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  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *The Adama warps in the sister ship to the Freedom, along with it the 2nd fleet including the USS Spartacus *the new Federation escort.. The Freedom not far behind the vessels soon start engaging the Iconian fleet trapping the rebel Iconians... *

    * Admiral Dorman a old hand at fleet engagements calmly feels at home...*

    Dorman: Have the Spartacus bail out Taragi and take out squad 3 to assist.

    Fartel: Aye sir.

    *As she starts issuing the relayed orders.*

    Dorman: Advance to 309.5 and issue Allen epsilon to all vessels in the wing to follow through.

    OOC: Taragi is no where near the Battle, hence why he hasn't been blown to bits by now.

    *The "Alliance" ships form up with the Dor'kat'a. On the Dor'kat'a's bridge, Taragi looks to his Engineer.*

    Engineer: Warp Drive is back online, sir. The majority of the hull breaches have been sealed.

    Taragi: That will be sufficient.

    Helm, take us to the battle, Warp 12. I want to make sure our allies can keep up.

    Helm: Aye, sir.

    Taragi: Set Combat Alert throughout the ship.

    *A high-pitched, bell-sounding klaxon sounds throughout the ship, signal Combat Alert (Battle stations) throughout the ship as the fleet jumps to Warp.*

    We're going in.

    *Deneb Sector. The Battle continues to rage as a burning Mothership rams into an opposing Mothership, tearing both ships apart. The Dar'kon is now burning, but still able to fight incredibly well. She's sparring with another Mothership, the two vessels teething into each other with their Main Cannons.

    An Rebel Iconian Frigate is about to destroy a Loyalist Cruiser, until the Matthew Neilson warps in and fires several quantum-phased torpedoes into it, destroying it. The Matthew Neilson flies past, firing ZPCs at a Rebel Mothership, using the ZPBs to destroy the Frigates that try to strafe her.

    (OOC: Keep in mind, these rebels have been fighting an Iconian Fleet of equal strength for some time, and the Alliance Fleet's intervention was unexpected. Now that the Rebels know that the Alliance is here, it's going to get much harder.)

    The battle rages on for a few minutes, with Iconian Vessels being torched left and right. The Matthew Neilson is strafing a Mothership when a Secondary Beam shreds into her Saucer. They barely regain control before smashing into the Mothership's Hull.

    Bridge. The bridge is burning, with crewmen abandoning their posts to extinguish the blaze engulfing the aft stations.*

    Matt: Damage report!

    Ops: We have a hull breach on decks 15 through 21!

    Michelle *Over comm*: Sickbay to bridge!

    Matt: Go ahead, Doctor!

    *Sickbay. Dozens of injured personnel are on bio-beds, with more being treated at the walls, or lying dead in the same places. Crewmen are seen with cuts, lesions, plasma burns, radiation burns, normal burns, you name it. Michelle has blood over her uniform and her face is covered in sweat and dirt.*

    Michelle: We need to get out of here, Captain! We're getting more wounded here than we can handle!

    Matt *Over comm*: Do what you can, Doctor! I need everyone at their posts!

    Michelle: Captain, everyone who's hear is here because they're CRITICAL! I've got people dying down here!

    Matt *Over comm*: Understood! Stand by!

    *Michelle runs over to a bio-bed, where a patient is convulsing.*

    Michelle: We're losing him! 2CCs Cordrazine!

    *A nurse throws her a hypo as she runs to an injured crewman stumbling in. Michelle sets the hypo and injects it into the patient. He doesn't stop convulsing, in fact, the convulsions become more violent.*

    Restraining field!

    *A restraining field activates, trying to keep the patient in place without hurting him. He starts coughing up blood.*

    Turn it off around his face, or he's going to choke on his own blood!

    *The patient suddenly stops, and his vitals flat-line. The critical alarm changes to a steady tone.*

    No you don't! Cardio-stimulator, 10 micro-volts!


    *The Stimulation causes the body to jump for a second as an electrical surge can be heard. He's still flat-lined.*


    *Again, same result.*


    Nurse: Doctor...

    Michelle: AGAIN!

    *Again, same result.*

    Nurse: Doctor... he's gone.

    *Michelle wipes her face, before closing his eyes.*

    Michelle: Clear... clear the bio-bed.

    *Suddenly, a pair of crewmen stagger in, one holding the other up. The crewman being held is unconscious and has blood trickling from his forehead with extreme burns on his face and uniform. The other crewman has blood on his charred uniform, and ashen dirt on his face, but looks otherwise okay.*

    Crewman: DOCTOR!

    *Michelle sees them and runs over, helping him hold his comrade up.*

    Michelle: What happened?

    Crewman: We were in the torpedo bay when a warhead exploded! He was close to the blast and...

    I don't know if anyone else got out!

    Michelle: Help me get him to the bio-bed!

    *They set him down on a bio-bed as Michelle activates a Medical Tricorder and scans the badly burned crewman. She closes her eyes for a second, at the slow, steady tones. She looks at the crewman.*

    I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do.

    Nurse, 5CCs Dermatoline.

    *A nurse passes her a hypospray. She sets it, swallowing a bump in her throat, before moving to inject the patient.*

    Crewman: Oh god...

    *Michelle injects the hypo, and the vital monitor goes from a slow, steady series of tones, to a long single tone. He's flat-lined. Michelle closes her eyes and walks over to a wall, hitting it with her fist.

    On the Bridge, the fires are getting worse and debris is all over the deck as the Ship is trying to escape.*

    Matt: Helm, keep them off us!

    Weapons: Incoming!

    Matt: Evasive!

    Helm: Sir, I can't! It's coming from 3 different directions!

    Matt: All hands, brace for impact!

    This is it!

    *Suddenly, another Matthew Neilson Class ship flies in front of one of the blast, taking the hit with her shields.*

    Helm: SIR! The Republic just took one of the hits for us!

    Matt: Evasive! NOW! Get me the Republic's Captain!

    *Sam comes on the viewscreen, her bridge clearly not as badly shot up (i.e. not shot up at all) as Matt's.*

    Sam: Matt!

    Matt: SAM!

    What the hell are you doing here?!

    Sam: Long story! I'll explain later! Get out of here!

    Matt: You don't have to tell me twice!

    Helm, warp 1, ENGAGE!

    Helm: Sir, the structural integrity field won't take warp speed!

    Matt: Then full impulse! GET US OUT OF HERE!

    *The Matthew Neilson flies by the Republic as she enters the fray fresh for battle.

    The I.C.S. Dor'kat'a is flying towards the Dar'kon and the opposing Mothership from above.*

    Taragi: What is the status of the Dar'kon?

    Tech: They have lost shields, and have taken extreme damage!

    Taragi: And the other ship?

    Tech: Their shields are down also, but they're fairing better.

    Taragi: Target their power core! Fire!

    *The Dor'kat'a fires her Main Battery into the Mothership, twice, before flying between the two ships. The Dar'kon fires her Main Battery also, before breaking off.*

    Solara *Over Comm*: Taragi, thank the stars! It's good to see you!

    *A smile creeps on Taragi's face.*

    Taragi *amused*: Solara, if we survive this, we need to have a talk about the meaning of the words 'avoid combat'.

    *Serious* I'm glad you're okay. Get your ship out of here! We'll finish this!

    Solara *Over comm*: Understood!

    *The Dar'kon moves out of the Combat Zone as the Dor'kat'a's Main Battery slams into the Mothership's lower hull.*

    Taragi: Rebel ships, this is First Commander Taragi of the Iconian 3rd Fleet! You are ordered to surrender! Let us take on prisoners! You'll be treated--!

    *A secondary beam slams into the shield creating a rumble on the bridge.*

    Damn them! Fire!

    *Suddenly, the rebels try to gate out. As the other ships move to stop them...*

    NO! All ships, let them go! Do NOT cut them off! There's been enough killing today!

    *The rebel ships get away. The Alliance fleet has taken a light beating, but those ships that are damaged, are damaged badly, like the Matthew Neilson.

