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  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Preston: I see.

    Jacob: helm set course for the romulan border and have the fleet follow us there. Maximum warp.

    Helm: aye sir.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *T'mar breaks the meld with Sam, her eyes back to normal.*

    T'mar: I don't understand...

    *Andrews' tricorder bleeps, alerting him to Sam's body temperature beginning to return to 37 degrees. Her vitals also return to normal.*

    Andrews: Lieutenant, what did you do?

    T'mar: I didn't do anything. This doesn't make any sense.

    *Sam slowly regains consciousness, opening her eyes. T'mar and Andrews help her stand up.*

    Sam: What happened?

    T'mar: You collapsed.

    *She puts her fingers into a Vulcan Salute.*

    How many fingers am I holding up?

    Sam: Not very damn funny.

    T'mar: I'll explain later. They need you on the Bridge.

    Andrews: With respect, I--

    T'mar: Have no objections? Good.

    I'll keep an eye on her, Doc.

    *The two walk to the bridge as the Republic arrives at the 2nd Fleet rendezvous point. There are 500 Ships here. Sam selected 5 ships - the R.S.S. Ticonderoga (A Titan-Class Battleship), the R.S.S. Romaine (A Smith-Class Exploration Cruiser), the R.S.S. Patten and R.S.S. Minuteman (Dauntless-Class Escorts), and the R.S.S. Riker (A Darwin-Class Reconnaissance Vessel) to join her on the mission to the Lanco System. She meets the selected Captains in the Republic's Situation Room.*

    Sam: We'll take the Transwarp Net to Darius Minor before Fold-jumping to the Danor Belt. After that, we'll proceed at Warp 2 to the Lanco System.

    Captain Delvientos (R.S.S. Ticonderoga): Captain, I'm familiar with the Lanco Sector. It's surrounded by a massive nebula that would take 3 days to traverse. Why not simply Fold-Jump past the nebula?

    Sam: When we left Lanco III, we set up monitor Satellites to send a distress call if someone came within 5 AUs of the Planet. The Synthesisers have undoubtedly TRIBBLE those satellites.

    In one day, a Tachyon Storm will pass through the Danor Belt at speeds equivalent to Warp 2. Now, a small defect with the satellites is that they're not insulated against tachyons. We're going to use that to sneak into the system undetected. We're also working on a modification to the shields to allow us to use them as Solar Sails. We'll ride the storm through the nebula and into the system. After that, the Riker will activate a Tachyon Burst to overload the monitoring satellites.

    The Riker will then deploy a COS Array. COS stands for 'Covert Observation Satellite'. The COS Array has been disguised to mimic the Monitor Sats while sending us intelligence data on what the Synthesisers are up to in the system.

    Captain Reynolds (R.S.S. Riker): Isn't our mission to get information on the Synthesisers' Planetary Actions?

    Sam: That's another reason I chose the Riker. Your Sensor Package puts the MIDAS to shame. You'll be able to scan Lanco II from Lanco III Orbit with ease.

    After we have the data, we'll fold-jump to Deep Space 61 and await further orders.

    I'll make this clear. The Riker is a vital component of this mission. Everyone else is to ensure their safety. If we're caught, we run like hell. Understood?

    *The captains nod.*

    Then let's get this show on the road.

    *They all walk out, leaving Sam alone in the room. She taps the comm panel.*

    Commander Santiago, please report to the Situation Room.

    *David walks in a few moments later.*

    David: Captain.

    *Sam motions to a chair at the corner of the Conference table, as she sits on the end. David sits down in the chair.*

    Sam: I thought you'd like to know that I checked the logs. They confirm that you temporarily relieved T'mar of duty after her breakdown. They also confirm that Dr Andrews cleared her for Duty before she returned to the Bridge.

    You were right. There was no reason for T'mar to be considered emotionally compromised when she returned to duty.

    I also checked the regulations. They say that you have discretionary authority over Counselling on board the Republic, as there is no Counsellor assigned. As per that regulation, you are bound by that same oath of confidentiality, to a lesser extent.

    However, the fact that I was not informed of the breakdown isn't quite so lending to forgiveness. But, there is no regulation saying you have to tell me either.

    I'm not going to reprimand you, or take any disciplinary action.

    David: Thank you, Captain.

    Sam: Dismissed.

    *The 2 stand and David starts walking towards the door.*

    Oh, Commander.

    *David turns around as Sam takes off her combadge.*

    Off the books, you did good.

    *David nods.*

    I wanted to apologise. I was rude.

    David: You're the Captain. Nothing about that position says you have to be friendly.

    Sam: That's no excuse. I was tired and aggravated and ill-tempered. I'm sorry.

    Part of us being the two most Senior Officers means we have to be able to work together. I know you're a good Officer, David. You've proven it time and time again over the last 10 years. I even consider you a friend.

    Now, one thing I want you to promise me.

    David: Yes?

    Sam: I want you to tell me if I TRIBBLE up, and stand your ground. If you're right, the ship stays safe to live another day. If you're wrong, I will eat you for lunch. Good?

