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  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Ooc: its all good man I had class today to so I know how you feel. Am at work so I won't be back on till I'm off. You can use one of the new enemies on the harvest. If you want.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: its all good man I had class today to so I know how you feel. Am at work so I won't be back on till I'm off. You can use one of the new enemies on the harvest. If you want.

    *OOC: Nah you guys can have some fun. Its what this is all for anyway.. So why not make it that way.*
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *USS Black Phantom, its retrofit zeta incorporating more recent technology into the vessels design *

    *Dorman is watching as he and James share quite a bit in common now... The retrofit is almost finished just a few calibrations to be made to the power systems. *

    Dorman: Captain Voporak your mission is to scout into Iconian space and remain undetected we have upgraded your Cloak and gave you stealth systems to cut down on power and emissions... We want you to find out why they are moving transports into the area at increasing amounts.. And find their destination if at all possible... But do not engage...

    Voporak: Sure thing, Admiral. We'll set off tomorrow at 16:00 hours.

    OOC: I'll be back at 16:00 hours my time, which is about 18 hours from now.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *OOC: The term for the new shifters are Face Dancers I should give a run down on them some time.. I had 2 exams today so hence my late coming online. So lets carry on as I hope this one has some kind of Face Dancers in it and go ahead if you guys wanna use them.. They are meant to mimic people flawlessly.. So hey I am permitting you guys to have a ton of fun.*

    *USS Val is scanning the Roosevelt finding things a bit too perfect... Colin is pacing about his worn jacket open... *

    Colin: I will keep every finding we get on my personal channel til we leave the area...

    Gorin: Sir are you afraid of something?

    Colin: No Lt. Just taking precautions. Something is not sitting right with me...

    *Back on Sam's vessel *OOC Forgive me I am burned out to remember the name of it* James walks onto the bridge he is wearing a specialized suit to help him move around... Since his exposure he has faced and seen so much.. A lot of things that make much more sense... His children are incredibley powerful and since they were exposed like he was... He is perhaps the only one that knows that they mean no harm... But he also feels the sting of loss... But the twins make him forget about it for some time as they comfort him the best they can.*

    James: *Mental voice that Sam can hear as if he is speaking to her*

    Captain a word when you get a chance...

    *USS Black Phantom, its retrofit zeta incorporating more recent technology into the vessels design *

    *Dorman is watching as he and James share quite a bit in common now... The retrofit is almost finished just a few calibrations to be made to the power systems. *

    Dorman: Captain Voporak your mission is to scout into Iconian space and remain undetected we have upgraded your Cloak and gave you stealth systems to cut down on power and emissions... We want you to find out why they are moving transports into the area at increasing amounts.. And find their destination if at all possible... But do not engage...

    OOC: Hill is actually telling the truth. The Roosevelt was shot forward in time. The scepticism on the part of Tucker's crew is completely understandable given the situation.

    *Sam nods to James before turning to David.*

    Sam: You have the Bridge, Commander.

    David: Aye, Captain.

    Sam: Admiral?

    *She gestures to her Ready Room before walking inside and waiting for James to follow.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *Deneb Sector, along the Iconian Transport route. The I.C.S. Dor'kat'a and 2 Suuport ships are engaging a squadron of other Iconian Frigates. The Dor'kat'a's shields have taken a pounding, and the Support Cruisers are on fire. A blast from the Dor'kat'a destroys a damaged frigate while the rest make a strafing run and nearly break through the shields.

    Dor'kat'a, Bridge. Taragi has a bleeding cut (light blue blood) on his forehead and a beam has collapsed. One of the Command Deck's blast shutters (they cover the windows from the inside in case of a breach) has also sealed. Sparks fly as the Frigates complete their run. Taragi has a look of fury on his face as he sees an Iconian transport convoy begin to leave weapons range.*

    Taragi: Hail the Sorkat again!

    Darana, stand down! No Iconian has killed another in 500,000 years!

    Darana *Over comm*: I have my orders, Taragi! I must carry them out!

    Taragi: Shar'ma Kil'!

    Weapons Station, stand by to fire, but wait until they're within 500 meters!

    Weapons Officer: We could get pretty singed at that range!

    Taragi: Not as singed as they're going to get!

    *The frigates come back around for another pass.*

    Weapons Officer: 1000 meters. 750. 500!

    Taragi: FIRE!