    The Iconian Loyalist Fleet has been shattered, with the hulks of dead ships littering the battle field. There are active, burning ships, and active ships that are missing massive chunks of their hull.

    R.S.S. Republic, Bridge. Sam, David, and James stare out at the battlefield, stunned, and in Sam's case, horrified.*

    Sam: Oh my god...

    *OOC: Yes, I had an absolute BLAST writing this battle scene (no pun intended). Though, I will admit, I did say to myself writing the Matthew Neilson segment 'this doesn't seem like Republic Propaganda at all!' sarcastically. :rolleyes:

    But, I really like what I did with the sickbay scene. What do you think?*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Jacob stands aboard the bridge. Looking out the viewport as a squad of fighters goes by he can feel something is wrong.

    Jacob: all hands battle station. Prep all weapons anf seal all bulk heads and blast doors.

    Sarah: what are you doing.

    Jacob: something is wrong i can feel it I justdont know what.

    Sarah looks at him a moment and smiles

    Sarah: your right something is wrong.

    She pulls out a.small detonator and presses the button as explosions rip through the ship. Jacob fights to keep his balance. And is attacked by the spy as well. He fires off a shot giving himself a moment to regain footing. When he looks up though she is gone. But he knows she is close. Suddenly a blast knocks him. again off his feet as he lands hard on the deck. He gets up as she points her rifle. at him again
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Yes, I had an absolute BLAST writing this battle scene (no pun intended). Though, I will admit, I did say to myself writing the Matthew Neilson segment 'this doesn't seem like Republic Propaganda at all!' sarcastically. :rolleyes:

    But, I really like what I did with the sickbay scene. What do you think?*

    OOC: I kept thinking "The Doctor" through the whole thing, except the fist beating, because EMHs don't do that. :)

    *The Black Phantom moves throughout the battlefield wreckage*

    Voporak: That was quite a battle. Puss (yes, that's the very strange name of a medical doff I have in game, so I use him as the Phantom doctor here), offer any medical assistance you can to the damaged ships, if any.

    OOC: It's a warship, after all, its sickbay is about the size of Voyager's and that's all it has.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Taragi is no where near the Battle, hence why he hasn't been blown to bits by now.

    *The "Alliance" ships form up with the Dor'kat'a. On the Dor'kat'a's bridge, Taragi looks to his Engineer.*

    Engineer: Warp Drive is back online, sir. The majority of the hull breaches have been sealed.

    Taragi: That will be sufficient.

    Helm, take us to the battle, Warp 12. I want to make sure our allies can keep up.

    Helm: Aye, sir.

    Taragi: Set Combat Alert throughout the ship.

    *A high-pitched, bell-sounding klaxon sounds throughout the ship, signal Combat Alert (Battle stations) throughout the ship as the fleet jumps to Warp.*

    We're going in.

    *Deneb Sector. The Battle continues to rage as a burning Mothership rams into an opposing Mothership, tearing both ships apart. The Dar'kon is now burning, but still able to fight incredibly well. She's sparring with another Mothership, the two vessels teething into each other with their Main Cannons.

    An Rebel Iconian Frigate is about to destroy a Loyalist Cruiser, until the Matthew Neilson warps in and fires several quantum-phased torpedoes into it, destroying it. The Matthew Neilson flies past, firing ZPCs at a Rebel Mothership, using the ZPBs to destroy the Frigates that try to strafe her.

    (OOC: Keep in mind, these rebels have been fighting an Iconian Fleet of equal strength for some time, and the Alliance Fleet's intervention was unexpected. Now that the Rebels know that the Alliance is here, it's going to get much harder.)

    The battle rages on for a few minutes, with Iconian Vessels being torched left and right. The Matthew Neilson is strafing a Mothership when a Secondary Beam shreds into her Saucer. They barely regain control before smashing into the Mothership's Hull.

    Bridge. The bridge is burning, with crewmen abandoning their posts to extinguish the blaze engulfing the aft stations.*

    Matt: Damage report!

    Ops: We have a hull breach on decks 15 through 21!

    Michelle *Over comm*: Sickbay to bridge!

    Matt: Go ahead, Doctor!

    *Sickbay. Dozens of injured personnel are on bio-beds, with more being treated at the walls, or lying dead in the same places. Crewmen are seen with cuts, lesions, plasma burns, radiation burns, normal burns, you name it. Michelle has blood over her uniform and her face is covered in sweat and dirt.*

    Michelle: We need to get out of here, Captain! We're getting more wounded here than we can handle!

    Matt *Over comm*: Do what you can, Doctor! I need everyone at their posts!

    Michelle: Captain, everyone who's hear is here because they're CRITICAL! I've got people dying down here!

    Matt *Over comm*: Understood! Stand by!

    *Michelle runs over to a bio-bed, where a patient is convulsing.*

    Michelle: We're losing him! 2CCs Cordrazine!

    *A nurse throws her a hypo as she runs to an injured crewman stumbling in. Michelle sets the hypo and injects it into the patient. He doesn't stop convulsing, in fact, the convulsions become more violent.*

    Restraining field!

    *A restraining field activates, trying to keep the patient in place without hurting him. He starts coughing up blood.*

    Turn it off around his face, or he's going to choke on his own blood!

    *The patient suddenly stops, and his vitals flat-line. The critical alarm changes to a steady tone.*

    No you don't! Cardio-stimulator, 10 micro-volts!


    *The Stimulation causes the body to jump for a second as an electrical surge can be heard. He's still flat-lined.*


    *Again, same result.*


    Nurse: Doctor...

    Michelle: AGAIN!

    *Again, same result.*

    Nurse: Doctor... he's gone.

    *Michelle wipes her face, before closing his eyes.*

    Michelle: Clear... clear the bio-bed.

    *Suddenly, a pair of crewmen stagger in, one holding the other up. The crewman being held is unconscious and has blood trickling from his forehead with extreme burns on his face and uniform. The other crewman has blood on his charred uniform, and ashen dirt on his face, but looks otherwise okay.*

    Crewman: DOCTOR!

    *Michelle sees them and runs over, helping him hold his comrade up.*

    Michelle: What happened?

    Crewman: We were in the torpedo bay when a warhead exploded! He was close to the blast and...

    I don't know if anyone else got out!

    Michelle: Help me get him to the bio-bed!

    *They set him down on a bio-bed as Michelle activates a Medical Tricorder and scans the badly burned crewman. She closes her eyes for a second, at the slow, steady tones. She looks at the crewman.*

    I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do.

    Nurse, 5CCs Dermatoline.

    *A nurse passes her a hypospray. She sets it, swallowing a bump in her throat, before moving to inject the patient.*

    Crewman: Oh god...

    *Michelle injects the hypo, and the vital monitor goes from a slow, steady series of tones, to a long single tone. He's flat-lined. Michelle closes her eyes and walks over to a wall, hitting it with her fist.

    On the Bridge, the fires are getting worse and debris is all over the deck as the Ship is trying to escape.*

    Matt: Helm, keep them off us!

    Weapons: Incoming!

    Matt: Evasive!

    Helm: Sir, I can't! It's coming from 3 different directions!

    Matt: All hands, brace for impact!

    This is it!

    *Suddenly, another Matthew Neilson Class ship flies in front of one of the blast, taking the hit with her shields.*

    Helm: SIR! The Republic just took one of the hits for us!

    Matt: Evasive! NOW! Get me the Republic's Captain!

    *Sam comes on the viewscreen, her bridge clearly not as badly shot up (i.e. not shot up at all) as Matt's.*

    Sam: Matt!

    Matt: SAM!

    What the hell are you doing here?!

    Sam: Long story! I'll explain later! Get out of here!

    Matt: You don't have to tell me twice!

    Helm, warp 1, ENGAGE!

    Helm: Sir, the structural integrity field won't take warp speed!

    Matt: Then full impulse! GET US OUT OF HERE!

    *The Matthew Neilson flies by the Republic as she enters the fray fresh for battle.