    David: Yes ma'am.

    Sam: Okay, you can go.

    Oh, one last thing. T'mar is my Sister, David. If she's hurt, or mistreated, I will be... annoyed. Comprende?

    David: Comprende.

    *David walks out onto the Bridge, and takes his seat in the First Officer position. Sam walks out a few moments later, looking at T'mar.*

    Sam: Lieutenant.

    *T'mar looks to her, curiosity present on her face.*


    T'mar: I was just running a Level 1 diagnostic on the Weapons.

    Sam: Ensign Lopez can do that. I gave you orders to help those kids.

    T'mar: Yes Captain.

    *T'mar leaves her post and Lopez moves from one of the Aft Stations to intercept her.*

    Lopez: How far along is the diagnostic?

    T'mar: 50%. I also noticed an odd blip on the Security scanner at 1534. It looked like a glitch, but better safe than sorry.

    Lopez: Understood. I'll keep a look out for it.

    *Lopez walks over to T'mar's station as T'mar steps onto the turbolift.*

    David: Captain, orders?

    *Sam looks over to David before walking to her Chair.*

    Sam: Helm, set course for the Gate, 3/4 Impulse. Ops, signal the other ships that we're ready to depart.

    Ops: Aye sir.

    They're acknowledging, and standing by for us to take lead.

    Sam: Helm, engage.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Jacob sits on the bridge as the fleet travels at warp speed.

    Jacob: all senior staff meet me in the observation deck.

    Jacob waits for his staff to arrive.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    OOC: Now going offline. Be back at 16:00 UTC (18 hours).
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *T'mar breaks the meld with Sam, her eyes back to normal.*

    T'mar: I don't understand...

    *Andrews' tricorder bleeps, alerting him to Sam's body temperature beginning to return to 37 degrees. Her vitals also return to normal.*

    Andrews: Lieutenant, what did you do?

    T'mar: I didn't do anything. This doesn't make any sense.

    *Sam slowly regains consciousness, opening her eyes. T'mar and Andrews help her stand up.*

    Sam: What happened?

    T'mar: You collapsed.

    *She puts her fingers into a Vulcan Salute.*

    How many fingers am I holding up?

    Sam: Not very damn funny.

    T'mar: I'll explain later. They need you on the Bridge.

    Andrews: With respect, I--

    T'mar: Have no objections? Good.

    I'll keep an eye on her, Doc.

    *The two walk to the bridge as the Republic arrives at the 2nd Fleet rendezvous point. There are 500 Ships here. Sam selected 5 ships - the R.S.S. Ticonderoga (A Titan-Class Battleship), the R.S.S. Romaine (A Smith-Class Exploration Cruiser), the R.S.S. Patten and R.S.S. Minuteman (Dauntless-Class Escorts), and the R.S.S. Riker (A Darwin-Class Reconnaissance Vessel) to join her on the mission to the Lanco System. She meets the selected Captains in the Republic's Situation Room.*

    Sam: We'll take the Transwarp Net to Darius Minor before Fold-jumping to the Danor Belt. After that, we'll proceed at Warp 2 to the Lanco System.

    Captain Delvientos (R.S.S. Ticonderoga): Captain, I'm familiar with the Lanco Sector. It's surrounded by a massive nebula that would take 3 days to traverse. Why not simply Fold-Jump past the nebula?

    Sam: When we left Lanco III, we set up monitor Satellites to send a distress call if someone came within 5 AUs of the Planet. The Synthesisers have undoubtedly TRIBBLE those satellites.

    In one day, a Tachyon Storm will pass through the Danor Belt at speeds equivalent to Warp 2. Now, a small defect with the satellites is that they're not insulated against tachyons. We're going to use that to sneak into the system undetected. We're also working on a modification to the shields to allow us to use them as Solar Sails. We'll ride the storm through the nebula and into the system. After that, the Riker will activate a Tachyon Burst to overload the monitoring satellites.

    The Riker will then deploy a COS Array. COS stands for 'Covert Observation Satellite'. The COS Array has been disguised to mimic the Monitor Sats while sending us intelligence data on what the Synthesisers are up to in the system.

    Captain Reynolds (R.S.S. Riker): Isn't our mission to get information on the Synthesisers' Planetary Actions?

    Sam: That's another reason I chose the Riker. Your Sensor Package puts the MIDAS to shame. You'll be able to scan Lanco II from Lanco III Orbit with ease.

    After we have the data, we'll fold-jump to Deep Space 61 and await further orders.

    I'll make this clear. The Riker is a vital component of this mission. Everyone else is to ensure their safety. If we're caught, we run like hell. Understood?

    *The captains nod.*

    Then let's get this show on the road.

    *They all walk out, leaving Sam alone in the room. She taps the comm panel.*

    Commander Santiago, please report to the Situation Room.

    *David walks in a few moments later.*

    David: Captain.