    *The Dor'kat'a's Secondary Beam arrays tear into the lead ship, tearing it apart as the debris hits the shield. One of the following ships breaks off and passes in front of one of the Torpedo Launcher Banks as it fires 3 torpedoes in quick succession, tearing straight through it.

    The Other Frigates either get torn apart by the Dor'kat'a's other Secondary Beam banks, the Support Cruisers' Main Batteries, or break off and withdraw. The Dor'kat'a jumps to warp after the Freighters, dropping out of warp in front of the convoy. The Main battery fires a Warning shot just off the lead ship.*

    By order of the Iconian High Command, I command you to stand down or be destroyed! This is your only warning!
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Ooc: I won't be able to really post till around 5pm central have to work an odd shift today
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Hill is actually telling the truth. The Roosevelt was shot forward in time. The scepticism on the part of Tucker's crew is completely understandable given the situation.

    *Sam nods to James before turning to David.*

    Sam: You have the Bridge, Commander.

    David: Aye, Captain.

    Sam: Admiral?

    *She gestures to her Ready Room before walking inside and waiting for James to follow.*

    James: I hear you received the report from Damon's medical check up... Strange occurrences abound... Your probably wondering whether I am doing okay... Given what happened...

    You still have not found the missing Ensign have you...
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    James: I hear you received the report from Damon's medical check up... Strange occurrences abound... Your probably wondering whether I am doing okay... Given what happened...

    You still have not found the missing Ensign have you...

    OOC: Sorry, memory's a bit iffy. Which Ensign was this?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    James: I hear you received the report from Damon's medical check up... Strange occurrences abound... Your probably wondering whether I am doing okay... Given what happened...

    You still have not found the missing Ensign have you...

    *OOC: Nevermind, I remember.*

    Sam: No, we haven't, and I'm starting to get worried. Security's expanded their search to include the Nacelle Maintenance Corridors, but even then...

    You didn't come up to the Bridge just to ask me that, did you?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Sorry, memory's a bit iffy. Which Ensign was this?

    OOC: Intruder that messed up the procedure..?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    OOC: Intruder that messed up the procedure..?

    OOC: lol. Oh boy.

    All hands, this is the Captain. We have had a major communications breakdown. Stand by.
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Nevermind, I remember.*

    Sam: No, we haven't, and I'm starting to get worried. Security's expanded their search to include the Nacelle Maintenance Corridors, but even then...

    You didn't come up to the Bridge just to ask me that, did you?

  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Nevermind, I remember.*

    Sam: No, we haven't, and I'm starting to get worried. Security's expanded their search to include the Nacelle Maintenance Corridors, but even then...

    You didn't come up to the Bridge just to ask me that, did you?

    James: You might want to check the weapons areas... You are having minor problems with those.. *His eyes are a deep metallic blue* Sorry.. Still trying to adjust to this newly amplified form.. My children are quite harmless... They are however afraid of the memories of their ancestors... Afraid of being treated as different and foreign..

    They help me get through this gaping hole... but it is only so much... But I have them and others to think about aside from myself.

    I assume that your High Command knows what happened...
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: lol. Oh boy.

    All hands, this is the Captain. We have had a major communications breakdown. Stand by.


    OOC: Sorry major brain TRIBBLE... Had a long day...
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    OOC: Sorry major brain TRIBBLE... Had a long day...

    OOC: It's cool man. Happens to everyone.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: It's cool man. Happens to everyone.

    OOC: Well at least I did not have to pay for the new tire..
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    James: Oh don't worry about the Doctors, they have been so curious though as this is different from what I am used to.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    James: You might want to check the weapons areas... You are having minor problems with those.. *His eyes are a deep metallic blue* Sorry.. Still trying to adjust to this newly amplified form.. My children are quite harmless... They are however afraid of the memories of their ancestors... Afraid of being treated as different and foreign..

    They help me get through this gaping hole... but it is only so much... But I have them and others to think about aside from myself.

    I assume that your High Command knows what happened...

    Sam: They already checked weapons.

    James, some of the crew HAVE expressed concern, but only some. No one actually believes that your kids mean any harm, least of all me.

    Is this about me assigning T'mar to the kids? I did it because T'mar's the most powerful natural telepath onboard, and she's already developed a bond with them.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Sam: They already checked weapons.

    James, some of the crew HAVE expressed concern, but only some. No one actually believes that your kids mean any harm, least of all me.