    The I.C.S. Dor'kat'a is flying towards the Dar'kon and the opposing Mothership from above.*

    Taragi: What is the status of the Dar'kon?

    Tech: They have lost shields, and have taken extreme damage!

    Taragi: And the other ship?

    Tech: Their shields are down also, but they're fairing better.

    Taragi: Target their power core! Fire!

    *The Dor'kat'a fires her Main Battery into the Mothership, twice, before flying between the two ships. The Dar'kon fires her Main Battery also, before breaking off.*

    Solara *Over Comm*: Taragi, thank the stars! It's good to see you!

    *A smile creeps on Taragi's face.*

    Taragi *amused*: Solara, if we survive this, we need to have a talk about the meaning of the words 'avoid combat'.

    *Serious* I'm glad you're okay. Get your ship out of here! We'll finish this!

    Solara *Over comm*: Understood!

    *The Dar'kon moves out of the Combat Zone as the Dor'kat'a's Main Battery slams into the Mothership's lower hull.*

    Taragi: Rebel ships, this is First Commander Taragi of the Iconian 3rd Fleet! You are ordered to surrender! Let us take on prisoners! You'll be treated--!

    *A secondary beam slams into the shield creating a rumble on the bridge.*

    Damn them! Fire!

    *Suddenly, the rebels try to gate out. As the other ships move to stop them...*

    NO! All ships, let them go! Do NOT cut them off! There's been enough killing today!

    *The rebel ships get away. The Alliance fleet has taken a light beating, but those ships that are damaged, are damaged badly, like the Matthew Neilson.

    The Iconian Loyalist Fleet has been shattered, with the hulks of dead ships littering the battle field. There are active, burning ships, and active ships that are missing massive chunks of their hull.

    R.S.S. Republic, Bridge. Sam, David, and James stare out at the battlefield, stunned, and in Sam's case, horrified.*

    Sam: Oh my god...

    *OOC: Yes, I had an absolute BLAST writing this battle scene (no pun intended). Though, I will admit, I did say to myself writing the Matthew Neilson segment 'this doesn't seem like Republic Propaganda at all!' sarcastically. :rolleyes:

    But, I really like what I did with the sickbay scene. What do you think?*

    *OOC: I liked it.. It was gritty and detailed. *

    *The Federation segment did fare similar but the newer vessels did fare quite well some fair damage and few missing chunks of hull but they got a good measure of where they stand..*

    Dorman: *rubs a knot on his head... slightly bloody. The rest of his crew have cuts and bruises from getting knocked around.. But the older model vessels did not fare all that well... A there are ships that are destroyed older vessels, but this was the first major test of the newly designed vessels.. Was a success but there are some flaws that need to be addressed.. *

    Well Commander have rescue teams go out and recover their wounded..

    Gestalt: Aye sir

    Dorman: Also ask the Republic if they need help...

    How did the Klingon's fare?

    Werta'ka: Not too good... Heavy losses.

    Dorman: *lowers his head.* Very well...

    *OOC: USS Spartacus

    Gladiator class

    length nearly a mile long .995

    Weaponry: Omega-Zeta Hybrid rapid fire cannons x10

    Omega arrays x4

    8 Zeta torpedo launchers variable yield..

    *distinguishable feature*

    Arms x2

    * Can retract vibro blades that can penetrate shielding and can form a beam covering to cut deeper*

    Warp speed threshold: Warp 40

    Downsides has to keep moving as it doesn't have much in the way of defense but can sustain some hits..

    Shields Omega shielding Mk XX

    Light omega frame work

    can be modified to carry bits for added firepower.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *James as he watches the debris and the burning ships... He is in the middle of recalling a vision that he can't seem to see past... *

    *OOC: If you guys wanna use the USS Spartacus you can.. Have some fun with it.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *James as he watches the debris and the burning ships... He is in the middle of recalling a vision that he can't seem to see past... *

    *OOC: If you guys wanna use the USS Spartacus you can.. Have some fun with it.*

    *Sam is in her quarters, sleeping. She's tossing and turning in her bed, obviously having a nightmare.

    She's seeing images - fire, burning cities.*

    Voice: I can see it so clearly!

    *Armies storm past, cutting down all in their way.*


    Fire and death!

    *She sees a planet burned away.*

    And it will be... glorious! Can you see it, Captain?

    *She sees 2 red eyes in the black void, and begins falling into them.*

    Can you see it?

    *Sam wakes up with a scream. She's panting and sweating. The door chimes.*

    Sam *distraught*: Come!

    *Matt walks in, a woried expression on his face. He quickly walks over to Sam, sitting on her bed and placing a hand on hers.*

    Matt: You okay?

    Sam: Yes... no...

    It was just a nightmare.

    Matt: Tell me about it.

    Sam: It was these... images. Cities burning... and-- and... that voice...

    Those eyes...

    Matt: It was just a dream.

    Sam: No, you don't understand! I've been having... flashes... and everytime, it's of those eyes!

    *Matt looks even more concerned now.*

    Matt: How long have you been having these?

    Sam: Not long.

    Matt: Sam.

    Sam: Months...

    Matt: Months! Sam!

    Sam: I know! I know!

    *Matt sees fear and tears i n Sam's eyes. He pulls her into an embrace and she starts sobbing into her shoulder.*

    Matt: Shh... it's gonna be okay. I'm right here.

    Computer, seal doors.

    I'm right here. Do you need anything?

    Sam *sobbing*: Just... stay with me...

    Matt: I'm not going anywhere.

    *Matt cradles her in his arms. They stay like that for a few minutes before Sam calms down.*

    Sam: Matt?

    Matt: I'm here.

    *He kisses her forehead.*

    Sam: I have to tell you something.

    *The Republic sits there, a beacon of light in her own corner of the dark.*

    OOC: Okay, Allen, Logan, I think you've both guessed who our mysterious adversary in Sam's flashes is, so what I'd like to know is at what point did you figure it out? (Without spoiling it for Voporak, of course).
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Sam is in her quarters, sleeping. She's tossing and turning in her bed, obviously having a nightmare.

    She's seeing images - fire, burning cities.*

    Voice: I can see it so clearly!

    *Armies storm past, cutting down all in their way.*


    Fire and death!

    *She sees a planet burned away.*

    And it will be... glorious! Can you see it, Captain?

    *She sees 2 red eyes in the black void, and begins falling into them.*

    Can you see it?

    *Sam wakes up with a scream. She's panting and sweating. The door chimes.*

    Sam *distraught*: Come!

    *Matt walks in, a woried expression on his face. He quickly walks over to Sam, sitting on her bed and placing a hand on hers.*

    Matt: You okay?

    Sam: Yes... no...

    It was just a nightmare.

    Matt: Tell me about it.

    Sam: It was these... images. Cities burning... and-- and... that voice...

    Those eyes...

    Matt: It was just a dream.

    Sam: No, you don't understand! I've been having... flashes... and everytime, it's of those eyes!

    *Matt looks even more concerned now.*

    Matt: How long have you been having these?

    Sam: Not long.

    Matt: Sam.

    Sam: Months...

    Matt: Months! Sam!

    Sam: I know! I know!

    *Matt sees fear and tears i n Sam's eyes. He pulls her into an embrace and she starts sobbing into her shoulder.*

    Matt: Shh... it's gonna be okay. I'm right here.

    Computer, seal doors.

    I'm right here. Do you need anything?

    Sam *sobbing*: Just... stay with me...

    Matt: I'm not going anywhere.

    *Matt cradles her in his arms. They stay like that for a few minutes before Sam calms down.*

    Sam: Matt?

    Matt: I'm here.

    *He kisses her forehead.*

    Sam: I have to tell you something.

    *The Republic sits there, a beacon of light in her own corner of the dark.*

    OOC: Okay, Allen, Logan, I think you've both guessed who our mysterious adversary in Sam's flashes is, so what I'd like to know is at what point did you figure it out? (Without spoiling it for Voporak, of course).

