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Cryptic Launcher Autoupdate Problem



  • sfc3expertsfc3expert Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    was being a bit cynical in that post, sorry:o

    Being a Cryptic tech impersonator, lol

    Only trying to lighten this up, im sure the tech people are onto this, it only started with me after the last maintenance patch.

    Been on this game from the very start, they aint let us down yet, gulp :rolleyes:
  • methos71methos71 Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Well, for my part, I replied to the PWE Tech Support email I received last night and told them it was still no dice on a solution. I also posted a link to this thread, in my reply. Thankfully I'm still able to contact them via my personal email account's 'reply' function, 'cause I couldn't directly access their support page login yesterday.

    I would encourage everyone in this thread to file support tickets and keep hammering away with replies, until this matter gets resolved.

    My pal, who's been able to connect properly is out running chores right now. Yet, when he gets back, we're going to thoroughly compare system, browser and network settings. And I'm going to match every single one of my settings to his. At least that should eliminate the possibility of this issue being rooted in our respective systems and their settings.

    I'll keep checking back here, until my pal and I do our thing and I'll report any findings, once we've done all that.
    "Don't try to be a great man. Just be a man and let history make its own judgments." -Zefram Cochrane
    Vice-Admiral Methos Corinthian

  • bannon3bannon3 Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Thanks for all the work and support methos! What you are going to do sounds tedious, thank you again! I hope you find the answer.
    In Space, Cryptic cant hear you scream!!!
  • bannon3bannon3 Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Any news? I tried to reload the forum page and got a blank white page telling me it couldnt connect, then I tried twice more and got a page with the header but no text...either they are tinkering with things or next I wont be able to get to the forums.
    In Space, Cryptic cant hear you scream!!!
  • averyddaverydd Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Day 9 and still no movement. 7 days since flakey was here and no tech guy response so we definitely on our own guys. The more I try play MW3 the more I want play STO lol.

    I get online daily and hope its working again but alas it's never back.

    Anyone got any ideas????

    Original Join Date May 2009 - Real 1000 Day Veteran
  • methos71methos71 Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    bannon3 wrote: »
    Any news? I tried to reload the forum page and got a blank white page telling me it couldnt connect, then I tried twice more and got a page with the header but no text...either they are tinkering with things or next I wont be able to get to the forums.
    Thankfully, I had no problems logging back into the Forums, via Google Chrome.

    Okies, now for my report on the system comparison with my pal who's been able to log in to STO without any problems. And, gods were you ever right about the whole thing being incredibly tedious Bannon3!!!:P

    I figured that the primary focus should be on internet settings and browser settings. Given that, we started by comparing our 'Network and Sharing Center', 'Adapter Settings', 'Local Area Connect' configuration, details, properties. Then we hit 'Advanced Sharing Settings', both 'Home or Work' and 'Public'. Then we hit 'Internet Properties' and went through all tabs and functions. We then repeated the same process with 'Internet Options' in Explorer.

    There were very few differences between our configurations and what differences there were had likely been the result of my experimenting with the settings since this past Friday morning. Ultimately, I matched every single one of my settings to match his.

    We then compared Firewall settings and their 'Advanced Settings' and our settings were identical.

    Now here's where it got interesting. Via 'Control Panel', we accessed our 'Java Control Panel' for comparison, since the last email I got from PWE Tech seemed to stress the importance of Javascript and Explorer and their relation to STO's launcher.

    My pal, who's been able to connect, and I had different versions of Java. He has 'Java Version 6, Update 24'. Whereas I have 'Java Version 7, Update 6', which was just updated three days ago.

    Regardless, we still compared our 'Java Control Panel' settings, going through each and every tab. An immediate difference that we found was the varying sizes of our Java 'Temporary Files Settings' cache. His was set to a maximum of 1000MB (1GB), while mine had been set to something like 32.5GB!!! I immediately matched his max cache size.

    I then ended our online voice chat, restarted my system and tried the STO launcher again. Sadly no change whatsoever.:mad: It's still timing out and not connecting.

