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GM/ Customer Service/ Billing Support and Tickets



  • sonulinu2sonulinu2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I will avoid discussing specifics since I have already been warned about posting correspondence from Cryptic or PWE Customer Service but I have to ask why is it taking so long to get a response from Customer Service (GM?) for my tickets?

    The standard email from Customer Service when filing a ticket says response within 3-4 business days, however, I have [Incident: 130413-000688] which was first submitted on April 13th and a related [Incident: 130413-000688] on April 15th. I have subsequently submitted several email followups asking for the status. I realize everyone is working hard on LoR and according to Mr. Geko's recent podcast other in-game issues, but even a, "we're sorry it is taking so long to respond to your ticket, please rest assured that your request will be addressed" would go a long way in reassuring me that my tickets and emails have not just disappeared into the great unknown.

    In fact, these tickets (again without getting into specifics) are directly related to a non-response from an earlier [Incident: 130404-000169] created on April 4th which was inadvertently labeled Solved by Customer Service.

    I am following proper protocol and even the advice of a senior member of the company in filing these tickets. I feel belittled, ignored, and extremely frustrated as I believe I have done everything reasonable to get my issue resolved. Will someone from Cryptic/Support who reads these forums please help me out here?
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Standard responce time for a gold member is roughly 8 days. Standard responce is generaly equivilent to; 'Sorry to hear you had a problem, try this fix you already read about on the forum, if it dosnt work file a bug report. Bug reports will in most instances not be responded to.'

    I have silver member friends who tell me they dont get responces at all to their tickets.
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Standard responce time for a gold member is roughly 8 days. Standard responce is generaly equivilent to; 'Sorry to hear you had a problem, try this fix you already read about on the forum, if it dosnt work file a bug report. Bug reports will in most instances not be responded to.'

    I have silver member friends who tell me they dont get responces at all to their tickets.

    That is really concerning to me, especially because my current issue involves billing problems and the loss of my subscription. Theoretically, even though I am trying to resolve and maintain a Gold account, I am considered a Silver account at the moment.

    The whole issue with staff being tied up on LoR is also concerning. STO (and other PWE games) is an active product and needs proper support and maintenance, if they want current STO staff working on LoR, they need to bring in an adequate number and quality of staff to support this active product, not leave it to twist in the wind.
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    That is really concerning to me, especially because my current issue involves billing problems and the loss of my subscription. Theoretically, even though I am trying to resolve and maintain a Gold account, I am considered a Silver account at the moment.

    The whole issue with staff being tied up on LoR is also concerning. STO (and other PWE games) is an active product and needs proper support and maintenance, if they want current STO staff working on LoR, they need to bring in an adequate number and quality of staff to support this active product, not leave it to twist in the wind.

    The claim that has been made that the support staff are working on LoR is pure speculation as far as I am aware. I very much doubt it is the case. I don't remember the source of this information but I believe all GM support is handled at an independent facility belonging to perfect world now.

    Also I am sure they put billing issues before gameplay ones. It has always taken 8 days for me to recive a response to a gameplay issue but I have never had a billing one.
  • askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    That is really concerning to me, especially because my current issue involves billing problems and the loss of my subscription. Theoretically, even though I am trying to resolve and maintain a Gold account, I am considered a Silver account at the moment.

    The whole issue with staff being tied up on LoR is also concerning. STO (and other PWE games) is an active product and needs proper support and maintenance, if they want current STO staff working on LoR, they need to bring in an adequate number and quality of staff to support this active product, not leave it to twist in the wind.

    This is 100% false. Not EVERYONE works on everything. Example - Brandon's the Community Manager and while yes he does help write blogs, take screenshots and I'm sure has had some little input on how things are done, ultimately he's not coding STO nor doing 3d animation etc.

    The GM/Support team that handles things handles all tickets in the order they get them. Billing ones do get handled (I know I've had a few hehe) it just takes time and patience :)
    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
    Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
    Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113

  • equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The ablative console for my long range science vessel retrofit recently went *poof* missing.

    I contacted a GM who told me that they could not find any proof that I owned the ship (despite it being flown by my main character right now...)

    I was told that because I did not purchase it from the C-store that I was not entitled to get help replacing the missing console.

    I'm a lifetime/gold member and the ship was purchased using a VA token (I'm over 1000 day vet)

    So I am confused why I am not entitled to the same help that I would get if I had purchased the item from the C-store, and why its not listed there as 'owned'.

