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Season 4 lack of klingons again

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
edited June 2011 in Klingon Discussion
Hi All,

Offical we not going to be able to start a character as a klingon with a federation toon in season 4
dstahl wrote: »
The new tutorials were intended to be much shorter than the current one and allow players to run shorter, smaller missions that teach specific tasks or just skip them entirely.

The tutorials themselves were neutral faction (meaning the individual missions made sense for either Klingons or Feds).

As it stands, for Season 4 - Klingons will still start at level 5, however they will start on the new Qo'noS.

It is almost a done deal that we will allow any player to create a Klingon once they've completed the Fed tutorial once (instead of needing to get to level 6)

It is also almost a done deal that we will allow players to skip the tutorial once they've done it once.

I wish the new tutorials were done right now, but I don't want to delay putting out content when the current tutorial is still functional and does its job.

From ask Cryptic in May
Q: Felderburg When will Klingons get Orion, Nausicaan, Gorn, etc. ships at lower levels?
A: Our goal in 2012 is to add more variety to the KDF ship lineup so that there are viable ships in each class at each tier. Over the next several months you will see us release new Klingon ship variants at the lower tiers. Few of these will be non-Klingon ships. It is TBD if you will ever see low tier ships that are Orion, Gorn, or Nausicaan, based on whether or not the KDF faction increases population over the next year.

So there goal for 2012 is to add new ships. Not season 4.
Q: LittleTerribleRomulan I want to know since customization options are coming to the KDF for the Gorn if we shall have costume customizations for the Klingons.
A: Most of the customization options are for the new Gorn, however we are working on a small update which is scheduled to be part of the 500 day veteran reward package that will add a little something for Klingon players. Also note, we've done some NX normal mapping improvements to all our characters in Season 4, so you'll see some great new details to characters with this release.

Here a post made by dstahl promising stuff for Klingons for season 4.
dstahl wrote: »
The team continues to release Klingon improvements with every major update, and Season 4 will be no different. KDF costume customization options, new Gorn, new KDF tutorial, Start as a KDF with your first toon, KDF Duty Officer Assignments, releveleved KDF PVE content, opening up more KDF sectors - its all in the works.

As I've said in numerous interviews - don't take me at my word - just look at my track record for making the improvements that I said we would with the KDF and judge by that.

So judging by the track record we get promise that are not delivered. I just find it funny that we still going to have to create federation and cryptic going to base additional content on how many Klingon players they will be.

So it appears action dedicated that Klingons are still second class faction in game and will be until the romulan come out and we drop to third. I can only hope cryptic those the right thing and push back the romulans till the flesh out the klingons.

We have a super grind to level.

No ship customization till General (Captain if you buy a skin from the C-Store)

No real uniform customization or options.

Missing vet rewards

So consider this latest klingon set back. I wonder what we will see in season 4 to fix the Klingons. I also wonder just what more 50% of the staff is working on if all the Klingon items we been told about so far on getting bumped.
dstahl wrote: »
More than half of the team is working on Klingon content for Season 4 at the moment, so I can assure that I remain committed to improving the KDF faction and have done so with every release.

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  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I think this whole Klingon situation is going to come to a pretty angry conclusion quickly.

    I think even the non KDF player base has had enough of the Klingon vaporware and is going to start chiming in and supporting the movement for concrete commited development to the KDF.

    The entire game now has this glaring back hole on it, everything else is up to par but this.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I usually get dinner and movie first........
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Startruck wrote:
    I think this whole Klingon situation is going to come to a pretty angry conclusion quickly.

    I think even the non KDF player base has had enough of the Klingon vaporware and is going to start chiming in and supporting the movement for concrete commited development to the KDF.

    The entire game now has this glaring back hole on it, everything else is up to par but this.
    Indeed. I've got only an hour of gameplay time on the KDF side, but it's depressing even for me to see them get this treatment (partly because RCO keeps me informed in our IM chats about everything going on :p). Even if it meant nothing new for Fed side for a month or two, I'd love to see Cryptic go full-tilt into expanding the KDF stuff some more and give them what they deserve, rather than let them continue to sink into this vicious circle of "no new content until more new players but no new players until new content".
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I think that we should wait until Season Four rolls out before grabbing our pitchforks and torches. Who knows? They might actually make good on a promise to us for a change.