    *Sam motions to a chair at the corner of the Conference table, as she sits on the end. David sits down in the chair.*

    Sam: I thought you'd like to know that I checked the logs. They confirm that you temporarily relieved T'mar of duty after her breakdown. They also confirm that Dr Andrews cleared her for Duty before she returned to the Bridge.

    You were right. There was no reason for T'mar to be considered emotionally compromised when she returned to duty.

    I also checked the regulations. They say that you have discretionary authority over Counselling on board the Republic, as there is no Counsellor assigned. As per that regulation, you are bound by that same oath of confidentiality, to a lesser extent.

    However, the fact that I was not informed of the breakdown isn't quite so lending to forgiveness. But, there is no regulation saying you have to tell me either.

    I'm not going to reprimand you, or take any disciplinary action.

    David: Thank you, Captain.

    Sam: Dismissed.

    *The 2 stand and David starts walking towards the door.*

    Oh, Commander.

    *David turns around as Sam takes off her combadge.*

    Off the books, you did good.

    *David nods.*

    I wanted to apologise. I was rude.

    David: You're the Captain. Nothing about that position says you have to be friendly.

    Sam: That's no excuse. I was tired and aggravated and ill-tempered. I'm sorry.

    Part of us being the two most Senior Officers means we have to be able to work together. I know you're a good Officer, David. You've proven it time and time again over the last 10 years. I even consider you a friend.

    Now, one thing I want you to promise me.

    David: Yes?

    Sam: I want you to tell me if I TRIBBLE up, and stand your ground. If you're right, the ship stays safe to live another day. If you're wrong, I will eat you for lunch. Good?

    David: Yes ma'am.

    Sam: Okay, you can go.

    Oh, one last thing. T'mar is my Sister, David. If she's hurt, or mistreated, I will be... annoyed. Comprende?

    David: Comprende.

    *David walks out onto the Bridge, and takes his seat in the First Officer position. Sam walks out a few moments later, looking at T'mar.*

    Sam: Lieutenant.

    *T'mar looks to her, curiosity present on her face.*


    T'mar: I was just running a Level 1 diagnostic on the Weapons.

    Sam: Ensign Lopez can do that. I gave you orders to help those kids.

    T'mar: Yes Captain.

    *T'mar leaves her post and Lopez moves from one of the Aft Stations to intercept her.*

    Lopez: How far along is the diagnostic?

    T'mar: 50%. I also noticed an odd blip on the Security scanner at 1534. It looked like a glitch, but better safe than sorry.

    Lopez: Understood. I'll keep a look out for it.

    *Lopez walks over to T'mar's station as T'mar steps onto the turbolift.*

    David: Captain, orders?

    *Sam looks over to David before walking to her Chair.*

    Sam: Helm, set course for the Gate, 3/4 Impulse. Ops, signal the other ships that we're ready to depart.

    Ops: Aye sir.

    They're acknowledging, and standing by for us to take lead.

    Sam: Helm, engage.

    *Mamora is examining Damon and just finds it baffling that his entire personality and memories came back*

    Mamora: I would guess Commander that you were some type of clone as there are signs of some tampering... but your as healthy as ever.. Honestly I have never heard of this process before... you were by all rights dead... Your moniter on the bridge did confirm it... but this is just odd.

    Damon: I know I was dead... I remember dying... It is what came after it is what worries me..

    Mamora: What do you remember...

    Damon: I remember a chamber, foul smelling, but yet a hint of cinnamon smell coming from I think me... Then seeing a disgusting tank of some kind... Strange looking machines and grey skinned aliens..

    Mamora: Like this creature... *shows him the data padd of the dead alien shifter..*

    Damon: Yeah they were there... Nasty little TRIBBLE... But they were hive like... no gender... They are bio machines as they can be programmed its what I heard... I was also conditioned to kill James when I heard a phrase...

    Mamora: Incredible perfectly honed mental conditioning... Then bio machines that explains a lot... But where is the Ensign...

    Damon: Dead... He most likely is.. They are not keen on keeping their victims alive.

    plus... from what I know they cannot be detected especially by telepaths...

    All I know is some kind of strange whistles..
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *James is sitting there with his twin children.. as they are happy to see him*

    James: *is looking at them. the boy looks so much like his mother and his daughter much like her father but her mother's looks*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Jacob sits down as the rest of his senior staff either walks in or holo grams of them appear.

    Jacob: everyone as you know wwe are entering romulan space and that puts us very close to enemy lines.

    Captain Jorg: sir what is our mission exactly?

    Jacob: our mission is to find out who attacked the romulans and why. We are going to be on call to assist any allied forces in the area. So all forceswill be on yellow alert for the full mission.

    Captain Kean: sir what ships are even the area sir i was under the assumption that all allied ships had left the area.

    Jacob: all i will say captain is no there are still allied ships in the area and if they need our help we will drop this mission to aide them.Any questions, no good everyone but my senior officers are dismissed.

    as the holograms fade away jacob looks at his officers.