    Any help in solving this issue would be greatly appreciated!
  • dirlettiadirlettia Member Posts: 1,632 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It may be that the GM's are unable to provide access to items hence why they say they about you not buying from the store. Had it been bought from the store the advice would have been to discharge and reclaim the ship as that would resupply the console. As a Vet ship this is not possible.

    If the devs could be tempted to make the consoles unbound then somebody else would be able to give you the console but that might detract from store sales as people also use the consoles in fleet ships (where applicable).

    Really I know you are frustrated but try just submitting a support ticket and seeing if that helps.

    Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited May 2013
    equinox976 wrote: »
    The ablative console for my long range science vessel retrofit recently went *poof* missing.

    I contacted a GM who told me that they could not find any proof that I owned the ship (despite it being flown by my main character right now...)

    I was told that because I did not purchase it from the C-store that I was not entitled to get help replacing the missing console.

    I'm a lifetime/gold member and the ship was purchased using a VA token (I'm over 1000 day vet)

    So I am confused why I am not entitled to the same help that I would get if I had purchased the item from the C-store, and why its not listed there as 'owned'.

    Any help in solving this issue would be greatly appreciated!

    If you have any questions regarding a ticket's response, they should be brought up within the ticket itself -- feel free to reply to it. Only the GM team can assist in this matter :)


    Brandon =/\=
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    askray wrote: »
    This is 100% false. Not EVERYONE works on everything. Example - Brandon's the Community Manager and while yes he does help write blogs, take screenshots and I'm sure has had some little input on how things are done, ultimately he's not coding STO nor doing 3d animation etc.

    The GM/Support team that handles things handles all tickets in the order they get them. Billing ones do get handled (I know I've had a few hehe) it just takes time and patience :)

    I wasn't suggesting that it was said that everyone works on everything, just within their functional levels. From what was suggested earlier was that staffers were working on LoR within their function (ie: coding, design, etc.).

    If it is true that they are not using supporting and development staff from active games to make the new game, so much the better. But the other person suggested this wasn't the case and that they hadn't transferred in needed supporting staff to take up the slack, if that is the case, that is concerning. I would hope it would be the sooner, not the latter that we are experiencing.
  • sonulinu2sonulinu2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If you have any questions regarding a ticket's response, they should be brought up within the ticket itself -- feel free to reply to it. Only the GM team can assist in this matter :)


    Brandon =/\=

    I have Brandon, many time in fact, and I believe you know of what I speak. I have emailed and referenced my ticket/item number each time. I know you don't have anything to do with it but someone in Cryptic must be able to suggest ideas to PW, including their Customer Support department. Letting them know your customers are a little frustrated with response time would go a long way in making us feel like we are seen as the loyal customers that we are. ;)
  • kirkryderkirkryder Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I to have put in a ticket regarding the 30 days subscription I am owed, due to a key I had to redeem. However I never got the 30 days gold as I was a monthly subscriber, like many of you on here, I feel cheated in a way...

    I have put a ticket in, however I doubt I will get those 30 days back. Its a shame the system never noticed my activation.

    I really hope that you start to pick up the customer service, as at the moment I have more chance of asking the devil himself for help!
    Best fleet in Star Trek Online...
    We even have our own merchandise!!! Come join us today...
  • cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If you have any questions regarding a ticket's response, they should be brought up within the ticket itself -- feel free to reply to it. Only the GM team can assist in this matter :)


    Brandon =/\=

    Brandon.. have you tried to put a ticket in yourself?

    Here's some facts:

    The ticket support website you're supposed to use to reply to them.. doesn't work. In all browsers (Firefox, IE, Chrome) the browsers say the website is being redirected in ways that it cannot be completed.

    Replying to the nitwits in support through e-mail gets you gems worthy of the movie 'Idiocracy'. For example, when I had to resort to replying to customer service email directly with a full copy of the ticket & the CSR's response to it...and I clearly, oh so CLEARLY stated the WHY I was sending the reply through e-mail rather than using the support website (the website redirection thing)... can you guess what they replied to me with?

    'We cannot help you sorry please use the support website' .

    I guess the CSR building they work at also uses gatorade to water their lawn. What other explanation is there? Its got eh-lehk-tro-lites!

    ...and I watched my tickets 'expire' because they received no reply. OMFG. I lost 2 purple doffs (one unique) to an interface glitch in a doff mission... and it was impossible to get support for it.

    Case in point is: The service rendered is abysmal. Its an exercise in futility to even attempt to contact support for an in-game issue or for billing.
  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited May 2013
    The ticket support website you're supposed to use to reply to them.. doesn't work. In all browsers (Firefox, IE, Chrome) the browsers say the website is being redirected in ways that it cannot be completed.