    Yeah, I see this as another fail based on past experience (45-day patch...Season One...Season Two...), but I do also have some optimism that they could have learned from their past mistakes and deliver on their promises.

    The whole "no KDF content until we see numbers rise" comment, though, leads me to believe that they've written us off as a lost cause, though. :(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I think that we should wait until Season Four rolls out before grabbing our pitchforks and torches. Who knows? They might actually make good on a promise to us for a change.

    Yeah, I see this as another fail based on past experience (45-day patch...Season One...Season Two...), but I do also have some optimism that they could have learned from their past mistakes and deliver on their promises.

    The whole "no KDF content until we see numbers rise" comment, though, leads me to believe that they've written us off as a lost cause, though. :(

    I too am holding off any concern till S4 has made its full appearance.

    I do agree about the "we'll see how it goes for the KDF and decide next year if we want to help them out" attitude being a concern. People won't join the Empire if there's nothing new to create interest, to me that sounds like doom for the Mighty Empire!

    So no dedicated content, no new numbers....but wait....now no new numbers means no new content? :confused:

    I will be patient and optimistic....for now.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Actually I'm about to share the opinion of a fleetmember of mine - "Lock and Load".
    Shot at sight - don't wait till you see the white in their eyes.

    If it's what it takes to open their eyes that they are responsible for the whole product/community.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I think that we should wait until Season Four rolls out before grabbing our pitchforks and torches. Who knows? They might actually make good on a promise to us for a change.

    Yeah, I see this as another fail based on past experience (45-day patch...Season One...Season Two...), but I do also have some optimism that they could have learned from their past mistakes and deliver on their promises.

    The whole "no KDF content until we see numbers rise" comment, though, leads me to believe that they've written us off as a lost cause, though. :(

    I am still waiting for season 4. I just figure I warn people that the writting on wall looks bad.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    RCO wrote:
    I am still waiting for season 4. I just figure I warn people that the writting on wall looks bad.

    It does look pretty bad. Thanks for compiling the info, some of your quotes I have not seen till your OP.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The whole "no KDF content until we see numbers rise" comment, though, leads me to believe that they've written us off as a lost cause, though. :(

    They wrote us off before release of STO.
    The KDF was a stopgap so the marketing department could claim multifaction status and sell the product.
    We've been getting slowporked ever since, all the while as they make "lovey eyes" at their cashcow.

    and yes I'm judging by a track record of half-fulfilled promises and placations that do nothing but insult what was once a good playerbase of fans.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Another issue to consider, if they struggle this much with the Klingon factions, then how on earth do they expect ANY of us to believe in a balanced Romulan faction also? Biggest issue is that they've missed the chance of balancing the game out over 2 factions due to their lies and lack of support of the KDF. There's no way they can ever recover from that, if the Romulans are screwed up on launch also (and everything does hint in that direction if the KDF support is anything to go by) then there's no chance in hell that this game will ever be able to support sector wide PvP, more interactive player manipulated events in the KDF-Fed war, etc. etc.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Roach wrote: »
    They wrote us off before release of STO.
    The KDF was a stopgap so the marketing department could claim multifaction status and sell the product.
    We've been getting slowporked ever since, all the while as they make "lovey eyes" at their cashcow.

    and yes I'm judging by a track record of half-fulfilled promises and placations that do nothing but insult what was once a good playerbase of fans.

    If they truly did write us off completely at launch, they would have either scrapped the faction or ignored it completely once the Targ droppings hit the exhaust port.

    I like to think of myself as a glass-half-full kinda person, but I also tend to be realistic. If they don't deliver on their promises when S4 hits, then I'll know that they either don't care or are apathetic and only throw us a freakin' bone every now and then to placate us.

    As much as I hate to say it, Starfleet HAS been the major focus of every Star Trek series to date. Does that mean that they should ignore any other faction (current or future) to the extent of catering to the needs of the majority? Hell, no.