    Sarah: so what ships are in the area

    Jacob: my recent intel update informed me of an allied taskforce going back to investigate the lanco system.

    Sarah: lanco thats been left alone for awhile now

    Jacob: appearently they have found soething that perked there interest. If they get in trouble we are on standby to jump in and give them the cover they need.

    Lt. cmdr Thomas: sir what can we expect from the republic here.

    Jacob: We are going to have to wotk with them for the most part. to what extent that is still to be seen. I want everyone to be ready and on there toes i know the person he is sending to work with us and well lets say i dont trust him and he doesnt like me at all either.

    jacob looks around the room

    Jacob: anything else no dismissed.

    As the crew leaves jacob watchs them all file out as they go to there duties aboard the ship.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Jacob heads for the his lab on the ship and starts making a few fine tune updates to his armor enjoying the time alone and away from the rest of the ship. He takes off his forearm piece and starts updating its weapons and targetting. He then puts it back on and tests a few shots at the wall no pocketed with blast marks.

    Jacob: nicer computer run theory nine alpha on the theory of shield regeneration
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Jacob heads for the his lab on the ship and starts making a few fine tune updates to his armor enjoying the time alone and away from the rest of the ship. He takes off his forearm piece and starts updating its weapons and targetting. He then puts it back on and tests a few shots at the wall no pocketed with blast marks.

    Jacob: nicer computer run theory nine alpha on the theory of shield regeneration

    *USS Val*

    Captain Colin: Are you sure that the 3rd fleet entered the area?

    Devin: Yes sir.. If I heard right Halsey took over for Admiral Hood...

    Colin: I think we should tell him that the Republic is not responsible for this holocaust... The problem is these vessels are different from synthesizer ships... but they are much more advanced than the average one...

    If the stories are true the man is probably out for Preston's head...

    Devin I am processing the comm sir.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *USS Val*

    Captain Colin: Are you sure that the 3rd fleet entered the area?

    Devin: Yes sir.. If I heard right Halsey took over for Admiral Hood...

    Colin: I think we should tell him that the Republic is not responsible for this holocaust... The problem is these vessels are different from synthesizer ships... but they are much more advanced than the average one...

    If the stories are true the man is probably out for Preston's head...

    Devin I am processing the comm sir.

    A holo of Jacob appears as he is working on his suit.

    Jacob: ah hello captain. I'm assuming you think I'm on a war path. I assure you I am not. I am working with Preston to find the answer to this attack.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Sarah stands on the bridge as they near romulan space. Nerves are high on the bridge. This is the ships only second time in what would be considered enemy territory but she has the most defenses and offensive power of any ship built by the federation. Not to mention some of the best ships to compose her fleet. She takes some time just looking around the large bridge. It was made for fleet actions. She had read the file on the ship design. And had found a total of four had been built and all had been destroyed in enemy attacks after dealing heavey losses to enemy forces before they where destroyed. She admires the build of such a vessel. Built for any situation. It could dock almost any ship and repair almost every compent.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    A holo of Jacob appears as he is working on his suit.

    Jacob: ah hello captain. I'm assuming you think I'm on a war path. I assure you I am not. I am working with Preston to find the answer to this attack.

    Colin: We all caught that ultimatum you gave him... and that the one who has been feeding us intel recently died...

    Anyway... sir..

    We can tell you right now that the Republic was not behind this holocaust... We suspect the synthesizers but these are different... from the ones we know...

    Much more advanced by centuries by the looks of it...

    We also heard reports from the Republic that there have been infiltrators working with some unknown organization
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Colin: We all caught that ultimatum you gave him... and that the one who has been feeding us intel recently died...

    Anyway... sir..

    We can tell you right now that the Republic was not behind this holocaust... We suspect the synthesizers but these are different... from the ones we know...

    Much more advanced by centuries by the looks of it...

    We also heard reports from the Republic that there have been infiltrators working with some unknown organization

    Jacob: yes I do still have contacts everywhere captain. My friends have informed me of some of tals recent trips. And I know the republic. Didn't do it I want to know who did.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Jacob: yes I do still have contacts everywhere captain. My friends have informed me of some of tals recent trips. And I know the republic. Didn't do it I want to know who did.

    *A hologram of another Starfleet Captain, with his uniform jacket open, appears next to Collin.*

    Captain George Tucker: This is U.S.S. Dresden to U.S.S. Harvester. Admiral Halsey, we just detected a spike in neutrino emissions on Long Range sensors, above Mol'rihan - one of the Colonies hit during the holocaust. No ships are supposed to be in that sector.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *A hologram of another Starfleet Captain, with his uniform jacket open, appears next to Collin.*

    Captain George Tucker: This is U.S.S. Dresden to U.S.S. Harvester. Admiral Halsey, we just detected a spike in neutrino emissions on Long Range sensors, above Mol'rihan - one of the Colonies hit during the holocaust. No ships are supposed to be in that sector.

