tony02 Arc User


  • it aint just a simple title u get or no1 wud end up getting married apart from the realy bored people when ur in solo pt for e.g u can get like 230EXP, when ur in a pt with your hubby u will still get atleast 230EXP possibly abit more if the10% exp boost is true, also when u die while ur in a pt with ur hubby you will only…
  • yea the server is back up, but i got a mini roll bak o.o
  • i got my 10 Zen, have u been onto the billing website and uploaded the Zen onto ur account?
  • did i miss something out? i aint been on the forum for an hour, so what delay? EDIT: nm already 2 posts before mine which was fast so i no now, nm
  • the PvP server will have so much more PK then the PvE server for the obv reasons as alot of ppl will use the safe mode function to get on with there game getting pked doesnt do anything to u unless u attack bak and die anyway and have a chance to lose ur equip, it also gives them a small ego and joy of pking someones ****…
  • lol no ks! >.> im going to Heavens Tear (PVE)simply cos i just want to meet people there and get on with the game, we can pk there its just we got the option to go safe mode so we dont have to deal with the pkers if we wish dont want to go to the PVP server cos i think ive already had my fill of RageQuit and the other…
  • /sarcasm im gonna sit here with my eyes glued to my screen eagrly waiting for the game to re-open up i darnt go outside incase someone pk's me o.o /off but realy lol, im def gonna be on when the server opens, one thing i dread is that im using a Barbarian and i can garuntee that the Venomancers will kill steal every single…
  • i got level 40 4 hours before the server closed so i was happy :D took me 3-4days to get from lvl 1-40 and i had to pull one half a nighter off, and btw Hong, Sile obviously diddnt play from when the server opened, he/she just prob started trying hard to lvl like my self when we found out about the reward for OB
  • ops my bad, misread it lol still with 40 weps made and no 2 socket is abit cheesy, from the amount of crafting ive done it cud happen atleast every 20 crafts, nevermind 40 =/
  • to have made like 40 weps and no 2 star is abit odd, the chances arnt that low, its like around atleast every 10 weps for a 2 star, and less then 10 is ur abit lucky there for +2 wep its like 20% chance, then for +3 its very low like 10 or 5% which is why u gota use draco pearls which makes it a 100% chance to work
  • yea i no what u mean with them not having there hand on there knee properly, but still i wasnt to concerned i just tried ways of working around it with a SS i dont think they can or will do anything about it either cos its not a big concern to them
    in Graphics Comment by tony02 August 2008
  • im prob wrong but i heard u get x2 exp for lvling in terratory areas its prob just a myth but i think that wudnt be to bad or atleast 1.5x exp for lvling in ur tw area as for the cash per week generated by tw i just say have no cash imcome at all to it, thats what made pw-my also boring as hell the fact that there wasnt…
  • how about around 20 Zen so we can spend abit in the item mall for us to test it =/
  • it delays them at most to make them spend that bit of time to create the account for the bot then level the bugger up again to make the cash, usualy around lvl 41 for a wf to go tame mobs and sell for cash is the only decetn start off lvl to tame
  • i made a barbarian even tho i still prefer there old class name of WereBeast on pw-my i fell into the trap of how easy a wf was to use back when i was about lvl 10 on my WB, made a wf which hit level 83 then i quit as its the most boringiest class in the world i can guess the elf area was packed cos theres alot of people…
  • some ppl realy must be slow, were already started closed beta and ur only just asking for a beta key especialy being that u must realy be blind as a bat if u havnt seen the advertisements on the main page saying what u can do for a beta key go on here: sign up to the…
  • i got the same thing, cant login to the bugger, woke up early this morning to have a bash aswell and i get this ****
  • i thought it was supposed to come up when the time on the website all went to 0 lol my bad i think =/
  • is it up or not as i cant connect yet o.o
  • lol nice ppl from swordsman coming on o.o im Crash on swordsman, also i think festa (NooB) will be with us :P
  • works for sh*ts and giggles
  • i think it will be quite interesting to see how were gonna start this off, i bet the EP's are gonna get alot of invites from ppl to get spam healing them to death and grab a bunch of exp while there at it thats gathering that they want to go heal that is
    in No Fb Comment by tony02 August 2008
  • some ppl dont like PK, so dont say something "is" and something basicly "isnt" i prefer the PvE server as i just like to play the game and not have to go through the army of deaths by other blood thirsty nubs who like to jump ppl and claim they owned u so id rather do PvE and just simply ask for a duel and do TW later on…