    While I prefer the red faction, I also fear for future factions. If they don't learn from us, they'll make the Romulans or Cardassians or what-have-you even worse off than us.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The Homeworld revamp is still going Live with Season 4 - and with the postponment of the new Tutorial, and comments made, it seems neither faction will be getting an Academy until either teh Tutorials ar done; or there Dev created content that makes use of them; but as DStahl said he'd address the situation in the May Engineering report (usually posted around the 15th of the month); you might wanty to wait to see what he says before sharpening the Pitchforks and lighting the torches. I have a KDF character, and do play hoim (even though I am more of a Federation guy); and when stuff gets delayed it's never good - BUT, delayed <> 'dropped' or 'cancelled'; so I'm sure it'll all get in (and before Saeson 5 too); but in the end, it's dissapointing to both factions.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    A delay of a certain content is the same as a drop since you also can delay the whole update. And as it was stated here and in other threads - CRYPTIC and DStal don't care otherwise we would have the attention that is needed since launch. And we'r talking about a timespan > 400 days. So what the **** did CRYPTIC do the whole time?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Ihnako wrote: »
    A delay of a certain content is the same as a drop since you also can delay the whole update. And as it was stated here and in other threads - CRYPTIC and DStal don't care otherwise we would have the attention that is needed since launch. And we'r talking about a timespan > 400 days. So what the **** did CRYPTIC do the whole time?

    Oh, that answer is a simple one:

    Federation C-Store Fluff
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Oh, that answer is a simple one:

    Federation C-Store Fluff

    Yeah right. You do realize we're stiill getting (at Season 4 release):

    - TheKlingon Q''nos homeworld zone revamp into a city zone

    - Duty Officer system (and that is a large new game mchanic in itself)

    - Ground Combat Revamp (including all ground based gear and redone ground enemy groups front to back)

    And I don't think the last two are small or simple updates/changes; those alone probably took a lot of work.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Armsman wrote: »
    Yeah right. You do realize we're stiill getting (at Season 4 release):

    - TheKlingon Q''nos homeworld zone revamp into a city zone

    - Duty Officer system (and that is a large new game mchanic in itself)

    - Ground Combat Revamp (including all ground based gear and redone ground enemy groups front to back)

    And I don't think the last two are small or simple updates/changes; those alone probably took a lot of work.

    You do Release Dstahl said 50% of the team has been working on klingons.

    The only you list that is FOR the klingons is the first. The rest is all for Federation and we get the scraps.

    As for the FIRST. You mean the remake like what ESD got MONTHS ago? I believe fed are also getting the solo system.

    What I like to know is just what has 50% of the team that working on klingon been doing if there no klingon tutrial nor ships no uniforms?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Atari Community Rules and Policies ~<GM Jahia>
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    RCO wrote:
    You do Release Dstahl said 50% of the team has been working on klingons.

    The only you list that is FOR the klingons is the first. The rest is all for Federation and we get the scraps.

    As for the FIRST. You mean the remake like what ESD got MONTHS ago? I believe fed are also getting the solo system.

    What I like to know is just what has 50% of the team that working on klingon been doing if there no klingon tutrial nor ships no uniforms?

    The BRAND NEW Doff system and Ground Combat revamp AREN'T for the KDF? Really? I must have missed that post.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Armsman wrote: »
    The BRAND NEW Doff system and Ground Combat revamp AREN'T for the KDF? Really? I must have missed that post.

    The KDF will us them but there no KDF only. So what exactly was 50% of the team that was working on KDF stuff doing.

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Atari Community Rules and Policies ~<GM Jahia>

    That be valid if people where able to chose. Problem is the klingon have been pretty much short chance since cryptic started STO. The reason 88% play federation is YOUR NOT ABLE TO PLAY a klingon with creating a Federation character.

    The Klingon side zero non grind mission till LTCmdr. Get a like 3 mission then back to grind. And only get even slight better at commander. But still a grind feast the entire way. So only die hard Klingon fans will play it.

    We only asking what been promise over and over again. A Klingon faction. NOT a sorry excuse of monster play.

    BEside by you logic there should be no romulan because 0% play them. So lets have cryptic cancel them. No need no ones paying.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    RCO wrote:
    We only asking what been promise over and over again. A Klingon faction. NOT a sorry excuse of monster play.