    Is this about me assigning T'mar to the kids? I did it because T'mar's the most powerful natural telepath onboard, and she's already developed a bond with them.

    James: My worry is that she will tire... They are quite powerful and there is a problem T'mar at some point in time will need to make sure that they can assert their personalities... What ever that substance was awakened a lot more than them but every ancestor in their genetics...

    As for those concerns, I understand... But I do think it is wild thoughts and fears..

    What I am here for is what I saw... before I woke up...

    about that said Ensign... you might want to check the starboard jefferies tube 310 Deck 10 in a compartment. That is only one thing I saw... I will tell you the rest of what I saw.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Jacob sits in his ready room while he waits for the report on the computer attack. A small hologram appears on the table. Wearing a old fighter pilot uniform.

    John: admiral i think I found what happened.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Jacob sits in his ready room while he waits for the report on the computer attack. A small hologram appears on the table. Wearing a old fighter pilot uniform.

    John: admiral i think I found what happened.

    Lt. Cora: Admiral Ensign Jefferson is missing as well
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Lt. Cora: Admiral Ensign Jefferson is missing as well

    Jacob: damn lt where was his last known position.

    Jacob rubs out the door as his armor activates around him.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Jacob: damn lt where was his last known position.

    Jacob rubs out the door as his armor activates around him.

    Cora: He was last seen on deck 40 section 12
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Cora: He was last seen on deck 40 section 12

    Jacob: inform security to seal of the area. No one goes in. I'm entering that section now. Seal it off seal all bulkheads around there.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Jacob slowly walks through the corridor arm raised weapon mount primed. These corridors are dark and messy. After recent events and the rushed construction of this sector it makes it a dangerous place.

    Slowly he walks through the hallways checking each room he walks by.

    Roland ( yes he is back in the this suit. ) sir I just went through all the ships security systems. And I don't have good news. We found the officers body and I alerted security. But the bad news he's been at least a few days if not a week.

    Jacob: then who was living as the ensign.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    OOC: Gonna give the run down on Face dancer 's

    Average height: 6'2

    Skin: Grey

    Hair color: white

    Facial features: Black beady eyes, long puggish nose, and filed down teeth.

    Abilities: Amplified strength, absorbs DNA and proceeds to kill the subject being copied, Merciless, Hive mind, Remembers victims memories, change their DNA to match and bypass biometrics, Telepaths cannot tell the difference, brutal, reflexes on par with an augment even surpass them, can change forms on a whim.

    There is a way to detect them but I will reveal it when the time is right as Sam 2 by now will know.. I wanna keep the atmosphere of fear and uncertainty..
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Jacob slowly continues searching the deck. Weapons armed and at the ready. He takes no chances.

    Roland: I am not picking up anyone on your sensors.

    Jacob: that's what I'm afraid of.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *Commander Kar'goth is in his quarters on a different deck further up as he is on his edge... who ever this freak is *

    *Kar'goth goes to his sink and washes his face... something moves closer behind him and makes its jump and rips his throat out and within in minutes is in a new form

    Kar'goth washes his hands off and opens the tube and stuffs the corpse into an ventilator shaft...*

    Kar'goth: * Calmly walks to the bridge*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    James: My worry is that she will tire... They are quite powerful and there is a problem T'mar at some point in time will need to make sure that they can assert their personalities... What ever that substance was awakened a lot more than them but every ancestor in their genetics...

    As for those concerns, I understand... But I do think it is wild thoughts and fears..

    What I am here for is what I saw... before I woke up...

    about that said Ensign... you might want to check the starboard jefferies tube 310 Deck 10 in a compartment. That is only one thing I saw... I will tell you the rest of what I saw.

    Sam: Allington to Security, check Deck 10, Jefferies Tube 310.

    Go o--

    Lopez *Over comm*: Captain, this is Ensign Lopez.

    Sam: Go ahead, ensign.

    Lopez *Over comm*: Sir, someone just tripped a Security Alert on Deck 5.

    Sam: Deck 5? That's Sickbay!

    Lopez *Over comm*: I've got Security surrounding the area, and I've locked down Deck 5 except for Turbo 1, which I've locked to the Bridge.

    Sam: Understood.

    Sound General Quarters!

    *The Red Alert Klaxon sounds.

