PvE or PvP... my dilemma

dagny Posts: 124 Arc User
edited September 2008 in General Discussion
I keep running this debate through my head. My instincts tell me to roll PvE because I am a self-professed carebear and regardless of where I play, I would never initiate player combat. It's just not my thing.

I have noticed in many games though that the PvP servers are often more vibrant. The quandry is that PvP servers have a greater number of immature and mean people than PvE, BUT they also have some of the more mature. (Nobody get offended, I said "some")

Without server transfers, once I get started I likely wont reroll on another server so I want to make the right decision.

My experience in CB, since it was a PvP server was mostly good so I was tempted to roll PvP even if I won't PvP myself. However, if the last 2 days were any indication, I'm not sure I want to deal with the griefing. I can understand the desire to PvP and PKers are part of the landscape, but I think I was PKed 17 times yesterday alone and all by different people. Many of them didn't even have the decency to wait til I was out of combat with a monster.

Going to be a tough decision, but I have a coupkle hours to make it in :-)

Have fun everyone!
Post edited by dagny on


  • warlordinpw
    warlordinpw Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    1 word : PVP

    Reason: Dont be scared to be pked....there's nothing to loose and the pker gets penalty (pink-red name) :rolleyes: and besides.....that's what people like me are here for. :cool: PKer Killah 4 life baby;)
  • kinetikop
    kinetikop Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    The last two days or so are not a very good indication of how things will be, since it was the end of closed beta everyone basically went on a PK EVERYONE spree and not a hey I am leveling up, you are ksing me > DIE! type of deal... =]
  • sherilys
    sherilys Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I still really don't know myself, usually I'm used to open PvP games (L2, Rohan) and have been in top pvp guilds always but for once I feel like testing PvE server (maybe because of some coments I read on forums).
  • vivianna
    vivianna Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Yeah...if they don't even have the common decency to wait till you're out of combat, there's the annoyance of getting killed while you're busy doing something else.

    Still, now I wish I named my character D34dly, and make him look like the character from The Noob.:D
  • dagny
    dagny Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm not scared to be PKed, it's just a nusiance. You travle out to your quest area, get situated, then BOOM you have to head out again and hope the PKer isn't a griefer out to getcha again!
  • dagny
    dagny Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Vivianna, it's not like I'm going to fight back anyway, but I just find that cowardly to attack while someone is already in battle.

    What really would **** me off though is being attacked by someone about my level. I was using a hiero and he couldn't do enough damage to kill me but it sure was sucking up my hiero's charges!
  • tony02
    tony02 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    the PvP server will have so much more PK then the PvE server for the obv reasons as alot of ppl will use the safe mode function to get on with there game

    getting pked doesnt do anything to u unless u attack bak and die anyway and have a chance to lose ur equip, it also gives them a small ego and joy of pking someones **** especialy that diddnt attack bak
    so they will come with the comment of "run more" or some garbage comment, so all i say is " follow more" or " come dog" then they eventualy fk off,
    if ur gonna be on the pvp server make sure u got the fastiest flying aviation if u dont want to buy hp heiro to pk with so u can simply run away and they cannot catch u
  • vivianna
    vivianna Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Dittoes; it's the annoyance and loss of time when you might not want to duel that makes it vexing.

    I don't mind dueling but random backstabs when I'm on a quest, not the Lolz I'm looking for.
  • llama
    llama Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    1 word : PVP

    Reason: Dont be scared to be pked....there's nothing to loose and the pker gets penalty (pink-red name) :rolleyes: and besides.....that's what people like me are here for. :cool: PKer Killah 4 life baby;)

    Don't lie to people you traitor! Nothing to lose? Multiple occasions you may drop stuff even if you're white named. The PVP server is as such PVP, the only reason to go there is if you enjoy that aspect of the game and think its worth the risk. Because of dolls red name = 0 penalty.
  • finasoa
    finasoa Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I, myself, had the same problem going through my head for a long time.

    I didn't particullarly enjoy PKing, nor have I ever had any experience doing it in any other game.

    My reasons for wanting to stay on the PvP server was that most of the new friends I met were staying on that server and I didn't want to not be able to speak to them anymore.
    I also thought about staying on the PvP server because the thought crossed my mind that PvE would get boring after a while, and I might actually want to try PK...but everyone would be running around with a blue name...

    However, I finally decided on PvE. Why? I tried PKing a bit at the end of CB and honestly it wasn't that great. I didn't see the point as there is nothing to gain from it for me.
    So if i'm not going to PK what's left? Be PKed. No sense playing PvP if I don't feel like PKing or being PKed.

    At first PvP wasn't that bad really and it was fun dueling. However once the cash shop opened up hierograms made dueling almost impossible unless there was a giant level gap between you, or one of the players was engaged in combat with a monster.