    BEside by you logic there should be no romulan because 0% play them. So lets have cryptic cancel them. No need no ones paying.

    word - thumbs up
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I vaguely remember it being said near launch that klingons would be us a pvp faction...
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Atari Community Rules and Policies ~<GM Jahia>
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I vaguely remember it being said near launch that klingons would be us a pvp faction... This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Atari Community Rules and Policies ~<GM Jahia>

    please don't drag our thread into this tired old argument.

    We aren't going to be derailed again by dredging up statements made a year ago.

    Our issues are here and now.

    I'd also ask you to leave us be, you obviously have an axe to grind with people that play KDF, as all you comments in here have been to tell us to stop whining.

    We are now going to ignore you and continue our discussion, because we refuse to be dragged into a flame war and remove our focus from the issues at hand.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I think we need to gather our collective ideas and all participate in the multi fleet alliance thread 12guageshotgun has began.

    Once we have a unified voice we can respond to season 4 as one and hopefully better convey our needs to the devs.

    the main thing is not to get dragged into arguments with pro fed trolls, we need to rise above that and keep our discussions civil and organized.
    we know that most Klingon discussions get derailed by posts about past KDF statements, or pro fed stop whining posts.

    Ignore these, responding to them only distracts from valid discussion, and buries our threads in post after post of arguments.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    RCO wrote:
    The KDF will us them but there no KDF only. So what exactly was 50% of the team that was working on KDF stuff doing.

    That be valid if people where able to chose. Problem is the klingon have been pretty much short chance since cryptic started STO. The reason 88% play federation is YOUR NOT ABLE TO PLAY a klingon with creating a Federation character.

    You do realize the faction neutral tutorial is STILL coming as is the Klingon Academy (and Star Fleet Academy, which was also delayed BTW) sometime during Season 4 - just not at the Season 4 launch.

    The Klingon side zero non grind mission till LTCmdr. Get a like 3 mission then back to grind. And only get even slight better at commander. But still a grind feast the entire way. So only die hard Klingon fans will play it.

    We only asking what been promise over and over again. A Klingon faction. NOT a sorry excuse of monster play.

    BEside by you logic there should be no romulan because 0% play them. So lets have cryptic cancel them. No need no ones paying.[/QUOTE]

    Well, if you're seeking what was 'promised you'; you might want to read the Posts of what was actually promised as all that was said after STO launch was that if the Playerbase wanted it, the would add PvE content to the KDF faction; BUT the KDF faction would ever have equal PvE content to the amount that was on the Federation side.

    They stated they would continue to expand and improve the KDF faction with every seaon update; and that's about it. They also stated they'd wouldn't add a third player faction until they (Cryptic) felt the KDF was roboust enough.
    That is a nutshell is all that was ever really 'promised' regarding the KDF faction.

    If you do want to bring up what was said back in 2007 before they started development, and consider that as 'the promise'; that's fine - but you also have to realize that NO MMO developer (even Blizzard) has ever delivered on every feature promised to an MMO in the Pre-development phase; so in essense, you're not going to find a single MMO developer that hasn't 'lied' about a game feature.

    And if Cryptic's handling of the situation doesn't suit you, you have the following options:

    - Quit* (and if you're not an LTS unsubscribe - and check back with te following Season Update if you're so inclined.)
    *( - Optional: Rant and rave on every gamiing site you know about your displeasure.)

    - Be patient (assuming you find enough in the game that you do still enjoy) and see what happens as STO development contunues; and continue to provide constructive feedback on what you like, and don't like in the game.

    Anything else is a waste of time.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Logic Dictates that you need more than 1 faction. The bad guys need to be there or the good guys have nothing to do but craft identical items. Like it or not, it was promised that the Klings would get some much needed love...and thats probably not happeneing. No matter how your brain works, thats an untruth, no matter how you spin it.

    The KDFwas meant to be monster play from day one, and thats all, and its been proven. Of course I cant believe that any new faction wont be just as abused and ignored, because the track record speaks for itself. Cryptic has painted themselves into a corner and created a 1 trick pony....and, in order to really reach the full potential of the game, they need much much more-- and they know that.

    So they either dont care and dont want to succeed, or they are just drawing this out as long as possible to gather income till someone pulls the plug.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    My guess is that CRYPTIC has 10 programmers. 9 working on FED content, 1 on system related stuff and 10 apes who feed the boss.