    Unfortunately, for a small percentage of players, there is an error with the support site and they will get a redirect error. As the team continues to investigate this error, please email in directly for support. Info here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=267893

    Also, when you email them, let them know you are experiencing this issue and they can resolve it manually for you.


    Brandon =/\=
  • x0ligyx0ligy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sorry to say but im really not impressed with your support at all.

    For a start i can not click on the parts i want in the drop down boxes i have to use my keyboard to select the right one clicking does nothing while pressing enter selects it.

    Also while reporting an issue i ran into "The runabout bug" i was told that this was a new bug i had stumbled upon yet there are posts that date back to 2010. I was also told that i submitted the report wrong because i shouldnt use "Contact Us > Customer Support > Gameplay" when it is a gameplay issue instead i should find "Help > Bug report" where ever that is.

    I have been playing this game just over a week and had two issues already which should not exist and being told a three year old bug is new is kind of a joke if you ask me.
  • jackice1jackice1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
  • sonulinu2sonulinu2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Unfortunately, for a small percentage of players, there is an error with the support site and they will get a redirect error. As the team continues to investigate this error, please email in directly for support. Info here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=267893

    Also, when you email them, let them know you are experiencing this issue and they can resolve it manually for you.


    Brandon =/\=

    Hi, Brandon.

    I have managed to get to the support site several times, however, each time it only lists my closed ticket - the one I closed btw. The two new related ones are no-where to be found on said site, which is strange since: (1) the first new one was initiated by PW Support themselves via an email they sent to me (thanks to a forwarded email from you know who - TYVM :)); (2) I correctly followed the instructions on the site you referenced above and sent many emails to PW Support and received only the boilerplate initial response from them (indicating the usual will respond within 4-5 business days) which included two new PW Support generated Item Numbers; (3) neither issue (the different item numbers) have been responded to in any manner or form, apart from the initial email reference in (2) above; and, (4) neither tickets / Items are listed on the Support Site.

    So isn't reasonable for a player (not to mention a Lifer, +1,000 Day Vet, and ongoing spender of real money) to be somewhat confused and frustrated about the current situation? How long does one wait? How many follow-up emails does one send? Isn't there any other avenue of recourse one can take given the above described situation? Are you saying that after having followed the procedures in your above referenced site we have to sit on our hands and hope and pray to the PW gods for intervention?

    I am truly sorry if this post places you in an awkward position. That is certainly not my intention. I realize you are fulfilling your job as Cryptic's face to their customers and you have always done a great job in that respect, and that these support issues are not under your purview. However, under the circumstances we literally have no one else to turn to or vent our frustrations on. So any further guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. At the very least please assure us that PW has been informed of your player base's deep dissatisfaction of their current Customer Support. Perhaps PW can increase their support staff or Cryptic can take back this responsibility from PW. I know I would be in favor of the latter.

    Thanks for listening to my rant. Sorry, I'm just beyond exasperation at this point.
  • sonulinu2sonulinu2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In fairness I wish to report that a GM did get back to me the other day, I must have just missed his email when I checked my account before. He was very polite but said essentially, tough luck kid. However, I replied that there is still a misunderstanding by CS of all the facts so we are still in discussion. Since I haven't been dismissed totally out of hand, I have to give credit where credit is due. Now that they have finally responded, I at least feel that I am being treated with respect, so thank you PW Customer Support. And if someone from the company reading this forum helped to expedite my ticket, tyvm to you too.
  • goji62goji62 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have been trying for a while to enter a support ticket, but the 'page cannot be displayed'. So, here it is. Peanut Labs hasn't paid me the 117 zen for an offer I completed about what my Real Age is. They will not respond. I have a screen shot showing my real age, verifying the offer was completed, if required. It isn't a lot of zen, but I shouldn't have to spend 45 minutes to squeeze that much out and then not get it in the end, and then not be able to contact technical support on your site, either. :eek:
  • sudoku7sudoku7 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Really annoying, been getting the run around from PWE Support with trying to get into the support website.

    First response was reset cookies.
    Second response was that Hey I see you have logged into the games, so it's all good.
    Third response was to reset cookies again.

    I am at the point of giving up, especially as I no longer need to actually access the support website, and just really see no point in trying to continue to get through. Am I just misunderstanding the 'resolve it manually' aspect to refer to the support site login issue?
  • corjetcorjet Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's all about CUSTOMER Service!

