it would help flesh them out a bit. If you do, pm me so I can brief you on how their society works.*
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    OOC: I would say at least 1.5 times bigger than that.. But they are carriers that are very hard to bring down... given that they have so many layers of shielding... But those are the defense network...

    100 arrays of zeta and omega hybrids disruptors

    56 zeta torpedo launchers

    10 high yield tricobalt launchers.

    2 layers of beam shielding

    5 layers of the top of the line shields in use in the 26th century...

    over 2000 fighters

    20 frigate class vessels

    200 launch bays

    OOC: Okay, sorry, I may be slightly extreme here, but there are a few slight problems I noticed if these are Iconian ships.
    OOC: 100 arrays of zeta and omega hybrids disruptors

    Zeta can't be focused into a beam. It has to be delivered via torpedo payload. Also, the Iconians use anti-matter beam weaponry.

    I'm fine with the Omega Disruptors, seeing as how Preston probably gave them that, but doesn't a new-type (or at least an Omega Frame) have to be present for them to work?
    OOC: 5 layers of the top of the line shields in use in the 26th century...

    If these are Iconian, and Iconian Shields are about 1000 years ahead of Federation shields, shouldn't this be'top of the line Iconian shields in the 26th century'?

    If it's not Iconian, ignore all of the above. Sorry for wasting your time. ;)
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Okay, sorry, I may be slightly extreme here, but there are a few slight problems I noticed if these are Iconian ships.

    Zeta can't be focused into a beam. It has to be delivered via torpedo payload. Also, the Iconians use anti-matter beam weaponry.

    I'm fine with the Omega Disruptors, seeing as how Preston probably gave them that, but doesn't a new-type (or at least an Omega Frame) have to be present for them to work?

    If these are Iconian, and Iconian Shields are about 1000 years ahead of Federation shields, shouldn't this be'top of the line Iconian shields in the 26th century'?

    If it's not Iconian, ignore all of the above. Sorry for wasting your time. ;)

    OOC: Actually. When I brought up Zeta weaponry they couldn't at first use it as a focused beam but in a large spread cannon.. (Like a grape shot) but when merged with Omega they interacted with only a small amount of Zeta being present.

    Yes there is no Omega framework.. So no there are no Newtype crewmen. on these things.. Their fighters however are top of the line hunter units with destroy modes when they detect Newtypes. *Federation fighters are this as well except I am not sure if they jointly made them with the Republic.* Actually no they don't need to be present.. It is for the added benefit of the resonance of the frame..

    As for the Shields no but there are so many that it makes it ridiculous so it can soak up damage.. So no they are not Iconian..
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Deneb Sector. Another Iconian Convoy is passing through the Sector as a fleet of Warships led by the I.C.S. Dor'kon moves to intercept it. As they approach, the transports vanish, revealed as holograms, while the Escorts remain. A fleet of Iconian Frigates, Cruisers, and Motherships Gate in in formation with the Escorts, locking onto the Intercept Forces.*

    Iconian Commander *Over comm*: This is Commander Toroga of the Tru Iconian Warship Der'vis'an to I.C.S. Dor'kon. Surrender or be destroyed!

    Solara *Over comm*: This is Second Commander Solara of the Iconian 3rd Fleet to Renegade Vessels! We do not surrender. You are committing a direct act of Treason against the Iconian High Command! You will surrender at once!

    *I.C.S. Dor'kon. Second Commander Solara stares at the incoming Rebel Fleet. Her face is filled with apprehension of what she may be about to do.*

    Solara: Do not force us to engage your ships, Toroga. With the exception of recent weeks, no Iconian has killed another in 500,000 years. Don't force me to do this.

    Tech: They've broken off contact. Enemy Fighters have locked on! Orders?

    Solara: Dor'kon to all ships! Intercept enemy craft and engage! I repeat, fire at will!

    All batteries... fire.

    *The two fleets move within firing range of eachother and begin attacking eachother. The Frigates either strafe the Enemy Motherships or engage the enemy strafers. The Cruisers support the Motherships with fire against strafing fighters and frigates. The Motherships duel against one another.*

    OOC: The Frigates have 3 Secondary Antimatter Beam arrays (one Forward, one Aft, and one on the belly) as well as one Zeta Torpedo Launcher, capable of firing 2 torpedoes at a time.

    The Fighters have 2 Antimatter Cannons and a single micro-Zeta Torpedo Launcher.
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Taragi: Negative, Black Phantom. We can handle repairs from here.

    (OOC: It's FIRST Commander, lol.)

    *Taragi turns off the comm before looking at the Comm Officer.*

    Crewman, what have we heard from the Fleet?

    Tech: Sir, the Dar'kon reports they have engaged a Rebel Fleet in Deneb Sector.

    Taragi: Solara, I told you to avoid combat.

    Tech: Sir?

    Taragi: How goes the Battle?

    Tech: Badly. Both sides appear locked in a stalemate.

    Taragi: And the Dar'kon?

    Tech: Her shields are damaged, but holding.

    Taragi: Complete preliminary repairs then gate to the Battle Zone. Call all allied ships for assistance.

    Tech: Aye, sir.

    Taragi: Hail the Tal'maan.

    Sarana, your ship is disabled. Surrender, and let us take on prisoners.

    Tech: No response.

    Tech 2: I'm picking up an energy spike!

    *The Tal'maan explodes. Taragi drops his head.*

    Taragi *Whispering*: Sarana, mei dar'cha mei Tal'maan, dukrat chei. Dar'gro va.

    (translation: Sarana, and the crew of the Tal'maan, shall be remembered. Goodbye.)