    Contained within the 'Java Control Panel' and its 'Temporary Files Settings'...the Java Control Panel has a function for deleting 'Trace and Log Files', 'Cached Applications and Applets' and 'Installed Applications and Applets'.

    I'm wondering whether or not it would be safe to delete all of those in the Java cache? Perhaps something in that cache is causing this login launch failure?

    I'm sorely tempted to simply delete all that, especially given that the cache had been 32.5GB in size! Yet, I fear that it might cause more harm than good.

    Any insight on this anyone?

    Update: After doing a bit of digging online, I think I've determined that it's safe to zap everything in that Java cache, via the Java Control Panel. So, I'm going to try that right now and restart the system.

    If that doesn't work, I'm wondering if it would be safe to uninstall my current, up to date version of Java and replace it with the version my friend has? The version he has can also be found for download, directly via Oracle's website.
    "Don't try to be a great man. Just be a man and let history make its own judgments." -Zefram Cochrane
    Vice-Admiral Methos Corinthian

  • methos71methos71 Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Alright, well there goes that idea!!!:mad::mad::mad: I cleared the Java cache completely. Restarted the system. Still nothing with STO. Then I uninstalled the latest version of Java and replace it with the exact same older version my friend has. Restarted the system and still nothing with STO.

    Are there any other settings and features you guys can think of that I should be comparing with my friend who's been able to login without a problem????

    Really, at this point, I'm about 95% sure that this problem has nothing to do with our respective computers. At this point, I'm also thoroughly convinced that the root of this problem resides either with our respective Internet Service Providers or with Cryptic/PWE and their servers, somehow selectively preventing us from accessing the STO login/update launcher. The notion that our ISPs are to blame seems far-fetched, given that I've got Roadrunner, others here have Verizon, Virgin Media and so forth and so on. Besides, I consulted with my ISP tech service this past Saturday and they gave my connection a clean bill of health. Yet, we all have a common problem in being unable to connect to Cryptic/PWE's launcher and, consequently, their server (or servers).
    "Don't try to be a great man. Just be a man and let history make its own judgments." -Zefram Cochrane
    Vice-Admiral Methos Corinthian

  • chyllaxynchyllaxyn Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Its Official After 13 Days Im back in. I took Drastic measure, so im not sure what i changed, or what changed with Game servers but, I reformatted, fully updated an install of WIN7 Ultimate.

    Installed Chrome, MSE, Java, Steam, Teamspeak, and then STO.

    I didnt change anything on my router/modem/firewall.
    Tried STO and NOTHING!

    I did a manual update for Java.
    Checked Here, then hit my STO button and


    Idk if this will help but its my path any questions please ask ill stop by here every couple of hours to see if i can add anything.

    - Chyll
  • methos71methos71 Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    chyllaxyn wrote: »
    Its Official After 13 Days Im back in. I took Drastic measure, so im not sure what i changed, or what changed with Game servers but, I reformatted, fully updated an install of WIN7 Ultimate.

    Installed Chrome, MSE, Java, Steam, Teamspeak, and then STO.

    I didnt change anything on my router/modem/firewall.
    Tried STO and NOTHING!

    I did a manual update for Java.
    Checked Here, then hit my STO button and


    Idk if this will help but its my path any questions please ask ill stop by here every couple of hours to see if i can add anything.

    - Chyll
    Holy frak balls man!!!:eek: I can't believe the lengths you went to dude!!!:eek: Granted, I've been troubleshooting this for gods know how many hours since early last Friday morning. Yet, I would never, ever, ever have done a complete format and reinstall of Win7 Ultimate!!!

    And, if I read ya correctly, that format and reinstall did absolutely nothing to resolve the problem, right?

    Now, what does seem to have worked is this "manual update for Java". Can you please describe that step by step and please also tell us what version of Java you currently have (Control Panel-->Java (32-bit)--->Java Control Panel--->General tab--->'About' button)?