    "I want to speak to your Supervisor!"
    "I want to speak to your Supervisor!"
    "I want to speak to your Supervisor!"
    I just did that because at a very well known company - when you called Customer Service the 'customer' had to either say: "Supervisor" or ask to speak to them 3 times before I was allowed to transfer them. <G>

    DDO (Dungeons & Dragons Online)/Turbine Started the Free To Play Model way back when. When they went down - they gave us subscribers some 'store items' and such. They seldom when down when I played. The only reason I am not playing does not have to do with the game itself, but the people within the game. Anyway - it's all about Customer Service. You gotta keep your customers happy! And that's what DDO/Turbine did by giving us those 'store items' and such :) There wasn't much - if any - negative 'feedback' from the customer base when the servers when down, not like here. Here we see threads running towards 500 comments well within a half an hour. That in itself should speak volumes to 'the powers that be.'

    Here customers are getting upset and they 'want' and/or 'need' to vent their frustrations. Having the Mod come in and wipe/move/close threads is not a good thing because it just makes those whom are angry even more so. Resulting in 'your customers' getting fed up and now - starting to think of taking their business to some other company other than 'yours' - which means lost revenue/money and possibly a 'bad reputation.'
    If there's that much 'negative feedback' - then there's something wrong with 'the way the business' is doing something. From a Customer Service Point of View that has to be fixed! From a "Companies Survival" point of view it has to be fixed!!! "You" as a company can't have this much negativity going on. Apply that 'negativity' to the customer base... And then divide that by 1/2. Then you got that many people "complaining" about 'your company.' I can go one more and more but hopefully "SOMEONE" gets the idea. The solution to this 'problem' has to become a priority. Here - 'you' may have to spend the big bucks and 'fix' what ever is causing all this down time that results with all of these posts. Don't forget about 'the future' either. If you're going to keep "Star Trek" and make it grow into possibly the biggest and longest standing MMO's the world has ever seen, then yes... You have to spend the bucks to resolve these issues. "You" have to show the customers that 'you care' enough to resolve these issues, and say so. If your up front and honest, that in itself gives you some 'clout' with "YOUR" customers.
    The free stuff to subscribers thing is not happening here. I also seem to think that DDO/Turbine also 'extended' any subscriptions... Wife says they did but I don't actually remember it since it didn't happen very often. Anyway I think it may not happen here because those within 'sales' thinking it may hurt their sales... Donno actually <G>
    Sure - giving out free stuff for down time does cost 'the company' some, but it helps sooth and satisfy the customer. What did I say? "It's all about Customer Service!"

    "A Name" like "Star Trek" can only do so much, but then when a business gets a "Bad Reputation" then you really have to start 'spending money' in hopes of over coming that very negative thing. Many companies don't survive the Bad Rep thing. And therefore the 'good companies' try to avoid it at all costs.

    I know about Customer Service, I've been in it for 35 years <G>
  • messahlamessahla Member Posts: 1,160 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    deokkent wrote: »
    I don't know what to tell you dude/tte... They just closed your your voting thread, which was against the rules in the first place yo! You shouldn't harbor any ill feelings because of that.

    To add to that, nothing is perfect, you can't always be a happy customer. I apologize for living in reality. At the very least, you should give them credit for keeping us informed on their twitter/facebook page. They usually even provide the reason why there was a downtime. I doubt sto is the only game with the server that crashes all the time.

    Anyways, be glad that at least they're doing the best they can to fix these issues and still be dedicated to providing us nerds with new awesome content. BTW, new content release was indeed to make you ranting nerds happy! It's only a small obstacle this content happen to TRIBBLE over the little gerbil's heart.

    In laymans terms ^^^^

    You can please some of the people most of the time but cannot please all the people all of the time
  • valenn1valenn1 Member Posts: 842 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    *surprise surprise* the new serverhampster dropped dead (again).
    Beta, LTA, CE, Multiple preorder Versions, all Addon Packs except AoY, nearly all KDF/Rom and ~50% of all Fedships, over 25 LockboxShips, Endurer of Atari's "Year of Hell", but...

  • unc0mmonerunc0mmoner Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've been waiting almost 2 weeks for a response to my support ticket about my TRIBBLE account and missing characters. Can someone PLEASE look in to the delay and respond.

  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It really does appear that PWE needs to allocate more resources to Cryptic in order for them to take care of Customer Service and Quality Assurance issues. Even if they can't fix a problem, per se, they should be able to communicate that they can't and offer some sort of resolution that may balance an issue.
  • kojekoje Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Is there anyone I can PM to get real help?

    I submited a CS ticket because I can't log in to STO without linking my STO account to my PW account but when I try, it tells me that my PW account is already linked. However, the account that my PW account is apparently linked to has none of the unlocks I have earned.