    Jacob: thank you captain. Helm change course for the following coordinates. Red alert.
    Captain if you are in range meet us there. But do not engage or get to close.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Jacob: thank you captain. Helm change course for the following coordinates. Red alert.
    Captain if you are in range meet us there. But do not engage or get to close.

    Tucker: Copy that. Dresden out.

    *Tucker vanishes.

    5LY from the 3rd Fleet, the U.S.S. Dresden (a retrofitted Sovereign-Class Starship) jumps to Warp 12, heading for Mol'Rihan.*

    OOC: Just some background on the Dresden.


    Sovereign Class - Retrofit Project (Activated 2512)

    All Assault Cruisers recalled to Utopia Planetia for retrofit. With the increasing Military strength of the Republic of United Star Systems, Klingon Empire, and Dominion Military Forces, Research Project 'Coventry' was activated.

    All Regent-Class, Majestic-Class, Noble-Class and Sovereign-Class Federation Starships were split into 4 Groups for retrofit Projects: Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta.

    Retrofit Alpha - Sovereign Class:
    Weapons enhanced by Omega Frame and Phaser Pulse Banks. Phaser Beam Arrays replaced by Omega Beam Arrays. 2 additional Fore and Aft torpedo launchers. Neutronium-Ablative Armour Plating. Impulse manifolds and manoeuvring thrusters updated to improve speed and manoeuvrability.

    Alpha is focused on the Tactical Anti-Ship role.

    Retrofit Beta - Sovereign Class:
    Phaser Point Defence Grid. Improved Ablative Armour. Omega Framework. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Shields, plus AT Shields. Improved Quantum Resonance Deflector Dish and Sensor Array (Based on technology Pioneered by the Vesta Class, Aventine Refit), allowing pinpoint targeting and powerful Deflector Attacks. Also capable of Tachyon Inversion (based on technology pioneered by the Chimera-Class).

    Beta is focused on the Reconnaissance and Science Support Role.

    Retrofit Gamma - Sovereign Class:
    Omega Framework. AT Shields. Omega Weaponry. Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quincentenary Shields. Spinal Phaser Lance. Long-Range Forward Torpedo Launchers. Expanded Shuttlebays, capable of carrying the Montgomery-Class Ground Assault Craft, and Federation Falcon-Class Fighters. Targeting Systems capable of accuracy within 20 meters. Room and provisions for a full contingent of MACOs.

    Gamma is focused on the Planetary and Base Assault Role.

    Retrofit Delta - Sovereign Class:
    After 2 years, with heavy resource expenditure on project 'Coventry', and the completion of only 6 retrofits (2 per retrofit group), Starfleet Command ordered the commencement of Retrofit Delta as a cost-effective and less time-consuming update to the Assault Cruisers.

    Omega Framework and AT Shields. Improved Impulse Manifolds. Omega Beams. Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Shields. Improved Ablative Armour. 1 Additional Torpedo Launcher both Fore and Aft. Updated Sensor Package and Computer Systems.

    Delta is a grounded update to the original Sovereign Design as a Multi-purpose Battleship, returning the Sovereign as a viable Fleet Command Vessel.

    All remaining Assault Cruisers began being retrofitted to the Delta configuration. The process took 5 years to retrofit over 900 Vessels. Remaining Assault Cruisers after this time period were deconstructed and the resources used in the Allen-Class Tactical Exploration Cruiser Development (and later Construction) Project.

    The U.S.S. Dresden was the first vessel to receive the Delta Retrofit.

    --END OF FILE--

    OOC: Okay, 'some' was a little misleading...

    I went into that level of detail so if any of you wanted to use the other retrofits, you could. I limited the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Retrofits because they really are specialist vessels (and Gamma doesn't really need much of a reason. It makes the Dominion Dreadnought look KIND!) and we don't really want hundreds running about.

    The Retrofits weren't specific to the Sovereign. The Regent, Majestic, and Noble all received retrofits to the same standards (Only 2 ASSAULT Cruisers received the Alpha, Beta and Gamma Retros, not 2 of each Assault Cruiser Class. Just making that clear).
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ooc: its all man

    Jacob stands on the bridge of the harvest as they near the coordinates.

    Jacob : Status report.

    officer: Sir the fleet is still headed to our original coordinates as ordered. Sensor data is being looked at by science now and all corvets and fighters are ready for launch. Ship is at full battle status.

    Jacob: very well have all fighters and corvetts ready to launch when we get in system.Also see if we have any info on those readings from any other data.

    officer: aye sir

    Sarah: what do you think about it?

    Jacob: I honestly dont know. So lets find out if you need me i going to finish working on this suit so in case we find trouble ill be ready.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Occ: I should do that for the harvest-A as well shouldnt i as its a refit of the original refit so lets see how much i can remember and make up as i go along :)

    Class: Harvest class mobile fleet comand vessel

    length: 2.5 miles long

    width: .95 miles long

    Officers: 950

    Hull: Adaptive hull armor
    The adaptive hull armor is a advanced armor design that adapts the armor to incoming enemy weapons fire.