    Oh, and congrats on finally being able to get back in Chyllaxyn!!!:D With any luck, perhaps your details might save us all!
    "Don't try to be a great man. Just be a man and let history make its own judgments." -Zefram Cochrane
    Vice-Admiral Methos Corinthian

  • bannon3bannon3 Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Yikes a full restore was my earlier suggestion but seems drastic, if there is some kind of software corruption then Cryptic should be able to help us identify it so we can wipe the afflicted program. Whats this Java thing all about? Avery I have spending time in Mass Effect 3, next week is the big DLC so that will keep me busy a bit longer. After that they have till Sept 10 and I am gone no bluff. I wont do a full system restore on this machine, this is a custom build and i had conflicts and stuff when I first built it I dont want to track down all the software issues again, everything runs fine except STO it isnt worth it for one game and if the devs arent gonna help us then I dont know if Cryptic/PWE are companies I want to do business with and give money to and I will make sure everyone I can tell knows how much they suck, all we are asking for is some kind of message or update. PLEASE

    Tried the JAVA thing too, suppose its good cause I never knew it had a cache so thats cleaned out. I wanted to add in addition to not wanting to do business with cryptic if this is how they treat their loyal subscriber base, I havent heard anything from support in about a week, not even one of those "WE WILL ASSUME YOUR ISSUE IS RESOLVED IF WE DONT HEAR FROM YOU" emails. Nothing. I am being ignored.
    In Space, Cryptic cant hear you scream!!!
  • chyllaxynchyllaxyn Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    All I did was go to

    Control Panel>programs>java>temp files>erased all>update> update now

    it said i was up to date with java 7, i literally downloaded it about 3 hrs prior.

    One thing i just realized i also did was before it started working I did a username and password recovery for my PW account. I don't know it that would cause there server to update your account or anything but hell at this point anythings worth a try right?

    This is what i had open when i tried to launch STO.

    -java control panel
    -CMD prompt open Pinging Google DNS constantly just to watch my connection to see if it was dropping causing a time out

    I launched STO From steam and it jsut started right up.

  • methos71methos71 Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    chyllaxyn wrote: »
    All I did was go to

    Control Panel>programs>java>temp files>erased all>update> update now

    it said i was up to date with java 7, i literally downloaded it about 3 hrs prior.

    One thing i just realized i also did was before it started working I did a username and password recovery for my PW account. I don't know it that would cause there server to update your account or anything but hell at this point anythings worth a try right?

    This is what i had open when i tried to launch STO.

    -java control panel
    -CMD prompt open Pinging Google DNS constantly just to watch my connection to see if it was dropping causing a time out

    I launched STO From steam and it jsut started right up.

    Hiya again Chyll! Okies, I uninstalled that old version of Java (which my friend has and has been able to use whilst logging into STO with no problems). I then reinstalled the latest version version of Java, both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions, to correspond with both versions of Internet Explorer (IE32bit & IE64bit...hadn't even realized that Win7Ultimate had both IE versions until today!). I cleared the cache completely on Java 32-bit. Couldn't find a control panel for Java 64-bit though. I then made sure that both versions of Explorer also had the Java addon/plugins.

    Tried STO again. Nothing.

    Big question regarding your use of the Java Control Panel Chyll...how did you access 'update' and then 'update now' via the Java Control Panel? I saw no such controls there.

    Also, can you please specify with version of Java you have installed right now(Control Panel-->Java--->Java Control Panel--->General tab--->'About' button)?

    Despite not being able to login to PWE's website via both Chrome and IE (even though I've obviously been able to login in to these Forums), I did a username and password recovery for my PW account. I received confirmation emails for both username and password (which I had tweaked slightly). Tried to login with my username and new password to PW's website via IE and it just simply would not take...just kept spinning and spinning for minutes on end. Finally gave up on that and came back here to the Forums, via Chrome this time, and was able to login here with my username and new password. So, all that evidently cleared somewhere along the line.

    Tried STO again. Nothing.