    *OOC: Is it who I think it is though.. The red eyes are a dead give away... Though... I wonder how... Hopefully its explained.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Explosions continue to go off around the ship but he is not focused on that he is focused on the two beings moving on him.

    He slowly raises his arm again prepatring to fire the two beings dodge the shot and return fire one blast catching jacob in the center of his chest sending him flying into a nearby wall. And he slowly again gets up as spars emit from major parts in his suit.

    Jacob: rolan get ready to fire micro torpedo.

    Roland: sorry all weapons are offline.

    Jacob draws both of the knives he recieved from hood when they where on the planet and takes a battle stance. he sees the look in there eyes. They dont fear him and are going to enjoy this.

    They move quickly faster then a normal human would but his suits sensors and his own mental powers give him a slight edge. The battle goes on for about 30 min and then jacob lands a lethal blow to one of the imposters. he sees the shock in the attackers eyes amazed that a mere human could land such a lethal blow. Jacobs joy is short lived as he is hit again by the other attacker. He looks down and sees the enemys blade in his chest. He manages to twist around and throws his knife into his other attacker. As hos attacker falls jacob falls against the wall . Blood making a trail and a small pool around him. As he passes out Commander sarah and a maco team enter the room. The macos surround the attackers and sarah runs over to jacob and calls for a medical team.

    A few hours later sarah is standing in the ned bay.

    Sarah: Doctor what is his status

    Dr. Tivan : His wounds are severe he has heavy wounds and major blood loss. I am still trying to see how extensive the internal damage is.But his augmentation and his normal stuborn attitude is what is keeping him alive for now.

    Sarah: keep me posted doctor.

    She takes a oment and looks into the med bay. Reports keep coming in all over as repair crews keep trying to repair the damage that was done and now the man they need more then ever is out of the field for awile.

    Roland appears in the turbolift as she goes to the bridge

    Roland: he will make it ma'am I know he will

    Sarah: roland i want security to get the prisoner ready for questions once we get everything done.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Explosions continue to go off around the ship but he is not focused on that he is focused on the two beings moving on him.

    He slowly raises his arm again prepatring to fire the two beings dodge the shot and return fire one blast catching jacob in the center of his chest sending him flying into a nearby wall. And he slowly again gets up as spars emit from major parts in his suit.

    Jacob: rolan get ready to fire micro torpedo.

    Roland: sorry all weapons are offline.

    Jacob draws both of the knives he recieved from hood when they where on the planet and takes a battle stance. he sees the look in there eyes. They dont fear him and are going to enjoy this.

    They move quickly faster then a normal human would but his suits sensors and his own mental powers give him a slight edge. The battle goes on for about 30 min and then jacob lands a lethal blow to one of the imposters. he sees the shock in the attackers eyes amazed that a mere human could land such a lethal blow. Jacobs joy is short lived as he is hit again by the other attacker. He looks down and sees the enemys blade in his chest. He manages to twist around and throws his knife into his other attacker. As hos attacker falls jacob falls against the wall . Blood making a trail and a small pool around him. As he passes out Commander sarah and a maco team enter the room. The macos surround the attackers and sarah runs over to jacob and calls for a medical team.

    A few hours later sarah is standing in the ned bay.

    Sarah: Doctor what is his status

    Dr. Tivan : His wounds are severe he has heavy wounds and major blood loss. I am still trying to see how extensive the internal damage is.But his augmentation and his normal stuborn attitude is what is keeping him alive for now.

    Sarah: keep me posted doctor.

    She takes a oment and looks into the med bay. Reports keep coming in all over as repair crews keep trying to repair the damage that was done and now the man they need more then ever is out of the field for awile.

    Roland appears in the turbolift as she goes to the bridge

    Roland: he will make it ma'am I know he will

    Sarah: roland i want security to get the prisoner ready for questions once we get everything done.

    *Roosevelt, Bridge. Coulson is dealing with reports coming in on about 50 different things, from missing crewman to atmospheric pressure anomalies.

    U.S.S. Dresden. Hill and Tucker are talking in the Mess Hall. Hill is wearing a black Starfleet Undershirt.*

    Tucker: I have to admit, I'm still a little sceptical about all this.

    Hill: Captain, I've given you all the answers I have.

    Tucker: Of course. If you don't mind, I do still have some quest--

    Crewman *Over comm*: Security to Captain Tucker!

    Tucker: Go ahead!

    Crewman *Over comm*: Sir, I just found Ensign Daniels in the Jefferies Tubes. He's dead. Looks like murder.

    Tucker: Tucker to all decks! Red Alert! We have a murder on board!

    *The Red Alert Klaxon sounds. Tucker and Hill stand.*


    Hill: It's fine.

    *Tucker walks out, headed for the Jefferies Tubes.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Ooc: so quite today.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *R.S.S. Republic. The majority of Alliance and Iconian Forces have left the Sector by now. Sam is in her Ready Room speaking to T'mar and Lopez.*

    Sam: The sweeps didn't turn up anything?

    T'mar: No. We can't find Daro or any more alien infiltrators.

    Lopez: Daro's probably hiding somewhere in the infrastructure. There are 4 different ways she could get off the ship.

    The Torpedo Tubes, the Warp Core Jettison Hatch, the Nacelle external Maintenance Pylons, and the Airlocks.

    T'mar: We have those all covered.

    Lopez: Then we should cover them more intensely. OBVIOUSLY our security measures aren't working.

    *Sam and T'mar look at the Ensign, T'mar looking slightly annoyed. Sam puts 2 words in her mind so T'mar can read them: "Forget it".*

    Sam: Ensign, we have put 50% of our Security detachment on this. How many more would you recommend?

    Lopez: Sorry, sir. I didn't mean to be out of line.

    Sam: Of course not. But, call me 'sir' one more time, and I'll put you on waste recycling.

    Lopez: Yes, si-- I mean, Captain.

    Sam: Dismissed, Ensign.

    *Lopez walks out, and Sam and T'mar stand looking at eachother.*

    She's a good officer.

    T'mar: I know. It's just a little unusual having 2 senior Security Officers.

    Sam: She's not a Senior Officer, T'mar, and neither are you, but you are Chief of Security. You have to work with her, but don't let her get too complacent.

    T'mar: I don't.

    Sam: By the way, I've been thinking about those Torpedo Tubes.

    T'mar: Yes?

    Sam: Well, we always keep one torpedo in the tube in case we're attacked unaware.

    T'mar: So Daro could be planning to use that as her bomb.

    Sam: Right, but the warhead's too big to carry through the Superstructure, and she can't reach the Warp Core from outside the ship, so what is her target?

    T'mar: The Bridge?

    Sam: Too obvious, and she knows that we'll just move functions to Auxiliary Control.

    T'mar: Right...

    I give, where?

    Sam: There's one piece of equipment any Starship needs to survive Warp Flight.

    T'mar: The Navigational Deflector. If she takes that out--

    Sam: We're dead in the water. If she takes it out as warp...

    T'mar: But EV work at Warp is dangerous. You get vertigo easy at those speeds.

    Sam: Right, but we have 2 torpedo tubes at alert status at any given time.

    T'mar: One on the deflector, one on the...?

    Sam: Bussard Collectors.

    T'mar: The hydrogen.

    Sam: We go up like a christmas tree.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Explosions continue to go off around the ship but he is not focused on that he is focused on the two beings moving on him.

    He slowly raises his arm again prepatring to fire the two beings dodge the shot and return fire one blast catching jacob in the center of his chest sending him flying into a nearby wall. And he slowly again gets up as spars emit from major parts in his suit.

    Jacob: rolan get ready to fire micro torpedo.

    Roland: sorry all weapons are offline.

    Jacob draws both of the knives he recieved from hood when they where on the planet and takes a battle stance. he sees the look in there eyes. They dont fear him and are going to enjoy this.