    Sickbay. T'mar looks up when she hears the Alarm. She turns to the kids.*

    T'mar *telepathically to the kids*: It'll be okay.

    Sam *Over comm*: All hands, Intruder Alert! We have unauthorised Personnel on Deck 5. Repeat, Intruder Alert!

    *T'mar taps her combadge.*

    T'mar: T'mar to Security, report.

    Lopez *Over comm*: Someone tripped a Security Alert in your Section, Lieutenant. Security Teams are already en route.

    T'mar: understood. T'mar out.

    *She walks over to the weapons locker and takes out 2 Type 2 Phaser Pistols, handing one to Andrews, who resists.*

    I think you'd better...

    Andrews: I took an oath as a Doctor to do no harm.

    T'mar: That's why there's a stun setting.

    Take it.

    *Andrews takes the pistol and holsters it at his waist. T'mar does the same with hers before walking into the corridor. She sees 2 Security Officers run over to her.*

    Security 1: Lieutenant!

    T'mar: Don't let anyone through those doors without authorisation from me, Doctor Andrews, or the Bridge.

    Security 2: Understood.

    *T'mar nods before taking her tricorder and activating it's holo-display. She also taps her combadge.*

    T'mar: Security, this is Lieutenant T'mar. Requesting directions to the Security Alert.

    Lopez *Over comm*: Corridor 1, Section Alpha.

    T'mar: Understood.

    *She walks a few feet before kneeling and scanning for DNA signatures. She filters out those of the crew, and finds nothing.*


    *She opens her mind, filtering out the noise of the crew and the kids, and again, nothing. She puts the telepathic screen back up.*

    T'mar to Lopez, are you sure someone came through here?

    Lopez *Over comm*: Confirmed. We just had another Alert in Section Bravo.

    T'mar: On it.

    *She runs to the next sensor an sees an open access panel. She walks over and moves the panel to the side, showing that it leads into the ship's superstructure.*


    T'mar to all points! The intruder is in the superstructure! Repeat; intruder is in the superstructure!

    Lopez *Over comm*: Intruder alert on Deck 12, Jefferies Tube 7a!

    Sam *Over comm*: Stand down on 7a alert. I've got him. Configure sensors to recognise O.S.S. Agent Michael Hawk as Authorised Personnel.

    Lopez *Over comm*: Power drain on Deck 6, just of Corridor 1 Section Bravo!

    T'mar: Lock down all decks! Authorisation T'mar Alpha-1-1-Daystar-2-7!

    *An alarm goes off signalling a complete ship-wide Lockdown.

    Main Engineering. The Doors are sealed and protected by Forcefields. The Warp Core and Subspace Coil are protected by large metal plates moving out of the deck (and ceiling in the Warp Core's case.) to shield them. Forcefields then activate around them.

    All Jefferies Tubes are locked. All doors on every deck are locked, Security Forcefields are engaged at every junction, and Blast Doors seal off Engineering, Deflector Control, Security, the Brig, the Shuttlebay, and the Torpedo Bays and Energy Weapon Control and Maintenance Stations.*

    Computer: All decks are at Level 1 Lockdown. This is not a drill.

    T'mar: I want Armed Security at every Access Panel to the superstructure on this ship, now!

    Mitchell *Over comm*: Mitchell to T'mar! Lieutenant, do you have any idea how many of the access points are ON this ship?! It'll take hours to post guards at all of them!

    T'mar: It'll be quicker if you post Engineering Officers on the affected decks, Commander, and I want them armed.

    Mitchell *Over comm*: Now wait just a--!

    Sam *Over comm*: Regulations, Commander. In a Security Crisis, she outranks everyone but Commander Santiago and myself.

    All hands, return to your stations, or your quarters, save Operations Personnel. Report to your Department Heads for assignments.

    *Deck 12, Jefferies Tube. Sam looks at Hawk, who clearly wasn't supposed to be there, if the Republic Assault Ops Stealth Armour was any indication.*

    Sam: Let's hear it.

    Hawk: Sam, come on. It's me.

    Sam: I have half a mind to drag you to the Brig myself!

    Hawk: I'm here on orders from the Office of State Security, Sam.

    Sam: What orders?

    Hawk: I'm hunting down a fugitive, who boarded your vessel while you were at the 2nd Fleet Rendezvous.

    Sam: Who is he?

    Hawk: SHE is called 'Daro Jenn'.