    I should make it clear that I've never used Steam to login to STO.

    Yet, the hanging IE Browser, upon PW website login, gave me an idea, which I mixed with one your suggestions. I opened CMD and pinged www.perfectworld.com and all requests timed out (4 packets sent, 0 received, 4 lost, 100% loss). Any idea what this might indicate?

    Any clarification and further help would be greatly appreciated Chyllaxyn!
    "Don't try to be a great man. Just be a man and let history make its own judgments." -Zefram Cochrane
    Vice-Admiral Methos Corinthian

  • bannon3bannon3 Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Updated to Java 7 too, not sure why though or how this whole Java thing took root. Java is helpful in using games and other applications it doesnt seem to have anything to do with internet connections to servers, methos that perfectworld thing you tried is intriguing. Somethin is up, because I cannot access this site at all with IE, and if the launcher uses IE maybe thats the issue?? What about wiping IE, then doing a clean install? Says they are doing Shard Maintenance tomorrow in addition to the patch. lets hope whatever they broke gets tweaked back and fixes itself. Night all

    Methos this is what I got from perfectworld trace:

    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
    Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    C:\Users\>tracert www.perfectworld.com

    Tracing route to www.perfectworld.com []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms Wireless_Broadband_Router.home []
    2 5 ms 4 ms 4 ms
    3 7 ms 6 ms 6 ms G11-0-2-890.BSTNMA-LCR-08.verizon-gni.net [130.8
    4 6 ms 6 ms 6 ms so-0-3-0-0.BOS-BB-RTR2.verizon-gni.net [130.81.2
    5 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms 0.ge-1-0-0.XL4.BOS4.ALTER.NET []
    6 17 ms 16 ms 16 ms 0.xe-6-1-1.XT2.NYC4.ALTER.NET []
    7 17 ms 16 ms 16 ms GigabitEthernet5-0-0.GW1.NYC4.ALTER.NET [152.63.
    8 14 ms 14 ms 14 ms teliasonera-test.customer.alter.net [157.130.255
    9 15 ms 14 ms 14 ms nyk-bb1-link.telia.net []
    10 92 ms 94 ms 99 ms sjo-bb1-link.telia.net []
    11 94 ms 94 ms 94 ms internap-ic-140172-sjo-bb1.c.telia.net [213.248.
    12 95 ms 94 ms 94 ms border2.t8-1-bbnet2.sje004.pnap.net [66.151.144.
    13 * * * Request timed out.
    14 * * * Request timed out.
    15 * * * Request timed out.
    16 * * * Request timed out.
    17 * * * Request timed out.
    18 * * * Request timed out.
    19 * * * Request timed out.
    20 * * * Request timed out.
    21 * * * Request timed out.
    22 * * * Request timed out.
    23 * * * Request timed out.
    24 * * * Request timed out.
    25 * * * Request timed out.
    26 * * * Request timed out.
    27 * * * Request timed out.
    28 * * * Request timed out.
    29 * * * Request timed out.
    30 * * * Request timed out.

    Trace complete.
    In Space, Cryptic cant hear you scream!!!
  • methos71methos71 Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    bannon3 wrote: »
    Updated to Java 7 too, not sure why though or how this whole Java thing took root. Java is helpful in using games and other applications it doesnt seem to have anything to do with internet connections to servers, methos that perfectworld thing you tried is intriguing. Somethin is up, because I cannot access this site at all with IE, and if the launcher uses IE maybe thats the issue?? What about wiping IE, then doing a clean install? Says they are doing Shard Maintenance tomorrow in addition to the patch. lets hope whatever they broke gets tweaked back and fixes itself. Night all
    Hey there Bannon3. Not sure about the Java thing myself, as I just exhaustively troubleshooted all that, to no avail. Yet, it seemed to work for Chyllaxyn and I'm eagerly and hopefully awaiting a response from him to my last post. Oh, and if you happen to be reading this Chyll, it took some digging but I finally found out how to access Java Control Panel's Update tab (oddly enough, ya can only access it via C://Programs (x86)/Java...etc.). Still didn't work.