    Shields: 4 Shield generators
    The harvest incomperates 4 shield systems 2 are primary adaptive shields taken from borg cubes and made to work on the harvest.The other two are hull tight shields one to block all transport activity and the other to block all other impacts should primary generators fail.

    Warp core: The harvest incomperates a total of 3 warp cores.One devouted to each major system. one for weapons power one for shields and one the major one for engine power.

    The harvest has fold jump abilities and transwarp as well.

    The harvests impulse engines ( she has 6) power things life life support as well and are able to reach .98 light speed.

    Weapons: Phased Phaser system ( 58 banks)
    Phased phaser canons ( 65 canons)
    phased phaser turrets ( 120 turrets)
    The phased phaser system is an upgrade to standered phaser system in that it deals more damage by adapting to the enemy ships shield as they near it.

    Torpedo: 38 torpedo bays laoded for multi use torpedoes.

    The harvest class vessel is a mobile command station that is built to support its fleet in combat and repair.

    Fighters: 35 Predator class fighters

    Escorts: 3 defiant class escort refits ( launched from the harvest its self)

    Occ: i think that sums up the most of the ship
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Occ: I should do that for the harvest-A as well shouldnt i as its a refit of the original refit so lets see how much i can remember and make up as i go along :)

    Class: Harvest class mobile fleet comand vessel

    length: 2.5 miles long

    width: .95 miles long

    Officers: 950

    Hull: Adaptive hull armor
    The adaptive hull armor is a advanced armor design that adapts the armor to incoming enemy weapons fire.

    Shields: 4 Shield generators
    The harvest incomperates 4 shield systems 2 are primary adaptive shields taken from borg cubes and made to work on the harvest.The other two are hull tight shields one to block all transport activity and the other to block all other impacts should primary generators fail.

    Warp core: The harvest incomperates a total of 3 warp cores.One devouted to each major system. one for weapons power one for shields and one the major one for engine power.

    The harvest has fold jump abilities and transwarp as well.

    The harvests impulse engines ( she has 6) power things life life support as well and are able to reach .98 light speed.

    Weapons: Phased Phaser system ( 58 banks)
    Phased phaser canons ( 65 canons)
    phased phaser turrets ( 120 turrets)
    The phased phaser system is an upgrade to standered phaser system in that it deals more damage by adapting to the enemy ships shield as they near it.

    Torpedo: 38 torpedo bays laoded for multi use torpedoes.

    The harvest class vessel is a mobile command station that is built to support its fleet in combat and repair.

    Fighters: 35 Predator class fighters

    Escorts: 3 defiant class escort refits ( launched from the harvest its self)

    Occ: i think that sums up the most of the ship

    OOC: :eek:

    I'll take 2. :P:D
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: :eek:

    I'll take 2. :P:D

    She is the last of her class now.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    ooc: its all man

    Jacob stands on the bridge of the harvest as they near the coordinates.

    Jacob : Status report.

    officer: Sir the fleet is still headed to our original coordinates as ordered. Sensor data is being looked at by science now and all corvets and fighters are ready for launch. Ship is at full battle status.

    Jacob: very well have all fighters and corvetts ready to launch when we get in system.Also see if we have any info on those readings from any other data.

    officer: aye sir

    Sarah: what do you think about it?

    Jacob: I honestly dont know. So lets find out if you need me i going to finish working on this suit so in case we find trouble ill be ready.

    *The Dresden arrives in the Mol'Rihan System. They approach the Planet, covered in dust clouds, with the intermittent glow of lava seeping through the cloud cover.

    Dresden, Bridge. Tucker is sitting in his Command Chair as the Planet is displayed on the Viewscreen.*

    Tucker: 8 Billion People.

    Science, have you traced that Neutrino Emission yet?

    Science Officer: Yes sir. It's massive! It's also...



    *The Red Alert Klaxon sounds as the Dresden raises shields and powers weapons.

    In front of it, a colossal ship decloaks. It's the S.H.I.E.L.D. Franklin D Roosevelt.*

    Hill *Over comm*: This is Captain Maria Hill of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Franklin D Roosevelt. Hold your fire Captain. We're not your enemy.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *The Dresden arrives in the Mol'Rihan System. They approach the Planet, covered in dust clouds, with the intermittent glow of lava seeping through the cloud cover.

    Dresden, Bridge. Tucker is sitting in his Command Chair as the Planet is displayed on the Viewscreen.*

    Tucker: 8 Billion People.

    Science, have you traced that Neutrino Emission yet?

    Science Officer: Yes sir. It's massive! It's also...



    *The Red Alert Klaxon sounds as the Dresden raises shields and powers weapons.

    In front of it, a colossal ship decloaks. It's the S.H.I.E.L.D. Franklin D Roosevelt.*

    Hill *Over comm*: This is Captain Maria Hill of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Franklin D Roosevelt. Hold your fire Captain. We're not your enemy.