    Basically my PW account is linked to the wrong STO account.

    The response I got from CS was...

    Hello ,

    Thank you for contacting us. Currently Neverwinter is offline for emergency maintenance. For more information, please see our forum post
  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited May 2013
    koje wrote: »
    Is there anyone I can PM to get real help?

    I submited a CS ticket because I can't log in to STO without linking my STO account to my PW account but when I try, it tells me that my PW account is already linked. However, the account that my PW account is apparently linked to has none of the unlocks I have earned.

    Basically my PW account is linked to the wrong STO account.

    The response I got from CS was...

    Hello ,

    Thank you for contacting us. Currently Neverwinter is offline for emergency maintenance. For more information, please see our forum post

    Please see my post here :)
    Hi Captains,

    Thanks for your patience as our GM team works to answer your tickets -- please note that tickets are answered in the order received, but the time for response varies depending on how many tickets are ahead of yours. We appreciate your patience as they work through each one, and apologize for the increased response time we're currently experiencing.

    If you're running into account linking difficulties, please read our support article here: https://support.perfectworld.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/4134/

    Regarding helping nenwe create a PWE new account, this is because they had already logged in to STO with the PWE account they were trying to link, which makes it ineligible for linking to a Cryptic account -- this is because, upon first log in to the launcher, if you don't link it to a Cryptic account first, it creates a "new" linked Cryptic account for you on that PWE account (you don't access that Cryptic account for anything, but the game recognizes it -- that's how you have an in-game @handle). Our GM team would be able to assist with unlinking that PWE account and linking it to your old Cryptic account (you'd need to file a ticket and wait for a response), but if you made any characters on the PWE account, they'd be lost as your old STO characters would override them.

    Creating a new PWE account and linking it to your old Cryptic account via the steps in the above linked support is a method to use if you don't want to wait for support to get back to you, but should only be done if you don't use the current "ineligible for linking" PWE account to play other PWE games, have not bought any ZEN/ Legacy Pack, don't mind starting over your forum account, etc. It's really best to wait for GM help in unlinking the account and linking it to your old Cryptic account, though, as you shouldn't need to create a new account -- you'd just need to wait for a response to your ticket.


    Brandon =/\=
  • needhelp1973needhelp1973 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    please read link as I don't want to type it out again, thanks
  • spektre12spektre12 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Question Reference #130517-000184

    Hey since you wont answer me via customer service I thought I'd ask you here if there will ever be a resolution to my ticket?

    I only ask because I am sure you care about the money a customer spends on your product right.

    Sorry it has come to this but I made this ticket four times now and I feel you're ignoring me.

  • spektre12spektre12 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi Captains,

    Thanks for your patience as our GM team works to answer your tickets -- please note that tickets are answered in the order received, but the time for response varies depending on how many tickets are ahead of yours. We appreciate your patience as they work through each one, and apologize for the increased response time we're currently experiencing.

    This a typical weak response with no real intention of solving a problem. I have customers where I work and I know this cut-n-paste response. Please Bran give us the 'real' answer. Most of here aren't soley gamers. So, basially we aren't that gulible.

    If you say that you guys just don't have a team to support the calls or the money to employ the man power needed, just say so. We don't need to see 'politically correct - company approved response' insults like the one you quoted above. I realize you are a moderator but I had to speak my mind.

    I have a current ticket that involves money. This ticket I have sent in four times now. So, you can imagine my frustration. I really don't think I am the only one.

    I think your a good man caught in the middle. I would suggest not getting in the middle and the overpaid executives in Cancun handle their mess.

  • wazzagiowwazzagiow Member Posts: 769 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    spektre12 wrote: »
    This a typical weak response with no real intention of solving a problem. I have customers where I work and I know this cut-n-paste response. Please Bran give us the 'real' answer. Most of here aren't soley gamers. So, basially we aren't that gulible.

    If you say that you guys just don't have a team to support the calls or the money to employ the man power needed, just say so. We don't need to see 'politically correct - company approved response' insults like the one you quoted above. I realize you are a moderator but I had to speak my mind.

    I have a current ticket that involves money. This ticket I have sent in four times now. So, you can imagine my frustration. I really don't think I am the only one.

    I think your a good man caught in the middle. I would suggest not getting in the middle and the overpaid executives in Cancun handle their mess.


    I've had that automated message several times. Not 1 person has ever properly answered, replied or resolved any issues. They seem go an entire week then get closed. The current system is badly flawed.
This discussion has been closed.