    Sam: I've heard of her. She's a Bajoran Terrorist - the orchestrator of the Solais Crisis. There's also evidence that she may have been involved in the Bajoran Revolt 5 years ago.

    Hawk: Glad you remember her, 'cause she remembers us.

    Sam: How's she masking her Life Signs?

    Hawk: With this.

    *He produces a PADD and activates the holo-display, showing a hologram of an experimental bio-cloak device.*

    Sam: The Bio-cloak? That's still in testing.

    Hawk: And is dangerous after prolonged use. It also emits a low-band subspace signal that--

    Sam: Allington to Bridge! Is the Titan done with the Satellites yet?

    David *Over comm*: They just finished.

    Sam: Order all ships to Fold-jump to DS61! NOW!

    Hawk: Sam, if we dock with the station, she'll be aboard a facility with over 3000 Civilians on board!

    Sam: We won't dock with the Station.

    Allington to Shuttlebay. Lock down all Shuttlecraft.

    Allington to Security. I want a full Security Team posted at Transporter Room 1.

    Engineering, bring Transporter Room 1 back online at standby power. No beam-outs without my authorisation.

    Hawk: Thank you.

    Sam: What does she want?

    Hawk: My guess would be that she wants to blow you up.

    Sam: How? We've locked down the Warp Core and Fusion Reactors. The only thing powerful enough to...

    The MAMs.

    Allington to--

    Hawk: Sam, relax. Daro doesn't have the tools to get past the MAMs' safeties. I don't know how she inteds to do it now that we've got your ship locked down, but I'm sure she'll find a way.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *On the Roosevelt a commander walks into the ship's communal toilet room.*

    Devwa: nearly 5 years... sheesh what a period of time to come into...

    *The air vent opens slightly as the Commander is using the facilities not noticing...*

    Devwa: What is next? The Iconians invading?

    *A set of arms come down and snap the Commander's neck 180* degrees and pulls him up into the air vent... as the toilet flushes and the Commander comes down and shuts the vent closed.*

    *A wicked grin on his face as he leaves a look of normalcy.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Sam: Allington to Security, check Deck 10, Jefferies Tube 310.

    Go o--

    Lopez *Over comm*: Captain, this is Ensign Lopez.

    Sam: Go ahead, ensign.

    Lopez *Over comm*: Sir, someone just tripped a Security Alert on Deck 5.

    Sam: Deck 5? That's Sickbay!

    Lopez *Over comm*: I've got Security surrounding the area, and I've locked down Deck 5 except for Turbo 1, which I've locked to the Bridge.

    Sam: Understood.

    Sound General Quarters!

    *The Red Alert Klaxon sounds.

    Sickbay. T'mar looks up when she hears the Alarm. She turns to the kids.*

    T'mar *telepathically to the kids*: It'll be okay.

    Sam *Over comm*: All hands, Intruder Alert! We have unauthorised Personnel on Deck 5. Repeat, Intruder Alert!

    *T'mar taps her combadge.*

    T'mar: T'mar to Security, report.

    Lopez *Over comm*: Someone tripped a Security Alert in your Section, Lieutenant. Security Teams are already en route.

    T'mar: understood. T'mar out.

    *She walks over to the weapons locker and takes out 2 Type 2 Phaser Pistols, handing one to Andrews, who resists.*

    I think you'd better...

    Andrews: I took an oath as a Doctor to do no harm.

    T'mar: That's why there's a stun setting.

    Take it.

    *Andrews takes the pistol and holsters it at his waist. T'mar does the same with hers before walking into the corridor. She sees 2 Security Officers run over to her.*

    Security 1: Lieutenant!

    T'mar: Don't let anyone through those doors without authorisation from me, Doctor Andrews, or the Bridge.

    Security 2: Understood.

    *T'mar nods before taking her tricorder and activating it's holo-display. She also taps her combadge.*

    T'mar: Security, this is Lieutenant T'mar. Requesting directions to the Security Alert.

    Lopez *Over comm*: Corridor 1, Section Alpha.

    T'mar: Understood.

    *She walks a few feet before kneeling and scanning for DNA signatures. She filters out those of the crew, and finds nothing.*


    *She opens her mind, filtering out the noise of the crew and the kids, and again, nothing. She puts the telepathic screen back up.*

    T'mar to Lopez, are you sure someone came through here?