    Jacob is on the bridge when they arrive in system and see the ship.

    Jacob: report

    officer: sir that is a S.H.I.E.L.D. vessel!

    Jacob: run a system scan of the vessel make sure it is and scan all crew as well.

    Officer: should i open a channel?

    Jacob: no not yetjust sit us a little behind the dresden

    helm: aye sir
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Jacob is on the bridge when they arrive in system and see the ship.

    Jacob: report

    officer: sir that is a S.H.I.E.L.D. vessel!

    Jacob: run a system scan of the vessel make sure it is and scan all crew as well.

    Officer: should i open a channel?

    Jacob: no not yetjust sit us a little behind the dresden

    helm: aye sir

    *U.S.S. Dresden.*

    Ops: Sir, the transponder codes do match those of the Roosevelt.

    Tucker: But the Roosevelt vanished over 4 years ago!

    Science: It matches every single detail I can pull on the Roosevelt-Class. That is the Roosevelt.

    Tucker: Open a channel.

    Captain Hill, this is Captain Tucker. Please explain your presence in this system.

    Hill: We were responding to the Romulan Holocaust. We didn't get here in time.

    Tucker: You're going to have to give me more than that.

    Get Admiral Halsey on this channel.

    Ops: Aye, sir.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *U.S.S. Dresden.*

    Ops: Sir, the transponder codes do match those of the Roosevelt.

    Tucker: But the Roosevelt vanished over 4 years ago!

    Science: It matches every single detail I can pull on the Roosevelt-Class. That is the Roosevelt.

    Tucker: Open a channel.

    Captain Hill, this is Captain Tucker. Please explain your presence in this system.

    Hill: We were responding to the Romulan Holocaust. We didn't get here in time.

    Tucker: You're going to have to give me more than that.

    Get Admiral Halsey on this channel.

    Ops: Aye, sir.

    jacob: i know what your thinking captain and im thinking the same thing. Ive been running scans of the ship and everything matchs up perfectly in fact it matchs almost to perfectly. They are in the exact same conditions as when they vanished. something is up captain. Ive called for the Black Sea and the River both to head here immediatly. if something is going on i want all the fire power i can get.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    jacob: i know what your thinking captain and im thinking the same thing. Ive been running scans of the ship and everything matchs up perfectly in fact it matchs almost to perfectly. They are in the exact same conditions as when they vanished. something is up captain. Ive called for the Black Sea and the River both to head here immediatly. if something is going on i want all the fire power i can get.

    *Tucker facepalms.*

    Tucker: Tell me he didn't just say that on an open channel.

    XO: He did.

    Hill *over comm*: Alright, Admiral. I'll beam over to your vessel and... try to explain.

    Check your scans. You'll see our hull has aged 5 days from when we disappeared.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Officer: sir something tapped into my computer controls just a moment ago.

    Jacob walks over. And takes a look.

    Jacob: what did it do.

    Officer : well I didn't think it did anything. But it did tap into the com system.

    Jacob: open a channel to tucker.

    Officer: aye sir.

    Jacob: captain I want you to listen to there story. We have an issue on the ship we need to deal with. Someone aboard is hacking computer systems.

    Jacob: all security personnel code alpha I repeat all security personell code alpha.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Officer: sir something tapped into my computer controls just a moment ago.

    Jacob walks over. And takes a look.

    Jacob: what did it do.

    Officer : well I didn't think it did anything. But it did tap into the com system.

    Jacob: open a channel to tucker.

    Officer: aye sir.

    Jacob: captain I want you to listen to there story. We have an issue on the ship we need to deal with. Someone aboard is hacking computer systems.

    Jacob: all security personnel code alpha I repeat all security personell code alpha.

    Tucker: Captain, you will beam aboard my vessel and explain it to me.

    Hill *Over comm*: Understood.

    Tucker: We're sending you the coordinates for the Conference Room.

    *Tucker turns towards the Conference Room.*

    Commander, Mr Danes.

    *The First Officer and Security Chief follow him into the Conference Room. Hill beams in, alone, a few seconds later. She's got a bandages cut on her forehead, and isn't wearing her standard Uniform Jacket, instead only wearing her undershirt.*


    Hill: Captain Tucker. A pleasure.

    *She sits in a nearby seat, as do the Dresden Officers. The Dresden Officers look at her intently, curious. Tucker and Danes look cautious while the First Officer (Martin Colms) remains polite and welcoming.*

    Tucker: I believe you were going to offer an explanation?

    Hill: This is going to be hard to accept, but the Roosevelt vanished 5 days ago, our time.

    Colms: 'Our time'? Are you suggesting that you were--?

    Hill: Sent 5 years forward in time, correct. We lost Director Chester, and I was trying to get the ship to Caspian IV to evacuate President Santiago when a Flight of Shedai Warships attacked. The weapons fire must have caused a temporal anomaly to form, because the next thing we know, we're more than 4 years ahead of where we should be, and can't raise anyone on Caspian IV.