    As for pinging Perfectworld, I'm going to try pinging other Cryptic/PW sites as well, to see what results come back.

    Funny enough, I just tried accessing this Forum via IE and I was able to login in there without any trouble at all. Yet, I can't seem to login to PWE's site itself, though the username and password recovery worked from there, via IE. Weird stuff all around!

    As for IE, I'm pretty damned sure that IE is not the problem, as I matched every single one of my IE settings (literally every tab, every option button, everything there) to my friend's IE settings.

    Just noticed your post update. Your tracert to perfectworld looks a whole lot like the one I posted earlier in this thread. Try 'ping www.perfectworld.com' and see what ya come up with?

    I'm most definitely keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow's maintenance and dearly hope that it solves this whole mess!!!

    Update: I just went into CMD and tried pinging both 'launcher.startrekonline.com' and 'launcher.champions-online.com' and both came back with nothing but 'Request timed out', four times each (4 packets sent, 0 recieved, 4 lost, 100% loss).
    "Don't try to be a great man. Just be a man and let history make its own judgments." -Zefram Cochrane
    Vice-Admiral Methos Corinthian

  • averyddaverydd Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Hey guys seems I got darthpanda16 on the pwe sites tech forums so send your traces and issues to this thread:-


    Now I'm not going hold my breath on there technical support but anything is better than nothing especially now branflakes is off for a week!!

    Original Join Date May 2009 - Real 1000 Day Veteran
  • patsanderspatsanders Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    guys this is realy crazy...just tryied this morning...taaadaaa.. it worked...

    i did nothing...reeeealy nothing...

    for me that is the proof that the problem is not with our systems...
  • methos71methos71 Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    patsanders wrote: »
    guys this is realy crazy...just tryied this morning...taaadaaa.. it worked...

    i did nothing...reeeealy nothing...

    for me that is the proof that the problem is not with our systems...
    Glad you were able to login and play Patsanders!

    At the moment, I have uninstalled the game...for the third time now...and I'm reinstalling it as I type this. Yet, this reinstall I'm doing with a twist. I downloaded Steam (which I haven't used in roughly two years, if not longer) and I am downloading STO through steam right now. Seems to be downloading a whole lot quicker than my previous STO full downloads too.

    Not sure if it'll work, but I figured, at this point, it wouldn't hurt to try.

    One thing that I discovered, which I found extraordinarily alarming!: Before initiating the Steam download of STO, Steam prompted me to link my Steam and PWE accounts, by going to STO's website. The radio button, linking one to the STO website was greyed out. So, went their directly, via IE and logged in. Upon logging in, I went to the 'My Account' link, at the top of my page, searching for some sort of link to Steam access, which I couldn't find.

    What I'm actually found at 'My Account' was the shocker, where it detailed my current Zen balance? It said zero!!!!!!:eek: I'm really, really, really hoping that's not actually the case, because I last had a balance of 3475 Zen, before this whole mess started!:confused:

    Wow, Steam download of STO completed whilst I was writing those last two paragraphs! Time for me to go and test this out...again.

    And again, that didn't work either!!!:mad:

    What I found intriguing about the Steam download is that it didn't seem to install the files on my system in a noticable location. And the STO shortcut on my desktop linked directly to Steam, which then seemed to try to kick off the launcher. Of course, the launcher failed to connect, yet again.

    So now I'm downloading STO for the fourth time. This time with another slight twist, as I'm downloading it through this website's torrent link (hoping it's quicker than the direct download).

    I'll give that a go, when it's finished downloading. Then I'm done with this hassle for the evening.