    They move quickly faster then a normal human would but his suits sensors and his own mental powers give him a slight edge. The battle goes on for about 30 min and then jacob lands a lethal blow to one of the imposters. he sees the shock in the attackers eyes amazed that a mere human could land such a lethal blow. Jacobs joy is short lived as he is hit again by the other attacker. He looks down and sees the enemys blade in his chest. He manages to twist around and throws his knife into his other attacker. As hos attacker falls jacob falls against the wall . Blood making a trail and a small pool around him. As he passes out Commander sarah and a maco team enter the room. The macos surround the attackers and sarah runs over to jacob and calls for a medical team.

    A few hours later sarah is standing in the ned bay.

    Sarah: Doctor what is his status

    Dr. Tivan : His wounds are severe he has heavy wounds and major blood loss. I am still trying to see how extensive the internal damage is.But his augmentation and his normal stuborn attitude is what is keeping him alive for now.

    Sarah: keep me posted doctor.

    She takes a oment and looks into the med bay. Reports keep coming in all over as repair crews keep trying to repair the damage that was done and now the man they need more then ever is out of the field for awile.

    Roland appears in the turbolift as she goes to the bridge

    Roland: he will make it ma'am I know he will

    Sarah: roland i want security to get the prisoner ready for questions once we get everything done.

    *The prisoner soon feels a sharp pang in his head as he falls over dead, blood rushing from his mouth...*

    *Commander Kar'goth rubs his temple on the bridge as he starts running diagnostics, the usual on the day. *
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Sarah stands in the med bay. Watching as Jacob lays there. The prisoner is dead. But at least Jacob is still alive. The doctor says all they can do now is wait.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *OOC: I am off til saturday (spring break and took a small vacation from work.) So yeah I know what you mean. But hey means we can finally finish phase 2. And head into phase 3.*

    *Preston watches as legions and legions of captured Newtypes arm themselves and prepare...*

    Preston: Put me through on subspace...

    Sek: Aye Mr. President.

    Preston: *There are cheers massive cheers of his name he but raises his hands gentley and they quiet down..* My people... I come to you today as not a leader but a man... A man that loves his people and would see their pain end... Their suffering... The Republic of Star systems, The United Federation of Planets, the Romulan Empire, The Klingon Empire, The Breen Confederacy, The Tholians... Each of these governments could not face their people and see that change had already happened... They were tired of the same politics, the same greed, the same militaristic views for each other... Look at the Klingon Empire and the Federation. Long hated enemies in the past, a bitter cold war, and when a time of crisis came the Klingons sought to change... As did the Federation... But there were elements of both that did not like the look of this change and what it meant for them..

    They were afraid of change...

    Needless to say, it was a tenuous peace but yet Galactic powers sought to bring chaos back.. The Romulans of the early 24th century wanted power through their scheming, much bloodshed was brought to both sides and wounded pride. Then came the Cardassians and one of the more devastating conflicts we have ever known.. The Dominion war. But the thing that we saw from this conflict is that when we all stood united we could accomplish great things and defend ourselves despite the sacrifices on all sides...

    But again the chaos after political upheaval on old Romulus when Shinzon took power and sought to bring war against the people of the Federation... This did not ease things as we would have hoped... The destruction of Hobus and the supernova changed things again for the worse because we once again could not come together and nurture each other. We sought power and greed and military conquest... Again powers stronger than us caused a period that would last for nearly 40 years and see many wars and conflicts...

    Most of all it showed that no one thought of advancing the galaxy only themselves and the governments they served... Not the people of the galaxy... The Federation saw the rise of the Republic of Star systems at the end of a civil war, then came the man revield by history Northman...

    Who saw this very problem and sought to change the face of life for all time... The emergence of the War that devastated and effectively ended the war with the Klingons and ended the schemes of the Romulans to get revenge... He forced the change that the powers that were manipulating everyone were keeping out... as they feared it... The evolution of the Newtypes. This development and the drop on Caspian IV showed the light within the heart of all people in the galaxy...

    Sadly, we did not know what to do with it as this change again scared many as they did not want another Northman surfacing... This fear caused a series of conflicts and attempts to purge this change as it threatened their power base and the status quo.. This ended when Rommel accepted the Shadows and launched a conflict that was the beginnings of perhaps the deadliest conflict in the era... The Shadow War...

    We saw a great chance when everyone gathered together once again and show the light within our hearts and the future that awaits us..

    And for a time it did come to pass until corruption reared its head... They neglected the beings created the innovades, the synthesizers, and a specter of the tarnished past came a corrupted that hope once again... Tore asunder what we had worked for...

    This sad pathetic history shows us that the mode of compromise cannot bring peace if the other is seeking only their own dominance...

    This is why we must do everything we can to allow Angel Halo time to fire to change history once again...

    *Cheers erupt once again as Preston in his red and gold outfit and cape lets them cheer.*

    This has been our purpose to become one galaxy..

    A galaxy that will be run by the people of the galaxy. Not gods, Not the corrupt governments the rebels seek to reinstall.

    I however wish to bring up something that is also threatening the galaxy... and something that grieves me to no end...

    The Holocaust in Romulan Space...

    These people our Brothers and sisters have been attacked and nearly destroyed through the dropping of planet killer asteroids...

    I grieve for their sorrow with them... I have sent aid to Vala... It matters not that they are on a different side than us as they are still brothers and sisters... We help family nonetheless..

    We all grieve in our hearts and the sting of tears fresh upon our cheeks.

    They have dropped out of the conflict with us and I think that is best... This conflict... has shades of grey all about it... But perhaps an example should be made that they can hopefully see. Schemes are not necessary for us we would welcome you with opened arms and warm hearts....

    This is why we need to fire Angel Halo to end the misery this war has inflicted and for the open wounds to heal...

    *Cheers once again from the floor below.*

    Lend me your great strength just a little longer and when we have succeeded we shall go forth and build a paradise for all people no matter what they are...

    *Cheers and chants of Preston roar throughout the chamber and on subspace everyone sees the same thing..*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Ooc: cool I go to work at soon but looking forward to this week's posts
    Time to bring in the Breen. :)

    Sarah stands on the bridge as alarms go off. They just listened to prestons speech and she was talking to command.

    Sarah : report!

    Officer: sir we have a group of Breen ships approaching at high speed.

    Sarah: battle stations.

    Officer : sir they are hailing us

    Sarah :on screen.

    A rather large Breen appears on the screen.

    Thot' el : commander Sarah I bring greeting from the Breen confederacy. The Breen have decided that after recent events we will join you in stopping Preston.

    Sarah looks almost shocked

    Sarah : we appreciate your timing.

    Thor'el : after his recent speach I think it imperative we end this. I have 450 ships under my command to aide you in this mission.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: cool I go to work at soon but looking forward to this week's posts
    Time to bring in the Breen. :)

    Sarah stands on the bridge as alarms go off. They just listened to prestons speech and she was talking to command.

    Sarah : report!

    Officer: sir we have a group of Breen ships approaching at high speed.

    Sarah: battle stations.

    Officer : sir they are hailing us

    Sarah :on screen.

    A rather large Breen appears on the screen.

    Thot' el : commander Sarah I bring greeting from the Breen confederacy. The Breen have decided that after recent events we will join you in stopping Preston.

    Sarah looks almost shocked

    Sarah : we appreciate your timing.

    Thor'el : after his recent speach I think it imperative we end this. I have 450 ships under my command to aide you in this mission.

    Kor'goth: I still think it is suicide... He is holed up with about what estimates are calling a massive fortress with god knows how much defense there..

    Last review we had we only had a less than 600 ships, the republic stand at about the same, without the Romulans, we don't stand a chance...

    *Remembers his Klingon Pride..*

    It should be a Glorious death..

    *OOC: This should be interesting as I have big surprises in store. No one knows what it will do and that is what I want and keep it that way for now.. Now we need Q and an interaction between him, the twins, and everyone else... Except Preston..
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Sarah: I think we need to get you in a battle again commander. We have one battles with far worse odds. In any case I bet someone will hear soon from the tholians as well. We don't have a choice people. I'm making my recommendation to command that we proceed with operation siege. We can't at any cost allow them to use that device.

