shadowvzs87 Arc User



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  • in tt ea have luck with sharp so veno the best in wednesday weekly event (idk how was called here, hades or netherbeast event?) there the shapr not effective and there too the pet dont have dmg reduction agaist boss, so there the absolute winner in pve the veno.
  • lemme say again to demon path who think that dark earth barrier is **** nice. 220% pdef vs 250% pdef when u are full buffed will lv10 bm and cleric buff then ist 350% vs 380% (100% = ur eq(~ur pdef without any buff), 120% = barrier, 60% = cleric buff, 70% = bm buff) that 30% difference will be less and less physical attack…
  • the weapon difference is pretty low, -100 min/max dmg to gr15 orb compared with gr15 magic sword
  • psyhic weapon got only ~100 mattack difference compared with magic sword (rank 15 weapons) rest is here
  • its a weird thing because this is same when veno pet do bleed, there too have a distance and bleed not melee. a bit annoying in begning but not a big problem. its same in any melee + ranged class (archer with bm, priest with bm, wizz with bm)
  • yea, i heard and since i got the lv79 skills i use it too, same i use my archer too,this is why i said, i tryed and i dont to air from a class what i dont have, about crit(i beat too that was normal crit and u hit that fast that hits like ea with normal shoot), i meant exactly that, u do a high crit and u died or u **** up…
  • u ever used this in pvp? i no, and in pve for me the mana regen more better than max 10% less dmg. more spark burst=more mana (in pvp i dont really used, i prefer the sutra+nukes) more spark=>more often sutra or spark burst how much 10% eq dmg if u play with barb or bm? here i think this skill is very useless,exclude…
  • just a notice barb mdef<bm mdef. bm have sutra,barb dont have, but i cant really find a unbuffed bm where i play sor bm at 8x who got 5,5k hp only, most of them got 6k+ . anyway nice hit that true if target is unbuffed. (ur are ~full buffed in screenshot,target have only selfbuff, its like paper thing)
  • still with ur udine (what again need casting time if short time too but need) + i can steal back easily with 3rd fury, facts in longer term archer dmg>than wizz, in shorter term wizz dmg>ea (~15sec) this is why u can steal but you cant keep the agroo too. about stuffs, when bm do heavenly dragon,or any -pdef genie skill…
  • and against physihic after he was stunned. the problem with immobilize pet is: bleed distance is a bit longer than ur melee immobilze casting distance,so u can paralyze the nix but u get bleed what could be deadly exclude if u stunned him or something.
  • wizzard never was the best dd, archer was, and still he is with 40%+crit at high lv and fast attack speed and with -16-20%hp. But ok,phys then 2nd .
  • still archer is the best dd in longer time. Every mage class can steal the agro with lucky crits... Agro steal != u are better dd.
  • ofc can move with distance shrink because its skill. Same wr with jumping skill.
  • attack lv is for skill spam in pk not for normal attack. Skill spam with 3rd spark with att lv and crit buff will be hard dmg. idk why u talk ****.. Archer suck? Seriously? I never noticed that,maybe because i am not 3month =lv99 archer who know how can lv up fast but at high lv he dont know how to use his class. Uber bs…
  • u jokeing? archer dont have 200% exclude lv59 ulti what have 3sec intreval and charged blast what dont have addon only 300%eq and **** long chargeing time, then u want 200/300%eq dmg skills? With 30%dmg u are already do similiar dmg than spear...
  • nasty when a con wb got -3sec from hiero cooldown XD if i got then black woodoo is similiar than wf amplify+range-def lv if we check the dmg output,no?
  • my friend is sword wr and with ~+6 eq and wb buff he allready got 10-11k hp at lv96 without spending any money into cash shop. still i dont watched the many mg who 1hited him with same refine when he use mdef sutra.
  • hm, i am pure mag wizz since lv1, i dont really got any problem with that, i use potions,and i really never bought potion for grind. since lv6x i started collect the +pdef armors, i got from grind or bought from stalls, was really cheap, totally for 6x-8x eq i dont spent that much(maybe far less) than somebody for a tt80…
  • but assassin buff only short duration no? when he cast again he lose hits.
  • i have 3 pw directory for 2 pirate server client and my, i dont have problem :P only must install pw to different location and u can play if u want on my or on int
  • 4 times i think because i see difference but u can do more times because then always stay on tank 4x heal/sec
  • in air better the pking because other class movement speed dosnt matter only flying wings and ea can do deceleration skill (usefull in kiteing)...
  • and slingshot against mobs and vs mage robe players fine (xbow sometimes 1 hit,slightshot more fast and can do skill interrupt to target)
  • ea win if ea hit 1st..... i cant win in duel but in pk i am good (i use pure agi ea of course and i dont use hp stone) and dont have best pvp character only ea better a little in pk (i mean indifferent whats armor use the target) but die fast. but high lv wf,ep,mg,wr,wb both good in pk
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