    If this last download doesn't fix the issue...and I honestly suspect that it won't...then I'm simply going to hope that tomorrow's patch and shard maintenance solve this Denobulan clusterfrak.
    "Don't try to be a great man. Just be a man and let history make its own judgments." -Zefram Cochrane
    Vice-Admiral Methos Corinthian

  • macfellymacfelly Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    What I found intriguing about the Steam download is that it didn't seem to install the files on my system in a noticable location. And the STO shortcut on my desktop linked directly to Steam, which then seemed to try to kick off the launcher. Of course, the launcher failed to connect, yet again.

    Steam apps are installed in the steam folder usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common

    also the zen balance on that page is what is in your account wallet before you transfer it to STO
    Apparently not loyal enough :|
  • bannon3bannon3 Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Threads been quiet today, I guess nothing new to report huh?

    I still cant get in......Going on 2 weeks since resubscribed, 3 months since this all began
    In Space, Cryptic cant hear you scream!!!
  • bannon3bannon3 Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Tried a Perfectworld.com ping, I just got back 4 Request timed outs. Soooo aggrevating
    In Space, Cryptic cant hear you scream!!!
  • methos71methos71 Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Yeah, supposedly the new patch update and shard maintenance has completed already. Yet, I'm still getting the same results, click on my STO desktop shortcut, then "Trying to update the launcher. Please be patient. Tried connecting 2 times." Then the dreaded "Unable to establish connection to Patch Server. Please check your Internet connection. If problems persist...etc., etc.".:confused:

    I'm pretty much fried, in trying to solve this. Has anyone else had any luck getting in, since this morning's patch and shard maintenance?
    "Don't try to be a great man. Just be a man and let history make its own judgments." -Zefram Cochrane
    Vice-Admiral Methos Corinthian

  • sfc3expertsfc3expert Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    tracert clearly identifies the issue is with patchserver.

    Had friends run tests for my connection external and internal, everything is running at 89% effective this was at peak time.

    It is a cryptic switch over issue, last patch killed us.:mad:
  • macfellymacfelly Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    bannon3 wrote: »
    Threads been quiet today, I guess nothing new to report huh?

    I still cant get in......Going on 2 weeks since resubscribed, 3 months since this all began

    Try here too, averydd posted this earlier, at this point I'm only sticking around to submit info to help you guys out. I've resubbed to WoW and if I do get back on STO it will be to say bye to my fleetmates.
    Apparently not loyal enough :|
  • chris325greywardchris325greyward Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Same here, failed to login to patch server. It is not my pc as I can access other mmo's fine, cant believe perfect world or cryptic or whatever they are haven't addressed this yet. Very disappointing after I was starting to get back into the game after an absence:(. Oh well, guess I'll try again in 6 months they might have it fixed by then. Have perfect world said anything constructive on this yet????
  • methos71methos71 Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Okies ladies and gents, I just came within a hair's breadth of declaring victory over this gods foresaken problem, only to have that victory snatched away!!!:mad:

    I did some poking around via Google, searching for any and all hits with regard to "Launcher PCL Error" (in quotes and originally found in my game folder's error log as 'Launcher PCL Error the connection was idle for too long'). Well, in the course of my search, I came across this Forum thread, for another PWE game, found here: http://server.getaway.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=255461&page=14.

    So, this person there, named Xanfar, suggested that everyone take a peek at this: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/696/bandicam201204152208453.jpg/. So, even though I only have a passing understanding of German, I realized what he was getting at and also realized that the layout in English is identical. So, I right clicked on my desktop STO icon, then went to 'Properties', then set everything up (almost everything, as I checked off 'Windows XP (Service Pack 3)) as seen in the screencapture pic I posted above.

    I then tried the STO desktop icon again and...lo and frakkin' behold...the launcher actually came up!!!! I then promptly clicked on 'Patch' and it actually started patching. I let the patch conclude. Then I clicked on 'Launch'. The 'Cryptic' logo came up and one of those 'PC is thinking' blue circles was spinning.

    And here's where victory got snatched away...a ding ding resounded and I got a fatal error message. No idea what it was. So, then I tried again...went back to the same "Trying to update the launcher. Please be patient. Tried connecting 2 times." shtick.