    Thor'el : the confederacy agrees with you as well hence why we have gotten involved.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *Breen Confederacy*

    Thot Seqa: I am sorry Thor'el we are not proceeding with that operation there has been a coup d'te you will have to make do with the ships you have...

    *Ends the comm.*

    I have done as you asked Sir...

    Dona: *grey skin beneath the robes and hood* Good... You will do well to know we wish to see what Angel Halo is. If there are any interruptions there will be heavy consequences... With steep cost..

    *As he leaves a face Dancer starts ripping Sega apart and soon takes his place*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *Preston is on screen with the Tholians as they are curious.*

    Preston: I assure you honored one that things will change but you should do well..

    Tholian A: Yes of course we will keep our envoys from doing foolish things...
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *OOC: I am off til saturday (spring break and took a small vacation from work.) So yeah I know what you mean. But hey means we can finally finish phase 2. And head into phase 3.*

    *Preston watches as legions and legions of captured Newtypes arm themselves and prepare...*

    Preston: Put me through on subspace...

    Sek: Aye Mr. President.

    Preston: *There are cheers massive cheers of his name he but raises his hands gentley and they quiet down..* My people... I come to you today as not a leader but a man... A man that loves his people and would see their pain end... Their suffering... The Republic of Star systems, The United Federation of Planets, the Romulan Empire, The Klingon Empire, The Breen Confederacy, The Tholians... Each of these governments could not face their people and see that change had already happened... They were tired of the same politics, the same greed, the same militaristic views for each other... Look at the Klingon Empire and the Federation. Long hated enemies in the past, a bitter cold war, and when a time of crisis came the Klingons sought to change... As did the Federation... But there were elements of both that did not like the look of this change and what it meant for them..

    They were afraid of change...

    Needless to say, it was a tenuous peace but yet Galactic powers sought to bring chaos back.. The Romulans of the early 24th century wanted power through their scheming, much bloodshed was brought to both sides and wounded pride. Then came the Cardassians and one of the more devastating conflicts we have ever known.. The Dominion war. But the thing that we saw from this conflict is that when we all stood united we could accomplish great things and defend ourselves despite the sacrifices on all sides...

    But again the chaos after political upheaval on old Romulus when Shinzon took power and sought to bring war against the people of the Federation... This did not ease things as we would have hoped... The destruction of Hobus and the supernova changed things again for the worse because we once again could not come together and nurture each other. We sought power and greed and military conquest... Again powers stronger than us caused a period that would last for nearly 40 years and see many wars and conflicts...

    Most of all it showed that no one thought of advancing the galaxy only themselves and the governments they served... Not the people of the galaxy... The Federation saw the rise of the Republic of Star systems at the end of a civil war, then came the man revield by history Northman...

    Who saw this very problem and sought to change the face of life for all time... The emergence of the War that devastated and effectively ended the war with the Klingons and ended the schemes of the Romulans to get revenge... He forced the change that the powers that were manipulating everyone were keeping out... as they feared it... The evolution of the Newtypes. This development and the drop on Caspian IV showed the light within the heart of all people in the galaxy...

    Sadly, we did not know what to do with it as this change again scared many as they did not want another Northman surfacing... This fear caused a series of conflicts and attempts to purge this change as it threatened their power base and the status quo.. This ended when Rommel accepted the Shadows and launched a conflict that was the beginnings of perhaps the deadliest conflict in the era... The Shadow War...

    We saw a great chance when everyone gathered together once again and show the light within our hearts and the future that awaits us..

    And for a time it did come to pass until corruption reared its head... They neglected the beings created the innovades, the synthesizers, and a specter of the tarnished past came a corrupted that hope once again... Tore asunder what we had worked for...

    This sad pathetic history shows us that the mode of compromise cannot bring peace if the other is seeking only their own dominance...

    This is why we must do everything we can to allow Angel Halo time to fire to change history once again...

    *Cheers erupt once again as Preston in his red and gold outfit and cape lets them cheer.*

    This has been our purpose to become one galaxy..

    A galaxy that will be run by the people of the galaxy. Not gods, Not the corrupt governments the rebels seek to reinstall.

    I however wish to bring up something that is also threatening the galaxy... and something that grieves me to no end...

    The Holocaust in Romulan Space...

    These people our Brothers and sisters have been attacked and nearly destroyed through the dropping of planet killer asteroids...

    I grieve for their sorrow with them... I have sent aid to Vala... It matters not that they are on a different side than us as they are still brothers and sisters... We help family nonetheless..

    We all grieve in our hearts and the sting of tears fresh upon our cheeks.

    They have dropped out of the conflict with us and I think that is best... This conflict... has shades of grey all about it... But perhaps an example should be made that they can hopefully see. Schemes are not necessary for us we would welcome you with opened arms and warm hearts....

    This is why we need to fire Angel Halo to end the misery this war has inflicted and for the open wounds to heal...

    *Cheers once again from the floor below.*

    Lend me your great strength just a little longer and when we have succeeded we shall go forth and build a paradise for all people no matter what they are...

    *Cheers and chants of Preston roar throughout the chamber and on subspace everyone sees the same thing..*

    Sam: This is insane.

    David: it's like they say; history is twisted to match the user's needs.

    Sam: Do we still have the Comm codes Forest gave us a few years ago?

    David: Yeah. They're standing by.

    Sam: Good. I want everyone on Earth to hear this.

    *Sam appears on every channel, breaking past the jammers on Earth with their own comm codes.*

    People of the Galaxy *mumbling* oh god, that couldn't sound more cliche if I tried. *Stops mumbling* I'd like to give a word.

    Almost a month ago, we came to the Preston Republic with one desire: peace - a goal he claims to share. He has made it clear that Angel Halo is a weapon, or something similar, and that he intends to use it to stop the Republic of United Star Systems and the remnants of the Federation.

    Preston has given the promise of peace many times, and has tried to bring it about through the barrel of a gun, attempting to assassinate the leaders of the Rebellion, and prolonging this war longer than necessary. We aided against the Synthesiser-Borg threat because we refused to stand idly by while over 6 Billion People were slaughtered, even if they were enemies. That is how the Republic and Federation worked. We protected civilians, no matter who they were.

    Our offer of peace remains open.

    As I speak to you now, talks are going on about the formation of an alliance between the Federation, Klingon Empire - what's left of it, the Romulan Remnants, the Breen Confederacy, Tholian Assembly, Tzenkethi Alliance, Dominion, and the Turanian Alliance. The purpose of this alliance will be to create a place where each race can come together in peace, and settle their differences WITHOUT violence.

    If your Republic wishes to join it, then you will always be welcome. This Alliance exists with the goal that we will never again see war in our time.

    *Sam disconnects.*

    Keep the frequency clear. I expect that Preston will call back any minute.

    Ops: Aye, sir.

    *The Ops Officer keeps the channel open so Preston can quickly respond. He also hits another control.*

    Sam: Now we wait.

    David: Do you think he'll go for it?

    Sam: I hope so.

    We don't have time for this war. There's something big coming.

    *David looks at her, curious.*

    David: Such as?

    Sam: I'm not sure, I just know it.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Kor'goth: I still think it is suicide... He is holed up with about what estimates are calling a massive fortress with god knows how much defense there..

    Last review we had we only had a less than 600 ships, the republic stand at about the same, without the Romulans, we don't stand a chance...

    *Remembers his Klingon Pride..*

    It should be a Glorious death..

    *OOC: This should be interesting as I have big surprises in store. No one knows what it will do and that is what I want and keep it that way for now.. Now we need Q and an interaction between him, the twins, and everyone else... Except Preston..

    *Republic, Sickbay. T'mar is with the kids again. She still feels a very strong bond with them.

    Suddenly, she feels something in the back of her mind, something... obnoxious... as a white flash appears behind her and a man in red robes (Q) emerges.*

    T'mar: What the--?

    Q: Ah, greetings m'lady!