    My last reason for going PvE is that I started playing this game to NOT have to spend a lot of money. Playing PvP makes me think i'd be buying lots of hiero, dolls, and god knows what else just to keep up with all the other players so I can survive in a fight.

    PvE seems like it'll be cheaper to me. PvP seems like it'll be whoever has the most money to spend will win most of the time...especially if it's an entire guild.

    The last problem with PvP for me was the difficulty completing my quests because of groups of PKers camping Heaven's Tear.

    That's my rationale for not wanting to play PvP. PvE might be more boring...but my experiences in CB tell me that the PvE is just where I should be.

    No sense in playing PvP if i'm not going to enjoy it.
  • kingtue
    kingtue Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Pvp All The Wayyyy
  • ky1e
    ky1e Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    easy O_o

    PVP !


    whast the point if u cant pk :) ul just get bord after a certain lvl
    pve u cant show ppl ur true power :)
    sept if u dule... phhhst wheres the fun in duling tho :S

    winged elf archer
    pvp pwnge
  • triss
    triss Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    finasoa wrote: »
    I, myself, had the same problem going through my head for a long time.

    I didn't particullarly enjoy PKing, nor have I ever had any experience doing it in any other game.

    My reasons for wanting to stay on the PvP server was that most of the new friends I met were staying on that server and I didn't want to not be able to speak to them anymore.
    I also thought about staying on the PvP server because the thought crossed my mind that PvE would get boring after a while, and I might actually want to try PK...but everyone would be running around with a blue name...

    However, I finally decided on PvE. Why? I tried PKing a bit at the end of CB and honestly it wasn't that great. I didn't see the point as there is nothing to gain from it for me.
    So if i'm not going to PK what's left? Be PKed. No sense playing PvP if I don't feel like PKing or being PKed.

    At first PvP wasn't that bad really and it was fun dueling. However once the cash shop opened up hierograms made dueling almost impossible unless there was a giant level gap between you, or one of the players was engaged in combat with a monster.

    My last reason for going PvE is that I started playing this game to NOT have to spend a lot of money. Playing PvP makes me think i'd be buying lots of hiero, dolls, and god knows what else just to keep up with all the other players so I can survive in a fight.

    PvE seems like it'll be cheaper to me. PvP seems like it'll be whoever has the most money to spend will win most of the time...especially if it's an entire guild.

    The last problem with PvP for me was the difficulty completing my quests because of groups of PKers camping Heaven's Tear.

    That's my rationale for not wanting to play PvP. PvE might be more boring...but my experiences in CB tell me that the PvE is just where I should be.

    No sense in playing PvP if i'm not going to enjoy it.

    If anyone thinks PvE server will be cheaper in the long run, then you are hugely mistaken.

    PvE server will have much more bots because they're non-PK-able; this drives inflation and everything is more expensive.

    Playing on PvP server does not mean you will spend more money unless you are an active PK person.

    Stay white, if someone comes PK you, just die and come back later; you lose nothing, and later on when you are stronger, you can get your revenge.

    PvE is boring after you reach level 60. Because that is when the grind really starts. Unless you can stand grinding countless hours killing same mobs over and over, then stay on PvE server.

    If you want some fresh air, go hunt some past enemies for a few hours then come back to grind, then you stay on PvP server.
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    there's nothing to loose

    False : You loose a chunk of your hiero. If you are on a XP scroll, you loose the time to get back there with no garantee you'll not be killed again, thus wasting even more of your XP scroll and hiero.

    If you fight back, you have a greater risk of dropping stuff, unless you have a doll, And if you have dools, one is lost everytime you die.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • sherilys
    sherilys Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I think some people get it all wrong, PvP server si'nt only about PKing but about what comes after : i.e mass PvP. And that's a part I wonder, I mean is the PvP on PW will only be reduced to ganking/pking, kosing guilds, gate warring etc... or does it have enough stuff to bring real mass PvP ? Like 2 guilds would fight over a boss because spawn is rare and drops good items ? (As example) or another example when pking turns into real pvp between two guilds or more. Which for me is the pvp I enjoy more than the random PKs. I do like PK, somehow it relaxs but it's a small part compared to skirmish pvps.
  • dagny
    dagny Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Ok, decision made. Going PvE. I had a really nice PM from a PvP guy offering me guild membership, so there really are nice people on PvP servers.

    Problem is me, not the server. I'm never going to fight back. Never going to come back and get revenge. I don't have it in me to hurt anyone, even if it's just a cartoon. I play healers in every game because, well.. that's my personality, I like to heal :-) It makes me happy keeping my group alive.

    I think I'll just be true to myself and my carebear nature and roll PvE and just deal with the monsters... the AI ones, not the human monsters who find joy in getting me dead!
  • triss
    triss Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    False : You loose a chunk of your hiero. If you are on a XP scroll, you loose the time to get back there with no garantee you'll not be killed again, thus wasting even more of your XP scroll and hiero.