    Tucker: Caspian IV was evacuated a month ago, Captain.

    Hill: Then that would explain it. I need to contact Starfleet Command.

    Tucker: I'm afraid that's not possible.

    Hill: My crew need Medical Attention! You can't--!

    Tucker: Captain, what I mean is that Starfleet Command doesn't exist anymore. Neither does the Federation.

    Hill: What?

    Tucker: There's a lot we'll have to bring you up to speed on.

    Even if I believe you - and that's a very big if, it doesn't explain what you're doing here.

    Hill: Like I said, we were responding to the Colony's distress call.

    Tucker: You were cloaked when we arrived.

    Hill: Captain, put yourself in my position.

    Danes: Maria Hill is only a COMMANDER in S.H.I.E.L.D.

    Hill: And then Director Chester was killed - MURDERED, and my ship were blasted 5 years forward in time! There wasn't a lot of choice!

    Tucker: Easy, Captain. No one's trying to point fingers.

    Chester *Hill's memory*: Easy, Agent. No one's trying to point fingers.

    Tucker: Could you give us a moment?

    *The Dresden Officers walk out. Tucker turns to his 2 Senior Officers.*


    Danes: I don't buy it! They could be changelings!

    Colms: That doesn't explain how their ship is exactly as it was when it disappeared. A temporal incursion would explain that.

    Danes: It could be a trick.

    Colms: I didn't get any feeling of treachery or dishonesty from Hill. She seemed more... frightened, tense, than anything else.

    Tucker: I tend to agree. This doesn't feel like a trick.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Jacob: any thing out of the ordinary yet lt. Cim

    Lt. Cim : not yet sir. Still going through everything though.

    Jacob walks around the bridge calls up the holo display and nothing happens.

    Jacob: this isn't good. Captain lock out all major system.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *T'mar is in Sickbay with the children. She's still in constant mental contact with them, helping them learn to control their abilities. Andrews is watching.*

    Andrews: You're not even slightly worried about the Captain, are you?

    T'mar: What do you mean?

    Andrews: She collapsed, lieutenant. She almost died.

    T'mar: I know. I was there.

    Andrews: What did you see in her mind?

    *T'mar snaps to look at him.*

    T'mar: that, is NONE of your business.

    Andrews: When it affects the safety of this ship's Captain and as a result, the crew, it becomes very much my business.

    T'mar: Then I suggest you find a medical reason for what happened. Mind Melds count as telepathic contact, and according to Republic Law, telepathic contact of any kind is Personal Information. Unless you want to get a warrant for the information, which would require pressing criminal charges, I don't have to tell you anything.

    Andrews: Lieutenant, I'm not arguing with you. Know this, if the Captain appears unable, I have the duty and the power to relieve her of Command.

    T'mar: And as Chief of Security, I will subsequently mention in my report your inability to find the cause of her blackout. Are we understood?

    Andrews: We are.

    *T'mar turns back to the kids as Andrews walks away. Forgetting to block her thoughts, T'mar glances towards him.*

    T'mar *Thinking, not realising that the children can to hear her*: Jerk.

    *The Republic and Co. arrive at Lanco III after disengaging the Forcefield Solar Sails. The Riker quickly begins swapping the Monitor Satellites with the COS satellites.*

    OOC: Now going offline. Be back at (hopefully) 14:00 UTC tomorrow (17 hours).
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *OOC: The term for the new shifters are Face Dancers I should give a run down on them some time.. I had 2 exams today so hence my late coming online. So lets carry on as I hope this one has some kind of Face Dancers in it and go ahead if you guys wanna use them.. They are meant to mimic people flawlessly.. So hey I am permitting you guys to have a ton of fun.*

    *USS Val is scanning the Roosevelt finding things a bit too perfect... Colin is pacing about his worn jacket open... *

    Colin: I will keep every finding we get on my personal channel til we leave the area...

    Gorin: Sir are you afraid of something?

    Colin: No Lt. Just taking precautions. Something is not sitting right with me...

    *Back on Sam's vessel *OOC Forgive me I am burned out to remember the name of it* James walks onto the bridge he is wearing a specialized suit to help him move around... Since his exposure he has faced and seen so much.. A lot of things that make much more sense... His children are incredibley powerful and since they were exposed like he was... He is perhaps the only one that knows that they mean no harm... But he also feels the sting of loss... But the twins make him forget about it for some time as they comfort him the best they can.*

    James: *Mental voice that Sam can hear as if he is speaking to her*

    Captain a word when you get a chance...

    *USS Black Phantom, its retrofit zeta incorporating more recent technology into the vessels design *

    *Dorman is watching as he and James share quite a bit in common now... The retrofit is almost finished just a few calibrations to be made to the power systems. *

    Dorman: Captain Voporak your mission is to scout into Iconian space and remain undetected we have upgraded your Cloak and gave you stealth systems to cut down on power and emissions... We want you to find out why they are moving transports into the area at increasing amounts.. And find their destination if at all possible... But do not engage...
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