    *He snaps his fingers and a bouquet of roses appears in his hands, which he presents to T'mar.*

    For you.

    T'mar: Security, intruder alert!

    Q: *scoffs* Don't bother! I rather think no-one can hear you at the moment!

    T'mar: Who are you?!

    Q: We are called the Q! You may call me that! It's all pretty much the same thing!

    *He sees the children and kneels down in front of them. T'mar's mind is overloaded by Q's mind, to the point where she can't tell anything from it.*

    Now, what have we here?

    Aww... they're adorable...

    I wonder how they'd handle being pups?

    T'mar: You hurt them and I'll--!

    Q: Oh, calm down! I was only kidding!

    *Doctor Andrews walks in, seeing Q.*

    Andrews: Who the hell--?

    Q: *Scoffs* It's impossible to have a private conversation around here! I know somewhere much more private!

    T'mar: Q!

    *Q snaps his fingers, and he, T'mar, and the twins vanish. Andrews taps his combadge immediately.*

    Andrews: Sickbay to Bridge! Someone just abducted Lieutenant T'mar, and Admiral Allen's children!

    Sam *Over comm*: What?!

    *R.S.S. Republic, an area of the Saucer Section behind the Bridge. Q and co. appear on the hull. T'mar looks around, stunned, before focusing back on Q, thoroughly ticked.*

    T'mar: What the hell do you want?!

    Q: Keep it down, will you? You'll scare the kiddos!

    Listen, Lieutenant, it's quite simple to a Q, so I'll put it in little baby words so even your little mortal mind can understand.

    Me... no... mean... harm. I am simply here due to a curiosity in human genetics.

    It's easier for me than putting a moon in its orbit without any help!

    T'mar: Really?

    Q: All you have to do is change the gravitational constant of the Universe!

    T'mar: Uh-huh...

    Why don't we have this discussion in the Brig?

    Q: *Shudders* Rather not. Last time I spent time in a brig, I fell asleep. Terrifying experience! How do you mortals cope?!

    *OOC: Q - the most enjoyable character to write in all of trek!*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Sam: This is insane.

    David: it's like they say; history is twisted to match the user's needs.

    Sam: Do we still have the Comm codes Forest gave us a few years ago?

    David: Yeah. They're standing by.

    Sam: Good. I want everyone on Earth to hear this.

    *Sam appears on every channel, breaking past the jammers on Earth with their own comm codes.*

    People of the Galaxy *mumbling* oh god, that couldn't sound more cliche if I tried. *Stops mumbling* I'd like to give a word.

    Almost a month ago, we came to the Preston Republic with one desire: peace - a goal he claims to share. He has made it clear that Angel Halo is a weapon, or something similar, and that he intends to use it to stop the Republic of United Star Systems and the remnants of the Federation.

    Preston has given the promise of peace many times, and has tried to bring it about through the barrel of a gun, attempting to assassinate the leaders of the Rebellion, and prolonging this war longer than necessary. We aided against the Synthesiser-Borg threat because we refused to stand idly by while over 6 Billion People were slaughtered, even if they were enemies. That is how the Republic and Federation worked. We protected civilians, no matter who they were.

    Our offer of peace remains open.

    As I speak to you now, talks are going on about the formation of an alliance between the Federation, Klingon Empire - what's left of it, the Romulan Remnants, the Breen Confederacy, Tholian Assembly, Tzenkethi Alliance, Dominion, and the Turanian Alliance. The purpose of this alliance will be to create a place where each race can come together in peace, and settle their differences WITHOUT violence.

    If your Republic wishes to join it, then you will always be welcome. This Alliance exists with the goal that we will never again see war in our time.

    *Sam disconnects.*

    Keep the frequency clear. I expect that Preston will call back any minute.

    Ops: Aye, sir.

    *The Ops Officer keeps the channel open so Preston can quickly respond. He also hits another control.*

    Sam: Now we wait.

    David: Do you think he'll go for it?

    Sam: I hope so.

    We don't have time for this war. There's something big coming.

    *David looks at her, curious.*

    David: Such as?

    Sam: I'm not sure, I just know it.

    *James comes on the Bridge*

    James: They won't come... Whoever is behind my attempted assassination wants to see what they can gauge our Newtypes... My guess is that they have no idea what they have...

    If I know Preston what his plan is not what it seems... He wants us to come... But there is something blocking my visions... If we don't see it through I fear that those that still wish to command through Military practices...

    I am what is left of the Federation and of Starfleet... But what do you think will happen if we try and manage our own faction together... I think your high command will try and spread its influence... over others....

    I think the better choice of this Hobson's choice is to mobilize and stop preston knowing that we may not know what this superstructure does...
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Republic, Sickbay. T'mar is with the kids again. She still feels a very strong bond with them.

    Suddenly, she feels something in the back of her mind, something... obnoxious... as a white flash appears behind her and a man in red robes (Q) emerges.*

    T'mar: What the--?

    Q: Ah, greetings m'lady!

    *He snaps his fingers and a bouquet of roses appears in his hands, which he presents to T'mar.*

    For you.

    T'mar: Security, intruder alert!

    Q: *scoffs* Don't bother! I rather think no-one can hear you at the moment!

    T'mar: Who are you?!

    Q: We are called the Q! You may call me that! It's all pretty much the same thing!

    *He sees the children and kneels down in front of them. T'mar's mind is overloaded by Q's mind, to the point where she can't tell anything from it.*

    Now, what have we here?

    Aww... they're adorable...

    I wonder how they'd handle being pups?

    T'mar: You hurt them and I'll--!

    Q: Oh, calm down! I was only kidding!

    *Doctor Andrews walks in, seeing Q.*

    Andrews: Who the hell--?

    Q: *Scoffs* It's impossible to have a private conversation around here! I know somewhere much more private!

    T'mar: Q!

    *Q snaps his fingers, and he, T'mar, and the twins vanish. Andrews taps his combadge immediately.*

    Andrews: Sickbay to Bridge! Someone just abducted Lieutenant T'mar, and Admiral Allen's children!

    Sam *Over comm*: What?!

    *R.S.S. Republic, an area of the Saucer Section behind the Bridge. Q and co. appear on the hull. T'mar looks around, stunned, before focusing back on Q, thoroughly ticked.*

    T'mar: What the hell do you want?!

    Q: Keep it down, will you? You'll scare the kiddos!

    Listen, Lieutenant, it's quite simple to a Q, so I'll put it in little baby words so even your little mortal mind can understand.

    Me... no... mean... harm. I am simply here due to a curiosity in human genetics.

    It's easier for me than putting a moon in its orbit without any help!

    T'mar: Really?

    Q: All you have to do is change the gravitational constant of the Universe!

    T'mar: Uh-huh...

    Why don't we have this discussion in the Brig?

    Q: *Shudders* Rather not. Last time I spent time in a brig, I fell asleep. Terrifying experience! How do you mortals cope?!

    *OOC: Q - the most enjoyable character to write in all of trek!*

    *James feels Q and that is the thing blocking his vision...*

    James: Q.... What are you up too...

    *The Children look at Q curiously and he can hear them..*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *James comes on the Bridge*

    James: They won't come... Whoever is behind my attempted assassination wants to see what they can gauge our Newtypes... My guess is that they have no idea what they have...

    If I know Preston what his plan is not what it seems... He wants us to come... But there is something blocking my visions... If we don't see it through I fear that those that still wish to command through Military practices...

    I am what is left of the Federation and of Starfleet... But what do you think will happen if we try and manage our own faction together... I think your high command will try and spread its influence... over others....

    I think the better choice of this Hobson's choice is to mobilize and stop preston knowing that we may not know what this superstructure does...

    Sam: James, the Alliance exists to PREVENT exactly that. There would only be one single representative from each faction.

    Besides, the Dominion are more likely to try to spread their influence, but they'd still struggle to do it. Like I said, the Alliance exists to prevent another war. It won't interfere with how our Governments are run, but it will allow us to talk to each other and solve disputes before they degenerate into open conflicts. The Official Charter is still being drafted, but I'll make sure you get a copy before it's signed.