    Lopez *Over comm*: Confirmed. We just had another Alert in Section Bravo.

    T'mar: On it.

    *She runs to the next sensor an sees an open access panel. She walks over and moves the panel to the side, showing that it leads into the ship's superstructure.*


    T'mar to all points! The intruder is in the superstructure! Repeat; intruder is in the superstructure!

    Lopez *Over comm*: Intruder alert on Deck 12, Jefferies Tube 7a!

    Sam *Over comm*: Stand down on 7a alert. I've got him. Configure sensors to recognise O.S.S. Agent Michael Hawk as Authorised Personnel.

    Lopez *Over comm*: Power drain on Deck 6, just of Corridor 1 Section Bravo!

    T'mar: Lock down all decks! Authorisation T'mar Alpha-1-1-Daystar-2-7!

    *An alarm goes off signalling a complete ship-wide Lockdown.

    Main Engineering. The Doors are sealed and protected by Forcefields. The Warp Core and Subspace Coil are protected by large metal plates moving out of the deck (and ceiling in the Warp Core's case.) to shield them. Forcefields then activate around them.

    All Jefferies Tubes are locked. All doors on every deck are locked, Security Forcefields are engaged at every junction, and Blast Doors seal off Engineering, Deflector Control, Security, the Brig, the Shuttlebay, and the Torpedo Bays and Energy Weapon Control and Maintenance Stations.*

    Computer: All decks are at Level 1 Lockdown. This is not a drill.

    T'mar: I want Armed Security at every Access Panel to the superstructure on this ship, now!

    Mitchell *Over comm*: Mitchell to T'mar! Lieutenant, do you have any idea how many of the access points are ON this ship?! It'll take hours to post guards at all of them!

    T'mar: It'll be quicker if you post Engineering Officers on the affected decks, Commander, and I want them armed.

    Mitchell *Over comm*: Now wait just a--!

    Sam *Over comm*: Regulations, Commander. In a Security Crisis, she outranks everyone but Commander Santiago and myself.

    All hands, return to your stations, or your quarters, save Operations Personnel. Report to your Department Heads for assignments.

    *Deck 12, Jefferies Tube. Sam looks at Hawk, who clearly wasn't supposed to be there, if the Republic Assault Ops Stealth Armour was any indication.*

    Sam: Let's hear it.

    Hawk: Sam, come on. It's me.

    Sam: I have half a mind to drag you to the Brig myself!

    Hawk: I'm here on orders from the Office of State Security, Sam.

    Sam: What orders?

    Hawk: I'm hunting down a fugitive, who boarded your vessel while you were at the 2nd Fleet Rendezvous.

    Sam: Who is he?

    Hawk: SHE is called 'Daro Jenn'.

    Sam: I've heard of her. She's a Bajoran Terrorist - the orchestrator of the Solais Crisis. There's also evidence that she may have been involved in the Bajoran Revolt 5 years ago.

    Hawk: Glad you remember her, 'cause she remembers us.

    Sam: How's she masking her Life Signs?

    Hawk: With this.

    *He produces a PADD and activates the holo-display, showing a hologram of an experimental bio-cloak device.*

    Sam: The Bio-cloak? That's still in testing.

    Hawk: And is dangerous after prolonged use. It also emits a low-band subspace signal that--

    Sam: Allington to Bridge! Is the Titan done with the Satellites yet?

    David *Over comm*: They just finished.

    Sam: Order all ships to Fold-jump to DS61! NOW!

    Hawk: Sam, if we dock with the station, she'll be aboard a facility with over 3000 Civilians on board!

    Sam: We won't dock with the Station.

    Allington to Shuttlebay. Lock down all Shuttlecraft.

    Allington to Security. I want a full Security Team posted at Transporter Room 1.

    Engineering, bring Transporter Room 1 back online at standby power. No beam-outs without my authorisation.

    Hawk: Thank you.

    Sam: What does she want?

    Hawk: My guess would be that she wants to blow you up.

    Sam: How? We've locked down the Warp Core and Fusion Reactors. The only thing powerful enough to...

    The MAMs.

    Allington to--

    Hawk: Sam, relax. Daro doesn't have the tools to get past the MAMs' safeties. I don't know how she inteds to do it now that we've got your ship locked down, but I'm sure she'll find a way.

    *James' is in the corner as he was blocked by the security measures to reach his children...*

    James: If it is really Daro...
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