    So, then I right clicked on my desktop STO icon again and changed the compatibility for 'Windows XP (Service Pack 2)'. Tried desktop STO launch icon again. And, again the launcher/login came up! This time it was accompanied by a prompt that I had suffered an error and asked if I would like to Verify files (saying it would take 10 to 20 minutes). I clicked yes.

    Now, please bear in mind that I've never done a 'Force Verify' before. I noticed all sorts of stuff in the launcher progress bar for a while and then it seemed to hang on 'Connecting...'. So, I clicked on the 'Options' link, in the launcher, and made sure that 'Force Verify' had been checked. Even though it still said 'Connecting...', I tried to click on 'Launch' and nothing happened.

    Tried the STO desktop icon again. Got the usual "Trying to update the launcher. Please be patient. Tried connecting 2 times." again. Tried to change back to another compatibility mode. No luck.

    So, it seems as though I got sooooo close and yet I still feel soooo far from resolving this once and for all.

    Any thoughts on this psuedo-progress I experienced all?
    "Don't try to be a great man. Just be a man and let history make its own judgments." -Zefram Cochrane
    Vice-Admiral Methos Corinthian

  • methos71methos71 Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Okaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy...so, I just got another email from PWE Tech Support and I couldn't help laughing, like the nerve-shot hysteric I've become as a result of troubleshooting this issue obsessively for almost a week now!:P

    Here's what they sent me:

    "Hello ,

    Please contact your Internet Service Provider about this issue. It may be a good idea to request that your IP traffic be routed through an alternate Domain Name Server (DNS).

    If the issue persists, please let us know."

    Well, I have to admit that this suggestion was on my 'to-do' list, in case the matter hadn't resolved itself with today's patch.

    So, I'm gonna uninstall the game again, restart. Use the torrent I downloaded last night (very early this morning actually) to reinstall. Then, I'll call my ISP...again. Last time I hadn't thought to "request that my IP traffic be routed through an alternate Domain Name Server (DNS)".

    I'll keep ya all posted and also keep checking if anyone else has come up with a viable, working solution.
    "Don't try to be a great man. Just be a man and let history make its own judgments." -Zefram Cochrane
    Vice-Admiral Methos Corinthian

  • bannon3bannon3 Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Methos, I think you just hit that lucky moment where the launcher comes up thing because I tried the XP compatibility thing last night and got the same old trying to update launcher business. Seems everyone is giving up here and I don't blame them in a way but we should redouble our efforts and start messaging branflakes and other PWE staff until either they ban us or listen. What's thereto lose at this point? We have no game to play.

    EDIT: Got this from Support, LMAO:

    Hello again,

    Thank you very much for your patience in regards to this issue.

    Please go to: http://files.startrekonline.com/launcher/Star%20Trek%20Online.exe to manually download the launcher.

    Please be sure to put the file into your Cryptic Launcher folder; which is typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Cryptic Studios; overwriting the existing file of the same name that is in there. This will be the same folder that also has CrypticError.exe.

    Please edit this ticket if you continue having difficulties.

    The version numbers of this launcher versus the other are different and my install folder is Public/Games/Cryptic Studios

    Still doesnt work anyway, I got excited for a moment and thought this might be a manual launcher, oh well.
    In Space, Cryptic cant hear you scream!!!
  • averyddaverydd Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I tweeted brandon and got nothing back seems we've been forgotten about and brushed under the do not bother bit. It's poor show when tech support act like robots not actually reading anything.

    Original Join Date May 2009 - Real 1000 Day Veteran
  • methos71methos71 Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    bannon3 wrote: »
    Methos, I think you just hit that lucky moment where the launcher comes up thing because I tried the XP compatibility thing last night and got the same old trying to update launcher business. Seems everyone is giving up here and I don't blame them in a way but we should redouble our efforts and start messaging branflakes and other PWE staff until either they ban us or listen. What's thereto lose at this point? We have no game to play.

    EDIT: Got this from Support, LMAO:

    Hello again,

    Thank you very much for your patience in regards to this issue.