    Security, I want Sickbay analysed with a fine-tooth comb!
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Sam: James, the Alliance exists to PREVENT exactly that. There would only be one single representative from each faction.

    Besides, the Dominion are more likely to try to spread their influence, but they'd still struggle to do it. Like I said, the Alliance exists to prevent another war. It won't interfere with how our Governments are run, but it will allow us to talk to each other and solve disputes before they degenerate into open conflicts. The Official Charter is still being drafted, but I'll make sure you get a copy before it's signed.

    Security, I want Sickbay analysed with a fine-tooth comb!

    James: Sam trust me... Those that have their power will never want it to leave them... Especially if they see a dangerous idea.. The problem is just that... Self interest... We ignored the problem once and we got this as a result...

    Trust me Sam I see how it will end...

    *Soon convulsion starts wracking his body... as the disease starts reasserting itself... his prescient vision soon rocks as he sees more... He starts babbling it out...*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *James feels Q and that is the thing blocking his vision...*

    James: Q.... What are you up too...

    *The Children look at Q curiously and he can hear them..*

    T'mar *In the childrens' minds*: It's okay. I won't let him hurt you.

    Q: She's a bit overprotective, isn't she?

    T'mar: What the--? You could hear me?!

    Q: Your mind's easier to read than a Pakled child's story book!

    *He looks at the children.*

    Now, what to do with you?

    I could return your genes to their standard human form...

    I could age you to full adults...

    Hell, I may JUST make you speak French!

    But... there's so much you can show these pathetic mortals - like the true values of intelligence, omnipotence, being a--

    I could make you part of the Q!

    But, I think the Continuum would be rather irked if I were to do so, consider all you have yet to do.

    All right! Back to daddy you go!

    *He snaps his fingers, and the kids vanish in a flash. They reappear in Sickbay.

    Q turns back to look at T'mar, who is still looking ticked.*

    Come now, dear, is a smile so much to ask?

    T'mar: Who are you?

    Q: Like I said, call me Q!

    There are wonders I could show you, my dear! The novae of Caprillay VIII! The twin sunsets of Danu XII! The--

    I'm having no luck, am I?

    T'mar: None.

    Q: Well, so be it! But, one day you'll regret it! You'll be begging me to sweep you away to the cosmos!

    T'mar: I severely doubt it.

    I want to make one thing clear, Q. If you've hurt those kids in any way, I will make you endure every kind of pain I can think of.

    Q: You'd try! And, you'd fail!

    Farewell my dear!

    *He snaps his fingers and T'mar is sent back to the Bridge. He then brings Sam and Allen outside.*

    Sam: Q!

    Q: Ah, Samantha, you remember me! Did you miss me?

    Sam: You stranded my crew in the Briar Patch...

    Q: You mortals! No sense of humour!

    Sam: What do you want, Q?!

    Q: I simply game to warn you that dangerous times are coming - more dangerous than you can imagine.

    Sam: If you mean Angel Halo--

    Q: Please! Angel Halo is but a child's plaything compared to the horrors you shall see! I speak of fire, death, and destruction. Infernos engulfing cities, whole planets ablaze, ENTIRE SYSTEMS BURNING!...

    *Sam gets a flash to her dream. She sees the images again.*

    Voice: Fire!

    Fire and Death!

    *She snaps back to reality.*

    Q: You will be tested...

    You must overcome the savagery and glory of you pitiful child race.

    *She flashes back again.*

    Voice: And it will be... glorious!

    *And back to reality.*

    Sam: I know. WE know.

    Q: Do you? Are you sure? Are you sure you can SEE the trials you will face? CAN you see the trials you will face? Can you?

    *She flashes again.*

    Voice: Can you see it, Captain? Can you see it?

    *The red eyes flash in her vision again, and she snaps back to reality, gasping as she nearly faints, before Q catches her, regret on his face.*

    Q: Forgive me...

    I needed to see how bad the damage was.

    I'm sorry that things won't work out for you, Sam...

    *He stands up, walking away from the pair.*

    But some must be sacrificed, if all are to be saved.

    *He snaps his fingers, repairing some of the damage the disease caused to James, so he can stand again.

    He snaps his fingers again, sending the two back to the bridge.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    T'mar *In the childrens' minds*: It's okay. I won't let him hurt you.

    Q: She's a bit overprotective, isn't she?

    T'mar: What the--? You could hear me?!

    Q: Your mind's easier to read than a Pakled child's story book!

    *He looks at the children.*

    Now, what to do with you?

    I could return your genes to their standard human form...

    I could age you to full adults...

    Hell, I may JUST make you speak French!

    But... there's so much you can show these pathetic mortals - like the true values of intelligence, omnipotence, being a--

    I could make you part of the Q!

    But, I think the Continuum would be rather irked if I were to do so, consider all you have yet to do.

    All right! Back to daddy you go!

    *He snaps his fingers, and the kids vanish in a flash. They reappear in Sickbay.

    Q turns back to look at T'mar, who is still looking ticked.*

    Come now, dear, is a smile so much to ask?

    T'mar: Who are you?

    Q: Like I said, call me Q!

    There are wonders I could show you, my dear! The novae of Caprillay VIII! The twin sunsets of Danu XII! The--

    I'm having no luck, am I?

    T'mar: None.

    Q: Well, so be it! But, one day you'll regret it! You'll be begging me to sweep you away to the cosmos!

    T'mar: I severely doubt it.

    I want to make one thing clear, Q. If you've hurt those kids in any way, I will make you endure every kind of pain I can think of.

    Q: You'd try! And, you'd fail!

    Farewell my dear!

    *He snaps his fingers and T'mar is sent back to the Bridge. He then brings Sam and Allen outside.*

    Sam: Q!

    Q: Ah, Samantha, you remember me! Did you miss me?

    Sam: You stranded my crew in the Briar Patch...

    Q: You mortals! No sense of humour!

    Sam: What do you want, Q?!

    Q: I simply game to warn you that dangerous times are coming - more dangerous than you can imagine.

    Sam: If you mean Angel Halo--

    Q: Please! Angel Halo is but a child's plaything compared to the horrors you shall see! I speak of fire, death, and destruction. Infernos engulfing cities, whole planets ablaze, ENTIRE SYSTEMS BURNING!...

    *Sam gets a flash to her dream. She sees the images again.*

    Voice: Fire!

    Fire and Death!

    *She snaps back to reality.*

    Q: You will be tested...

    You must overcome the savagery and glory of you pitiful child race.

    *She flashes back again.*

    Voice: And it will be... glorious!

    *And back to reality.*

    Sam: I know. WE know.

    Q: Do you? Are you sure? Are you sure you can SEE the trials you will face? CAN you see the trials you will face? Can you?

    *She flashes again.*

    Voice: Can you see it, Captain? Can you see it?

    *The red eyes flash in her vision again, and she snaps back to reality, gasping as she nearly faints, before Q catches her, regret on his face.*

    Q: Forgive me...

    I needed to see how bad the damage was.

    I'm sorry that things won't work out for you, Sam...

    *He stands up, walking away from the pair.*

    But some must be sacrificed, if all are to be saved.

    *He snaps his fingers, repairing some of the damage the disease caused to James, so he can stand again.

    He snaps his fingers again, sending the two back to the bridge.*

    *james tries to see physically but his eyes are of not much use...*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    James: *stammers * My children... take me to them...
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    James: *stammers * My children... take me to them...

    *Sam helps him into the turbolift.*

    Sam: Sickbay.

    *The Turbolift starts up.*

    How much of what Q said did you hear?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Sam helps him into the turbolift.*

    Sam: Sickbay.

    *The Turbolift starts up.*

    How much of what Q said did you hear?

    James: He only confirmed what I saw... Luckily.. their fault was in causing my children's power to be so great that even the mighty Q look at them amused and interested...

    It seems I leave things in proper hands... I won't live long... My disease will take me... but Q took care of the epidemic problem...
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