    If you fight back, you have a greater risk of dropping stuff, unless you have a doll, And if you have dools, one is lost everytime you die.

    Again, this is about the illusion of "spending more money on a PvP server". If you don't use hiero or xp scroll, then what do you have to lose?

    XP scroll is only worth it if you zen or in xp party; it's a waste of money on xp scroll if you go solo.

    As for extra use on hiero, if you don't want to waste it, run to safe zone; sure you lose a bit of hiero but that is NOTHING compared to the massive inflation due to non-PK-able bots.

    Think in the long run and you'll realize that PvP server will cost you less on cashop than PvE server.
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    dagny wrote: »
    I think I'll just be true to myself and my carebear nature and roll PvE and just deal with the monsters... the AI ones, not the human monsters who find joy in getting me dead!

    If your guild is thus inclined, you'll see some PvP action in the territorial wars, some events such as Dragon Palace, Arena, etc...

    PvE server don't mean no PvP. it means PvP when you decide to.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • warlordinpw
    warlordinpw Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    llama wrote: »
    Don't lie to people you traitor! Nothing to lose? Multiple occasions you may drop stuff even if you're white named. The PVP server is as such PVP, the only reason to go there is if you enjoy that aspect of the game and think its worth the risk. Because of dolls red name = 0 penalty.

    nyahahaha woops calm down bro. and dont call me traitor... ;) no flaming here . me love you long time

    Can sum1 confirm this pls?
    If one gets pked by red player when name is white will you drop stuff?
    coz in PW-MY-EN you dont drop anything.... i dunno how it is here in PWi
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    If one gets pked by red player when name is white will you drop stuff?
    coz in PW-MY-EN you dont drop anything...

    You can drop stuff even if white named in MY-EN. Happened to me twice. It can happen here too. The chance is low, but it's there.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • triss
    triss Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    nyahahaha woops calm down bro. and dont call me traitor... ;) no flaming here . me love you long time

    Can sum1 confirm this pls?
    If one gets pked by red player when name is white will you drop stuff?
    coz in PW-MY-EN you dont drop anything.... i dunno how it is here in PWi

    You always have 1% chance of dropping in the bag when you are white if you die; whether it's from PK or from mobs.

    As for PKing reds with dolls and they lose nothing? They just lost 20 cent USD. If you kill them 10 times a day, they lose $2 USD a day. I think that is much more costly then your 1% chance of dropping a HP pot or MP pot in your bag.
  • xylent
    xylent Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'd like to get on the pvp server and roll a character well suited for it however with my schedule and already foreseen butt load of work (school yearbook, school paper, pointless homework, research papers etc) I have to play casually - with my limited time I have no time to run back from one place to another after getting Pked.

    You should probably check your schedule as well when deciding because a PvP server will require so much more dedication than a PvE server where all you do it kill mindless monsters then move on to the next monster.
  • borderliner
    borderliner Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    triss wrote: »
    If anyone thinks PvE server will be cheaper in the long run, then you are hugely mistaken.

    PvE server will have much more bots because they're non-PK-able; this drives inflation and everything is more expensive.

    Playing on PvP server does not mean you will spend more money unless you are an active PK person.

    Stay white, if someone comes PK you, just die and come back later; you lose nothing, and later on when you are stronger, you can get your revenge....

    yeah there might be more botter there. but don't believe bots care about pvp. no. they use clientless scripts and they really don't care if you kill them 100000 times. you figth against automatism. so thats not the point.

    and you have something to lose on pvp server. because i know how it works... a bunch of morons come over you and kill you just for a laugh. it's always high lvl beats low lvl. and for me it sucks. because those who really want to make pvp do it to p*** off other players. to own them.

    and those who have high lvls will always do it for their entertainment. they simply don't care about if you lose time or items, they will beat you, laugh at you making some kid loser comments and move on to the next victim. thats how pvp IS.

    yeah it has some advantages to have pvp. but the disatvantage are higher. and thats the reason of all the player who act like **** kids with no brains. and on pvp server you will have a lot more then on pve, because those player prefer to play instead of boasting their egos :)

    not ment ot be offend, thats my experience

    my choice: PVE
  • sherilys
    sherilys Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Lol yes about bots in any open pvp mmos it always been pointless to kill bots, they just will come back to their spot and go on.
  • triss
    triss Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    sherilys wrote: »
    Lol yes about bots in any open pvp mmos it always been pointless to kill bots, they just will come back to their spot and go on.

    That is not the point my dear. The point is that it is much more accurate and easier to deternine if it's really a bot by killing it. If it comes back then you can use the Report Bots function for the GM to take care of it.

    For PvE server, a lot of the bots report will be false because you cannot kill them. Thus, the GM will have more work to do and less time to target the real bots; this ends up with more bots on the server overall.