    *OOC: Okay, here's how the Iconian Rank structure works:

    Deck Officer (Starfleet equivalent: Ensign)
    Sub-lieutenant (Starfleet equivalent: Lieutenant JG)
    Lieutenant (Starfleet equivalent: Lieutenant)
    Lieutenant Commander (Starfleet equivalent: Lieutenant Commander)
    Sub-Commander (Starfleet equivalent: Commander)
    Commander (Starfleet equivalent: Captain)
    Commodore (Starfleet equivalent: Rear Admiral LH)
    Third Commander (Starfleet equivalent: Rear Admiral UH)
    Second Commander (Starfleet equivalent: Vice Admiral)
    First Commander (Starfleet equivalent: Admiral)
    Supreme Commander (Starfleet equivalent: Fleet Admiral)

    BTW, if you guys wanna make Iconian characters, feel free. I feel lonely being the only one, and it would help flesh them out a bit. If you do, pm me so I can brief you on how their society works.*

    *Deneb Sector. The two fleets are still fighting hard. The debris from Iconian Motherships and Cruisers dotting the battlefield.

    Cruisers are broadsiding one another.

    A Rebel Cruiser gets caught in the Imperial Formation and is torn apart, being sent out of control. As it hurtles towards a Mothership, the Mothership banks hard to starboard, but the Cruiser smashes into the port bow, careening across the hull, tearing it open.

    The Dar'kon is hit by a Mothership's Main Gun, before firing back. The enemy Mothership is now torn to shreds while the Dar'kon is suffering from hull breaches and fires. She continues on strong however, her weapons slamming into the next Mothership in the enemy formation.

    Deep Space, I.C.S. Dor'kat'a, Bridge. Taragi looks at the visual feed of the battle on the holo-screen, as the combat chatter plays on the speakers.*

    CC Voice 1 *Over comm*: We just lost the Cor'tan'a!

    CC Voice 2 *Over comm*: I.S.S. Tar'kaal, requesting assistance! We've lost shields!

    CC Voice 3 *Over comm*: The Mar'san is gone!

    CC Voice 4 *Over comm*: Dar'sal, requesting assistance! We're breaking u--!

    Taragi: Turn it off!

    *The combat chatter is turned off.*

    Great Maker, forgive us.

    Set course for Deep Space 61. We're in no position to assist.

    XO: Sir? We can't just abandon them out there!

    Taragi: Chana, we have no choice! I don't want to leave them any more than you do, but we've taken too much damage! We're only ONE ship!

    *Suddenly, a fleet of Republic and Federation Vessels drop out of warp near the Dor'kat'a, led by the Matthew Neilson and the Excalibur.*

    Matt *Over comm*: This is Captain Matthew Forrester, commanding the R.S.S. Matthew Neilson, to I.C.S. Dor'kat'a, we stand ready to assist you.

    *R.S.S. Matthew Neilson.*

    Matt: Ops, put out a call to Captain Wax and Admiral Dorman. Ask for any ships they can spare. THIS is gonna get hairy.
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Deneb Sector. The two fleets are still fighting hard. The debris from Iconian Motherships and Cruisers dotting the battlefield.

    Cruisers are broadsiding one another.

    A Rebel Cruiser gets caught in the Imperial Formation and is torn apart, being sent out of control. As it hurtles towards a Mothership, the Mothership banks hard to starboard, but the Cruiser smashes into the port bow, careening across the hull, tearing it open.

    The Dar'kon is hit by a Mothership's Main Gun, before firing back. The enemy Mothership is now torn to shreds while the Dar'kon is suffering from hull breaches and fires. She continues on strong however, her weapons slamming into the next Mothership in the enemy formation.

    Deep Space, I.C.S. Dor'kat'a, Bridge. Taragi looks at the visual feed of the battle on the holo-screen, as the combat chatter plays on the speakers.*

    CC Voice 1 *Over comm*: We just lost the Cor'tan'a!

    CC Voice 2 *Over comm*: I.S.S. Tar'kaal, requesting assistance! We've lost shields!

    CC Voice 3 *Over comm*: The Mar'san is gone!

    CC Voice 4 *Over comm*: Dar'sal, requesting assistance! We're breaking u--!

    Taragi: Turn it off!

    *The combat chatter is turned off.*

    Great Maker, forgive us.

    Set course for Deep Space 61. We're in no position to assist.

    XO: Sir? We can't just abandon them out there!

    Taragi: Chana, we have no choice! I don't want to leave them any more than you do, but we've taken too much damage! We're only ONE ship!

    *Suddenly, a fleet of Republic and Federation Vessels drop out of warp near the Dor'kat'a, led by the Matthew Neilson and the Excalibur.*

    Matt *Over comm*: This is Captain Matthew Forrester, commanding the R.S.S. Matthew Neilson, to I.C.S. Dor'kat'a, we stand ready to assist you.

    *R.S.S. Matthew Neilson.*

    Matt: Ops, put out a call to Captain Wax and Admiral Dorman. Ask for any ships they can spare. THIS is gonna get hairy.

    *The Adama warps in the sister ship to the Freedom, along with it the 2nd fleet including the USS Spartacus *the new Federation escort.. The Freedom not far behind the vessels soon start engaging the Iconian fleet trapping the rebel Iconians... *

    * Admiral Dorman a old hand at fleet engagements calmly feels at home...*

    Dorman: Have the Spartacus bail out Taragi and take out squad 3 to assist.

    Fartel: Aye sir.

    *As she starts issuing the relayed orders.*

    Dorman: Advance to 309.5 and issue Allen epsilon to all vessels in the wing to follow through.
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