    Please go to: http://files.startrekonline.com/launcher/Star%20Trek%20Online.exe to manually download the launcher.

    Please be sure to put the file into your Cryptic Launcher folder; which is typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Cryptic Studios; overwriting the existing file of the same name that is in there. This will be the same folder that also has CrypticError.exe.

    Please edit this ticket if you continue having difficulties.

    The version numbers of this launcher versus the other are different and my install folder is Public/Games/Cryptic Studios

    Still doesnt work anyway, I got excited for a moment and thought this might be a manual launcher, oh well.
    Gods below man!!! I too had been hoping that the suggestion PWE Tech Support sent to you would work as well, Bannon3. Alas, no.

    And, not only did it not work, but it did not work after I had uninstalled the game (yet again), restarted my system (for about the 1000th time since last Friday morning), downloading and then running a program called 'CCleaner' (which mysteriously zapped about 2.5GB of gods only knows what stuff...no harm done by that...so far); then I reinstalled the game (from the torrent download I still had on my system since last night, running the install.exe as Adminstrator), then I came back here, read your last post again, clicked the link provided and followed those instructions exactly. Only after replacing that STO.exe did I attempt to launch the game.

    And still the same godsforesaken "Trying to update the launcher. Please be patient. Tried connecting 2 times." nonsense!!!:mad:

    Okies, now I'm going to finally call my ISP, as per the supposed work around that PWE sent me, shortly before they sent you an entirely different and ultimately useless work-around.

    Not terribly hopeful that it'll make a difference, as I've already read the same suggestion (via my Google research) from PWE, on a forum for another PWE game. The PWE reply posted there was worded identically to the email I got about an hour and a half ago. Signed by Kortuna Turing (or somesuch) and all.

    Yet, I'll give my ISP a try and post back with results or a lack thereof.
    "Don't try to be a great man. Just be a man and let history make its own judgments." -Zefram Cochrane
    Vice-Admiral Methos Corinthian

  • grouchyotakugrouchyotaku Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sfc3expert wrote: »
    tracert clearly identifies the issue is with patchserver.

    Had friends run tests for my connection external and internal, everything is running at 89% effective this was at peak time.

    It is a cryptic switch over issue, last patch killed us.:mad:

    Actually, my Trace Route from the Silicon Valley doesn't say this at all...

    Tracing route to patchserver.crypticstudios.com []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 37 ms 23 ms 24 ms
    2 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms te-0-0-0-1-ur13.sanjose.ca.sfba.comcast.net []
    3 16 ms 11 ms 35 ms te-1-13-0-3-ar01.sfsutro.ca.sfba.comcast.net []
    4 18 ms 23 ms 24 ms he-1-8-0-0-cr01.sanjose.ca.ibone.comcast.net []
    5 27 ms 13 ms 14 ms pos-0-1-0-0-pe01.529bryant.ca.ibone.comcast.net[]
    6 51 ms 207 ms 208 ms te7-7.mpd01.sjc04.atlas.cogentco.com []
    7 14 ms 14 ms 30 ms te0-1-0-7.mpd21.sfo01.atlas.cogentco.com []
    8 57 ms 57 ms 57 ms te0-0-0-2.mpd21.mci01.atlas.cogentco.com []
    9 73 ms 71 ms 71 ms te0-1-0-2.mpd21.ord01.atlas.cogentco.com []
    10 92 ms 93 ms 93 ms te0-4-0-6.ccr21.bos01.atlas.cogentco.com []
    11 98 ms 93 ms 92 ms te4-4.ccr01.bos06.atlas.cogentco.com []
    12 93 ms 92 ms 103 ms
    13 93 ms 93 ms 93 ms

    Trace complete.

    Which brings us back to the Network Connection Quality issue... Evidently Comcast's backbone has a direct connection to the Cogent Communication net. If the Cryptic Patch Server is causing the issue, then why isn't it showing up in this Trace Route???
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