    And by the way - even in most (maybe all) asian free to play grind games I got more content. What does it say about CRYPTIC?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Startruck wrote:
    please don't drag our thread into this tired old argument.

    We aren't going to be derailed again by dredging up statements made a year ago.

    Our issues are here and now.

    I'd also ask you to leave us be, you obviously have an axe to grind with people that play KDF, as all you comments in here have been to tell us to stop whining.

    We are now going to ignore you and continue our discussion, because we refuse to be dragged into a flame war and remove our focus from the issues at hand.

    I have klingon characters and i do like them but you fail to get what i am saying. The issue is cryptic is doing what they can with a limited staff and whining about the problems when they are trying to make money which is their goal wont make them make klingon content any faster.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The issue is cryptic is doing what they can with a limited staff...
    You got to the point - their limited view leads the these false decisions they made and will make as long as they don't start to boost their interest in the other half of the game. And until the moment KDF has the same focus as the FED side there will be upset threads like this. CRYPTIC has to focus at least 3/4 year on KDF content (PvE and PvP) to polish the game to a state where everyone could be happy with.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I have klingon characters and i do like them but you fail to get what i am saying. The issue is cryptic is doing what they can with a limited staff and whining about the problems when they are trying to make money which is their goal wont make them make klingon content any faster.

    Limited staff resources my rear end. They have the graphic and content design teams to begin to push out series. They even spoke of increasing the rate they publish these series. They've had the crew to make shuttles, and fighters are on their way. They certainly have enough crew to continue to make costumes for Federation at a staggering rate.

    Usually I back up Cryptic and I have up too this point more or less believed that Cryptic was going to make serious changes to the Klingons. This isn't the first time they've gone back on a promise. I was looking forward to a Klingon tutorial. I had this silent hope Klingons would at last get a much deserved and needed boost.

    At this point I am very close to stop believing anything Cryptic promises. So what if the Federation got a bigger player base? I know it equals bigger proffit, but does that mean the money of the Klingon side isn't good enough? Seeing how the Klingons have been treated I dread to think of what they might do to a third faction, if or when Romulans become playable. Heck, the potential for a fourth faction, such as the Cardassians, will probably only be a dream if they are going to base everything on "playerbase". A Romulan faction might end up being about as large as a Klingon side, but I am quite certain only a handful will view their Cardassians as their mains.
    (Though I would certainly love being a Cardassian. But that is another discussion.)

    No, making ships, content and costumes shouldn't be about current player base. It should be about creating content so a side becomes more attractive, giving it a chance to grow and develop further, not keep making stuff for the one that's already sparkling. Follow that road and all other races ever added, if ever, will become nothing but hollow shells.

    At this point Klingon players are being treated like second-class citizens with little but crumbs. I don't care if I get an infraction at this point. If this had been a real world where one could actually take action, the Klingon side would be close to revolution and rioting. Sadly, there is no way to riot or demand change other than to rant on this here forum.

    I love Star Trek. And I like Star Trek Online. It is a good game. Its just that this isn't about player base. This is about one side being neglected, almost like an ethnic minority. In a way, that is what we Klingons have become. We are a player base minority and as such we aren't prioritized. Its not democratic, its harassment by neglect and as such its despotism.

    I thought the Star Trek's Federation and the Star Trek Universe's bottom line was; "Equal Rights". This is hardly what the Klingons are getting.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I don't even care about the devs creating Klingon content anymore.

    The devs obviously do not want to create Klingon content and personally I don't want them to be forced into writing missions for us because then we'll get more of their 'Borg searching for artifacts of their third dynasty' nonsense.

    When they finally did make some missions for us what did we get? A couple of sorties that are still broken, and a couple of missions that are obviously test runs for Never winter dungeons, complete with cave trolls that throw magic grappling chains at you. Cause nothing says 'Star Trek' more than a bunch of demons and a giant smoking steam-punk starship, right?

    Look, thanks to the Foundry we can create our own content, and frankly, from what I've seen of KDF Foundry missions there are a lot of us that are better writers than the devs are.

    No, I'd rather the devs just concentrate on making stuff work. Let them do the ground combat revamp, and the Gorn revamp, finally fix the armor and kit display ability on KDF side, and then let them go back to doing nothing but cranking out Fed only C-Store items and Featured Episodes while we write real Klingon missions.
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